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April 20, 2022 18 mins

ENDING A - You've chosen to confront Ransom Archer with the files you found at the inn. But when an unexpected person joins the conversation, secrets long buried are laid bare...For cast and crew information, transcripts, and more please visit

MAXINE MILES is written and directed by Lauren Shippen and is a production of Atypical Artists and iHeart Media. This new YA mystery from the creator of The Bright Sessions and head writer of Bridgewater is an audio drama with heart and wit that involves the audience in a way no fiction podcast ever has. Follow @atypicalartists on Twitter and Instagram and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with news about future seasons!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Maxie Miles. It's a production of a typical artists and
I heart radio. What is running through your head right now?
Whoever took Riley, whoever he's running from, it might all
be over tonight. If it has something to do with
the mine, then it'll be too late for him to
do any damage after the demolition and will have lost
our chance to catch someone in the act. If it's

Mr Beatie, whatever he was doing has a deadline of tonight,
and I'm supposed to be tracking Ransom's files down, He's
going to be tracking me down soon enough. Okay, So
are you saying we should split up? Both take a
different person on ross? There's still the mine. If the
old mines get collapsed tonight, that means the project is
moving forward. And if it really is as dangerous as

Riley thought, we need to stop it, which is why
you need to go to city Hall and try to
find that environmental survey report. And what are you going
to do? I'm going to go find Riley. How I
need to talk to Ransom. You think he took Riley?
I think he knows a lot more than he's letting on.
He said his dad would want to be in town
for the demolition. And if there's anything I know about

Warren Archer, it's that he'll do anything to protect his family. Okay,
you go to city Hall and get the report and
then meet me at Archer's archery. Okay, Max, be careful,
you too, I'll see you soon. From a typical artists

and I heart radio. You're listening to MAXI Miles. You've

chosen ending a the Stolen Inheritance. Hello, Hello, Ransom, Ransom

ship Ransom. Yeah, I'm here. Are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine,
I'm fine. What are you doing here? Um? You asked
me to look into whoever stole your files? Remember, right, right,
right right? Sorry, I'm a little It's been a strange day.

Any day that starts with waking up somewhere you didn't
fall asleep is bound to be a little strange. That's
very true. But did something else happen? Oh? You mean?
Was waking up groggy in this office with an empty
safe and no memory of the night before, just the
beginning of my Why? Yes, yes it was Ransom. What happened? Well?

My father called an hour ago in a complete panic
about some family document or other, demanding that I find
it right away. What kind of document. He said he
needed everything from the safe from Naturally, I couldn't tell
him that everything in the safe is gone. So here
I am trying to scrounge up something from that year
and the rest of this junk without even knowing what
I'm looking for. And on top of that, I've been

calling a Lanna all day. I even went to the
inn earlier, and I haven't been able to get a
hold of her, which makes me think that I ruined
things with her last night, just like I ruined my
chances at getting my father to finally trust me again.
And now I'm talking to a twelve year old about
my problems, like the stable adult that I am for
the last time I'm fourteen. Well that's not as comforting
as you think, Ransom. I've found your files? What how? Where? What? You?

You really don't know what was in them? I told
you my father never gave me the code for the safe.
He said i'd get it when he died. She couldn't
come soon enough. The girl you were telling me about
this morning, Sherry. Yeah, what about her? What happened with her?
Why did she leave? I don't know. She never told me.
She just left and you really never heard from her ever? Again? No,

why what does this have to do with anything? What
do you know about Riley Stevens? I told you Max,
I don't know anything. I don't know where he is.
But why did you say you'd drive me up and
down Route three oh two? What? At first you said
you'd drive me to Berlin, which makes sense because half
the town has been gossiping about Riley running away there.

But then you said you'd drive me up and down
Route three o two. Why? I don't know, I misspoke
except Riley's backpack was found right off of Route three
o two. It was, and that's not public knowledge. Then
how do you know? I'm me right, I'm the one
who found the backpack actually, which makes me think that

if Riley was trying to run away to Berlin like
some people think, he would have taken a serious detour,
which you seem to know. I must have heard something
or you know something. Look, Riley is your friend, right,
and he's like you. He'd do anything to get to
the bottom of something, right. Well, after Walts said that
they had a theory that Riley ran away, I started

to think that maybe he went digging and there's an
environmental surveyor person. I don't know. All that land and
mining ship bores me to death. So what does this
have to do with Riley? There's something wrong with the
new mining project. I'm not sure what exactly, but it's
poisoning the groundwater. What How on earth do you know that?
Because Riley knew he was writing an expose about it

for the paper. Yeah, that's what I feared. You heard
about Riley's article and I thought maybe he decided to
go straight to the source track down the whistleblower my
father buried in the evidence. But if Lee could talk
to the expert directly, and then when he called, I mean,
I assume that's what made my dad fly off the handle.
The why he'd want me to find paperwork from is

beyond me. Ransom. I don't think your dad is worried
about Riley's article. I don't think you realize how big
a deal this project is to my dad to Hastings,
to have that ruined by a nosy kid. No, I know,
but I don't think those were the files your dad
was calling about. What do you mean, Max, what's in

the file? Do you do? You know the Stevens very well?
Not any better or worse than anyone in Hastings. They've
been here as long as you've lived here, right, I
guess why do you remember when Riley was born? I
wasn't exactly paying attention to what couples and Hastings were
having kids when I was in high school or ever.

What does this have to do with anything? You really
don't know, do you, Max? I found this in the
ceiling of one of the guest rooms at the Inn.
I think I think Riley may have taken it. What
are you talking about? Is it Riley? Very much not
in Hastings. I'm not totally sure what happened, but Riley

has been hiding out in the Inn and I thought
he'd left. But maybe I just don't know why else
these would have been in the inn. But why would
Riley want to wait? Is this? Max? What is this?
I think I think Riley is your son. What the

fact that Riley was fighting with his parents, Sherry leaving unexpectedly,
the fact that Riley was asking about Berlin before he
went missing, It all adds up, and then the smoking gun.
His birds are to a kid, our Archer born in
n to a Sherry Mason in Berlin, hospital. Jesus, she

never told you. She didn't. But your father, that bastard
all this time, he knew he kept this from he.
Do you realize what this means, Max? That Riley is
set to inherit the entire Archer fortune. I have a son,

a son, and I mean he's going to want anything
from you. Ransom? What No, No, that's not Why do
you assume that I could have done things differently? Max?
For the past fourteen years, I could have I do.
My father was obsessed with his legacy, with the Archer name,
but this I never thought he would keep this from me. O,

my god, how did he even do it? What did
he say to Sherry that would make her think that
I wouldn't was the one who told her to hide it?
Who arranged the adoption? It's sure as hell, seems like it.
And for what to protect the Archer family fortune from
a single mother with two daughters. Cherry's mom was a
good person, and her older sister wasn't even around. She
was in college by the time that we And to

think that my dad thought they would be some kind
of some kind of I don't know, gold diggers. And
now now he's missing. So I can't even I mean,
does he know you said he took the file? So
he must have. God, what he must think of me.
I don't know what Riley knows or doesn't know. I'm
still something here, Still isn't fitting if you didn't drive

Riley out of town? Wa Is that what you thought?
That that I had something to do with Riley going missing?
I I wasn't sure. Max. Come on, I know that
I'm not well liked in this town, but I'm not
a kidnapper. No Ransom, That's not what I'm saying. And
what are you saying? Just that if your own father
would hide your son from you for fourteen years to

protect the Archer line, it's not a huge leap to
think that Riley finding out the truth would be a
big problem for your family. Oh my god, you're right,
But that's that's not he wouldn't. My father is a
lot of things, but a kidnapper isn't one of them.
He he's not even in the state. Are you absolutely sure?

If he was asking about files from how else would
he know these files went missing? If you didn't tell him,
he must know that Riley Ransom? Ransom, Dear, are you here? Alana?

Max What are you doing here? I was just helping
Ransom out with something. Oh what's that? Oh it's some
family stuff. I Alana, where have you been? I've been
trying to get ahold of you all day. I had
some business to attend to. What's in the file? Ransom? Dear?

Could you give Ransom and I a minute alone? Um? No,
I'm the one that found his stuff, so I feel
like I should at least you. You're the one who
was upstairs. What you broke into my inn? What? No?
The door was open? And wait a second, it was you?

What was her? Could someone explain to me what's going on?
It wasn't Ryley. He's not the one who broke into
your safe. Seems like everyone was right about you, Maxine,
you really are too clever for your own good. Alana,
not Alanna? Actually Elena, Elena Mason? What do you not remember?

Sherry Ransom? My sister. He ruined her life. Does that
not ring up bell at all? Right? This wasn't about
the mine at all. It was about the archer. My
arrival in town wasn't exactly a coincidence. The Maplethorpe's have
been lifelong family friends, so when Mrs Maplethorpe decided to retire.
I saw the perfect opportunity, the perfect opportunity for what
for my family to finally get what's ours. You may

have wanted to shove Riley in with the rest of
your family secrets, but he deserves a cut of the
Archer fortune as much as you. Ransom. You you knew
this whole time. You knew. Oh please, you're trying to
tell me you didn't. You broke my sister's heart, Sherry,
How how is she like? You? Care? I do? He
didn't know, miss Honeywell Ms Mason, whoever you are, I

knew before him. Yes, speaking of I'd like to have
back what you stole from me, Max, you mean what
you stole from Ransom. You've been hiding Riley this whole time,
and you what No, I haven't. He was in your inn,
your ghost, you asked me, of all people to invest
I know, I thought that was Ransom trying to find

some way to steal the in out from under me.
The Archers have tried to make claim to that property
dozens of times over the years, and it was Riley.
I saw him that that's impossible, It couldn't have been
it was. It was him. He's the one who's put
Riley in danger. I barely knew the kid. Well, that's
very unsurprising considering the Archer history of distant fathers. You

think I would have let Riley go his whole life
without knowing the truth. My father betrayed me. Your father
drove my family from this town and hid any proof
that Riley was an Archer. The Stevens don't even know
who Riley's parents are. They don't and he'll pay for that,
I promise you, Oh, I know you will. Once I
make this entire horrible business public, the Archer name won't
have such a shine to it anymore. Sherry, know that

you're doing this. She never was the vindictive type. Don't
pretend to know her. Don't pretend to know how I
felt about her. You weren't even here. In fact, I
regret every day. Why because you would have stopped her
from getting involved with the Archers. Yes, that's exact be
what I would have done. Everyone shut up. Look, I
get that this is a lot for both of you.
But if you weren't keeping Riley at the maple Thorpe

and he didn't run away, then where is he? Your father.
How would he have known about the files going missing?
I called him to tell him I finally had the
proof I needed. He thought he was being clever hading
the birth certificate from the public record, taking the hospital's camp.
You never saw Riley eavesdropping on the marrit all, did you?

You knew he was looking for the birth records? Well,
we were there for the same reasoned to me. I
was trying to help Riley. Well you have it. He
was doing fine before you got here, Like you have
any idea stop. Neither of you have any idea where
he is? Do you? You've been too busy trying to
protect what you have or get revenge. And meanwhile my

friend is still missing. Max. What the hell was that? Yeah?
The old mine shit. Father is gonna skin me for

missing it. It's the projects definitely going forward now that
will please him. Your father is never going to see
a penny of that mining money, if I have anything
to say about it. Alana, the Archers aren't going to
get away with things this time. Ransom. I'm not trying
to get away with anything. Who is that the Max? There?

You are theo What are you doing? Your uncle? He's
he's looking at everywhere for you. Why, what's wrong? Is
he okay? Yeah, yeah, he's fine. But you were supposed
to be with Ross and now Ross is missing. What
what are you talking about. I was on my way
to city Hall to meet with my dad for the
demolition and Ross passed me on his bike. Yeah, he

was going to city hall too, That's not where he went. THEO.
What he said he knew where Riley was. That Friley
had to be in the minds, that's where he went.
What what do you mean, I don't know. He didn't
stop to chat, just told me to tell my dad
had talked to Warren Archer that his goons took Riley.
What what did your dad say? He's looking into it.

That's why your uncle freaked out too. THEO. When was this?
When did you see Ross? Like twenty minutes ago? Oh
my god? If he was in those mines, oh no,
oh okay, okay, I'm sure he got out in time. THEO.
They just demolished half of the woods. If Ross and
Riley were in there, that then Max? What did I do?

Thank you for think to season one of Maxie Miles
and for being a part of the investigation. As we
wait for season two. Feel free to listen to the
other two endings and see where another choice wouldn't lead. You.
Also be sure to follow us on Twitter at a
Typical Artists for more updates about the show and see
which ending was chosen most by your listeners. The most
popular choice will become the starting point for our next season,
including any consequences that ending contained. Maxie Miles was created

by Lauren Shippen and as a production of A Typical
Artists and I Heart Radio. This episode was written and
directed by Lauren Shippen, diala editing and sound designed by
Morrissy Owing of Hemlock Creek Productions, with editing systems from
Laurian Davis and Melissa Ponds. It featured Jordan Cobb as
Maxie Miles, maxa Follow as Ross Killer, Andrew Noach as
Ransom Archer, Decline Landgraph as Miss Honeywell, and Morgan Elgerton

at theo Comb's Original artwork by Shane McMullan. Maxie Miles
is executive produced by Lauren Shippen and I Heart Radio
and For more podcasts from my heart Radio, visit the
iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to
your favorite shows, Thank you for listening, and keep curious
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