Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hello, my wonderful sleuth Lauren Chippin here, creator of Maxim Miles,
with a special announcement. Right now on a Typical Artist's
merch store, you can buy Maxine Miles Volume one. It
is a digital download of all of the season one
scripts for Maxine Miles, including and only including the canon ending.
So if you are a big Maxine fan and want
this keepsake, which also includes all of the original art
our murder board from episode to episode, then you can
go to a Typical artist dot com and click read
on merch and it will take you to it. But
that is not the only part of this announcement. We
have put all of the scripts together as volume one
because volume two is coming, while we don't have a
firm date yet, sometime in twenty twenty four. We will
be going back to Hastings and following Max as she
deals with the fallout of the events of season one,
including that ending that you all chose, and we need
your help to make it a reality. We loved partnering
with iHeart on season one, but we're going it alone
for season two, which means that it's going to be
a little bit of a scrappier production. But it also
means that we're going to get a little wild with it.
Instead of one choice to rule them all at the end,
you as the listener, are going to get to make
choice after choice throughout the season. I know it's going
to be a little bit crazy, but I think it'll
be really fun. Buying the digital PDF of maxim Miles
Volume one will help support this volume two becoming a
reality and from now until the end of the year,
buying the maxim Miles Volume one comes with a special discount.
If you send proof of purchase to Atypical Artists at
gmail dot com, we will give you a twenty percent
off discount code. To become part of our a tip
Apal membership program, our pals get all sorts of benefits,
add free feeds for all of our shows, a discord
community that we have a lot of fun on, and
if you become a Plus pal, you also get quarterly
Q and a's, a bunch of behind the scenes content
and so much more. And when maxim Miles Volume two
comes out and listeners are making decisions for Max and
the arc of her story in real time, our pals
will have exclusive access to the paths not taken so
now is really the perfect time to become a pal.
All of our plus pal plans. Boy, that's quite a sentence,
isn't it. All of them currently have access to Volume one,
and our annual pals have access as well, so you
can also just become a member of one of those
particular programs and get access right away. But if you
were already planning on buying the maxim Miles Volume one PDF,
make good use of that discount. Email us at a
typical artist at gmail dot com and we will send
you a code. No matter how you support us, whether
it's buying the maxim Miles Volume one PDF or becoming
a pal, or just telling your friends about the show
and leaving a great review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify,
all of those ways really really help, and we're just
so grateful to all of you for listening and for
helping us solve these mysteries. So more to come in
twenty twenty four, and as always, keep curious.