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March 21, 2024 31 mins

For small business owners, it’s important to celebrate every success, but it’s also important to remember that behind every accomplishment there are plenty of hardships, missteps, and valuable lessons. Going into business for yourself is not easy and often comes with economic ups and downs and hard-to-decipher tax codes - among many other challenges. That’s why persevering and learning how to adapt and overcome any problems that arise is so important for every entrepreneur. On this episode, Austin and Jannese talk about the hurdles they faced and unexpected problems that arose in the initial phases of launching their businesses. Entrepreneur Taylor Randal of Softpaw Vintage details her journey of starting a business and sticking through the challenges to find success, even when an unexpected tax bill threatened to derail her entire enterprise. 


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Episode 5 Recap with Taylor Randal of Southpaw Vintage 


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
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Speaker 2 (00:36):
Hey everyone, I'm Austin Hankwitz.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
And I'm Jinny's Torres. Welcome to Mind the Business Small
Business Success Stories, a podcast brought to you by Into
It QuickBooks and iHeartRadio's Ruby Studio. In each episode, Austin
and I chat with small business owners as they share
their stories about the ups and downs of owning a
small business. Plus we'll learn from their experience about how
you can help fortify and strengthen your own businesiness. Austin,

we talk a lot about the excitement and rewards of
starting our own business. But it's not all smiles and unicorns,
is it.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
It is not all rainbows and unicorns, definitely not right.
On one hand, going into business for yourself is very rewarding,
but on the other hand, it can also be very difficult.

Speaker 1 (01:18):
You know, I will never forget about five years ago
when I got my first surprise four figure tax bill
after having my taxes done professionally for the first time.
I want to say, I made like twenty six thousand
dollars with my side hustle, and I didn't know anything
about estimated taxes until I got my tax return and

a payment voucher that said I owed like eight grand.
And I was like, excuse me, what is happening? And
I think that's the first moment that AI realized I
had a whole business that I needed to figure out
how to manage. But also I was way out of
my league and I needed support. And so I tell
folks now, as a business as coach, please get yourself

some financial expert that is going to help you navigate
these treacherous entrepreneurial waters, because they are very unfamiliar to
many of us.

Speaker 2 (02:11):
Not just unfamiliar, but unforgiving. Oh my goodness, find a professional,
put them in your corner, and to that point to
nize right, I got my undergraduate degree in finance and economics,
so I kind of had an idea of how to
just navigate taxes a little bit as a solopreneur in
the beginning. But the mistake I made was forgetting that
the State of Tennessee, in my experience, had like an

extra business tax that I had no idea existed. So
when I got a lovely love letter from the State
of Tennessee for a thirteen thousand dollars tax bill in
twenty twenty one that I wasn't expecting, I was equally
as surprised and taken back.

Speaker 3 (02:46):

Speaker 1 (02:47):
Well, our guest actually has an incredibly inspiring story relating
to this topic, so let's go ahead and introduce her.
Taylor Randall grew up on a farm in Washington State,
where she learned to appreciate making things by hand and
being self reliant. Her earliest memories are of sitting on

her grandmother's floor measuring yarns and hand tying quilts. Eventually,
her grandmother gifted her the prized vintage Montgomery Ward sewing machine,
and Taylor would go on to create quilts as a
side job from then on. When a financial emergency forced
her to get creative, she did just that, starting craft
Vintage Garments to sell on Deepop. After more orders started

coming in, she moved her business to Instagram and found
herself featured in The New York Times a month later.
Taylor is no stranger to the challenges of starting her
own business and faced near ruinous adversity while trying to
navigate the unique and complicated taxes that come with self employment.
She is very vocal about overcoming her own hurdles and

helping others overcome theirs. Today, she runs her own business
called Soft Paw Vintage, where she creates clothing and accessories
from the text eyes.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
Taylor, Welcome to the show. Hi, thank you for having me.
I'm tickled pink.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
This is going to be such a fun conversation. Now,
before we jump into the navigating taxes part of the conversation,
I want to learn a little bit more about your business, Taylor.
Starting with the name. Is there a story behind the
name Softpaw Vintage?

Speaker 3 (04:22):
I mean kind of so.

Speaker 4 (04:24):
I have two dogs and I had two cats at
the time, and they would walk all over the fabric,
and it kind of came through that I wanted something
short and sweet that people could like digest easily, and
soft Paw kind of just stuck.

Speaker 2 (04:42):
It's such a cool name. Now let's jump into the
nitty gritty a little bit. I'm curious how much of
your childhood was spent learning to sew and create. Did
you get to appreciate it right away?

Speaker 4 (04:53):
I think so, yeah. I mean, and I think it's
a generational thing for sure. And I've always been drawn
to crocheting or knitting and hand sewing, and then my
grandma would make the quilts and then to like fashion
them all together.

Speaker 3 (05:10):
You do yarn ties.

Speaker 4 (05:11):
So I remember quilts being laid out in the living
room and like helping her like do the yarn ties
and stuff. So I feel like it's just been part
of my childhood and how I grew up absolutely.

Speaker 1 (05:25):

Speaker 2 (05:25):
Jenise talked about you selling your first coat on Deepop.
What went through your mind when you were like, wait
a second, I'm on Deepop. It just sold, I'm making money.
How cool was that for you?

Speaker 3 (05:37):

Speaker 4 (05:37):
I think it was like out of necessity because it
was like the common COVID story of I actually was
bartending prior and selling vintage was just like a side hustle,
and when everything shut down, luckily I had a decent
amount of like inventory, So I had like distressed vintage

denim and like a stack of quilts I just collected
because I liked them. And I had made a coat
for myself prior, and a lot of people when I'd
wear it out, like, I got a lot of compliments
on it, and so I kind of was just being
resourceful where I was like, I can't go and source
more vintage to sustain myself, but I have these quilts,

and so I made that first jacket and when it sold,
I definitely was really encouraging and rewarding. And then I
started getting this influx of like messages for like custom orders,
and I kind of just dove all in. I mean,
I thought I would bartend the rest of my life.
It was good money and I was really good at it,

and it would be able to afford for me to
like do my hobbies and like crafts on the side.
And so when it just kind of jumped off like that,
something did kind of click where I was like, oh,
maybe this is what I'm meant to be doing, and
there was that imposter syndrome of like I knew how
to seb but not like garment construction. I wasn't familiar

with the ins and outs of technical sewing. So as
it kind of snowballed, I had to kind of catch
up to the demand of what people were expecting, and
I think it was the fire that I needed under me.

Speaker 1 (07:19):
I love it, and it's just such a common narrative
that we hear from so many entrepreneurs. This happens by accident.
It's one of those things that you don't even realize
you're starting a business. Yeah, and so with that comes
real life business problems.

Speaker 4 (07:32):

Speaker 1 (07:33):
So the thing about a lot of business owners is
they tend to share their victory stories on social media, right.
But you're very open about the challenges that you face
and how you've overcome them, which is great because I
feel like you're helping other people avoid those same mistakes.
So when you first started selling online, what was the
first hurdle that you faced?

Speaker 4 (07:52):
I would say, honestly, for me, it was kind of
like comparison bingo, because I think there was this influx
of other people in a similar vein to what I
was doing, and I want to support the community and
like be a part of it in that way of

like sustainability and uplifting other artists and makers. But for me,
it was really I was getting in my own head.
And I think when I kind of released that and
just stayed in my own lane and wasn't looking to
what others were doing, I think that really like shifted
my creativity and it expanded my mind. And I think

that definitely having a good healthy boundary with like social
media is important for me. I mean, that's how I
make money is through promoting and marketing through Instagram, and
I'm very thankful for the following that I have, But
it feels like a double edged sword because I feel

like at times I'm considered like a content creator, like
people like to see how I live just as much
as they like to support my art, which is like
a conflicting feeling, you know what I mean, Like it's
kind of a weird feeling.

Speaker 1 (09:09):
I think it can almost feel like you don't necessarily
own any part of your existence when you're sharing all
of it. So I think that's where that healthy boundary
comes in, of just being okay with not necessarily having
to show your entire existence on social media and utilizing
what is most effective from a content perspective to get
to your business goals without kind of losing what belongs

to you.

Speaker 4 (09:31):
Yeah, and that's kind of why I've navigated towards like
doing a newsletter for paid subscribers to kind of like
funnel them, like the people who want to hear it
can where I can talk about more vulnerable things versus
like just feeling like I'm on blast on Instagram and
like some people just want to see the stuff that

I make in you know, and some people want to
see my dogs and like hear about my sobriety and
like how I navigate my tax is and like small
business stuff. So I think funneling people into that newsletter
is like the best of both worlds where.

Speaker 3 (10:07):
I can kind of keep it separate. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
So you mentioned the word taxes. Let's talk a little
bit about that. So we talk a lot about revenue,
but you know they say, mo money, more problems, right,
So can you talk about how you've learned maybe the
hard way to navigate the taxes that come with having
a business.

Speaker 4 (10:27):
Yeah, So, I mean they don't teach you that stuff
in school, you know, like I knew taxes were real.
They say death and taxes the two things that are
unavoidable in life. And I think that I was just
like turning my head the first couple two years, just
would go plug in the numbers from the forms that

I got, and then just like okay, I did the thing.
You know, like the irs is not forgiving. You can't
be off a couple numbers. You can't just guess, you know, right.
So I think if I could go back in time,
I would tell my younger self, like, just buck up
and get the account and get stuff squared away to

stay up on your quarterly. That is something that I
kind of knew existed but did not want to participate in.
I just didn't know what I was doing, and I'm
definitely still paying for it. I mean, it's hard to
speak from the wound, you know what I mean, Like
I haven't really rounded the corner fully yet. I'm still

sorting it out and kind of untangling the mess that
I had created.

Speaker 1 (11:36):
Yeah, taxes are one of the most excruciating parts of
owning a small business, and I've had my fair share
of unexpected tax bills multiple times. So can you tell
us about what your experience has been like and how
you've navigated that tax bill.

Speaker 4 (11:52):
Well, how I kind of found out about the immense
taxtet that I'm in is, you know, my business was
growing and I thought I was in a position to
potentially buy a house. So in doing so, when you
start talking to the broker and such like, we need
three years of back taxes. But through that I kind
of unearthed the fact that I had done twenty twenty wrong.

And in doing so, I got, you know, my accountant,
and we amended that return. And I was living in
my cute, perfect dream cabin on Mount Hood, you know,
just chopping my firewood, taking my dogs on hikes, and
just sewing all day, living my literal dream. And then
I found out that like, oh, instead of the eight

hundred that I had paid the IRS, I actually owed
them closer to ten thousand dollars, and that was just
through the IRS, because federal and state are different, and so.

Speaker 3 (12:50):
I owed the IRS about eight.

Speaker 4 (12:52):
Thousand, and then I owed Oregan State about three I think,
and then finding out I had done that that you're wrong,
and you know, I think it was twenty twenty two
at that time. And then twenty twenty one, those numbers
were about the same, and so it's just kind of
snowballs into the point where I owe about thirty thousand

to the IRS. So it was definitely overwhelming.

Speaker 3 (13:18):
I cried a lot.

Speaker 4 (13:20):
And I threw my hands up, and I was like,
I can either keep going forward and hope that it
works out, or I can just give up and go
back to bartending. But I've really gotten accustomed to being
my own boss and making my own hours, and I
still enjoy sewing and I don't want.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
To give that up.

Speaker 4 (13:39):
So I just took a deep breath and started looking
for an accountant. And the thing about the IRS, even
though they are like big, mean and scary and inevitable,
as long as you're in communication with them and actively
making payments, they're not going to come and take your car.
They're not going to come and take your TV or

your dogs or.

Speaker 3 (14:02):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (14:03):
Like, I'm on a payment plan with them every month,
and it's for what I can afford, you know. I've
looked at my budget and realistically, like what can I
get away with giving them without sacrificing a lot in
my day to day life for myself personally and still
maintaining the business.

Speaker 2 (14:21):
So what was the one thing you did that you
think was really effective in getting yourself set up for
success moving forward?

Speaker 4 (14:28):
I switch from an LLC to an S CODE, and
I'm on a payroll company, so I pay myself out
through the payroll company, and through that, I don't have
to deal with figuring out taxes. So it's kind of
programmed in there. Just like if I was to go
work at a restaurant and get a W two, my

taxes already get taken out, and so that kind of
takes out the guessing game of like just chucking money
at the irs and like trying to anticipate based off
of last year cells what I should be setting aside.
And when I learned that and my landlord was raising
the rent at the cabin, I was like, this just
isn't sustainable. I can't pay two thousand dollars in rent

by myself and also be trying to get ahead of
quarterly and you know, material and everything else that goes
into running a business and also paying off that tax deet,
you know what I mean. So I had this opportunity
to go live and work on this farm, in.

Speaker 3 (15:33):
This work trade situation.

Speaker 4 (15:35):
The house I lived in was unfinished, but I wasn't
paying rent, and so in that nine month period I
was able to check twenty thousand dollars at the irs.

Speaker 2 (15:47):

Speaker 4 (15:48):
I was so privileged to have this opportunity. I wasn't
paying electricity, I wasn't paying for anything. But it was
like hard labor and I learned a lot and then
come guy, I was like, okay, I'm ahead of like
my quarterly for last year. Like I was in a
good spot where I was like, I want to come home.

I come back to Portland. I don't want to be,
you know, living off grid, even though that's in line
with the sustainability that I like. It was hard living
on solar and it's hard not having a washer and
dryer and showering with like pond water.

Speaker 2 (16:25):
Oh my gosh, I could imagine that is.

Speaker 1 (16:27):
An intense way to tackle your text.

Speaker 3 (16:29):
At my gosh. Yeah, and I don't want to look
at it.

Speaker 4 (16:33):
It's like part of me thought I was like punishing myself,
you know, and I kind of wish I would have
not been so hard on myself about it. And like
the farm was beautiful and I learned so much and
it served its purpose. But at the end of the day,
I'm just so happy to be back in Portland and

like have the lights on past six pm and like
have clean running water, and just like the whole journey
has just shaped me to really appreciate every little thing,
And so it was necessary.

Speaker 1 (17:04):
I really appreciate your perspective, Taylor, because I think a
lot of people who could encounter that that might be
the thing that discourages them from even continuing to run
their business. Yeah, right, And so I think it's important
to know there are options for managing unexpected tax bills.
So just know you're not alone in the struggle, but
there are tools out there to help you.

Speaker 3 (17:24):
Yeah, one hundred percent.

Speaker 4 (17:25):
And it's allowing me to pivot in different ways where
I'm now actively trying to create passive income. I started
making patterns where people who are like, oh, I love
that dress I wish I could make that, they can
go to my website and buy the pattern. I've also
taught classes live on Zoom that is recorded that can

just be sold. And then also with the newsletter, it's
five bucks a month and people who want to access
that part of my life can.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
Yeah, you're speaking my love language. Multiple income streams are
the best, so you know, the way that you share
your challenges and your successes on social media. I think
that's honestly one of the best things we can do
is entrepreneurs because it helps everyone. And the thing that
I love about QuickBooks and specifically their QuickBooks Money tool,

is that they're helping entrepreneurs navigate exactly what you're talking about, Yeah,
keeping track of getting paid, keeping track of your taxes
and all those things. So can you talk about what
strategies you're now using to keep track of your finances
and your regular product output when things need to be
sent on top of you know, managing custom requests. How

do you keep all of that straight?

Speaker 4 (18:41):
So in terms of quick books, I actually use the
QuickBooks app.

Speaker 3 (18:45):
So they have like an umbrella for self employment.

Speaker 4 (18:48):
And I think it was my second year I was like, Okay,
I gotta get serious. I got to figure it's out.
So that was one of the first steps that I
did on my own. And then I hired an accountant
who helps me with my profits and loss and kind
of keeps that stuff dialed for me, like the stuff
that I can't wrap my head around, Like I'm i outsource.

That is the only thing I outsource in terms of
like work, is I have an assistant who takes care
of like the back end of stuff in terms of
like emails and custom orders and shipping.

Speaker 3 (19:20):
I had an.

Speaker 4 (19:21):
Assistant for a while. But I think a lot of
people can relate to this in terms of like it
being your own business and feeling like kind of a
control freak, you know, me being the face of my company.
It feels weird to have someone else replying to my emails,
and I feel like with custom stuff, it's such a

visual thing, and so I'm extremely hands on with ninety percent.

Speaker 3 (19:47):
Of my business.

Speaker 1 (19:50):
Coming up after the break.

Speaker 4 (19:52):
Those are really pivotal times when you kind of step up,
and that's what I did, and then a month later
I was in the New York Times.

Speaker 1 (20:01):
We'll be right back with Mine the Business. Welcome back
to Mind the Business, Small business success stories from iHeartMedia's
Ruby Studio and Into It QuickBooks.

Speaker 2 (20:21):
Let's pretend we're talking to the solopreneur who's really excited
about twenty twenty four because they're going to finally start
their solopreneurship journey starting this year. What piece of advice
could you give that new business owner listening right now
to help them avoid the challenges that you faced in
your business back then.

Speaker 4 (20:38):
I would say definitely get the QuickBooks app and the
self employment and just get familiar with your profits and loss.
And another thing that I think is been really helpful
for me is just like sticking with my gut. As
my business started to gain my I had a lot

of opportunities to do things that didn't really resonate with
me or my business. I think staying true to myself
and my gut is what got me to this point.
And I think people appreciate that that I'm not trying
to sell them something that I don't support.

Speaker 2 (21:18):
What incredible advice, Taylor.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
Thanks, Yeah, that's fantastic. Let's talk a little bit about
your marketing strategy for your business. So you started on
deepop and then eventually moved to Instagram to sell your products.
Can you tell us what that transition was like and
did you have to rebuild an audience or did customers
kind of just follow you from one site to another.

Speaker 4 (21:38):
The reason why I chose to go to Instagram was
deepop had so many fees and it felt like such
a huge blow where I was like I made this
jacket for two hundred dollars and they're taking twenty five
and then the shipping and everything else. So I started
the Instagram just kind of throwing in at the wall
and seeing what's stuck. I mean, I was just trying

to make money in any form of creativity. It wasn't
specifically just quilts, and so through that I think, I mean,
again that COVID story, people were just at home kind
of on their phones and there was this huge like
quilt movement, and I think it was just like the
perfect storm for me, honestly. But I started utilizing my

platform to also I lived in this cabin on Mount
Hood and you know, I'd film me like chopping wood
or like, you know, people were just interested in like
this weird little chick who's just like living in the
woods with her dogs and like making clothes out of
quilts and like chopping her own firewood. You know. So
I think it was me just being me and also

like making cool shit. People were just there for it,
and it just grew.

Speaker 1 (22:52):
Well because it feels very authentic when you see someone
living a lifestyle that then feeds into the products that
they're selling, right, Like you live as a state of
a lifestyle. That is a very important aspect of just
who you are. And so the fact that your product
that you're selling reflects that. I think that's why people
resonate with it so much, because it's real. It's not
just something you're hopping on because it's trendy. Yeah, so

let's talk more about that. Do you actually research what
is selling and what is falling out of style? And
how much do you lean on trends versus just taking
inspiration from your own originality when you design something.

Speaker 4 (23:28):
So I think in terms of sustainability, I think the
word trends just needs to disappear. But this full circle
movement of like these quilts were made in like the
early nineteen hundreds from clothes and so me turning them
back into clothes, I would like to think that it's
a timeless movement versus like a trend. So I don't

really look to anything else other than just like putting
out stuff that I think is cool and looks good
and hoping that other people agree. So to answer your question,
I just think that like even the word trend just
shouldn't be a thing in terms of like fashion, because
that's like what's killing the planet?

Speaker 3 (24:12):
You know?

Speaker 2 (24:13):
Yeah, so you've actually said when sewing magazines interview you,
they often asked the same question, when did you start
your business? And you share an answer that just gives
me goosebumps every single time I read it here, which
is saying it wasn't when you sold your first garment
or started your LLC, but instead when you started to
take yourself seriously. Talk to me about that. When did

you realize that and what moment really inspired an answer
like that.

Speaker 4 (24:38):
So I was living with a partner at the time
and a roommate, and it was during COVID and my
roommate she ended up leaving, and then me and my
partner broke up and he moved out, and so I
kind of just surrendered, and I was like, if I
can just get creative and like hay Rent and like

put food on the table and like feed my dogs,
then I will have been successful. And instead of just
like being a victim to the situation and just throwing
my hands up and like poor me, I just was like,
I'm going to start taking myself seriously and this is
something that I want to do. And I think those
are really pivotal times when you kind of step up.

And that's what I did. And then a month later
I was in the New York Times.

Speaker 2 (25:28):
Oh my gosh, I could not imagine that. And I
totally agree. Right, I think something that resonates here with
me back in the day when I first started my
business and the same time you did, was I had
to look myself in the mirror and says, wait a second,
there's not a plan B. It's either Plan A we
make it work, or Plan A we make it work. Right,
So shout out to you for making it work and
making it into the New York Times. Now I'm curious.

You know you do clothing. There's quilts, there's accessories. Do
you have a favorite piece you enjoy creating the most.

Speaker 3 (25:55):
I think just the jackets.

Speaker 4 (25:57):
I feel like they're timeless, and I think I've made
so many of them that maybe I'm just the most
comfortable like throwing one together, like I could probably just
cut it out without even using a pattern. I think
that's my favorite. But also when I get a piece
of material, sometimes I'll just know, like, Okay, this I'm

making into a shirt, or like this is going to
be a skirt, And that's when I feel the most
fulfilled is when I'm just like that inspired by something.

Speaker 2 (26:28):
Well, let's figure out how we can get those quote
jackets in front of as many listeners as possible. Where
can they go and check out your awesome work buy
some of these amazing handmade vintage products.

Speaker 4 (26:39):
Okay, So that's going to be on my website at
Softpa Vintage dot com. And then that is also my
Instagram handle, And then for people curious about my life
and sobriety and small business stuff, you could go to
my sub stack, which is called off Leash because I
know I feel the most free when I can just

say what I want, and my dogs feel the most
free when they're off leash, and my dogs are like
a part of my business. My dog Howdy is like
on my sticker. I've made like sweatshirts before out of
like vintage crew necks. So yeah, off Leash is my
sub stack, and a Softpa Vintage is my website.

Speaker 2 (27:21):
Love the shout out to Howdy. I wish I had
a dog named Howdy. That sound looks fun. Taylor, What's
next for you? What is next for Taylor Randall?

Speaker 4 (27:29):
So actually podcasting, I don't know. I've just felt really
called to do it. I don't really see myself as
a writer, but I think that I'm good at speaking
and articulating myself in like more of a flow state
instead of sitting down and like trying to get my
ideas out. So on substack there's actually an area where

you can add podcasts to it, and so I think
that would be a good place for me to kind
of dip my toe in and just do little recordings
like that or whatever. But I'm going to keep sewing forever.

Speaker 3 (28:04):
I think.

Speaker 4 (28:04):
I think I'm just going to keep sewing until my
hands fall off.

Speaker 2 (28:08):
So as you should. You are super talented and I
cannot wait to tune into the podcast on your substack.

Speaker 1 (28:15):
Thank you so much for being here, Taylor, Thank you.

Speaker 2 (28:21):
Denise. Could you imagine being on a farm for nine
months just grinding away, like shout out to Taylor for
paying off twenty thousand dollars during that period of time.
That is so inspirational. But oh my goodness, I would
fold in the first week. I couldn't do it. I
don't know how she got away with this. This was
incredible of her.

Speaker 1 (28:40):
I think it just speaks to the resilience that is
required when it comes to navigating this world of entrepreneurship,
you just really don't know what's going to come. And
her ability to make those hard choices to know that
she was going to be able to put herself in
a better place financially. I think it's brilliant and I
give her so many props because I don't think I
could do the same thing.

Speaker 2 (29:00):
I'm right there with you. You know, something else that she
mentioned that really resonated with me was being a victor
and not a victim. I think a lot of entrepreneurs
and just solopreneurs in general, small business owners, there comes
a day where you have to make that decision of Okay,
this is what I'm doing, and I'm going to make
it work like there's no Plan B, there's no alternative,

it's Plan A or Plan A. And she made it
work right. She busted her butt, she got it done,
and she is thriving now because of that.

Speaker 3 (29:30):

Speaker 1 (29:31):
Absolutely, And I think her conversation was a really good
reminder that we don't have to go at it alone.
You know, a lot of us are navigating our business
finances in the beginning by ourselves, and we think we
have to be the smartest person in the room. And
when it comes to managing your business finances as a
money coach, I like to remind folks it's a completely
different process than managing your personal finances. You know, we're

not talking about profit and loss and cash flow and
tax strategies as much in the personal finance side of things.
So just understanding that the language of money is completely
different for an entrepreneur than it is for somebody who
is used to getting a steady paycheck. It's a good
reminder that if you don't know what's happening, it's actually
really normal to feel that way, but you don't have

to go at it alone.

Speaker 2 (30:15):
Yeah, not only is it really normal, but it's actually
encouraged to go see help. Right. I wish I would
have seeked accountant help or professional help in general regarding
my business taxes and finances way back in the day,
similar to Taylor's situation here. Right, So, if you are
starting a small business in twenty twenty four, for an
existing small business owner solopreneur in general, don't be afraid

to ask for help. It is absolutely encouraged. There are
no dumb questions when it comes.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
To taxes, absolutely, and you can start by checking out
QuickBooks Money.

Speaker 2 (30:45):
That is correct.

Speaker 1 (30:47):
Well, that's it for today's episode. You can find me
on social media at Jocciero Dinetto podcast and.

Speaker 2 (30:53):
You can find me at Austin Hankwitz. You can follow
Into It QuickBooks on all social media at QuickBooks. To
get the tools you need to start, run and grow
your business, head to QuickBooks dot com today.

Speaker 1 (31:04):
Don't forget to follow this show wherever you listen to
podcasts so you can stay up to date on future episodes.

Speaker 2 (31:09):
We also want to hear from you, so be sure
to leave us a rating and a review.

Speaker 1 (31:15):
See you next time.

Speaker 2 (31:19):
This podcast is a production of iHeartRadio and Into It QuickBooks.
Our executive producer is Malay Sosha, Our supervising producer is
Nikias Swinton, and our writer is Eric Lijah.

Speaker 1 (31:30):
Our head of post production is James Foster. QuickBooks Money
is a standalone Into It offering banking services provided by
Green Dot Bank member FDIC only. Funds and envelopes earn
annual percentag yield. Apy can change at any time. Money
movement services provided by Intuit Payments, Inc. Licensed as a
money transmitter by the New York State Department of Financial Services.
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