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May 28, 2021 • 31 mins

A shocking story, as told to investigators in 1994.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
This is investigator Dave tell Us with the Alaska State Troopers.
Today's date is November eight. We're in Tucson, Arizona, at
the Pima County Jail. I'm a detective Mike Grimes from
the Anchorage Police Department and Detective Tom Davis with the
Arizona Department of Public Safety of the Organized Crime Branch.

And we're gonna be talking to an inmate by the
name of Jerry IM Paisley. The time now is nine.
From my Heart Media, this is Missing in Alaska, the
story of two congressmen who vanished in ninety two and
my quest to figure out what happened to them. I'm

your host, John Wallzack. What you just heard and what
you're about to hear is a recreation of an interview
of Jerry Max Paisley conducted by three investigators Mike Grimes,
Tom Davis, and Dave Tullis on November eight in Tucson, Arizona.

Paisley again was the man Peggy Begett married less than
seventeen months after her husband, Congressman Nick Beggett, disappeared in Alaska.
Paisley and Peggy's marriage lasted two and a half years.
They divorced in nineteen seventy six. Paisley was a murderer
and bomber with close ties to to mafia families, the
Bananas and the look of Olie's. Initially, I obtained a

transcript of this interview from the FBI by way of
a FOYA or Freedom of Information Act request, but there
was one big problem. Significant parts of the transcript were adapted,
meaning they were blacked out. I could read some things,
but not everything. So last year I tried a different approach.
I filed the record's request with the Alaska Department of

Public Safety, trying to get copies of the original interview tapes.
For months, I fought with the Alaska DPS, and let
me say, in more than a decade of requesting records
at the federal, state and local levels, I've never encountered
a more difficult, obstinate, hard to work with agency than
the Alaska DPS. Was tried to charge us almost two
thousand dollars just to look and see whether or not

the tapes even exist. Thankfully, though, I got a huge
break when a source who wants to remain anonymous, gave
me a full, unredacted copy of the transcript. Thanks to
that source, I now know everything, Jerry Paisley told investigators.
What you're about to hear is a verbatim reading of
part of the transcript. We're not sharing the entire thing,

mainly because it's seventy one pages long, but this is
the most important part. It's never been shared publicly. It's
edited very lightly for clarity, mainly to remove ums. For example,
we also bleat the N word, which Paisley said twice
during this recreation. You'll hear certain sound effects. We put

them in there to indicate parts of the transcript that
are marked with inaudible or comments covered. Again, this is
an exact reading of the transcript. The first words you'll
hear are Paisley's voiced by Scott Sea leads. I don't
know why things went the way they did. Sometimes, you know,

I was just pretty much I'm what they call in
those days. There's two eras in my life. There's there's
two parts of my life. There's before drugs and after drugs.
Before drugs, I was just basically a fucking thuck known
as a do things guy. If you wanted something done,
you came to see me. If it was right for me,
I do it for you, sometimes without money. Sometimes I

charge you know, why wait for a favorite later? You
owe me, you know. And I did a lot of
that down here. I think my record shows that because
I've had this, not this conversation, but I've had conversations
with people that he knows are in and out of
the game, been retired for years, and we can go
back in the records and see that I'm a I
was a do things guy for some pretty big people

at one time. You know, big people wanted me to
do things for them. Sometimes I was taking advantage of
Sometimes I took advantage. And I don't know why things
sometimes I don't know. I can't put it all together.
I just know what happened and walked away, you know.
Hail Boggs and Nick Baggage. Hail Boggs was a god

big man. He was Speaker of the House, Speaker of
the House and just been into it with the FBI
and all that ship. He'd been harassing the FBI pretty bad,
doing something against him. I don't know what, but I
remembered it was something to do with him in the fens.
There's a guy here in town called Joey A Tarola.
You know, you know him. They call him Joey the

Eye mafiosa from Chicago. You know. He's Nicki Palermo's cousin.
He's on the outs with him now. And he was
with the Bananos. A lot of people don't know that.
A lot of people suspect that. A lot of people
think that. But he was just he was JB's guy
in town, old man Banano. You know. Yeah, Tom's already
told us, you know, given us a history about. Yeah.

He came to me one time and I'm hanging out
at the Trail, Spanish Trail, and you know, I'm gonna
tell you this, but but I'm just all right. I
don't think we can go anywhere with it, you know.
But I'm gonna say this. If we do decide to
go someplace with it, you guys gotta give me a hand, Okay,
huh okay, don't throw me out there. Then no fucking
wolves or nothing. But I don't see how we can

possibly go anywhere with it. He came to me and
I'm at the Trail, the Spanish Trail motel, one of
the biggest at the time, one of the biggest in town.
People friends of mine own it. They were half asked
Louis Marconi and his dad. I pretty much had the
run of the place. If he wanted a room to
spend the night, I wanted to bring abroad. Come and
see me. Is a key for you? Just do your
favorite the bar tab I could drink all I want,

eat all I want. I was there. Guy Joey came
to me and asked me if I could get him
a room for one night, you know, for a friend
of his who favorite for the old man is what
he said, No problem, man, you know I got him
a room. He said, I'll meet you down here tomorrow afternoon.
So the next afternoon he met me. I gave him
a key to the room. He said, take a ride

with me to the airport. We drove to the airport. Well,
I hate to sell you all this ship, but I'm
just gonna tell you. Okay. He goes inside the airport.
I sit out in the car. He came out with
Peggy Baggage. We got in the car. He introduced her
to me as Margaret. We went back to the hotel,
took her to a room. What year would this have been,
This would have been seventy two summer, all right. We

went back to the hotel. I gave her the key
to the room, took her bag. She had just one bag.
Went in there. Joey left. I left. I had my
room there. It was up the way. Joey says to
me before he leaves, he said, why don't you have
dinner with us tonight? I said, sure, you know, he says,
pick her up at eight o'clock, come to the Conti Qui.
It's a Pollinesian showing here in town. I called her

about seven thirty. I said, I'm supposed to pick you up.
Be about of banking. I'll be ready. So I go
and pick her up. We drive to the Cantiqui. We
went in there there's Joey the Eye and Joe Panano.
I went to the table. We went to the table,
the four of us. We sat there, We ate, we ordered,
we ate. Now, Joe Banano was not my buddy. He's
not a type of guy hang around with nothing. But

I knew the old man. I knew him from his son,
Joey Jr. I took his wife, Faye one time when
she was here in two sons. Give you a little
background here. And she had to go to California to
San Francisco to her daughter's house, which was Katherine Genevise,
and he asked me, he sent word for me to
pick up his wife, take her and drive her to
San Francisco, which was sort of like, you know how

those daggos are. I mean, you don't just they don't
throw anybody in their car with their wives, you know
what I mean, especially you know, mother and children. So
I'm the one that took faith to San Francisco, to
Genevese's house. Anyway, he's there and he gives me that
old bullshit that he always does. Oh, you're a good boy.
You're a good boy. You're my boy, joe You looked

up for my boy, Joey. He gives me all that ship.
We had dinner there and we ate. After dinner, Joey
the eye gives me the sign he wants to talk
to me, so we go to the bar. I leave
the two of them alone. We went to the bar.
We had a few drinks, me and him sitting there,
you know, and basically I could I sensed right away
what it was. It was just to get me away
from the table. He didn't say that, you know, but

I didn't question him, you know, you know what time
it is in cases like that. And we went back
to the table after a while, and that was it.
They left. I took her. We went to the Barons,
which was a bar here in town, did a little dancing,
a little drinking, ship like that, and that's how I
met her. I got friendly with her about two weeks after.

When I say two weeks three weeks after that, Joey
the Eye came to me and says, you want to
take a trip, okay, for the old man? For us,
he said, for us? So I said sure. I said
all right. He says, meet me down here. He gave
me a certain time to meet him. He says, don't
pack a bag. He says, just bring us suit travel
travel light because you're gonna be going one night. May
be too peca. He was explicit about this, for me,

not to bring a suitcase, bring us suit bag. So
I took just a soup bag with a couple pairs
of underwear and there pairs of socks, a change of
one change. He picked me up, he drove me to
the airport. He's got a one way ticket to Alaska.
I've never been to Alaska, he says. Gene foul is
going to meet you at the airport. Okay, Now I
knew he knew Fouler because you know, Fouler used to

come to Justice Court all the time. He was hanging
out over there at the time, and everybody like that.
I've never seen old name Banano never came in there
to my knowledge. Okay. I got on the plane. Oh,
when he drove up there, he gave me the suitcase
and the key to it. He said, here, don't even
open this funck and just take it to Fowler. He'll
meet you at the airport. Fouler meets me at the
airport when I get off the plane to Alaska. I've

never been there before. Danny's even itches with him, and
he went to some fucking It wasn't a hotel. It's
like an apartment. That's where I spent the night. And
I gave him a suitcase. Now that's all I know.
Later on, Danny tells me when I get back there,
I went back. This must have been I'm gonna say
September seventy two. I went back April seventy three, and

me and Zivinage got real tight. Okay. I hung out
with Jean for a little while there at Chef's in
and all that stuff, Me and Zivinage got real tight.
Zivinache told me later that it was a fucking bomb
and a high high tech bomb, you know, m hmm. Now,
I don't know if he was just bullshit me. When
did that plane go down? You know, when did it

go down? It went down in October seventy two. I
don't know who put it on there. I don't know.
I don't even know if I was being bullshitted, if
I was being lied to. I sort of feel like
I was being told the truth. Well, when did I
know that Peggy and Zivinitch we're half and I'm not
saying Peggy even had this done? You know, I don't know.

I don't know what what what the fucking story was there?
You know? I know that it was something I wanted
to I wanted to know, but I didn't want to
delve too much off into it. But it was Now,
who was it that told you that this high tech bomb?
Was that Gene Fowler that told you that? Or that
was Danny's Vinache, Danny Zvinach, my partner. See see, I

never heard of him in years. I have no idea
where he's even at He's real low pro he's real
low profile. He didn't get into the drugs with us,
He stayed out of the trucks. Do you know where
he's at now or anything? Danny's ivanach. I heard he's
an anchorage, still an anchorage, or I here owns a
bar out there. But I don't know for sure. I
know that me, him and Peggy went into business together,

and she'd give him the she'd give us the money
to open that joint. What do I think my own
personal opinion, I don't know. I don't know. I know
that these people got tentacles that can reach all over
the country. Sometimes, I mean, that would be so fucking heavy.
I mean, that's like killing the president for christ you know. Well, yeah,
if it's even true. Yeah, And now a quick ad break,

and now we're back with more of the transcript. I
do know this. I know I kept the suitcase. I
know I had the key, and I never opened it.
In fact, I never even I just carried it to
the counter. They took it when I got off the baggage,
picked it up in Gean Fowler took the fucking bag,
you know. So I never opened it, but I wouldn't
have done that anyway. I didn't know what was in it.

I knew it wasn't drugs, though, Well, where where did
I mean, this first meeting down here is the first
time you ever met Peggy? Right? Yeah? Where did you
meet these other people at? I mean, did she know
the criminal you never heard? Or how long they've known her?
I don't know. I really don't know, you know, and
I you know, I tried to ask her, and she

was sort of secretive about that, you know. I mean
because during that time her husband was then a congressman,
you know, and you know what, you just sort of
expect them to travel in a different circle, and I
was wondering where she would have met all these people at. Well, see,
here's the thing. Let me say something to you about that.
You say, different circles. The fucking deacon, see, anybody's was

with them down there? You know. The head of the
FBI for the Anchorage area name was Jay Daley. He
was at my house for parties and ship like that
after I married her. You know, even the chief police
whatever his name was at the time, flying again at
that time, I can't remember what his name was. But
we go to banquets and ship and we'd sit at
his table. He'd sit with us and try and remember
I can't think of his name, you know, It's just

one of those things. Uh. They were around there, Pat Brown,
you know, he came to town, he'd come to the house.
You know. Yeah, I know what you're saying. I don't know, man,
I don't know. Well, when did you get back after
you got back to Anchorage, when did you get back
together with her? When when did you see her again?
I went back up in April when I was working

at the holiday in and she came to town. She
checked into the holiday and she was staying there. See,
and I've worked my shift. I was working the day shift,
I think at that time. And me and her go
honky tonk and at night and one thing leads to another,
and you know, well we got married and she says,
what do you want to do? I want to have
me a bar, you know, And we were hanging out

with Danny a little bit, you know. Danny came in
with us. So the three of us bought that bar.
I came down here and bought a house, bought a
brand new house out here at the end of Speedway five.
Acres of land paid seventy five thousand for it in
those days, grand cash down. Yeah, I'd imagine she got
quite a quite an insurance settlement she got. She got
fucking he had double indemnity on the apartments. Is that right?

Am I saying that right? Double indemnity accidental death benefit
type thing. Yeah, you get paid twice, I think, yeah,
you know, depending on what the policy you got and
the mortgage. The apartments were paid off free and clear.
Mm hmm. Did they blow him up? I don't know.
Did JB have him blown up? I don't know. I
know I took a fucking package up there and they

said it was a bomb, Danny did They might have
been bullshit me? What kind of bag was it they
took up there? It wasn't. It was a suitcase, a suitcase, Yeah,
but it wasn't a big one. Mm hmm. And that's
all like hard suitcase or a soft suitcase. Looked like
it was soft. I mean, you know, if I pressed
on it, could I have felt something in their fabric

side or was it plastic hard side? I think it
was cloth. It was leather. I think it was hard leather.
I just started pressing on him now this would have
been you went up there that How many months were you?
I mean that plane went down November? Was it November,
October or October? I'm not sure, I can't remember. I

know it was early winner fall. You went up there?
Wind was that during the summer or something? Or I
went up there? Must have been September September, Okay, yeah,
it must have been September because I I was hanging
out at the trail then you know enjoy the eyes,
the one that gave you the bag. Yeah, yeah, that
that would have been probably late October, early November, because

when the plane went down, well, because his purpose for
being up there was to help the Biggitch campaign for
re election, I believe. Yeah. Now later on I was
down here when he went down, and we were all
in the office over there on Broadway. A matter of fact,
it was Walter Prito's office, remember Pritto, But he had
an office over there on speed on Broadway and country Club,
right across from the Austin Sandwich shop upstairs in the

Coldwell bankup building. They had a big sign on it,
and we're all in there, me, Louis mcconi, him, somebody else.
I can't think of a couple more guys, and they
were talking about bogs and the plane going down, and
it was Pritto that said something about, well the funk
funk with the FBI or something like that. They probably
blew them up or something like that. That's what asshole
pre O said, you know. So he's the one that

brought up that ship about blown him up. You know, now,
were they blown up? Nobody knows if they were blown
up there because they never found it. Not a trace,
not a trace of the fucking thing. I thought about it, well,
you know how the country is up there though, I mean, well, yeah, yeah, exactly,
you know, And I thought about it, and like when
Danny was talking to me. See Danny was drunk, you know,

you know how guys are when they get drunk, you
know how they start their whiskey, start your running off.
And he was talking about being a high tech fucker
and just how high tech was it, you know, And
not only that, I thought about this later. You know,
From what I understand, the plane was a spur of
the moment plan. Yeah I don't recall, did you did
you enough of it? From what I understand, they were
gonna fly commercial to Juno. I know it was a

charter right, they were gonna fly commercial to Juneo and
the flights that night, so all at once they jumped
up and said, well, let's chatter a plane. So you know,
just how if if they they would have had a bomb,
how do they know they're going to try to a plane,
you know? And how do they and how do they
get it on there afterwards? Yeah? You know what I mean? Sure,

See unless it was made for a car and they
were going to put it up under a car somewhere
and said well fuck it, let's get the plane. Well
how do those people know that? See, that's where the
mystery comes in from me, you know, yeah, because they
don't know nothing about that. Yeah, you know what, I
don't know. I remember when it went down, but I
just don't know enough about the details about it. You know.

She she ran around on him a lot, you know
that she had her. Yeah that wasn't Shelly, was it? Now?
She had her an Air Force pilot from was it
Elmendorf Air Force Base? That's where he was out of See,
I've heard that a year or two before he was killed. Yeah,
she had her. She was screwing around. She had a

black a black man, and Nick knew it. Nick went
to Jesse Car and cried like a baby and said, hey,
she told me that he's coming to Washington with us,
you know. And I guess he did go somehow or
other he got transferred down there or something, you know,
And Nick said he couldn't do nothing about it. I
never off into that with her. Peggy never did say

anything about that plane going down. I stayed away from
over there. The only time we ever talked about it.
Trying to think now, No, she didn't talk about it.
She never talked about it. The only thing she mentioned
about that plane was that the president called her, who
wasn't Nixon at the time. Nixon called her and told
her that he's sending some kind of special plane to
try and find it. And she stayed away from all that.

She used to get mail from nuts telling her that
they knew where he was and all this. You know,
what have you since you you got a divorce from her?
What year seventy seven? Have you had any comment with
her at all or corresponded with her? None at all? Well,
I backed out of that. I backed out of that deal. Zeven.

That showed me some money. I got my money from him,
and I just backed away from that whole deal up there.
You know. You see, there's a lot of a lot
of pieces to that puzzle that will never be able
to put together, you know. Now, I was out of
a target range once, not a target, yeah, at the
target range down there on the way to Seward shooting
range out Dupotters. I was down there shooting one day,

me and Lance and south Spinelli, and we looked up
on the hill and Lance come up to me and
he says, there's a Volkswagen up there. Guy is watching us.
A few minutes later, I glanced up there and I
could see the guy up there watching us. So we
got in my car when we got through shooting, and
we took off, and sure enough, as we drove by
the place he was parked, he waited and he got
out and he cold trick on us, and he's way

back behind us. So I pulled into a little store
and he stopped. So finally I got him into town
and I pulled into a shopping center, and sure enough,
he's in traffic. You know, he got up a little
closer and he followed me in a shopping center. So
I turned around real quick and I pulled up right
alongside him to check him out, and he ducked down
and he had a beard on him, sucking some I
got his license plate number. So we went back to

the bar and I called the Department of Motor Vehicles
and I said, got a car parked here, a little story.
I want to get it towed away. Can you tell
me who owns it? And they give it and I
called the guy and I says, hey, who are you?
Why are you trailing me? And he was a newspaper
reporter and he says, I've got to come down and
talk to you. And he came down to the bar.
He had he had a fake beard on and he says, well,

I heard that Peggy was tied up with the mafia.
He says, uh, I was just trying to get a story, man,
and he says, da da da and all this stuff.
And then it started hitting up there that she was
tied up with the mafia. Were you up there, we're
up there? You remember that, yep, that she was tied
up with the mob. And well, the reason, I mean,
the reason that you know it got to becommon knowledge

how you guys got married. You were playing a roll
up there too. You know that you were tied in
with the family down you know, in Arizona. I mean,
tell everybody, Oh yeah, that speculation was out there. Peggy
Biggatte tied up at the mob and then you know
the and the trip to Arizona and uh and that's

the end of side A. We're going to pause here
again for a quick ad break. We're back with more

of the transcript. We're on side B of tape two.
Time now is thirteen fifty four. I'm going to tell
you how she was. She was very cagy along these lines.
I stole money out of that barn. I'm talking about
if I had a five thousand dollar night, I put
five in my pocket cash and Danny would put five.

You know, she didn't want to know nothing about that.
In the very beginning, I was gonna, you know, chop
it up with her a little bit, you know, But
she wanted to stay away from that. She stayed away
from ship. She wanted to stay away from see. I'm
sure that's the politician of her. Yeah, you know. Like
and then as soon as I picked up on that,
I stayed I didn't tell her nothing. You know. Now
she knew I was doing drugs. I never did any

in front of her. My guess would have been, and
you know, I guess I'm wrong, you know, more or
less I've seen women like that. They get in the nose,
habit themselves. No, not her. Never touched it. Okay, I
never touched it. I would have guessed she probably had
never happened to him. Pretty hung up on that ship.
One time, I had a joint weed and I'm not
a big weed guy. When we first started going out,

and I was getting high in some weed, and I
said he had tried this, and she tried a little
bit of it, and she felt real bad about that
later about trying that weed. Well, she had six kids.
You know. I never tried to get her to do
any cocaine. I never did any in front of her.
Did she ever know anything about those two two murders
that you were somewhat involved in. No. When I left

up there, I called her back one time when I
was down here, and she started questioning me about one.
She says, who is ov and all this. I said,
I don't know what you're talking about. The police had
been to her, you know. Now, his mother and sister
came up there and ran his picture in the paper
and remember that, um vaguely and they put down if
anybody's seen this man, contact the holiday in room so

and so, so and so. They were living somewhere in Nevada.
I think, you know, I don't know what you guys
want to do on that. I want to call him
and tell him any you know, if he's down or
that's up to you guys. Okay, I'm gonna leave it alone.
Yeah we might. But you know, he was involved in
a lot of ship well he was. He was an outlaw. Yeah,

he was a fucking outlaw. He was. I'm I'm not
passing judgment on anybody, but I'm saying, you know, look,
as you know, there's certain fucking rules you go by
and certain rules you don't. And if you break the rules,
you gotta be ready for the circumstances that goes with life.
There's relatively few innocent victims out there that goes with life.
I mean myself included, you know. But I can snivel,

I can cry. So what man, I'm sucking down. You know,
I'm lucky I went this far. I'm lucky I made
it this fine. And im I'm fifty four, I'm lucky
I made it to fifty four. Now Fowlers, Yeah, I've
known the Fowlers for years. All they're gambling joints. Yeah, yeah,
I don't know. You know, had you ever talked to

Jean after him? Well, yeah, I've seen Jeans few years.
I've seen him up there after that. I used to
go to his the joint, the penthouse and as other
gambling joints and all that. I mean, did he ever
mention anything about what that was? Or no? I didn't.
I didn't push him on that. And you know, it's
it's I don't know if you well, you know how

business is, Okay, I'm sorry. There's certain things you do
you just you just stay away from, you know, you
do them, and you just shut up about him and
go on, you know seven it and me with drinking,
he got drunk, and as far as I know, he
might have been bullshitting uh huh, I don't know, you know,
I and he might have had his whiskey muzzles all

up and been lying to me. You know. That plane
might have went down on its own. I don't know.
It was cloudy weather. From what I understand, it was
a bad night. Yep. And who knows. It seems funny
to me that they never found a piece of it
no place. But then again, how do you put a
bomb on a fucking plane and now what it's going
to blow up? I mean, due time it when it's
over the ocean, how do you know it's not going
to hit over you know? That's why I think that

it might, you know, unless unless Fowler or somebody else
had a lot more expertise than I'd ever give him
credit for. I don't know where the expertise would have
come in. I think it might have. I don't think
it would have been from Fowler. Sure, I don't know.
I wouldn't think so. I think they're still up there.
I think Jean's still up there. He's still up there,
I'm sure. I talked to his brother, which one tom

or must have been four three or four years ago.
His brother Larry was down here, Larry, and I talked
to Yeah, And I talked to Larry here at the
place called Barrens. They don't see living down here now
or Larry. Yeah. I think he's an anchorage, got a
pawn shop up there. And that listener is the end

for now. As I said earlier, we're not sharing the
entire transcript. Again, it's seventy one pages long, and not
all of it pertains directly to this story. During the interview,
in addition to the alleged bombing, Paisley discussed other crimes
to including multiple murders. He said he didn't love Peggy

beggatte that he used her for her money. He made
other claims about Peggy which I'm not including, and he
said he couldn't stand her six kids his step kids,
whom he called smart but undisciplined, though he did refer
to Mark Begat as quote a nice kid. So to
review the transcript, Paisley claimed that Peggy Beggett met with

Joe an Ano in nineteen seventy two, that he Paisley
transported a locked suitcase to Alaska shortly thereafter, and that
Danny Zivinage, his business partner, later told him that the
suitcase contained explosives and that the missing congressman's plane had
been bombed. Eleven weeks later, after this initial interview, someone
conducted a second, in person follow up interview with Paisley.

According to FBI documents I obtained, which blackout the investigator's name. Initially,
I thought the investigator was an FBI agent. Now I'm
pretty sure was Tom Davis not someone from the FBI.
So too does Davis, who stayed in touch with Paisley.
But because Davis can't recall exact dates, he isn't a
hundred percent sure. Paisley repeatedly named the same six people

as having taken part in or as having knowledge of
the alleged bombing of the congressman's missing plane. One of
those six people was Larry Fowler the second Paisley interview.
The follow up interview took place on January twenty. Seven.
Days later, Larry Fowler was shot to death on a

remote road in Alaska. Next time, I'm missing in Alaska,
he called Washington, and Washington said, don't do anything. You
don't put anybody on this, do not open investigation. Send

everything you got us this week. One task. If you
agree that the Alaska Department of Public Safety should look
for and release records and tapes pertaining to this case,
especially tapes of interview with Jerry Paisley, feel free to
contact them. Their email is DPS dot Commissioner dot office

at Alaska dot gov. That's DPS dot Commissioner dot Office
at Alaska dot gov. You can reach us by phone
at one eight three three m I A tips that's
one eight three three six four two eight four seven
seven again one eight three three six four two eight

four seven seven. Or you can reach us via email
at tips at i heeart media dot com. That's tips
T I P s at I heeart media dot com.
An important note, none of the people Jerry Paisley claimed
took part in or had knowledge of the alleged bombing,
Joe Bonano, Joeya Tarola, Danny Zavinich, Jane Fowler, Larry Fowler,

or Peggy Baggage were ever charged with or convicted of
any crimes tied to any of Paisley's allegations. Peggy Baggatt
and Danny Zivanitch declined multiple interview requests. Gene Fowler was
unavailable for an interview. Joe Bonano, Joeya Tarola, and Larry
Fowler are dead. Ben Boland is our executive producer. Paul

Decan is our supervising producer. Chris Brown is our assistant producer.
Seth Nicholas Johnson is our producer. Sam T. Garden is
our research assistant. And I'm your host and executive producer
John Wallzac. You can find me on Twitter at at
John Wallzac j O n W A l c z
a K special thanks to Scott C. Leeds who voiced

Jerry Paisley, Joe McCormick who voiced Mike Grimes, Robert Lamb
who voiced Dave Tullis, and Seth Nicholas Johnson who voiced
Tom Davis. Missing in Alaska is a co production of
I Heart Media and Green Forward Media
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