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September 19, 2024 1 min

Jon offers $5K for missing items — including Robert's gun.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
I'm now offering a bounty of up to five thousand
dollars for any of the following items. Robert Fisher's missing snubnose,
thirty eight Smith and Wesson Revolver Model three four to two,
serial number CEC four nine two four, Any documentary proof
that Robert lived past April two thousand and one, including
photos and or videos that we can confirm the missing

keys to Mary Fisher's forerunner, the ones Robert used to escape,
Robert's final driver's license active at the time of his disappearance,
any of his final banker credit cards active at the
time of his disappearance, Any information leading to Robert's remains,
photos and or video taken of Robert at the wedding
in Sedona on March thirty first, two thousand and one.

And finally, photos and or video of Robert taken at
the National Junior Honor Society event at Super Middle School
on April ninth, two thousand and one. This bounty is
different from the reward we're offering in partnership with Silent
Witness for information leading to Roberts arrest. For details on that,
please listen to our Alert Reward minisode. The bounty of

mail offered for any of the items listed in this
minisode is at my discussion. It also depends on confirmation
of authenticity, which is also at my discussion. You can
reach us by phone at one eight three three New
Tips That's one eight three three six three nine eight
four seven seven, by email at tips at iHeartMedia dot com,
tip s at iHeartMedia dot com, online at Neon thirty

three dot com, on Twitter at John waalzac j O
n w A l c z a K, or by
mail Neon thirty three, PO box seven four zero two
four nine New Orleans, Louisiana seven zero one seven four
Thanks for listening.
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