Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks to MasterCard for sponsoring this episode. Head to MasterCard
dot com backslash small Biz to learn how they're amplifying
and supporting black women entrepreneurs.
Speaker 2 (00:11):
The reality is I've talked to my kids like they've
grown and I'm telling I'm talking to them about the market.
And the reality is financial literacy is a language. So
if I had a nanny that only spoke Spanish, yep,
and they speak to my kids only in Spanish, guess what,
my kid at the age of five now gonna be
fluent in Spanish because that's all they know. Right, They're
gonna be fluent in Spanish and English. They'll be bilingual.
And the reality is financial literacy and language. And I
want my kids to be fluent in finance and in investing, right.
And so I talk to them about the market. I
tell them, oh, well, you know, Jerome Poull did this.
This is why the stock market is down. This is
what inflation means. This is what a five twenty nine
account is. This is a custodial account. These are the
stocks that you own. And guess what you're on YouTube?
Guess what stock you on your own Google? As a result,
and so now it's second nature, and I realized that,
I realized the conversation that enter tables are a lot
different than other communities. And so now I put that
out in terms of my content, and now the world
can see if I could talk to my kids about this,
or better yet, if these are theccounties opening for us kids,
I could do the same. And so now we can
just starting early and earlier because we all have access
to this. We got access to a phone, got access
to Google. University right, and in the College of YouTube,
Arts and Sciences, right, It's it's real. And so now
now do we know the terminology that we need to
become familiar with. We could just google it. We could
watch YouTube, and now you don't need to go to Harvard.
Now we go to YouTube and we can learn all that.
Speaker 1 (01:39):
You're listening to Money News powered by Greenwood, a finance
podcast dedicated to dropping all the knowledge and gems from
the world's leading celebrities, entrepreneurs and experts, and tech, business
and more. I'm your host, Angel investor, technology enthusiasts, and
media personality Tanya Sam. Each week, we talk with guests
who are making significant strides in their fields and learn
how they are making their money Move. If you're someone
who's looking to make your money move, you're in the
right place. So open up your notes app and lock
us in because this podcast will give you the keys
to the kingdom of financial stability, wealth and abundance you
so rightly deserve. Before we start the episode, I'd like
to remind you to check us out at gogreenwood dot
com and follow us on social media at Greenwood and
me on all Things social at It's Tanya time to
stay locked in to new episode Money Movers. Please give
a warm welcome to rossmac Hey.
Speaker 3 (02:34):
Ross he Hello, Hello, Thank you for having me.
Speaker 1 (02:37):
There's so many places to go here because you have
partnerships with the Bull, we talked, dropped a little sprinkle
about Netflix, macroeconomics, all of these pieces your goal in
this really and this is also why I love having
guests like yourself on this because this is what Money
Moves is about. It's how we can teach financial education
and we could build sort of generational wealth.
Speaker 4 (02:59):
In our communities. You also have written a book I
want to pluge that.
Speaker 1 (03:05):
I want to talk about that because I love First
of all, I love books.
Speaker 4 (03:10):
I'm like an unapologetic bibliophile.
Speaker 1 (03:12):
And so tell me about the process of writing a
book and why this was important to you as it
sort of rounds out your platforms of education that that
you're feeding us.
Speaker 2 (03:22):
Yeah, the thing is right, in our community, we are
the most talented people living, right, Black people, And the
only difference is we're just not exposed to certain things.
Speaker 3 (03:34):
Right. We're exposed to sports rather than the stock market. Right,
We're exposed to entertainment.
Speaker 2 (03:41):
Rather than you know, good credit and how to know
house hacking. And so I say that to say that
if our conversations are different growing up, then we will
find a way to take that over too, right. And
so now what I'm trying to do is just democratize
access to information.
Speaker 3 (03:59):
Speaker 2 (04:00):
And we talk about the wealth gap in this country,
it stems from an education gap, right, And the moment
we started understanding, oh, it's actually you know, it's preached
in our community to be consumers rather than owners. So
now that I'm preaching how to become an owner, how
to start planning for retirement, how to open up certain
accounts for your kids, how to buy a home, leveraging,
you know all these other you know, different tools, you know,
FHA loans, et cetera. So you know, the book was
the just the perfect opportunity to bring that all into
one place.
Speaker 3 (04:35):
Speaker 2 (04:35):
You know, it's the wealth connect, It's the pathway to
financial freedom. And so now we're talking about from the
beginning to the end. Right, all right, let's actually reverse
all the stigmas when it comes to you know, and
addressing all of it. Let's just reverse on this head.
Let's talk about why it's important to build up that
emergency fund. Let's let's show you how to get out
of debt. Let's tell you why it's important to invest,
because in our culture it's a big mistrust of banks.
Speaker 3 (05:02):
Understand this, so right, we need.
Speaker 4 (05:04):
To set there for sure, for sure.
Speaker 3 (05:07):
From the Freeman's Bank to the walk you know, the
Black Wall.
Speaker 2 (05:10):
Street, it say, it's so many things that made I say,
you know what, I'm not trusting no institution. I'm gonna
keep my money here. And the reality is right, I
try to help people understand. Look, you gotta understand there's
this thing called inflation, right and silent killer of wealth
because it lowers our purchasing power. And so often our
grandparents will tell us to save our money, put it
in your bank account or put it in under your
matches and a shoe box, this that and the third.
But our money is actually still losing its value. Most
people who you know look like us. It's like, man,
I ain't trying to invest because I don't want to
lose money, or I got to see my money, and
the reality is we're losing money by not investing. And
so when I you know, address that, and then I say, okay,
you know, I make a person believe like, oh wow,
I didn't know that. Right, The fact that when we
was kids, we can go to the corner store with
a dollar and get you.
Speaker 3 (05:54):
Know, four bags of chips and any candy and this
that and the third.
Speaker 2 (05:58):
Now you get one bag of chip and it's sent
back to put it in. Now you know what I'm saying.
The inflation real. And so now it's like educating community
on like, look, man, here's a blueprint actually attaining and
building true wealth, right and getting to generational wealth. And
now the book is just going to tell you everything
from the beginning to the end. Right, we're talking about
different ways and understanding the stock market. Right is bringing
my experience and working on Wall Street and bringing it
to Main Street and I just find it, you know,
fulfilling that I you know, and not only that the content, right,
I drive every morning, I take my kids to school.
My daughter will be three in two days and my
son is one and a half. And I got a
baby now that's a month.
Speaker 3 (06:40):
And the reality is real. I got three under three.
Speaker 4 (06:44):
My sister has three under three.
Speaker 1 (06:45):
So I feel like I miser take a village.
Speaker 3 (06:51):
I want to help out. You know what I'm saying,
They take a village.
Speaker 2 (06:54):
But like the reality is, I've talked to my kids
like they've grown and I'm telling I'm talking to them
about the market. And in reality is financial literacy is
a language. So if I had a nanny that only
spoke Spanish, yep, and they speak to my kids only
in Spanish, guess what, my kid at the age of
five now gonna be fluent in Spanish because that's all
they know. Right, they can be fluent in Spanish and English.
They'll be bilingual. And the reality is financial literacy and language.
And I want my kids to be fluent in finance
and in investing. Right, And so I talked to them
about the market. I tell them, oh, well, you know,
Jerome Poull did this. This is why the stock market
is down. This is what inflation means. This is what
a five twenty nine account is. This is a custodial account.
These are the stocks that you own. And guess what
you're on YouTube? Guess what stock you on your own Google?
As a result, and so now it's second nature. And
I realized that, I realized the conversation that dinner tables
are a lot different than other communities. And so now
I put that out in terms of my content, and
now the world can see if I could talk to
my kids about this, or better yet, if these are
theccounts he's opening for his kids, I could do the same.
Speaker 3 (07:57):
And so now we're just starting early and earlier because
we all have access to this.
Speaker 4 (08:02):
Speaker 3 (08:02):
We got access to a phone, got access to Google.
Speaker 2 (08:04):
University, right, and you in the College of YouTube Arts
and Sciences, right, It's right, It's real. And so now
now do we know the terminology that we that we
need to become familiar with.
Speaker 3 (08:16):
We could just google it.
Speaker 2 (08:17):
We could watch YouTube, and now you don't need to
go to Harvard. Now we go to YouTube and we
can learn all that.
Speaker 1 (08:23):
You know what I love about this too, because that
analogy of it being sort of a native language is
so true. And I think, you know, with the rise
of you know, all these audio apps like Clubhouse just
you know, bigger rooms and reels on Instagram, like, we
are really learning to you know, talk the talk, and
that is so important. You know as I talk to
entrepreneurs or folks that are looking for capital, and you know,
people are like, well, why am I getting the nose?
Like you need to know the words, the buzzwords, the phrases,
and it has to be like a second language or
else you go in there and sort of we're exposing
our blind spots. But I think you know what's beautiful
now is this is trickling down to our kids. So
when kids grow up like this is second nature, and
you know, I don't mean to make it about race
or color or socioeconomic status, but you were right. Those
kids at U Penn who were in legacy, they grew
up talking about this around the table. They grew up
hearing about my dad's off to Wall Street, or like
I got to go to work with dad and this
is what he does. And this is how I think
we really make that quantum leap to building generational wealth.
Speaker 4 (09:27):
For sure, absolutely sure. I want to ask you a
question growing up.
Speaker 1 (09:32):
You grew up in Chicago, I've recently been introduced to
I'm from Canada, so it's a little bit further north.
Speaker 4 (09:38):
But I get your cold.
Speaker 1 (09:40):
But I've been spending a lot of time watching The
Shy and I don't know if that resonates or not.
Just you can Canada me on that one. However, what
were the conversations around you in your family? Like did
you have parents that were, you know, talking this talk
with you?
Speaker 4 (09:55):
Like how did you look.
Speaker 1 (09:57):
At money from a young age.
Speaker 4 (10:01):
Here I want to hear the good, bad, and the ugly.
Speaker 2 (10:03):
Both my parents are entrepreneurs, and so being able to
see that it helped me say to myself, I definitely
want to become an entrepreneur. But I also realized that
there's a skill set that now as an entrepreneur, I
apply fortune five hundred thinking right by working on Wall
Street with having an undertone of always wanting to be
an entrepreneur, I was throwing parties while I worked.
Speaker 3 (10:28):
On Wall Street.
Speaker 2 (10:29):
Right, I'm driving to work, well, not driving, I'm in
a taxi a uber to work, and I hit my
music on the radio, right, like I always was on
a different wavelength. But the best part in the conversations
about money was one, this is how you make it,
but there was nothing about how to allow that money
to grow for you.
Speaker 3 (10:49):
And so it's a lot of things that I learned.
Speaker 2 (10:52):
But when it came to the entrepreneurial side in general,
it was like thinking about my business like Coca Cola, Right,
I don't have a brand as strong as that, Right,
what's the brand recognition? But not only that, how do
you Cause there's when you think about your company, like
a fourth to five hundred, You got your CEO, and
you got everybody else to run their different operations, right,
business development, marketing operations, et cetera. And so I got
to be able to wear all those hats at once
as well. And so now you know, when you when
you take that leak, you know, trying to you know,
really make money, it's like, all right, let me take
the discipline that I learned from working at a real
corporation and apply that to the entrepreneurial realm. But you know,
the conversations in general was one, you know, entrepreneurship, right,
making money, understanding the value of a dollar, and now
is just taking a little extra and adding it to
the overall equation.
Speaker 4 (11:43):
I love that.
Speaker 1 (11:44):
Okay, let's talk about macronomics, because you know this sort
of blew up the internet with your videos, your content
tell me, and you talked a little bit about it.
You're like, hey, I'm making these reels. People want to
tune in and listen to it. But you know there's
a lot of people out here who are putting on
the internet. Talk about how you sort of and if
there was intention behind how you plan it to build this,
scale this and monetize it.
Speaker 2 (12:09):
You want to know the best thing, m it was
just a function of alignment right place, right time, because
I did it off the sheer love right and the
sheer love, and that's how it was able to grow organically.
Because I make it easy to understand, I'm make it entertaining,
I make it fun, right Like at the end of
the day, it's very when you think about finance, right,
it's it's not that easy to digest. Most people are
a little guarded right when you talk about it. If
you ask your mom, your dad, what's your credit score?
Speaker 4 (12:47):
You know how God right, give me this Chile.
Speaker 2 (12:51):
They clutching their pearls, They doing this right, because we
grew up in the community. I remember watching comedy Viewers
are Shorty. One of the best jokes was bill collectors.
This bill collector that, and don't answer the phone. Like
it was just so much that we just normalize it
being cool to not be finant or being dead.
Speaker 3 (13:07):
And you want to know.
Speaker 4 (13:08):
What's so funny about that?
Speaker 1 (13:09):
I just watched the Country Wayne Netflix comedy special and
it's the same thing where he's talking about, you know,
how those those bills. He made a joke about how
those bills don't really matter because I have ten kids
and I'll just start a.
Speaker 4 (13:24):
New account and not laughing along with it. But you know,
because those are real jokes in our community.
Speaker 3 (13:31):
It's real crazy.
Speaker 2 (13:32):
I started a Country whin yesterday, but I only did
like ten minutes. I'm I'm gonna jump back in, but
that's real, right. It's generational trauma, and so us as
a community. It's like, man, that's how these conversations that
make it fun and entertaining, but also, bro, this is
the stuff we need to know because once again, we're
the most smart. We're a very smart group. But it's
where we're placing, it's where we're putting that energy, right,
is my energy watching Shade Room is my energy? Trying
to figure out what's going on with the Cardi b
and all Set and Nicki Minaj be for this? Or
do I need to be understanding what's going on in
artificial intelligence and what company is at the forefront of it?
Speaker 4 (14:12):
Speaker 2 (14:12):
Because you know, celebrity drama ain't never made nobody no money.
What if in the same breath that I'm stalking Instagram
models pages, I'm also stalking what's going on? What's Tesla doing,
What's Apple doing? What's Microsoft doing? Because at the end
of the day, Bro, that's the conversation that we need
to have.
Speaker 4 (14:31):
Speaker 2 (14:31):
It's like barbershop talk always is who better Lebron James
or Jordan or Kevin Durana. Bro, the real conversation should
be do I need to own Google or Apple or
Microsoft or Tesla?
Speaker 1 (14:44):
Speaker 2 (14:45):
Like that's and so what I'm trying to do is
just revolutionize the conversation in general, right because you know
the stats say about twenty fifty three, the media networth
of a black family is going to be zero. Right,
So now when you hear that, it's like, what can
we do to change that? We need to have the conversations, right,
we need to start talking about you know, at for
the price of four drinks in the club, I can
have a million dollar life insurance policy.
Speaker 4 (15:09):
Speaker 2 (15:10):
I need to add like, why don't we talk about
that in our community? And so that's what I'm doing, right,
And there's obviously other people doing it as well, But
you know, I'm one of the people that when I
started it in you know, twenty eighteen or so, you know,
Ma's one talking about that. And the reality is I
love being in the community of helping trying to educate
our community and reverse the negative statistics.
Speaker 1 (15:36):
Thanks for listening to today's episode. If we helped you
make your money move, please share it with your community,
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Follow us on social media at Greenwood and visit us
at Gogreenwood dot com for more financial tips and remember,
money movers, If this were easy, everyone would do it.
So take the lessons you've learned from this episode and
apply it to your life.
Speaker 4 (16:01):
Money Moves is an.
Speaker 1 (16:02):
iHeartRadio podcast powered by Greenwood Executive produced by Sunwise Media, Inc.
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