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September 6, 2021 33 mins

Love Disney movies? Love music? This is the episode for YOU! Mike breaks down Disney movies he thinks have overall the best soundtracks and his favorite 3 songs from each. Mike and his wife Kelsey review the new Marvel movie Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (Spoiler-free). And Mike talks about 3 Paramount movie delays and details on The Batman movie with Robert Pattinson. 

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello, and welcome back to Movie Mike's Movie Podcast. I'm
your host Movie Mike a k A. Mike Destro a
k A. Mike D. And today I'm breaking down what
I think are the top five Disney soundtracks of all time.
I'll also play you what I think are the best
three songs from these soundtracks and why I picked them.
Also have a Marvel movie to review, Shang Chi and
the Legend of the Ten Rings just came out over

the weekend. I got to talk about that because I
love Marvel. And then in movie news, well some sad
news to report. Looks like movie delays are kind of
a thing again. We'll get into a movie that I
was really looking forward to that's now not coming out
so next year, and just kind of talk about what's
going on with that, which is weird with box office
numbers this weekend. It's a whole thing now. But there's
a lot to talk about on this week's episode. Appreciate

you being subscribed in downloading and listening to this thing
every single week. Really means a lot to me. So
without any further ado, let's get started. In a world
where everyone and their mother has a podcast. One man
stands to infiltrate the ears of listeners like never before
in a movie podcast, a man with so much movie knowledge,

he's basically like a walking audio Davie with glasses from
the Natril podcast Networking movie movie podcas So. There are
a lot of great Disney songs, but that's not what
this list is about. I think to really take a
Disney movie to the next level, it has to have
an overall just great soundtrack, and I think that requires

at least three bangers in a Disney movie, three memorable songs.
At least a lot of Disney movies have maybe one
two memorable songs. What I did is just kind of
break down what I think are the top five just
completely well rounded soundtracks to Disney movies. So I put
together this list on what I think are the top
five best soundtracks, my three favorite songs from each of

the movie, and I kind of basically on what songs
are the most original, most memorable, make you want to
sing them after the movie. And I also looked into
Billboard chart performances, because when these songs do get so big,
they actually sometimes chart on the radio or or just
an album sales, and recently now digitally so all those
things taking a consideration will also give some honorable mentions.

But if I don't mention a certain Disney movie, it's
not to say that they don't have at least one
or two memorable songs. But we're just looking at overall
composition and soundtracks that really just go hard. So let's
get right into it. At number five, I went with Aladdin.
It's the original Aladdin from and I think it actually
took me seeing the remake that came out in ten

to really understand how powerful those songs were in that movie.
I wasn't the biggest fan of the original when I
was a kid. I liked it enough, but I think
more so than the actual story of Aladdin, I think
I picked apart the songs a little bit more that
set out to me and I kind of over time,
I didn't really go back to watching Aladdin as much.
But then when I watched the remake that came out

in twenty nineteen, I realized how big those songs are
and how they kind of came to life again, and
that movie felt like a full long musical to me. Now,
I still think the original is the better movie, probably
because as a nineties kid, I'm just more gravitated to
seeing the two D animation in a Disney movie, and
I'm not the biggest fan of the live action remakes.

I just think overall, the original Aladdin soundtrack, the way
those songs are recorded and they are featured in the movie,
I just think the original Aladdin soundtrack, the way those
songs are featured in the movie are a lot more
powerful than the remake, even though it's a really entertaining
watch as well. And not only that, when you break
down some of the songs from the movie, A Whole
New World is actually the only song from an animated

Disney movie to ever go number one on Billboard Hot one.
So what I think are the top three songs from
the movie would be friend like Me, my whisper what
it is. And I think that's probably the main reason
I enjoy the original more is because of Robin Williams

and his performance as the Genie really took it to
another level one that will Smith he was just never
gonna touch. I'm sorry, he was just never going to
get close to that. And Robin Williams is just a
treasure when it comes to movies in my childhood, So
there's no kind of getting around that a number two.

The second best song would be Arabian Nights. Just a
very powerful song, kind of sets the stage and unlike
any other song I've ever heard in the Disney movie,
and you just can't help to want to sing along
to this one. But of course, the best song from

a ladd it has to be a whole New worlds
bring place. But now I'm in a whole new world now,
I mean. And it's not that I didn't like the

songs remade in the remake. I just thought they didn't
have the exact same power, and listening back to those tracks,
you can't denied to the first one just sounded better.
At number four on the top Disney soundtrack list, I
went with Hercules from and I feel like Hercules not
only has an underrated soundtrack, but I find it to
be just an underrated Disney movie altogether. And the idea

for them to incorporate gospel music in a Disney movie,
I feel like, really sets it apart. It gives the
movie an entirely different feel, and to me, it makes
it feel more heroic, and it really kind of brings
together and brings to life all the scenes in the movie,
and I don't know why more people don't reference Hercules
when talking about some of the best Disney movies. I

think it's the music in this movie that actually tells
the story, and it's because they're done in gospel form.
They're able to through all the lyrics in every song,
explain what's going on into the movie and perfectly kind
of every single scene. Take it a little bit further.
They also saw some commercial success with this soundtrack, with
Go the Distance by Michael Bolton ended up peaking at

number twenty four on the Billboard Hot One Back in
top three songs from this movie would be at number three,
A Star is Born, I'm Gonna shout up the mountain top,
so you just had that feel, that gospel field. Those
gang vocals really just bring it to life. Number two

from Hercules would be zero to Hero as a kid,
this soundtrack just made me happy. And then at number
one from Hercules would be the more emotional moment of
the movie, Go the Distance, The Distance. I'll be there

someday if I can be strong, I know every mine
will be worth by. I would go most anywhere to
feed like powerful song to me. And then there's also

the Michael Bolton version of that song, but I chose
not to include the versions done by the you know,
the singers and the credits. I just think the most
powerful version and memorable is the one actually featured in
the movie. So I don't even think you need to

talk about Michael bowl in there, even though he did
a really great job on that song. But that's at
number four, at number three with the best soundtracks. I
went with Mowana from and this movie came out just
five years ago, and it kind of took me until
recently watching it again to realize how triumphant this soundtrack is.
And I didn't really get this movie when he came
out in theaters. I went to go watch it, and

I was maybe I just wasn't in a mood for
a musical, right, Maybe I didn't really get how powerful
the message of that movie was and what that movie
meant to kids at the time. Then I don't know,
I just wasn't in the head space to watch Mowanna.
And then it was later I kind of realized those
songs kind of stuck in my head more and more,
and then I've rewatched this movie a couple of times since,
probably more than I rewatched any other Disney movie in

recent history, and I just realized how inspiring it is,
how creative the story of Mowanna is, and how much
effort by lin Manuel Mirando was put into this music.
And I feel like Mowanna was really a breath of
fresh air for Disney at the time, and I thought
lin Manuel Miranda just did a really great job on it.
And he was coming off the success of Hamilton's and

kind of setting out the show that hey, I'm more
than just the Hamilton's guy, and I think he really
proved it on this soundtrack. I mean, if you can
get Dwayne Johnson to sing and be convincing, that's why
I just have to put him in the top three.
And the soundtrack itself actually peaked at number two on
the Billboard Hot two D that's the album charts, and
it would have gotten number one if it wasn't for
the weekend that just kind of dominated the charts at

this time. And the Rocks version of Your Welcome actually
peaked at number three. So what I think are the
top three songs from Juanna would be at number three.
Shiny Shine Like a Trash from a Slumking Pirate, Red
scrubbed the deck and make it. This is just a
really cool part of the movie, a really unexpected moment,

and this song sounds so different than all the other
songs featured in this movie. I just thought this was
the funnest part to watch. Paired with this song was perfect.
I'm here, Come, Come, Come, are just the free food.
And then I mentioned it earlier, the Rocks singing You're

welcome the head except that one will get stuck in
your head. It's the sun the sky. It's just like
a song that makes me feel good. But at number one,

the most inspiring song of this soundtrack, and one of
the most inspiring songs and all of Disney movies would
be how Far I'll Go to see It calls me
no One. This is legit a song that I'll just
get stuck in my head be singing around the house

and annoying my wife with So this is song is
a part of my life. You're like, there's just no
telling how far I'll go. I know everybody on the
sign has that kind of build up, the big chorusing
by to sign. So that's at number three, getting into

the top two now, and this next one is a
perfect example of a good movie turning into a great
movie through the power of music. At number two, I
put Tarzan from Phil Collins went too hard on this one.
He did not have to create such a great soundtrack
to a movie, and I think overall the story of
Tarzan is pretty good. They weren't doing anything groundbreaking making

this Tarzan movie. The animation was nothing special, the voice
acting was good, but there was nothing that was all
out amazing about this movie. Without the music, it just
would have been a good Disney movie, not even included
on this list. But paired with the music, it really
just took that good movie and elevated it so much
more because through the music, you get the emotion and

you're able to kind of identify more with the situation
going on with Tarzan, and it kind of gives just
power to those scenes where he's learning about himself, finding
other humans and then realizing this conflict of it being
an issue of them being together again when his old
family was the gorillas who raised him and now he's
kind of torn between these two worlds. So I think

that is just all out to Phil Collins definitely understanding
the assignment when it came to making the soundtrack for
this movie, and it shows with You'll Be in My
Heart spent nineteen weeks at number one on the Billboard
Contemporary Chart. And not only that, that song one Best
Song at the Oscars and the Golden Globes and was
even nominated for a Grammy. So critically, this soundtrack did
super well. What I think of the top three songs

from this movie at number three would be two Worlds
Trust You, at number two would be Strangers Like Me.

One of the best songs ever used in a Disney
montage was this one, So, I mean, it just has
that umph to it, Like listen at that again. The
velocity of this track just really brings the movie to life.
And then at number one, of course mentioned it earlier,

You'll Be in My Heart Don't Let's Go Yes from Yeah,

So that's at number two, and I'm gonna come back.
I'll give some honorable mentions and then reveal what is
that number one? Right after this? All right back here,
before I get into what I think has the number
one best Disney soundtrack, I will give some honorable mentions.

I kind of listen to these all six through ten
and what I thought were contenders, but like I said
at the beginning, I felt like all these movies I
included needed to have at least three big song moments
in the movie, and these other ones have one or
two really great songs. But I just think overall, when
it comes to the overall soundtrack, they didn't really have
what met the criteria for the other one. So at

number ten I went with Frozen. It was never really
a big Frozen fan. I feel like that one was
really just geared towards kids at the time, and I
think let It Go is one of the most overused,
overplayed Disney songs of all time, which you can't really
hold that against him of how big that song became,
but I just kind of associate that with all those
YouTube videos that came out at the time of like
kids singing in the car sometimes parents just being annoyed

by this song. So I couldn't really put that any
higher than that, but I would still put Frozen one
at number ten, and number nine I went with a
Little Mermaid from of Course you got part of your
World under the Sea. Some classics on this one, so
definitely deserves a top ten slot. At number eight, I
went with Lawn from nine, which was a weird thing
that they remade Mulan and took out all of the music,

which I thought kind of took away from that movie altogether,
because the soundtrack was a big part of the first one.
And it's a perfect example of if you strip out
all the music from a movie, it really turns it
into an entirely different movie. Without music, Mulan is basically
just a war movie. So that one comes in at
number eight and number seven, I went with Coco from seventeen,
very close to making the top five, but again, I

feel like there's only two songs that I really remember
from Coco, whom pocal Local and Remember Me. Great movie, though,
and it is a movie entirely based about music, but
I just feel like those two songs are the ones
I kind of gravitate towards pulling out as big moments.
So one that would be close to making the top five.
And then at number six, I went with Beauty and
the Beast from nineteen one. Now, this one is loaded
with a bunch of great songs, and at the core

of this movie, it is a musical, and this is
one that I felt like really lend itself well to
the live action. I think a lot of other people
didn't agree with me as liking that one more, but
I did feel like it was a cool updated verse
Jan So if there was ever a case where I
would watch the live action remake versus the original animated one,
it would probably only be Beautying the Beast. It's also
just a huge Emma Watson fans, so it could be
that too. But then at number one, the movie that

defined my childhood when it came to animated movies, and
a movie that has no bad song that it was
just hard to pick three that I wanted to feature
on this and the movie is no other than The
Lion King from the song. The movie just had the
best team when it came to making the soundtrack from
Elton John, Tim Rice and the score composed by Hans Zimmer,

one of the greatest composers when it comes to making movies.
And not only that, but it's the biggest selling animated
soundtrack ever. Was almost eight million copies of the soundtracks
sold in the United States alone, and can You Feel
the Love Tonight was not only a big hit in
the United States on the radio, but in tons of
other countries, so the soundtrack went international, and this is

hard to do. But I picked what I think are
the best three songs from The Lion King at number three,
the iconic the Circle of I have to open the movie.
It's inviting, Yeah you have asked, And it's a song
that all you have to hear is that opening note
to know exactly what movie it is. It's yeah, do

you have a Yeah? Circle of a live. While it
has these big triumphant numbers, it also has the funny
songs COONa matata, what a wonderful phrase. Conain't no person crazy?

It means no worries for the rest of your metato.
But then not only that, it has the romantic songs,
which I always thought this was a weird scene even
as a kid, when Nala and Simbo are reunited and
somehow they fall in love in an instant And the
whole time I was watching this, even as a kid,
I'm like, is this really about to happen in a

Disney movie? This thing I'll wait? Too real for a kid, lovely,
And I also just think this version is a lot
better than the Elton John version, probably cause I associated

with that scene so many things to tell her about
how to make her see the truth Above my past impossible,
she turned away from me, and then, as an honorable mention,
I just can't wait to be king. I've got a pasta.

You think no one's saying this when I said God too.
So that's the list. If you disagree with any of
my picks or have another song you wanted to add
to some of those movies, hit me on Twitter or
Instagram at Mike Destro or send me an email at
movie Mike d at gmail dot com. Joining me now

for a movie review is my wife, Kelsey. How are you?
We just went to go see Shang Chi and the
Legend of the Tin Rings. I wasn't expecting this movie
to be so good. I wasn't either, so we'll get
into our review. But if you haven't seen the trailer
for this movie yet, here's just a little bit of that.
Whether you like it or not, you are also your father.

I don't mind, man, They wouldn't be able to kill
me if they try. So. This is a superhero I
knew nothing about, and I think the reason I ended
up liking this movie so much was that I had
pretty low expectations but also know a whole lot about
this world. Aside from the fact that It's Marvel's first

movie with an Asian lead, which I thought was awesome.
And I think what kind of stood out from this
movie is that they really embraced the Asian culture and
that was kind of at the forefront of it, and
I think it made the movie feel completely different and
unlike any other Marvel movie I've seen. Right, it almost
didn't feel like your typical Marvel movie. I don't think
it followed the same formula. I don't think it had

the same kind of like overall like this happened, like
the overall like action of sequence in the movie. I
don't really feel like it followed that kind of formula,
which I thought was refreshing. It reminded me a little
bit of Thor with the humor, yes, and it was, Yeah,
I kind of had that Thor humor to where it
wasn't so much like cheesy, quick little jokes. It was
a little more like Aquafina being funny like she normally is.

Aquafina is a gift to this world and I'm so
glad she's in the Marvel universe now. She fits it perfectly.
I love her. So what this movie is about without
ruining anything, Shang Cheese this martial arts master and basically
has to save the world through the power of these
ten rings and the action in this movie, it's a

mix of like martial arts and also just like superhero,
like a whole other world. It kind of reminded me
a little bit of Black Panther in a way. So
what I like that it wasn't a full on origin story.
It kind of takes you right into his world. Here's
the situation, here's what they need to do, and gets
right into it. It really wastes no time. I think
that was a great way to introduce this new character

to everybody, because I think what kind of gets tiring
about new superhero movies and learning about new characters is
they have to go through the whole origin story, like, oh,
how there's here's how he got his powers, Here's why
he is the way he is. You kind of jump
right into that world with this movie, and then throughout
you learn the backstory, which I thought was really cool
and they haven't really done it before. What do you
think about it? I thought it was great. I went

in a zebra expectations. I did not even watch a trailer.
I just was along for the ride. Again, I'll pretty
much go see anything that you want to see except
for scary movies. Yeah, and when it comes to Marvel,
I feel like they're in that place right now where
they're going from, you know, into the new phase introducing
new characters, and this one kind of has me excited again.

I think I would like to see more of this
world and more of this kind of character. And I
think just if they were able to keep the same
kind of character development when it comes into all these
new Marvel movies, I think they're gonna be fine. You know,
I've been kind of worried of like, Okay, we just
have Spider Man now, Like what else are the Marvel
universe is am I really excited for? And I think

this is now kind of a breath of fresh air.
Reminds me a lot of when Black Panther came out
and it introduced this whole kind of world of superheroes
that we didn't really know we needed, we didn't really
know we wanted. So I think that's why I enjoyed
it so much. And also just the action in this movie.
Sometimes Marvel movies they get into kind of a repetitive

like here's the bad guy fighting the good guy. They
take him down. This had a whole other level of
it to where and almost mixed in like a little
bit of sci fi. Yeah, something just like now your
typical average villain. I really enjoyed it. I think, aside
from what we've talked about on this review, which we

didn't want to spoil a whole lot, but I think
also going into it not knowing a whole lot about
it kind of makes it a little bit better. That's
how I go into all movies these days, no reviews,
no trailers. You go into it just like that. I
don't remember the last time I watched maybe trailer. I
don't like when I watch a trailer and then like
all of the good parts of the movie or in
the trailer, which has happened a lot, so now I

just don't watch trailers and I just watched the movie. Yeah.
I think that's a good way to go into this movie.
I don't think we revealed anything that would take away
from that experience. I think when people see this movie,
maybe you're not completely drawn to want to watch it
because you don't know a whole lot about it, But
from us seeing it having those same kind of feelings,

like even going into it. I didn't know that I
was going to really enjoy it. I didn't know if
I was gonna like it. I don't know I who
was gonna be boring to be honest. And then within
the first I would say twenty minutes of the movie,
I was completely in and by the end of it
it kind of gave me that feeling I got maybe
back towards like when the Originals Avengers came out, like

that big kind of triumphant moment of like, Oh, I'm
excited again, I'm hype. I'll watch anything that Marvel puts
their name on. I will too until they disappoint me
that I haven't seen. What's the one that, um, I'm
gonna try my drawing a blank on his name doctor Strange. Yeah,
you haven't seen that one. And there is a character
from Doctor Strange in this movie. So it is kind

of combining all the Marvel movies. Again, if you had
to rate this one, what would you give it? Four
and a half out of five BMW's. BMW's, they didn't
get you with the product placement on that. I literally
at one point land over and I was like, is
this movie sponsored by BMW? Now? I kind of want
to BMW. If you go back and watch some of
the Marvel movies, they kind of change in between each
one of what car company they're all about, what luxury

dealership they're partnering. This one was BMW. I remember it
was very prominent in Iron Man. I think three that
they were all about Audies. But yes, it is to
the forefront. They are all about BMW in this movie.
If I had to rate it, I think I'm right
there with you. I give it four point five out
of five. Aquafineus I think she was my the actress,

not the bottle of water. Yes, the actress. We should
clarify that if anyone who Aqua is, she is she's
an actress, an actress. She's amazing. Gave herself that name, yes,
and it's a W K A F I N A,
not like the water. I thought she was hilarious in it.
She provided that comic relief that the movie it really needed,

like it needed that kind of person, that kind of
sidekick character. She did that perfectly. And shang Chi I
thought was a really kind of different superhero just from
how he looked his powers, we kind of carried himself
and how we kind of carried the entire movie. So
I think put all those people together in this movie,

it's a hit. Like it did really well at the
box office. I think people are going to enjoy it more,
so we recommend it. He was also very attractive, Yes
he was. At one point he took a shirt off,
and even I looked over to you. I'm like, hey, man, yo,
I get it. I get it. But yeah, I think
solid Marvel movie. And another thing about this, you don't

have to watch any other Marvel movie to get this.
You could just go and not knowing a single thing.
It does reference Doctor Strange a little bit because there's
another character in there, but you had you hadn't seen
Doctor Strange, you weren't that confused. I knew that it
was a person from another Marvel movie because I recognized him. Yeah,
so you could watch this one without seeing literally any

other Marvel movie and you would get it. It's perfectly
self contained. There's nothing. There's some I guess there is
some references to what happens in Infinity War and Endgame,
but I think all the Marvel movie is now we're
gonna reference to that. It's kind of like a past thing,
just as kind of a note to those movies, but
I think moving forward, it's not a thing where you
have to have seen all the other Marvel movies. So

that's another good thing about this one. Go check it out.
Let's get into some movie news now. Sad news to
report Paramount has pushed back the release of a few
movies that we're supposed to come out in. Two movies
I've been waiting for forever. Top Gun Maverick will now
come out on March. I'm convinced this movie doesn't exist anymore.

We've been waiting for this movie for like over two
years now, and I get the idea of wanting to
put it out to have the most amount of people
want to go and feel comfortable watching the movie, put
it out at the right time compared to other movies
coming out now. But it just doesn't make sense to
me anymore. Why not one, two, but three Paramount movies
have been delayed, especially when Marvel just had one of

the biggest openings of Labor Day weekend of all time.
Shane she dominated at the box office over the weekend,
making over seventy million dollars. That's the biggest Labor Day
opening weekend of all time. And the second biggest pandemic
opening behind Black Widow. So I get that studios are
feeling hesitant to put out their big movies that they
spend so much money on. But at this point, we've

been waiting for so long. I feel the hype is
going to go down around these movies, and there's a
lot of other movies coming out from now and then
that we just want to watch these already. And I
kind of find myself caring less and less about some
of these movies mentioned with each delay that comes now,
and I feel like now I'm going to hold them
to a much higher standard when I actually get the

chance to go see them in theaters. Maybe part of
this is Tom Cruise as well, because he's so big
about people going to the movies and seeing his movies
on the big screen. That's kind of his thing that
he's gonna, you know, always preach for and want. Because
the other movie delayed by Paramount is Mission Impossible seven,
which will now come out on September two. That's over
a year away now, but the one to me that

hurts the most, I can't even read it right now.
I was bit excited for this movie since it was
announced and I even felt like the release date was
closer than I expected, which I was really excited about.
But now Jacks Forever is no longer coming out in October.
It's now been pushed back to February four two. I
was so excited to see this. It was the thing

I was looking forward to the most in October, But
now I have to wait several more months to see that.
I just hope no more delay has happened and this
is it. I thought I was over talking about delays,
but apparently not. Out of all those movies, it's just
crazy to me how long Top Gun Maverick has been
delayed so far. It was supposed to come out on
July twelve, nineteen, and then it was delayed to June.

That went to March. I actually got moved up there
and then pushed back again, so I can't even keep
track anymore. We'll see these movies later eventually. I feel
like the move would be to put all these movies
on paramount. Plus. The weirdest thing to me that was
when they just put back movies the week because Ghostbusters
After Life just got pushed back from November eleventh to

November nineteen. That just makes no sense to me. But
also in movie news, the Batman with Robert Pattinson had
his first screen testing and it lasted over three hours,
and I saw nothing but good things and reviews about
the initial screening. Now, when they have these initial screenings,
it's kind of a test them out, to show them
the audiences and get their reaction, kind of, you know,
the test audience, the litmus test of how good the

movie is, what needs to be changed, what scenes kind
of get reactions out of people, and what things maybe
they think aren't working. So it's not going to be
three hours when it comes out. They'll definitely chop that down.
I assume two and a half to twenty in that range,
depending on, you know, how these screenings go. But from
what I've seen and the reviews from this screening, it

seems like it's a really darker Batman. It's rated are,
and it has more of what they say is like
a horror movie feel, which excited to me, because if
you're gonna reimagine Batman now tell a different story, you
kind of have to go that even darker and gritty
year round in the dark night. And I hear that
Robert Pattinson is a really great Batman, so I'm really
excited to see this one. It comes out on March four.

Another thing I'm excited about coming out in October on
Paramount Plus is a documentary on the first Paranormal Activity,
and they also announced that a Paranormal Activity prequel will
be released in two and it will be exclusively on
Paramount Plus, which I also have. And there's not a
whole lot there right now. I wouldn't suggest getting Paramount Plus.
The thing I like about it it does have old
nineties and Nickelodeon shows, which I grew up on, but

as far as movies that are on the model of
forty five days after they're in theaters, they come on
Paramount Plus. So as far as new movies, still not
a whole lot there. But I actually really like the
original Paranormal Activity franchise. I kind of liked and got
into that found footage trend that was the thing for
a while, and I think Paranormal Activity did it the best.
They did that movie for so cheap and made so

much money that I will watch this documentary, and I'm
also excited to see a prequel, So that'll it for
movie news. That'll do it for this episode. But what
I do every single week is give a shout out
to one of you who tag me on Instagram, send
me a message or email movie Mike d at gmail
dot com just as a thank you for listening to
the podcast. And this week the shout out is to

Rachel Crumb comes to us from Instagram where she is
at the Cupcake Crumb and Rachel actually tagged me in
her Instagram story a screenshot. Were listening to the podcast
the episode with Pixar story artist Matthew Lan. She said,
catching up on podcasts while I work. I love this interview.
Really appreciate that. It also just helps me out when
you tag me in your Instagram story because other people

see it and maybe they listen to this podcast because
of that. So appreciate you for doing that, Rachel. I'm
looking for those right now. So if you want to screenshot,
if you're listening on the I Heart Radio app or
Apple podcast or even just like on your car dashboard.
I think even the new update on the Apple Car Play,
you can take a screenshot of your dash So if
you do that, tag me in it posted on your
Instagram story, I'll give you a shout out next week

thanks everybody for listening. Hope you had a great long weekend.
I hope you have a great rest of your week
and until next Monday. Right here on the podcast, I
will talk to you later m
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