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February 18, 2021 57 mins

Tori and Aneesa are joined by 5-time Challenger Devin Walker to talk about his Big Brother feud, announce "peach season," and explain those Dave and Max nicknames. They also get into his strategy for this week's daily challenge and Devin explains how he got so good at stirring the pot.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's up everyone. I'm Tory and I'm Anissa, and it
is time for another episode of MTV's official Challenge podcast,
where we're gonna go behind the scenes of the Challenge
Double Agents, and like I say every week, this podcast
is not spoiler free, so before we go behind the scenes,
make sure you're up to date on all the latest
Challenge episodes. And on this episode, we'll be joined by

the one and only the asshole on the show who's
actually our favorite demand of love, Devin Walker aka Dave
aka Max and we'll explain those nick names later on.
We're gonna hear what he has to say about winning
that daily challenge, working with Gabby and of course his
big brother Feud. Okay, let's get started, because I really
was so excited. I'm really excited for this interview. I'm

already all right, Ansa. Here we go Safe House thirty
six second recap in honor of the thirty six season
of The Challenge. Are you ready? But I'm gonna try.
Here you go go. So we get to this sandy

place and TJ blows the horn. What you don't see
is that my leg gets stuck and I almost fall over.
But who cares. Then we were Then we're digging and
digging and digging. I break my gloves. I'm digging that hard.
We don't win, but you know who does Devin, even
though I tried to hide every one of his pieces.
So Devin wins. Now he has power, and it's crazy.
When Devin has power, it's really fucking scary. So him
and Gabby have to decide who they're gonna throw in.

We're deliberating in things. Um, Gabby's making out with FESSI.
Fessi's trying to finesse her. I don't know what's going on.
It's kind of weird. He was like, yo, I kiss you.
How'd I feel? Moving on, Then we get to the elimination.
Amberbee gets blindsighted. I think Gabby should have winn. You
got a lot in well, Tori, you're about to get

a lot more in. Here comes mass the tea. I'm
about to close my eyes, about to go up to
this mic, and I'm about to fucking got in the zone.
Three oh one, bam, here'd we go? We on the show? Yeah,
FESSI up. Okay, No, I'm not gonna rap it like that,
but let's just talk about how FESSI and Gabby. The
only way that they were actually gonna kiss is if
Gabby was actually laying in a bunk bed, because look

at the size difference on those two. How the funk
were they actually gonna kiss like I imagine like a
huge giraffe bending down and kissing like a cow. I'm
not calling her a cow. I'm just saying like it's
a smaller, shorter animal. I'm gonna move on now, not Milola.
What the fuck is going on there? Because there's a
lot of problems in that relationship. It seems like they
need to get a divorce. I'm really happy for them.
Looked really sad when Lola was trying to get everybody
to get her thrown into elimination. But let's be real,
nobody wants to get her school, so she's gonna have

to figure something else out. She's gonna have to win
a challenge. She's gonna have to work with m Okay,
now we're gonna go into the elimination because Amber Little
Amber Amber and Amber Mini Mini's going Amber Minimber. She's
just bite size. It's cute. Oh, she's based under. Last night,
she did this wavy thing with her hair. She looks
really fucking hot yesterday. Shout out to you Amber m

M for being a cutie pie. She doesn't really like me,
but I'm still gonna give her some love because she's
from that are the one fan No. I told her.
I was like, you said she's a straight shooter and
you respect that. And she was like that's cool. So
I'm men and fences everywhere. That's what I do. Thank you.
That's put bridges back together. So talking about good moves,
play the day here the best athletic move, what would

it be? I have no no clue. I don't know.
What do you think? Can we give it to Dev?
Can we give it to Dev for winning that? Yeah,
we can give it to Debbie. Oh you didn't hear
them mess up their names? They would call them Gabby
and Debbie. I mean, wait, wait, what was it? Oh
Gavin and Debbie. Oh my god, I'm dead. That's so.

I'm like, that's not that's not I was like Debby, Debby,
Oh no, it was great. Play the Day goes to
Devin way to put the puzzle together. Being behind three groups,
three teams that that maybe could have beat you. I'm
not really sure because Josh doesn't really wear his contacts,
and even when he does, these twins not he wears glasses.

I don't know how they thought they could see that
puzzle from a far away yeah, I mean I get it, though,
Try to work smarter, not harder, like that's it looked
like a far run, Like how long? How big? Do
you think that's? Smarter would have been glasses. I would
have been like, um, pause, I need my glasses, yeah
for this one? All right, what do you think the
dirtiest deed is gotta be Gabby blindsiding amber right, I

mean that was a dirty deed, But also during the challenge,
dirty deeds were all over the place because somebody's hiding
our piece. Our piece is probably still in the sand there.
I wanted them to go out and dig it up,
but it was it just took forever, like we were
out there for a while. I had so much dirt
in my nails I cut my fingers open, Like it
was bad digging through that. And it was cold, so

you're like sweating in the cold. So I mean, the
dirtiest deed has to be one Gabby blindsiding amber by
and two just covering up everybody's pieces with dirt. It
wasn't turning them to their face that Oh my god,
I didn't see it. Yeah, ye, all right, well let's
get into this challenge. Should we dive into a deeper

I mean, I feel like we can get into it
more with Devin later on. Yeah, let's do that in
the interview, because I think that he's really going to
be able to spice that up, give us his perspective
on what was going on that day, and you know
what it was like to work with Gabby. I would, however,
like to talk about this elimination, Okay, because you were there.
I need to know. Okay, let's talk about it. Amber.

Do you think that she was really ready or do
you think Corey convinced her to vote herself in? Like,
would you really think went on with that? I think
that she wanted to have it in her own hands
for her to be like, you know what, I want
to go in. Yeah, and we've both been there before
and we both know that sometimes it doesn't work in
our favor. But she I also think she found out
in the game, like I also have a partner that

wants to go in every single time, So I'm going
to have to buck up and like want to go in.
Even if I don't, my partner's going to force me
probably to want to go in at some point. So
I think that working well with Corey gave her, did
give her some confidence. And it's also when you get
a great partner, you work differently. Yeah, and maybe that's

what she needed. So I think she wanted to go down. Um.
I don't think anyone's really ever ready for their first HAULBA.
Fuck No, I can tell you, Especially if you've never
been in a fight or you've never played a context
sport where you're running into somebody, it's different. I mean
I did it on an angle where you couldn't see
the other person and then you just collided with them.

With Laurel, of all people, and she is a beast,
and that was the first That was the first haulba.
We were like in a chicken coop in a circle
and I couldn't even see her, so we ran from
different sides, collided in the middle and went. That sounds terrifying. Yeah,
And you're running on it. You're trying to sprint like
on an angle because you're running in a circle. Oh God,
And you don't worry. I give credit to anybody who

goes into a hallball, because like you said, it's terrifying.
So anybody out there in the audience who's like, oh yeah,
like the Haba, she didn't do too well. Whatever, put
yourself in your hallway, Go get your sister or your mom.
Stare at each other twenty five feet away from each
other and saying, go and run into your bomb as
hard as you can. Shit fuck, it hurts no matter
what side you are. It's terrifying, especially when you've never

done anything like this before. It's scary, you know, and
anything can happen. I mean we saw Nelson almost beat FEESSI,
you know, like and that's why I never count anybody
out because you never know. But with experience, I've been
hit a couple of times, so I'm not afraid to
get hurt. I mean I blocked CT and ended up

with a broken ankle because I'm not afraid to get hurt.
I mean that was dumb as shit, but you still won.
Our team still won. And you know, sometimes you got
to sacrifice shit. And I think people in the challenge,
once you've done or not, like a real challenger just
throws caution to the wind where we're like you know what,
fuck it, fuck it, I'm going in and I'm doing shit. Yeah,

but I was genuinely confused about like her strategy because
at one point in time, she's not running with a ball.
So do you think that she was just frazzled from
the first hit? I think that and just trying to
get the ball because you had to run to the
other side to get your ball and then run it back.
I think it could get confusing, to be honest. Yeah,
I mean they ran back and forth more than you thought.

There was twelve times that they'd have to run. Oh
so it doesn't even really look like that. Yeah, I
think it was twelve times because they had three balls,
but she had to run there and back with one,
so run there and back with two. So six and
six okay, okay, okay, yeah, So so what was it?
How long do you think it took overall? Like realistically?
And what was I watching it? They weren't. They weren't

like scrap and scrap And I see Amber m took
her down at one point and I was like, okay, scrappy,
Like I think she was tired of, you know, yeah,
being looking like she's about to lose. And I mean
we've seen more brutal haulball, so this was like a
gentle haulball. Okay, but these are two people that have
never done it before, so right, Yeah, I'm trying to

be fair about it. But yeah, put you know, maybe
a season vet in there, like put put Cam on
the other side of the hallway. Even Lolo. Yeah, she's
gonna outrun you, and she also she might fuck you
up in there. Oh god, Solo is not somebody acted
like you would want to see on a habros. She's
just so strong, like, she's so strong like and she's

crazy in the best competitive way possible. I mean, Michael
Jordan was a fucking crazy animal when it came to competition.
I give Lolo that team credit, Like you have to
have something a little loose up there to be as
as incredible as she is, so yeah, or something so
so so well trained. Yeah, you can't train that. Yeah,
she's she's gonna be competitive about every and intense about

every single thing she does. She's a fucking olympian. Yeah,
she's not a regular person. She's an Olympian. She's a superperson. Yeah,
she is a superperson. She's a person on crack, Like
we're regular people. She's a superperson. Yeah, h I mean,
but how do we feel okay? So well, you don't
know is that amber B and Gabby have not been

getting along, and I think it was easy for her
to call her name out and be like fuck it
because she couldn't trust her. Yeah. I think a lot
of people in the house were kind of wondering which
amber Be we were getting because she was very nice
a lot, and she very emotional and sweet and affectionate.

Gave killer backrubs like keep going, girl, just please just
be a massage Therapist's awesome. But I think there were
other sides to her, and I think that it being
her first challenge, she was really aware of herself and
how she was going to be portrayed, but she was
still I mean, I didn't know that Big Brother had
her like that, Like, I had no idea. I just

thought she was playing with the Vets. No, she was
playing with Big Brother. Yeah, And you know, Devin called
it out from the very beginning, like and I didn't
want to hear it because I had always been really
close with Josh because of World World's too. Josh and
I were just on this outskirts of the Alliance and
then we just kept getting thrown into eliminations. So I
always had this thing with Josh because we always felt

like we were kind of outsiders. But I didn't realize
coming in how strong that big brother alliance was. And
now we really see it. I mean like I forgot
Lolo was technically big brother, like because she had done
it before. Oh god, I totally forgot till this second. Yeah,
Lolo was big brother, Amber b was big brother. Josh, Fessi,
Casey huge alliance with their Devin was not wrong. These

motherfuckers are stacked. Like, well, I think it's because of
what I said, you know what. I'll probably dive into
more with Devin in the interview, But like last season
on Total Madness, it was not like that. Yeah, it
was like Josh and Fessi maybe, but more so Fessi
and Casey, but you really didn't see it. Yeah, but

now when they didn't really have Bailey because Bailey was
with Bailey and Casey were cool, but were they working together.
I don't fucking know. I still don't know what was
going on. So I think now they came into this
like yo, we gotta keep each other in tact. So
I'm like Okay, well I'm gonna keep picking Betsy even
if we don't work well together to one humble his

ass and two, you know, because we had different different
ways of playing, so I felt like it was a
cool strategy to have, like, you know, a fall guy.
But and he also had a huge alliance and they
were all interconnected, so it worked out well. But yeah,
going back to that, I mean, amberm goes home and

I don't know if it's the last we'll see of her,
You never know. I mean, she really did have a
big personality. Was great at Mafia. She would do all
these different voices. Yeah, she'd be like cockadoodle, dude, wake
up everybody. I mean, it was just she was fun.
She really was fun. And when she could, like she
let loose and she really opened up towards this part

in the game. So it was it was upsetting to
see her go because you know, you like people who
were fun in the house because you need it. Yeah, totally,
speaking of fun, should we get into Yeah, let's get
some of these topics. Let's talk about Let's talk about
this bunk bed kiss because because I said it before
in my thirty six second recap, and I honestly, obviously
we all knew that Bessy and Gabby had a thing

going on, but how they must have been like planning
how to kiss like that because the height difference between
the two is so massive that you think she was like, Yo,
I'm gonna be lying in big kissed me there so
I don't have to I don't have to reach up. Yeah.
I mean he could have just picked her up and
kissed her. That would have been hot, would have been

that would have heightened that spice factor. Yeah, that would
have been smooth. But he kissed her and he was like, yeah,
how'd you feel about those lips? Oh? Are they just
as great as everything else? On me? Because I'm competitive,
you can want to kiss Oh my god, you can
see it. Did anybody in the house know that that happened? Yeah,

we totally knew they were hooking up. So did Devon know?
I don't know, okay, because you know, Gabby is kind
of a hot commodity should a beautiful girl. Yeah, so
I think everybody. I mean, I was looking at her, like,
so I get to we get to tan each other.
What's up? What's next? What you missed a spot on

me and yourself? It's just I don't know. I don't
know what was going on. Yeah, okay, well you know what,
maybe we'll find out a little bit more when we
talk to her. The one and only Devin Walker. I'm
so excited to have him on this show. I think
that a lot of people think that we're probably enemies,
but I truly believe that we are freenemies, the true

definition of freenemies. We do love each other, and you
love him, and there is something special about his personality.
He definitely brings something new, interesting, brave, annoying, I mean,
we have all the adjectives for him. Yeah, he's great, Yeah,
very well rounded. I'm really excited to talk to him.
All right, we're gonna get into it right after this break.

All right, folks, we have come to that moment in
the podcast where we get to interview someone so very
very special and near and dear to our hearts. We
have everybody's funny guy, amazing commentary given in all of
his interviews, your favorite tech guy, Fomer Master, drinking under

the table, but also outsmart. You Devin Walker. Yea day, lady,
thank you for having me. Long awaited, very excited to
be here. It feels so bad to hear your voice.
I'm gonna be honest with you. It's so triggering to

hear your fucking voice. But I love you. You know.
Dave and I aka Devin Walker and I have had
a long running rivalry. But let's be real, Dave, we're
fucking friends. Okay, can you just say it? Yeah, yeah,
we're friends. I think. Well, first of all, let me
start here. Okay, congratulations Tori and Anissa on this podcast.

On the success of this podcast. It is as someone
who has had several failed podcasts, I know the work
that goes into it, and you guys are crushing it.
So when someone does a good job, you tell him
good job. You guys crushing it. Well done. Thank you.
Back to Tori's original question, Yes, we are friends, and

hopefully this interview can put our rivalry to rest. Okay,
I love that for us. I mean like, you are
my favorite person to hate and I hit you up
after I watched the episodes, and I swear to God
for everybody listening, I actually am a big fan of Devin.
It sucks to be on his bad side. Everyone can

see how he can move through the game. He's a
fucking dick. He's an equal opportunity. Dick. He's an asshole
to everybody, but you gotta love him because he's such
a fucking character. So thank you for coming on the show.
I can't wait to dive into this episode with you,
especially because you fucking won that challenge. Yeah, that was
against all odds scenario there. Yeah, I believe I was

covering up all your puzzle pieces. I'm like another white one.
I'm like, fuck no the game, why would people specifically
gunning for you? H Well, I mean I'm a bit
of a loose cannon anyways, and it it was clear

what my intentions were, and it was to you know,
blow up the alliance that had been running in the
game the whole time. And as we get closer to
the finish line, you know, those wins become more and
more important, so obviously you want somebody on your side
to win, and I was not really on any one side.

I had ct Nam, kind of had Kyle, but the
rest of the house was very much against me, and
so it was it was really good timing. Yeah, Now
do you think the helmet you wore helped you to
build this? Like? Was there an extra like brain pack
in there to help you solve this puzzle, because, as

you see in this episode, people are way ahead of you.
Oh yeah, I mean we tried to make you lose
and you still beat us. I mean teams that already
had all their pieces in trying to assemble it, and
you literally just said, oh, I'm just I have one
of these in my backyard. Well, I actually do have

a cotem pole in my backyard. But when I saw
I'm not gonna lie, I saw Nanni and Josh finish first,
I thought, well, zero fucking chance they win, and then
Corey and Amber m were behind them, and I'm thinking, okay,
collective IQ of that team isn't putting a totem pull together.

So as we started moving through the teams, I although
I hadn't even found all the pieces, uh, you know,
I still liked our chances, um, you know, and he said,
I don't think you and FESSI found all yours. So
you're you guys are a team. I would have thought
you missed one. Yeah, so you guys are a team
I would have thought would have been, you know, had
a legitimate chance at this. And then it was really

just CT and Big T because I'm you know, CT.
Everyone says, I'm the puzzle master, cts the puzzle master. Yeah,
and it is his ability to kind of process information,
uh in the heat of the moment is really unmatched.
So when I when I saw that they had gotten

all of their pieces, I was thinking, all right, this
is you know, gonna be tough. But um, the strategy
that that ended up working out the best was just
look in the areas that look like they have been
reburied because everyone was finding our pieces and then burying
them again. So smart. God, It's like, that's so annoyed.
I'm like, why am I gonna? And I felt bad

kind of I don't feel bad at all, actually, but
for one second, I was like, I really do like Devon,
but I don't know what he's going to do, and
I don't know why I was so blind to the
fact that I was attached to someone that a lot
of people were not happy about and did not want
in the game, and watching the show back, I'm like,

all you motherfucker's kept voting for me, But it wasn't me.
You were voting for him. It wasn't somebody would have
knocked on my door and let me know, hey, you
were the best thing that could have possibly happened to him,
and that's why I was. So it's so frustrating to
watch the season play back and for him to be
kind of hinting that you're like an anchor, when it's like, FESSI,
without Anissa, you would have been everybody's target because you're

not likable and you're you know what I mean, like,
you have zero social game and you're a pretty physically
imposing player. So the only reason that you guys weren't
on the chopping block every single week was because of you.
In my opinion, thank you. You hear of that, because
I don't even listened to our podcast. He definitely fucking doesn't.

He's doocause he's listening to his own podcast on repeat.
He's probably listening for your voice. Oh yeah, and listen.
And for the record, a Fessie's podcast is just forty
five minutes of silence, just dead air. It's called dead air,
and it's just a day fucked up. But I got

it all right, Dave Devin, Dave Devin, I got a
question for you because you see you working with Gabby
this week, and I know how hard it is to
work with you politically as a partner, because you just
decide that when you're in a partnership, you're you're the
head of the house. You're like, okay, it's my game.
Like play along with me, even though you're the one
that has a lot to lose, because technically Gabby still

needed to go in and get her skull. So number one,
what is it like working with Gabby? And number two,
how the fuck did you convince her not to go
down in that hall brow? Yeah, so two excellent questions. Yea,
working with Gabby was a bit of a roller coaster.
We are, believe it or not, very similar in terms

of our approach to kind of security in our own thoughts.
So like, we both always think that our plan is
the best plan. So it was difficult to work with
her when we weren't on the same page, which doesn't
show in this episode, but for the most part, we

were on the same page. It's just, as Kyle points out,
when you throw power into the mix, everything gets a
little bit more cloudy. I mean what, I didn't even
even really convince her not to I just convinced to
look at it from my perspective. And then also as
soon as she saw that haul, it was a no go.

She literally pointed at her face and goes, I'm not
going down there, and I was like, what do you mean?
And then she was pointing at her face and I
was like, well, what do you think is gonna happen?
Your face weren't helmet right, But she was afraid a
little bit. There was, Yeah, there was also like, there
was a lot of other aspects to that that didn't
really play out. You gotta understand that Amber was one

of her closer friends in the game, and everyone keeps
saying this and about how terrible it is to go
against your friend and blah blah blah, and then especially
if you put yourself down there against your friend, I
think it's just an extra added layer. Granted they've known
each other for six weeks or whatever, but it still
played a factor in her mind. And I do think
probably to this day, she regrets it, because I regret

it too. I wish I wish I had sent her
down there, and I would have if I knew, If
I knew it was a girl's day, there's no doubt
in my mind we're going down there, because then I'm
going rogue. Yeah, because totally picked FESSI and then my
ass is going rogue. Yeah, because more than likely, whoever,

she like Anissa this, let's just play this scenario out.
She Gabby, goes down, wins picks Fessie, you can pick
between me and Corey. I mean, I really like you, Max.
I feel like, I mean, our brains together, I mean
my argument like, we might not be the fastest together,

but we're fucking figuring out all your tech problems. You
tech solutions. Call us, you need your homebugs, you call us,
you need some puzzles, call us, Yeah, Maxy, Max and
Max coming through with all of your needs. Well that's
a good segue. That's a good segue into why I've

I've never had this relationship with two people where we've
all call each other the same thing as well. So,
like I'm Dave, So Tory calls me Dave, and I
called Tory Gave. But Anisa calls me Max, and I
call Tory Max now or excuse me, I call Anisa Max.
So Tori started calling me Dave because she said I

just look like a Dave. But she was like, you're
just daving it up all the time, like looking like Dave,
And I think that means like I look like someone's
dad that has like, you know, like white sneakers and
like he's wearing like khakis and like it's going golfing.
Like I think that's what I like, and I am
kind of that way. And then for whatever reason, I
just call it started calling you Dave too. Yeah, that's great,

that's how that's how the Dave thing came about. But
the Max thing is almost even funnier because it was
it's when me and a Nissa figured out that we
are not field agents. We're not We're not going to
be out there on the front line, um, you know,

shooting shooting people or you know, on in a moped chase.
That's not really our vibe. We are in the vand
uh and we're doing the tech uh. And the guy
from Mission Impossible of It does that's name is Max.
So we are Max. Yeah. So we max it out.
I mean, we're doing a lot of things that's fucking epic.

We max it out that we do. Oh my god,
Oh all right, well that's amazing. I'm thankful that we
all can fucking joke outside of the house because we
know what we're in there. It's not always jokes. Dave,
you're a pot stir you are that you do that?
Do you practice that at home? Yeah? Well, okay, all

credit to Brendan Ryan in Yuri, who are my three
older brothers. And if you think I can stir a pot,
you should see the ladle these three year dragon I'm
telling you right now, my my ability to pin people

against each other is fractional compared to these three super
pot stirring geniuses. And so do I practice it in
my normal life? No, But anytime the four of us
are in the same room, there's stirring. And that happened
for you know, nineteen years straight. So yeah, there was

a there was a fair fair amount of stirring going on.
And that's it's just kind of ingrained in me to
shake things up. As I said in this in this episode,
big chaos guy, not a big not a big stagnant
energy guy. Shake it up like shaking it up. Yeah,
you could do it so well, you really do. A

house with you in it is a livable house. I
will say that moments of doubt time, just a good
morning Devon and a good morning Anisa really got my
day going full of energy and the chaos would come later.
I've got one gear I love it. Stay in that gear.

I want to know this though, the personal big brother
rivalry this few because I was there and they don't
show that big fight. I know that your shoes were
taken off. If you could go into that fight a
little with a little bit more detail, help the listeners
to kind of understand, you know, what was going on
that night and why the few Okay exists in the

first place. Yeah, let me break this down because it
goes back aways. Actually, the seed was planted in my
first season of the Challenge where there was some new
are You the One players and it was like the
second season that are You the One had been introduced
into the game and we were immediately target First of all,

Tory can attest to this. I've been trying to have
an argue the One Alliance, Yeah, for five years pitching it.
I'm in it now, I promise, I'm in it now. Yeah,
I keep pitching it. It keeps getting shut down. And

that happened on Rivals three, and you know on every
season I've done since then where there was anybody from
Ari the One. So part of it, truthfully, because I
am I try to be an honest person and I
try to be you know, um have a have a
pretty good self awareness. It's honestly a little bit of
it is based in jealousy. They come in out of

a different show. No one gives them any shit, no
one's targeting them, No one cares that they're from a
different show. People from Ari the One. It was like,
you guys are from a different show. You guys got
easy money, We hate you. You're going into every elimination.
I was like, Okay, well, now that we've kind of
gotten out of that, let's do it to Big Brother. Wrong.
Absolutely not, and they're all gonna gang up on us,

and we're all gonna wait in line to getting to
their alliance. I can't even get one alliance. They got
people waiting in line. So it's honestly like a bit
of it was was fueled by jealousy. And then I
also will say that the casting for in my opinion,
for The Challenge from MTV based shows and from The

Challenge or Excuse Me, and from Big Brother is just
very different. They're a very different style of person and
if you watch Big Brother, that the show is based
on lying and manipulating, and so that's why it's also
so confusing to me that everyone can't wait to align
themselves with someone from Big Brother when like, time and

time again, we've seen the like PAULI started it off.
He swore to Joss on his family that he was
not going to hit them with a grenade, said get
off this podium and you are safe. I swear on
my family's lives. Yeah. What did he do with the
first opportunity that he had stabbed him in the back?
Swore on his family's life. Yeah, And then I'm like yeah.

And so it's like there is a long list of
situations like that that keep happening. But like the me
and the Wests of the world, who've actually never done anything,
are these big master manipulators. It's like they're from a
show where the best liar wins, and most of them
have won. You're wrong, You're not wrong. So it's like

part jealousy and then part just like frustration that I
feel like I'm one of the only people that sees
it for what it really is. After they begain a
lot of people. Yeah, I thought last season two, but
I don't think they had. It was their first season,
so I don't think they had the wherewithal to like
really pull shit together, and they also didn't want to,

I think, give away any of their strategy, knowing that
they make it cast again. Yea, you know. So I
think it was just an entry, like an entry into
this world and then then we're gonna suck everybody over
next season. The shoe thing is The shoe thing is
interesting though, because that was so Bessie came. We were
at the Igloo or the ice Stone or whatever we're
calling it, and I was in the kitchen just kind

of sitting there drunk, and Bessie just came in and
ripped my shoe off and threw it in the trash can,
which I honestly think it's funny. Yeah, this happened, This
all happened. I actually kind of think that that's funny.
So but like in classic Devon response, I put up
my other shoe and I was like, yeah, take this
one off, bitch boy. So yeah, so I kind of

flipped it on him, and then of course Josh gets involved,
and then you know, and things get escalated because I
never stop, and I don't like that about myself. I'm
trying to stop being such a dick. It's hard, and
most it is, it's tough in those situations though, And

now you know, I just I look back at this
season so far and I see so many crucial errors.
And for someone that pats myself on the back for
being so smart, I was so dumb so many of
these of these opportunities that I had to kind of

put myself in a better position. I thought, you mean,
I think you got to give yourself a little bit
more credit. I understand like the reflective part of all
of this, because that's you know, we have to watch
ourselves back and like we hopefully get the opportunity to
go back and change it, but at least looking into
forward seasons, Like in future seasons you can evolve your
game play. So I and I hope, I hope to

I hope to shut it right the fuck up a
little bit more. Oh, what's crazy is that if there's
a rival season all the but you've been fighting with
or from Big Brothers, so uh, you might get your
wish that you're gonna be in the alliance. You know,
Corey has set the bar pretty high for partners in

a season, but if they do arrivals for your boy
could have twelve partners. Yeah, I might just be bouncing
around based on the competition. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'd like
to be paired up with you just for comedic relief,
but also just to prove people wrong and really get
some shit done. Oh, we'd crush it. I think. I mean,

I love being Tory's partner. I think being in That's
the thing. It's like, there's so many people in that
game that are underrated and have like really really solid
qualities of a challenger, and yet completely overlooked because of
this tunnel vision of like bigger, faster, stronger, when it's

just not necessarily what gets you the wins. Yeah, it's
not really not. They're like, oh, I would take one
of you two again or Tory again? Are you and
Hessa in a heartbeat? Yeah, this is the misconception. It's like, oh, well,
if you don't have endurance and you got to run this,
I'm like, I've never seen a marathon runner make it
through a challenge knowing that they're all the physical eliminations.

I can't be that tiny and be scary at the
same time. My weight is what helps me. One stay
fucking warm so I can swim like a fish too.
It helps me on cold nights, it helps me be
the big spoon. And three, if I have to do
a haul brawl or tuggo war, like I'm dragging you. Now.
If I'm built like a marathon runner and I'm one
hundred and twenty pounds, you're getting my ass because being

an eliminate having to go in this season was crucial
to you getting to that final And for people who
think it's all about endurance and you've got to be
tiny and you can't be fit, like, no, that's actually
not the truth. And I've seen big people fall in
the end that have six packs and great endurance. It
really Lolo right now, I'm in Lolo. Lolo can't do

shit this season, Like what the fuck is going on
with that? Yeah? Like, and they are specimens both, Yes,
they were having a hard time this episode. Oh many
they are. I mean, I'm a big scale guy relationship
potential one to ten, it's coming into a hard one, right,

I'm here at a point five if there's a chance
to put that on there. I mean, you were close
with Noam, like, so you got to see his perspective
of the whole thing, Like what was it like being
his friend through all of that? Yeah, I mean I'm
a Nom guy A day one Noam guy Man spelt

backwards that nom nom nom nom. I mean I could
go on. I could go on for days. I think.
I think he's just such a genuine and kind in
like thankful person that in my mind, if you're disagreeing

with Nam, that's on you. Yeah, Like I honestly I
would use sometimes Nam is like a parameter to check
myself and be like, hey, Nam, what do you think
about this? And if Nam was like, that's a fucked
up thing to do, I would dial it down, you know,
because he I really feel like his kind of moral
compass is so sound. And the more I learned about

Nam's background and just kind of like his upbringing, the
more I respect him. And so I gotta say here
that that whole, that whole not getting a long thing
is on Lolo, That that is not me just being
a big Nam guy and being biased. I think even
as an objective kind of looker on, she was incredibly

difficult to deal with and in intense is not the
correct word. It's it's whatever is seven words above, and
and I get it. She was an Olympian, Like, Okay,
can I just say there's two things that we get Lolo,
I get it. You're an athlete, Corey, you have children. Okay,

I am aware where Corey's children. Let's not put that
in anymore interviews in anything, like I get like understood
at Corey's got children. Moving on. We all know why

everybody's here for their families. Get the family quota was
met this up? Yeah, people want to win. That's something
funny too. It's like I want I want them. I
want us to go on a season sometime and for
them to be like, all right, what do you guys play?
What are you guys playing for families? Ruled out something

else like yeah, it's TJ's like, yes, season, you can
it played for your family? Sure, I want to fucking
I want my cat to have a treehouse. Bat That's
what I'm playing for this time. Yeah, I'm playing for
bragging rights. And that's it's you can't say shit to
me ever again, and even if you do, I'm not

gonna fucking care. Levin your Tories partner, how do you feel?
How do you feel about being Tories partner? It's like, well,
you know, she really wants her cat to have a treehouse,
So I feel like I'm gonna give it the extra
you know, a little push and start crying can do
it for me. So oh my god. Okay, wait, dev

I got another question for you because we were just
talking about Nam and this like physical stature of a man.
But I want to I want to take all that attention.
I want to put it on you this season of
the Challenge for you, you fucking show up. You beat
West in the past, You've beaten bananas. People do not
give Dave enough credit? Can we say it? Yeah? Can

we say it credit? I've been saying it for years
on two people that are really not getting a lot
of credit this season, Tory and I aren't getting much
credit at all. But we're gonna put you in the
non credit category to tell you that you deserve some
damn credit. It takes some It takes someone that deserves

more credit to uh to see someone deserves more credit.
Is that a saying it is? Now? Well? Yeah, I
don't know, Dave. Yeah, by Max Dave, I feel like, um,
I said this to West too, and I really mean this. Um.
It took me a little while to realize this, but

like Anissa, you fall into this category. What you guys
were able to build excuse me. What you guys were
able to build, What Johnny and you, Anissa and Wes
and ct and you know so many other people were
able to build is incredibly impressive. And to have the
opportunity to go down and face off against these legends

is really cool in and of itself, and to come
out on top is even cooler. So I feel like
like you guys have paved the way for something soaked.
I legitimately think The Challenge is the best game on Earth.
I think it's the best show. I think it's the
best game, and I'm so happy to be a part

of it. And to be able to go up against
people that helped kind of carve that path is just
like really fucking cool it win or lose, in my opinion. Now,
I would not have said this three years ago. Well
thank you. That made me a little teary eyed. It
feels almost surreal. And to watch it back and obviously

that you know, the one against West, it's not ideal
because I um, I took out someone that has kind
of mentored me through this process. But at the same time,
there is like this kind of symbiotic passing of the
torch that seems to be happening over the last few years.

And for those of us that are, you know, fortunate
enough to get it handed down to we've got a
big responsibility because you guys, you you you've put something together.
I'm really proud to be a part of. Oh it's true.
Thank you, And I mean that goes that goes for
for being a Murray and for the network and for

everybody that who's faces they don't see that that helped
put the show together. The camera guys, the audio people,
the producers, the you know, all the way down the line.
You guys have interviewed some of those people that built
it from the ground up on here and so you know,
I don't know I was. I feel like I was
just like a cocky little dick that like felt like

I deserved it three or four years ago, and after
a little bit of a break, I just feel like
really blessed to have the shot and trying to make
fucking fire show and win a million bucks. You're really show. Yeah,
I mean those interviews, man, and like the cards are
falling in your favor this season, Like there are a

lot of things that are happening for you. You're pulling
out wins left and right. I mean, you're you're one
of my favorite players in the game depth, so you
got to give yourself credit to You are absolutely solidifying
yourself as like that a big part of the New School,
which is so cool. Yeah, I appreciate that. Let's just
make sure that we don't give ourselves a nickname hashtag tyb.

I can't, all right, we can stick to New School.
That's fine with me. Yeah, okay, funny. I just want
to dive a little deeper into your personal life because
since you are coming up in this quote unquote new school,
people got to know what's going on at home? Have
you been watching the seasons? Are the episodes? Have you
been getting ready for another challenge potentially? Can we talk

about your guns, what you got going on, Dave Boom
coming at you live with all the dews. Yeah. So,
so here's the deal. As I just mentioned, I will
do these shows until they stop asking me to do them.
At this point because of the kind of new found

respect I have for the game and it's the greatest
job on Earth, and why would I be an idiot
and not do it. So I'm always now training not
to be a part of the show, but to win
the show for a long time. I was happy to

be there, and I'm not going to name drop, but
there was a few people this season that we're happy
to be there, and it pissed me off because we're
talking about, like Tony almost died, you know what I mean.
Like we're out there in these challenges and it is
serious and it's like people's livelihoods and everyone's playing for

their families whatever, but like it is an intense thing
to be a part of. And I had to kind
of check myself and say, if you're fortunate enough to
keep doing these, you better start fucking coming correct, Because
I feel like I've got half. I've got the more
difficult half of a really good challenger, and that's what's

going on in between my ears, and so there's really
no excuse for me to show up out of shape
and kind of taking for granted a massive opportunity. So, yes,
I have been getting in shape. I am two hundred
and four pounds right now. Yeah, I'm hitting this not
on accident, on purpose, and you can you can see

all that progress. Don't let the weather forecast fool you. Okay,
peak season is here year round. There's heat there too,
you know it's always hot, walk always hot. I'm telling you, ladies.
You guys had this whole. You guys had this uh
this ass pick market cornered. But no longer, okay, no longer.

I can't wait. I want to know if you do
peach pie. Now I'm starving. Um. I know that you
and the and the listeners don't know this little secret.
Devin brought a beautiful Speedo with him, and only certain
men should wear speedos. Devin is one of them. Will
speedos be making a return on future seasons. I just

got a whole new batch. I got a whole new batch.
I got a whole new batch of Speedos and they
are top tier. Okay, I can't wait till top quality.
Oh god, I wait to see the amazing I hope
believe it if I get to, you know, do another

one of these things where somewhere where I can wear
a bathing suit. Right? Thank you? Be sure you don't
want to go to like the Arctic Circle or something.
Next challenge, Racey, I did a rod. We're like fuck.
Just imagine how intense the pool parties would have been
on this season backstabbing in the line, you throw a

couple of fucking waves in the mix wave pool. We
thought Lolo was losing her mind before you got put.
Now I'm in a wave pool. Now I'm wet more
days than not. I would be. I would have became
a towel. Is there anything I'm in the pool right?

Remember when we did that breathing exercise and then we
all opened our eyes and then Nam was just there
and there's like underwear. I'm like, there is a god,
and God is listening to our breaths, and my breaths
were all channeled to I'm spotty. I don't know if
I'm breathing for myself at that point. I just love
to wake up to that. Oh I love you, I

really do. It's such a joy. I wish we could
have you on more than once though. Yeah, me too. Hey,
I'm here anytime you guys want to. But there's a
lot of other characters I feel like have some explaining
to do, so I personally they do. We'll be listening
to those interviews as much as uh as much as
this one, because some people you really want to hear

from because your input is important to us. Yeah, yeah, well,
why don't you get Darrell's ass on here? Chat with
him a little bit dirty, d unbelievable what I mean, Yeah,
I don't know. Again, I appreciate you guys, and and
the love is mutual. You're doing something really cool here,

so I was just happy to be a part of it.
And uh yeah, I mean literally, anytime your boy just
goes to the gym, hammer's ass picks and crushes non
alcoholic beers, that's what I do. Peach season now with
the Great Devin Walker. Where can the people find you, Devin?
Where can we follow you? Oh? Well, you gotta hit
me up on Instagram because I have great rants there.

It's MTV Underscore Devin Twitter. My Twitter handle is MTV Devin.
I don't think there's an underscore, So you know, depending
on the content you're looking for, you can get rants,
gambling tweets or you know, aspects and gentlemen trouble threat

over here. All right, Dave, We love you so much, man,
We'll talk to you to love you. Love you guys too.
Thanks a lot. It is always so wonderful to hear
from the great, honorable funny dickhead Devin Walker, also known

as Dave Max. Yeah, it's just so amazing hearing from him.
So thank you again, Devin for the awesome interview and
your insight and good luck on making that two O
four two ten. Yeah, muscle man, let's get into some
listener transmissions. We got some questions from people and we
went through I DMS we can only answer to right now,

but we got some good ones in. So, Anissa, I
don't to ask you first what, since you've done so
many seasons and in the best way possible, what was
your favorite or most memorable daily challenge that you've ever done?
The ones where I won, there you go. But my
first daily win with a partner was with DM, I think,

which was really important for us because we one needed
that boost of morale and two we were always so
close to like winning stuff and not getting there. So
winning with her on a blindfolded challenge behind CT and
Wes was just it was just great. And I think
in hindsight it means more because you know, I don't

have her to compete with anymore. So that was a
that was a favorite daily for me. What was yours? Honestly?
Mine was with Jordan. Mine was the Challenge and Dirty
thirty right before we locked ourselves into the final and
we had to do this like minifinal, and we secured
our spot, and I just think that feeling of locking

yourself into the final through a daily challenge was just
nothing felt like that. And it was really cool for
us because we had really grown like close that season.
So it was a really nice, bitter sweet thing to
think back on and I'm still very thankful for that memory.
Oh yeah, let's get a favorite daily challenge A couple
of them on Dirty thirty, when Tory would celebrate me

when I did well. So those like men a lot,
because I feel like people celebrate you for the wrong reasons.
And you were just like my team player, Like, girl,
you fucking killed it, And I'm like, we're gonna be
friends whether you like it or not. Yes, you know.
I love this story because I genuinely on my first
season of the Challenge Dirty thirty, there was that purge

in the very beginning where we had to roll those barrels.
We had to go get them. I swear to God
in my interview, I was like, I'm gonna show these
these old girls how to do it. I don't think
a Nissa got it. I literally specifically called out Anissa.
My ass got handed to me. Because she beat me.
I walked up to her after that, I said, I
can't even I can't even front right now. I'm so impressed.
I'm sorry that I ever counted you out. I'm I honestly,

I deserve to come behind you for that. And like
that was the moment when I realized people fucking I
slept on Anissa. People sleep on Anissa. The girl pulls
it out when she needs to. You are a fucking challenger, dude.
Now when I don't need to pull it out, I won't.
Johnny taught me work smarter, not harder. Sometimes you don't
have to win every challenge because this win incomes power,
and that power you don't need it, Fessie and I

don't need shit right now, because you know what, we're
gonna be public enemy number one again. It's so true.
And you guys are like writing below the radar in
this season and it's it's amazing. Like you you both
have your schools, there's nothing else you need to do.
You got to go to the final, that's it, right,
Who cares? So you didn't want to come in last?
You know what I didn't want to do really run
with you because I was in my own head. And
that's for another time. So let's go onto the second

question tour. Now that there are Olympians on the show,
who is your dream celebrity partner? All right, I'm gonna
tell you this. This is also the person that if
I had to be stop on an island with anybody,
and I couldn't pick any so out I know who
this is going to be? WHOA Farrel? Let me tell
you why everybody loves Will Farrel. We would never get
voted into elimination. I mean if we had to go,

we would go. I would have the time of my life.
We'll keep you to the end because they'd think he
wouldn't be able to do anything. But also would I
say when you go into a final or Johnny and
I talked about it before. It was like, who would
you want to go on vacation with? Yeah, you know,
put in the other people, put them into elimination. Then
you keep the people you want to hang around with. Yeah,

rough and boring and horrible, and you need people to
keep you grounded. Who would you want your celebrity dream
partner to be? So this isn't really a celebrity if
you will, but he's a CrossFit guy. He was in
the CrossFit Games. I follow him on Instagram. His name
is Cody J. Mooney. He takes burpies like a champ.

He eats those bar facing burpies up at I give
freda to people who love burpies because I fucking hate
them and Tori makes me do them. Cody J. Mooney
on Instagram. If you're listening, if you ever listen, I
think you're beautiful. I know that you're younger than me,
but holy body, Tory, I want all of the Oh

he's w Yeah, look at that muscle up. Anissa's showing
me his video right now. For all the listeners, let's
give Anissa a little extra chef. Let's go to his instagram,
Cody J. Mooney, and we're gonna go comment under his
last post and be like, Anissa gave you a shout
out on the Challenge podcast. She wants to eat your children,
sorry before they're actually children. So just put that out there.

A Nisa said that we want to see how many
comments we get on Cody J. Mooney's Instagram. I would
love it. Oh, spam the shit out of that man, Okay,
because he is beautiful. I just showed Tory. He seems
like he's a great dude. I know nothing about him perfect. Yeah,
his abs look great, which means he's great. So, Tori,

this was a great, great day for the podcast. I
think we talked about a lot. We laughed a lot,
a lot. Yeah, we really did. But it's coming to
that time. Gotta close out. Huh Yeah, all right, Well,
I Nisa, tell everybody where they can follow you and
where they can follow Cody J. Mooney again, so we
can really make something happen because I'm dead. Follow me Anissa,

MTV that's a n e E s a MTV. Follow
Cody J. Mooney that's co d y J m o
O n e Y. But make sure he doesn't get
more followers than me, because that would be weird that
I'd boost him up that much. But let him know
I said it, and let him know that I would
love for him to be on the challenge one because
he looks good and two because he feels good I

think in my mind, and three because I feel like
he'd kick ass. So well, that being said, Tori, where
can they find you? All right, guys, you already know
the deal. Tory underscored deal, come through, follow me send
me some DMS. You know, I love some good, juicy
details and I love I love a lot of love.
There's a lot of hate going on on social media
right now. If you see some hate, if you see

some bullying, harassing comments, as a good person, I want
you to report those comments, and then I want you
to comment back to everybody and tell the world how
much you love them. Let's spread some love this season,
because we know we've all been going through a lot.
So thank you guys so much for being a fan
of the show, and make sure that you watch new
episodes of The Challenge every Wednesday and go behind the
scenes with us the next morning on MTV's official Challenge podcast.
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Tori Deal

Tori Deal

Aneesa Ferreira

Aneesa Ferreira

Devyn Simone

Devyn Simone

Da'Vonne Rogers

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