Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's up everyone. I'm Tori and I'm Anissa, and this
is MTV's official Challenge podcast where we go behind the
scenes of the Challenge Double Agents. Before you begin, there
are spoilers ahead, so make sure you're up to date
on the latest Challenge episodes. And this was a crazy episode.
Tensions are high as we get closer to the final
alliances are being broken and Casey and Leroy when their
fifth Daily Challenge. And stick around till later in the
episode because we will be interviewing Amber Be and you
do not want to miss that. All right, Anissa, let's
get started, all right, Anissa, let's jump right into my
least favorite segment of a podcast. Actually, I love this segment.
It always cracks me up. The safe House a quick
thirty six second recap in honor of it being the
thirty six season. Anissa, are you ready? Not exactly? All right? Well, listen,
it's not about I'm gonna try my best though, all right, ready? Three? Two?
What go? I'm I'm going on the show suck? Okay,
we could try it again? A ready? All right? Three? Two?
What go? Okay? So, as you guys know, I'm out
of the equation. I'm no longer on the challenge, but
these people are and they arrived to the next challenge
because they're not in the final yet, and they gotta
go and metal balls and roll around. There are a
lot of balls this season out at a Why so
everybody's running over targets. Fessie's trying to run over and
Annie inside of the inside of the ball. Oh guess what, shocker,
Leroy and Casey went again. I really need new winners
because i'd need them to spice up the show anyway.
Then you know who's going to go into elimination because
they didn't win. Oh, you guessed it, Kyle and Amber
and then Set and Big Tea go in against them.
But shocker, it's not a guy's day, it's a girl dad.
Good job. That was good. I did what I could. Okay,
you did, you did great. Listen, you can be the
best of everything you know, No, you can't be. And
I mean, honestly, I think he really summed it up
so well that my thirty six seconds is gonna sound
a lot like yours. But I'm gonna do my best. Listen,
fill in the blanks. You know what to do, and
you know you have three seconds okay, three two one,
and NSA's not there anymore. So it sucks, but we're
gonna keep it moving forward. That's right. Everybody's in balls,
like and Niessa already said. And while they're in the balls,
absolutely FESSI is doing his thing, acted like there's nobody
in there with there. I don't know how n he's
gonna lose a bone, and you might break bone, but
I don't know how you're gonna lose one. So everyone
keeps going forward. Leroy and Casey got the ability to
pick the order and then they got the chance to
win again. They are so dominant this season and it
is really fun to watch them win. But at the
same time, we want to spice at the show. Poor Kyle,
Poor Kyle tried to throw him off in deliberation and
then ct K through and he was like, no, I'm
gonna vote for you anyway, so he can see can
see a little stak. That's what happens when you have
he can see s little stakes and your alliance. Okay,
go for it. I'm done, Hey, go for it. I'm done.
I'm so trash. That was the worst already six second
reecamp I've ever done it. Hey, go for it. I'm done,
Like I already went for it. It was so bad.
That was pathetic. I mean, oh god, what do you
think the play of the day was, Anissa? I don't
know what the play of the day was. I mean maybe,
I mean, if we could skip ahead, I feel like
Amber picking Fessi was a big play of the day. Yeah,
that was a big move. I mean that was smart
for her because one, that guy was supposed to be
part of her alliance, and then two we screwed her
and then three even though it's gonna look silly and
Fessie thinks, oh, all these girls want me. No, FESSI,
it's not you. It's the relationships you have and the
safety you may provide. It's not because you're an amazing partner.
So I think Amber did the best that she could,
and I think that was a good move for her.
Who do you what do you think the dirtiest deed was?
I mean, come on, CT, yeah, voting for Kyle. Yeah,
you just you know what. It is an individual game,
and I gotta give props to CT for being like, listen,
you guys are trying to get me out and you
know it. It just makes it hard to trust people
when you have a game like this, Yeah, you gotta
do what you gotta do. I mean, like, I don't
disagree with CT, but it is so interesting watching this
season and then just like taking notes on everybody, like
this is how they move. I feel like they're really
like CT. We always knew what kind of player he was.
We knew that he was that rogue guy, and that's
kind of why people didn't trust him from the beginning.
And then he got offended when he people didn't trust him.
But he doesn't ride with anybody, and kind of neither
does Kyle. So like they're both kind of like doing
the best they can. They're both backed up into a
corner and that's why they're working together. But it's like,
what are you gonna do? At some point in time,
it's me or you, and I get why he did
what he did. It's not like it's like me and
you in there and they've been like friends off the show.
It's like it's a strictly business relationship. Yeah, because I'm
not gonna tell you I'm gonna do something and then
not do it right without talking to you. Yeah, I
don't know. Well, let's get into the challenge a little
bit more so. This one was called Global Domination, and
like you said, they had to be inside these big
metal balls, which I fe like Casey got hurt the
moment they rolled off. Did you feel like she got hurt?
She like fell and was like oh and like you
see her, you see her go pro smash into it,
and I'm like, there has to be I mean, somebody
has to have a bruise or like a graded kind
of like scrapes or something, because that did not seem comfortable.
I mean, I didn't think they were going to get
over fifty targets, and it would have been interesting to
see what it would have happened if Kyle and Amber won. Yeah,
I think that, like it would have been really rewarding
to watch this episode if if Leroy and Casey didn't
have the ability to pick which team went on offense twice,
because I think that was a huge upperhand. Like, yeah,
they got exhausted, but they also learned the rhythm of
it all, and they had multiple opportunities, so obviously they're
going to have a better chance of winning. And like
they only won by one, but who's to say which
round that was. So I just think it's right. I
think that, like obviously it's I love Leroy and Casey
as people. I think it's awesome that they're winning. But
like you said, like when you see an alliance start
to dominate, as a viewer, you want to watch that
that underdog that the people with less numbers, You want
to watch them get the upper hand somewhere because it's
just satisfying. Yeah, it totally is nothing personal and all,
like yeah, just from reviewers perspective now because we're both
viewers now that I'm off the show too, so I
get to watch it and think like damn, like, yeah,
this would have been good for tving. Yeah, totally. And then,
like you know, obviously back into the house. That throws
a whole wrench in the game because now obviously this
is when we have this moment where Kyle and CT
have to have this like real clear, look who's going
to go in because we know what's between us. And
I think it's so funny how the entire time they're like, oh,
it's definitely gonna be a guy's day, It's definitely gonna
be a guy's day, and obviously it wasn't, which is crazy. Now,
I was shocked by that because this is the first
time we just came out of It was just a girls' day,
wasn't it. Yeah, but then the numbers evened up. Once
there's nobody rogue. They can do a girl's or a
guy right, but to keep everybody on their toes, they
switch it up. This shit's like the Hunger Games, I
swear to God, like being on the challenge, it's this
game specifically, though. Yeah, there's no rhyme or reason. Yeah,
you can't get into a rhythm because you have no idea,
Like like this episode just threw a wrenching it like, oh,
by the way, it's another girl's day. Yeah, they could
have saved me for this one. Yeah, oh my god.
Could you imagine It's like next episode they're gonna have
like killer poisonous hornets. Like it's like it's like Jamunji,
Like a stampede is gonna come out next. What are
you guys throwing at us? Like what is the twist?
Like I want to be Jack Black, I want to
be the Rock. But it'd be amazing, it would be amazing.
But let's talk about this haul brawl because I know
that these guys are looking at it like shit, we're
about to do some damage. Yeah, you saw the look
on Kyle's face. He said he was speechless. I mean
I wouldn't want to go into a haulbraw with CT.
Can CT. He's a broad dude. Like he's a big guy.
And I'm not talking big and body shaming. I mean
like he like he's fit and he's naturally just like
he's always been a bigger guy than everybody else, Like
he just has more muscle mass um, bigger bones. Like
I don't want to go in a hall. Can he
fit in the hall? I karate chop his balls and
then try and go through his legs. I don't even
think you can, because he's got those fucking meaty strong legs.
I just wouldn't want to see him in there. So, like,
if I had to like really think about this hall
braw and if it was Kyle and CT, like CT
does have this like big man, older man strength, like
this like strength that you know, like dads have, right,
but at the same time like that dads have. Really Yeah,
he's got dad's strength. Yeah, No, I think he has
like he just has like some weird strength. He's always
had it. Okay, some people have that scrappy killer, be
killed survival strength, and I think is one of them
where he can just get heated and be like all right,
I'll bite off everybody's head. Yeah. But also CT like
always talks about how he's got a bad back or
he's got like achy bones, and he's getting older. So
it's like, you don't know if like one one impact
initially could have been the thing that like made something
pop or like hurt. Yeah. No, I think a lot
of people talk shit like my back hurts sometimes too,
but it could have been from the night before, you
know what I'm saying. No, but like I don't have
any aches and pains yet, thank god, Like and CTS,
you know, though he's a little bit older than me, Like, yeah,
you put our bodies through a lot of shit. I
mean two decades of challenges really, I mean those kinds
of falls every season, like yep, I'm sure it's gonna
hit us at some point, but you know, he's in
good shape, he's fine. And then I think Kyle too
has like that pub brawl like raw. You know, he's
told us he's been in fights like kind of scrappy
thing too, So I mean it would have been interesting
to have seen these guys go in. Yeah, totally, but
they were saved by the challenge gods. This episode and
we get another haulbaw out of Amber b and this
time it's with Big Tea, And I gotta say, Big
Tea really put up a fight. What did you think?
I thought so too. I think that this is one
of those things where you need experience to know what
it feels like to just crash into another being and
not give a shit and also keep your feet moving. Yeah,
you know, like sitting standstill in the middle is not
doing shit. But if you keep like driving with your
feet and you have a good you know, center of
gravity and you're pushing somebody, yeah, I mean, I think
that you'll cover more ground. I think that Amber is
a faster runner than Big Tea, and I think that
Big Tea was really far from her side on that
first one. Yeah. I think with experience, you know, it
definitely helps. And I think Big Tea could have had
that maybe been her second haulbaw, you know, I mean
she definitely did better round two. Yep, definitely forgetting that
feel of it. It's a tough it's it's a tough
it's a tough one. To do. Like both you and
I have been in hallballs before. I mean, you can
be prepared for it, but it really doesn't ever get easy,
and it's always scary no matter who you're going against,
because you just never know. Am I gonna run into
the wall? I think about that, like first first step
is actually getting through through the hall. I like as
my elbow pad gonna like climp the side. Am I gonna?
Am I gonna even get there? That's always my first fear.
See I started ours was in that chicken coop Laurel
and I so it was in a circle, so we
couldn't see each other at all. Oh that's terror, had
to anticipate it. But we also started inside of it,
which is different too. I have a fear of this
hall brawl and just missing the hall. Just run alongside
of it, yeah, right, exactly, tripping over the fucking posts
on the on the outside that's holding up the wall.
I gotta see you later, Yes, miss it. We start
over bad, am like running I know me like my
lego freeze, I'll fall over before you even get in
the life lug. Yeah, that's how I would be. That's
how I feel. God, Well, we gotta give it up
for Amber. B She pulled out good job Amber, and
she picks Bessie as a partner, Like you said, power
move because she assimilates herself back into that alliance. Was
that the right word, assimilate? You know what? I think
you can use it. Okay, she puts her integrates herself
back into the alliance. Yeah, she attaches like a leech
back onto that one. Like, oh, well, if you guys
want to vote me in again, I'm with FESSI yeah,
I love that. Yeah, and the other I mean knowing
also that Casey is tied with Leroy and this is
their fifth win. Most likely, if we're looking at the odds,
they may win the next challenge. So why not go
with faces? Go with Casey's number one, Go with feces
number one, Go with feces number one. I can't handle you.
I can't handle you either. Well, this episode was stressful,
but let's and then picks Kyle. Yeah yeah, And like
how big of a decision is that because she probably
put ct in the final in a better position. Yeah,
that's crazy. Think that if she was going to choose
who she was going to fuck over, that was the
moment she was going to do it. Wow, that's a
lot of power. But in the final, I would rather
I would rather see Kyle than CT, so like against her,
she was, I would rather have CT be my partner.
But if I were a guy running, like if I
were a team running against anyone, I don't think I
want to run against CT. I'd rather run with him
or not see him at all. And they just they
may have, you know, put him right in there. Yeah,
I would have. If I was Nanny and it was
that close to the final, I would have picked CT
as well, because the guy has won three and he
didn't win three easy ones. He won Invasion, he came
back for that one and were the World's Too. And
Anissa I was there for were the World's Too. For
the first day and a half of that final. It
was hard and he did that, So like, I didn't
believe that CT still had it until I saw him
do it. He is he's the one to pick, and
he's so smart. He can solve anything, he can eat
anything like he is, he is gum. Yeah, he's the
goat like and people don't want to fuck with him.
People don't They never know where he is, so he's scary.
We need to play like ct. Yeah, he is scary. Scary.
We didn't take notes that we didn't take notes like
that episode? Did we know? We should definitely take notes
if we could get him again as a guest. Yes, definitely.
Speaking of taking notes, let's take some notes from our
next guest, Amber B. We are so excited to have
her on, so make sure you guys stick around. We'll
be interviewing Amber B right after this short break. All right, everybody,
we are so excited because today, on this episode, we
are going to interview the one and only the rookie
of the year. Such a Yeah, Hi ever be Hi
ever be so much easier. That is one last name
that Tory made into something else. I love it. Oh
hi lady, how are you doing girl? How are you
feeling today? What's going on? I'm so much better and
I'll see both of you so I'm really good. Thanks.
Oh yeah, Well, listen, let's get into this episode because
it was epic to watch, and I mean this was
the first episode Amber that you didn't have Darrell by
your side. So what was it like going into this
challenge knowing that you were going to be partnered with
someone new today? You know, I'm still learning so much
about this game. First of all, it's my first season.
I was kind of excited just to know that I
was coming back, first of all, and just knowing I'm
gonna be a partner with someone else was nervous because
I just you know, you just don't know that you're
working with. You don't know what conversations have been had,
you know, people's game. So that was hard because with Durrell,
he knew everything, you know, I talked about my personal life.
He was just a great partner. So I wasn't looking
forward to having another one, honestly, to be honestly, anybody else, no,
no guy left I did not want to work with.
So yeah, I hear you. It was Kyle slim picking
towards the end of like I don't want to run
with none of y'all, motherfucker right. No. I was like,
Corey's the nicest person here, right, yeah he is. I
didn't want to do that to Cam and I just
like I felt like for me, it was just like
you know, Fessy, he loved saying my name, so like
you know what's up? Oh yeah, right, Well you and
Kyle seemed to kill it, like you guys did a
great job in that ball, So, like, how did that
chemistry come about? Do you think it like it was
just natural to work with him or do you think that,
like what happened in there, I've seen Kyle like perform,
So I was. I had no worries with Kyle, like
I think he's a great competitor. I think that he
is when he has a turn on, he will turn
on and go above and beyond UM. I think for
me it was just knowing that, all right, cool, I
this is now who I'm part someone I was working against,
I'm now working with um. But I one thing I
have to say is, you know, I will always be
loyal to whoever I'm partnered with. I will be loyal
to you know that person. It doesn't matter about my
alliance at this point, doesn't even you know, even throughout
the game, even Durrell. I let big Brother know. Even
with Durrell, I'm sorry, but he comes first. So I
just I knew that my whole game was about to
switch up, knowing that I was with now a whole
other side of the house. But yeah, I was. I
was looking forward to being partner with Kyle. I mean,
I couldn't get Darell back, so I felt like Kyle
was like the best best next, I guess the next
best thing for me. M. And just endurance wise too.
I just know that he's a beast, so I was
excited to work with him. M. Yeah. I think at
that point you have to just like alliance aside, like
just do what you need to do for your game, right.
I want to know because when and I were watching it,
I'm my god, these metal balls are really big and
they look kind of dangerous. Did you guys wear pads
like did you feel safe? Yeah, elbow pads, kneepads, like
a neck brace. I was nervous because it looked like
you were in literally like a metal cage ball. Yeah, No,
they were. They were They were hard. They were tough.
Like you thought when you were going to hit somebody
that they would just bounce. No, you literally slam into
that person and I can't. I was all banged up.
I was bruised. You had no pads, um and then
hard running next to somebody. Because Kyle's he's lanky, he
is a long damn long legs like I was just
like at some point I was like his legs were
crossing mine. I was in front of him, I was
on the pool. I did the three sixty at one point, Bro,
I was it was so funny. It was more comical
than anything. I wish you could see those parts because
it was then Bessie, they're talking shit and then I'm
like not today, Fssie like yeah, against you, I'm not
for you. So but it was it was tough. It
was really tough. I thought that we could just run
into each other and they bounced clearly somewhere else with
the speed and then or the amount of force, we
would run into each other, but you just don't budge
in their heart bumper cars without the bumper. Basically, it's
just a head on collision. So did you think after
your performance that you guys had one? Um? I thought
that we were. We did well. I felt like we
had a definitely had a chance. Um just knowing that,
of course, you could see where you know, the line
was drawn with that, you know, Leroy, cam Um Casey,
you know that everyone else. So I knew that we
kind of didn't have like that advantage, which kind of,
you know, it sucked, but I felt like we we
did are the best we could. We literally I swear
he's just Kyle's he's so good, Like he's just a
great partner. So um, I felt like just because of
our performance, we did very well. I felt like we
had a great chance at winning. So I in my mind,
I was like, heck, we might have had this. Yeah. Well, Like,
it's interesting because even though you didn't win, like apparently
your alliance one, so like Casey wins this, and like
you should have felt safe because you know, you've been
rocking with her the whole season, and then obviously when
it came time, she didn't stick her neck out there
for you like the way that you had done earlier
in the season. So like, how did that make you feel?
Or were you like surprised that she betrayed you and
kind of went along with Bessie and what needed to
happen for their game. Oh it didn't make of course.
I didn't feel good at all, just knowing I'm I'm
a rookie and someone knew at this point in the game,
especially coming to the end, I knew that I was
about to just be picked, you know, and just you know,
I knew that that in my mind, I was like,
I get it, I you know, I can't be mad
at that either, because these people have been working together.
They They've got Bessie and Casey and Board together in
the past, and I can't get mad about that. But
also being there knowing that, you know, these people are
someone I came into headquarters with it and someone that
these are people that I had their back and I
had their partners backs. Like this whole I got. You know,
I have people mad at me because I was making
decisions you know that they wanted, you know, I mean
to make sometimes so I felt like it was it
was hard and it was. And then just watching that
and just seeing some of the stuff, I was like, really,
I was like, really said that, Casey, you really said that?
You know what I mean? You know? Then the day
I do get that it is a game. I can't
put the personal stuff, you know, aside. But then I
was taking it personal. Um what guys what? I started
taking things personally and it was hard. I can't help it,
yeahn't help it. And the other thing is being untold
of madness with Casey and Fessie like I was with
Casey and Nannie, like every day there was no real
big brother alliance. Nobody was there to like look out
for FESSI. I mean, Josh was with Nannie, so this
is like a new thing. I feel like on the
off season they got this together. They were like, all right,
we're going to this challenge. We got to solidify this alliance.
And for you, like you came in and to be honest,
you got further than anybody expected because the way things
have gone over the past couple of challenges well years
actually is that rookies go in first. But if you're
proving yourself and you picked an awesome partner in the beginning,
and I think that really helped you to kind of
um make a good game for yourself and make like
the right moves. Because Durrell's a really low key person,
so he wasn't starting drama for you, and you had
space to really like observe things. So I think that
you had a really good experience. Compare it to like
a lot of people that leave the first week. So yeah, yeah,
And I because I learned a lot from Durrell, Like
I'd ask him questions, I would write things down. I
would be like, hey, should I do this? What should
you know? What I mean? And and like even if
even when it came to like voting, you know, Like
it's just like, if I can do whatever I want
with my game, I can vote. I want to do
what I want. But he's just like if if someone
asked you something, you know, come come clean about it,
like you know some of you know. So I'm like,
I learned so much from Durrell and I think that
that also helped my game, just him being like a
four you know, he's won four of these in a row.
Why not why not take not learn my rookie season
how to actually play this game? I think with double Agents,
there's so many movement pieces, like everything switches up, thing
alliance has changed, things changed constantly. So I think my
hardest thing was was going into this knowing that I
might hurt someone's feelings. And I hate that and I
hated that about myself, you know, just having that mindset.
But yeah, not having Durell there and how being partnered
with Kyle, I just I was kind of lost. I
was so lost at this point in the game. I
was so lost. I was like, I just want to
go home a chance anymore, you know what I mean?
And it really did suck. I felt like, Okay, if
it's not this week, it's going to be next week.
You know that I'm going in and I'm gonna do
another elimination. So it's just it's so I don't see
how y'all have done it this long. He's in tofter
season sometimes, But it was, well, I'm still learning and
I'm still taking notes, and I specifically want to know
what Durell told you because I am now going to
copy and base those notes into my game. So if
you wouldn't mind is working on her strategy because she's
clearly not good at the social everyone I am, but
I cannot work for two people because clearly being best
friends in a house does not work for us. So um,
if we ever do a show together again, I need
her to take all of the notes possible and then
learn from that. So like, give me like one good
Durell jet. It's myself. I'm like drop jebs right now,
just a little just a little tiny jem, a little
poo poo. I've learned how to kind of when I
went in, and she's like, I learned how to when
to be quiet, I learned when to speak up. I
learned not when to getting into things, you know what
I mean? It was just kind of like just stay
clear of the bullshit, you know. And I'm I'm a
kind of person, you know, outside of even the game.
I'm I'm not confrontational. I literally just did at home.
I chill. I like, I'm I don't know, I smoke
my weed's okay, and so like I just I was like, well,
this is intense, Like what do I do? Like I
hate myself right now because I'm doing things I wouldn't want,
do you know what I mean? So he was he
taught me to be very like just calm in certain
situations where I was just all over the place and
just kind of just I don't know. And and he
plays a very low key game, you know, And and
I I learned that from him. I'm like, okay, now
now I see, now I get it. And I'm still
again I'm looking back at even the whole season, I'm like, Okay,
I did that wrong. Next next time, I need to,
you know, learn to do this is whining I can
do better, you know. I'm learning how that what I
can do better, which is is cool. But I'm still
emotional over some things. And I've had a hard impressing
UM and just going into this season, I was not
in the best mindset either, Like it wasn't in the
great I wasn't in a great place. So um, just
to have him as a partner and be able to
I'm so sorry, like I hate out much. I don't apologize.
Let it out, girl, and just know that, like I
can tell him everything, Like if I were crying and
he'd be like, don't worry about something about the game,
can I talk to you for a minute? Roll He
literally would give me the best advice and I just
run with it, you know. But it was a very
it was a very hard place to be for me.
I mentally, I swear I'm the strongest I've ever been
in my life now because of the challenge. I love that. Yeah,
it literally it helps me. I'm like, wow, I've learned
a lot about myself. And thanks to everyone that you know,
I was on the show with, I've learned a lot
about myself. And that's one of one thing I'm thankful
for because I'm a lot happier, I'm a lot better
now mentally. So good, awesome, We're happy for you, and
I think that's one of the most beautiful things about this.
It's like going into this difficult process and like, yeah,
sometimes it's going to make you crumble and you're gonna
feel like you're under pressure. But girl, you came out
like a diamond, So let that pressure speak for itself.
You know, it is a pressure cookers cray see. Years
and years and years still never prepares you for the
emotional spiral that you will complete. Because I spiraled till
I left. I was just in one big old noodle
spiral and it just happens, and you don't know when
it's gonna hit. But I think you know, like being
it's really hard, especially if you're dealing with stuff at home,
to go into that situation and then try and like
separate the two and not be upset and kno be
in your head because there's nothing to do in the
downtime right your energy to like mess up, you know,
affect anyone else too. You know, you don't want to like,
you know, I didn't want to ever be that good
person where I was like negative or else affecting someone else,
like I hate that. And you can't escape anywhere to
like get away so you can take a recharge and
take a minute. So yeah, that sucks. But one thing, Anissa,
I remember I remember before at the airport. I remember
looking at you. I'm like, I love you, Anissa, like
because I watched you for, like, you know, for the
longest time, and I'm like, I'm Anissa fan, you know.
And I remember telling you that. I was like, I'm
an Anissa fan. So because I just see every year,
you know, like the pressure and everything that's on you,
and I'm just like I I one hundred percent like
support you, and I'm like all there for you, like
you you are. Thank you. I love you. I love
you too. I want to hug now. I want many hugs.
I missed kitchen hugs. I knew not to touch them
because you hit man. I was like, I don't know.
I don't know who did the dishes. You do them.
I don't know if the dishes and the dishwasher are
dirty or clean. Girl. Oh take this hug. Oh shit, listen,
I do have a go ahead. No, I was gonna say, listen,
I love the hugs, and I love all the love
stuff that we're doing right now, but I need to
focus on the fact that Amber, even though you got
that love, you're still a badass and that's why you
crushed that elimination. This was your second haulbrawl. Nobody like,
I don't I've only done one haubraw and he said,
you've don't want to haubraw. Many challengers have not even
done a haubraw. So it's crazy the fact that you
had to go into two your first season, Like, do
you feel like after the first one you were more
prepared for the second one? Most definitely When the first one,
I was like, what is this? Like? Where am I? Like?
This is happening? Like, I'm yeah, I'm on the challenge.
I have to do this. This is why I'm here.
So I was like, Wow, I was like, this is
really happening right now. The first one, I was so
shocked and I was I was confused. I was like,
I didn't know what I was getting into. But the
second one, I was like, Okay, I'm rand in the
sand before I know how it feels. I know what
this you know this game is or this elimina um
and if anything, I can kind of take what I
did for my first one to do better, you know.
The second time around, Yes, And it was just not
the same game because the first time you had to
run through with these balls. Yeah, this time it was
just like, no, straightforward, you're just running right through the person.
But this time you had to go against one of
your close friends. Like, so, like do you and Big
Tea were super close all season? Like she was always
rooting for you, you you were always rooting for her, So
like what what was that? Like, y'all could tell me
too well. But me and Anissa didn't have to physically
go against each other. That would have been awful, Oh awful,
because we would have tried to kill each other and
then cry at the end. Yeah, we're both equally as competitive.
I don't know how you did it. I wouldn't be
able to run full speed at her. I would run
outside of the hall, would have ran into the hall,
and I would have just lie down in the middle.
Don't hit me, Na, No, it's funny, No, I get it.
Yeah it was. It was Big Tea is solid, Like,
she's so solid, So I knew that it wasn't going
to be easy because she, gee, she's solid like that
kind of run through. I was like, I'm gonna have
to put all of my one hundred and twenty pounds
on her and just try to like to speed. It
was just speed. In the second one, room. It's just
like as quick as I could, you know, get through
her and get to the end. But it was hard.
I didn't I knew that if I did win and
I came back that I wouldn't have her, and she
was someone that it was nice having around. So yes,
I think that was what was bothering me the most.
In my mind, was like, wow, I win this and
I go back, I don't have Big Tea anymore. And
so that did suck, and it was yeah, yeah, a
Big Tea is such a light in that house. She's
such oh god, yeah, such an amazing I mean, no
one got to see her sing Shakira or Michael Jackson.
They were equally as terrible, but they were so good.
I mean, now we all sang Shakira to her when
she was scared during trivia, Like, there were great moments
with Big Tea and I wish I mean, they showed
her sparkle, but they didn't really show her sparkle. You know,
she's a great person. So I'm glad you guys clicked
because she's a nice person to have in your corner.
And she's just you know, especially in that requirement, you know,
it's like being Yeah, and it's so quiet at this
point when you go back to headquarters, it's like yeah, right, yeah,
so it's something. Now I'm going to just stare at
walls walk home. Yeah it's right. But now but now
you picked Bessie, so I don't know how quiet it's
going to be with his ego in there. Oh shit?
What was that like? Because you just like bossed up
and you're like, nah, you don't want to work with me,
here you go, motherfucker. That's how I have a choice, right.
And I felt like, after you know, working with Kyle,
I kind of wanted to be some kind I want
to Kyle or CD to have the chance to like
go rogue, you know. Yeah, And they didn't show that. That
That was just like should I make I even looked
at everyone daring Blue Elimination after I won, and I
was like, should I make one of these guys road?
And I was like, you know what, I don't need.
I don't care what y'all say. So I was just like,
you know what, I'm gonna pick FESSI. You love saying
my name like you know, he likes to, you know,
so why not like this work? You have to talk
about me? Who's going to do he yeah, yeah, but
it was amazing. Yeah, it's great. I'm like, shake it up,
amber up, damn it. And then like like like Big
Brother was starting to kind of like fizzle out like
against me, so I was just like, well, now you're
attached to me, So where we go in you know,
I'm like, next, I want to hear all about it. Right.
If I'm not on the top of the you know,
of the list, and I'm at the bottom of this
alliance and you guys want to keep me out of it, well,
I'm going to attach myself like a Siamese twin to
Fessi and then see what you guys do? Now, what
are you gonna do next? Exactly? It's felt so good
to finally like honestly, I was so happy that I
went into elimination again just because I wanted to have
that power. So now that that's happened, and they kind
of I don't want to say turner back on you,
but you know, I feel like Casey and Fessy really
had each other's back, which kind of like left you out.
Would you work with Big Brother again? If you do
another season? I wish people could see your face. It's
so beautiful and then she's like, well, oh, you know,
that's a I you know one thing I do. I
do appreciate how much Big Brother did have me, you
know in the beginning, how I back in the beginning,
I get it's a game. I get it. We all
say that. And coming towards the end, I saw kind
of where their loyalty lied for each other, and I
think that was the hard part for me. It was
more so like I don't care. This is one I
don't care what I have to do, Like I'm going
against all y'all, like you sent my part in our
home y'all, like say my name, y'all out here talking
about and you're having conversations without me in this alliance,
you know what I mean? Quote unquote, But I I
that's a that's a I just have to kind of see.
I guess how the rest of this season plays out.
Absolutely even at that, yeah, okay, that was a safe
Big Brother answer. We've had a lot of Big Brother
people on here. We have been taking notes for all
of you Big Brother players out there listening, and uh
to you, Amberbie, we have been taking notes. So we
have to We're coming in Big Brother style, a big
brother came in so hot. It was like, damn, that
shit put us on our ass, Like that's you guys
came in sales, so we got to take notes. It's
it's a respect thing. No, yeah, and I would be
taking notes too, Like I'm taking I'm literally taking those
because again, like that was ever do another season? Like
I want to do better than I you know, even mentally,
I mentally, and you know, I want to do better
with like how I approaching people if I have to
like say their name, you know, that's the hard part
for me. Like I was like, I want to do better,
and yeah, I want better, Like I don't know, I'll
keep saying whatever doing again, I just I, you know,
there's a lot of things I have to work on,
and I'm okay with that totally. I'm just curious real quick, though,
did you like watch because like before I got on
the challenge, I came from a show called Are You
the One? And like I googled and YouTube videos of
the challenge to try to get myself ready and I
specifically watched Haubraw Did you watch Hauballs before you came on? Like, okay,
no idea. I had no idea when they said Hall.
I was like, what is the hall? I had to
ask people when the because like I've seen I've seen
hallbar before and again, my dad's a huge challenge fan people. Okay,
so I watching him talk to him about it. But
I again, I don't know some of these eliminations. I
don't know what they are. Like if I saw it, like, okay,
that's a hallball, but click, you know, gotcha. So it's
like it was like minimal preparation. It was kind of
like a right, I think I know what I'm doing.
I'm gonna go in there and I'm gonna figure it
out when I get there, right right. But once you're
down there, you just there's you just have to do
it like you run. Yeah, so run full beat out
my best friend, no problem. Yeah, I love it. I
just lost my best friend Durell. Now I gotta run
against Big Tea. Like, right, which game do you think
is tougher to play? A Big Brother or the Challenge?
I would say the challenge because it's like it is
kind of like Big Brother, but it's way more intense. Um,
it's a lot more intense. Of course, even with the challenges,
like we don't we're not jumping out of planes and
like you right, fighting people and all that physically Like
on Big Brother, it's more of you know. And I
didn't even I don't know if you saw my season
the Big Brother. I didn't even last that long there
because I was playing someone else's game and I had
a guy had a crush on you girl. Yeah, this
guy was upset. Oh my god. I watched that just
a little bit. It was he was he was what
at first, girl, but he was he thought they were
in a full relationship. Oh no, bod brought him. It's
a big brother to like his wife like it was.
He would told me while I was sleeping, he would be.
It was so crazy. Yeah, and you have life eeds
on Big Brothers. So people can watch Oh my god,
I forgot about that. So peopuld just watch him, just
like watching you. I'll trip the funk out. I would
have been to watch it. Google it. It's on YouTube.
There's like a montage of whatever his name is hitting
on her and like trying to set up a date
and she's just like, I'm not interested. And he was
just like, so you love me, Oh that's how it looked,
And she was like, I'm not trying to be mean
to him, but like it got so weird. I I
watched it, I was like, oh my god, I need that.
This can't be real nice Sa. So Amber, I want
to know, how do you think Tory and I would
do on Big Brother? Like, I would love watching you
all because you're so entertaining. You could be honest, you
could be honest about Tory. I feel like Anissa, you
would be so great at Big Brother. Tori, I feel like,
definitely to work on to be things. Okay, definitely you
would be funny. I think Tory like with mustaches that
keeping people entertained. But I don't know about a live
feed and Tori and I just feel like your your
personal life isn't safe. Nothing safe in my life. I
couldn't do it. Yeah, I don't know Big Brothers for y'all.
I couldn't do it. I'd be singing, I'd be dancing,
I'd be twerking. I'd be taking my tampon and flinging
it around. When I was borned like, I would not
be a good person to watch for seven not twenty
four seven. Yeah, I have real spooky hours, Like I
have real suspicious hours. Yeah, you do things that are
real suspicious. You can't leave them, big brother. You can't
do anything. You just stuck in a house. You have
to be prepared. No, no, I don't know how you
guys did it. I have so much respect for everybody
who's come from that game, because I would, I would
literally evict myself. I would have been myself like, nope,
I gotta go. Can't be here. Yeah, I'm like, where's
the landlord? How do I get out of here? We're
breaking the least damn it? Oh my god. Yeah, I
want to know because you are a um, I would
say a bit of an adrenaline junkie. Yeah. Um. When
we went skydiving and you were rogue, how did that feel?
Do it? Yeah? I was so mad. I was. I
was like, I even not mad. I was disappointed because
I was like, I love heights. If there's one thing
you can't get higher than the sky, So I was bummed.
I was like, I would this is something I would
have felt like a bit of been great at. But
at the same time, I'm robe and I'm sitting okay
this week. I'm sitting pretty this week. I'm fine. Like,
so I was okay for that reason, but I was
like they done this like another time and the girl
you could have taken my spot? I would have please,
can we rewind it? Can we go back? Can we
go back? I didn't listen in that little their penis
hat anyway you're when you come out. I've never gone before,
so like this is something I would never pay for.
I would never do on my own time. Um. I
had a really hot like British grim back. I mean,
I was like, do you have a girlfriend. I had
to like talk to him all time and I was
like yeah. I was like not. By the time we
get down, like Brian never had something this thick on
your lap, Like I was saying everything to get myself
out of the scared head space. And then he dangled
my feet and he was like one, two, three. My
stomach dropped and then then it's like a smooth freefall. Yeah.
And then when the parachute hit, he was making turning
us in circles and I was like, could you stop,
You're making me nauseous. He was like yeah, they made
me do it. I'm like what. So you could see
the puzzle, but you had to get dizzy because Leroy
was like I'm gonna throw up. Yeah at the start.
So you didn't miss out on the nausea. You didn't
miss out on that. But I will say it was
it was really beautiful. What I want to do it again?
Absolutely not. I'll save that for you because you like
the heights. You can do all the high buildings and
all the heights over We'll just leave it up to you. Yeah,
I'll come on the next challenge and just do all
of it. Yeah, okay, perfect, I'll take it. Yeah. I
mean literally making a huge name for yourself. It like
for me with you, it started when Teresa was like, okay,
let me win this challenge, and you hung onto those
fucking balls for your life over there in that helicopter,
and then from then on out you just kept like
getting stronger socially and more competitively and like you just
are becoming this like force to be reckoned with. So
what advice would you have to other rookies joining the challenge?
You know, I, like I said, I'm still important. I
think it's just honestly mental. It has everything to do
with mental and go for it. It's your game. You
literally you go into this, they hit start and it's
just it's just you individually, like it's just you. You
do do what's best for you and I And also
I feel like stay loyal to people. You said you'd
stay loyal too. I know that I don't know. I'm
I'm taking take notes, learn from other Vets, from ogs,
people that have been doing this, and I don't know.
It's your game. You know it's game, and I feel like,
do whatever you have to do to make it to
the end. Everyone's there for that money. Everyone's there for
the million dollars. And I think for me, just being
my being a rookie, I didn't know anyone, you know,
I was getting to know people and so I didn't
have any relationships outside of you know, the game besides
Big Brothers. So for me, it was just like, since
I don't have I haven't built a relationship with anyone,
I'm gonna play the game. I want to play my
first season and that was just what I did. So yeah,
and you killed it. So I'm also taking as from
a VET, I call myself, I call myself in a
New GI. I'm not like a VET, but I'm not
like an OG, so like a New GI, but I'm
taking We're also working on that too. I'm just working
I don't even let me know about that. Oh I'm
a new gile Dory. Run it past me first. Well,
we're actually going to figure it out later thinking of it. Okay, cool,
all right, well listen before we sign off, we have
a few more questions for you. And I just gotta
know because I know this, I'm saying this from personal experience.
When I get off the show, I can't even watch
the episodes because like my mental health is just at
an all time low. For you, like do you get
home from the season and then like once it starts
to air, are you watching it? Like are you getting
ready for the next one? Like where's your headspace? At
once it's all over? Well, I when I finished the season, UM,
I had a difficult time. I came home to some
news I was not expecting UM, and so for me,
I was just in a space. Meant I cried a lot. UM.
Decompressing was not easy. I talked about I opened up
to people that I trusted, UM and just spoke about
my experience and like this is what's bothering me. And
it was hard mentally, like even watching now, like just
because I have to relive it and the thing is
just the hard part. But at the same time, I'm like, wow,
these people, you know, they they're they're my friends. Now
this is like my my challenge family, and I'm it's
something that's beautiful and I feel like I love the Challenge.
I think it's such an amazing game, it's such an
amazing show, and crew was awesome. Everybody was awesome. So
I had to take that and just be like, this
is a great experience. Yeah, get out of your head
the mental part of me. Just like like you said,
your mental health is important, which I'm I'm very I
touched that. I'm very about mental health. But that's where
I was. I was like, I need to just snap
out of it. I need to, you know. Just I
don't know. It's been hard. It's still hard because I
don't know. I'm looking at some things people say and
I'm like, wow, I loved everyone. I really loved everybody.
And just because I in some things too, like people
want me to argue, people want me to find, people
want me to put and that's just not me. Like,
you know, I'm not going to entertain negativity. I'm not
going to entertain it. But I am spicy. Trust me.
Now that I'm seeing things. I'm like, yo, like I
really I'm going to have a conversation about some things
that i've I've seen. But sometimes I'm just I'm sometimes
you just gotta let it go because that energy to
like check somebody isn't even worth it sometimes because karma.
Karma is a real thing, whether it's instant or not.
And people will learn, hopefully in the future, not to
be assholes. So and I told I don't even know
who we were talking to, but you're not going to
love everybody. I mean, you can love people for being people,
but you're gonna get along with people more so than others.
And that's just life, you know. And if you can
take away good things from the show, I mean, then
the show's doing something right. Yeah. I love that because
I did take something good from the show. And honestly,
we're all in a damn pandemic before this, so it
was nice to just have new friends and be around
people because nobody, you know what I mean. So I
was like, it was so nice just to be like, wow,
like what an experience. And I'm happy that I was
working out and I was eating good and I was
you know, not really like you know, in the best mindset,
but everything else was good, And I have to say
like that, I'm very happy and I'm just happy. I'm
happy that I've met y'all. I'm happy I've got the
rest of the cast. And I think that, you know,
like you said, it's you can't I can't take a
lot of things personally, especially in the game, and I
have to understand everyone's fighting for the same same thing.
So that's what I do understand. Yes, I love that absolutely.
Do you feel like just getting that grip and that
like new attitude in this kind of like newfound respect
for like the pain and the struggle will now set
you up for a new attitude going on future seasons?
Most definitely, I've already thought about that. I'm like, I'm like, wow,
Like if I was never doing another season, I'd be
a lot more mentally, I'm gonna be a lot much younger.
I you know, I'm I'm going to know how to
play the game better. So for me, I feel like
it's set me up in the best way possible and
double agents out of all of them, like really, like
that's how I had to play my first season. That
was the fucking crazy season. Yeah, hated crazy. Hated it crazy,
Like what what a shit show to be to start
your first season? Was fucking insane, but you killed it. Like, obviously,
we don't know what's going to happen to come, but
you've killed it thus far, so be extremely proud on yourself.
And yeah, that's all I gotta say. You're killing it. Oh,
thank you, thank you. I have one last thing to
ask ask everyone this, but this is what I'd like
to know. Who is your dream Challenge partner? Out of
any celebrat athlete, you can pick one. I could pick anyone,
even someone I've already done the challenge with. Yeah, okay,
because I just because I've already had the experience. I
would one hundred percent, ten percent picked Durell any day.
So all that Drell Durelle is like, he's seriously the
best partner anyone can have. Um, so I would I
would say any day picked around. I'm only saying that
because I've already played this game with him, and I
know performs, but I knew how someone else I performed
out there, celebrity or something. I'm not gonna pick you
because you're hot, or you go good or you're good looking,
or you got money in it, right, I don't have
a celebrity mind. I have to ral mind. I love that.
I still there's an athlete, so I guess that counts. Yeah,
it does count. It's kind of a celebrity. So yeah,
you would definitely not stand a chance against me and
Will Farrell though, because Will Farrell would absolutely be my
partner and we would have a great social game and
no one could take that for I mean, they would
keep you around because Will's funny. Yeah, I know, I
would be at his hip like a leech there, like
give it to me. Will. I love you, Will, Will,
If you ever hear this, I love you. Okay, Well,
thank you so much, Amber. It has been a pleasure
talking you. You're killing it this season. We're so proud
of you. You're crushing it out there for all the
beautiful women. Is there anything else that you want to
say before you get off? Before you sorry that is
there anything else before you get the fuck out of
here you want to say before you start getting off?
Let me No. Um, I'm I'm just again like, I'm
just very thankful. I'm grateful. Um, I just feel blessed,
and you know, I'm just I hope that I get
to see you ladies in the future. And I hope
that you know we have to go head and head.
Let's do it. If you want to come for Big Brother,
come from Big Brother Brother, come from from. Be a
part of Big Brother Week. Sorry, Lasting Meek. Let's go,
let's go, Let's go. Sh Yes, let's go, Let's go. No,
I'm alreadys ready, I am before you went to bed
Tory right now, she got shades on, she got her
hair up, she is ready. I'm starting to wrap it.
I gotta put my sunglasses on. The hype right now.
You are you are the hype man, that is you. No,
but I want to just say, like again, UM, anyone
that just doesn't in the future, anyone that has doesn't
done this, UM, do it for who you're doing it with.
Remember your why when you go into this game, and
just leave everything at the door. Um. And just try
not to in the game. Yeah, try not to take
things personal because it is a game. But understand that
we're all human, we all have feelings, we clinds each other,
love each other. Um. And hopefully that when you're on
the end, and I'll just be good energy. That's all
I want. And that's all I live for. So um
that's all. That's all I have to say. And I
appreciate everyone out there supporting me, and I appreciate all
the love. And again, I love both of you. Don't
ever forget that. Thank you. Where can we Where can
they follow you? Where can they spam you with pictures
of Q tips? Because that's what happened to me last week?
So where can they send you? Of course, it's just
my name at Amber bore zultra b O r z
O t r A, yes, am or b awesome. Thank
you so much. Been a pleasure you two. I appreciate you.
Have a good day art bye. Well that was so
incredible to hear from Amber. I'm so glad that we
were able to have her on the show. But let's
get into our next segment, listener transmissions. I went on
Instagram Live and I got some really funny ideas from
you guys, and one of them was playing a rendition
of Fuck Mary Kill with challengers. But we're gonna do
a challenge style, So in Lissa, instead of fuck Mary Kill,
you have to pick one person to partner, one person
to kick kiss, and one person to eliminate. Okay, not
kick you're gonna kiss them, Okay, I'm sending them into
elimination or am I eliminating from the game? You are
sending them into elimination? Okay, okay, all right, So it's
partner kiss, eliminate it. And right now you have to
choose between ct FSSI and Corey farts. What I would
partner with CT Okay, I would kiss Corey and I
would eliminate Fessie. Oh would sentimental elimination? Okay, okay, okay, okay, lovely,
all right, Tory, it's your turn. Okay, can you pick
new people for me? Yeah, I'm giving you Devin mm hmmm, Darrell, Johnny. Okay,
all right, I'm going to Oh I'm my stomach's turning
for this one. Yeah. Good. I could have been what
you ate, but yeah, okay, Well, I'm gonna partner with
Devin because he's my Dave. He's my Dave. He's been
one and only Dave. Right, I'm going to kiss. This
is the hard one. No, it's not, yes, girl, but
like not because I don't want to get any I
love his wife like there's nothing against their family. If
wrong is fine, it feels it does feel a little wrong.
It doesn't feel wrong to me. It feels a little
wrong for me, Okay, And then on no offense, I'm
gonna have to eliminate Johnny. And that's just because I
have better bonds with the other two. Yeah, i'd send
um Johnny into elimination against Bessie. I'm gonna I'm gonna
ride it out with Dave. Though, me and Dave are
gonna go to the final. We're gonna win together. We're
part I love that. I can we be head thruple?
Is there anyway we'd max Dave special? Oh yeah, that
would be good. And he said, we got a one
more listener transmission for you, And I really liked this one. Obviously,
I don't want to make you talk about anything you
don't want to, but I feel like you have a
good answer for this. Are you still in love with Corey? Well,
first of all, we need to pick that apart. I'm
just never in love with Corey. It was a show
of ans. I liked him. I love Corey now. He's
a great guy. I wish him the best of his
kids and his girl. Like I only want him to
be happy. Yeah, for sure. And it's been it's been
years since that should happened, and we've been friends since.
So yeah, I really enjoy being his friend. Yeah, I
love that for you guys. Thanks. Oh all right, well
that was amazing Anissa. It's always a pleasure working with
you and co hosting with you. Guys. Remember to send
in your listener questions to us Anisa, where can we
send them to you? Where can we follow you? Oh
man at a Nissa MTV. That's a n e s
a MTV on Instagram, DM me show Me Love, Love
Me Long Time? And Tori, where can the people find you?
You can find me at Tory Underscore Deal And you know,
like Devin Walker would say, come love my body, come
lust over my body on my Instagram as I was terrifying.
I'm so sorry, just actually okay, but DM her weird shit.
Now I think you should all DM her something strict.
Watch the new episode of the Challenge every Wednesday, and
make sure to catch the biggest event and challenge history,
The Challenge All Stars Dreaming now exclusively on Paramount Plus. Yes,
and we're going to be covering all things all Stars
right after Double Agents ends, so make sure you stay
subscribed so you don't miss a second of the action
on MTV's official Challenge podcast,