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December 31, 2020 26 mins

In this bonus episode, Tori and Aneesa do a super sized version of Listener Transmissions, where they answer all of your burning questions. 

Watch new episodes of The Challenge every Wednesday, and go behind the scenes with Tori and Aneesa the next morning, on MTV's Official Challenge Podcast.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's up, everybody. I'm Tory and I'm Anissa, and we
are back for a bonus episode of MTV's official Challenge podcast.
As you guys know, there was no new episode last night,
but that's not going to stop us from sharing some
behind the scenes info with you. We're gonna talk a
little bit about us or answer some listener questions and

it's gonna be a good time. Should we just get
the think started? All right, let's do it, Anissa, Okay, Anissa,
So on this offseason, now that we have a little
bit of a break on the show, let's dive into
what's going on into your personal life because I want

to know, who are you fucking well? I mean, look
at the list. The roster's heavy this season. Now the
roster's light. You know, COVID came in and took down
some of my soldiers. So you know, your girl's not
really being as active. But you know what, there's no
love like self love. So UM, I've been practicing a

little bit into or self love. And you know I
had one occasional you know human that um is a
safe human and uh, we're friends and it's always consensual
and great and I really appreciate it and thank you.
I'm just gonna call you Jay, noting the show, but
thank you Jay for helping the roll out to Oh

my god, this is a good shout out to Jay.
Thank you Jay for the d Okay, you don't know,
it could have been just scuddles, but yes, thank you
for that too. Could Yeah. I mean it's been filled
with like kind of home workouts that you could do
without like you know, breaking something or yourself, um, trying
to get motivated for that. Okay, so you're training, getting

ready maybe another season coming up in your in your
maybe okay, but I can't even talk yeah an slat
in what um? Oh it's early. Um. Yeah, I have
a coach, you know, he's he's amazing. Shout out to
Phil Simmons at Phil Simmons, Um, he's amazing with my diet.

Just trying to find different ways because a lot of
shit wasn't working no matter how hard I tried. So
I found somebody where I'm like, I gotta hold myself accountable.
Let's just speed this metabolism up anyway possible. I want
to be, you know, in great shape if I go
on the show or if I don't, so yeah, um,
what have you been up to? You know, girl, I've
been trying to lay low, but uh, you mean let

Halo and Turks. Oh you're gonna call me out right now? Oh?
I thought we repressed. I thought this was a safe space.
Well you did, because you have I to be first, remember,
and then it was like, oh COVID hit and then
uh yeah, I don't know what you're talking about, man, Honestly, Okay,
I heard. I heard Jennifer Aniston was in Turks and
Caicos like I heard those were her pictures. I think

that was somebody else. I heard she could those permuta
shorts though, Is that what they're called? Denim? Um? I
know the shape of your boobs and your body in short.
You couldn't hide from me in the dark. Oh okay,
I mean you know what I really needs. I don't
want to hide from you. I know, I know I
love you too. It's just you know what I will

say this. We have some very um loyal, loving and
um aware of fans that will some of you should
be uh detectives. I don't know how you find the
things that you find. You're like, Oh, there was a
corner of an ear that I saw and I knew
that ear belonged to this human. I'm like, how, no,

you fucking didn't. What are you talking about when I
know damn well that that was that ear. It's just bizarre. Yeah,
and also amazing how they watched this so intently and yeah,
and so closely that they know everything they like. I
know that as Tori's pinky toe, we actually your second,
your big toe and your second toe are more pronounced,

So let's go with those two. You got to man,
there's something going on on my feet. Man, Oh my god,
you got a little soccer toes. They help you push along. Yeah,
it's so funny. Literally, I got a really nasty d
n the other day. It's like, tour you're cute, but
you have ugly ass feet. It's like like you went
out of your way as person went out of their
way to be like you cute, you up with your feet.

You gotta get surgery on those, little girl. In the
land of all guys, I've never met a guy who
was like, oh, you didn't have a pedicure, Oh you didn't,
Oh you missed your knee shaven. I can't. I can't
do this, Like no guy in the in the Land
of Men has ever said that. Ever. That same guy
who was like, yo, you need to cut off them

toes is the same guy who was like, so, so
what's up? What are you doing later? M y Karrik
put some socks on them things by me give me
the first one to kiss him. Yeah. You know what's
funny is like, there are so many guys in the
Challenge house, Like when we're there, who do grill our toes.
I'm not gonna like drop Oh my god, legit, Johnny Bananas.

I mean, I'm like, I'm not gonna drop names. You're
like Johnny, Yo, Anissa, your feet turn the corner before
you did. And you gotta love it because it's all
in the delivery. Oh yeah. So what's your day to
day life look like when you're not on an island? Oh?

You mother? You know what it is like? Honestly, being
living a Challenge lifestyle is really interesting because you know
how it is. We go away for a couple months
at a time, we're training in the off season. I mean,
we're trying to pretty much do any type of social
media work while we're while we're here, because that's literally
the kind of jobs that we can hold when we're

when we're not filming, because other than that, who's gonna
who's gonna hire me for like what three months out
of the year or six months out of the year.
It's just not like me, yeah, like dude, I can
forward you. I don't know. Yeah, So I just like
to spend a lot of my time working on social
media and stuff and just training for the challenge. But
that's been so difficult with COVID because it's like one

day the gyms are open, the next day they're shut,
and it's like how many gallons of water do I
need to go buy from Costco? And then like how
many steps do I need to climb climb in my house?
Like my god, I'm trying to get to ten thousand.
I get anxiety every day. I'm like, oh, eight thousand,
six hundred twelve, what do you mean? I gotta set
my goals low. It's so what do you do? How

are you training for the challenge? Like and do you
even think about the challenge in your off season or
do you just try to detox from it completely? You know,
for a couple of years after the ankle break, I
wasn't really thinking about challenge careers thinking about like, well
I was long term, but short term I was like,
how do I rehab this? How do I get better?
How do I get healthier? You know? And that gave

me a lot of time to work on me and
then uh, and I think that a big part of
the off season is to like get your head straight
and your heart straight and just detox from the season
of like, Okay, did I really hate this person? Was
this misplaced anger? Mend any fences that I can because
some of that, some of those arguments and drama, it's
just a fucking headache. Yeah, So yeah, the dtox is necessary,

and like, you know, without Jim's being open, it's like, okay,
where do you walk in jog in the city without
getting hit by a car? That's one thing. Then it's like,
you know, I have to play Frogger to train. Yeah,
I have fifty I have a fifty pound kettlebell and
a twenty pound in two fifteens, a jump rope, a
couple of yoga mats, some bands. Like I'm doing the

best that I can and hopefully it'll work. You know.
That's all that's all we can do right now. This world,
not even this world. This year has been what just
WTF since the beginning of it. The first day of
this year, I started, man, I did mushrooms. I had
a terrible trip. I knew twenty twenty was gonna suck.
I knew it was terrible trip. I don't even know
if I'm allowed to say that. I'm gonna say it

because it was awful. Then after that there was Australian wildfires,
then we got the pandemic and like shit, but then
my engagement got called off. I girl, you don't even
know what that's like. That's like that shit. It's all cool,
it's all amicable on the outside, but on the inside,
do you know how bad it hurts to like have
your heartbroken? That shit sucks, of course, and then the
rumors and then people like making judgments and shit like that.

This year has been so fucked up. So whatever you do,
by any means necessary, if you can find happiness within
a day, you're fucking winning, because that's exactly what this
year taught me. If you can find happiness anywhere, then
you are fucking doing it right. Definitely get that off
my chest. It's tough. So if you're if you're deal,
if you're in a holiday funk. I'm gonna stutter through that.
If you're in a holiday funk, hopefully you have some

friends that will bring you up and support you and
love you and check on you, and you check on
them and just be there for each other, because sometimes
the holidays suck and there are a lot of people
that are spending them alone. So check on each other. Yeah,
and you just know you have a whole challenge. Even
though the Challenge fans can be crazy, sometimes there's a
lot of love in those fans. So if you ever

need to reach out, I'm sure that this whole Challenge
community is got your back. So we send me that
virtual hug right now. I know. They also send me
videos of myself that they've made already from one episode.
I'm like, thank you, thank you for that, Eddach. It's great.
It's great. So after the holidays, I mean, everyone's wondering

what's going on? Is there going to be another season
of The Challenge? Anisa? What do you think? I mean,
how could there not be another season? I think that
this season thirty six definitely showed everyone cast and crewel
likes at through a pandemic. You can safely film and
you can make it fun and you can make great

TV still, like in the middle of this, even though
you can't, you know, go out and you don't have
all of that drama and whatever like you do, you
still have drama. You can still make a TV show.
So yes, I'm just hoping, and I hope someone's listening
out there in dreamland. Challenge dreamland, somewhere warm. I'm not
necessarily going to be in a thong bikini the whole time,

or maybe I am. Maybe won't be able to get
me out of it. But please, we've had two cold
seasons in a row. It has to be warm all
the all of like the West Indies and things like
they're open. We will all go to an island. We
have done it before. Ye just let our piggies hit
the sand, let us swim in the ocean. We didn't

hear from a little Bertie that it's gonna be a
hot season, but we're gonna tell a little Birdie to
go tell producers to go make sure it's a hot
season because the girls are gonna get freaky on a season.
A little Bertie totally, We're sending a courier pigeon. Oh
oh my god. All right, guys, so, like we said,

there's no new episode this week, so right now, we're
gonna do a supersized edition of listener Transmissions where we
answer all of the questions that you guys have asked
us in our DMS. Anissa, question number one, are the
rivalries real? I want to say the majority of the
rivalries are real, and then I think some are a

bit far fetched, like, oh, y'all had Twitter drama. I'm
like in this word at something one time and somebody
clap back, that's not like really a rivalry. I would
see like Amanda and Jenna as a rivalry. I would
see you know, West and Johnny were rivals, Zach and
Amanda Amanda again, Yeah, there's definitely real rivalries, but nothing

is scripted for sure. That's a lot of the time.
I get that question a lot, like is it scripted? No,
it's not. It doesn't need to be scripted. Guess what
Casting did a great job. They put psychopads who don't
get along in a house and made them do challenges together.
Guess what the script writes its fucking self, Like, nobody
need used to tell us to be crazy. We're doing it. Yeah,
all right, Number two tour, you can answer this one

if you'd like, what is the most difficult challenge You've
ever been in? Yeah, I know exactly what comes up
in my mind when I asked that question. And it
was on the final and War of the World's Too,
and we had to stand up all night after doing
sixteen miles with a gurney on our backs. So literally
the hardest thing I've ever done in my life was
an up all night challenge. I've never experienced that type

of twelve hours after doing sixteen miles during the day,
twelve hours, twelve hours, and we were soaking wet, Anissa,
we had just swam off a boat to the shore,
so our toes were shaggy, We had no sleep, we
were exhausted, we had no food. It was the hardest
thing I've ever done in my body. And then like
within like five minutes after I did that, I lost
and got purged in a puzzle and I was the

only person from my team who didn't win the money.
So it was the biggest like, oh I've ever taken.
That's awful. I'm sorry, It's okay, shit happened, right, Yeah, definitely,
what about you? I mean Dirty thirty was a little
a little weird for me. I mean, you know, spreading
my ankle, than people doubting that I did, then competing

with that knowing that it probably wasn't the best idea,
coming back to a house where people didn't like like
that difficult that It was almost like the reality was
more difficult than the actual challenges, like living in the
house with people that doubted you, didn't like you, lied
about you, things like that. So I think that's that's
harder for me. Yeah, totally. Yeah, Well, since you, how

many finals have you been to too? Okay, so maybe
not even and I've only been to two too, But
either which final do you think was either the hardest
for you or at least in general, Like which one
have you either been to or have you seen that
You're like, I would have never wanted to do that
again that one where I watched Turbo and Maddie and Yeah,
that looked really hard because people were just dying in

the sand, like totally falling over to leurious Like, yeah,
that for me, that was hard to watch. I totally
agree with you on that one. I think that's absolutely
the hardest season I've ever seen. I mean, doing them
all have been hard, Like like I said, I've only
done two, but both of them were fucking miserable. So
I don't think that people understand how hard they are.
And that ship is difficult, and it's also edited. Yeah,

so you don't get forty eight hours worth of that, right,
It can't show you every single thing. But it's not
a walk in the park. It never is. And it's
like everything you've worked up to depends on that moment,
and you either win or you don't. And it could
be something so small that sets you back by twenty
minutes and that's twenty minutes as you and your wine.

Five minutes could be you and your win. I mean.
And there's a lot of things that are out of
challenger hands because you could win the first day. For example,
on Warre the World's Too my team won the first
day by an hour and a half. That only gave
us a five minute headstart on the second day, which
is things about that, but that's happened consistently on all
of the seasons. Is like that big ass lead you
have the first day, you don't know how that's going

to translate. You don't know until you get there. I mean,
just like we don't know anything about the show. We
don't even know what it looks like. Like this next question,
do you guys get to watch the show before it airs? No,
we don't, so we all have anxiety, like what's just
this one? Yeah, we got lucky this season. We got
lucky because obviously we have to record the podcast. But
before that, you don't know what the fuck you're about
to see. So like, that's that's relatively new, really because

you used to be able to watch the seasons. Oh
my god, yeah, girl, what we got DVDs? I still
have them DVDs? Oh my god. But how awesome is
that to have like a video library of your life?
I mean they were amazing. You know, you had it
before it aired. Sometimes you got it the day of
the day after whatever, but it was like memorabilia. It

was like this is a time capsule for me. So yeah,
but this time, it's like you really got to face
your truth. Like if shit happens, it happens, and you
can't prepare for it, you can't apologize nope, which sucks.
So in addition to that, like what is it like
to watch the show back? I mean, like I honestly
can't watch it. I think that like I watch it

with you obviously, like when we're preparing for this season.
But if it wasn't if we didn't have to do
a podcast on it, I wouldn't even watch it. Really,
how does that work? Because I can't. I just can't.
I literally takes me right back. I like start to
overanalyze what I should have done differently, Like if I
want to train for a season, I will watch it
back when when the world isn't watching it, because it's
like I get to watch it without thinking about how

people are judging me. But it's just too much. Like
I honestly, I can't even watch a season. Oh, I'm
like fuck you to the people. Yeah I really am.
I watch back to watch my victories and to watch
my failure and to see like, okay, so what can
you do now? Plus I'll just see myself on the
show and be like, damn, you've done this for a
long time. Good for you. So it's just it's just

changing that perspective of like not trying to get in
there and beat yourself up. Tory watch to mediate on that. Yeah,
I want to mediate on that. Nieces making fun of
me because I can never spell meditate right ever. Mediate yeah,
you know it is. I'm getting better at it, but

we do live in our truths in public, and it's
very hard to do that because you're just constantly worried
about being judged for being you, which is authentic. So
you know, I mean, obviously, the producers can't make you
do anything. They can make things look some type of way.
Sometimes they can really beef something up. But if you're
out there and you're doing something, that's you. So yeah,
I hate when people are like, oh, the producers edit it. No,

like you got to own your ship, so they show
what you give them exactly. They can't pull footage o
their ass. Yeah, so you know, it is what it is.
But sometimes I am surprised what they air on the show.
And that's one of the questions that we have is
are you ever surprised about what they are? And sometimes
I am like, sometimes I'm like, oh, I would have
never thought that was going to be a storyline because
I felt like other things were so prominent in my mind,

but that was just my experience in the house. Sometimes
sometimes you don't know, like, oh, is my experience in
the house going to be the thing that like, is
the front story where somebody else's story gonna be the
main storyline, and you sometimes you can figure it out,
but other times it's like you don't ever know. I mean,
I didn't think that Joseph's crunches were gonna make it.
Oh god, I'm so glad they did. I do a
thousand of these. I'm a six hundred. Oh what ye

looks like I'm doing toe touches. I'm like, your back
didn't even hit the ground. You know, it's a fully
like release to get, like a good crunch. Yeah. Yeah,
But you know, there's sometimes like not talking about him anymore.
There are sometimes when I would have been like, oh,
they're definitely gonna air that shit like hookups, and then
they don't. Yeah, I'm glad they need to show all
my hookups? Yeah? Or am I Who is on your

challenge dream Team? My Challenge dream team? Like? How many
people do I get to pick? It's a team Tory, Okay,
I'm gonna pick number one you because I fucking love
your spirit you. I'm gonna pick Fessy because he's a monster.
I'm gonna pick Jordan. This is a ship team, all right.

Probably I'm probably just creating more drama than I need. Yeah, well,
not even that. I just don't know. Whew, we're going
to function together with like yeah, yeah, yeah, that's take out. Yeah,
we have terrible team morale right now? All right, So
you and your eyebrows have nothing to do with this.
Is that what you do when you get nervous. I'm
over here. No one can see me right now, but
I'm I'm brushings sucking eyebrows, all right? Dream team go um, okay,

my dream team honestly with no drama. No drama is
very important because you gotta work well together. I feel
like you would be on my dream team for sure,
because I love your attitude and I know that you
can function up. Um. Natalie would be on my dream
team because she's a fucking monster um, and she can
also work well with other people. I would also like
to put cam on my dream team because she's a beast.

Can I can I just be an all female dream team? Yeah?
If that's yeah? And then maybe I'll throw I want
a guy there for for uh like brute strength, and
and I'll say, hmm, give me a guy, give me
a guy, give me a good, good guy. Corey. I'll
take Corey. Corey's a sweetheart. Yeah, I love him and
I'll take and I'll take scubine ll At for we

need we need a swimmer. Um. Let me think who
would be on my dream team? You clearly, because you
support me and you're strong and love you. I feel
like if we were on a team together and somebody
had to go against us, we would blood, sweat and tears.

I mean yeah, I feel like it'd be dangerous. Yeah, yeah,
that m I do love cam. I think she's she's
just fucking smart and she was always one a step
ahead of the game, which was awesome. Um, and she's
really good for Morrele and she's strong. It's weird. She
never played a fucking sport in her life, I know.

And she got it. Yeah got him. I love Dorrell
and I feel like he I love his spirit and
I love how he supported me and he was like,
I'll rock with you. So I was like, all right, Um,
I mean I want people on the team that like
really support each other. They're yeah, you know, like even CJ,
though hasn't been on in a while, he like, you know,

does all of his fitness stuff at home. I think
his wife is that too. But he even tweeted like
I'll rock with you any day, Like I want those
people that would totally support me in that and like
not be fucking not be assholes. Oh my god, Like
if we could go back to old seasons, like, can
we take Elton because he was a fucking was he
like good on a team? I mean him and I

were never on teams together. Oh okay, so all right,
but if we get feared, like, I mean, he's so
good and I'm sure he's like in the same shape
and his scant long again is beautiful? Oh yeah, I
would such an angel. And he's like a large angel.
What a sweet large angel. Yeah, but he also has
he also doesn't want to be fucked with, so exactly. Yeah,

he's an incredible shape. I would take Mark Long too.
I would take your miss if he came back, for sure.
I would have Rachel on our team too, or Emily. Listen,
we can literally have like the biggest strongest feminist group
killing men all over the lad Yeah, that'd be awesome.
I mean the quads on that team. You know what,

if they're ever going to do a Battle of the
sexist too, this is the time, honestly, this is the
fucking time. Yeah. Oh man, so good. All right. Any
so to the last question is what is the best
part about being on the challenge for you? You no
sart make it better? Come on, okay, okay. The best
part of being on the challenge is that you just

get to do like adult sports, like a big adult
sport team, and you do a bunch of challenges and
you're either going to win that game or you're gonna
lose that game, or at least be funny while you're
doing it. It has um led me to interact and
become friends with like some awesome people like you, um
that I don't know if I would have met otherwise, Um,

they would have met me and you. Yeah, like drunken
an alleyway. So I'm good. I'm might move over. I
got a pizza on my shoe, but I love it.
It would be us, It would be us god. Um
but yeah, it's it's just the best part has been

able you know, I've been able to reflect. I've been
able to reflect on the last nineteen years of my life,
the good, the bad, the ugly. Yeah. Um and just
you know, just grow so yes, um and the awesome
other awesome part from part the other awesome part is
that I get to travel, which I mean I wouldn't

have seen half those countries no, for that long of
a time. Yeah, yeah, So it's such a cool game.
I think that's my favorite part about it too, Like
I'm literally everything you said, yes, But for me, it's
got to be the fact that we get to play
a game, a big adult game. Like you said, it's
like it's like the movie Dodgeball, but like but better

because you get to do crazy shit. Like I'm not lying,
Like when I'm up there and we're doing some heights
over water shit, I mean, I'm literally contemplating my life
decisions at that point. I'm like why though, Oh fuck,
did I want to jump in? Immediately, I'm like, yo,
when he blows horns, there any chance I could just
go and be like just kill it for myself. But
like at the same time, like I'm very thankful and
I'm like yo, yo, I'm only I don't know how

many opportunities I'm gonna get to do this, so I'm
gonna do it. And that's why I respect anybody who's
still doing it, like you ct Wes Bananas, like anybody
who's like, yo, I'm gonna make a career and like,
make this a part of my life for as long
as I can. Fuck. Yes, anybody who talks shit on
you for that is mad that they're not on there
doing it. That's what it is. Yeah, and it's yeah,
go ahead, It's amazing. It's it's like, literally, it's the

coolest thing we've ever done in our lives. Like we're
gonna look back on these years and we're gonna be like,
I can't believe I fucking pole wrestled that motherfucker right
ba Kurts watching it. Yeah, I'd still do it though. Yeah, Anissa,
thank you so much for being the best motherfucker that
I ever met. I absolutely love you. Send me I will, girl.

I may have a couple in there in the vault.
Mmmmmm okay, Well where can we follow you? Anissa? Where
can we send you an edible arrangement with your address
and social Security number? Go, oh my god, relax. I'll
give you that with your nude later. You can find
me on Twitter at Anissa MTV. That's a n E

s a MTV and that is the same for Instagram
as well. And what about you, Tori? Tori underscore deal
like a deal You're at cards like a deal. That's right. Absolutely, remember, guys,
DMUs send in your listener questions because we are going

to get to them if we can. We absolutely love
hearing from you guys. Yes, and you can watch new
episodes of The Challenge every Wednesday and go behind the
scenes with us the next morning on MTV's official Challenge podcasts. WHOA,
Let's get ready for next week because I'm tired of
this break already know Bye guys. The end
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