All Episodes

January 28, 2021 53 mins

Tori and Aneesa are joined by Challenge Executive Producer, Danny Wascou, to break down the show's intense interviewing process, discuss an elimination for the ages, and try to figure out what happened with the guys during this week's challenge.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's up everyone. I'm Tory and I'm Anissa, and it's
time for another episode of MTV's official Challenge podcast, where
we go behind the scenes of the Challenge double Agents.
Like I always say, and I will repeat this again,
this podcast is not spoiler free, folks, so before we
go behind the scenes, make sure you're up to date

on the latest Challenge episodes. And what a crazy episode
it was. Literally this so good has been my favorite.
So good, so good, so good, and I was there
were time so good. We're gonna go try to figure
out what happened with the guys on that Challenge, discussed
all the big fights in the house and talk about

Leroy of bending his girl man who yes, oh what
a boyfriend doing it for Killer Cam. And on top
of all of that, we'll also be interviewing my coffee
talk man, one of my favorite Humans producer Danny wasco
to hear what it's like to be on the other
side of all of that drama. All right, Anisa, let's

dive into this one. It's too good. I'm so excited.
I've never been more excited. All right, Anissa, second number one, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
you know how this goes, I think we need like
seventy two seconds. Now, no way. We're in the thirty

six season of the Challenge. We're doing a thirty six
second recap, but it's double agents and there's so there's
double the shit in this episode. I'll try my best.
Now listen, I'll try and do it in thirty six seconds.
But all right, I'm getting my time ready and go,
oh my god, you're gone. Okay, And then we end

up going to this helicopter challenge that the guys want
to forfeit, but I'll talk about that later, and then
we get on it. Whatever we fall the guys don't participate.
Teresa tries to get everybody to fall off. When Amberbe
does not listen to her, she corners her in the
trailer and yells at her. Ambervie is not trying to
have it. Then we go out that night and everybody's
mad at Teresa. Teresa actually got really upset about it.
I think maybe cried. Then I told Jay he was

a punk and I couldn't really trust him, but I
love him, but I'm not speaking to him. Good, damn it,
damn it. You got a lot in there. Yeah, I
got all ship you didn't see, which could have been secrets. Yeah,
I know. I was like listening watching the timer and
I'm like, wait, wait, well rogertate what go back on that? What? What? What? Sorry? Damn? Okay,
Well we're gonna have to dive into all that stuff
because I'm so excited to find out what you know.

But let me try to pick up what you didn't get.
I'm gonna time myself. Actually you should tie me. Oh yeah,
you're like, I'm gonna tie myself and be honest about
my thirty six seconds my hands all right? Or in
three two one? Okay, everybody pulls up to the challenge
and they see that it is a helicopter. Whoo woo woo.
Taj's already there though, so it's not the beginning of
the show. That's definitely true. Everybody hops on that ball sack.

Who doesn't like to be on ball sacks over water?
Not me? I wish I was there, super jealous, wasn't
in that challenge, super diticipating in the guy for not
wanting to be a part of it, because god, that
looks so fun. But it's okay because when it came
down to it, Reese still got to lose. Which was
the most important thing because we don't want to win
because she's a sneak, a little snake. Yeah, that's right.
I feel like I'm gonna be over here. Brapah blah
blah blah blah bla. Leroy got up there. Yeah he did.
He took that ship, went up that ain't like that. Also,

had your eyes closed the whole entire time. No idea,
what right? Yeah, I had no idea. In translation, what
she meant was Leroy went into elimination and he did
very well, and we're really happy about that. Oh God,

so good play of the day. Yeah, it has to
go to Leroy. Yeah, I'm sorry he went in there.
He was like, I ain't no punk ass bitch. Yeah,
I'm gonna come down here and take you out myself
because you all try to set up yeah my girlfriend. Yeah.
And I also think he Leroy has actually done this
elimination before, which is not taking away anything from his
performance tonight. I don't think anyone in the house could

have beat Leroy at this elimination. I've never I mean,
you weren't there tour the fastest I've ever seen. I mean,
he was so fast it was sickening. And Jay looked
like he was gonna kill it. Because Jay's great at this.
I don't think anybody in the house would have beat Jay.
I mean, oh god, there's so much to dive into
it that we gotta give it to him for sure.
I do want to give a second play of the

day though, to amber B, because had she had not
put up that fight against Teresa, Teresa may have won.
It was only a second that split them apart. So
Leroy scored. But like that assist came from amber B
in that in that challenge, daily wins, so I gotta
give it to her too. I agree with you, all right,
dirtyestdeed though, Teresa or devon which one? Both of these

fuckers are dirty as shit. I'm gonna take Devin on this.
Uh way to start shit up. Devin, God, he just
knows what to do. And you know what. Listen, if
you know your chances of winning this challenge aren't the highest,
and you know that the guys or may come for
your skull, you know that, like you're the first person,
you gotta do what you gotta do. So it's a

dirty deed, But uh, it wasn't too bad of a move.
I just thought it was so funny when his socks
were on the window, Like, what were you doing that? Oh,
because you missed a part where I guess Fessie took
off his shoes. I don't know. One give him better,
and I think he felt disrespected. I was drinking. I
left because I couldn't handle it. It was too much

and it was much more insane than what we saw.
But we'll get into that later. All right, Well, before
we go into yeah, before we get into that fight,
let's go into this daily challenge because it was amazing
to watch, Like, how how was it being there? And
he said, explained the challenge to us for anybody who
just needs a little recap. So we drive probably two
hours to get there, and the smell of sulfur is

just abundant in the area, and we go to we
have trailers, so the girls are in one trailer, the
guys are in the other trailer, and since there's a helicopter,
you have to be careful of like winds and weather
and whatever. And what we found out later that MTV,
well you know, Murray whomever, production had been trying to
pull this this challenge off for a while and we

were finally getting the means to use really awesome shit
to be like these agents. So productions worked really really
hard to set this up for us. We waited in
that trailer for about six hours, thinking it was just weather.
The guys got scared and didn't want to do it,
so they tried to. They tried to protest and like

go and they were like, we're not going to do it.
So we didn't know. We thought we were just waiting
for the weather to chill out. The whole time. The
guys already driven back to the rest stop where we
had first stopped and we're like, no, we're not doing
the challenge. So then they were like, we're going. So
the girls had to go first and we were like,
eff it, we're going. So we just got up there,
no fear. We were like whatever. So our first heat

kind of, you know, set the tone it did, and
I was up there, you know with my girls, like
I fuck with everybody who was in my heat. So
we were like we're going to go up there, you know,
like let's do our best. Whoever wins wins. Yeah. But
when I tell you, Nanni is a monster, yeah, she was.
I caught her kung Fu Panda because she kept kicking
in my hands. She was like a Nissa drop. I'm like, no,

you gotta keep kicking me. I do because it was
so lighthearted. It wasn't mean spirited, like it was just
one of those things that was like one of us
were gonna win. We would have been happy for anyone
who did. We really enjoyed our heat. And then we
saw the next guys and I'm like, you gotta be kidding.
They're not moving, And now to see their conversation up there,

I was like, y'all were really talking about how y'all
weren't going to move, Like do you think that it
was a fear thing? Like do you think they were
afraid to fall in or do you think that they
were like afraid to like show their cards by who
they were gonna like try to take out? Like what
was going on. I was talking to Fessi about it,
and he was just like, I'm a big ass dude. Okay, Fessi,
we know you're big ass man, but you know, Kyle's

a big dude. CT's a big dude, Like these are
big dudes. So he was like we would just be stalemate,
like guys would be trying to pull me off. I'd
be trying to pull them off and nobody would go anywhere,
you know, and then if I take them with me,
then we both lose. So it was a pride thing.
It was a pride thing. Nobody wanted to actually try
to get somebody else off and then accidentally fall in
like and have to use their body leverage to get

somebody else off. So it's pride. And they were like
it was easy to hold on. That wasn't the issue.
They just didn't. I mean, I don't know, I'm not
I'm not the guys. It's hard to speak for them.
If I was production, I would be fucking pissed because
how much money and time goes into every single challenge.
That's a fucking helicopter with a ball sack hanging off
it over in lake and you're gonna tell me you

don't want to compete. You know how many people would
die to be on this show. You know how many
people wish there was open auditions, Like, I honestly am
so happy that they revoked their votes later and said
that they didn't count, because how we're going to talk
about that later? Yeah, that was nuts. I mean, this
episode I got to say probably one of my favorites,
Easy Easy, because there was just so much shit going on.

So when it was Teresa's turn, well, Casey wins our heat.
Then the guys are stalemate on the second. Then when
it's a girl's time again, we see Amber b because
you can't really see them from that far. Everybody kind
of looks like a dot on the ball sack. Yeah,
and it's supposed to be a cargo net with luggage
in it, but it's totally fine. A cargo net with
cargo in it. We'll call that cargo ball sacks. So

you see Amber be just kind of like fighting because
I think that over time, being one of the smaller girls,
you know, she's thinner, I think that she thought she
was underestimated by a lot of people, and I think
she wanted to prove something to herself and to other people,
and that like, hey, I want to win too, and
she's aware of that if they don't win, you know
what I mean, or she doesn't put up a fight,

her and de roll may go in. Dude, she she
won me this episode, Like we didn't really get to
talk too much in the house, and obviously, you know,
everybody has the reservations about everybody. But this episode was
the first time all season where I was like, Okay,
I think that you are a challenger. I see that
in you, because anybody who's like, no, I'm not gonna
let you fucking win boom. Now you made a challenge.

I like that. I like that at her. I really
loved that she did that, because she came up to
me right after and she was like, Nissa, I need
to tell you that, Teresa. You know, like you know
how the trailers in two parts where you can close
the door in the back and get changed. Yeah, and
the front's just tables. She talked to her back there,
and as how amber Bee said it, she was basically

yelling at her like why didn't you fall? I told
you to fall. It's like, um, because I'm on a
show fighting for a million dollars and you talked about
potentially throwing durell in Like, I don't know what you
want for me, but I'm not here to help you
win the game. Right? What? Right? Oh man? I mean
there's so much to get into because then think about
how that explodes in the igloo, like when you get power,
It's so interesting, right you see it? Like when me

and Devin get power, and it put a target on
our backs because we had conversations about who we would
want to potentially go against. Teresa and Jay get power
the next week, they get a target on their backs
because then they get to talk about who they want
to potentially put in. So when you have power, it
is a very fragile thing because the moment you don't
have it anymore, it could potentially bite you in the ass.

And that's exactly what happened to me, and that's what
happened to Jay. He just happened to be a part
of Teresa's plan, went along with it, and then obviously
bit him in the ass this time because Learoy fucking
went down and did that thing. The other thing I
wanted to touch on that we skipped over was just
Casey in the challenge. I just want to give her

some credit because she is She's not a big girl,
but she's a strong girl and she fucking competed so
well on that challenge. So I just want to gave
all of us women props for being strong. Thank you, Casey,
We love you, Casey. Yeah, yeah, she's fucking great. So
then let's go into this elimination because Anisa, just tell

me what it was like to be there. I feel
like I'm living vicariously through you right now, Like, whoa,
it looks sick. It was good. I mean, the deliberation
was nasty to oh, the deliberation, yeah, talk about that.
That was That was a lot too, because Cam was like,
h not today, I'm not playing with you. But it
was just crazy. The back and forth and then the

CT and Teresa argument was not not pleasant to be
there for either, because I didn't know what was going on.
I didn't know who to believe. I mean, you fucking
pinned him though, Like I guess if I would have
been there, I wouldn't have known what to believe either.
But in your interview you acknowledge. You're like, yeah, CT man,
he fucking can make you believe that anything by the
way he talks, Yeah, you pinned it. You'd be like

the sky's purple, and I'm like, well, I guess that
shade of blue looks a little purple. Okay, it's border
it's teetering on a purple shade. You know, But I don't.
I don't listen. He was voted in first, Like I
get it, Like he knows that if he may get
boxed out of elimination and never be able to compete
and never get a gold skull. So he's gonna do

whatever he has to do. And I can't knock him
for being probably one of the smartest people there. No,
for sure, CT definitely has an amazing game. He knows
exactly how to play, and like, it's also funny because
usually when you have a target on your back in
the beginning, it's hard to drop it. But think about it.
Originally in CT, he had a target on his back
from the jump, I mean him and West. People wanted

to get remember when you threw West in or it
wasn't West that Yeah, like people wanted to people wanted
to get them against each other first, and then somehow,
once West was out of the game, that target was
off CT's back. Yeah, because nobody wants that piece. Yeah,
all right, So let's dive into Leroy because that was
the most savage thing I've ever seen in my life,
because Jay is not an easy competitor. No, and especially

when there's something with ropes and you're hanging' that's his ship.
That's his ship. So how how like confident did Leroy
genuinely have to be to go down there and pick that.
He was silent before. I mean, like I'd never seen
anything like that. He was just in his head, yeah,
thinking I was just in the fucking zone. Wow. And

you heard him talking to himself. You did like you
you're gonna You heard it on that episode he was
like you're gonna win, like you gotta, you know, like
just talking himself up. It made me want to be him. Yeah,
that was you wanted to cheer for him, like it
was his moment. That ship was super human. Like to
be able to just like lock in zone and like that,

have that confidence, trust your intuition, believe you can do it,
go down there, do the damn thing. You even said.
It was so quick they're gonna have to play in SloMo.
They had to play that whole elimination in SloMo prac
I mean, there's no way that's not even the speed
that they did. I mean I had never seen anything
like that. And when Ashley and Natalie did it, I
was like, God, this is so difficult. But when I
watched the guys do it, I'm like, God, they look

a little like fast ass inchworms, flying inchworms. I had
never seen anything like that, So props to both guys
because they killed it. And like I said before, I
don't think anybody would have beat either one of them,
and certainly not Leroy. Yeah, I think the hunger was
there too, Like you could see it in his face.
He was like, you fuck with my girl. Number one,
number two, I've been doing this for twelve seasons. Number three,

I want to win a number four. I've been training
my ass off and no one's gonna take this from me. Yeah,
I'm getting my skull tonight and I'm gonna be part
of the gold Skull Club. Yeah. I was like, come
on home, son, God, let's go. You know. It was
just so amazing. And then also like just knowing like
Jay left and he was obviously really upset and crying,
but like, this is just a message to you. Jay.
You come on the show as a competitor, not to

always be a winner, but to always put your best
foot forward and give people a good show. And that's
what you did tonight. You made Leroy have to fucking
work for that win. Not that he didn't deserve it,
but it was both guys out there who put on
an epic show. So both guys should definitely hold their
heads up high, because that's what people want to see.
People don't want to watch competition and watch people throw it.
People want to watch competition with two people who are

equipped and who have the ability to compete and do
well and go for it. And that's exactly what we
salt today. That's why this episode was so just so awesome.
There were so many twists and turns. There were so
many shocking things. There were people that were actually standing
up for themselves and each other, and it was just nuts. Aisa,
what was it really like being in there in the

house watching Devin and Kyle versus Josh and FESSI listen
because you were in the middle of that. Well, yeah,
because this is the thing I care about my guys, Like,
I get it, it's a game whatever. But when we
have time to be off, you know, I don't talk
a lot of games, So I'm like, when we have
time to like go out and drink. And when I
say go out, I mean go in the backyard, drink,
come back. That's my time to decompress. Leave me the

fuck alone. Yeah, you know, and then everybody wants to
come back and make their snacks, and I'm like, okay, FESSI,
you are not gonna be in this fight. Because FESSI
was really like ready to go. His voice changes and shit,
he's ready to go. He was. He sounds like he
was rapping. Yeah, he was like, so y'all want to
fuck with me? Na brona bro, Nah, Bro, you don't

want that for me, Na Bro. It's like, okay, all right, bro.
But it got worse because I don't know what happened.
Devin's shoes came off. Then somebody wouldn't give his shoes back.
I think. Then water was thrown on Kyle. I was like, Kyle,
you gotta choke his Kyle. If no one knows Kyle's
a fucking firecracker. He turns on and he is. He

will defend himself if he needs to. He doesn't take
any shit. You know. He is just a monster. So
when you once you get him come, Josh is still going.
But I'm in the other room with FESSI because I'm
holding FESSI back in his room in the barn, and
the barn is sorry, I didn't tell you guys. We
all lived in these little rooms and then there's a

big room in one side of the house. And then
there's a separate house outside and that's called the Barn
where a lot of the big brother and then Durrell
and Amber am slept and Kyle. So you know, I'm
holding him back in the barn. He's just ready to go.
I'm like, FESSI, this isn't the moment to do this shit,
like you have so much more like if little kids

are looking up to you and like you're still growing
and you want to keep doing this for a long time.
Don't cut your time short here, and don't ever, ever
ever take your own money out of your pockets. Yeah,
Devin knows what he's doing. All of this is intentional,
you know. Devin knows that he has to fight with
certain tools. You know, he's got certain weapons and they

are a lot of weapons of the mind, but they
fuck with people who yeah, who can Yeah. I mean
it's so interesting though, because you do have this one
point where Josh is like pushing back FESSI and being like, no,
Devin does this. Devin does this, and then like twenty
minutes later, Devin's doing that to Josh and he still
doesn't have the ability to put that wall up and
just recognize it's just Devin trying to push push my

buttons right, Like, Devin's really good at being an instigator,
Like it's a it's a scary craft that I know,
it's like an art it is. It's so fine. I mean,
kudos Max for that's that's what I call Devin. I'll
tell you the story later, folks. Um. But yeah, it
just was. It was very unnecessary, and I wish a

liberation the other guys would have apologized. Yeah, I kind
of think that that Devin was sincere. But on the
other hand, I also think that he was trying to
be like, don't vote me in because you heard that
at the end of it. He was like, and don't
vote me in. I'm sorry, and don't vote me. But
I really was like, FESSI, you're not going to say anything,

like there's no And I don't know why I felt
so responsible for him, but as a partner, I feel
like it's almost a reflection of me. But I think
that's because you know, I consider him a friend. So yeah,
I just wanted him to apologize because I know the
good side of FESSI, and I want other people to
see that. Yeah, but you know, if you're not going
to show it, I can't pull it out of you. Yeah,

I mean, listen, there was obviously a lot of aggression
and instigation, but at least nobody actually came to full
blown blows. And we're going to take a quick break
right now, but we are going to be right back
with an interview from Danny Mosco, the executive producer and
lead story producer Out of the Challenge. Okay, guys, I

am so excited for this portion of the podcast. We
have Danny Wassco here and he is going to give
us so much information and tell us all the insights
and scoop and details on what happens behind the scenes
of the challenge. He is the executive producer lead story producer. Danny,
thank you so much for coming on the show. Thank
you for having me. I'm so excited to be here.

I want to spill so much tea. Let's get me
in trouble, let's get me fired, let's get me talk
to I'm ready. I think none of that's going to
happen before we get into all the crazy stuff. For
those who don't know you, can you explain your role
at the challenge? That's a good question and I almost

want to hijack this interview. First, I'm gonna turn it.
I'm curious what you guys think I do. Okay, well,
I know that you don't stay the whole season, so
I feel like you have your hand in the editing process,
and you're like the main interviewer, like you're the man

with the plan. It's like you have you have gathered
all of this information and divvy out questions to people,
and then you get all the intel back and you're like, okay,
I've got the story. Yeah, and you go back and
then you start breaking it down because somebody's got to
look over, like all of the editors who aren't there
with us, and be like, no, this is how it happens.
So if you could kind of make this story makes sense, yeah,

make it be the correct way, I would appreciate. That's a.
That's a that's really good. That's pretty much what I do.
In a nutshell. I am one of the executive producers.
I'm in charge of story and it kind of starts
in the beginning when we're trying to come up with
the show. We're trying to figure out what the show is.

My job is to make sure that when we come
up with our themes and our concepts, we're able to
tell them, you know, that we're not coming up with
something crazy that is going to take you know, seventy
five of our ninety minutes to tell, or something so
thin that it's not going to last for the whole episode. Also,

part of my job, as you guys well know, is
coming to the field and tracking story. You know, we
have a great group of field producers who are running
around following you, writing down everything that you say, and
then we come up with interview questions and the tables
are often turned here like I'm usually the one getting

you to tell me your story. So it's really important
for me to be able to talk to you guys
and help you tell your story. And then, yes, Anissa,
like you said, I do disappear about four to six
weeks in and I go to post production, and I
have a whole team there where we try to fid

our thousands of hours of footage into the amount of
episodes that we have for season. So essentially, unlike the
architect and you know, my team comes up with a
blueprint to give to the editors so that the editors
could edit the show. God, it sounds like a lot
such an intimidating job, like that's our big responsibility, you know,

it is a big responsibility to get it right because
I want to do I so badly want to do
right by all of you and buy the game and
buy the fans, and I want to nothing more than
to just help you all tell your story, because you
guys really are You're the stars of the show, you know,

and everybody has their own point of view. Everybody sees
things differently. You know. There are thirty points of view
this season, and it's hard to get them all in.
You know, I know that it's hard to get them
all in. The show has gone from thirty minutes to
sixty minutes to ninety minutes, and we just keep adding

story and adding story. And I think it's to the
benefit of the show and to the benefit of you
guys to be able to tell what you're seeing happen.
And so much is happening totally, and it's a lot.
It's true because, like I mean, I go into an
interview and I genuinely think my side of the story
is the way it should be, you know, But everybody
thinks that way. Everybody believes that their perspective on the show.

But that's why you cast all of us assholes. You
think that we're ripe because when we get conflict, well,
you know, it's it's to me, it's not always even
about the conflict, it's can this person tell their point
of view? You know, can they express what their story is?
You know? Sometimes like you guys are great in interview,
Like let's just put that on the table right here.

You know, yes, you guys heard it first. So true though, Anissa,
like we have our thing. You're my morning girl, we
bring our cups of coffee in the morning. You're my
person I put first because like, hey, you'll agree to
be first without being in a bad mood. And you know,
it's like we vibe like that. So at times, though,

you get somebody who comes into the room and get
so nervous and they don't know what to say, and
you really really have to help them and create an
environment of trust as well. Yeah, you really are a
therapist in there. I do feel like that because one
of your jobs too, Like when you're in there, you know,
interviewing us, a lot of our own shit comes up

and we're like whoa whoa wait a minute, didn't know
this was going to come out. So I do think
it's helpful and I think that it's like it is
a safe space for us to kind of event and
talk about it. I mean, you are responsible for a
lot of our feelings and like we're you know, I
think without our knowledge, just trusting that you keep it safe.
And I mean I feel safe with you because you've

kept me safe for forever. But it really does it
is our place where we can get a lot of
shit out. Yeah, you know, it's it is a big responsibility,
like you said, And sometimes when we're interviewing, we do
have to realize too, these people have been locked inside
this house with each other and we are the only

other person that they're talking to. You're not talking to
the camera people, you're not talking to the sound people.
We're kind of like your outlet. And sometimes, you know,
sometimes it's so much fun for us too. Like you know, Anissa,
I said that you're our morning person, Tory, You're sort
of like our Swiss army knife. You know. It's like,

oh my god, I'm looking at my interview schedule and
I know that I have like four tough people who
do I need at the end of the day to
like brust me up, okay, Tori, Like she's gonna like
come in with some bazas, She's gonna come in with
some spark and you're not like can I cuss? I
can cuss something. Yeah, I'm not gonna give me any
bullshit Like see is what you get. And that's what

makes a really good cast member for me. Yeah, totally. Oh,
thank you so much, Danny. I appreciate that. What do
you do when when somebody's boring? Like do you not retact?
You know? I think like you have to take like
well yes, I mean some degree, yes, but you you

do have to and I try to take I have
to take some personal responsibility in that right, Like I
do have to think what am I doing where this
person might not be comfortable with this person? Do they
need more of a delicate hand? Do they need me
to play like a good cop bad cop thing? Because
I'll do that, you know me, Like I'm not gonna

I'm not gonna let you off the hook for something.
But sometimes people it's their first time ever opening up
in a certain way. You know. One thing that I
find so funny, like, look, I think we've all cried together, right,
Like we've all cried together the people who cry with
me most are actually the men. Wow straight then wow yeah,

Because here's the thing. They're not used to opening up
and I'm speaking in general terms here. They're not necessarily
used to opening up and talking about their feelings and
more so having someone really listen to them, and it's
their time, it's their stage, they can listen. So I
get a lot of tears in there. And sometimes if
a person's like quote unquote boring, you know, maybe they

don't want to trust the process, you know, maybe they
don't want to open up about themselves, And that's it's
really hard. It puts us in a predicament because all
we want to do is share their stories. So sometimes
I know the fans are like, why are you not
showing this person? Why? Well, they're not really giving me
much to show or much to tell, right, Totally, You're

just working with what people are giving you. Can you
tell clearly, this is not one of the interview questions
that I want to know? Can you tell when somebody's
bullshitting you in an interview? Like yeah, yeah, I mean absolutely,
But here's the thing, you really just have to I
think here's what makes a good interviewer that like I
kind of I try to pride myself on you got

to listen to them, right, Like, you really just got
to be listening and paying attention and following what they're saying.
And if they're trying to bullshit you, I think you
know it. I think the fans know it, the audience
kind of knows it. It's hard to talk them out
of it, though, you know, because I know that what

you're saying is going to be put on TV, and
I know that, you know, social media is rough and
tumble for all yeahs, you know, so I think if
someone's really really really trying to protect their image, sometimes
it kind of does more harm than good when you're
just wearing it all on your sleeve. Definitely, totally. It

is so difficult, Like especially because how long have you
been working on the show for Danny. Oh girl, it
will that That's another question that will surprise you. M Anissa.
You started Real World in two thousand and two. I
started Challenge two thousand and one two February two thousand
and two. Wow, well we started right around the same
time I started Challenge in two thousand and one. So

imagine the social media growth from the time the challenge
just started on TV, so now you're seeing it in
two thousand and twenty one, Like, how like you have
seen the amount of pressure the cast members now experienced
because of social media. Absolutely. I mean, like, look, I
get some apps and some dms, like you know, and
I'm talking like three or four like I cannot imagine. Yeah,

you guys get it must be crazy. But you know,
the show has changed and evolved. It used to be
like message boards. Yeah, you get on the message boards
and you chat. Yeah, yes, and now it's you know,
Twitter and Insta and like it. It's fun and it's great.
It's intense, though, Yeah, you really do have to be

able to like hold your own in that realm of it.
And like I think as a cast member, I'm sure
you guys look at like, Okay, we might bring you on,
but you're only going to last seasons in the show
if you have the ability to deal with the outside
opinion of it, because now we're so exposed to it. Yeah,
and you know, I think that does kind of in
some ways impact my storytelling when I'm in post production,

you know, like I do have to realize that, you know,
what we put on air is going to impact you,
and what we put on air is going to say something.
So there is a responsibility and it's hard. And do
we get it right all the time? No, we don't
always get it right all the time, but that's kind
of part of the learning and growing process. And you

guys know, like I'll come to you. I don't know
if I've had to come to you guys, but maybe
other cast members have told you this, Like I will
come to you at the start of the next season
and say, you know what, last season, we had some
problems with your interviews, like you weren't really telling us anything.
What how can I help you tell your story? Yeah,
that's really important, it is, Mary, because things can get

really messed up and then people are like, oh, they
edited me all. No, you gave them everything, and then
they edited what you gave them, yeah, exactly, Or didn't
spill a little tea. I'm gonna spill a little tea
right now. Last season, last season, on season thirty five,
Total Madness, I had a cast member by the name

of Johnny Bananas. Yeah. Yeah, he came up to me
and said, Danny, why didn't you guys play the fact
that I was so much more involved in getting West
out last season, and I said, Johnny, you're a vet.
You should know this. All of your conversations were off camera.
We didn't have anything you were hiding doing it. Did

you do a good job getting him out? Yes? Could
I tell the story of you getting him out? Because
I can't put on TV a scene that does not
exist right right, I can't make magic happen. I mean
you can, but you literally can't pull pull a scene
out of thin air. No. I wish I could sometimes
girl me too, But like then, but then you have

so like you have moments where you're obviously trying to
piece together all of these interviews in these stories to
make this beautiful arc. But then you have moments like
in this last episode, And I just want to talk
about how awesome it was to watch Leroy come in
and a bench cam and take out fuck I almost
missing up his name Jay and take out Jay, who
deserves his name to be spoken correctly. By the way,
He's incredible. So, like, how amazing is that from a

storyteller perspective when something like that happens. Oh, it's it's delicious.
And I think that happens so much on this show
for some reason right, Like they're like people say the
challenge gods or challenge karma. But it is a thing,
isn't it. Yeah, it really is. There is energies. Um.

I am such a Leroy and Cam stand Like just
to see the growth that they have had in their
relationship and how open that they have both been in
sharing that with us is and I just love them
both so much. But to see him, you know, at

the start of the episode basically go all. I mean,
there was like a line of people like waiting to
just yell at poor little Jay, you know, they're just
go off on him. And he promised he would avenge
Camp and then he does it. So there is this
full circle thing, which is really it's unless your name
is Jay. It's a really beautiful story. But I will

say this, if there was one person who could beat
Leroy in that elimination, it was Jay, no one else,
no one else, And I could have it was even money.
I would have put just as much money on Jay
as Leroy on that. There's no one in that house
that could have beat Leroy. No, you know, And that's
why it was so crazy that Lebroy did it, because
it wasn't like it was a guaranteed skull. It was

like a big risk, Like that's like that you know
that you're signing up for potentially losing, and he still
did it. Yes, you have to put yourself out there.
You have to take a risk. That's what this season
is about. You have to risk to get your gold skull,
to earn your way into TJ's final It's so important
that you actually do the thing. Yeah, So there was

a lot of drama in this episode, Danny. It was
like there anything that didn't make air because I feel
like it was just so much. Yeah, you know, everything
that went down with Josh and Fssie and Devin. I
mean as we were shaping this episode, I think we
were ten minutes over at one point on this episode. Often,

the way that I like to describe the post production
process grab a shoebox and grab a pillow and try
to stuff that pillow into the Wow, there's so much
stuff going on. So you know, they those boys were
yelling all night at each other. You know, so we
have to decide what are we putting in, how much

are we putting in? And also too, can we talk
about this challenge for a second. The Missionari'll take down
where the guys did not participate becomes hard for story.
How are we playing this? Like, why are they not participating?
What is the story of them not participating? You know,

I think that plus the guys being fools at the
house kind of equals TJ saying, hey, hey, your votes
are going away? Yeah hell yeah, And that was a yeah,
absolutely total shocker. And I think the TJ would have
done that regardless of the shenanigans at the house, but like,

you know, he does it with the smile when everyone's
kind of acting the fool totally. And you know, like
we were saying earlier, it's just so for people who
have come in this game, put everything on the field,
and then gone home to watch people not compete. Do
you know how many people would die to be on
the challenge like for free? Just come on, they don't
even care. Yeah, And like it's just like there's so

much work that goes into everything you guys do, like
just at least at least try. Yeah, now, I will
say that, like, you know, a little bit of what
you didn't see from that challenge was that that was
a long day. You know, we were yeah, six hours
waiting for the winds to die down so that we
could do the thing, you know, nice and safe, so
I would understand where the nerves would kind of work up,

you know and work up and work up. And maybe
some people think that they didn't have much on the line,
but you never know what teacher is gonna do. You
never know, he could just throw out another security breach.
Who knows what he's gonna do. God, I feel like
we're in Hunger Games ye season thirty seven to only
one person comes out a lot. Literally, I'm curious as

of to who your dreamcast is, Like who are your
favorite challengers and like what's the worst concoction of people
you can align? Oh my god, you know, uh well, God,
this is a hard question. I love. I mean, like
I was saying earlier, if you if you kill in
an interview, I want you. I want you on. I

like when people make a big return, like look, I
know she was doing a lot this season, but having
Teresa back was kind of amazing, you know, uh yeah,
it was. It was great. No one expected Teresa to
show up, so that was a lot of fun. Um.
Having Durrell back was also a dream this season. You know,

he was doing you know, I start. I actually worked
on his season of Road Rules, you know, back when
I was an infant um you know. So I love
when people that make their their triumphant return as far
as you know, a dream cast goes. That's so hard
because every season you just kind of have to look

at it and see, like, what are the relationships with
you guys? You know, when we get somebody back like
Laurel who hasn't been on in a while, we go, God,
what were her relationships with these people? Like and you
kind of remind yourself and you go, oh, oh, oh, okay,
here we go, here we go. And then sometimes our

new rookies they really bring a lot to the table,
and sometimes we get so excited by people. When I
saw that Natalie Anderson from Survivor was available, I was
starting to fangirl out on that, like I'm such a
huge survive or not so, but also moving forward to
we want to keep pushing the needle. We want to

keep like looking for people who are going to take
the sh show to the next level, you know, we
want the vets who want to come back and keep
pushing harder and harder and harder and helping us do that. Yes,
a company, and and they're also new people. I would love,
you know, like you know I would love someone from

like drag Race on the show. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I
really would because you're talking about like some strong individuals, dancers,
you know, I want to see more gay men on
the show to be quite only. Yes too, Like it
is time, you know, like we are constantly you know,
knowing too that like we have to evolve the show

with the times, keep up with the times. I'm proud
of us this season. I think we can take it
even further, you know, like like there's absolutely there's a
whole wide world out there. You know, we need every
shade of the rainbow in that world. You know. Yeah,
I think this season really told stories that were very
important and people I think from I mean because I

took the break when I after I broke my ankle.
Coming on to total madness, I'm like, Oh, everybody's got
anxiety and everybody's talking about it. We're not hiding this,
We're not shaming this. We're not you know, shaming meds
and shaming mental health. Like and then I come on
to this one, I'm like, oh, so we're not shaming
you know, men of color, and mental health. Like we're
really talking about these things out loud to one another

and having really important conversations. I'm having people ask how
they you know, how they can be better allies, like
people really involved in wanting to make a difference and
then showing that, you know, and showing that we're trying
to do better. Yeah, you know, we talked about that
a lot going into this season, like with COVID and
then you know, the push, the continued push for racial

justice over the summer. We knew that those two things
going into a season where we're taking these wonderfully diverse
people and putting them in a house together, They're gonna
come up. They should come up, and we should not
shy away from it. You know, these are people, and
we're investing in these people and trying to root for
these people. This is what's happening in the world right now.

It's at the forefront of their lives. You know. We
have to do right by them, and we have to
do right by our fans. Yeah, and it's just perceived well,
it's like everybody. Everybody loves it, and I think that's
what makes me so be proud to be a part
of this team. It's just like fuck yeah, like this
is the people I want to be a part of it. Yes,

yes for sure, even when the show gives you the ship,
even when you know, I get a bad am, Like
you know what it's worth it. It's gonna happen. It's
gonna happen. You know, You're they're gonna happen. Good seasons
for you and bad seasons for you, and seasons where
you know, but you'll take a piece of whatever your
experience is and bring it with you to the next season,

you know. Um And and that's kind of the fun
of it. We are a reality competition, soap up, you know,
like we just like relate your relationships with people five
years ago are going to be different than your relationships
with them now, and that's going to be different than
your relationships with them in five years. Yeah. And it's

crazy you get to watch it like you've seen Camp
and LeRoy's relationship. You obviously saw my relationship and obviously
a huge breakup. Like you never know what somebody is
going to go through and who they're going to connect
with on the show, which is it's just crazy, but
it's our lives. It's like people always say to me,
I can't believe you you keep dating reality TV guys.
I'm like, you don't date people outside of your high school.

When you're in high school, you date in your pool
of people. These are the people you connect with, these
are the people you work with. Like you're going to
make connections with these people, so you just kind of
like date them, we're get engaged to them. But you know, Tory,
here's the thing that, like, here's why I think you're
a good cast member. You allow us that access to
that part of your life, you know what I mean.

And there is a part of you that does have
to protect yourself and your relationship. But I think you've
realized that, like your best protection in a way is
being open about it, right, Because if you're open about
it and your your authentic self about it and you're
not trying to like paint it in a certain way,
then then we're really seeing the truth of it and

connecting and knowing that. Like, sorry, the Tory on camera
that I'm watching on my sofa on Wednesday nights is
the same Tory that's like walking down the street. You're
the same person, And I think that's smart of you
to share that side of you can't be easy, but
I think it's it's best in the long run. It's
definitely gotten easier, I can tell you that. So for

anybody out there who's thinking about being in reality TV,
who only just got into it, just know, as long
as you stick with it, you grow some fit harry balls,
you'll fall And asked you, with you and your thick
harry balls to be on the show, you're going to
be open in interview and to telling your story. Yeah,

for sure, Danny, if you were on the show, I
need to know this question too. What do you feel
like what kind of challenge would you be the best at?
Would it be heights, puzzle food? Well, okay, reviewers or
your listeners can't see me, but I am about six six. Yeah,

I'm like the opposite of that. Um okay, I am
scared of heights. I don't know how to swim, I'm
terrible at eating. I would be like the worst challenger,
But I think i'd be good at puzzles. I think
I would be really good at politics. I think so too.
The games, I don't know. I mean unless there's like

a tennis match or something, but the games are not
like I would have a very hard time with the games,
to be honest, Like, you know, it's kind of funny
because sometimes I'll be like, why aren't these guys going
forward on that helicopter And I'm like, well, shoot, I
probably to either. I'd be so scared. But you're like,
that's not why we casted you, motherfucker. That's yeah, yeah,

that would be so funny. Like you guys can go up.
I'll be down here. You do not want to pick
me as your partner unless you need a political game. Yeah,
I could see that for you. I could definitely see that. Yeah,
we could have like one silent partner that does all
your politics that doesn't compete you, like you're welcome, brain.

I mean that I would be down for that. I mean,
you know, I think where I would do well is
I have learned from you. I sit in all your
interviews and listen to all your strategies and then keep
my poker face when I'm talking to the next person,
and I know exactly who's plotting against you. I mean,
I'm the most dangerous player in the game. You really are. Shit,

I want to be a fly on the wall just
to look at his laptop. I'm like, who said, what
if if these laptops could talk, I pay money. So
that's what I want to be on the cast anymore.
So I gonna sneak in and see everything. You know what, Danny,
I just gotta tell you a secret real quick. So
after Dirty thirty, we were all brought back to LA

to do our exit interviews. And yeah, it was just
one time when I had to plug my phone in
to your laptop to charge it. And so that was
the summer that my text messages leaked with Jordan and
that's how Derek found out. So for the for a
little bit of time there, I know, even though my
phone uploading to your laptop and you had the text,

I swear to god, it's like, I'm never doing a
show again. I fucking hate Danny. I would be the
guy that would like send out the APB to like
everyone being like, oh my god, guys, this happened. Oh
that's so funny. But you imagine I know you're not now,
but I did think you would. Oh no, that's an

amazing story, so funny. I'm dying over that. Danny. We
love you so much and I am so happy that
you came on here because I don't get to ask
you many questions, but I feel like you would answer
them to your best ability if I did ask you.
But hopefully, um, this means that you'll be casting us
together soon maybe Now. I really appreciate everything you do.

It's so much fun to interview with you. You are
my favorite, even when I interview with other people, but
I really do. It's a great team. But I thank
you so much for saying that you really are amazing.
It's just so easy to talk to you, and you
get me, and it's always been a safe space. So
thank you. Well, thank you guys, and congratulations on your podcast.

I've been listening. I have been loving it. I hope
there's tons more for years to come. Thank you, thank you,
thank you. Danny Love Yeah you know my number? By Okay,
I'm gonna hop off now you can talk your ship
by Danny Moscow is amazing. I absolutely him, so happy

he came on the show, and I know I kind
of want him to come over for coffee now, so
like chat him up all week. God, his political game
is so good, I would absolutely know it's strong. President
Yeah for president really got a strong political stroke. Yeah
all right, Anissa, let's get into our closing segment, which

is Challenge Confidential. I wasn't there, so you got to
give me a secret from this episode. Yeah, So a
lot of things were going on, and like Danny said,
they had to cut this episode down because there was
just so much shit overflowing. But I have to just
say this, once Tory leaves, once you leave, I'm a

mess and not a mess, but I'm you know, my
girl's gone, but you're also my number one. And now
that I've know, now that I know that, Teresa told
Cam we voted for her. Teresa's can't be trusted. So
Cam and I have a whole conversation. She was like,
I want you to be my number one. She was
like you can think about it, but like she was like,
I want you to do well in this game. Like

it was just so heartfelt. I'm so wonderful. But she
was like, you're gonna need to prove this to me though,
Like and at that time, I'm like, shit, you guys
just voted me in. Like I need back up here,
you know, I need I need friends, I need an alliance,
I need something. Yeah, And I told her, I'm like
I got you. Like in that moment, I was like,

I fuck, I fuck with you, Cam, you know, and
I can trust you. I'm gonna show you can trust me.
So I had to vote for Jay and Teresa, but
I told you I was never going to vote for him.
But my um when I voted in the chamber, I
was like, Jay, we're real friends. I'm real friends. Forgive
each other. I'm like, if you're my friend, you're going
to talk to me after this, because he was gonna
go in any way, Yeah, you know what I mean
without my vote, but it's it was more of a

sign of like, you guys can trust me. I'll do
what I say because you know I don't make promises
because I'm not gonna lie to anyway. Yeah, for show,
that was a big one and they left a lot
of that out. But having Cam have your back, yes,
it's a big thing. Which is great because we were
trying to work with them in the beginning, Like I
was always teenly wearing Cam for sure. So I'm really
happy that you've solidified your bond with them in the house. Now.

Cam's really smart for being like you gotta prove it
to me, Like that's smart. Well yeah, but she I
mean even not even saying it that way. But yeah,
she was just like, you know, I was like, guys,
I'm not I mean, I was keeping these secrets from
Teresa that I knew everything she said while I'm living
in the same room with her. I'm like, Cam, I
haven't done anything. I'm just trying to keep the peace.
I don't want my time here to be more difficult
than it has to be. You know, I don't want

to argue with Teresa. I don't want to get in
a fight with her. You know, if I care about somebody,
I don't want to do all of this extra shit
with them. So it was nice to know, like, yeah,
now I actually have to I never have a line
to as like now I have to, you know, pick
a side and pick my people and rock with them
and fight for them. So that's my secret, not really
a secret secret, but since they didn't art, it's a secret, dude.

But now it's not a secret because all of you know,
Well you're locked in with kill a Can and Leroy
the man. I tried, you really tried. I really tried. Yep.
It's okay, alright, Anissa, Well that was a stellar episode.
I'm so proud of you for continuing to kick booty
on the Challenge. Where can we follow you? And uh yeah,

um it's Anissa MTV A n E s A MTV
on Twitter, on Instagram, slide on my dms, slippity slippity,
slide in them. Ask me some questions. We may be
able to answer them on the next episode or episodes
to come of the podcast. We are here for them

and you, Tori, where can they find you? Follow me
at Tory Underscore. Deal. That's right, So the only place
you're going to see me now because my ask got eliminated,
so you ain't gonna see me on the show, but
to listen to me here and you see me on Instagram,
So follow up. Send us some questions. We obviously try
to answer everything we can, but we get a lot
of dms because you guys are fucking awesome, So keep
dm in us. We absolutely love you, and make sure

that you watch new episodes of the Challenge every Wednesday
and then go behind the scenes with us the next
morning on MTV's official Challenge podcast.
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Tori Deal

Aneesa Ferreira

Aneesa Ferreira

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Devyn Simone

Da'Vonne Rogers

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