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December 17, 2020 48 mins

In their second episode, Tori and Aneesa discuss that bone chilling challenge, celebrate Aneesa's second challenge win and also try to figure out what was going on with Joseph's mustard. They also bring on Challenge champion and WWE legend, The Miz, to find out who he would want as his partner on this season and why it's so important to learn to swim. 

Watch new episodes of The Challenge every Wednesday, and go behind the scenes with Tori and Aneesa the next morning, on MTV's Official Challenge Podcast.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's up, everybody. I'm Tory and I'm Anissa, and we
are back for episode two of MTV's official Challenge podcast,
where we're gonna go behind the scenes of the brand
new season of The Challenge Double Agents. Okay, folks, before
we begin, you should know that this podcast is not
spoiler free, so before we go behind the scenes, make

sure you're up to date on the latest Challenge episodes.
You've been warned. And now that we got that out
of the way, on this episode, we'll be talking about
Anissa and Bessie's secondment on the Challenge, yes not one,
book two, killing it, the new budding romances in the house,
and trying to understand what the hell was going on
with Joseph's workout. Still don't know. Still don't even know

about that. Plus we'll be joined by Challenge Legend and
wwe champ them is later in this episode, and make
sure you stick around to the end to hear listener
questions and a secret from the episode during Challenge Confidence. Yes, sorry,
should we just get this stuff started? Yeah, let's get
started to her WHOA. So, just like last week, we

are going to get into the episode as soon as possible,
but before we do, we have a few fun segments
to get you guys caught up. So first we're going
to do a segment called safe House where we are
going to share our no filter, no consequences recap in
thirty six seconds, yeah, the thirty sixth season. And then
we are also going to get into the play of
the Day and the Dirtiest Deed. You're the dirtiest deed,

all right, Anissa, you're the vet here, so you go first, baby,
All right, Well, I was partnered off with Bessie and
that was cool. Everybody knew that we did what we could.
We made it happen. That water was cold as shit,
and your girl pulled off a w again with her
self absorbed partner Fessie. But who cares because we still
fucking want and we are safe from elimination. That's thirty

six seconds. That's what I said. Wow, not bad, not bad,
totally only about the challenge, not about not about the
whole episode. But I'll use my thirty six seconds to
get the recap of the last part of the episode.
Thank you. All Right, here we go. So after Anissa
and a Fassi won that challenge, it kicked everybody's butts.

We went back into the house. We all deliberate, and
Joseph got this bravado out of nowhere and was like,
I'm gonna go take out the best in the battist
in the game, but I don't want to do it
up front. So Loki, everybody throw me a bone and
throw him in and let me see if I'm ready
to go in. We're all like, what, that's not gonna happen.
So they threw West into it. Oh no, So they
threw Joseph into elimination. He got blindsided. Then Anissa Efassi
but Kyle into elimination against him, and that ship was

a rap because Joseph went home packing his bag. All right,
that was good? Was it? I don't know, I feel
like I haven't. I mean, it was good. You were
getting there. I mean, you got a lot more in
Mine was more about me, yours is more about you.
I had a brain aneurism trying to do all that.
Oh my gosh. This episode was absolutely nuts, though. I mean, Anissa,

I can't believe that you and FESSI one another one.
You guys crushed it. That water was can believe it?
I can too, But that water was so cold. They
do not do it enough justice on this episode. No,
they said the one degree glacier water that you were
going to be swimming in, and I thought, pulling up,
I'm like, you can see the tires on the boat.
We could walk there. No, you can't walk there. You

could walk for two seconds and then not even to
mention that hill that we had to run down to
get into the water wasn't even safe. So that shit
was cold. I had brain freeze the whole time. I
couldn't even breathe the minute I had the same I
literally looked over to Leroy and Cam as soon as
I saw that tire sitting on that glacier, I'm like, oh,
it's hig knee, everybody, we got a high knee this
ship over to the boat. Wrong. The moment you stepped
into that water, you fell off a cliff man, Like,

where did the floor go? It was gone? Why were
our brains thinking the same thing that we're like, Yeah,
we're just gonna foxtrot across that We will be fine. No,
you're gonna have to be flipper and get over there. Absolutely,
that shit was so cold and they barely touch on
it a little bit. When Mitchy turns into a meatsicle
and literally cannot move anymore because he has no body

fat on him. So somebody like him is going to
his muscles are going to completely tense up. He froze
up in that water, But like that's only a glimpse
of what it looked like to be there. It was
Oh when amber was free Amber was freezing too. I
mean we're talking about a lot of people without the
body fat, but like it was cold to people's body fat.
I mean, every time I jumped in off that boat,

he's like, yo, jump in on my all. Right, here
we go, Like we swam that four or five times.
Oh yeah, no one knows that either. You see that
him picking me up like a new born kitten, picking
me up just by my life vest look shout out
to FESSI because I'm not a little girl, and he
was picking me up with one hand up. Thank you, sir.
I gotta give for making me feel like a tiny child.

I gotta give him credit though, because in the middle
of the game, in the middle of your your you
guys getting those ice blocks, he was the one that
stopped to help meet you to get him back to land.
I'm like, yo, FESSI might be cocky, but Loki in
the middle of a game, if you can help somebody
else who might be drowning, that's noble, right right. I
was like, there is a good man inside, because when

he stopped, he was like, Yo, niece, hold this seventy
pounds ice block. I was like, oh, yeah, gotta where
he stop, my man, and I'm like saved to make
sure he's alive, but I'm gonna bring this ice block
in with me a little totally. I mean I was
out with ice blow totally. I mean that that was heavy.
And the funniest thing to me about that challenge that
people obviously are not going to know, is the moment

we put on our wet suits. Corey. It was like
two seconds before TJ was about to blow the horn.
Corey's butt snapped the wet suit and his ass crack
popped out of it and he had to change and
he had to choose wet suits literally two seconds before
the production blew that horn to go. We were losing

and it was taking us forever because they gave us
like the wrong size life vest for me because I'm
thirty six d. There is no small life vest in
the world. That's gonna tell me that's not going to happen.
How many seasons have I done boobs haven't gone to
where folks, I need to like fit your girl, so
we're trying to look for that. Then I need to
find a you know, a wet suit that fits, because

a lot of the girls were tall but thin but
needed something that was going to cover their ankle. Like
it was a lot to get a wetsuit. Just get
your whole outfit to fit. Oh my gosh, I mean
it was tough, but you guys pulled out with that
w So honestly I got to give the play of
the day to you and your team and then also
Bessy for helping mechi like you guys. You guys were
able to halt your game to help out a player

that needed help. It's still not fucking would challenge like guys.
I know it was great. People can't sleep on that.
That's something special right there. So that was crazy. But
what do you think the play of the day was. Yeah,
I don't know if this was the best athletic move,
but he wanted to be an athlete. My play of
the day, it's really going to go to the otf

of the Day. You're on the Fly of the day.
That's the interview right before we compete, goes to Nelly
t for on himself Scuba nell Et. They don't call
me Scooba Nelly for no reason. I haven't practicing my swimming.
Your boy has became an excellent swimmer. Um he did
not swim like Scooba Steve. Oh god, poor guy. Once again,

the nell sickle. You know he was out. I didn't
watch him swim because I was too busy being flipper.
But the fact that he called himself Scuba Nellie, and
not only did he call himself that, he's like, man,
that's why they call me Scooba Nelly. They don't call
me scoober Nelly for no reason. I said, yeah, no
one ever called you that? Who called you that? When?

When did that happen? Are you on a swim club somewhere,
like in a swim team that we don't know about
that they have a god that you know? They call
me smooth scooball first it was double oh Nellie t scool.
I live for Nelson's commentary. I don't never want him
to leave it too. He should have a book of
just Nelly phrases Nelly from the heart like just so

whole bunch of shit that Nelson says. But I will
say the dirtiest deed and the best move was Fessie
pulling me in the middle of me trying to like
hammer away at this ice block. Be like, Yo, slow down, Sis,
slow down. We're about to do this and make them

all kill each other and put kills in each other's things,
and then we're not going to get me. Nobody's putting
stuff in ours. I'm like, do we really want to
do this? Can we do this? It was the smartest
kind of manipulative, weird thing before. But I trusted him
and I listened to him, and normally I would have
been like, no, fest let's just you know, play this out.
But what we did was we made sure all of

our friends were near each other and the people in
our humongous alliance. If you didn't know half of that
semicircle was an alliance, oh for sure, of like interchanging parts.
It's crazy because they didn't even show that. They didn't
show you guys picking the order. But that was the
advantage that you had in this game when you got
when we pulled up to this challenge. TJ was like, Okay,
Anissa and Fatsy, you pick where people are standing. So

you guys were able to protect yourselves and us because
you put us in a really good spot. I put
you right next to me. Yeah, because I could watch yours. Yeah, hey,
you play defense. Who know, we were in a good spot.
So people don't even realize, like how calculated it was
for all of us to be standing next to each other,
and that's why we got lucky. The very end, people
are like, oh, what's going on here? Nobody knows where
they want to put the killings because we were all

working together. Your lips look like a blue raspberry like slurkbye.
You were like, I'm cold. I'm like, tour, you know
you're safe if I win. Corey's safe if I win,
unless he wanted to go in or you wanted to
go in. I would give that to you immediately before
anybody else. And you knew that then. I also have
like I had Devin and West next to each other
because they were working together, and Devin stops in the

middle of the thing. He's like, if you don't put
a kill in, I'll look out for you, Like he
told me if I didn't mess with him that time
he owed me, that's a second time he owed me.
So I'm like, okay, I'm gonna keep racking up these
oeus because one thing Devon's good at is keeping his
word so far, so, you know, I don't think it
was too crazy, but she's We were putting the pressure
on ourselves though, to make these really big decisions. Absolutely,

Oh my gosh. I mean, it was a crazy episode.
And I'm just thankful that we got medics on site
because we needed medics at the challenge for megi and
we needed medics at the elimination because what the fuck
was Kyle throwing up? I'm not sure, but we drink,
you know, and you know that when we do a
challenge on a Monday, Monday night, we're going to the club.

When we go to the club, what's happening, Devin and
Kyle are having some cold ones. And by cold ones,
I mean next twelve to sixteen beers, you know, some
shots whatever, some wine. Yeah, Kyle was hung over the eliminations,
not till the next day one. I think it's because
Kyle didn't you know, I don't know if people know
Kyle's diabetic, so like I also felt bad about this

is just like putting him in without him knowing he
has to get a sugar in Like, yeah, I felt
awful for that. And then it was like you know,
getting blindsided and then all of that adrenaline giving everything
you have, you know, like your hardest workout to make
you feel like you have to do so I think
it was just a combination of a bunch of stuff totally.
I mean it was crazy and honestly, after, I think

a lot of people thought they were safe and that's
why they were drinking so much at night. Like Kyle
thought he was sitting pretty he thought everyone was going
after West. But he didn't have to lie. And that's
the only thing, Like we knew and no one else knew.
And Nanni even said, you know, I want a new
partner now we've seen or actually say it so it
don't look like a crazy person. Yeah, And the point
was if Kyle, if you lie, sometimes you're gonna get blindsided.

And yeah, it worked out to his benefit. He looked
like a badass. He won do I expect him to
do many favors or look out for me in the
future now, But I knew that that was you know,
that's a part of the game. And I also didn't
know if Bessie was going to take it, like we
had a lot of stuff where we're going to vote
in West where we going to vote in Yeah, Like
I didn't know Weston and even Leroy had a thing

going on. Yeah yeah, I mean it was if. There's
so many moving parts to all of this because you
had the ability to see Kyle, I because you saw
his vote. Kyle told me that my face that he
voted for West, So he lied to me too. That's
the kind of player he is in this game, and
whether or not it's like right or wrong, it does
get him to the end many times. So he does

play an incredible game because also when it comes down
to it, he can fight his way through elimination. So
I do give him a lot of credit. But it
is interesting watching the truth come out when we rewatch
these episodes because in that moment, I'm like, oh, yeah,
Kyle would never lie to me. Yeah right, I was. Yeah,
that happens. A lot happened throughout the season. They're just
gonna be a lot of surprises, and that's the point

of that sacred vote. Like people thought really safe behind
that secret vote totally. I want to get into something
spicy right now, before we really dig deep into that elimination,
I want to talk about Nam and Lolo. You got
a front row seat of that. Tell me what it
looked like and what it felt like in person. Well,
just let's just first of all, Lolo's gorgeous. Yeah, so

like let's just state that. And then Nam is like
this beautiful, gentle soul inside of this statuesque, muscular body.
And he's like soft spoken and smart. Oh my god,
Nam Nam Nonam Nam Nam. I told him all the
bad shit in German. He was like, you know what
that means. I'm like, yes, I do, and I mean it,

all of it. But I mean according to the rumor mill.
Because I walked in later, I don't know what happened.
There was like almost a kiss, and then it got awkward,
and for him, he was like, I don't want to
do this on camera basically, so I think that his
morals and values may be a little bit different than ours.
We're like, focket, can I kiss? Oh there's a camera.

I don't care. Okay, Okay, girl, I see yeah, slide
into those nams. He did he did. Oh you did,
My god, you did, but not in a bad way?
Is that? I think you're a great guy. Here's a
picture of my dis Now, I think you're a And
even if I did, it didn't matter. But I didn't. Um,

I think you're awesome. You know, he was just so
kind and like super intuitive and you know, so he's
just a great guy. Oh my gosh, he really is. Now,
if you're listening, Eklibati, I'm gonna learn more German. I'm
trying to stay away from challenge boys for a little bit.
I got a lock on a true Yeah, challenge girls.
I feel like I'm like, okay, let's get it, but
I gotta stay away from the challenge guys too many. Now,

if we're going to go into this elimination, do you
think yes or no, that Joseph's crunches had anything to
do with his performance? Oh my god. If he doesn't
get a sponsorship from Crunch Gym, then I think it
was a comet done. I think it was a complete
waste of it for him to do those because what

the fuck was he doing? What was he doing? And
in the living room He could have gone to his
room and done it. Prison style. Like we all were like,
he could have one hundred or two hundred abs, I'll
do a thousand where when come back with maybe two
thousand crunches, Now that that'll win you a physical elimination.

I will say he did put up a great fight.
There were points in that elimination that you don't see
where I thought like he may get it. What they
don't shows him giving the side eye and balling up
his fists at Fessie. I'm like, oh, you don't want
this smoke. Oh, neither one of us. Oh yeah, why
are you giving me the side eye? I'll come down
and do this ring thing with you. Yeah. He was

triggered when he didn't get what he wanted and everyone
was kind of looking at him like, Bro, you don't
get to like, this isn't your game. You don't get
to say this is what I want. And it happens
like you threw your name into the mix and guess what.
The Wolves took that shit and ram with it. They
were like, we're not gonna give you the option. You're
going in. You said you wanted to go in. You're
going in. That's what happened. You can't say that, don't
speak no, you can't see that in the challenge. People

can't sit thing the moment people hear somebody else wants
to go in there like as long as it's not me, great.
That's how it goes every single time. Never fails. If
someone else says something, oh, yeah, you should totally vote
for them. They want to go in and hurt it.
They really want to go in, especially if you hear
them say it exactly and we have footage it's a
death sentence. Yeah, it's yeah, So Joseph word the wise.

If you do come back, yeah, don't ever ever, unless
you really want to get voted in by the whole house,
say that you want to go in. Well, it's better
than him lying because a lot of people were in
that house and they were lying their faces off. Wes
was going up to people asking to be the janitor
on the Alliance. That was crazy. I would feel bad

watching that and being him, like did you really have
to do? They don't even show the conversation that I
had with Wes for thirty minutes of like you or
my friend. It really hurt my feelings that you voted
me in the first time him talking about me and
you know, Fessie and I voting him in the first challenge,
I mean the first elimination, and that whole conversation of like,
we've been friends for fifteen years and why would you

do this? And I'm like, I don't trust you. I
don't know where your loyalties lie. And it's like you
make alliances with everybody in these promises. You're only one person. Yeah,
I mean, like, listen, some people play that game like that,
Like we know Kyle lies. We got to see a
lot of that this episode. We know West does. And
that's why we're going to get into a segment where
we are playing two truths and a lie challenge style.

So right now, I'm gonna read you two truths and
the lie, and you have to guess with one is
the lie? Okay, okay. Number one, I get nervous poops
before every challenge. Number two I don't eat before eliminations.
Number three, I missed my family more than I missed
my cat. Which one's the lie? Number three is definitely

a lie. You missed your cat more than your family.
You know me, you know I take nervous people the challenge.
The challenge we pull up and it's like a natural laxative.
It's crazy. A shot to you to your coal and
you're like, oh fuck, we don't know what we're gonna do.
Ye all right, tour, are you ready to see if
you know me with these two truths and a lie,

give it to me right. I ate a pancake or
two for breakfast in the challenge house. I never wear
underwear on challenge days. I stole your satin pillowcase. Okay, shit,
I know you ate a pancake or two because we
called them the pancakes of Christmas? What did we call them?
Christmas Spirit? Because those pancakes looked like they came out

of a gingerbread house. Yeah, they also were shaped like snowflakes.
Almost they were beautiful. So I know you ate those
pancakes because I was eating them with you stealing my
satin pillowcase. I feel like you had your own. But
I don't know if you did steal my satin pillowcase.
And I don't think you were underwear at the challenge,

so I really don't know. I'm gonna guess. I'm gonna
guess you didn't steal my pillowcase. I'm gonna guess the
lies that you stole my pillowcake. All right, yeah, okay,
so I never underwear. It's just a thing. It's weird
you already have leggings on. And then I didn't steal
your pillowcase. But who did? I walked in the room

and this person did not tell you, but Leroy had it.
This motherfucker. I'm about I'm about to hit him up
right now. This motherfucker. Oh, I was so dead to me,
I know. So I had to kind of keep that
a secret because I didn't notice. And then I was like,
it's like, it's so good for my skin and hair. Leroy,

you don't know. You didn't told him that first. He
was disappeared on my bed. I'm like, all right, bro,
whatever you gotta say, whatever you gotta say. I won't
tell Tori right now because I may a good upset.
But you know, honestly, that's too let me in on
that secret. That's two things that people definitely don't know
who watch to challenge. Number One, we do get catered food,

so we don't get to choose what we get. So
when we get pancake that look like Christmas morning, we
are thrilled because it just warms our heart and The
other thing is when the cleaning ladies or men whoever
does it, comes through and cleans our house, they take
some stuff and they move it off our beds and
they move it on to other people's beds. So like
half the time we're looking for our ship because it's
been put on LeRoy's bed or something like that, and

the other half of the time we have somebody else's
stuff and we're like, it's kind of good. I might
hold onto this, might hold onto this, right, I'm like,
who's Lulu Headman? Is this? They were like, it's Casey's.
I'm like, oh, I don't know, all right, let me
go ask her. She'll be like, it's not mine. I'm like, okay,
I guess it's mine. That's one person, so I gotta
do you know exactly? Oh man, it's so crazy, all right, Tory, Well,

we just found out they are terrible, terrible liar. But
there is somebody who's good at stretching the truth, perhaps
playing a character who has definitely spent some time on
the challenge making a name for himself, but an even
bigger name in the WWE world. That is the one
and only man is we are going to be talking

to him about what he thought of this episode, and uh,
what's going on with the Miss? Totally? I mean, he
is such a cool person. Not only was he a challenger,
he ended up hosting two of the challenge Chance for
Stars where you were lucky enough to be on that
season with him. And now you see him doing WWE
and his own show. This man is just climbing up
that ladder and it's so cool to see somebody who

started off in our shoes to watch them bloom. So
I'm so excited to dive into his brain and see
what's going on. We have the Miss here. You've seen
him on WWE. He got his start on the real world.
He did some challenges, he won some challenges, and now

he's just being a super super hot dad, husband, WWE star,
I mean everything. Definitely a guy that I want as
my partner. I wanted the shows. Oh wow, Now that's
a huge compliment, like the ww superstar, great dad, you know, husband, Okay, whatever,

But to to literally be a guy that's like I
want him as my partner on a challenge, that's where
That's where you is the Koda Gray, I guess you
can totally just I love you. I think you're great
and you're versatile. Man, you've got it all going on.
I mean I remember meeting you on Champs Versu Stars,
watching you host that shit and keeping people in their

place while hosting. I mean, that's a hard job to do.
That was ridiculous. Like the Chimps Versus Stars was a job.
They would give me like twenty pages like I never.
I was always like whenever, like I'd watch like, uh,
we're my host. I also like Dave Mira and then
uh Johnny Mosley, Johnny Moseley, and I'd be like, why
are they like that? You know, I'd this seems like

the easiest job in the world. Then I had to
actually have the job, and they would give you like
twenty pages before like the day, the night before, and
You're like, I gotta memorize this. No, you don't have
to memorize it. I'm like, no, you got to memorize
it because with the cast, like you guys have attention
spans of like three seconds. If you bumble words and
you're getting made fun out the entire time, you have

no respect. So I was like, you need to become
on point. You need to go go go, because we
don't have that much time. Yeah. So yeah, when I
when I that was a that was a huge job
and it was a lot of fun. Like I really
enjoyed it. And honestly, this show just keeps getting better
and better and better, Like they just keep coming with
up with new rules and new games that keep you

wanting to see more. Absolutely. Yeah. And you just said,
like with these new games and upping the anti I
guess competitor wise, So let's take that focus and put
it on Double Agents, right, you saw the second episode.
You can see the players now if you were on
that show, who would you want? Is? Well, of course

you two, of course you don't have to say who
would I want? Um, you always think like killer cam
Is is very good in these in these games, you know,
you just don't know in these sort of situations. You
you got to take a person that's versatile. That's very good.
Shock to see Ashley go so quick and h you know,

it's funny when I was watching and I was like
when Natalie had the opportunity to switch from West, yeah,
I was. I was looking at the guys and I
was like, if I was hurt, would I want to switch?
And my answer was no, And the reason being is
and the reason being is that one West is very
good at the game. He's always he's always rambling around

in the finals, and he's good at those one on
one competitions. So he's gonna get a gold skull. He
has the cohonas to do it, and he's very good
at doing it, and he plays the game very well,
no matter how much people think he's sneaky and snaky
and that kind of stuff. Like what Kyle did was
a little bit even more sneaky and shadier, but he
does it with a smile, so you're like, oh, like, oh, Kyle,

it's just Kyle. I love what you did it. Missa
I was like, damn right, and he said, that's what
you do. Get rid of this guy. He liked your face,
you know he did. And then you don't tell anyone.
I was like, yeah, yes, oh my gosh, if you
should kill that store, you didn't know, right, you didn't
know that like he was lying. Only you and Jessie knew, right. Yeah.

We tried to make it so that like no one
had an edge up, Like if we won and we
put in the work and you guys trusted us to win,
then yeah, we're not telling you shit, especially if you
wanted us to throw in West and I already told
Wessa wasn't going to Yeah, well why didn't you want
to throw in West? Though? So West, like last season

kind of picked someone over me, telling me like, oh, well,
you know i'd pick her over you, And I'm like,
you've known her for two years a year, maybe you
know you would think like he did his first challenge
with me, like we've been doing this for fifteen years.
We talked to his wife, like I thought we had
a frenchhip outside of this, But I don't trust him
as far as I can throw him. So in a game,
I wanted new one winners and if you're going to

be in the way of me winning now looking back
on the on the first episode, like, yeah, he could
have possibly be my partner at some point, but who's
to say that he wouldn't have thrown himself into get
me at what you know? So there's a lot, there's
so many different variables. But this is a business, Like
this isn't all about friends. This is a business, like
being a competitor on this show one million dollars. It's

a business. So you have friends, you know, my you
know my wife, you know my kids, you hang out,
blah blah blah. But then it's a business and I'm like, well,
wait a second. If this is a I'm gonna allow
me I have to backstab you. And you know this
is a game. Do you take Do you take it?
Like okay, my friend just backstabbed me? Or is it
like this is a business, it was a business decision,

Like how do you take? But you know they're challenged
friends and then they're real friends and tories like somebody
who you know I'll invite to my wedding friend. You
know she's somebody a qualified an issue friend. Um, there
are some people that I don't have their phone numbers.
I don't care if I ever do. And it's also
a matter of like who has my best interests? Like, yes,

it's a million dollars, but if Tory and I are
in a final together and Tory wins over me, I'm
going to be pissed at all have a million dollars,
but I'm happy that I lost somebody I respect and
I trust and we played a fair game together, yeah,
versus like having a jump through hoops. If Tori's put
in a situation where she has to understand, Okay, I
it's either me or I'm ni. Yeah, the other I

would get it. I would get no. No, no, absolutely no.
If it's me or Hurts, I'm going to try my
best to win for sure. Of course that's it. That's
definitely the way it's gonna go, not putting anybody in
front of me. Those those years are done. So the
miss I have a question for you, because you know
you're technically a challenge vet. You've seen and you've know
a lot of these cast old cast members for a

long time. What do you think about the rookies coming
in and other people who are also vets trying to
immediately go after the vets in this game. It's not
like I've always been under the like I was always
a target. So I understand. But you don't want to
be a target. Yeah, don't volunteer because once you volunteer,
the little roller coasters gonna start going. Everyone's going, oh,

but he volunteered, he volunteered. It's the stupidest thing you
possibly do. Like, I want to make I want to
make a name for myself. I want to do it.
You know, you just don't do that. You need to
play the game. If you want to make it to
the end, play the game. If your number gets called,
then then you own up. Then you start going for it.
When you take some of these tricks and write them down.

Should be like a misrule book and like you know,
get into that final ie wi. Someone should write a
book on all the rules uh and and the things
to do on a challenge and that, you know, but
they change the dudes, and don't change I think, I mean,
don't for sure, don't eat mustard, don't do crunches, and
don't tell everybody you want to go in unless you're

really right. Those are three. That's pretty that's standard right there.
Standard fair. That is so crazy. So do you think
your years of you know, watching the Challenge and being
on the challenge prepared you for WWE? Yeah? I do. Actually,
I think I think, you know, being on MTV the
Real World, the challenges, it got me comfortable in front

of a camera. H you know. When I was on
the Real World, we had that little like confessional room.
I would go in there and by the way, we
had tapes back then. We didn't have the itone anymore,
like there was no camera phones. We had real life
like VHS tapes. You put in your close it, your
press record on the camera, and you start talking like

we have all this digital aide stuff. So I would
go in there and it was funny. They would like
they would mandate like you have to have two tapes
a week, Like you have to do two tapes a week.
I would do, like I still think I hold the
record for literally the most ever in a season because
I would just go in there and just start cutting promo,
wow practice into that character. So I would just and

honestly it was like my therapist, Like I would literally
just go in there and start talking to a camera
and telling them all the feelings, everything that's going on
in my life, what's happening, and it would make me
feel better when you walk out of it, am I
write Anissa. Yeah. I mean they would force me in
there because I already was just showing my ass on
my show literally unfiguratively, like I gave them everything they needed.

But they would be like, go in the confessional. I'm like, no,
there's nothing that I want to tell my mom, you know,
but clearly there were, but yes, you had to turn
on that tape. You had to make sure. I was
like is it recording, Like I didn't know what to do,
but you would sit in there and talk to it.
But I can't believe that you were like doing promo,
Like can they find that footage so we can watch it.

It's a compilation of you that you would not want
to watch it because a lot of times, like obviously
we were, we would get a little hammered, if you will.
You know, twenty something Mike was a little bit different
than forty something Mike. Yeah, I mean literally, like I
would go in there and just cut promos the entire time,
and it got me comfortable in front of a camera.

And I think being on the real world, being on
the challenges, you know, it developed me and it gave
me a brand, like you know what I thought was
the coolest thing too, you know how supportive, like even
though we're going up against each other. And I don't
know if it's still like that to this day, but
we were a family, Like we would go to these
challenges and even though you know, I was going up

against people, people would still support my love of being
a WWE superstar. They would wear my shirts, they would
wear the hats like I brought them all there and
I said, hey, where and if you want where if
you don't, and everyone would wear it. I think they
don't do that anymore because of me, but it's like, look,
we can't do this anymore. But I would do that
and they everyone would be so supportive of career choice

that I made and that I wanted to do, and
people would amp me up and be like, yo, do
them is, do them is? Do them is? So then
WWE can see me on national television doing them is,
being them is. And then when I would come back home,
I would be, you know, studying the art of professional wrestling.
I would be doing improv classes, acting classes, because that's
all that could get to WWE. And finally, you know,

ww had a reality show called Tough Enough, and MTV
wouldn't allow me to do Tough Enough because it was
on the same network and back then you couldn't be
on two shows at one time. Now you look at
this show, I'm like, you see someone from Love Island,
you see someone from Survivor, you see someone from former
WWE superstar Like you see all these formers that never
happened back then. Back then you were allowed to be

on the real world and the challenges and that was it. Yeah,
you were allowed to anything else? Am I writing? Nisa? Yeah? Yeah?
They pulled from Real World and road Rules and then
the Challenge and that was that. It was like a
honor to go on the Challenge. It was like your
stepping stone. Wow. If you did your show and if
you got a call from the Challenge, you were like
the shit, Yeah you got called for it? Oh man,

Everyone was like, wait, you're on it? Wait how did
they get a man? What am I doing wrong? Yeah?
It was it was absolute honor and you would do
and we would do it for nothing. We were like,
look like fifty grand and honestly, yeah, grant this is
the most money ever. And a bicycle. Oh my god. Right,

you remember all the prizes like that. I've never gotten
any five years ago. I used for like for like
fifteen years. Oh I've never gotten any of my prizes.
So if anyone's listening to this, do you guys owe
me a bike? Johnny Moseley skis and that trip decrees.
But you mentioned you touched on Leo rush Um. He

came from WWE. Do you think it's harder for someone
on WW to go on the Challenge or do you
think it's harder to go from the challenge to WWE.
I think it depends on the person, you know. Uh,
it all depends on the person. And I know Leo
Rush and I don't know him very very well, but
I know his abilities in the ring. And let me

tell you something. That guy is a physical specimen and
is very very very athletic. Yeah, honestly he is. I
would say, if not the top one of the top
athletically gifted people on that challenge right now. And that's
me no less knowing knowing CT like that guy's abilities.
I'd watch his matches and I'd be like, I can't

do that, oh dad, And then and then someone next
we would be like, uh no, one can damn. Really.
I mean his spirit animal I said this earlier. He's
an aunt because he's tiny, but he can literally pick
up things that look like twenty times his size. Like
he is. He is good with what he can do.
He was super impressive. When we saw him throwing around
people the first episode, we were like, oh, chet, so

the miss do you have any I love? Like, whenever
you ask me a question, it's like, so the miss yeah,
because it's like whoa we're talking to the miss, So
the miss. Do you have any advice for challenge competitors? Now, yeah, Honestly,
make sure you watch challenges before, know who knows the game,

and get very close with them, become friends with them.
Do not put a target on your back ever. Ever,
do not never nominate yourself ever. Learn to play the game,
and honestly, if you're going to get physical, learn to
get learn to swim. How about that number one? Like

every time you go to these challenges and someone says
I don't know how to swim, I go, does this
person not watch the challenge? There's always a swimming yeah
or no. Well, even in Iceland, like this episode in
one degree glacier water, we still had a swim. You
thought when you got someplace cold, you weren't gonna have to
to swim anymore. They literally ask you before you go,

what kind of swimmer? Are you? Bad? Good? Amazing? Like
if you're a bad swimmer, you can't swim, you shouldn't
come yeah, or should learn how to swim? I mean
that's rule number one advice I don't give anyone else.
Have fun, Like sometimes I think you're so involved with
the game, Like I remember my first challenge, I was
so involved with the game that I was forgetting where

I was, what I was doing, who I was with,
what an opportunity it is, and how much fun this
really is. I mean, we got to go to Cabo
San Lucas and honestly, there was a hurricane at the
time and we didn't have any running water. They had
to make makeshift like challenges for us because a lot
of them weren't able to do because we were during
a hurricane. But it was like I was so involved

in the game that I was forgetting, like this is
fun to have fun. Just from this interview alone, I
have learned so much, even listening to how you went
about your interviews when you were first on the real world,
taping yourself and then making sure that you were having
people promote you for doing WWE from the challenge, like
that is what it takes to break out and make yourself,
make a name for yourself. You know. It's funny. Whenever

I go home to Cleveland, I have a buddy that
really wants to be in the entertainment business, and I go,
what do you want? He goes, well, I want to
be entertained. What are the tools that will get you there?
What are the tools that will get you into the
entertainment effort and find those and figure out the tools.
Like with WWE, I was like, Okay, what can get
me there? Learning the artificial wrestling number one, improv acting classes,

doing things on stage where I can have an audience
to learn that part. I would cut promos NonStop. I
would be on camera like I had a VHS camera.
Then I would just put on a tripod and just
start cutting promos. Then I would watch my promos back
and be like, oh, I could have done this here,
could have done this there. Like I study everything you
need to be a sponge and learn, and that's what
some people do, and you get a sacrifice. There's sacrifice

is the biggest thing. Sacrifice everything. Like some people like say,
like the best advice I ever gotten was stick with it,
And I was like, what did crappy advice? Stick with it?
And then I was like, wow, I watched so many
people go my family, my friends, my job, this money,
you know, all these there's always an excuse, always, you know, totally,

but I feel like, you know, just watching you grow,
watching you become from going from the real world to
the challenge to WWB and all of the shows you've hosted,
in your own show and everything that you're doing, it's
just so inspiring to watch you. So thank you so
much for giving us the time coming on the podcast.
You're living a lot of this. When I was asked,
I was like, one hundred percent you MTV gave me

my start. Put to Murray, John John Murray and Mary
else gave me my start. I wouldn't be where I
am today if it wasn't for MTV, if it wasn't
for the real world, if it wasn't for the Challenge,
if it wasn't for the people supporting me, the Challengers.
Every single one and niece has been on those challenges
with me, like when I was first starting, Like if
it wasn't for their support, like, I wouldn't be where
I am today. So I'm always in debt to the

real world, the road Rules, Challenges, and the Challengers, even
the people today, the veterans, the veterans and the rookies,
people keeping it going because that's a show that I
think will develop and do talents and people will be
able to do the things that they love to do
and want to do. So I'm forever in debt to
MTV and the challenges, and I will always come and

do whatever I can to uh, you know, make my
presence felt if you will, man, thank you, so I
felt and I almost cry. That's what. It also goes
to show that you worked your ass off too, yeah,
you know, and it's not going to get handed to you.
And that's kind of like with a challenge, like you
gotta work for what you want and sometimes things go

your way and sometimes they don't, but you kept on pushing,
you know. I look forward to watching more Double Agents,
both of you guys. Hopefully at the end I'm praying
for I had my fingers crossed for both of you.
Uh what happens Honestly, I'm I'm tuning in, like I
love the show. Every time that you know, TJ comes out,
it like always warms my heart be to me. I

think he's such an amazing host and so yeah, person
like yes, a lot of people don't know this, but
so TJ and I became friends and he'll, uh, he'll
FaceTime me sometimes with one of these guys he's uh
that he goes out to lunch with and uh it's
basically one of his friends and he just does an

amazing thing with the kid, and uh, he always facetimes
me and goes, hey, my buddy wanted to talk to you,
and I'm always talking about it. Pretty good. It's a
really good person. Yeah, he's out of a good heart.
Yeah he's great. Oh well, thank you so much. Honestly,
it was a pleasure talking to you. Infectious. Thank you
so much for coming out here. We love you so much.
Come back on the town. Amazing my teammate homie. Let's

get it. I think I'm retired from the challenges, but
I will always do the reunions. I'll always watch and
hopefully I'll see you guys on more. Yeah. Yes, you're
an incredible host. Thank you. Thanks guys. All right, well,

the miss was amazing and I'm so happy he was
able to come on our show and talk because he
gave us some awesome insight. But before we close out
of here, let's go into the challenge confidential because we
have a secret for you guys that you're not gonna
hear anywhere else from this week's episode. And you know
what that is. And he's a mother FNCT. He didn't
get to play in this challenge, and you know what

he did. He stood behind everybody at their podium, watched
them crack open their kills out of that ice cube,
and basically threatened everybody saying, I'm gonna tell you where
everybody puts there, so be careful. Nobody's gonna I'm gonna
basically holding it over our heads. Like he instilled fear
in all of us. Maybe you girl, but he was
cheering me on, like oh she got it. He's like,

good on, and I know you got it. I want
to see working out there. I see you, dude. He
was working my ass off. Yeah you were. But he
was out there and he was like, m I saw
who did your kills? I saw I'm not telling you.
I'm not telling you. Like after he was like trying
to have some power and he made me nervous, like
he is such a tactical player. He is the type
of guy that will get in your head if he

wants to. He can absolutely do it. Definitely one. Yeah.
So now's the time that we really like where we
get to hear a couple of questions from our listeners,
and this segments called listener transmission. Oh my gosh. One
of the questions is what are the timelines for each episode?

It seems like we see one week in an episode
and that is wrong. You get like three days in
an episode, right, Yeah, I think so you'll get the challenge,
maybe some stuff from like the night before the challenge,
the night we go out, and then the next day
would be the elimination. So maybe two and a half days,
if you will, totally unless something big happened and they

need to like add it in, But for the most part, yeah,
about two or three days. Yeah. The calendar is so
interesting because when we get there, depending on what day
we arrive into the house, we usually know. Okay, Monday's
a challenge, Tuesday's elimination, Wednesday's an interview, Monday's challenge, I mean,
Thursday's a challenge. You don't even know, but no, I
do know, Fridays an elimination, Saturdays and Saturday's interview at

day off. It's weird off. Okay, I'm fucking this up.
What is so clearly Tory hasn't not only did she
bring her up short winter coat, she also doesn't know
which days are which. So it's Monday challenge, Tuesday elimination,
Wednesday interview, Thursday challenge, Friday elimination, Saturday, Day off Sunday interview.

Oh yeah, that's right, that's it, that's it, that's it,
And then it repeats it's exactly our schedules. But when
we get there sometimes, especially with COVID, we may have
a couple days off, and more so than usual this season,
and everything from the first week can be put into
the first ten minutes and that's it totally, when it
could have been a week long. So it really depends on,

you know, what they want to show, what makes sense
for the story. Absolutely, this question kills me. Do you
guys get hair and makeup? How do you guys look
good for crazy shit? What? Who look good? Maybe? Nam?
Maybe I know? I mean I look good before the
challenge starts and then all of a sudden, Iceland it
would like to rain out of nowhere. So my weave

was done and laid, and then the rain came. I
feel like I look like a little boy when I compete.
It's like, look, I have like the brute strength of
a man, and I look like a fifth player, Like
oh my god, you look so cute with your pony,
and like, no, I beg to differ. Well, we definitely
a boy or a man. But do you look like
a Tory running Tory, thank you, But we don't get

our makeup down or our hair downe. But sometimes before
we go into eliminations or before we go into the challenge,
I mean I like to put a little on my
face because you know I'm gonna be on TV, so
I'm like, let me just try. It's different when you're
like making ugly faces in the elimination and like yanking
something or breaking something or eating something or whatever an elimination.
But when you're only watching it, Yeah, a cute lip,

maybe like a twirl of the hair, Yeah, maybe a lash.
I mean I won that when after winning the second time,
I'm like, oh, your girl's gonna put a nice highlight
on for this evening. Yeah, do it up real nice.
Oh yeah, you got to go girl. How about this
lovely question? And I think this is the most common

question I get, Um, how is it having no electronics? Amazing? Wonderful?
Take my phone away necessary? Yeah, take it away from
me right now exactly. It is just really puts things
into perspective coming like in terms of problem solving, Like
you have an issue with somebody, you really got to

face it. You can't go off and look at Instagram
or swipe or what like, you actually have to do
things for yourself. If there's a question you don't know
the answer, well you know what, Wait, just ain't going
to know, or we're gonna trust that someone who told
us they know really know what they're talking about, right, Yeah,
you know what. I get asked a lot like how
do you, as a challenger keep your social media running

when you're gone because you don't don't have your phone.
I think a lot of people, audience members get confused
about that. But what we do, if you are like
me and you do like run business from your Instagram,
is you just set up all of your posts before
you leave, so I'll have months of content scheduled and
ready to go. So that way, when I'm gone, it
looks like I'm home. And by the time I come home,
people will DM me and be like, Tori, how when

did you leave? Because you've been here the whole time?
But yeah, I just set my shit up so it
was running while I'm gone, and then when I get
home then I'm like, I just jump right back into it.
Maybe you are a good liar who sneaky Instagram girl?
That's insane. I don't have mind set up like that.

Maybe next time next you can set it up for
me next time we do in the damn thing. M okay,
all right, any so this is an amazing episode. Congratulations
on winning another challenge. You are literally running this season.
I'm so happy to be your friend. You are rushing
it and plug your social Let us know where we
can follow you, Earl. I am Anissa MTV. That's a

n S, a MTV at everything that's Twitter, that's Instagram.
Don't try and follow me or request me on Facebook.
Don't really go on and no thanks, but yeah, the
other things find me there. That's where I'll be. Yes,
and for me, I am at Tori underscore deal. I
don't go on Twitter anymore. There's too many trolls. But

come through on my Instagram to slide into my DNS.
I try to answer if I can. I love all
you guys and send us questions. We love getting questions
from you guys. We love engaging with you, and if
we are able to, we will put your question in
the podcast and we are happy to answer it. Yes
we are. So. Remember folks, watch new episodes of the
Challenge every Wednesday and go behind the scenes with us
Anissa and Tori the next morning on MTV's official Challenge podcast.

See you next week, guys,
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Tori Deal

Tori Deal

Aneesa Ferreira

Aneesa Ferreira

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Devyn Simone

Da'Vonne Rogers

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