Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's up everyone. I'm Tori and I'm Anissa, and this
is MTV's official Challenge podcast where we go behind the
scenes of the Challenge Double Agents. And this is the
last episode of the season. Today, we're getting into part
two of what has already been a truly insane reunion. Yes,
and we're going to get into all of those betrayals,
the hook of and the best moments from this season.
And we'll be interviewing the man behind the Curse, the
winner of fifty dollars this season, Mr Corey Wharton, Big
Baby Daddy, the man of the hour. So stick around
for that, all right, Anisa, should we get started? Let's go,
So let's get into the second part of the reunion.
I know that when we left the first part of
the reunion, they were giving us a little teaser of
this Nelson and Feessi beef. Yeah, I mean, I wish
Nelson would have been there to be able to talk
to Fessy, but he reased the face. He was stuck
in a hotel room, but in New York, like, which
is the funniest thing. It's just such a Nelson thing
that happened. Like, I love Nellie to death, but This
is like truly the most nelson Ism thing that could
occur because he unfortunately missed his COVID testing gets to
New York. It like didn't work with the COVID protocols
that production was working with, so unfortunately he had to
sit in a hotel room in New York while we
were all literally right up the block. But he had
to skype it or zoom into this reunion, which is
pretty much hilarious. Yeah, but shout out to Nellie for
the cute hat. I think this was um Nellie's first
time I think, you know, watching him really be able
to articulate his feelings, because I think he gets really
hyped up and like emotional about stuff and it's hard
for him to really explain it. But I think he
did a really good job keeping as cool. I think
he did a great job at like really expressing himself
without like getting angry and absolutely like getting to the
core of the issue. Like bro, I thought we were friends,
you know, like all you had to do was apologize,
like I'm a phone call away. So he was really
open to FESSI apologizing. I think it's because Fessie sent
him a long ass text message instead. Yeah, and like
I like what Camp said because there was this one
point when they were obviously trying to come to a conclusion.
But like both of them obviously have their feelings about this.
The Camels like, listen, all he wants is like an apology.
As a friend, like you don't have to have a
button there, you don't need your rebuttal of why you
did it. We get it, it's a game. But as
a friend, he's hurt, so it's like, can you just
do that? And I think that like this is a
really big I don't know if it's a growing experience
for Fessie, but I think that, like it kind of
has to be. How can you not have all of
this out there in the open, and how can you
not see it from somebody's point of view? Like Nelson,
like he, like you said, he really spoke really well
about his feelings and like we all really understood where
it was coming from. But obviously Fessie had a completely
different side. Because Fessie was saying, you know, they weren't
even that close and there was this business transaction between
the two of them that went south, and obviously they
weren't going to devote that information because like that's probably
really personal, but like, what were your thoughts on on that, Anissa.
I think it's tricky when you do get into business,
especially with friends or family. Um, So I don't know,
like I don't know every detail. I mean, I've heard
the story. It's not my business speak on it because
I don't. I'm not going to do that story justice
and it's it's not my business. So um, I think
that Nelson just thought, hey, we're cool, Like you didn't
need to do that to me. And I think that
was the bottom line, like just just apologize. We'll move on. Yeah, well,
hopefully we'll see, you know, some closure for them as friends.
But you know, I think Nelson made it really clear
that there was no way that they were ever going
to work together again. So I'm really interested to see
how that all kind of plays out me to We're
gonna find out. All right, let's get into some more
blow ups this season, because we got to see them,
which was pretty freaking Fernie. We saw the CT and
Joshua over the pizza with Casey. That one kills me,
and then we see you in Lolo. So which one
should we go into first? Let's got a CT and
Josh because it's funny. Yeah, it's so good, dude, Like,
I mean, you're drunk in a challenge house. How does
that happen? You have to tell like every night that
we came back from the igloo, and that was like
twice a week we made pizza, even if we got
home from a challenge like that was too long. We
made pizza like we were some pizza making fools in
an oven that had no space for all those pizzas.
People are putting them on the bottom with no rack.
I'm not gonna say you did it, Josh Um. Josh
was famous for walking away from pizzas and just leaving
them burn and be like, oh man, I'm like you
left you don't. You don't leave your stove when you're
cooking or you're you know, your oven. So the best
part for me of that fight was she's like hysterically
crying in there. Bro Casey is dry eyed, drunk, just
wants pizza. Yeah, but you know, Josh, he's such a lover.
He's such a friend that like anything that like possibly
seems like people are hurting his friends, he just steps
in like he like that protective older brother. He doesn't
want anybody messing with his friends or family. So he
steps in right away, and of course CT is just
not the guy you know, like CT and Josh how
to blow up and wore the World's two as well.
You didn't you weren't there for that season, But like
they have this, they have this kind of history of
like getting you know, a little drunk and blowing up
on each other and then being like sorry, Like it's
like not. I think that's how guys are in general,
like fist fight at the bar and be like yeah, bro,
my bad, Like yo, bro, yeah totally if we did that,
we'd probably never speak to each other again. Like it's
very different. Men are like very barbaric in that sense.
And then just like silly and then make up. Let's
talk about the un Lolo, because I'm with you on
this one. Like you said, if if you sign up
for this game, then that's kind of what you sign
up for, Like this is the challenge. Have you seen
the show? I mean she acted like I put both
hands around her neck and then put her face in
the water trying to drown her. I actually, I mean
I got her the first time. I don't know how
I got her in, but by any by any means necessary,
I'm gonna get your ass in the mud. It's called
all brawl, like we're all supposed to be brawling, Like
all the girls were pushing each other, like this is
what we came here for. On the water. I didn't.
It wasn't like you were on cement, you know what
I mean. I knew I'm very familiar with these kinds
of things, so I knew. I know my strengths, you know,
this is one of them. But the second time was
not to choke her. I was really just trying to
get up out of the mud, and I couldn't. Once
you get to a point in your thirties, you need
assistance when you stand up. So it's like, you know,
you can't just like jump up on your both feet.
You have to like use one hand on something to
make sure your knees are stable enough to stand up.
So I used her as a helpful accessory because I
didn't use her. You know, it wasn't my intentions were
to hurt her. But woe was she right to fight me? Dude?
Like you said, and he said, it's called all brawl.
It wasn't cuddle puddle. You know what I mean, you
all might have been in a cuddle puddle, but it
wasn't for cuttling like it was. It was. It was
a slow archaeological dig in the water. We were like
little hippos, and then little hippo. Then once you found
it the artifact, it was, you know, we were ready
to go. So the only thing I really was upset
about was that we had just one the helicopter thing
right where Teresa was telling everybody not to do anything,
and she paid attention that she was really bummed. Lolo
was so bummed that she even tried to help Teresa out,
and we're like not fight for it. So before them,
like Lolo, like even though you're my personal competition and
probably a lot of other girls who would consider themselves strong,
like your competition, Like you're in great shape, Like you
have a great chance of winning some of these. So
I told him, like, give yourself a fair shot, don't
listen to what anyone says, play like a liars have
to play this game. And then we go into all
brawl and take her ass out after giving her all
this heartfelt it ice that I really really was sincere about.
But when you get into gay mode, I'm like it's
life or death for me out there, Like if I
don't perform well or one of my girls doesn't perform well,
I could be going in again. Right, So I apologize
Lolo for, you know, giving you that advice. I know
how it could seem a little weird. I'm with you. Listen.
Hopefully these apologies and your feelings get through the air
waves and she'll hear it, and then that'll be the
end of it and we can just move on, because
I don't think if you know what, you know what
I'm upset about Josh not defending me because he was
defending everybody else I wanted him defend. Yeah. Right, we're
gonna tell Josh if he doesn't defend us in the
future for things that does that don't apply to him,
that we're going to feel like he doesn't actually like us. Yeah,
but that's gonna be a lot of defending. I think
he tries to save people. Yeah, oh god, they're about
to attack Fessie. I should come in here and tell
them what really happened, so that you know it can
take the heat off him. His intentions are all but
Josh always has good intentions always. It's always like it
is so nice when you're in the hot seat to
have a friend step in and be like hey, listen,
like chill out, like leave my friend alone. I think that, Like,
I know, people get annoyed by Josh because he steps
in when he's supposedly not too But like you said
on that stage, you know, Amber was like, you know, Josh,
you always step in. You always have to say something.
He's like, yeah, well, we're at our union. We're here
to talk. And Hee's so true, like we are all
there to talk. All of our voices matter. Sure, maybe
you don't want to hear Josh's at that time. I
totally get it, But when it comes down to it,
he's allowed to talk and he's allowed to defend his friend,
and I love friends that go out of their way
to defend me. So it's like, I don't know, welcome,
thank you, no. But in all fairness, if I can
look at it from both sides, I guess and play
devil's advocate. I wanted to hear what these people had
to say, and I know that Josh is doing I
know Josh's intention is good and I love him for it,
but I wanted to see how these people would react
to some of these hard questions, like answer the question,
Josh is there, but how do you feel? Like I
know how Josh feels about how you feel. I need
how you know how you feel about how you feel.
But I do feel like Josh was stepping in towards
the end of arguments. I don't feel like he was
stepping in in the front. I feel like it was
when the argument was ongoing, Like you wish you could
see my face right now, I'm given towards any but like,
think about it like this, when you watch the reunion,
we only see a two minutes segment from each section,
when each one of those segments actually took us twenty
minutes to talk about. So like they're editing it so
that ten minutes of conversation is completely edited out, just
so they can get to that main point in that Like, Okay,
this is this is the bullet points of this conversation.
You're never seeing the full conversation. I know, I know,
I'm just playing Devil's advocate. I'm showing both sides of
it because you know I love Josh too. Yeah, Josh
saying about love this is just if people are in
the hot seat, I want to hear their asses talk,
and then Josh can come in and and make it
all pretty at the end. All right, let's talk about
another argument. Let's talk about the Amber By Ambervie. Let's
talk about the Amber Bee Amber argument. Because I don't know,
I'm interested to hear whose side you're on. I already know,
but I'm interested to hear well. I feel like her
intentions were good, but I felt like Amber b self
edited a lot and tried to like Lolo was really
upset about things, so big Ti wrote her a long
letter and then amber By decided to buy Lolo flowers
and Lolo was like, I'm hip to her ship. Stop
trying to one up people. But also like you don't
want to create these issues for yourself because you know,
living in the house is stressful. So that's why I
I think this was the most the biggest season where
people didn't really want to talk about how they felt
about each other because of how quickly the game was
changing and the partners and like it was just such
a stressful season. It was hard to talk to people
about how you really felt about them. And that's why
I respect Amber and because she she came up to
me and a lot of girls wouldn't. AMBERM came up
to me like, do we have an issue? Like I
thought we were cool, and I really was BacT that
like she didn't talk ship. I actually came right up
to me and she was like, this is this is
how I'm feeling. And I'm like, you know what, amber Am,
I funk with you? Thank you. You know. So when
I found out amber B, I was like, yeah, I
didn't vote for you, but did I was like, well,
these are very two different humans. I know amber M
can be a little like, you know, messy, not messy,
but she know, she gossips and she she talks, she's
on gossip, but she talks her ship. Yeah, you know,
she hates our podcasts. She has her own YouTube thing
where she talks her ship. But like when we were
through Union, like we hung out and she was awesome,
you know, Amberby was Amberby was kind too. I'm not
taking jobs at character, but I'm just taking jobs at
character the game. When we're at the game like gameplay
and like and I'm more of like, hey, like Casey
is closer to me in case he was like, I
voted for you, and I was really upset, but I
was upset for one day, Yeah, and then I got
over it because it's just a game. And when you
realize people had to do what they had to do
for their game, that's fine. I think Amberby was so
worried about hurting people's feelings that she may have, you know,
overloved everyone and may have told a white liar too. Yeah,
and it's the first season. Yeah, but you know what
I think it is. I think it's it worked in
her favor. Obviously she won, and I think ultimately that's
a style of gameplay that's only gonna last you one
season because now you know, we're kind of onto you.
We see how you move. I don't know, we're going
to see how it works out for her in the future,
because I think that she made a lot more enemies
then she intended to make. I mean, if I was
a rookie and I came on and I won, I
would have been like see y'all, and y'all would just
have to catch me and the you know, in the
off season or maybe like three seasons away. Like I
don't know if I would come you know, want to
come back immediately, Like I would probably take a little
bit of time off. You know, people don't forget, but
they have something else to get mad at it. They
don't have to see you immediately, you know. Um, but
she was accused of being fake by more than in person,
and and you know, she made the moods she had too,
but I think that she could have made them differently,
made the same moves, but you know, finessed it a
little differently. Definitely. Yeah. Well, I'm excited to see, like
what happens to her in this you know, future of
the game. I'm very interested to see if it comes
back to bite her in the booty. But let's talk
about a more beautiful moment in this reunion, Anissa. When
they had that little montage of you kick and butt
this season? How good did it feel to be recognized
and have the challenge hold space for a lot of
your achievements. I mean, it's about time I thought my
whole entire career. Um, but I really don't think I
wanted to go through all those hairstyles and bad makeup choices.
But um, I mean it felt really good. I think
that especially with the women and Corey, but especially the
women have have a different level of respect for me.
It just felt really nice to be to be recognized
and how people say such nice things because it was
a really difficult season for me, probably one of my
hardest ones to get through, because it was just stressful
and awful and not as fun. But there were these
bright and shiny moments of you know, all the women
of color in the final, all the dailies that I want,
the things. I never would have went skydiving ever, but
I did like all these personal achievements. So I'm glad
that they showed that. And it definitely may be emotional,
but I was happy about it. Yeah, I loved it
so much and I loved that, you know, they were
like asking me to worry, like how do you feel
about Anissa? I'm like every Like the very first time
I met Anissa, I doubted her and she kicked my ass.
It was from that moment on that I'm like, oh, ship,
this is not somebody too funk with. So I'm so
happy that you had a season where people got to
see so many amazing highlights from you, and I'm so
happy that you had that moment like when you got
eliminated and you were like, you know, I'm I feel
like I was part of something bigger with making sure
or just wanting there to be women of color in
the final and it being completely dominated by and of color.
And I think that was so beautiful, and I'm so
supportive of that as your friend and as your ally,
and I just I think it was such a beautiful
season and you had so many amazing moments and you're
literally my favorite person on the show, So you deserve it, Anissa,
And like you said, it was probably long overdue. Thank you.
I love you. I love you too. You know who
else who who loves you? Uh Amber a big tea. Nanni,
all these little hookups that were going on, why did
the Nanni hookup happen? So when we were on Free Agents,
we were in the van and it was Devin female Devon,
Nannie and I in the front seat because we had
a ride in these vans because it took two hours
together on the bus. So we drove and then this
little tug boat would take us on this barge across
the river and then we go to the bar or
the club whatever, and I think it was like we
were doing something like can you do this? Can you
do that? And then all of a sudden, Nanny and
I made out and I was like, Wow, she's an
incredible kisser, but like we basically the same, so so
I thank you. Um, and then that was it. We
never had made out after that, but I will always
give Nannie props. None of you are a great kisser. Yeah,
I'll never I'll always I'll always give her props for
that one. And then you had that moment with Amber
and my birthday party amazing. It was filled with all
of the lap dances, even from Lolo Jones, who gave
me an exquisite lap dance. She did a great job.
Not she's not a great dancer, she gave a great
lap dance. It was something I never would have expected
from her. And Gabby gave me one. You gave me one,
and then Bessie gave me one, which was terrifying. I
almost lost my life, but it was incredible. It was
such a good night. I guess I made out with Amber,
am I didn't. No one told me until about a
week later. And um, I get really embarrassed when people
tell me what I did when I was drunk the
night before, Like people don't know, but I'm kind of shy,
and I get like really uncomfortable. And they were like, yes,
you and ambrow m made out and I'm like, oh
my god, Amber, I don't remember, can you please tell
me more? And then I found out about that and
I gave I know that we were hammered that one
night because I gave Big Tea a kiss on the lips.
Big Tea is not a big, like tongue kissing person,
so we only did lip kisses. But Big Tea's a sweetheart,
so it's always fun with her. Yeah. I love Big
Tea too. That was so cute. There are some other
spicy little hookups in the house. You know. Ashley was
on a fun little tour that night as well. You
saw her kissing Fssy and then she kisses Big Tea. Also,
I am dead at that fetty kiss because I love
how they're like, all right, let's go to the corner
of this room. Let me put this jacket over your face,
and no one can see you when you have have
my white denim jacket on, Like everyone can see you,
every single person. Yeah, he thought like it was a cloak,
cloaking invisibility, cloak of invisibility. Oh my god, jean jacket
of invisibility. He was like, if I put this on
nobody can't see me, Yes, dude. You know what's so
funny that that night actually ended up spawning a bunch
of podcasts that Ashley went on saying that I so
I don't know you probably already know this, but actually
went on podcast being like, oh yeah. After that night,
Tori was mad that I kissed FESSI and she didn't
talk to me. But like, it's so interesting, like I
just want to talk about this for a second, whatever
happened that that never happened. I didn't know that they kissed.
I wouldn't have given a ship if they did. I
promise you I wouldn't have cared. I still don't care.
I won't care. I never did. And then it's so
interesting because I wasn't talking to Ashley because she was
voting you in the next day, and we all knew
that they were trying to get us against each other.
So it was like this, like, obviously I'm not talking
to anybody right now because the entire house is against us.
It had nothing to do with a fucking kiss, like ever,
So I just needed to clear the air there because
people are thank you, like I'm like, no, never, I
don't give a ship. Literally couldn't give a ship FESSI
could have sucked everybody in the house and I would
have been like, awesome, cool, amazing. We wouldn't have cared.
I mean, listen, you're a very sex positive person and
you believe in expressing yourself, and you wouldn't actually care
who was doing what. As long as they were having
a good time and being safe and and everything was consensual.
That's really all. That's all we really care about. Here,
have the best time. I'm a bit you know what
I mean, And he's I'm very sexually fluid. I'm like,
you know, we're partying, we're doing it. I don't care
who you are, as long as the vibe is right.
We're getting to something like there was somebody who had
a good vibe and it was Amber em Amici and
I'm so mad they didn't show all the fun they
were having. Off season. I got a full on I
eye contact with Amber while something was going down. Festy
was like, let's go over here. We were drunk and ship.
I look in Amber and I make eye contacts. I'm like,
oh my god, I'm sorry. Um were they were they
where they get? Where they getting cozy? Cozy? Yeah? Girl?
Oh my god. And I'm made straight eye contact with
her and in the morning I was making jokes. I
thought she got offended, but she doesn't give a sh
it either, so that was I like that about her.
She's very very She was actually believing or not my
mom's favorite person on her season of the one. So
when I came home and she found out that me
and Amber I didn't like each other, she was kind
of upset. Oh, Barb, it's okay, Well we're gonna mend
the fences. Um I, first of all, I love Michi.
Shout out to Michi. I love you. I know that
you're one of Tori's favorite people because you guys would
not shut the funk up this season, singing every every
R and B song that you could find. Um I
really did enjoy Michi, and Michi really enjoyed my tits.
I thought he was He was just such a great time,
and I liked that him and Amber, you know, had
their little thing. It's so nice to have somebody to
cozy up to, and they were getting they were getting
it on, and I give them props for, you know,
having fun and enjoying each other. Absolutely, it can be
like intimidating to like try to have a an action
with somebody while there's a camera on you. Like even
when I was with Jordan's and there was a camera
on ut, like, you never saw us making out, Like
it was really hard to let that guard down and
enjoy somebody. And I love when you see people just
kind of like not giving a ship because it is
hard to let that guard down. So I give it
up to them too. Like it was fun to watch
them in real life, and I wish that more people
got to see them. I'm just yeah, I'm mad. I'm like,
how did you cut all of that off? They were
doing it the whole entire time they were they were
hugging up the whole season. You know, they were both there,
so why I don't know. I didn't think that should
have been saved for the reunion. But who am I?
I am not a producer, yeah exactly, I'm not an editor.
I'm not doing anything. I'm just here with an opinion. Listen,
it is what it is, but you know what else
is what it is, and we just have to accept
the fact that Leroy is now retiring and I'm upset.
I'm upset to everybody in the Challenge world should definitely
be shedding tears right now because what a loss for
this community. Like he is the best, He's one of
the funniest guys. And I want to tell the guys
that are going to do future challenges, say goodbye to
your lineups and your faithes because Leroy will not be
there to tighten that ass up. So they're gonna be
a lot of guys looking like where Wolves by the
end of the season. Man. And he's good for him
because he knows, he knows his worth and he knows
that he's reached a point in time where the Challenge
doesn't doesn't provide the same things that he needs. You know,
he wants to start the next chapter of his life
with Cam and he really wants to focus on being
the best barber he can and making the most money
he can with it with his career and his passion.
And kudos to him, but Leroy, you will be missed
because you are one of the funniest guys I've ever met.
He's so funny. He's so funny, and he's he's so talented,
Like he had such a great season, he had five
Daily Challenge wins. He makes it to the final. Him
and Cam have so many beautiful moments. I mean, they
politically dominated this game like it was it was their season.
You know, it's a bummer that you know, Cam came
they Cam came in second. At least they got some money,
which is beautiful and amazing, you know, but it is
a bummer. Like I definitely wanted to see them one
of them take away the win for sure, Like how
do you not want one of them to win? And
I would have loved to have seen Lea were win,
especially just because he never has and I think it
would have just been such you know, icing on the cake.
But like he said, you know, he walked away with
so many other winds And when you realize the challenge
is greater than just the money, when you realize that
there are these small winds that add up, you know,
that are there when the money's gone. Um, Yeah, it
was just a really nice moment, the little montage of videos,
it was just it was great. Yes, And you know what,
at least, like we said, Cam came in second with
her partner Corey, And I'm so excited that we're going
to have him on the podcast. We need to do
it all season. But you know, he's busy being a
dad and an amazing person. So we are so excited
to have him on the podcast of Stay tuned, guys,
because we're going to talk to him next. Alright, folks,
this is the time we've all been waiting for. We
get to interview one of my favorite people, my favorite
baby daddy, the King of Curls, Corey Wharton her you're
thirty now, so it's what is it now? Team Young Gentleman? Yeah,
Team Old and Wise, not not to toe. We're still
t y b We're just old now tow t Ow'm
love it. Love the toe alliance. Love a good solid
toe alliance. Query. It is amazing to have you on
the show. We've been dying to get you on all
season and listen, I'm just honored to be on the
number one podcast on the world with talking to my
favorite show in the world. That's challenge. Let's get into it.
Yeah yeah, Well, Corey, we just watched the final episode
of Double Agents together. How does it feel to have
this chapter will be over? Um, it feels good. I'm
not gonna lie. Double Agents took a lot out of
me mentally, physically. I think everybody can agree we were
just happy to be out of there. It felt like
the season was never gonna end, So there was a
stretch for the last four challenges, like we all thought,
the next challenge is going to be the last one,
and then the next one was the last one, so
it just was it was Um, it never stopped. So
the never stopped. So I was glad when it was over. Yeah,
at least you walk away with some like money, though, Like,
how do yeah, how did that feel to walk away
with at least fifty grade after all that? Do you
feel like it was worth the pain that you experienced. Yeah,
for sure. I mean even looking back on the season,
I love doing the show. I love doing the seasons.
It's always fun. I would never take back my experience
that I have on the challenge. Um, and win in
the fifty dollars makes it worth it a little bit more.
But for me now, it's like there's nothing more that
I can really accomplish except for winning, you know, Like
I think that's the next step in order for me
to submit my legacy is like I need to just win,
you know. I don't think me going to another final
is going to prove anything. I think it's like me personally.
I approved to myself that I able to take some win.
So came up a little short. But or you could
just keep collecting these checks like a good friend, curly niece.
I will perfectly. I would love to get it now.
I get it. I get it, and I think that you,
you know, you have the wherewithal to do that. I
think you're strong enough to do it. We've seen it,
you have the endurance. I think that you and Tori
should probably get together, get on one of those math
classes together, maybe a cooked on phonic situation. Get you
guys like really good cards. I'm gonna really exciting and Yeah,
Tori has been running. She's been doing a mile and
then twenty minutes of math a mile or whatever however
long it takes her to add two plus two under friend,
So I love her so much. Stories Tori has been
working her ass off, so I'm impressed. I'm ready to
see what she I don't have anything, Corey. We're not
here to talk about you. Here to talk about you, Corey.
I want to talk about job boy. No. I want
to know because I remember being on your first show
with you. You made it to the final. Yeah, my
ass didn't even though you did want me to be
there because you wanted to win. Um, how did this
final compared to other finals you've been in? Um? So Um,
this is a fourth final I've done, and I would
say they don't get any easier, Like, no matter how
many you've done, UM, they're just as difficult. Um. It's
always just you against yourself. You're really just battling yourself
in your own personal limits. So I love going to
the final because I never know how far I can
push myself. And you never know how your body's gonna
respond to something unless you are thrown into it. So
you know, each one is different, each one is has
its own difficulties. So you know, I'm just thankful that
this is my fourth one and I came up a
little bit short, but it definitely made me gain more
confidence and I'm becoming more comfortable with puzzles and the finals,
and so I'm just hoping, man, I could get there.
Big w mean, it's crazy that's coming from someone who
said he'd never do a show again after the first one.
I hate this. I'm never doing this again. I sat there,
he was in bed, like, Yo, this ain't for me,
it's my family. I do like this ship what I
thought it was gonna be. But Anissa at this point
in my career, um, so after Double Agents that was
my eighth season, Um, I have finally started to learn
to enjoy the show and enjoy myself while I'm there. Now.
Don't get me wrong, the game is more cutthroat now
than ever before, and I felt that last season I
was depressed, just like always. But I'm really trying to
just enjoy the experience and enjoy the memories that I'm
gonna have because I know that this isn't gonna go forever.
And when this is done, I'm going on All Stars,
so I go for a long time a part of
your world. I will welcome you in. I may be
the host at that point, you never know, but I'll
tell you All Stars ain't much easier, so be prepared
for that. Yeah, I mean, Liquar, like you've done, like
you were just saying talking about the final like you've
done so many and they don't get easier. But this
time around, you had a great partner, like you definitely
were hyped to be with cam So like, how did
it feel, yeah, to like have her as a partner. Yeah,
I mean that was some of my strategy. Um was
too okay, Well, I see that Cam's getting stolen. Every
time a guy has an opportunity to steal a partner,
they choose Cam. So it all worked out for me
because I went into one of the last guy eliminations,
so it was perfect. I got to pick the partner
that I wanted to run with. You know, for me,
I've learned that it helps when I have somebody that
can keep up with me and durance wise, and somebody
who's better than me at puzzles. Now, I think what
gets lost is people think I'm absolutely terrible at puzzles,
and that's not really the case. I'm actually decent, but
I'm not as strong as I would like to be.
So when I have somebody like Ashley who's like so
quick when it comes to math and puzzles, man, she
can knock it out. So it just helps me. It
gives me more confidence, like, listen, this is my shot.
I have a good shot to win. And Cam was
a great partner to work with. This was our first
time doing a show together, um, so there was a
lot that we needed to learn about each other and whatnot.
But me and Cam we worked well together and we
came up a little bit short. So during the final
watching that I mean after that first part, Like, if
you would have won the first UM checkpoint, would you
have stayed with Cam or would you have chosen another partner?
I would have stayed with Cam because Cam was a
partner that I wanted. Um, I feel like we balanced
each other out really well. Um, so yeah, I would
have stayed with Cam. Honestly. UM, I was thinking CT
was gonna grab Cam because when he had the chance
to he did during the season. I was thinking he
was gonna switch up partners, but when he chose to
keep Amber, Um, you know, I was like, cool, I'm
keeping the partner I want. Now. I don't know if
Pam would have stuck with me she said she would have, Um,
but who knows how that would have played out? Right? Yeah,
amber By was a gazelle, I mean, take the right person. Yeah.
I think everything happens for a reason. But this is
one thing that I was trying to figure out what
was up with you and this curse. It didn't affect
you at all, Like, if anything, it worked in your
favor because it left your rogue not talked about enough
being rogue. Was a blessing. Like it really was, like,
not only did you get to miss that next challenge,
but you got to like sit out kind of and
you got to take a deep breath from the game,
Like you got to take yourself outside of the game
for a day and I seemed like a long time,
and you just kind of get to see how everything
else plays out. You can't go into elimination. So I
loved being Rogue. I hope they bring Rogue back. I
hope they don't because you set home all these all
these girls. I mean, he didn't send them, I know,
I know, listen there. So that ain't the only one, Corey.
I want to know, out of out of the twenty
women that you were partnered with this season, this is
your favorite partner, Uh, my favorite partner. You don't gotta
say me Tory wasn't here. I would still say Tori,
But honestly, Cory is somebody who I've always wanted to
work with. I know that she's a beast, and um,
I was just glad that this season me and Tory
had the opportunity to kind of become closer and we
kind of got to do a little bit of game
play together. Which was cool because we never have. Um,
all my partners were I mean, who else? Natalie was
somebody else? Disappointed I didn't get to really me and
her did the Drone challenge and then she left, so
we all know Natalie's a beast, so I wanted to
see what she was about. UM. Ashley was Ashley. You know,
me and Ashley we worked well together just because we
did the same Real World season, UM, so we have
an understanding of each other and I kind of know
how she works. UM. But the other like rookie girls.
They were all great to work with, but I didn't
feel confident running a final with them. So I would
say my top three partners would have had to be Tori, Um, Ashley,
and then Natalie and cam O Cam Cam two girls.
But I know it's hard. So many women I won
the money with, so Cam by far is my best
part this strength Okay, But yeah, besides that, it was cool.
It's hard to catch your rhythm with somebody, especially in
the game like Double Agents, where you never know who's
working with who, and then the voting secret and then
it's just a complete mind fuck. You said what, Yeah,
it's like eight one night stands. You never got to
know a girl that way. No. One of my one
of my favorite parts of this season was literally the
beginning of it, because like, you know, Anissa wins and
then she gets to find out she gets to pick
whoever she wants, and then it's like all right, free
for all. You guys picked you and Core me and
you just like look at each other and we're like,
I'm like please like us being lay happy with each other.
We didn't move an inch. We just literally been like
we looked around, we looked at each other, and we're
like yeah, yeah, yeah, me and you give it a shot.
I was happy. I thought they were going to let
us one of the people that I wanted to be with.
I was very happy about it. Yeah. Same, And I
just know, like, you know, you have so many such
an important thing to fight for. You know, you have Mila,
you have right or you have your family, so like
I'm just like I got to make sure I got
Corries back, you know. No, I loved it, And yeah,
like I said, we've never worked together, so it was
a unique opportunity for me to kind of dive into
some of the people that you work with and then
for you to dive into some of the people that
I worked with and for us to have that that
meshing bond. But yeah, I mean it was a crazy
season across the board, and like you said, it was
probably the most difficult season ever. But what moment are
you the most proud of, the most proud of? Um?
I would have said for me, I needed to beat
Durrell in that elimination for my confidence, UM, I needed
to I needed some confidence, you guys I had. I
didn't win one challenge until later on in the season,
so like I was just getting shipped on left and right.
This person was back studdeing me. I couldn't trust this person.
I had nobody in the game like I was at A.
I was at A No. Yeah, I know I had
you in the game that no one. I get offended
every time I hear no Onekay, sorry, I had you
in the game, but it was just like it was
a lot going on. So definitely my elimination with the
rail and the way that I won, it just made
me feel good, gave me the confidence that Okay, I'm
I'm not useless and um now you killed it to
like you. I wish people would have been there to
see you in that elimination and I love the rall
but like you, it felt good. I don't see anything.
I mean, you sprinted and then you were leaping like
you had a cape on you, like flew to the buzzer.
I've never seen anything like locked in. If you know,
you guys know how it feels to go into an
elimination and would be something that you consider your strength.
You're like, let me showcase something that I usually don't
get to showcase. And for people who you know, all
of us who trained before the challenge, you know, running
and sprinting is something that I do train for. So
for me to be able to showcase that it felt good. Man.
You know what, watching that it brought me back to
Dirty thirty because in the purge on Dirty thirty, you
literally had to do the same thing and it was
against like Darrell was in that. So I was like,
oh no when I saw because obviously I wasn't there.
But when I watched it back, I was like, Oh,
this is just gonna be a replay, except this time
it's a rope. When you're backing out of Cannibal. Yeah,
I didn't know I was gonna win the way that
I did. I first, sure thought we were gonna be
struggling in that sand, and I was like, damn, Dereil.
We all know his tank never hits e Dereill can
keep going, So I guess yeah, my strategy was obviously
hit that buzzer before he can even get to the
point where we're fighting in the sand, because I'm playing
in his strength now. So um yeah, that that was
definitely the moment that I needed this season to keep
me fighting. Yeah, well you did that, so congrats. It
was fucking awesome to watch. But like, what is you know,
after speaking about something positive less like reflecting maybe some
of the things you didn't like that you didn't like.
So what would you say if you could like go
back into the season and change one thing, or if
there's one thing you regret, what is it? Um that
sit there? If there was one regret, I wish I
could have done more fighting for Nelson not to go down.
I wish I would have politics more for Nelson not
to go down. I wish that I would have been
in that elimination. Um. But yeah, you live and you learn.
I don't really regret anything. I'm that type of person
that's like, listen, I know I'm gonna mess up. I
know I'm not perfect, and you live and you learn,
And especially in the Challenge house, it's like every challenge
is so different, like it really is, and it could
be something so small. It's like when Anisa and Kyle
one that day that they weren't supposed to win because
the house basically knew, okay, we're thrown in Kyle or
Anissa that day and they ended up winning the challenge.
It just throws everything off. So, yeah, it was. It
was a crazy season for sure. Yeah, it definitely was.
And then we all had to relive that Nelson and
Fessi drama. Yeah that was. What do you think about it?
I guess now like you were there in the moment
when you know, I against him and his explanation on
the show when you were piste yea, his reaction on
the reunion, Um, I knew what FESSI did was it
was too early. It was a mistake. I feel like
he's so confident in all these other physical eliminations. I
don't know why he saw that one and thought, Okay,
I need to go in now. And talking to them both,
I understand both points of view. You know, Festy was like, listen,
I was gonna lose a friend anyways, so why not
go down and get my skull? And I don't know.
And the story is, I think FESSI was wrong, And
sometimes you gotta just say, listen, homie, you were wrong.
You know what I mean, Like you were in the wrong,
and it is what it is. And so as far
as him and Nelson go, I don't know, that's gonna
be ugly. I don't know what's really gonna happen with
those two. Um, yeah, you're gonna be caught in the
middle kind of right. Yeah. I was definitely caught in
the middle, and it was it sucked because it was
Nelson was my best friend in the game and then
he's going home, and then I considered Bessie like my
number two guy in the game, and then he kind
of just throwing my number one, So am I his
number two guys? Like it just it messed with me mentally.
And then a week later, Ja like winked at me
telling me I'm not going in and I did. I
was messed up in the head, and I just learned
that next season I play, I have to come with it.
And it just showed me I was talking to CT
about this that like, I guess our politics weren't what
we thought they were because these come ready and they
come ready to play, and the big brother people, the
Survivor people, they stick together. So all of us real
world O G. Slash, are you the one people? Let's
stick together and let's kill it. So yeah, a little
small sister aliance. I'm so be that none of them
listen to this podcast because they're never going to see
it coming. But we're gonna have planted seats way before.
They'll never hear this. I mean, we're really trying to
We're really trying to put the fun back in the challenge.
Let's do that, please, Anissa, please here with all of
the fucking jokes, all the jokes. Yeah, I think you
want to know why I think last season was so
cutthroat was the secret voting. I just feel like it's
not as stressful when it's not secret voting. When you
can sit in the room and TJ is like, okay,
go through your votes and you're looking at somebody, say
I want to see Corey and Tori going to that elimination,
then you know that that person basically has the balls
to go against you. In that elimination if that's how
the season plays out. But I don't know. It's just
I just hope there's not secret voting because everyone's kind
of walking around being sneaky because they can play until
your advantage, you know. I mean, listen, I'm not saying
that you're sneaking, because you're not, but you're sly Like
there was this one moment where you convinced Bessie to
vote himself into elimination. No, I don't get talked about enough.
People think I'm okay. I have a little bit of
brains up there, and they work. I just work in
a different way. Like I just I don't know, but
it was it was sly like that saved you, and
like that saved you from going in right because that
was the whole camp thing where she was gonna inevitably
throw herself down there would would have it would have
been you and Bessie in a hall brawl. I want
to know what sucks though, you guys, and I have
to admit this is when you watch something in the
house happened and you had no clue about it. Yeah,
was I that oblivious to not know what was really
going on? Like I'm gonna be real. I didn't know
that Leroy was gonna tell Cam to throw herself down,
so then it was me and FSSI. That didn't really
even cross my mind because I was like, why we
cam risk that if we don't know if it's a
guy or a girl, I don't know. Yeah, just Cam,
no ship Cam was the oracle everything that's going on.
So for some reason, Kim knew what the hell was
going on. And I'm just glad that I did talk
Festi into throwing himself down there, because, like you said, Tory,
I kind of saved me. So did and I think
it was probably one of the smartest decisions. And I
don't know, like, did you have any inkling to do
it or were you just kind of Like the best
part about it is I didn't really have to fake
anything because I was just being real. I was like, FESSI,
you talk about winning, right, You're not gonna be happy
just going to a final. And I'll tell you guys
right now, I didn't think amber b was gonna be
able to pull off the wind, so I was like,
you know, if you want Casey, you're going to this
last elimination and you win like, and I was just
talking to FESTI just chopping them up and you know,
just being real with him. And in the back of
my head, I'm like, this is great because not only
is FESSI agreeing with me, I'm spending out all these
valid points as to you made it this far, you
might as well played for the win. You know. In
the back of my head, I'm just thinking Leroy and
Cam are gonna be be about this because Cam, let
me know, Hey, the one thing I gotta do is
protect Leroy. So I was like, let me try to
do the best that I can to make sure Leroy
doesn't go down there. And it all worked out. So
I was happy about that. Yeah, you're being a good guy. Yeah,
if you don't have to be an asshole to win
these things or to come in second. So, but it's
a lot easier true when you're an asshole. When you're nice,
there's less to apologize for it. I don't want to
make amends people who is that A lot of these
players are gonna start feeling, They're gonna start to notice
how the challenge is different from Survivor and Big Brother.
And what I mean by that is a lot of
these big brother and Survivor. People they're used to do
on these shows. They're used to backstabbing people, but that
karma doesn't stick with them, and what happens on the
challenge is yeah, ja backstad me or yeah that's you know,
all that karma is gonna catch up to you at
some point, you know, and we'll see how it plays out.
We'll see how it plays out. But I just think
they're starting to realize that, Okay, you know, it seemed
like a good idea at the time to backstab this
person and then make a slide move, but is it
really gonna play out for you? And I think people
will see that and yeah, yeah, it's because we have
reoccurring casts. It's because we come back. What are you
going in three months? I'll see you in a couple
of months, you know, like, yeah, we're reoccurring. You have
the game a little different and yeah, yeah, it's crazy.
I love in this uh in this reunion to how
like you tell Fessie, You're like, yeah, you need like
a piece of humble pie, Like if you're taking anything,
you want to tell him that I'm the first one
to tell him that. It's just like in the locker
room talk like me and FESSI talks about each other,
but we're just like talking, you know what I mean.
I make fun of him. He can't finish finals. He
thinks he's better at uh, he's better physically than me
at everything, so like what exactly you know? But we
just we throw low blows at each other because that's
kind of what we're used to. And I'm the first
person to tell him, like, yo, I know how you're feeling,
but you just gotta be humble, you know. And I
think the only way for that to happen is he
will be It's gonna happen. He's gonna get into an
elimination and it's not gonna play towards his strength, and
the person is gonna be better than him. And I
feel like that first defeat, when you're losing an elimination
and you have nobody to blame but yourself, you feel that.
I don't know if you are, you feel that, and
you automatically get a slice of that humble pie. So
I think Fessy's great for the show. Um, he's a
great competitor. UM, nothing but respect to him. But he
played a messy game and we'll see if it works
out for him, you know, Yeah, I feel I hope
that he he I mean, I always tell him, I'm like,
can just grow up a little bit, you know, if
you can have a little bit of like you know,
the competitiveness with like a little bit of humility, like
you could be great at this weight. That just might
be festive. Though. I know that first loss though, is
the truth though, Corey. But it's probably not going to
be somebody to be like against somebody who's bigger than him.
Watch it be like nobody, I know, I know, but
it's the case they bring on somebody who's six six
two sixty. I'm just saying if there's like some hormone
injected humongous human the import from some other country and
they PLoP in there. But I'm just saying, like a
Nelson size small or a smaller human and he gets
in there and it's some ship he's not good at
with these eliminations to where you've done enough seasons, Anisa,
you've done enough. These eliminations are toss up sometimes. You know,
everyone hopes that they get something physical because then it's
more in your control and more. But some of this
stuff is like did you get the right side or
the left side, did you get You know, it is
awesome stuff. But you know, I definitely think that it
is coming for Fessie. I think he will be humbled
a little bit, and let's hope if he comes back
on another season. You know, he just kind of a
little bit. I don't know, man's like, but like you said,
and like from a producer's standpoint, we're not producers, but
he is fucking It's fun to watch because he creates
so much controversy, like even when he falls with c
CT in the argument, like who has the balls to
go up to CT and be like I'm here to
take the title? Like that's crazy. Yeah no, And if
you look at like all the great ones, we've all
kind of stepped up going not great ones, but just
people who are competitive. I mean, you look at Johnny.
I'm pretty sure Johnny and CT have gone at it.
West and CT have gone at it, Jordan and CT
have gone Me and CT have gone at it, and
you know, like the top dogs, like we go after
each other a lot of the time. So I knew
that was gonna happen. We we all know how health
and how CT feels, and you got FESSI the new
up and coming dude, and CT is the old head
so um old head, O, G and M. Yeah, it's
it's yeah, it's good. Do you think yeah, do you
think he's gonna come in next season better or do
you think he like not better? You think he's gonna
come in different or do you think he's going to
play the same hand. Oh no, he's coming in worse.
He's coming in straight Kevin Gates lyrics. I mean, you
know you're not better than me, but we'll see. Hopefully
it's a format where he can showcase that. Hopefully. Leave
that we did learn is that you know, a lot
of his partner said that he wasn't the greatest to
work with. So there was one thing I would tell him,
It's like, hey, you got to start becoming a better teammate,
because this isn't always an I game, This isn't always
a me situation, right, you gotta work with somebody. So
this whole season was a was a US thing. It
was never an eye for the challenge of the word.
The end and voting was I Yeah, well yeah, that
was a big, big, big, big big I Yeah. Yeah.
It was a crazy season. Man. It was and we
had some crazy, crazy challenges. I want to know which
one was your favorite? My favorite challenge? Uh? Favorite challenge? Well,
obviously that I won, uh, But besides that, I would
probably say the skydiving. Yeah. I like doing things like that.
This is something that like, I don't know, it's pretty epic.
Jumping out of a plane fifteen thou feet up is
like insane. I also like doing big that I might die.
So swimming one thing where my life is at steak
it gets me going. I love it. Well, you know
what else got you going? What was being called the
challenges resident flirt on Dirty thirty? What was it like
to see other people getting dirty this season? I love it.
I have retired everybody. My hookup cues are on the wall.
I am the first cast member to be introducing to
the Challenge Hall of Fame. Hide in this. I will
now be electing new members everything and right now. The
next runner up for the hook Up Hall of Fame
has got to be my girl, Ashley Mitchell. So Mitchell
is coming for the Hookup Hall of Fame. She's living
her best life and I love it, owns every second
of it. I'm living for joy it Bring Bring some
fun back to the show. Enjoy it. We'll bring some
men back on the show that are single, that are fine,
brings a ladies that are with it, Like, let's go,
you know, sweetening it up for us so we can
make this ship spicy that wanted. Let's go. I don't
care how old I am. I'm still spicy yet. Hey
and you know, like it's like, I don't care. It's
good to have moments like that because then you have
like these other moments where like, you know, Leroy and
I love le wrote to death, but man, he pulled
some moves this season. Yeah, Leroy played a whole new game.
Do you think it was because he was retiring? And
did you have any inkling that he was? Core? I
had no clue le Roy retiring until the final he
told me while we were doing the Overnight Challenge. I
was like, Cam, he's lying. So that's when I found out. Um,
I think Lee Roy played his best game he's probably
ever played because he won five challenges and we all
know with winning be you gain power, and so he
had a lot of power throughout the season. Um, and
let's be honest, Cam made him play his best game.
Without Cam, he wouldn't have been able to play the
game that he played. Cam is very smart. She's great
at the show. Um and yeah she she made Leroy
the best of Lee Roy could be for Double Agents,
and he ate a hell of a season man. Yeah,
hell yeah, we're gonna miss you, Lee. Yeah, shouts out
to you. Lee. Yeah. Well, speaking of retiring, Core, you
went from real World to the Challenge to I think
you did X on the Beach and then now Team Mom. Yes,
don't forget how far is tattoo far? I did that.
We actually talked on that. I remember because I was
on there. Don't forget how far is tattoo far? Sorry? Um,
all right, was letting you know about that. I know
what I saw it. Could you ever see yourself retiring?
I mean, you're done so many things now, I mean no,
I don't. I mean, obviously, at some point I see
myself retiring. Come on now, as well as Durrell moves
at forty, I'll tell you that it's not that far away.
I'll be honest. I'll tell you that you start to
give less of a funk the older you get, Like
I could care less now, I mean I couldn't care
less now than I did when I was younger. You
already know what's going on. Like you said, you don't
care about ship, so like, I'm on for it. Listen
to great opportunity. It is my favorite UM show that
I've been a part of UM and I love going
on the show. So until they want to stop having me,
I'm gonna keep coming. I'm going to keep doing them consecutively.
At kids, I'm gonna take some time off in between
the see is in, you know, because something that I
realized is that money can't buy time with your kids.
Like when I came home Mila, it took her a
couple of months to fully respond to me the way
that I wanted her to respond to me because we
were gone for so long, so it kind of messed
me up a little bit. So I just right there,
I just knew. I was like, Okay, well maybe I'll
do the next one, but then let's take a breaks. Yeah,
I'm gonna keep doing this thing for however long the
network wants me to, but I will be taking breaks
from here and there. Good. So it's so it's safe
to assume since the season ended, you've just been full
on daddy mode. Yeah, I mean I'm trying to enjoy
my kids. I got two birthday parties this week, like
we are living it up. I am just trying to
watch Mela walking. Her to walk, so crawling around right now? Up, No,
you know what she does, her little lazy but we'll
sit there and walk on her knees, on her knees,
I'm like God, and uh, get your little crazy bet up.
We know you can walk so quickly. Oh my god,
she's scared to fall on her butt. So we're just
making her brave. But yeah, both of them are so cute.
I know Writer's birthday today. Make sure you guys go
tell right her happy birthday. Yeah, I wanted to wear
a Spider Man outfit. It's the cutest she got. We
we got her a whole. She is dark, I think
right now. Is she likes to do fashion shows, do
a performance like a song, sing, and then she wants
to go change into her next outfit. So coming a
star we all thought she would be. And I love it. Yeah,
I love it. Amazing, dude, Core, It's honestly, it's a
pleasure to have you. We love hearing about your life.
We only got two more crazy questions for you. We
have this for everybody, So for you because you've had
so many partners this season. But if you had to pick,
like one celebrity partner, could be like an athlete, could
be like a superstar. Who would be your celebrity charity partner? Great, yeah,
opposite sex partner, all wear the wig partner. Yeah, Drake
Champagne Poppy loves Champagne Poppy. Yeah, he's of the show.
He loves the show. And I was just on FaceTime
with him before talking to you, guys. I was He's
such a liar. That's why Corey's game isn't like solidified
completely because you saw that lie. Yeah, he could only
lie if he wasn't looking at us, if we couldn't
see his cute, little smiling face. He had to pull
that off. But yeah, no, I would definitely want to
be partnered with Drake. Yeah, he's been really good for
the morale in the house too, because he's funny, and
he's funny, looks like he likes competition, so it would
be good at competing, Like, yeah, he could sing, Yeah, amazing.
I want to ask a question, this is the final one.
Have you watched any of the All Stars, Well, Anita
I'm not too far away from doing All Stars Stars.
Like I'm not that young kid from Bloodlines anymore. Baby,
I'm coming up close on you know. I watched it.
I mean, I'm a fan. Before I started doing the show,
I was a fan, so like I was a fan
of the Real World, I was a fan of The Challenge.
So now to see some of these people that I
used to watch, it's awesome, and to meet them is awesome.
And you guys got Ruthie back, you got Tech. Tech
was the reason I wanted to do the Real World
because right before he got into the house he went
skinny dipping. I don't know, as a kid, I thought
that was super cool. He lived in his life, so
like in my season of the Real World, I was
skinny dipping and a little hot tub. So, like, it's
just it's crazy watching all these people that you know,
we all grew up watching getting a shot to compete
again and to be on television. And I'm happy for
Cyrus too, because Cyrus has been talking to me for
so long about bro I want to get back on
the show and to go to his premiere and to
see like how excited he was to be back in
the spotlight and just just be doing the challenges again.
It made my day. So I'm happy for all the
o gs. Man, you guys deserve it. You guys have
a fan in me. I am nothing but supportive of
you guys and are you in a couple of years?
Thank you for taking time out of you. Thank you guys.
You guys. Are you got the number one podcast? Or
let you got Corey deal? You gotta needs to make
sure you guys tuned in and hopefully I'll see you
guys on the next season. Corey can't Corey can't pronounce
my last names? He was like, and you've got Anissa Ferrara.
There we go, look at him, Look at him. He's
doing so much. Before you go, give a shout out
to everything you got going on your YouTube channel, Like
where we can follow you? Yeah, I mean listen, listen
up you guys listening? Good? Good? All right, No, I'll
make sure you guys go to my YouTube channel. It's
the Wharton Family. If you want to know more about
my life outside of just me competing, my YouTube channel
is a perfect opportunity for you to see the type
of father I am to see my girls grow up because,
trust me, writer and Mila have their own personalities and
they are much bigger than everything else, so to watch
watch them is awesome. The Wharton Family on YouTube. Check
it out, make sure to follow the Instagram, and most importantly,
make sure you guys watch the Challenge. It's the best
show on TV and let's continue to make it that way.
I love you, guys, appreciate you. I'm out of here alright, folks,
It's time for Challenge Confidential, where we tell you a
secret or two. I'd like to discuss what happened after
the reunion, because you know, tensions can get really high
when you're sitting on that stage talking about the things
that happened this season and kind of reliving them and
hashing them out. But one of the beautiful things about
a lot of these people on the stage is that
we all kind of just want to have fun and party.
So we were so lucky to celebrate quarries birthday and
we celebrated with a really tiny little after party at
a penthouse and ship got a little crazy. Oh my god,
anise of those videos of me of you's working and
me with my head on your butt, just like bouncing
up and down like I gotta put that video out
because it's so good. We still haven't even shown me,
so that's good. I watched it by myself when no
one's with me that do love it at all? No,
but that's what happens. It's like once this, once the
show is over and the reunion, because it's so stressful,
is wrapped, we just got to relax, let loose, give
each other hugs, tell each other how we feel, say
we love each other, and you know, it's on to
the next. Yeah, it was a good party, and I
think we mentioned it before, but after that party, that
was when we all got stuck in an elevator and
it was literally the most strange bonding experience that anybody
could ever go through, like bonding being stuck underneath Fessi's legs. Listen,
we were in an elevator with four guys that were
too tall to sit down. Yeah, so when Fessie decided
to sit, Josh Blair witched um in the corner of
the elevator very uncomfortable. Then there was Charles and then
somebody else, I mean, the longest legs you could have
ever imagined, the tiny j with his head on Fessie's shoulder.
I have brief pictures. I will post them at some point,
but I was like, Fessie, how are you gonna sit down?
How are you guys gonna sit down? We were in
like a web like you and your friends were there
and we were just overlapped. Oh it was It was
not good. But you know what, we had the fire
department come through. Shout out to the Fire Department of
New York, and they saved us. And then now it's
just a memory for our memory books. It was like
an amazing way to top off the season, Like, why
not for an hour? Yeah, get stuck in an hour?
An hour in an elevator, why not? Why not? That's
that's totally It would be Double Agents if we had
like crawled through the top and did some weird spy ship.
But we aren't doing that. Yeah, we did none of that.
We sat on the ground. Well, and he said, it
has been a spectacular season. It was probably the most
stressful season I was ever a part of. But honestly,
I learned so many things. It was amazing to watch
and it's always a pleasure to do a season with you.
We've done three seasons now together. Four double chaps. Oh, No. Five,
including Champs for Stars and like we have you guys
were wondering how we became friends. That's how we spent
some time on the off season and on spinoffs loving
each other. It was basically me loving her until she
loved me back. I love you forever and I loved you.
Love you too. So happy that we're friends. I'm so
happy we do this podcast together. And I'm so happy
that you are on All Stars because I'm rooting for
you every day, every episode. So guys, make sure that
you catch the biggest event in Challenge history, and that's
Challenge All Stars because it is streaming now exclusively on
Paramount Plus, we're going to be covering all things All
Stars now. The Double Agency is over, so make sure
you stay subscribed so you don't miss a second of
the action on MTV's official Challenge podcasts. I can't wait
and he's a little Doers ship