Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's up, everybody. I'm Tory and I'm Anissa. It's time
for another episode of MTV's official Challenge podcast, where we
go behind the scenes of the Challenge Double Agents. Now,
like I always say, this podcast is not spoiler free,
so before we go behind the scenes, make sure you're
up to date on the latest Challenge episodes. Yes, and
on this episode, we will be joined by the Challenge producer,
Julie Peasy, and it's our turn to ask her questions.
Thank you got I've been waiting for this for decades.
We'll also get into that wonderful five mile challenge, Ashley
going home yet again, and Teresa's risky political moves. For
lack of better words, I cannot wait to just spread
this shit wide open. Let's get into it. Plus it
wide open. I cannot wait here here, Okay, and Nissa,
let's get into segment one and listen. I wasn't there,
so it's only fair that you do safe. It's rude, No,
do you know what I feel? Unsafe? Now? Sorry, literally,
you have thirty six seconds. Let me get my head together.
Hold on, hold on, I'm not ready. Go go, go,
go go. So we get to the challenge and it's
really crazy, but Leo left. I forgot to say that.
Then Gabby gets a new partner and the new partner's Devon.
Then we get to the challenge. It's a five mile run.
It's really annoying. Fessi's really really tall. All the weights
on my shoulders. Nobody really knows that because they're not
really think about the high difference, but it's really a
pain in my fucking ass. Then we're just hobbling all
over the place and doing whatever. Gets stuck in the
mud a few times. Thank god, they don't show any
of that. I basically shoot the bed. But it's nice
because it gives, you know, Fessy a little bit of
humble pie to Teresa and jay Win, which probably not
that great. I think I'm safe because I am safe,
and then she ends up putting an Ashley because she's
scared of her, and then cam against her even though
they don't tell anybody anything, and it's really fund. That
was good. That was so good, Thank you. It started
off slow, but it sure took speed. I mean, I'm
gonna try to fill in the gaps, but I'm gonna
let you know I have no I have no idea
if I'm gonna be able to do that. I think
you can. Don't doubt yourself. Thirty six seconds to embellish. Okay,
I'm gonna start off really slow. Okay, Tory have thirty
six seconds to fill in the gap. Go okay. So
I wasn't there. I was really offended when Devin said
that him and Gabby were arguably the most attractive team
on the challenge because he was my partner right before that.
So now I'm feeling it's cure about the way I look.
Maybe he thinks I'm ugly, Maybe he's attracted to me
on the low. I don't know, We'll never know. Then
we go through the challenge and we watched ANISA and
he said, I don't care what anyone says, you always
give it. You're also fuck the haters out there, fuck
Bess for being mad about not being in first place.
And let's be real, you don't want to get first
place anyway, because what happens when you get a little
bit of power it bite you. And yeah, Jay's gotta
target on his back. Now, cam look like kill a
cam in that elimination. I love when she said kill
a cam activated that ship was dope. I want to
get a little cartoon character of her kill a cam
with a little button that says kill a cam activated. Done. Good. Yeah,
that was good. I mean for someone who wasn't there,
you have an accurate portrayal of you know what happened.
But can we please get an action figure of killing
can that when you push the button it says it
will be cute? I wanted to be like period, I
would love that. Shit, that would be great. It's quite
the character. She really reminds me of me, like in
my prime, just like not given a shit, telling people
how it is, and like, yeah, she really is like
my little sis. When I look at her, she's so spicy.
I love it. Yeah, she definitely is a little chili pepper.
So let's get into the play of the day. What
do you think was the play of the day. That's tough,
but probably Corey going the opposite way with this thing
with Ashley because you know, they would have won. They
definitely would have won had they not done that. I
mean I don't know what definitely like, I don't know
if it would have been a definite thing, but I
mean it was really close between the Yeah, it was
really close, and Corey and Ashley had the lead until
they went the wrong way. So I mean, I think
if they would have just gone the right way from
the jump, they would have had all that time, and
I think Teresa and Jay would have came in second.
Maybe what do you think the play of the day was.
I don't know play of the day as I didn't
fucking die there. You fucking go dirtiest deed. Teresa and Jay.
I'm gonna put on both of them for blind siding
Cam Kyle, Corey and Ashley and not saying you have
to tell people. But if you're gonna say that you're
gonna tell people, then totally because you're just digging yourself
a bigger hole. Yeah, Like for your own personal game,
it's it's kind of better to be honest if you're
going to go up to somebody and be like, I
swear it's not going to be you and then do it.
If you don't say shit, you don't have any promise
to uphold. You know, you have nothing to keep at
that point, right, and people expect you to that. You're
not expected to stab people's backs in this game. But
it's like a game and only one person wins really,
so it's like, okay, this is sometimes all people move
like you have to. You have to throw votes some
ways that sometimes you don't want to. But like you said,
if you tell somebody you're not going to do it
and you do it, now you're the fucking asshole. Yeah, totally.
Well let's get into this challenge, because this challenge looked insane.
I mean, I don't care how many people say they
like endurance five miles carrying a what was it called?
It was called a capsule, Okay, okay. Inside the capsule
were these puzzle pieces, so you'd hear them like, click
at it, clacking inside, and I'm like, and what I
tell you this is a very weird is you can
see object to hold. And one little secret, even though
we might get into more secrets later, is that we
have to do pickups. So in the beginning, you know,
like all our fucking game faces and shit, like we're
not really going right there, they're just getting our game faces.
It starts hailing big balls of hail. I mean in
our eyes, it's shooting pellets at us, and they're like,
now run through it. I'm like, what I might even see?
So first we are met with hail and then we start,
and you know, doing that false start, we at least
got to like hold it and see what worked. But
Fessi's like nine foot three, and no, Fessi's like six
five and I'm five to seven. He thought I was
five four, which should have made him feel even worse.
A lot of the weight was on me because it
was always on an angle for me. That puts I
think that puts so much pressure on me that I
picked myself out that I couldn't do it. You know,
and your mind really does fuck with you in these
kinds of things, and I think I just beat myself
up before I even got a chance to start. Yeah,
and you know what, you can't do that because there's
nothing you can do, especially when it comes to height
and holding that capsule and the only thing I can
relate it to because obviously my ass got kicked off
last week by the Queen herself. But and we're the
world's too. In the final, we had to carry a gurney,
and there was when you had a difference in height,
it was so much heavier on the shorter person because
all that weight is just putting on his wiging on
that person's arm. So I know for a fact how
heavy it is to be the shorter person while carrying something.
So I think that does say a lot about what
it like what you had to go, and I just
went against you. So I was doing all those squat throws.
I mean, my rooms hurt, my abs were hurting, my
ass hurt, my legs hurt, and what you don't know,
there's so many secrets. I ordered a large pant thinking
that I needed large pants, and they were falling down.
I'm like, Bessie, I'm so glad I wore another pair.
Could you imagine me like running around like ass naked
or were the thong on? Oh? He would have been like, yo, niece,
hurry up, no baby, I'm right here in this lacey thong.
Hold on a second, you know, I do got to
give it up to a lot of the teams. Though,
a lot of teams look strong like Josh and Nannie
looked strong, Cam and Kyle looked strong, Corey and Ashley
looked strong, Amber and Durell looked strong like. There was
a lot of teams out there who really did hold
their own and a challenge that is super hard five miles,
like how long do you think that took overall. I
mean like it was over an hour, but like, yeah, yeah,
a lot of people did well. Nannie does surprisingly well
on these kinds of things, and you would think she
wouldn't sometimes, but like every morning, I woke up to
the sound of her feet running on the treadmill. So yeah,
she definitely, you know, stuck to that. And I love
when she she can do stuff like this and show
people like total I can move my ass. Yeah. Well,
you know what, I'm sure Jay and Teresa were happy
when they got back because they won that challenge, and
she was ecstatic to win. I mean, you saw how
excited she was, Like, which is good. It's always fun
to win. You always do get on like you get
this little high from it. But you could just tell
she was high with power. She was going to do
something bad. Yeah, but I think that's also because she
was afraid that she was going to be a target.
It was going to be her and Jay if not,
so I can understand, Like that's true. You know, it's
happy happiness because you won, and also like a sigh
of relief, you know, like I don't have to worry
about this, but now I can make a move. And
one thing about her is you know, I think she
had this game already planned out before she got there,
like I'm gonna get all the strongest girls out if
I can, and then I'm gonna win. She even told
me that she wanted to get Ashley out. She was like,
Ashley was right behind me that whole time. She was
like that can't happen again. And I think that because
of that, she was like, well, I gotta get her out.
Well that brings us to the elimination, because Ashley got nominated,
Corey gets nominated. I'm sure Corey was big, especially when
when TJ was like, by the way, gentleman, is an
important night for you? And Kyle was so upset. Corey
was so upset. I mean, and then it's the girls
Day anyway, I feel bad for Ashley, Like does this
not make you feel bad for her? I mean, I
know she stole money in the past and a lot
of people hold it against her, but like that elimination
looked crazy in a week way, Like I don't know
what I would have thought it was walking up to it,
like that podium in the middle, those like poles on
the sides, like you didn't obviously didn't know there were
rings at first, right, like there was no rings anywhere?
It was there, No, but you could see the hook,
So I knew that they would have to peter pan it.
Oh No, I knew that they were going to be swinging.
Have you ever seen an elimination like this before? And
like any past? Never? Never? Okay, I'm not sure, but
it's just I don't think we ever have, you know.
And what's crazy is I think Teresa would have been
great at this. She probably would have been great at it.
But the thing is is like you don't know what
You didn't know what it was going up to it.
Obviously you saw it was two individual games. It definitely
was not a headbanger. Anytime you see two apparatuses set
up that look identified pect for Teresa. Yeah, I think
she would have done well. Actually, but Cam as a
beast with this, you know, and happy my little siss
is now in the gold Skull Club. Yeah, it actually is.
We actually made up a club. It sucks that Ashley
had two opportunities to get one and then unfortunately lost
to kill a Cam. I mean, I honestly, like I said,
I felt bad for Ashley leaving that game, Like it
sucks to be targeted like that, But she is threatening.
She's clearly very good and final, she's very good at
mass she knows that a lot of people find her
to be a threat and just wasn't her day in
that elimination. So Ashley and see you on another season, girl, everybody, Yeah,
you know you've already won two of these. Of course
she'd be a threat, you know, And I think that's
a that's a definitely a compliment, but it sucks when
it cuts your time short, you know, Yeah, definitely. There
was also a lot of other things that happened to
this episode aside from the challenge in the elimination, Like
we saw Leo going home early on in the game,
and I think that that's an important thing to highlight obviously,
like Camp said, like it's amazing when somebody can step
up and say, hey, I'm having a mental health issue
and I need to leave, And like he did deserve
props for that, because we know how hard it is
in that house, right And as the years have gone on,
especially with the at the Bunker, like I saw people
really talking about mental illness and like how a lot
of people were struggling, you know, and talk about medication
and whatever else. So I'm happy that we're now, you know,
we have we feel like we have a safe space
to talk about it. And Leo had talked to all
of us and we all sat down and he did
this whole like spoken word wrap thing. It was amazing,
and then we were like okay, and then he read
us a letter that he wrote to all of us
and he was just like, this isn't healthy for me,
and I don't want to go back to the person
I used to be, and it's I can't lose myself here.
And it takes so much to do that, to be
you know, so self aware that you're like, you know what,
a million dollars or my mental health, Yeah, and you
pull the plug all the money because it's not worth it.
And Camaz one hundred percent right. You know, in our community,
it's just not spoken about as openly. You know, we're
all expected to be these very strong people that don't
suffer from any of those things, because God forbid we do.
We look weak. So it's a difficult thing to talk about.
And it was just beautiful that Leo, that Leo did.
I know there's so many men of color at home,
like shit, like thank you. Yeah, he's doing well now
and he's with his family, and that's that's all you
can wish for somebody, is that they're doing okay. Absolutely,
So whoever's listening to this, make sure you go comment
on Leo's Instagram, go find him, and go send him
some love because I'm sure after this episode he's going
to really need it. And it's really important that all
of the people who listen, like, yes, this is a
TV show. Yes, it's fun to watch, and it's fun
to pick your favorite characters and the people you don't like,
But when it comes down to it, everybody's still a
person going through their own struggles and it is really
important to get love from you guys and from all
the fans. So go send Leo some love. He deserves it.
He is such a little bright light and um yeah,
sending him all my love. We love you, Leo. So also,
let's get into a few more things, because this episode
isn't done, it's just full. Let's get into Teresa because
we've been we've been waiting to talk about this shit,
and I want you to do it. I want you
to tell me what you heard, what Teresa said about
you after the elimination with me and you. So I'm
going to I'm not going to paraphrase, and I'm not
going to say that this was said, you know, verbatim.
But after I had won against you, Lolo came up
to me and she was like, so, I don't know
what's up with Teresa, but she said she was so
happy when you won and was like, she was like, yeah,
would you rather go against Tory or that? And I'm like, oh,
so now I'm that what the fuck is that? And
Lolo was like, you know what, I'm going to go
talk to her. So Lolo talked to her and they
cleared it up, and Teresa basically said she didn't mean
it like that. I don't know what else she meant
by it. But I also, you know, cared about Teresa,
and I didn't want to believe all of this stuff.
I was so excited to see her again. So clearly
this is disappointing for me. And I was also in
a room with her trying to you have, you know,
my head clear in my own room without it being weird.
That's why I never brought it up. And you know, me,
Tory like if I have an issue him to talk
about it. I kept all of this shit inside while
we were there the whole time. Do you feel like
old Anissa would have done that or do you feel like, okay,
so old Anisa would have been able to hold this
into it wasn't oh no, no, no no, no, no, okay. Yeah,
Like this is like grown Anissa right here. Yeah, being
able to like manage your feelings about what you've heard
from It's really hard though, because I mean, this is
the most different game I've ever played. I'm usually so
nice and friends with everyone. That gets me nowhere, so
stay tuned and see how many, you know, how many
mistakes I can make. It's like starting all over again.
Let's talk about my favorite part of this episode, which
was you crying in the beginning because you miss me?
Wasn't it because this name? No? Actually, I couldn't find kidding,
I couldn't find my friend. I came, so I'll tell
you all. I was hysterically crying on the bus. I
felt like my heart had been ripped out. It was
just a weird feeling of like my adrenaline finally like
settling down and like just I was just emotional, like
proud of myself, but like really upset and the only
cam was holding me and I'm like, big tea, don't
you look at me? And I was just so upset
because you were, you know, my person there. So it
was just like, now what do I do? And I
also was crying because you took my sweatpants with you,
and I was like, bitch, sorry about that. Yeah, I
was really missing you. Though. I'm so happy that they
showed that because I also cried in my interview, But
I'm happier that they showed like the immediate back to
the house realization that you had gone. But I will
tell you one secret from this episode. Okay, Tory brought
mustaches and wigs and they were supposed to be for
my birthday. What they did they did not show my birthday,
which was amazing and was filled with lap dances and
everyone was supposed to dress up in these wigs and
mustaches for my birthday, but it didn't happen. But what
did happen is when Tory laughed she left me gum,
cinnamon gum. It was great because nobody ever wanted my
cinnamon gum. And she say she gave me mustaches, eyelashes,
and wigs. Yes, Celsius and at Celsius. Yes, and you
know what, I had Celsius parties by myself. Oh my gosh, dude,
we made with pre workout. What that's psychotic and it's fine.
Casey and I did it. And we played outside for
three hours, played outside, I did. We We got a
soccer ball. We played outside, played outside. Oh my god,
that's so funny. Ran on the treadmill, me threw the
ball to each other. We were psychotic for three hours.
I gotta say watching watching, not being in this the
show anymore, but watching it with you and then being
able to relive just like what I did live. I
feel two things when I feel fomo because I'm like, fuck,
Like I wish I could have done Celsius with you
and pre work out with you and played outside for
three hours like that was that would have been fun
to me. And then I'm also like, thank god, I'm
off the show. There's a sense of relief. There's a
sense of relief that kicks in when you're off because
then you're like, what am I going to see? What
did I do? What? What does this shit look like? Like?
What am I gonna have to deal with in the
world from this show? No? Matter what, who's gonna say
something about me or whatever. So it's almost it hasn't
been that bad for you. I mean, I'm kidding, it's
it's been a little rough. I haven't even followed. I
wanted to defend you. But then they're always like what
this is what I've seen though, a lot of people
being like, when did you in a Nissa become friends? Okay, guys, relax,
how long ago was dirty? Thirty six seasons ago? Four years,
five years, four years, four years? Yeah, yeah, wow, that's
a lot of time. It's a lot of time. That's great.
So guys, we're friends. We've been friends about three years
and ten months. And you know who we have to
thank for that, Julie Peasy. I mean, I don't know
if we could thank her specifically, but we gotta thank you.
I'd like to thank everybody, yeah, for bringing us together,
for bringing like minded girls who love to just fucking
do dan thang on the show, be boss ass bitches
and support each other while we're off the show. That's
what we do. I know, that's what we're here for.
All right, guys, here comes the fun part, the interview,
and today we have Julie Peasy. She is an amazing woman,
the president of BMP, former producer and showrunner of the Challenge.
I've known her for many moons, and it's great to
have somebody on here that you don't get to actually see.
We have a lot of strong women behind us, and
now we get to grill them about what it's like
to put their ship show together. Yeah, so welcome Julie Peasy.
Thank you for having me. You know, I am there.
I'm usually there for the first two weeks. You guys
just don't see me. Where are you? Are you in
a rock? Like? Were you in a rock in a cave?
And it was so cold? I was like in a
car with Dan castor watching the poll. That sounds awful
hard for you, I know for us with the heat,
I know, Oh how did you do it? I know
it's I mean, I have to say it was probably
so cold up on that deck. There were certain nights
that I was failing. For you guys, it should have
been every night. My jackets didn't cover my butt, my
ass was freezing, handwarmers and everything. Like your pros, I
feel like you've been in all the elements, so really,
I feel like you had Iceland I feel like it
was one your best performances. Yes, you did well in
that environment. Okay, good job. That makes that makes one
of us, Julie. You thrive in Thailand or something where
it's hot and sticky and disgusting. Yeah, give me some sweaty,
nasty climate, Julie, Like, let's go somewhere hot next time.
Come on the last Seans Coda, I feel for a while,
especially if I'm going to be there. I don't know
if I am, but if there's a chance, I would
like to put in um maybe a little beach square
West for like a bikini or two. But you have
to recognize that during COVID, our locations are probably more
limited than usual. Like usually we have the whole world
as our oyster, and I feel like now it's really
finding places that are that we can create the Caribbean.
We can go to a Ruba. I'm not mad. Yeah,
I can say nothing. I wouldn't. I wouldn't be prepping
your passport for a Ruba. So, Julie, Julie. For those
who may not know you, can you explain your role
on the challenge from the early stages of planning this
season till when the episodes are actually airing, and just
what you do all the ins and outs of your job. Um. Sure, so.
I I'm the President of Development and Entertainment at Puna
Murray and The Challenge is one of the shows that
I'm still very involved with. But within our department, we
create shows and we sell shows, but The Challenge is
something that has I've sort of stayed with in part
because I worked on it from the very beginning and
then I left for ten years, and then when I
came back, I really wanted to get back involved because
it's so close to my heart. It's really my favorite show.
But you know, I mean when the when the network
green lights the cycle, they really called me first, and
then we start the creative conversations because the show's been
on the air for a really long time. You know,
Justin Booth and Ima Harkin Emer did this cycle. They're
sort of our go to showrunners. So once we start staffing,
we start coming up with themes and stuff together. But
they really then grow their department, and my job really
is just to support the showrunner. So you know, obviously
there's things particularly in COVID or location changes or really
problem solving is mostly what I do. I'm not nearly
as involved in the creative as I used to be,
although you know, I'm definitely involved in all the conversations.
Our teams are just so good that I really don't
have to I don't really have to get in there
the way that I used to do is certainly when
I was a showrunner, I was doing those those parts
of the job, which, by the way, is the most fun.
The most fun job is being the creative department on
the Challenge. So should I store it and go to
the creative You should? I mean, honestly, it is. It
is really I mean, think about what they get to
imagine up that they put you through. I'm just thinking
about sitting in that warm mass car. Happened it was
because we weren't welcome in the other in the you know,
the control trailer, because of six feet apart in masks
and all that good stuff. Gotcha. Well, I love that
you said the Challenge is probably your most favorite show,
because you've worked on so many cool shows like Boonemumurray
is responsible for a lot of great TV. So I
am curious what detail from the Challenge are you most
proud of? What makes it your favorite show? You know,
I think it's the creativity that goes into it. Every
single year we have to come up with a brand
new theme and really sort of reinvent it. So it's
I mean even this season, like I love the look,
the graphics, the editorial style, the soundtrack is amazing. So
I think this whole idea of like creating a full
package of a show and trying to deliver a new
product to our viewers that are so loyal is what
makes the show so amazing because you don't get to
do that with every show. I mean, like you know,
some shows are really just an extension of the season before,
whereas MTV every cycle really tests us with like what
are we gonna do that's fresh and new? What new twists?
How do we keep reinventing ourselves to keep our audience
you know, interested totally. And you've been working on it
for so long, Like you were saying right when we
got on this call that you and Nissa, like tell
me the backstory of how long you've known Anissa, because
I gotta know this. I mean, that season was a
really strange season. I mean, it was one of it
was I think it was only like season six, so
it was pretty early. Oh, you were just coming off
to Chicago. It was the very first Battle of the Sexes.
We were in Jamaica. Remember Pup was on that season. Um,
I was at his wedding there. It was amazing. And
you were a blond wig. Well you probably weren't there
when like he were you there for the machete incident?
Of course? What what are you talking about? This show
was great. The show was great. People leave then a
jump on AOL and email people who brought a machete.
Well you can find one from the locals too. I
mean we were in a villa like on a result
or I mean we would people would trade like red
stripes and T shirts for like other drinks. I mean, god,
it was a good old day. Great. You would have
been great back then. It would have been so much fun. Yeah,
And I really give a Justin Booth a lot of
credit for evolving the series to where it is now,
where I feel like it really can stand side by
side with anything which shows that cost millions and millions
of dollars more to make. So do you think that
Justin Booth was like a big reason that the show
has been around for as long as it has been,
and I'm sure it has been, but like, what is
the reason that a show can be on for thirty
six seasons? Like that's a lot. I mean, I think
it's a combination. I think Justin is an excellent producer.
I think MTV's investment in the franchise has been really unparalleled.
And then to be honest, it's because of you guys,
the cast, Because the casting process at Buna Murray, Like
when you think about it from even just its origins,
it's like when we cast a real world thousands and
thousands of people applied for that show and we pick
six and then like even the casting process with Fresh
Meat or any other part, it's like we're finding amazing, dynamic,
layered people and then we're putting them together in stort
of putting them into the challenge. So I really think
it's the characters. I think people show back up over
and over again for like, sure, the format so exciting,
but the cast is so like you can't take your
eyes off of you guys. You know, you're dynamic and
interesting and compelling, and I think that's what really keeps
the show on there. Wow, Julie, thank you so sweet.
One thing I have noticed is that I was trying
to explain it to people, like, being from Real World,
my story has already been out there, you know, and
I guess the Challenge has allowed me to evolve and
people have been able to actually like physically watch that happen.
But I noticed that this season, you know, we're showing
more of the personal side of people, which we don't
always get. We get the fights and the hookups and
the drama and the competition, but we don't really get
to see who these characters are. And I want to know,
is that what is it deliberate that, you know, we're
telling all of these stories now and allowing you know,
these people to share those intimate parts of their lives. Yeah,
I mean, I think it's the storytelling was always what
made Real World successful. And I do think that there's
sort of a benefit from a fandom standpoint when you
when a former person that's already been on the Challenge
returns to the House because we have their backstory. I
think because this year MTV allowed us to do more
ninety minute episodes, we had more time to explore that
character development and get to know more of the rookie's
stories in the House and I also think that you know,
it is it is a pressure cooker, you know, and
you both have handled it really beautifully, but it is
it's hard for people to be in that environment. You know,
It's not for like, you know, somebody who doesn't really
feel on their best health. Yeah, totally. And we got
to see that with Leo this season, which I actually
loved how TJ because obviously wasn't there for that. I
was eliminated right before. And like, you get to see
this moment where TJ just talks about how this is
something to be proud of, and I think that's so important.
So would you mind talking to us about the importance
of mental health on a show like this? Yeah, I mean,
and it's not something we talk that often about, and
I think it's important because we will always protect the
privacy of the cast when it comes to their mental health.
But if a cast member wants to share that in
their vulnerabilities, then we are on board to help them
tell that story in a responsible way. You know. We
did that show really in the middle of like COVID
and a lot of you guys had been like quarantined
at home. You probably hadn't seen all your loved ones,
like everyone was living like a very anxiety inducing lifestyle
even coming into our into the house in Iceland, So
even the most healthy individuals were feeling things that they
probably hadn't felt. And even for you guys to take
your mask off around all the time, beard a dream,
totally totally right. But I think that you can sometimes
also recognize, like when you're not feeling right and that
you might be having a breaking point or that this,
like you just don't feel this environment is safe or
healthy for you. And it doesn't mean it won't be
healthy for you in six months. It means that you
guys are coming off of such an intense period in
our country and in our world, and that everyone experiences
that differently, and I appreciate that that certain cast members
are willing to share that and also just like recognize,
like this isn't good for me right now. I need
I need to leave. It takes so much because I
feel like a lot of contestants on this show throughout
time would have I mean, I mean I've seen people
you know leave for other reasons whatever, but like to
really be like, okay, well I value myself and how
far I've come and a million dollars is just not
worth it. And what I mean, I commend him. He
was just and the way he did it was with
so much grace. He was so open the letter he
wrote to us to express himself, like it was just
something you like you had to respect that, you know,
especially in our community when we never talk about it,
like I heard, to check yourself. Yeah, and also a
lot of self awareness, which I think, yes, that like,
I appreciate how much you guys support him too, And
I think I think he told his story in a
really honorable way. This season was definitely harder than a lot,
I think for me especially, I cried a lot, I
spiraled a lot. They're a lot. I brought up a
lot of emotions, I think because coming into it, like
you said, we had nothing to do but sit here,
So I was already thinking about my shit. So when
I came in, I'm like, floodgates just I mean, when
I got there, you guys just took the floodgates. You
were like, yeah, they're going to go for a little bit.
It was a massive amount of human interaction that everyone
had been so starved from, and there are triggers that
come with that. Yeah, Yeah, especially when I was just
gonna say, it doesn't end when you leave the show,
because then, as a cast member, you really have to
go home and then kind of rethink about everything you
did while you were there, and then get ready to
watch it when you get back. And it's this whole
six month process of like, Wow, what did I do
when I stepped on there? What could I have done better?
What am I going to have to let the world
see from me now? And then how am I going
to grow from that? If I get to go back
on an I know. I mean, honestly, you left us
too soon, Tory. She did. It's so fucking sad. I'm
still sad about it. But my god, like just having
YouTube go against each other, Like how lucky that you
guys didn't have like hall brawl or something like you
at least at the competition where you were operating separate totally.
I don't have the profusion anything to do with that,
but I want to say thank you production. I know
that y Ryan told me that. Yeah, Ryan ran and
told me a long time actually during Dirty thirty. Um,
he was like, clearly, Anissa, like you sprained an ankle
and we're still shackling you, like, we're still putting these
around your ankles because these are made up before we
all get here to change it, right because and you know,
but you both. I'm happy that it's fair. Yeah, we
definitely did, because there would have been no way I
would have been able to actually like fully compete. When
you go up again, I mean, I guess you you
kind of snap into that mode, but that's would be
cracking up or crying. Could you imagine be like a
straddle on you, choking you out? I can't imagine. Like
if you guys are like, I don't, I just think
you guys would start laughing. I mean, it's too weird
physical it is weird. I do love you. I love
your friendship. I like that you guys are doing this podcast.
I think it's really special. Yeah, I really each other.
We love each other and we do. It's so good
and like it's funny because we obviously get targeted in
the house because we have this strong friendship. But like
going back to mental health, we you're in that house.
If you find somebody you link up with, any buddy
with you hold them so close to you because they're
like your lifeline in that game, Like you know, we
only get phone calls once a week, and like it's
ten minute long phone call. You get more phone calls
in jail. Yeah, more phone calls in jail means really
you do. But Toria, I have to ask you because
like the whole thing that Bessie said about that you
guys know each what each other is thinking by just
looking at each other like a row. Really, I'm like,
what the fuck is wrong with him? Like? Who let
this guy loosen interviews? Right? Who let him talk? Like adorable,
vulnerable thing to say from him? It was really sweet,
It really really was cute, and him and I do
get along really well. But I was like, why the
fuck would you? Like you see what they're doing to
me right now? Like leave me alone? Bessie, You're like
little puffy hearts all over that. It is hard to
have you leave right in that moment where you guys
were so simpatico, oh yeah, just gazing in each other's eyes.
Actually that was Tori and I gaze into each other's eyes. Well,
in the end, it was the two of you gazing
into each other's eyes. It's all about us really each other.
Oh man will ever come in between that? Speaking of man,
we do get a lot of questions about TJ. Would
you mind telling people what it's like to work with
TJ over the years? I feel like nobody would believe it.
He well, first of all, I only met him. You know,
I only met him like four or five years ago,
because I you know, I left Bina Murray for ten years.
But he is such a remarkable human, Like he's such
a kind, thoughtful person. I think COVID has been really
hard for him because you know, every time we go
into a country, you know, while you guys are doing
your interviews or days that you're not like that we're
not competing. TJ used to have that free time. And
like if even like a week in if I went
to go get a coffee with him, he knew every
single person on the block. Everyone would be like, hey TJ.
Like people in every community walked in to adore him.
And it's because he's just you know, he's like playing
his guitar with locals and meeting friends and he's really
just that guy. And yeah, from a professional standpoint, he's
so good at his job, always shows up on time.
He like, you know, he's almost so easy that like
I don't want to underappreciate him. You know, he's like
he makes our jobs so easy, and he's you know,
he's just so good at his job and everyone loves him. Yeah,
and I feel like you guys love him too. He
just he really is sort of the face of the show,
isn't he He's amazing. Yeah, and everything that he's been
through and to come back like what we're on Rivals.
I don't know what season it was, Yeah, and I
was just a mess like we all were when we
saw him. Like, he's just incredible. I don't know if
people have watched his journey, but if you watched TJ's
Road to Recovery, I suggest you go on YouTube and
find that. Um just watching him pick himself up as
just like and tech hit a walk, learn how to
walk again, and count again and it's just incredible. And
then he comes back to us like you were like
the hot BMX biker guy and you just keep coming
back to us, and it's just I feel so honored
for that and so bad ass. Like I love the
open that EM came up with. It looks so yeah.
I mean I feel like he owned that, like no
one but that J two like that bad ass, like
so but like you quit, Like I don't think anybody
else would would, you know, chew us out for quitting
or treat us the way he like and no one
would do that but a fact member. He said to
you after you won um when sorry Tory, but when
you know, when you won the elimination. I thought that
was really interesting about you know, saying to you, like,
you know, you're a force to be reckoned with and
like don't let anyone like everyone take note. It was
kind of a cool. Yeah, he has seen you over
the years, and for him to say that like knowing
you was a pretty special Yeah. I always feel like
he's in my owner from like when he gave me
his jacket till now. I just feel like that's my boy,
like because he knows I'm not gonna give up and
I've always you know, I've had a pretty rough road
with this sometimes. So it's like, yeah, he's seen it
from the beginning. It's like he knows and I it's
crazy because before I went on this season, I binge
watched all the older seasons, so I saw young Anissa
and I was a fan. So even after coming on
this season, and where didn't you watch them I bought
them on iTunes. I bought them. No, I was just buying.
I went. I was watching, literally like I watched six,
I watched nine. I watched so. I watched both Battle
of the Sexes, I watched eleven, I watched the Duels.
I watched a bunch of stuff, but I got to
see him so much fun. Honestly, I was like number one,
bring me back, because, like you said, they had machettes
back then. We can't even have lithium batteries. Now. The
whole show has changed. I want to go have bun
and drinking theme parties with us. You would have had
fights with us. Like it was a little bit more
than comedy then it wasn't. I mean, like I do
think the evolution of the challenge has gotten way more competitive. Yeah,
so much a sport now. It's so much more athletic
there was back in the day. Like the first few seasons,
there was a little bit more comedy in the challenges.
They were a little bit sillier. There was still some,
you know, some that were scary and competitive, but there
was a little bit more silliness. Bring back the comedy.
Damn it, we're funny. Do you feel like there's a
season that you wished you would have competed in. I
remember when I first started on Challenges. I was in
my twenties and I was kind of I was younger,
if not the same age as most of the cast,
And like the first couple of seasons when it was
like dueling Winnies and we had the cast like jump
off the stratosphere like the because we were moving around,
the experiences were so amazing. Like there were times that
you we're just kind of jealous of the cast because
it was what they got to do seems so fun.
But I think now the seasons that you guys are
participating in would terrify me. Yeah, I shocker some of them.
I'm just like, but I mean we're terrifying. Yeah. There's
plenty of times when I'm up there and I'm literally
thinking myself, what decisions in my life have led me
to this? Right? Like why how did I get here?
But there was a time when cast members would just
say no, like like participants would say like I won't
do it. There were many people didn't do it. And
what I'm so impressed with with like the last god
knows how many seasons, is how many people just like,
all right, we're gonna do it, Like even though it
scares the shit out of me, We're gonna do this
and we'll get through it. Shout out to the safety crew. Yeah,
those are the people. Okay, I know you're not listening, Greg,
but no that you're in my heart my thoughts most
days when I wake up in the morning and I
know I'm alive, I think Greg for always checking checking
my harness. One more time, Julie, have you ever tested
a challenge before? I have, but I have early like ropes,
courses and things that were not nearly as intimidating as
the challenges that you guys do today. And then also
I will say, like I think I segment produced for
like two seasons, and then I started showarting those the challenges.
Like people would line up to test the challenges. It
used to be producers and producers and people on the crew.
Like now all the safety people test the challenges, and
then we bring in other new people locally to test it,
like athletes. But like we used to put the crew.
We used to have the crew test of challenges, which,
by the way, like feel so wrong. Now anything can happen,
and that's the thing like you. The challenge is so dynamic.
You could have an eating challenge, you could have a math,
you could have a puzzle, you could have a physical challenge.
It does not matter what it is. You might not
be prepared for it during that day. And that's why
you have to be so dynamic as a player to win.
That's why it's like when you look at the people
who have won that, like a lot of them are
very different. You're like, oh, it just happened to work
out for you on that challenge, in that day, on
that final, and now you got the money. And then
you have other people who have just stacked up final
wins like SATs and like Jordan's and like Bananas, like
all of the Ashley like. But if you put them
in different times, like back in the day, I don't
know if all of these people would have won, you
know what I mean. Like, as it changes and people
get to know each other, like you keep seeing the
same athletes, so it's like, you know, we're in the league,
you know what I mean, And these teams keep changing
and get a couple new players or whatever, but your
stars are still shining and they have like this mastery
of the game and they keep playing. Yeah. Yeah, so
I mean is that you know, mixing it up is
in part for if you were all together all the time,
the same veterans, you would get so warm with each other,
like you have to make it up totally. I mean,
Tore and I together forever. But I gotta go past
every single season, like would you really want the like no,
because like the relationship like you sort of need new Yeah,
I mean that. I guess it works for certain shows
and not all shows, like it worked for Jersey Shore. Yeah.
I mean, but that wasn't competition format. No, not at all.
It's a relationship show, and this is both does a
relationship show and a competition format? Yeah? Well, Julie, thank
you so much for giving us your time and talking
about the challenge. Is there any little secrets you can
give us about a potential next season? Let me see
you have no. I cannot fuck, but the news is
we do have another season coming up. Okay, I gotta
be warm. I cannot tell you this or to and
I gotta be there together. Am I even going to
be considered? Is there anything you would like to text
me later? Email me. I can give you all of
that information. I don't want to get fired. Okay, I
thought I could ask you anything, but I guess. We
love you guys. You're amazing players. We love your friendship.
Thank you, and I'm sure we will all see each
others the show. I mean, I love that you guys
have your own podcasts us too. We're so excited. It's
really fun. Thanks, we're having a fucking blast. Congratulations. Thank
you so much. And and I'll see I'm sure I'll
see you all soon. Yes, thank you so much. Julie.
That gave me hope. Julie, that's not anything away. Bye
you guys, Bye bye, Well Anissa, Julie peasy as always
is amazing. But right now we're going to get into
listener transmissions. A lot of questions in my DM, so
do I, And they're asking me what happens when you
get eliminated? And you know what, I'm going to spill
the tea because it is the worst thing ever. It's on.
This is every season. It's terrible. So on this season
I got lucky enough that one of the producers had
a beer in the car on the way home, so
I got to chug the shit out of that beer.
I'm not kidding. I chugged it. We also stopped at McDonald's,
which was cool. I hate McDonald's, but I was like,
fuck it, I'm gonna get some nuggets. We pulled up.
We pull up to this honeymoon suite, which was really beautiful,
like it would have been great if I was there
with somebody I loved. But no, you get trapped in
that honeymoon suite alone. I was there for three nights
by myself, three nights Anisa, three fucking nights by myself.
I don't smoke cigarettes. I asked the security guard for
a pack. I smoked three packs Senisa in three days.
I'm not kidding. Then, obviously, as soon as I got home,
as soon as I got my phone back, I booked
an Airbnb in Los Angeles, a huge house. I told
all my friends were getting fucked up, and I literally
ate alcohol for three days straight, like I drank my
sorrows away. I smoked seventy thousand cigarettes. It was disgusting. Oh,
you probably smelled amazing. It was bad. I do have
a question for you with LEVI, because I do a
thing when I leave, but I don't know if you
do this thing when you leave, Do you leave your
challenge sneakers in the hotel or do you take them
with you? Oh? I leave them? Yes them now? No,
they're bad luck. I'm gonna tell you one question though,
that I keep getting. I feel like I get it
every single day. On Duel two, it was my I forgot.
I was probably flirting with TJ on my first elimination
there that season because I went into four and I
was learning with him while you were in the elimination.
Right before I went, I was like, yo, or I'd
want it, And I was like, can I get your jacket?
Because he was sponsored by Fox because he was still
doing BMX, so we sponsored by Fox and BMW and
like all the ship so um I was. He was like,
I'll give you the jacket if you make it to
the final. And I'm like, oh, mother fucker, all right,
all right, the fire has been lit. So when I
lost right before the final surprise surprise, Um, I lost
in my fourth elimination and I was a fucking hysterical mess.
And here goes TJ. Drapes the jacket over my shoulders. So, folks,
I still have that jacket and I used to bring
it on every challenge with me, but now it's in storage,
sorry tjum just because like what if I have company
and somebody steals it or like you know, it's like
a vintage piece, and it's like, I feel like I'm
the only person who've ever got TJ's clothes. That's amazing.
I love that story. He is and he was such
a big fan of the people that bust our ass
when they were there, you know, and especially Underdog, So
I think that he would have done the challenge in
a heartbeat if he could have. Yeah, so I was
really proud that I got the jacket. So I still
have it. No, you can't buy it. It's never a
first cell. Every night naked, just wear it. I love that.
I love that story. Well, you know what, guys, after
this episode, we're gonna tell you hit up a lot
of people on IG. Go tell Leo you love him,
Go tell TJ. He's so sweet forgiving everybody, forgiving Anissa
that jacket. Go hit up Anissa. Anisa, what's your social
it's Anissa MTV. That's a N E E s A
MTV on IG and Twitter. You can tweet at me.
You can at me? You can jesus, sound like a
ninety seven. You can do. You can DM me everywhere.
Just slide in, slip in, dive in. You know it's
a it's a cold winner, so do all of that.
I'm around, Um, I will I read your questions. There's
only so many we can do, so I'm sorry if
we can't get to them, but um, we are reading them.
And uh now for your info. I love. Yeah, you
guys can follow me at Tory Underscore deal. You know it.
If you don't, I don't know now you know it's
not a big deal. But if you want to follow
me and send me a d M, I'll do my best.
Like I needs to said. We get a lot of messages,
but we try to answer them all. But definitely keep
watching new episodes of The Challenge every Wednesday and go
behind the scenes with us the next morning on MTV's
official Challenge podcast. See if Those Fight