All Episodes

March 25, 2021 59 mins

Tori and Aneesa bring on the man of the hour, Fessy Shafaat, to discuss his fight with CT, what it was like when Gabby went home, and why he was so terrified to jump out of that plane. The Challenge vets also discuss Big T's impressive elimination win, a behind the scenes story from filming the reunion, and Aneesa explains why she's proud of the work she's done on this season.

Watch new episodes of The Challenge every Wednesday, and go behind the scenes with Tori and Aneesa the next morning, on MTV's Official Challenge Podcast.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's up everyone. I'm Tory and I'm Anissa, and this
is MTV's official Challenge podcast where we go behind the
scenes of the Challenge Double Agents. Now, before we begin,
make sure you're up to date on the latest episodes, folks,
because there are spoilers ahead and you do not want
to miss one second of the action. Yep, that's facts
and so much has happened this week, skydiving, CT and

Fessi fighting in ridiculous costumes and Anissa goes home, which
is like my least favorite episode ever. Speaking of Fessi,
that asshole. We're going to be talking to him later,
so stick around for that or don't. Okay, now, stick
stick around. You know we're going to actually drill it
into Fessi and see if we can get some of
those emotions out. Yeah, let's do it, Anisa. Let's get started.

Okay girl, Okay, Anisa, let's get right into it with
your least favorite segment and you're actually killing it with
these safe house It's a quick thirty six second recap
and honor of it being the thirty six seas into
the challenge. So Anissa, are you ready to just jump

right in? Okay? Three two, one go. So Kyle and
I won last challenge and we were really excited about that.
I'm on a super high. Then I get to the
challenge and we got to go super high. You got it,
folks sky diving and he says least favorite things. She's
never done it before and really doesn't like heights, so
we have to do that, and on our way down,
we have to memorize a puzzle. I'm fine with puzzles.
But then we got a run. Sprinting a half miles

not easy for anyone, So I start walking because I'm like, bro,
you've been ahead of me the whole time. You're not
on Leroy and Casey's team, you're with me. You're only
as fast as the slowest runner, so like, maybe should
slow it down, bra AnyWho, we don't win, but Leroy
and Casey do, and well, LeRoy's girlfriend's camp and Nanni's
his best friend. Don fuck, it's okay, you tried. Why

don't you pick up where I left off? Okay, because
I forgot the whole fight and everything, so you might
want to take it back a little bit. All right,
count me in, all right, Tory, you got thirty six
seconds to do what you do boo. Okay, here we
go three two one. They went spy diving, they went
rock a mountain clam Okay. After they all got done

spy diving, they all went back to the house. Everybody
decided to put on a little eighties gear. It looks
so amazing. I want to know if they gave you
those costumes where they're all brought them, because that was
crazy fun to watch. But then everybody had to get
into a little argument while they were wearing two twos
and wigs. I love a good argument with two twos
and wigs, and shit is funny. CT wanted proved to
be this big dougfession was like, nah, I'm sliding through.
Then we were like, okay, let's go over to the
elimination because Big Tea and Anissa are gonna go out

there and they're gonna go do what they gotta do. Unfortunately,
it was that stupid elimination that actually probably nobody wanted
to do. But we gotta give it to Big Tea
because she really killed it. Poor Nissa was hanging out
there and I did not like to see that. So
I want to just cry it out, and that's what
I gonna say. Buy. Oh, that was terrible. I mean, like,
I can't even imagine how you feel. I mean it

was a while ago. Watching it back, I mean I
definitely get some phil feels, but I knew like watching
it the first time with Natalie. Watching Natalie and Ash
both struggle with it, and Big Tea went faster than
both of them. Really yes, wow, So for me, I
lost to somebody that I deserved to lose to. You know,

Big T kills it, and I know moving forward, you know,
if she gets to that final and she wins, I
know what she's going to do with the money. I
was so proud of her, you know, and I support
strong women that want to do great shit. She won
fair and swear, and I left with such amazing feelings.

So we could talk about that later. But what would
be the play of the day. I gotta give it
to Big T for actually jumping out of the helicopter,
and then not only that, when CT like kind of
condemned her for how she ran, she was like, I
just want to let you know I didn't do any
of this for you. So I gotta give it to
a Big Tea because I really loved that energy. She
just is so aware of herself and I just really

appreciate watching that on the show. Yeah, I would give
for the play of the day too. I was so proud, Like,
just watching people, you know, conquer their fears is something. Yeah,
it really is. Because she screamed the whole time. But
you know who else screamed the whole time, FEESSI. Oh
my god, Oh my god, Oh my god. I'm like,

are you coming or are you are you scared? Oh
my god, Oh man, I can't. Yeah, big and bad
fight with CTT, but oh my, oh my god. Yo,
that was so funny. He literally said, oh my god,
like seven times while coming out of the helicopter. Oh
my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,

oh my god. Would you say, what's the dirtiest deed
of the day. I personally think it was Feessy thinking
he was giving ct a compliment, but then it actually
starting this huge argument that could be it. Um, I
have a couple of dirty deeds. I think Kyle voting
me in was dirty. Dirty, Yeah, filthy if you will. Yeah,

there was another dirty deed I thought of, Oh, when
we picked Big Tea to go first, we didn't. It
was an unintentional Dirty Deed. We put her first because
we thought if she saw other people she'd totally freak out.
But if we put her first, she'd have to go,
you know, because sometimes it's scary to watch people jump
out of the plane. So it was one of those

things like we know CT, we know everybody else is
going to do it, but well, she yeah, and I
wanted to give her a good chance. But I also
forgot that that whole door was open, So the whole
time going up, she was like in hysterics because they
sat that way so she would be facing the window.
We sat away from it, so our backs were turned
to that big door, so I didn't know. So shout

out to big team, I'm sorry, but conquered your fear.
So it's kind of like a quarter of a Dirty Deed. Honestly,
it wasn't because you're absolutely right, Like obviously we had
to jump out of helicopter's way back in Dirty thirty
two into the final and watching people fall out of
an airplane is waste garier than doing it yourself, because
one second you're all together and the next second they
just go out into the sky and you're like, oh
my god. So I actually think putting her first was

a nice thing to do. If you've ever know it
is a solid thing in hindsight. Yeah, yeah, definitely. But
she's been like she's been crushing at we Like this
is gonna be a big praise, big te episode because
I loved what she brought to the show. And I
also loved that she was practicing a hale brawl with
CT earlier, Like that was what was it like to
be there seeing them do that. I mean I watched it.

I'm like, come on, girl, you can get it. You
can hear your laugh in the background. Oh, I was dying.
I thought it was hilarious because I mean CT was
padded up with every pillow. Yeah, you know. And I
also think that, like it was such a serious and
stressful game. Anything to make it a little lighthearted and fun, yes,
and anything to pass the time because we're getting to

the end, you know, so it's we were all like
just over it, so like let's do anything that energy
towards the end of a season is so heavy because
you're like, okay, is it me going in next? I'm
getting so close to the end. Could this be my time?
That's why I love that you guys had that eighties party.
Did production give you that stuff or did you guys
have Yeah, they did. I loved like the montage in

the beginning, everybody had their own. I loved it all.
I thought it was so cute. Did it like help
to kill like did it help to like bring the
vibes back to a more positive place? Yeah? I mean
we were taking shots, we were doing everything. Like I
knew I had a chance to go in. We were
still all having a good time. Yeah, because you don't
know when you're gonna go and you don't know when
it's gonna be your time and yeah, yeah, I hear

you loud and loud and clear. Dude, What was it
like being at that deliberation, like feeling like you were
potentially gonna go in, Like did you know for sure
it was going to be you? Or were you like
thinking there is hope? I thought there was a little
bit of hope because the day before, CTS like, I
got your back, whatever you need to do, and I'm like, okay,
we'll get Nannie in. Then So if I had CTS
vote my vote, Corey's vote, Cam's vote, and then get

Festly to have my back, and then if other people
wanted to vote Big Tea like it would throw it off,
but at least I could get the numbers in my favor,
and Cam and Corey were willing to do it for me,
and then Kyle voted for me. It was just it
was just a tough deliberation because these guys just talk
so much shit and to have can be like that's

messed up and not even be like y'all are savage,
like yeah, what are you doing? Yeah? And for me,
I was just over it. I'm like, I'm tired are
you guys doing this to me this whole season? Like yeah,
what makes you think that it's okay to talk to
me like this? Like why aren't you? Is there somebody
else who should be talking to you like that? I Mean,
I don't condone it, but like why me? It's just
really bad. I can handle it. Yeah, And it's just

really sad because it's like people want to pick and
choose they It's like what Drake said, you know, shout
out to Drake because he follows you on Instagram. D
It's so cool. It's like what Drake says. You know,
people want to scream your failures and whisper your accomplishments,
and like they just like exploit the fact that, Okay,
maybe endurance is not your best thing, but you also

have so many other attributes about you that make you
such an amazing competitor. It sucks that people have to
like feel like they need to put each other down
to get to that point. Like, I think it's more
about proving it to yourself though, because the end of
the day, you have to sleep with you, you have
to wake up to you. It's not about these people.
But unfortunately we're in a competition, you know, and we
have to prove it to other people too. So yeah,

never how I loved what you said at the end,
Like I just thought I teared out wall I fell,
I fell apart because every time I mentioned it, I
was just like, I'm so proud that I had a
purpose this season of you know, I had talked to
somebody before the show that was like, if you win,
if you lose, just have a purpose. You may be

there for two weeks, you may be there for two months.
Have a purpose with that. Like, I was just really
happy that everything I said the first day when I
won was that I wanted, you know, a woman of
color in the final. I wanted a new winner that
was a woman of color. I wanted that. Yeah, I
wanted that for us. I wanted that for the time
everything that was going on in our world. I wanted

that for you know, little brown girls at home to
be like, oh my god, that's me. I could do
this shit. Yeah, And often we are weaponized and thrown
out and disposed of because people think, oh, they're brown woman,
they can handle this. Like, no, we're not strong all
of the time. We can't be strong for everybody all
of the time. So leaving and looking up there, my

heart was so full because I was like, you know,
I may not get along with everybody up there, but
everything I wanted to happen is happening. And I get
to look at all of these beautiful, strong women and
I'm like, okay, one of y'all bitches. Yes, So if
it's not me, it's someone else that may look like me,
or may look like someone at home, And that kind

of representations needed. And it was the first season that
I thought, like I won three dailies. You know, I
beat every single person the first day, like I did
what I could take my yeah, and that was good enough.
I'm so proud of you. It was so beautiful to
watch that, and and I think it's just so important
to recognize when somebody like, taking a loss that late

in the season is so hard, but the way you
did it was just so powerful, and you should never
feel like that wasn't powerful. You should never feel small
from that, because the way you walk away from a
loss says more about somebody than if they were to win,
because it's so much harder to do that, and you
just did it with so much grace and you just
immediately turned that negative into a positive and said, you

know what, I was here with the purpose regardless. And
I'm so proud of all these women who were on
that stage right now. And it just it like just
solidifies every reason that I love you and why so
many people love you, because you just are that. You're
just such a light in that house and that's why
everybody really does love you. And it sucks to watch
these guys just like treat you like crap. But that's
why Drizzy followed you on Instagram tell us about the

DM's niece, because this shit, Yo, When you told me
I was hype, well, I woke up one weird morning
I saw that Champagne Poppy was following me, and I said,
this is bullshit, that ain't real, so I um, I
didn't want to expose it. But then I was like,
fuck that ship. All these dudes are talking about me

on the show. I'm like, Uh, the guys on the
Challenge may not fuck with me, but Drake does. And
then he liked it. And then he was just like,
I love watching you. I love the show. Where the
fuck is this tweet? I mean this, damn damn it.
I have a screenshot of it. I do too. Now

it's mine, it's my background. He said, love watching you,
love the show. They try and sleep on you, but
I know you're a beast, and I responded, all that
made my night. Wait until next season for shadowing. Maybe
if there is the next season, we don't know yet. Yeah,

hopefully we get pick picked up again, Tor and I
we want's listening. Um. Yeah, so that's like I know
they watch our show. I think because like music video,
like people grew up in it with MTV, especially if
they're near thirty. Yeah, we're a little above like it's
part of your childhood, the grind, music videos whatever, like

it's part of it. So to get that kind of recognition, Like,
I know, Aubrey Graham is a regular person. He's just
a regular ass person that follows me. No, hold on,
can you tell me what Gail said about him? Oh
my god, so Gail my mother had the quintessential Jewish
mother is like, oh my god, my new son in law,

and I love him. The baby's Oh my god, I
love him. Oh Annie's Ashkenazi, just like you. I'm like, mom,
I get it. I know Drake and I are the
same thing. We are both. We both have blonde Jewish
mothers that are short. I don't know if his nags
as much as mine does. But that doesn't mean we're
gonna go to Oh is he private messaging you? I'm
like private messaging mom. Of course he's in the DMS.

Leave me alone, that's all. He didn't say when to
sleep with me. He just thought I was a beast.
They're sleeping on me. They're sleeping on me. He didn't
say what's to sleep in me. Those are two different things,
two different things. Gale, Oh God, Anysa, this is just
like even with everything going on, like it's such a
blessing that you got, you got to follow. He's only
following so many people from the challenge, and you are

one hundred percent one of the people that deserves to
get that follow so you can walk away from this
ship with your head high. You had a bomb season.
You just spoke the most beautiful, powerful words, and like
you got followed by Drake. So you know what, And
I'm not sad about this because shit happens in life,
and everything happens for a reason, you know, Like I'm

not maybe there was something in that final that's not
for me, or maybe I had to come home and
do some important shit like this podcast with you, thank you.
So it's just everything really happens for a reason. It's
me a lot about myself. It allowed I was really
vulnerable this season. I cried a lot, I spiraled a lot.

As one of the producers, Michael would say, but I
worked my ass off and I have no regrets except
for possibly a few votes that I should have done differently.
But I really don't have any regrets because it's over,
yeah for me now and now I just get to
watch people struggle for a little bit. So yeah, hopefully
and Karma will shine its beautiful face in that final.

For whoever who makes it and I'll be cool with that.
And we're gonna have a spicy interview this episode because
Fessi's coming on and I know you got a lot
to say. Yeah, I am definitely interested in what's going
to happen. All right, Well, let's get into this Fessi interview.
Do you just want to do it? Fuck? No, I'm
just kidding. I'm about to get up. No one is

safe on the Challenge Podcast Tour. We've gotten to my
favorite part of the podcast where we get to interview someone,
and today we have the one and only second time Rookie,
the large man in charge of whatever. Everybody. Welcome Fessie

Hey tour. You can give him an intro as well. Okay,
here's here's my intro. All right, everybody, welcome to the
man that's created more drama in my life than anyone else.
Welcome to the show. I appreciate y'all having me on.
It only took thirteen episodes. Were you feeling sad? Were
you like sitting in the corner, like, when are they
going to ask me to be on the podcast? Like?

Damn all this crazy shit going on in the first
four episodes and no call for the podcast you know why,
because we were we were busy, like asking Nelson how
he felt after he fucked him, and then you know
other people that had like you know, we had to
talk to people before they left other people's sides first.
I'll get it. Yeah, it's nice to have other people's

perspectives of what's going on. I want to talk about
what was going on in this episode when you were
falling out of that plane and it sounded like you
were having intercourse with the person you were strapped to.
Were you oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,
what was going on? Beast? That was my second time skydiving,

and I I mean, I would like to say I'm
not scar of heights, but that shit is scary. You're
fifteen thousand feet in the sky falling out, trusting that
this parachute. Well, but you just have a moment with
God and you're like, it's my time to go. It's
my time to go because I'm just gonna enjoy it.
After one wait with your moment with God, so you

called out to God, Yeah, that would happened, Okay, I
just want to understand it. If it's my time to go. Okay,
So that was your second time skydiving, but it was
your first time in the mild high club because you
did have sex with your instructor while you were in
the air, right, that's why you were screaming. I don't clarification.
I don't know if that was the little key that
he said he had in his back pocket or I

cannot a little key. I'm done, I'm done. Oh God.
I want to know what's scarier for you. Is it
scarier for you, fassy, to jump out of a plane
or eating nasty food? I would say, hmm, come on,
they're both. I would say eating nasty shit. It's fun

once you get the scary part of both. I guess yeah.
And we have to talk about this fight with CT,
especially when he was wearing that really cute too too
at the eighties party. Yes, what was the compliment you
were trying to give CT that went south? Because I
honestly didn't catch it. I was just saying, like, man, uh,

you want two in the past whatever years, or he
said two out of the past five years, and I
was like, I was like, yeah, man, in my opinion,
it's either you are or Johnny as the goat. And
I was like, the only reason you probably on the
ghast because he has more than you. But I was like,
as far as resume goes or whatever, and then he
was getting a little worked up. I don't even know

where it went south. Um, I think, oh yeah, because
I was like, man, I'm trying to get there one day,
you know, like a long way to go, but like
I want three one day. I want to I haven't
even won one. And I'm like thinking, like, damn, that'd
be awesome to be there, you know. And he, like,
I think he took it as an insult, like I'm
coming up whatever. And then I was like, you know what,
like if this is what it's gonna like, I'm here,

I'm here to compete, like you know what I mean.
And I think a lot of people take it as
me trying to shine this big light on I'm better
than everybody's. I'm better than everybody else. And it's so
I just want a platform to compete, you know. And
it's it's hard for me on from getting told I
wasn't good enough to play football. So now I'm on
here and people saying, you know this, dude's the best CT.

So I'm all right, let me see if I could
beat tt what how can I prove that I'm better
than this dude or something? And it's just an itch
I have for petition and it's it's crazy. Yeah, but
this is like a different a different game. You know,
this isn't like football or basketball or base but like
being the best here is. It's just very different. You know,

this is the competition you can't really you can only
train so much for. You know, you never know what
you're going to get into, or who you're gonna be
partnered with, or who you're going to be on a
team with, or what other guys are going to be there.
You know, it's just a set of different variables that
really can either work in your favor or against you. Well,
that's why I love the show so much and I'm

so passionate about it and want to win so bad
is because it ties everything together. It's not just who's
the fastest or strongest, your biggest, for smartest. You have
to be so versus hole in this game. And people
come on the show, you know, some are versatile, some
are not, and then you know you usually you'll get
exposed if you have a weakness. And that's what I

love about the show is go there to compete, and
I get everybody who goes on has their own storyline
and what they're doing it for and their struggles in
this and it's you know, as a competitor when you
come in sometimes you have blinders on and all you
see is that finish line and that million dollars, and
you know everybody else's story and what they're going through

is just like washed away. Yeah, it's easy to get
caught up. I fucking get it. I played college soccer,
and like it was a weird transition coming into the
Challenge because that competitive nature that you are just bred
to have as like an athlete. You're like, oh, I'm
just gonna copy and paste that attitude onto the Challenge.
But that shit slaps you right in the face. So
that doesn't work, Tory Clear, I know, slaps you right

in the face so quickly. A long time ago, I've
done five seasons of this ship, and I still am
like making rookie mistakes because I still kind of depend
on that athletic ability and it doesn't always pull through.
So it's definitely interesting to continue to do the show
and like let yourself evolve as a character, which is
why it's so great that we get called back. Like
it's just not like Big Brother, where you only get

the opportunity to go on Big Brother All Stars, like
on the Challenge. If you're a fucking competitor, you get
brought back. I'm excited because, you know, even though I
met y'all too my first season and like me and
he said we were cool, I didn't. I didn't know you.
And like even before this season, I didn't know you.
You know, but now I know you because like we
got a little closer this season. You know, we've hung

out a couple times outside of this season, So it
makes going into the game different. Now. When I went
in this season, I was just like, I'm going there
to win a million dollars. Everybody here has highs that
are better than mine, so I'm gonna look out for me.
And that's kind of how I played the season. And
now that you know, I've gotten to know you guys

a little better, it makes things. It puts things in
perspective a little more. Oh that's really sweet. Fast. I'm
happy they are having some mindfulness and the opportunity to
allow yourself to grow. So, going back to this episode,
I want to talk about the CT fight a little
bit more because it was kind of funny. There was
this one moment in the fight where you were like,

they're gonna play the clip, They're gonna play the clip,
and then they play the clip, and you know, you
do see you throwing CT around, but CT is definitely
holding it down to I mean literally holding it down
to the ground like he is like Geo duting Pokemon
style and making sure that his body does not fly
off that. I hate you. It's like turning himself into
a rock so that he doesn't fly off that truck.

But I gotta knowe bess, who do you think would
win in a haulbaw CT or you listen, man, let's
just see what happens next season. If we're both on
and there's a haul ball, Let's let's make it happen.
Like that's that's what I'm on right now. Like I'm
tired of just people talking and me talking and people judging.

It's like, let's send me into elimination of physical elimination
or whoever the house thinks can beat me. Let's send
them in and let's let's give the house what they want.
Let's give TJ what he wants. Let's give the fans
what they want. Like, that's what I'm there to do
to prove it. All right, you heard it here first, folks,
Bessie said, put him in, put him in. Oh god,

I can't handle my thing. Is the only person that
I when I when I go on the show, is
who I try to prove it too, besides all you
idiots is myself, you know, not you idiots. But Natalie
just came out, yeah, you know, like you only have
yourself to let down, you know what I mean. So
it's like when you go into her kick ass for you.

I agree, people have people are always going to have
their doubts, you know. Yeah. I think we all come
into the challenge at different points in our life, Like
we all meet each other in different chapters of our life,
you know. And like some of you, like you and Nissa,
who have been doing TV, you know, since you were
in your young twenties. Now you're thirty two. I'm thirty

years old. So talk on and you're confessionals, you know,
and you're like, man, I'm trying. I've been doing this
a long time. I've been doing this a long time.
I'm like Anissa, I turned thirty this year. Like I know,
I'm the new kid on the challenge, but like I
I've been no and know my whole life. You guys
are just seeing it now, you know, So like I
get I get it, and I'm still trying to prove

that shit, just like you're still trying to prove that shit.
You know, it just comes out a different way. And
maybe I suck at communication and whatever, but I'm just
I'm just a taller male version of you because you're
only two. The world wrong too. I haven't won. So
me talking all this shit because I'm trying to prove
it to myself and the world, but it just comes

out wrong. Well, let me ask you this, what were
you trying to prove in your eighties outfit? Because Corey
Corey called you out out. Do you not know what happened?
Like they brought the garments or clothing with the Neon
shit to wear because I don't. I didn't bring Neon clothes.
They said it's a CIA theme show, so I didn't

bring my Neon clothes. Okay, beyond clothes and wristbands and socks.
Of course, they were all small and medium I'm not
the small and medium sized guy, so I just put
on like jeans and a white shirt, and they're like, well,
you gotta dress up. I'm like, you don't have anything
that fits me. What do you want me to do?

And I was like, you know, instead of being a
Debbie downer, let me think positive and put on everything
you owned, make it goofy whatever. Then I'm like, oh,
then y'all make me the butt of the joke because
I chose the fucking playball. I thought it was good
for you, honestly, Like it's nice to be the butt
of the jokes sometimes because it's a humbling experience and
like people get to see that side of you, and

you don't really let that side show too often. So yeah,
I thought it was a good look for you, even
though people it wasn't a great look. Yeah, no, it
wasn't a good look. It was a good look for you,
like you don't always gotta walk around. I mean it
wasn't funny. I loved that. That was my favorite part
of the episode. Like, I thought that little montage everybody
did like that was mad cute that I was jealous.

I wasn't there. I was like, fuck, this is why
I'm tied to get eliminated early. I missed some eighties
montages that yeah, you could have had a stash boomah,
way are shit god shit fuck? All right, well, we'll
stand back, let's get back into it. So I want
to talk about some other things that happened this season,
because there's a lot a lot going on. You're attached

to a lot of storylines, and Nanni is now your
third partner that you have been paired with. So what
is it like consistently changing partners this season? And out
of everybody in the game, why do you think that
you're always the one getting stolen? Who putting me on
the hot seat here with that one? The only difficult
part about because I was with a Nissa most of

the game, so even when I was with Casey was
only for one challenge. So I think me and a
Nissa did pretty much like twelfth straight besides that one
without her with Casey. But when I got stolen by Nannie,
I had never worked with Nannie, so I didn't know
how like even on my rookie season, told him Madness,
I don't think I was ever partnered with her, so

I didn't know how she worked it out whatever, And
Josh told me she can go and and I was
excited to work with her. But then I was like, wow,
there really wasn't no chemistry, Like a Nannie said it
in the inner confessor. I was like, you know, Anissa said,
you know, we kind of didn't work well together, but
we kind of did work well together, you know, Like

I guess we weren't on the same page with what
I needed to be telling you and what you needed
to be telling me as far as how to push
each other. But as far as communication goes, like the
second one to ice bucket or the one where we
had to go grab the ice thing, yeah we were good. Um.
I would have swam a million times for you that day,
ye anything, it's there was no quitting that day, Like

it was cold at shit and I hated it. But yeah,
so far you've only won with me, So yeah it
was tough. Um. You know that's something I don't have
control over. And I think you know the reason why
girls picked me, Like you know, you read a lot
of stuff online people are saying why are girls keep

picking Flessie of CT durrell um are around and stuff
like that, And I just think it was my energy
this season, Like people knew how bad I wanted to win,
and like just because I wasn't winning, Dave, like later
on in the season, it was people. I think the
girls could see the itch in my eye to win.
You know, they were like, man, I know that dude
how bad he wants to win, and I'm with him.

He's gonna push me and we have a good shot
at winning, you know. I think all the guys were
obviously talented, Corey as well Lee Roy, though I think
that that was it drive to win, Yeah, definitely. I
also think it's I also think part of it is
who you were aligned with, too, Like if you have
the majority of people with you, it makes it a

little bit easier. Yeah, true, totally. So I want to
go back to Nannie a little bit because you know
she talks about how she doesn't really buy with you
as a partner. Did she tell you this ever, or
was this is just kind of like her venting in interviews.
I had no idea that's what it was, because when
I first became her partner, she was like you saw
it an elimination. She's like, I'm gonna work hard, and

I'm like, okay, cool, Like let's go. I mean clearly
we're going through a lot. You don't have me, now
I have Nanni. You lost that challenge and then Nannie
goes into elimination against your girl, and then you lose Gabby.
So how are you feeling now that you had no
booty to rub on? As you said, you know, boodhy
to grab? What'd you call it? Say that? I know

late night booty? You had no squeek? Listen, you weren't
you said it? When after Gabby left? What did I say?
I don't, Okay, we'll find the words. Were you sad
when she left? Yes, that's a more appropriate question than he,
so I appreciate it. You had feelings for Gabby? Fest Listen, Toriri, Tori,

One more Tory. We move on to the next question. No, actually,
we were going to get through this one. Um, did
you miss having a cuttle buddy? Um? Yeah, I guess, because,
like you probably saw throughout the episodes, me and Gabby
really didn't even talk that much. You know. It was

just kind of like we thought each other were cute
and we felt each other's vibe. And that's something that
episodes don't really show. Because you I'm kind of I
don't what was the question again, do I have feelings
for Gabby? Do you miss having a cuttle buddy? It
literally was like, do you miss having a cuddle buddy?
Because I know in these situations when you're yeah, when
you're in there, you know, it's it's cool to have

somebody to just struggle with. Yeah, because I guess lonely
in there. I wish that everyone could see the visual
of this interview right now, because Fessie is laying on
his bed flipping a water bottle around eating Peto power puffs.
You don't know, Chip, Oh, what are the petos? They're
chick pe Cheetos. They're called petos whatever puffs, Okay, whatever

protein puffs. I'm just saying I wish that people could
see it. CONFESSI looks like he's at a fit. He
looks like he's like in the middle of a therapy
with how he's laying on his back, like confessings a
therapy session. For me. After watching that episode, Oh, did
it hurt you to watch back? No, it was just
like there was a lot of perspectives from people. I

didn't know they felt that way, Yeah, because they weren't
showing that to me in the house. You know, like
when I saw Nannie about me like being her partner
or whatever, I didn't know that so hard to watch
because it's like I accept everything you know I've done.
You know, obviously I'm I can be I guess hard
on people because I want to go and maybe you know,

I could be selfish sometimes, but like it's like there's
way more to the equation. But frustrating a watch. You'll
have a chance, I think in the future if you
keep doing shows to be able to show all of
these it's fast. Yeah, I think this season will be
a big learning experience for you to like kind of
you know, like I said to you before, like you know,
take a step back and and just really look at

things for how they are. Like, I think it'll help
you grow for sure. Do you feel like you like
coming from Big Brother and then stepping on the challenge, Like,
do you feel like you learned anything from doing that
show to coming on this one, or do you feel
like this is really your first experience on a competitive
reality show. I mean Big Brother wasn't really made for me.

I had no idea about the show. They like found
me through Survivor and wanted me to be on the show,
so I was like, I'll do it, you know what
I mean, I had no idea what I was doing there.
I want to competitions, like all the physical ones, like
three of the ones my one were physical and one
was a memory thing. So like it kind of helped

out a little, I guess, with like just the little
carnival games and being crafty and stuff. And then from
a social aspect, you've got to live with people. I
was in the house seventy two days before I got eliminated,
so that really helps. So now coming to the challenge,
you know, obviously I'm excited for the physical part of it,
but I've already been mentally prepared living with so many

people under one roof, so you know, that wasn't new
to me. Do you think that Big Brother's harder to
play than the Challenge? At first, I would have said yes,
just because I was new to the challenge, and you know,
I knew Big Brother was really grueling because you never

got to get out of the house. You know, we
were locked in the study house literally for seventy two days.
If you made it all the way ninety nine days,
you didn't see one person, no TV, no music, no nothing.
So that aspect would I would say harder, But no,
the challenge is way harder, just not even the physical stuff,
just like it's mentally exhausting because you know, there's cutthroat

things going on, feelings involved, like years and years and
years of relationships, you know, so that puts a lot
more stress. Whereas Big Brother, it's sixteen random people, so
you don't have previous ties, previous emotions and all this.
So I would say the challenge is definitely way more intense. Yeah,
but at least like that's why I mean, in my assumption,

all you Big Brother people teamed up and started working together.
Do you feel like your past experiences of just like
all going through Big Brother and then coming on the Challenge,
it made it easier for you guys to connect because
you had both experiences under your belt. I think that
was the initial draw. But I think why like me,
Josh and Casey got so close was because we saw
because we all, you know, Josh and Casey won, you know,

and that was a lot of hate because they a
lot of fans felt the other person they sat next
to we're supposed to win, Josh, you know, and so
they got a lot of hate whatever. So you know,
they kind of had a chip on their shoulder too, Like, no,
I won for a reason, you know, because people felt
they didn't deserve it win and some people, Oh, wow,
I actually voted for Casey. Yeah, so I thought she believed.

I believe she deserved to win too. But so we
kind of connected, and uh, we we just bonded over that,
you know, like proving people wrong. And we all were
telling our stories about, you know, being on our first
show together, and then we crossed over to the Challenge
and you know, we were very loyal to each other
our first season, and that's kind of how it started.

I guess if there was no more Big Brother people
on the show, who do you feel like you would
have aligned with, like Corey and like me and Anissa
this season? Yeah, wasn't I aligned with y'all? I thought
I was aligned with you all. Damn No, Yeah, I
mean we were, we were all working together. I just
wanted to hear it, just wanted that verbal confirmation, just

wanted to write it in my notebook. FESSI Yeah, aligned
with us. So Fessie Tory has been taking notes over
the course of the time that we were doing the
podcast to take a little bit of strategy from everyone,
because she fucking sucks its strategy. So if we ever
do a show again, her and I need not to

room together, probably, and then she needs to branch out
socially and not be such a weird, weird person. Yeah. Wait,
we're just gonna let everybody know our plans now. I'll
we'll have a group FaceTime. Now, I'll have a little
group chat called, um the new alliance plans plans for

whichever season we plan on doing together again. I want
our alliance name to be Fester Stallone. I don't mind it.
What do you think about that? This? I mean, why
not just fessis on it? No? No, no, no, it
has to be funny and catchy. Yeah, Fester Stallone is funny,
like like Sylvester Stallone, but Fester like uncle Fester. Um,

just to break it down if you didn't know, um,
who else could it be? No, that's a good one.
Fester Salone. Yeah, Festor Salone. That's her name. And you
know who's in that alliance? You and Josh too, and
like could you enjoy im? Devin and Devon, Iowa and
Lee Roy and Cam No, no, no, no, it will
just be one big, happy alliance because that's just a

group of people just picking each other off. Yeah, well
that's what the show is about, right, So let's make
our alliance a little bit smaller. Okay, fest I want
to know about you and Josh. I love Josh too,
you know, he is like one of my favorite people
in the show ever. And you guys are like brothers.
So who do you feel like is the big brother?
And who do you feel like is the small brother?
And we're gonna tell this story, man. So being Josh's

encounter is hilarious because first time I met him was
my season, right when I got off Big Brother, and
so he won the previous season. So you know, he's
been in the Spotlight for a year now and we're
coming off TV not knowing what the hell we're doing. Yeah,
I think he had just done his first season and
the challenge He's like. I was like, yeah, man, I'd
love to come over there. I think I'd be good
at it. Blah blah blah. He's like, yeah, man, you should.

And then so we only met that time before I
got on Total Madness. So when we walked in and
Total Madness, me and Josh did not know each other
and we got to know really quick. But the first
couple of days, I think he kind of like looked
at me like he was big bro, like because he
had been on the Challenge two seasons, he had won

the show we both came from. And then I think
it only took him, you know, about a week before
he realized I was big bro. Oh what why? Why
are you got to do that to Josh? Do you
think it's true? Like, that's my little bro? Well, listen,
he maybe because he comes to your defense at all
times and at any costs, comes to Casey's defense at

all costs. He's like, but we're talking about chu boo.
He could be like your big little brother. Are you
flexing right now? Yes? Just flex? Why arms? I know
they're massive? Okay, you know, but this is when he
has to turn off his video. I think you've had enough.
I can't look at yourself anymore. What do you do?
One fun fact about FESSI people, if there's anything that's reflective,

a window, a sliding door, Fessie's looking and he'll fix
his hair first, he'll puff out his chest a little bit,
and then he'll flex. He'll literally be like, that's what
he taught me, baby, stay camera ready. Cameras are at
anymore as we yes, you do. You can see all

of them, Fessie. We thought we could pointed them out
to you. Came that I pointed them out to you,
all right, and he said, the joke might have gone
over your head. All right, all right, all right, guys,
let's just keep it moving, all right. So, fess Josh
was mad that you took that hall braw away from him.
And I was obviously involved in this. So how do

you think he would have done in that hall brawl
against Nelson? Oh? I think about that all the time
because Josh is a big boy and he's got something
to prove. You know, he thinks he'd be good in
a physical thing, and people make fun of him from
his elimination when he was throwing the balls, and he's like, man,
let me just put my hands on somebody. And he's
a big dude. So, and I know Nelson's a strong

competitor too, and you know that round you saw I
had a little trouble with Nelson, so it would have
I don't know, man, I can honestly say I don't
know who would have won that, Nelson or Josh, because
I think it would have been it would have come
down to coordination because it would have been a good hit.
And you know that Nelson is a little clumsy too,
so even though Nelson is faster, it would have came

down to who could get position on each other, detached
from them and run to the bell. You know what, though,
after we were all stuck on that so fun fact
for everybody after the reunion that which we filmed. So
if there was this time where Feci, a Nissa, Josh, myself,
little Amber Jay who also stuck on this elevator with us,
we were, oh my god, no, listen, fessie, there's no

reason for a man your size to ever sit down
in an elevator. I tried to get my legs in there,
and Jay was okay, because he's smaller. You're a big ass,
not show big ass, want to sit down. One thing
the challenge has taught me is to be strategic, right,
So I was doing how long we were going to
be in their ratio that should I stand or sit?

I saw three four people, I see three four people
sit down, right, So I sat down because I knew
it was gonna be a while. So okay, but hear
me out. The only reason why I brought this up
is because in that elevator, Josh tried to pry open
the door. Yeah okay, So I think the only way
we're gonna find out who's gonna win between Nelson and
Josh is if we put them on elevators, get them stuck,

and see which one of them prize opened the door.
I'm gonna post that video after this podcast airs, or
we send them in the hall ball That should show
it too. Okay, we could, we could do that too.
All right, I'm gonna go on in the hall brawl
with you, Fessie, and I'm gonna attach myself to your legs.
You're short ass, okay? Oh you thought I was five
three before? I'm five to seven. Oh yeah, yeah, I'm

so jo no, but I remember on total madness, I
was like, he ain't shit, he ain't that big. And
I attached myself to one of his legs and he
moved my entire body. He was walking with me like
I was a tiny child. Yeah. This girl I used
to talk to I can't never mind. Yeah, now go ahead,
girl used to talk to what she used to ride

around on your legs yeah, and I just yeah, yeah,
I'm done. That's actually not cool we talk about here
on the podcast. All right, let's get into one more
question before we want to find out what's going on
your off season fast. So, as we all know, Devin
hates the Big Brother Alliance. Do you feel like you
guys after this season, would ever be able to make
amends and like, you know, feel differently about each other

or is it just a rivalry forever? Um. I think
it was both because after that fight, I went up
to him because he was, you know, by the campfire
was the day after, and I want to talk to him,
and he's like, get away from me, you can't talk
to me. So I was like, okay, Obviously he still
feels because I was going to go to him and
be like, look man, sorry, no hard feelings. You know,
we're all at whatever. So then I felt the energy,

and you know, that's how it was the whole season.
I think as we got to talk more off camera,
even though it really wasn't that much, I think it's
just we don't understand each other. You know, he thinks
I'm this and this only, and I think he's this
and this only. We haven't seen, you know, other sides
of each other that we might like and might be
similar in a lot of ways, right, So I think

we just have to have, you know, I guess a
conversation or yeah, well listen, I like that. That sounds hopeful.
I'm a huge devon fan over here, believe it or not,
whether people know. So I'm happy and I hope that
you two can make amend's like men I love like.
That's why the word men is in amends, because m
e n make amends. Okay, let's move forward now. So overall,

what have you been doing in the off season besides
getting sun in beautiful locations? So I went to Pakistan,
where I'm where my dad's from. I went over there
for like twenty five days. I haven't been over there
since I was four years old, so I got to
meet all my cousins and aunts for the first time.
So that was super dope. And then I went to Dubai.

I've just been traveling a lot, you know, obviously because
COVID there's a lot of requirements and precautions we take,
but you know, we get COVID tested everywhere we go.
Social distance, distancing and mass still exists even in foreign countries.
Dubai is one of the most strict places for COVID.
They're more strict than even America. And then just trying

to stay in shape. You know, I don't know if
I'm gonna be on next season yet, or I'm gonna
get the call or when the next season is. We'll
figure that out. But I'm actually with all this traveling
and stuff, I've lost ten pounds. I'm down at two
hundred and twenty five pounds of muscle. No of just body,
did you lose a foot? Oh? The foot's still there.

My game, I'm still a fucking tank. I'll tell you that.
Don't interviewing you was like interviewing a fifth grade or
only because you're playing with your water bottle, you're eating
your powder puffs, like come on, like give us a
second of your time. Were listen? Okay, I didn't know
we were bothering you. You got going on back there, Tori,

what what what are you talking about? You got a
lot going on over there with your decorations and stuff.
That's her zen room and the kid's book that's my leaf. Okay,
that's judge Jesus Fast literally judge me and then I
coming back and that's what we're supposed to do here.
We are supposed to interview you. No, it's all good,

fast and all. But I want to know, m what
is your biggest takeaway from the season and if you
come on another season, do you plan on adjusting anything.
Oh that's a good question, and Anissa, I guess we're
gonna have to wait and find out. Oh, that's the

first time that somebody hasn't spilled their secrets on the show. Yeah,
it really was. Do you have you learned anything from
this season? That's a big thing I've been thinking about
because I could go one of two ways. I could
go all the way to left field, but we've really
seen but fastly, we've seen all the way to left field.
The first question was what is your takeaway from this season? Okay,

well I forgot there was twenty one questions just answered
as a game. Um, I guess my biggest takeaway and
the only thing that could have taught me this was experience,
I guess, because like I said, I came in with blinders.
I didn't know any of y'all. I was there to
win a million dollars. Was you know, we all have

a story there, you know, And it's I guess, just
to be mindful of other people. And I think just
because I wasn't being verbal with it, I knew I
wasn't like disrespecting people to their face or belittling them.
I guess my actions of me trying to prove something
hurt some people. And I guess maybe be mindful of

other people going in next season or any season. Yes,
and blessed to go on? Yeah, okay, we'll listen. That's
good and we we love the growth and we're here
for it. So if you decide to go left field,
stay really far away from us. Yeah, I want to
go down with that sinking ship. No, we don't want
to go back over to right field. We want to

keep you somewhere like center fields. How about that? Yeah,
center field. You can even do shortstop. It's a really
active position. A lot of balls go there. You gotta
be quick, you gotta have an arm like listen, we
could put you right in shortstop, put me in. Okay,
And so you want to ask the infamous last question
of the show. I love this question. So the last
one fest Now Feessy in your dreams? Who no, Faessy

take the bottle off your head. I can ask you
this question, FESSI, who is your dream Challenge partner out
of any celebrity and or athlete? Oh wait, it has
to be a female. No, Fessy, you can get another
big old guy. He's gonna pick. He's gonna pick a

little baby, little baby. I saw his basketball two on
two verse Jack Harlow and uh crash rash. I'm like
little brash. I'm like air airball City. So clearly not
a little baby. Okay, okay, yeah, a little baby will
probably not unless he could just wrap his way to

the final. He would because he got them bars. Um.
Who would be my Challenge dream partner? Anissa? You don't
have to kiss my ass right now, Fessy, come on,
tell me tell me who do the height to weight
ratio and speed? I mean Myles Garrett for the Cleveland Browns,

is about six seven, two hundred and sixty five pounds,
has five percent body fat and ran a four or five.
I think you know, if you could talk, you should
be a pretty decent partner, right and if they have
to get through small spaces, which we never have to
do that Okay, freaky thoughts too. I suck at math.

I hate You're not bad at math. I've worked on
a thing with you before, and you are my double checker.
Can't swim or climb? Well, that's why the last season. No,
you don't know, Oh god, alright, alright, FEESSI, We're gonna
have a weekend where we we go to a foreign
place and we just to a Fessi weekend where all

we do is go over your fucking stats. Yeah yeah, Anissa,
Can we get my stats tattooed on your forehead so
I see them every day? No? Why would I ruin
my face? Okay, on your shoulder, on your sleeve, a
little bit like FESSI stats three and O elimination four,
an O elimination five and O elimination five and one

an elimination if I lose? Who knows? Okay, all right, Fessy,
Well listen. I'm glad that there's some growth here. I
know that the show has been showing a lot of
sides of you, and I know that it's not always
easy to watch yourself and watch the opinions of others,

and sometimes it could be a little hurtful. I say,
fuck it. But if you don't, if you don't grow
from it, then this show really isn't for you. I
think that you can come on here and become a
greater person, a humble athlete, like you can really do
a lot of shit that you can take with you
for the rest of your life and apply it to everything.

So for sure, I think that you have such potential
and I hope that you use some of it in
the future. Thank you, Anisa. Is there anything else you'd
like to say before you go fast? Yes to piggyback
off what you said, you know when you said all
this stuff on the show gets overwhelming or whatever it does.

But you know, I think some of us do a
really good job of, like when we're off the show
or whatever, just letting that stuff go, you know, like
not dwell on that because that's yeah, it is a
big part of our life, Like we do this and whatever,
but it's just a portion of our life, like you
know what I mean, Like, Okay, we didn't win the
million dollars or we got eliminated right before the final
or whatever by your best friend. Okay, but whatever, you

still got to go to Iceland and do this crazy
thing and you have your whole life and you get
to go home and see your family and do cool things.
It's like it doesn't really matter at the end of day,
what you know, I don't know what everybody is saying
about you, if they don't know the whole story or whatever.
Like we're just there to be us, you know, and

and get judged off of it. And that's what we
sign up for on TV. Yeah, and if you can
handle that, all power to you, because I'm gonna be
honest with you. I go home and it is it
is a rough time for me to deal with some
of this ship, but you do handle it like a champ.
But we all just want to be able to root
for you, Like I feel like there's a good in there.
We all know that there's good in there. So we're
excited to see center field. But Bessy come out in

the I would love to see CEF come out all right,
Fester salone, thank you for coming on, bro. We love
you all right, love y'all too. And he said, let's
talk about something that I'm really interested in, which is
like what happened when you got eliminated? What was it
like to go home? First of all, I couldn't feel

my hands and Kyle I wish you could have seen.
I'm hog tied up there and it's freezing. It's probably
one of the coldest nights there. And Kyle holds my
body and he's holding it up before they could let
me down, which was a nice moment for us. But
then I was like, fuck you, Kyle, let me go.

I couldn't feel my hands because I had the things
were so tight and it was so cold, and I
was just like a mess. And then when I left,
I had to go pack all my shit, and I
knew earlier that day to refold all my stuff, so
it was like really easy, but I literally was moving
out with trash backs because you only get that ten minutes.

So I left my melotonin gummies on the bed for Corey.
I left eyelashes for Big Teeth, the ones that you
left me, and then I think I left all of
the Celsius packets and liquid ivs for m le Roy.

And then I packed all my shit and left. And
it was crazy because when I was driving, because you
have to go to the the hotel after that, driving, I
saw the bus and it was just so surreal because
you see this bus that you've been on for the
whole season, just drive by you and you're not on it.
It's like, I'm not on a show anymore. But you

have still have to do your exit interview, which could
take hours. They were like, do you want to do
it tonight? You have like, however much time to get ready.
I don't have a phone, I don't have a watch.
I'm I'm living in this, like I have to live
in this um honeymoon sweet for three days with those
swans made out of towels. Yeah, clearly no, with no
newlywed you know, no partner, just me and the British

lady outside my door, who was amazing. Yeah. I took
a shower, I went and did my exit. I ordered
a whole bottle of wine. I got my phone back.
They give you back all your ship. I was probably
on my phone for like twenty hours. I'm like, this
can't be it like it just brings you back to
reality and then your phone keeps going off and yeah,

and then you're alone for the first time in two months. Yeah,
it's a lot. It's a lot to get ripped out
of your home environment. Then you go on the show
and you're slammed into that environment, and then it's high stress.
High stress, and then you get ripped back out of it,
and then you're in a weird hotel for three days,
then get ripped out of that and you go home.
So I think it's just step after step of adjusting.

I don't think people realize how much of a social
experiment it is to go on the challenge. Like, yeah,
it's cool. You know, we are competitors competing for a
lot of money, but we are truly stripped of everything
while we're there, and that's why really close friendships start
to develop. Like that's why we got so close. And like,
like you said, you finally are giving back your phone,
and the first time that phone touches your hand, it
feels weird. You don't even know how to use it,

my eyes everything, I'm like, how do I turn it on? Yeah? Yeah,
we're friends because we're really alike and we love each other.
That's where we're friends, not a social experiment. But it
does help that we are involved in this very unique
thing that no one else will understand. And I think
that's why we love harder and faster. I think that's
why when we're in things, they seem so serious, so
that where we can step back from them were like,

oh yeah, that wasn't that big of a deal. Yeah,
And you know what I love, Like this is my
I just have to say this. So many people come
on the show and they're like always like want to
take like advice from like an older male competitor because
like they've been down there the only fucking person. Okay,
I respect all the vets. I want to take advice
from Anissa. Like as a woman on that show, I'm

not the men don't understand what the women go through
on that show. It's a whole different experience as a woman.
You don't have your period in the final CT, you
don't have to deal with any of that shake that happens.
Like women, we understand what it's like to compete as women.
So I like to take all of my info and
my inspiration from you a Nissa. So I'm so thankful
that you've been in this game for as long as
you have. Like I want to ride underneath your wings.

I want to make you proud when the time comes,
like you're will you always make me proud. You're my
idol on this show. I love you so much that
I got to meet you, and I'm so happy we
get to do this podcast together. It's been such a
fun ride, and I hope that we get to do
another season together. That would be fun. Anisa, thank you

so much for being my co host. Where can we
follow you and send you virtual love and tell us
what's going on? Because girl, you just drop some news.
I know. Oh you can find me at Anissa MTV.
That's a n e s a MTV and you can
also check me out on Paramount Plus. As of April first,

on the New Challenge Challenge All Stars, where us old
people come back to kick fucking ass. Don't count us out.
We are not dead and gone. We are not out
to pasture. This is going to be a really, really
exciting show and I was so honored to be a
part of it. Oh my god, I cannot wait to
watch it. I am so excited. I'm gonna wear my

Anisa shirt every day. Literally, I don't think you have one.
I'm gonna make one. I have so many jerseys at home,
and I do have all of those really short shorts
that are really tight, even tight for you guys. Yeah
you heard it, tight for Tori shorts and leggings if
you need them. That's say my name on it unless Look,
if you want to bust down and do more dances,

I'll bust it. I'll bust it open from a queen.
Thanks baby, Speaking of queens, where can we find you, Tori? Oh? Thanks,
you can find me at Tory Underscore Deal. I love
you guys so much. We are so grateful that you
listen to this podcast, and we hope to continue to
perform well under pressure. Okay, I don't know where this
is going. I'm just gonna collo clearly. Okay. Well, I

hope you guys watch new episodes of The Challenge every Wednesday,
and then go behind the scenes with us the next
morning on MTV's official Challenge podcast.
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Tori Deal

Tori Deal

Aneesa Ferreira

Aneesa Ferreira

Devyn Simone

Devyn Simone

Da'Vonne Rogers

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