Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hi, guys, It's Tory and Anissa and this is MTV's
official Challenge podcast where we go behind the scenes of
the Challenge spies, lies and allies. And we're turning the
tables today because instead of her interviewing us on the
Challenge Aftermath, we are interviewing the wonderful Devin with why
smoke Yes, And we're gonna talk about that rising paranoia
in the Challenge house. A monstrous elimination win and see
who Devin is rooting for late in the game. Let's
get this started, Baby Anissa aka Anishka, as somebody used
to say in total madness. You know what time it is.
It's that thirty second no, thirty seven second recap. Are
you ready? Shit, I'm gonna count you in in three
A two. We got three teams right now and they're
all trying to get a million dollars into bags and
race back and forth and even though Ruby's looking like
they got it, they don't really have it. And Big
Tea went in the wrong car. Okay, fast forward, Emerald
wins again. This is really boring. Big Tea then puts
herself down. Devin does not apologize to Tori and Big
Tea goes up against Emmy. Emmy wins, and there you go.
Emmy goes back to our cell and all is peaceful
in the challenge house kind of. But that was good.
That was like a really quick recap. I mean, I
think you were under thirty seven seconds. I think that
we missed we missed some of the stuff. But we
can go into detail about it right now. Let's talk
about the play of the day, the best athletic move.
What do you think it was? Seeh I mean it
was I think it was about being efficient with that
money and really stuffing it in the bag. Yeah you
got stuff it and you said stuff it. People were
not stuffed a little too late. Yeah, it was a
little we stuffed a little bit late. Stuff. I gotta
give it to Den I wasn't on team emrolled, but
I've seen him and a challenge like that before. He's
very calculated when it comes to moving a bunch of
objects in a short amount of time. I do believe
that I can be corrected. Totally open to that that
that was probably a strategy. So I credit Devin on
that one. I'll give him play of the day as well.
The dirty is paid. I don't know, like what is
dirty at this point in the game. I don't know anymore. Yeah,
I know, I know best politicking. I mean, M I
don't know, because it wasn't definitely Yeah doing it. I
mean CT oh CT screaming the puzzle at Emmy, like
making sure that Big T didn't come back in the
house because he didn't want to be on a team
with Big Tea, like that has to be the dirtiest deed. Right, Yeah,
that's one of him, yeah, asked, But he had that
plan earlier anyway. Oh no, when he was talking about
Kyle right, yeah, Yeah, it's got a little dirty over
there on the Sapphire team. Yeah, let's dive into this
daily mission. It was called million Dollar Heist, and I'm
gonna be honest with you, I don't ever want to
see a million dollars again in person ever again? Was
that real money? It wasn't real money. I already thought
about putting in a duvel bags and just running off set.
Couldn't do that. It wasn't real money, But we thought
about it. Imagine all of us we just put it
in there, getting the cars and drive. Yeah, that would
be great, that would be great. I'd be like Big
tea getting any car you want, girl, we're out of here. Yeah,
we'll all split the shit. It's no big deal. It's
three million out here. Yeah. It was absolutely crazy. It
was a very hot day. We knew the track though.
That place we got the one where we did the
first one swirlie. Yeah, we called that beach Shuffle Beach
because the very first locate the time we used that
as a location, it was when we picked partners in
the very beginning. It was when I got paired up
with Kells. It was when you got paired up with Logan. Oh,
and then your cells were there too. The next time
that it was when cells reshuffled, so we thought we
were going back there for a reshuffle. We were like,
oh shit, the game is getting changed aged. Maybe there's
no more eliminations, maybe we're reshuffling into new equal teams.
So where the cars parked, where we were chained up. No,
the safes were for in the very first mission for
you to get put in the code from before the chains,
and then you take the diamond and run to where
TJ was. So it was between where we were putting
in the code that combination and where TJ wasn't in
the end. It was just that it wasn't that far,
but it was very of trip. It was a lot
of chips, and it was very heavy and it was
very hot. I could have done it, if anybody could
have done it, if they did not stop, And I
know you wouldn't have stopped, big T, believe it or not.
I know that she's getting a lot of shit. She
did incredible. A lot of people were counting her out.
She never stopped, ever stopped. She might have walked. A
lot of us did at some point in time. We
were out there for an hour, in like forty five minutes,
all right, it looked like it was a long time.
And you can get like this. We did an All Stars,
so we had to sprint back and forth from the
puzzle to the thing, like you're non stop moving, like
you stopped for a second to look where a thing is,
and then you have to come back and forth for
however long it takes until you get it right. Yeah.
But when you're on go, when you're go mode, I
love how you were. You were yelling the whole time,
like well you could just just god, I'm like dory,
y'all are not going this now? Like they already they're shutting.
They're shutting the trunk. Babe, were you were? So? I
know I can't give up. You know you can't get
your poor little heart. It's okay, I'm not mad. I
feel like you were counting, like trying to be like
they dropped a couple of dollars out? Did they say
anything about that? They did? If you're if your dollars
came out of your car, you had to go scoop
them up, and so sometimes that did happen. It was
very intense. It was probably one of the hardest challenges
I've ever done in a long time. I still am
missing toneenails from it. This is why this challenge right
here is why I'm missing my two second tone nails.
Don't say that because somebody's really into that at home. Yeah, well, good,
dor's missing her two tonenails. Somebody buy her two new tonails. Yeah,
somebody needs to be into that, because a lot of
people aren't. So let me know if you're into two
new toenails and a hairy toe, because unfortunately that happens
as well. Hit me up. I got something great for you. Okay, wait,
I don't know why, and show me your toes. I'm
not gonna show a tea unless you're into it. You're
not into it, you're gonna make fun of it, So
hit me up if you're into it. Okay, Okay, that's
a friendship with that a little poking fun. I'm not
showing you my damn toes. And he's a I thought
when you were here, I could have seen the madness. No,
that is your second toes. Okay, so let's keep it
moving forward. I just want to say also, I'm so
incredibly blown away by Nelson and Logan as athletes. They
are wonderful competitors. Being on a team with Nelson and Logan,
it was like wow, Like I couldn't believe how incredible
they were every single run, every single trip, Like so,
I gotta give them all the credit in the world
of Part of me feels like I let them down
a little bit, but I feel like they probably feel
the same. But Ruby was close this time. We were
much closer than Sapphire, and everyone thinks Sapphire is the
team to be. They still might be, but you got
to give Ruby some We were thirty seconds behind the
other team. I knew Logan would be great at it.
I mean, god, he's a monster. Yeah, but so wasn'tund
well yeah, they were just throwing on their shoulders like
se yah. Yeah, I mean think about it. Those guys
were a majority of the time, I feel like on
your team were carrying it themselves, and Kyle and CT were. Yeah.
I mean I was always off and on with a
different guy. And there was maybe three or four trips
where I wasn't with anybody, but there was I was
helping at least one person in each round. Did you
guys have to stay together while you ran? We did? Yeah, okay, yeah,
So that's why it was important that everyone kind of
nobody fell behind, because if somebody fell behind, like we
were pretty much screwed, you know. But I got to
give it to Emerald. You know, once again, they had it.
Whether it be numbers, whether it be strategy, it doesn't matter.
They still pulled it out. And they don't have Me there,
they don't have Josh there, and they did have Amanda
and she held her own this episode, so I still
got to give them great. Yeah, So Emerald wins and
then you know, we get back in the house and
it's like, Okay, what's going to happen in deliberation, they're
thinking about throwing me in. Oh my god, that felt
like you know, I guess they were just putting it
on chance. You know, I get it. When you get
this far in the game, it's really hard to see
anything other than yourself. Everybody is selfish, everybody. You made it.
You have to be a little bit. You have to
be and like, I respect that. Would I have been
upset for sure, but like I at the end of
the day, understand, it's a game. I'm never gonna take
anything like that with me home. If you're not out
there maliciously trying to hurt me, It's like, okay, fuck,
Like it's a game. But let's talk about big Tea.
Valiant big Tea. She's like, you know what, I'm on
my second leg here, I've already been into elimination, was
supposed to be sent home. I'm ready to go back
in improve myself. Doesn't have to do that. She didn't
have to do that, No, but I thought it was cool.
She was like, if I if I'm supposed to run
this final, then I'll win this elimination. You know, so
much respect for her because a lot of people are
scared to go down there but it's nice. I'm scared.
Fuep meep meep. I don't want to go down there.
I used to think I was a big bad wolf. Yeah,
throw me in. Fuck No. Every time I've done that,
I've gone home. No, no, no, no, I'm scared. They
the final has to be coming up soon. I know
this feeling of like TJ is going to tell us
at some point. Did you think, like right after this one,
he was gonna be like so, guys, Yes, it's always
like that, isn't it. Yeah, we did think we thought
this was the last one. It's not the last one.
Next mission fucking amazing though, So I'm kind of happy
we had next mission. You're to watch it incredible. Yeah,
you're going to really enjoy that. But you know, it's
been an interesting episode and unfortunately Big Tea goes home.
We were lucky enough to have her on the podcast
last episode. She is just r two episodes ago. She's
a light. I love Big Tea, like, I'm so great.
Shout out to me for making my name cameo in there.
Yeah you did, but you always said it. You're like
you and Big Tea are going to be friends, and
like I thought about you every single time you talk,
because I'm like, God, if the three of us were together,
he would be lack thinks so much. Like I know
it's because of your love for feeding animals in the
wild and for laughter. Yeah, and you know it's it's like,
we go on the show so much with each other,
somebody's bound to fucking become friends. Yeah, Like, stop holding
herself back from a good time, right, and she's a
great time, which is why it was so hard to
see her lead Funny, you know, it was really hard
watching her go home like she had made it so far.
Another incredible season. Yeah, for sure, there were things that
weren't incredible, but she overall is an incredible person and
asset to the show. So yeah, we'll see her in
the future. I know we will. Yeah. She actually put
out something on Instagram saying she's definitely taking a season off.
She wants to go to culinary score. She is an
incredible chef by the way, and then she wants to
come back as it could beast. I'm like, fuck, yeah,
good for you. Like I love that energy and I
believe that she's going to do it. She's powerful, like
she's when she puts her mind to something. She's powerful,
so that's really cool. I'm also excited that we get
to have Devin Simone on this episode. I know, right,
I can't wait to question around everything. Yeah, I didn't
want to go do the Aftermath, but Devin was like Tory,
we're gonna have a good time, had a great time
film in the Aftermath. Excited to return the favor giving
her a great time on this podcast and picking her brain.
She is incredible, her story is awesome, and what she's
become and her success is inspiring. So I think it's
awesome that we get to have somebody on the show
that started as a Challenger and ended up being something
that they always wanted to be, which was a talk
show host and working on the Wendy Williams Show. So
let's get Devin on. Let's take a short break and
come right back. All right, everybody, Well, it's our favorite
part of the episode where we get to interview somebody
who is incredible, and today we have a very special guest.
She has been on two seasons of the Challenge. She
is the host of The Challenge Aftermath, and she's a
host of many other incredible things. Welcome Devin sum Thank
you than watching your story scenes, some of the things
you've created and all of your success. It's just inspiring.
So I'm just so thankful to have you on this
episode and to like hear your thoughts about the episode
and also about you personally. So thank you for being
here and how have you been? Oh, thank you. I'm
so glad to be here, and I love what you
guys have been doing with the podcast as well. And
thank you Tori for coming on Aftermath this season and
Anissa for Aftermath for the last couple of seasons that
we did. I know, yeah, you know I had to
convince you. I know at least one I was like,
let me call Anisa because they were you don't know
if she's gonna come. So thank you both for doing that.
I've been great, Like you know, life has been good.
It's been so busy in a worldwin this year, but
I love being able to stay in touch and connected
to sort of the Challenge family amongst all the other
things I'm doing. So it's just I've been really blessed
this year. How amazing do you feel that you don't
have to partake in any of this shit anymore? Just
forard on it and then pull all the juicy stuff
out of everyone. You know. It's like it's honestly mixed
feelings because when I do get the calls, which I
still do get calls, there's always a moment for me
where for a brief sack and I'm like, oh, oh maybe,
and then I need someone to talk me off the legs.
There is a moment where because there's this competitiveness that
I think we all share, right, and like you, whether
you've won, whether you've not one, whether you've made a final,
whether you're not made a final, like there's a part
of you that just still wants like one more time
or to do it one more time. And so that
hits and then my knees are like no, you know,
like like you know, the rest of my body's like,
are you really gonna train? Probably not? So why don't
you sit on the sideline. So now I'm trying to
convince all the producers, some of whom you've had on
this podcast, you know, have me as a sideline reporter.
I really think that is an element that is missing
from the child. I can just come on you know
and like right and get some live moments, right, So
like definitely, thank you I think I think that it's
like the new style ots. Yes, that would be incredible,
it being so great and hilarious. It really would be.
I can't tell you that I would be any fun
in those interviews. I'd be on pre workout. I'd be
like ready to kick some master blink, because if I
recall at the first episode of app Matthew, did you
did not want to be there? You said as much.
You sat there, and by the end you said on
a hot mic, well that was more fun than I expected.
And so I'd feel like getting you on your pre workout,
I'd be ready. I'd be prepared. I have a backup wig.
He would be prepared for whatever's necessary. Yeah, I think
that might be a youth thing. Though you pulled it
out of me. You did. You made me feel comfortable,
you made me want to talk. You harassed me a
little bit. But you know, I knew the roles were
going to be a reverse one day and here you
are interview. We are I mean workout today, Tori. No,
I'm just den you're excited today. I was in a
bad mood all day. She brought it out of me.
I'm happy to be here and I'm happy to ask
you questions like I want to know what kind of
preparation goes into being the aftermath host, because I feel
like when we're on set, you are so incredibly talented,
Like how much like research or like rehearsal do you
have to do before you get on that set? That
is so sweet and thank you. I'd say the most
research actually goes into my wardrobe because because I don't
have a stylus for those things, even though I've asked
for one, so I have to pick it all out myself.
But things are still happening in real time, so like
most of the episodes aren't cut even fully, like by
the time we're doing the aftermaths, and so we do
them for those who don't know, we do them kind
of in batches. And when people ask, you know, why
don't why isn't this person on the show? Why do
you keep using the same people? It's because of scheduling conflicts, honestly,
Like we do them in batches, and so the people
that are available to him to be available for those
few days, and then the ones that aren't aren't, and
so that makes it a little bit tricky. But you know,
the first couple of seasons we did aftermaths via zoom,
some of which Anissa was on. I didn't get to
see the episodes at all beforehand, and so I we
were just going off of hearsay, which is very hard,
and I fought and our producer, Jonathan Henry fought to
be able to get the cuts, leaving the rough cuts
beforehand to be to look at it. So this last
season of the Acmath was the first time that I
got to watch him before. But literally it would be
about twenty four hours before so he we would set
up our computers and it would be like six or
seven hour blocks where I'm just sitting and watching them
with the producer. And it makes a difference because then,
you know, some of the questions are questions given to
me buy our producers, but some of them are questions
I can lean into based off of what I've seen,
and I can, you know, have an opinion and push
and play with you guys and so and I'm committed.
You know, it's not required of the job, but I'm
committed to the challenge. I'm committed to the fans. I'm
committed to you guys being able to answer questions and
tell your stories authentically, and so I want to do
the work so that when we get there that day
and you're there, you feel like you're with the host
who's engaged and what you guys are going through and
what's going on, and hopefully you feel my respect for
you in that space rather than a host who's just
they're reading something and kind of like doesn't care. So
that's sensical. Well, speaking of authenticity, I'd like to know
who's the best or easiest person to interview on the aftermath,
who's not so easy? Well, seeing as how Nisa didn't
want to show up half the time, I still showed up,
and I love you so much and you are sick
one of those days, so I am so much I
appreciate that you that you came. Um, who's the easiest,
you know, that's a good question. There's a lot of
any It's less about who's the easiest, because I feel like, okay,
I can tell you who's the hardest. I'll tell you that.
But as far as the easiest, I feel like most
of you guys are pretty good. Even if you're cold
at first, I can kind of get you to warm
up and kind of get you to open up and
whenever there's an opportunity, I make fun of myself too,
so that you know it's all fair game, you know,
Like I don't have favorites um in that way, so
I'd say, you guys are all pretty good. And I
do really enjoy the people who play back, because like, yeah,
we're gonna talk about tough stuff. They're gonna be feelings
and emotions. But I feel like we gotta be at
a joke about it, all right, Like we're all in
a privileged situation to be to do this show and
have this opportunity, so we got to play around a little.
And those who play back, whether it be me teasing
them or you know, telling tea one spilling te on
someone else, I really love that those who take it
too seriously a little less. The hardest person to interview
this season, I will have to say, and look, if
you look, you can try and come for me, all right,
you know Winny Williams show people come for you all
the time, so you can try and come for me.
But I'm just gonna keep it real. Yeah, the person
who was hardest this season doesn't mean they'll be hardest
every season was esther and the reason why esther was
the hardest is because look, we all make mistakes, we
all do stuff right, but you got to own it,
especially when it's on camera. And when she threw the
drink at Amber and we see it on camera and
I was interviewing about it, she was like, oh, it's spilled.
She like wouldn't own up to it, yet still kept
the same level of aggression towards Amber, I felt, and
that was frustrating because it's like, you're not being authentic.
Everyone else is showing up authentically in this moment, good,
bad or whatever, like they're being authentic about what they're feeling,
what they did, done it up, and you not owning it.
And maybe because she's new, you know, maybe there's a
difference around that, which is fair, but like on the aftermath,
if you don't own it on the show, fine, but
on the aftermath, oh, just all your stuff, and then
it's a fair playing field. But if you don't, it's
annoying being there in that episode, she really didn't want
to own up, and it's like, look, if you're big
and bad to do it, then you need to be
big and bad to stand behind what you did. Otherwise
you look like a little softy, which isn't a good one.
I'm really surprised you said that, because I feel like
every time I've ever had a conversation with us her,
she's pretty ballsy with what she says. She speaks her truth.
But you know, I wasn't. There wasn't. She wasn't on
the episode and you can go back and watch it.
I mean she says like, oh, it's filled, and we
kind of it was kind of edited to be played
off as a joke. But I asked her multiple times
in that episode, you know, okay, but do you really
And she's like, oh, the drink's billed. So to me,
it's like you don't want to own up to what
you did, and like, you know, it's not nobody's going
to nail you to the cross for doing it, just
maybe you gotta own it. I drink Bilt and I
can't even watch the footage like it's awful. I think
part of that, you know, to play Devil's advocate. I mean,
I'm all for accountability, you know me, I own all
the ship, but to see it and it kind of
still be like a raw like thing. It might be
just her being like, you know what, I'm not ready
to deal with this shit yet, So if I pretend them,
but she didn't have an attitude though, well see I can't.
I can't have a comment to that, but I could
speak to the you know it being embarrassing, like when
you act like idiot on TV and you got to
watch it back acted like idiots on TV. That's how
we got there. I had like sausages. I have a feeling.
I have a feeling that that was her halfway mark,
and by the time the reunion hits, she will maybe
have a different approach. I have a feeling I believe that,
And that's why I said I think it could be
because she was newer like I don't and why I
wanted to specify too on her on this episode this
season of Aftermath, because I don't everyone gets a reset
in my mind, yeah, both as the show goes, but
also as new seasons come, because we grow, hopefully and
learn and do things differently. So this is this is
no shade to esther. It is no reflection on how
I feel about her as a person. But in that interview,
in this season and in that moment, she was the
only person that came on Aftermath that did not own
up or show vulnerability that did not express vulnerability when
given the opportunity to. I that's interesting, and I have
faith that in the future, I think she will come
out of her shell a little bit more if I
didn't see it the first time. But I'm taking your
word for it. But I have another question for you,
speaking of challengers, who are you rooting for after watching
this episode, seeing how it's all kind of like boiling
down the teams that are coming up, Like, what is
it like being a viewer? I'm rooting for anyone but
Team Emers because it is so annoying because I'm an
I came from the land of the underdogs. I still
root for the underdogs, and I love people on Emeralds.
It's obviously not like a person. Yeah, it's just anytime
you see it become one so one sided, Like I
know in Battle of the Seasons it certainly felt that way,
like Brooklyn couldn't catch a break for a minute, and
all the other teams kept winning, kept winning, kept winning,
remembering that um yeah, to the point that I bet
I would take my wig off on television if we
won two in a row, figuring we would never win
to a row. We did randomly won two in a row. Um,
but she was out there. She was out there with
no black hair care products in Turkey. Um, so yeah,
I was a row struggle. Um so I I you know,
am rooting right now, especially for Ruby. They just like,
can't catch a break. Thank you NL over there. Yeah
not feeling great? They yeah, yeah, it's not. And you're
and I want to say, Tori, I commend to you
and how you're handling the switch, Like, I don't know
what Devin's on in this what he took, you know, smoking,
I don't know from her free workout, probably clearly that
there should be such a level of loyalty to him
in his game when everybody's playing their own game. But
I respect the fact that you got kicked off your
team not by choice, but that you're making the most
of it on this new team, and that you're committed
and dedicated to that, and even the way you spoke
to Big Team in trying to encourage her in moments
like all around. Look, I know you get a lot,
and I watched the show and I'm in people's business
when necessary, but I'm not in everybody's all the business,
So I don't know everybody's everything, but I can just
say of what I've seen, like, I respect that so much,
and I respect your gameplay in this episode. Thank you.
I really appreciate that. I'm trying my best to grow
as a challenger. I've had seasons where people have been
like she's cocky, you know, she thinks she's too full
of herself. And I feel like every season, like you said,
it's really about growth, and I've tried to just be
accountable for all the shit I've done wrong. I'm okay
with making miss because I know I'm willing to accept
that I've made them and I want to be better.
So like, even though Big Team maybe might have been
the weakest link on our team, I was still incredibly
impressed with her because she could have stopped. She could
have stopped, and she never did, and she ran in
Sapphire's car, which ended up being hilarious, Like it was
such a funny joke when it was all said and done,
but like she never gave up. And then she decides
to throw herself into elimination, which is like like I
gave her, I gave her all the props in the world,
Like she didn't have to do that. She could have
snuck right by, you know. So yeah, I think I
give a lot of credit to Big Tea. She really
wants to make it to a final. But I think
she's very hard on herself, which I think any competitor
kind of is. You want to be the best you
can be, and you take that criticism and you run
with it. And she's gonna come back for a final
one day, I think so she, Devin would say. I
remember she was like, I don't know if I'm gonna
be great for your final. But and then she made it,
and right right she I did. You literally said like
this is this is me this to play, this is
what I do. Yeah, you never questioned it. Um Yeah,
And I kind of I love that because I feel
like we don't see that as much anymore, Like thank
you of people just being like, yeah, I'm probably not
amazing at this, but my social game is extra I
mean extraordinary. Yeah, and I thank you. I actually didn't
even realize I had a good social game and going
like and I think and I don't know if you know,
mix of naivete but and maybe then a little authenticity,
like it was not strategy to be on in both
seasons it was never like in hindsight, certainly with m
the battle of the season season how I am fully
aware and if anybody else on my team says otherwise,
they're lying. Um. I kept our team to get as
far as they did. You know, physically I was a liability,
but socially I was the only one who wasn't an
ass to people in the house. So therefore you know
they liked to me enough to help stop coming after
our team you know when possible. Um. But then in
free agents, same it wasn't a strategy at all, Like
I just I had a prayer. I prayed every competition
day or every elimination day, which is Lord, it's me again. Um.
If I you know, I don't know what your plan is,
but you know my goal is to be here. Let
use me as a vessel to be a place of
respite and a place of peace and a place where
people can confide in this game because I know it's stressful.
I promise I will do what I can to support
anyone who talks to me. And when that I promised,
if you keep me here, I will do that and
when my time is done, like my time is done,
And I prayed that prayer literally every elimination, and then
by the end, I was like, I've talked to about
my elimination against Laurel. Where was that prayer when I
had I prayed, but your name wouldn't it? My prayer
was Lord, if you keep me right there. But it
was another elimination where I needed prayer or something or
I needed five more inches attached to my body. I'm
gonna I'm gonna copy and paste that prayer because that
sounds powerful and I feel like I take notes during
these podcasts. I'm like, that's one of the things I
need to take with me in the future. Tori. If
I don't see it on the next challenge, if we
do one together again, I'm gonna have to ask you
to hear it. Actually, you're gonna have to pray with me.
If you think I'm not listening back to this episode
and Devin's singer, you're wrong. It's not Sierra's prayer, but
it's Devin's prayer. Won't get you a man, but it
might get you further along in the challenge. What's that?
You know? It's crazy how everybody, well everybody says Sara's
prayer because she got Russell Wilson and he adores her. Right,
somebody's saying, like, what is Sierra's prayer? Because she went
from future right bottle of the barrel? I mean so
so yeah, but he's this is the problem, Anissa, He's terrible. Yeah,
but I just you know, it's hard. Look listen, it's
not great. I just said you look good. I didn't
say anything else. Okay, yeah, yeah, we don't want the
prayer that gets, you know, but I just want the
partner prayer. Partner prayer, and you you know how to
make it far and far. You know how to make
it farer. You got your prayer for that. I'm wondering, like,
can you just speak on what it's like to make
it this late in the game and then be worried
about going home or just coming this far? In general?
What does the tension change like in the house? Do
you remember? Um? You know, I honestly feel like when
I look back at Free Agents, because my favorite season
of the two, um it was you know, it was
it was kind of fun. And I know people I've
heard a lot, you know, people talk about those times
and the challenge and how things have shifted because it
became in a weird way like a family sort of,
and you know, you're still competing against each other. T
J would remind us every other second it's an individual game,
even though you know we're playing with and and but
it felt kind of like a family. I was in
the boys room with Johnny and uh CT and and
Lee and you know, it was or bananas and t
T and Lee and it was Yeah, it was just
you know, that part of it I really enjoyed. And
I when things get really stressful for me, one or
two things happened, I sort of actually surrender to it
because that goes into that, you know, God, whatever your
plan is. And what's crazy is I don't consider myself
super religious, Like I haven't been in church of years.
Well I did go to church once, and then later
that night was a geasy concert in the same venue.
It was great, But other than that, I was weird
but great only in New York. But yeah, so I'm
not super religious. I do believe in God though, And
towards the end of the time at the house, I
actually thought I was going home because because the prayer
I was saying to God, I was thinking he doesn't
care anymore because I've talked to everybody in the house now,
so I can't really be helpful because you know, I
didn't talked to everybody now, so my book is going
to go soon. And then when it didn't go, I
was like, I don't really understand what's happening. But it
turns out I needed to be there because there were
lessons I needed to learn and things I needed to
do and grow that I didn't even you'll realize, but um, yeah,
so it's to me towards the end. It's fun with Brooklyn.
It was stressful because it was my first final and
you just I had no idea, like what is going
to be happening? Like, what are you know, what are
we going to be doing? Plus it's hard when you
have cast mates that are a little more critical, and
that was kind of a toxic season. If we're gonna
be honest, like what we watched and the language used
around motivating people I use in air quotes was not great.
So that was that was super stressful. But also when
I'm stressed, I yawned at inappropriate times and so there
was a MTV did a page on it in our
free agency season of US lined Up and TJ telling us.
At the final we're lined up by the river bank
and then there's me with my arms crossed yawning, and
so it looks like I'm bored with everybody else, but
really it's a nervous yawn. You guys, I like yawn
when I'm uncomfortable and I don't really know what to do.
Really awesome, but I'm going to be watching. If anyone's
listening out there, I'd like you to DM me. Yeah,
pictures or videos of Devin yawning, thank you. Yeah, it's
better than me. I get nervous fart. It's bad, and
I'm it's it's like gaseous cloud. Oh that's bad, bad.
I have to walk away line. We're lining up and
like ready to walk into elimination. It's like and I'm
like parking spiders. Again. It's not cute work out, It's
not cute. It's I get a little every time we
show up to the challenge. I gotta go. You gotta
let me off, Augustina, get me off the bus. Yeah.
Nerves are an interesting thing. Yes, they are, and especially
when you're depending on other people in this game, and like, uh,
you know, because you are now responsible for how you
play in a team. Not only that, but you're responsible
for your team plays as well. And so we start
this episode with CT and Kyle going back and forth
about Emmy trying to like mend their relationship. And since
you know everybody so well, because you've hosted The Aftermath
for so long, do you think that CT and Kyle
could ever fully trust each other. I don't think they
really want to, so then I don't think that they will.
And it's a shame because I think actually they could
be really powerful together if they really like leaned into that.
I think that could be one hell of a force.
But I think it's a mix of ego. And I
will say this, like one hand, I feel for Kyle
and being feeling like he's been let down by CT
because a lot of people look up to CT, and
I think sometimes CT knows that and sometimes he doesn't
realize to the degree with which people hold him in
high regard. On the other hand, though, you know, CT
wasn't wrong when he said that Kyle is the king
of doing things that seem a little backstabby, seem a
little shady, and then kind of lapping it off. I
mean I called him out on that in the Aftermast
several times. I can't tell you how many times there
was a line of Kyle, you said you weren't going
to do this, or you knew the rules were this,
or you weren't supposed to do this, but you did
it anyway. So you know, both of them have a
point in a side, but I think if they could
get over that, they could be one hell of a
powerful force. Yeah. We saw a little bit of that
on Double Agents though, where like I think they both
felt like they were outcasts so they joined together with Devin.
I mean they really could have had the whole house. Yeah, sure, Yeah. Well,
speaking of Devin, though, our male friend Devon not so
nice to her friend Tory this episode. Do you think
Devin's in the wrong here? I thought Devon's in the
wrong for a minute, not just in this episode. Um,
you know. And and here's here's like, look, I'm all
for the strategy game, and there is no denying how
smart Devin is in helping his team and what an
asset he is in helping his team develop strategies, Like
he's very good at that and quick on his feet
and has played a smart game for himself up to
this point. But I think now we're actually seeing a
level of fear, and the way that fear is coming
out is by him having expectations that other people almost
like kiss the ring for him, Negro, We're not playing
the Devin game. This isn't for you. So if Tory
has to do what's for Tory, support her, that's your friend.
If Amanda has to do what's fort like, I can
understand not like lying and backsabbing, but these are instances
in which people told you to your face, like this
is what's gonna go down. This is how I need
to protect myself. You can't suddenly expect that everyone's gonna
want to stay on a sucky team because you're comfortable. Boy,
get uncomfortable or do something about it, you know, Like
and I that's annoying. I feel all of this is true.
Devin knows that now, like after seeing all of this
stuff unfold publicly, after talking about it, he is definitely
the type of person to be like, oops, yeah, like
I've definitely been to in my ego two in my
bag these games. So I mean, I think as a friend,
like him and I have forgiven each other, we moved on.
It's just another one of those things that we're just
going to chalk up as like, Okay, I can come
back next season and be a better version of myself,
because deep down he is a fucking He's getting better
and better every season. Like I used to hate Devin,
we used to we used to butt heads, and like
now I see him as such a good friend that
I think that's why there was probably so much pain there,
because he also sees me that way. So it's like,
when you're that close, it feels like you know the
can get in between you, but we would never let
that happen, So I don't I don't want to talk
bad about I just want him to be like, sorry, Tory,
that I hurt your feelings. I'm sorry about that. I
look our games. Our games are different though, and I
didn't like what you did, but that doesn't mean I
don't like you. I also look like a five In
a minute, I'm like, kill him. You're sorry to like
it's over, damn it. But it was sort of a ballad, Tory.
And to be clear, we're not talking bad about anyone.
It's it's keeping people accountable and being real. And I'm
always of the space if i'd say it when your
face isn't here. I'd also say it when your face
is here, And so in that instance, it's real. And
I think it's cool hearing that he's grown and like
learn from it, and like I saw you guys on
Aftermath and upcoming episodes and you know, the adopting child
you guys have together that people will didn't see and so, um,
it's cool. Look at a NISA's face. It's a dull
seeing duck. Yes, I saw it. I wasn't included, but
I saw it. I interviewed him a Nissa at the
end of the Aftermath. I wonder the show. I hope
they did they do. I'd like to meet my nephew. Yeah,
very cute, he's very smart, and I think he's in
the ninetieth percentile for hype incredible or a little guy.
So moving on to the challenge, we see kind of
this mini final in Million Dollar Heist. Did you think
that Ruby had a chance on this one? I really
thought Ruby had a chance, and I was rooting hard
for Ruby. Thing like, I was rooting hard for Ruby,
and then I'm trying to you know, and being having
done the challenges and then doing the aftermass and kind
of knowing how these things play out, I'm trying to
now predict, you know, Okay, are the producers trying to
get us to think that one team's gonna win? You know,
like are they playing with my emotions? So you're watching
real time, but you're also like, wait, but who really
is ahead or who really isn't behind? I was rooting
for Ruby all the way and I really thought, you guys,
um you know had a chance? Was it as close
as it looked? Oh? Yeah? It was an hour and
forty five minutes total of running back and forth and
we were probably like thirty seconds behind them. It was
incredibly and we ended up taking more trips. So when
we kept saying yeah that last trip, we were like,
pack everything in yeah, and we tried to, but we couldn't.
What we did wrong was we didn't pack it enough.
In one of the earlier trips, we got like really
kind of like or it, let's go. Devin is a
very calculated player. I've actually done a game like this
against him in a show called Second Chances. It was
our first competition show against one another, and it was
about moving a lot of objects in a short amount
of time. He's got great strategy with this. I've lost
to him on something like this before. I knew that
if we weren't doing that, we were going to lose
to him again because he's just he can see how
much you need to allocate each trip for it to
be like powerful and successful. So yeah, he's a strategist.
But obviously he had a lot of people on his team.
Emerald was able to carry those bags with more people.
As you could see, like Sapphire is far far behind everybody.
They have two guys carrying the bags and he was
helping them, but she was also running back and forth
with the empty bags. The guys were doing all the
hard carrying. On the Ruby trips, I was either helping
Logan with a bag or I was helping Nelson with
a bag, and sometimes I was running alone depending on
how we were all doing. But I also had a
bust and shoulder that mission because the week before I
did that like the Harball challenge against Casey, and my
ship got knocked so I couldn't really carry too much
on my one shoulder. So I was already like in
a lot of pain. But you could see it on Emerald.
They had Amanda, who was really doing well this challenge.
Emmanuel who's absolutely incredible, Devin, Casey, and Nanny all great teams,
so they had way more people carrying. They were crushing it.
So I think it came down to numbers ultimately. Yeah,
and I think Ruby should be proud that you guys
came within thirty seconds not having the numbers. I think
it makes it that much more, you know, impressions for sure. Thanks, Yeah,
I said a great job, Thank you. I am proud. Yeah. So, Devin,
you competed on the Real World Brooklyn team on the
Battle of the Seasons. Do you like the team format?
I thought you were going to say, do you like
the team a little? Um? Do? I like the team format?
I liked that this was mixed up, Like I'm glad
we weren't just doing what we were doing for the
first half of this season, Like it did get a
little um predictable. So I when we switched to doing
the cells, I thought that was cool and kind of interesting.
But now that like, at least so far, we're seeing
Emerald dominate, it's like not that fun anymore. So it's
like I'm ready for the next thing. And I love that.
TJ is like, don't get comfortable. Not that anybody's ever
comfortable in your house, TJ. Now, But I like that
he put that that reminder because it's like, Okay, what
can we expect next? We know it's going to be interesting? Yeah, yeah,
and it was. You could hear everyone's gurgly butt after
that statement. We all thought it was but you know
what I mean, yeah, you know exactly what you mean
wa yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, it was scary. I mean
we were like, shit, what's gonna happen this? You know
TJ always pulls out some crazy twists like that. Nobody
feels safe. Yeah, TJ is the reason why people have
trust issues. I know, coming back from that the seasons,
I couldn't trust anyone for at least a good month
because there were so many like twist and turns, and
you do get comfortable and then something else had I
kid you not you come back with PTSD teeth, Jay
is why people have trust issues. Trains, thorns, tunnels, tunnels yeah,
always always. Oh, I'm in school every day like no,
not another hallway? No? But you know, eliminations are fun,
speaking of them. Who do you have your money on?
I mean, I know you've already watched it. But watching
it now, do you think Big T's got this one?
I think that there's ever one for Big Tea to have,
it's this one, for sure. And it's hard because I
love I love Emmy and I love Big Tea genuinely,
and I think they're both genuinely just good people off
the show and on the show. But I also feel like,
you know, it's Emmy's been putting in work and you
cannot take that away, and like you want, you gotta
like support and root for that. And it's not that
Big Tea hasn't, but I think even she would probably
admit she hasn't put in the work she's capable of
at this juncture. And so, you know, I like Big
tea strategy of kind of jumping in further ahead in
the water. I think that's really really smart. I feel
for her, and they're not being people rooting for that's
always sucks, Like that's always just the worst. You know, Yeah,
I'm under the impression usually unless it's like your bestie bestie,
that you either just cheer collectively for everyone or you
kind of just keep your mouth shut and watch an
awe because that's just hard. Not that I would know,
because I haven't been down elimination really, but in general,
you know what, I think that was rude. I want
to know, like, would you ever go back on the
challenge because you're on the aftermath, you're a part of
the team, you're part of the crew still, but like,
and you talked about getting the call, but like, why
wouldn't you go back? You don't think he got one
more in you? You know, I didn't think I had
those two in me, so I know that I have
one more in me, you know. I I say never
say never, because I actually one said I would never
do reality TV. I said I'd never do Real World,
and then I said I'd never do a challenge, and
look at where we are, so what about as well?
You know? And they called the first time they called
me for All Stars, I said, I said no, And
so then they had someone else call me because they're
sneaky like that, and someone that relationship with and so
then I was like, all right, give me twenty four
hours to think about it. And so I thought about it,
and then I was like for the first one, Yeah,
that was for the first one, and there was it
was a good time. It was it was fun. I
did the Aftermass from it was it was it looked
like a lot of fun. My biggest thing is and
if Nanni and I were talking about this during the Aftermas,
which I had actually forgotten. Apparently when I was on
the challenge, I actually used to talk about how my
dream was to do a talk show, and we used
to do segments around that on Free Agents called Doctor Devin,
and I'd talk about whoever was coupling up in the house.
But I also used to talk about how I really
wanted to be on the Windy Williams show one Yeah,
and apparently used to talk about that a lot. I
don't even remember that, and I'm now living my dream
and how long that dream goes I don't know. And
there's so much more I want to do. But it
came down to, ultimately, if I were to give my
own the challenge, I couldn't risk getting hurt in a
way that would affect my actual dream, right because I
can't really hobble on with a cast or what have you.
So that ultimately became the voice of reason of why
I've said no again, never say never, and like hell,
if I'm not on a show, you know, Aftermass and
Windy's and everything else dry up. Not that I'm putting
that in the atmosphere, but then I might say yes
or if if God says, all right, look time for
that prayer time. You know I need you back then um,
you know, you never know, but I'd love to come
back in other capacities. Loved you and you are, which
is so amazing. And like I said, like before we
even started to interview, I think it's so inspiring that
you've taken the challenge and you've grown into like such
an incredible professional and the media few doe and it
was always part of your dream, which is so cool.
Even just having you in the family is just such,
you know, an upgrade. So thanks for being here with us.
Thank you. I love so much being a part of
this family. Like it's a crazy family, it's a wild family.
I genuinely love so much being a part of this
sort of exclusive crew and family. It's I think it's
so special and meaningful. And you know, whether we get
along with everyone or not, and whatever happens, and when
you go through tough stuff and you feel like people
are picking on you, at the end of the day,
you've accomplished something that really is remarkable. You've had an impact.
There's at least one person watching each of you all
story that their life is better because they've seen something
you've done. And there's something that buns is all that
no one else can touch, matter how many people watch it,
whether it be Drake, Rihanna, Amy Schumer shout out to
all of y'all, the current NBA MVP, you know any
of you. Um, still, there's something that bonds us all
that like no one else can can know or experience.
And so Amy Schumer watch. Yeah, she brought a challenge
sign she posted on her ig stories. She don't know, Amy,
We're here. We love you. Um the gurgling button you
really would there you go? I would love it gurgling
butts with Amy Schumer. Man, Oh god, listen, it could happen.
All we need is little Farrell to start watching. We'll
be fine. Don't tell me that yes, don't tell me
that he may he may are you will will? We
need you for Tori's twenty ninth birthday. Yeah, because we're
going big. I would like to visit. I better be invited, Tory. Yeah,
you can come to my twenty is not celebrating it's
twenty ninth birthday. It's Jesus themed. I'll hit you up
in the DMS. It's gonna be I do want to
know this since you are you are an expert on
dating um and you haven't noticed there are and Jesus
and prayer and you're an expert period. You are the
all knowing Devin smartly. Okay, you're the most knowing. You
know a lot. I'll tell that. So being a dating expert,
is there any advice you could give some of these
challengers now that they are approaching the end of the
game with their quote unquote lovers. Oh, give it to me,
say it to me, Say it to my face, give
it to me. I mean, I communicate expectations before you
get to that final communicate like meaning or you is
it a okay? Babe? Know that I'm gonna go as
hard as I can for me. I'm staying in a
prayer for you. You go as hard as you can.
We're going to see each other no matter what happens
at the ends. That means if I have to bump
you out of the way, if I have to knock
you out, you guys have agreed that that is the way,
Or is it? Hey, babe, I'm going to support you
however I can getting there, and you support me how
because you can't have one thinking I'm gonna support you
or help you when I can and whatever the final is,
and one thinking I'm gonna go as hard as I
possibly need to and then get to the end, gonna
have problems. So communicating expectations, just like in life, up
front will be helpful because then at least you're on
the same page. So, yeah, you know they might trip
you and you break your arm. But if you guys
agreed on that in the beginning, you know it's not
coming from an untrustworthy place, right, because that was that
was what was said. I love not that they literally
break your arm, but just you know, if you're you
have to do something that's physical or whatever else. Tory
take notes, because that could be us one day frolicking.
We're gonna have a talk before the next final. Let's
have a talk right after this meeting. And five, Okay,
we have two more questions for your Devin. Then we
got we have a we have a summit meeting. We're
important leaders. We have a summit meeting after this. Two
more questions for you, Devin. Yes, obviously, you love to
spill the tea, and I think that you do it
in a great way, which isn't really you know, it's
not painful, it's just interesting the way you do it.
I'm curious, do you have any aftermath secrets that you
can share, maybe something that never got aired, or what
it's like to film with all of us, or the
shoot days, anything like that. Oh, Aftermath team, I do.
I'm just thinking of what to share. Who spicy? Yeah,
so of aftermath tea. Well, since they're shot in batches,
then some of the tea I was able to bring
up in the second batch, like the fact that Bessie
Michelle were there together, and then we did the second batches,
he and Amanda were back together, even though they like
hated each other in the beginning. So if you've watched
Aftermath throughout, if you haven't, go do it. If you have,
then you know that you've seen that, oh some other
tea that was funny. But I feel like we may
have talked about it on an aftermath but if we didn't.
So apparently one night the crew went out to the club.
This is when Casey I remember this is the first batch.
Second back to the Casey went to the club as well,
if Nannie and apparently Casey fell asleep in the middle
of the club, and I think they even took some
photos of it. I was teasing her, Yeah, I was
teasing her all the next day on set because it's
hilarious that she just not It's not like they went home.
They were at the hotel, like she fell asleep, like
in the middle of the club, just like past. Wait
are you talking about during Are you talking about during
filming Aftermath, because there was also something similar that happened
while filming the challenge. Are you serious? That's larious? Still
there and Hesa, you were still there because you nursed
me back to health after my hangover. Everybody died that
night though you were well. It was because we're outside
in the sun all day. We didn't drink a lot
of water. Yeah, and it was a lot like it was.
We had like one hour to eat and get ready.
It was a real day. Everyone. They were like one
hour to booze. We were like, I guess it's time,
but yeah, so I guess it's not. You know, it's
happened a few times, so that's interesting to know. It's
also happened on the here we go. Well, you know
the most infamous fall asleep. I fell asleep in the
back of the bush. Yeah you're there that season, right,
and got left on the back of the bus and here,
oh yeah I heard about that. Yeah yeah, I didn't
even know. And Mama was out there, no speaking spad, no.
All I could say was grassy ass that I was
literally all I could say. Oh my god, I can't
even imagine. Oh my gass bus after a two hour
ride two and back from the club. Yeah, it's like
I woke up in the bus depot at four o'clock
in the morning, no lights, just a bunch of year
gland men. That was like in a leather mini dress.
You know, that would have never happened on a on
a season now because they're honest like hawks, they count,
they check us. Before it was just like a cool
ass buddy system. You know, we got Devin or we
were just drinking, we got Buddy and well we know
what happened with that exactly. Yeah, damn oh man. Would
you do the honors of asking the final question? The
season's called spies, lies and Allies. I want to know
who you think the biggest spy liar and ally are
of this episode, MM of this episode, I would say
the biggest I mean, I guess of this episode or
even season. I feel it's true for both. I think
the biggest spy is CT. Yeah, I feel the biggest
lie is Kyle, and I feel the biggest ally is Emmy.
Emmy is so loyal to CT. Good lord if we
all could find this significant other. I think CT is
the spy because CT has been laying low. He's obviously
very very smart, and he's making moves. I actually think
Devin thinks he's making all the moves, but I really
think CT is the one making the moves when necessary.
I think Devin's playing checker, is CT's playing chess. And
Kyle lie because Kyle. I love Kyle, and this is
someone I know he can take it because I dish
it on him all the time. But Kyle, like you
just kind of don't know where to go with Kyle right,
Like he's hard. You want to trust him, he's lovable,
but he always does things that make you not trust
him in general. So yeah, i'd say Team Sapphire as
a whole, or the Spies Lies and Allies, or some
people say the Spies Pies and fries so much rather
would be on that show. Let's talk about that. I
win that one. Thank you, absolute pleasure, seriously. No, I
love you guys, thank you so much, and it's been
great seeing you. I'm always rooting for you guys, and
thank you for you know, always being good sports on aftermath.
I appreciate it. Where can we watch you? How can
we support you? How do I get some dating advice
that I've been waiting five years for. Yeah, you can
go to Devin on Dating dot Com. So that's Devin
with the Why, which is the real way to spell it. Second,
Devin just it's why in on dating dot Com and
you can enter the free pool. We're into fulf cities
nationwide matchmaking. You can watch me fairly regularly on the
Wendy Williams Show. If you've mispassed episodes, you can go
to Wendy Williams on YouTube. But otherwise check me out
on windy Um when she comes on at fifth point
on at least once a week, uh, and then follow
me on IG Devin Simone, Den with the Wise Smoe
and I that's where I post behind the scenes interesting stuff.
Don't know, it's really funny stuff. Too. It's like a
real picture, followed by eighteen funny memes. I love it.
It's great. Thank you undercover me, McCown to undercover me.
Mccow's incredible. I love it all. Devin, thank you so
much for coming on the show. You're amazing and I
can't wait to talk to you again in the future.
Thank you, same guys on sending you so much love
and if you I'm sure your listeners already know, but
you guys are really your incredible women and incredible competitors
on the show, so you know it's I hope people
get to see all both of you and all of
your fullness because you're really awesome. Thank you so much.
Thank you almost good to your Thanks. Thank you again
so much for coming. You're an angel. Thanks call me anytime. Bye, guys,
have a good night. Bye. Well, that was an amazing interview.
I almost want Devin to take my job because she's
just that good. But I'm kidding. I love what I do.
Please don't take me off of here. Thanks again, Devin
Simone for gracing us with your presence here on the podcast.
We really appreciate it. But now i'd really appreciate some
challenge confidential. Tory lay it on me. What do you have? Okay,
so you know this episode, I think you finally get
to see the first excursion, and I think they were waiting.
There was obviously so many people in the house to start,
and then we kind of are dwinlilling down to the end.
Here could possibly be the last elimination. We don't know,
but they were like, all right, we're gonna take you
guys out on excursion. We have one hundred and fifty
foot boat for you. And we were all like, one
hundred and fifty foot boat. This is a yacht. Like
I'm thinking this thing is going to be like a
music video like Booty Cheeks pop in champagne bottles. It
was not. It was a fairy We hopped on there
and I'm like, oh, we're taking We're taking a little
ferry around them. You know what, though, we were grateful.
We had a great time. We even got a break
from the camera guys. They left us alone a little bit,
gave us some go pros and we went to go
film footage ourself. I don't even know that they caught
that footage of me and a manual kissing. I thought
we were being low key, but hey, we're inside of
a yellow inner tube in the sea. We're not. You
can't find us kissing. We're not. We're not making a
TV show. Oh yeah, yeah, I guess we were. But
you know, we forgot for a little because it was
the first time we got to go I love that,
I love human human moment of I am not on
a television show right now. Yeah, it was. It was
pretty incredible and also hard to recover from. I drank
a lot that day, but you know what, worth it,
and uh can't say that that's not part of being
on the challenge? Party hard, work hard? Is that the same?
Work hard, party hard, play hard, work hard? Oh my god,
work hard, play hard, play hard. Thank you. That's it.
That's the one. Cool all right? Well, Anissa, since we're
talking about you, where can we plug I'm sorry, where
where cann we plug you? Where can we follow you? Anissa?
Plug your social it's a Nissa MTV, that's a n
e s a MTV on Instagram. That's the only place
that you may be able to find me. Yeah, I
mean you can find me there, you can find you
can find me everywhere. Yeah, Tori, what about you? Where
can we find you. Yeah, you can find me at
Tory Underscore Deal on Instagram and you can't plug me anywhere.
Don't even think about it. Yucky Yucky in the Buddy Okay,
and make sure you guys send in your listener questions
because we are so excited to watch the Challenge with
you all and listen every Thursday and we go behind
the scenes of the Challenge spies, lies and allies and
then join us Fridays as we pull back the curtain
on season two of The Challenge All Stars, only on
MTV's official Challenge Podcast,