All Episodes

March 18, 2021 54 mins

Tori and Aneesa bring on the hilarious 6-time Challenger, Kyle Christie, to discuss his new partnership with Aneesa, why he calls himself "The Bringer of Death," and the new alliance: Big Sister. The Challenge vets also discuss the tricky strategy behind this week's challenge, Tori's sleep paralysis demon, and Kyle tries to give out the phone numbers of other Challenge competitors.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's up everyone. I'm Tory and I'm Anissa, and this
is MTV's official Challenge podcasts where we go behind the
scenes of the Challenge Double Agents. Before we begin, just
remember I'm Anissa and make sure that you're up to
date on the latest episodes, folks, because there are spoilers
ahead and you do not want to miss one second
of the action. Man, And there was so much action

this week. We're going to talk about that underwater challenge,
a Nissa's Challenge win, and what may be the end
of the Cory Curse. We're also going to talk to
one of the funniest challengers alive and my biggest fan
and my partner for this week's challenge, Kyle Christie. And
you don't want to miss that. And I'm Tori again.

So Anissa, should we get started? Tory, let's freaking go.
Let's go girl, all right? Anissa, Well, that was a
beautiful intro we have. My voice sounded so good in
that one. I felt very Tori esque when I was
doing it. Yeah, you were good. It's about on. Are

you ready for the worst part of the episode? Oh,
come on, not safe house. Yeah, we're gonna do it
because We're not safe. It's unsafe house, Yes, all right,
the not so safe house where I have thirty six
seconds to recap in honor of it being the thirty
sixth season, Tory, will you count me in while I
try and get my thoughts together? And Nisa three two

one Google. Kyle's my new partner, and I'm really excited
about Kyle being my partner. So we show up at
the at the challenge and it's like a swimming thing,
and then Leroy and Casey put us together. So I
started calling Casey the briefcase girl, because who puts us first?
They do when they should have put Corey Corey in
Big Tea together first, because they needed to go in,
But we go in. We fucking kill it. Everybody lies
to us saying they killed it. Then t J jokes

around with us, but who wins? Kyle and I we
don't just win. We fucking kill it. And then while
we had power, we should have put Leroy and Casey in,
but instead I kept my word to Corey and Kyle
kept word to Big Tea. We threw them in against
Darrell and Amber B and Corey beat Dada Dne. Oh
my gosh, that was great an. He said, you're killing
these two back to back safe houses. You're definitely gonna

take this one because I don't remember a thing. All right, Tory,
it's time for you to do your thirty six second recap. Yeah,
in three h two one. All right, everybody, welcome to Iceland.
It was the challenge that everybody thought we worked in
a slimb but oh no, yes we do. You got
wet suits, don't worry about it. You got a old
man bread nw. You thought we're gonna hear about that
letter with the colin if it's gonna be excellent, everybody,
let's keep moving before we're okay, we get into the

water and all of the sudden we realize we're gonna
play tectonics. Who doesn't know how to say that word?
A lot of people, a lot of people don't even
know what that is, especially amber B. We're gonna keep
going for it, everybody, because they all had to put
a Nystam Kyle first. And what happened. Fishing water, fishing water, slaughter, slaughter, slaughter.
They win the game. Everybody thinks that it was gonna
between Kyla, Caam Casey or but no, and he's always
pollster because she is underrated, the best challenger and challenge history.

And then we get to the elimination and what happens.
Corey looks like a bird coming out of a cage.
Cook Call Cook, Call fast, and we're all fast raw,
and Corey gets his golds goal and Big Tea is
looking so cute back with CT and that's all I
gotta say. Bye. I let you go over because it
was co call really cute. Yeah. Yeah, the play of

the day. What was the play of the day. Yeah,
definitely you and Kyle, because you were counted out. Nobody
wanted you guys to win, and you did that and
everyone loves a good underdog story, so I gotta give
it to you and Kyle. You swam like a dolphin,
you always do, and you're incredible. Yeah, a brown catfish.
I don't even know if they swim fast. But I'm
kind of like a brown shark striking with my long

gypsy shark next to me. I mean, Kyle kind of
left me in the beginning. But I will give us
the play of the day because I mean, we killed it.
We killed that puzzle. You don't see it in that,
but Kyle did such a good job standing on the
side and being able to see it as my person
that checks my shit, because I really worked hard to
get that shit together. But let's go to the dirtiest deed.

I'll start, thank you, ye dirtiest deed, oh Leroy and Casey.
When you put somebody first, Lee Roy and Casey, you
want them to fail? Yeah, you want them to fail. Yep,
that's true. The one thing I don't think they realized
were that Kyle and I's nickname is fish. And the

other thing is that this was a challenge nobody else
could see. You couldn't watch anybody, so you couldn't get
any tips, so everybody was kind of on even even ground.
It was just more of for an even playing field.
The issue was we had to go first, which puts
most the most pressure, especially when we knew if we lost,
we were definitely going in. And you guys killed that.
I definitely got to say that dirtiest deed as well,

goes to Leroy, you know, and Casey too. Obviously she
hides behind Lee Roy because she just for some reason
has this incredible political game where you just like, don't
actually she said she didn't know. I'm like anything. These
stand in front of that briefcase for a while, right,
So briefcase shout out to briefcase lady. Well it is
what it is. Let's get into this episode specifically because

I want to talk about this mission, which is called
Mission Undercover, because it looked absolutely crazy, and he said,
I think I need to hear, like just what it
was like being in that water, what it was like
to breathe, what it was like to work, like, tell
me everything about being in this challenge. Well, first of all,
they scare us, and they put this in the seal
suit because you know, after we did the one with
the ice but that iceberg situation and one degree weather. Yeah, yeah,

when it hit, when it hit your head or the
I mean it shook you to the core. Yeah. Ye.
For me, I was just nervous. So I was like, Okay,
we have to win and I have to stay calm.
So when we walked into the water after they put
weights around our waist to keep us from not floating up,

I got my thing I got to put around my body.
I'm like, okay, I know how to breathe. It'll be
all right. Just calm myself down with some like cool
yoga breaths and really got in the zone. And when
we when it was time to go, I just walked
slowly into the water. Kyle went first. I took a
deep breath. There was a moment halfway down the rope
where I was like, I can't do this, and then
we finally got there, I'm like, no, you have to
do this, and I just went to overdrive, where like

I don't even know if my brain was attached to
my body. It was just like, yeah, I gotta go.
I think that that slow walk that you guys did
like to me. I was thinking if that would have
made me, I probably would have been like, oh, I'm
running right in that water, I gotta go. But like
there was an art to being slow and calm during
this whole entire process, because you see so many other
people were panicking, and even safety was like, hey, take

your time, don't rush. But once I got it, I
think it was more not because the water was so cold,
but more because rushing would have led us to breathing harder, yeah,
I think, or faster. Rather so going there, I took it.
I didn't even breathe on the way back, I don't think,
because I was just such a rush, but I already
had like a feel of what was going on, but
it was intense. And then when we got up, I

didn't know what to do. So I was like, oh,
they're a little like tape marks. Why don't we put
the tape marks in order? Once we did that and
then we started looking at the nut, I mean, it
just it just went together. I mean I called a check.
It was like, oh, I didn't even know what I spelled,
but I called a check because I didn't know what
was going on because we didn't really have, you know,
any direction whatsoever. But it felt so good being with

a partner that probably you know, clearly didn't want to
be with me and really just like put it pulling
out not a w when we really needed it. Yeah,
and you did that, and you know what, there were
many other teams that we thought were going to be
successful and didn't do too well, Like Fessi and Fessi
and Nanni, who are this new team and we're like, okay,
how are they going to perform? Well? He kicks her
in the face, like what was going on with that? Right?

Because he only cares about himself, okay? And like Durella
and Amber b listen, I'm not gonna like throw any shade.
But you know, Durella is obviously he had this one
moment where he was like, oh, I didn't even want
to look down, like was it really deep? Could you
see like to the crev Oh my god, it was
so deep. I didn't really look down either, because if
I dropped a ring, I would have been done. Oh no,
there was no retrieving it. That's terrifying. It's but the

thing is you can you can adjust that that horror, like,
don't look down, eyes on the prize, don't drop anything,
and right, why are you looking? Why are you looking
down in the first place, Like we're so buoyant in
this water. Yeah, you couldn't go down or drown if
we wanted to, jeez. So it's it's a mind over
matter of situation. Yeah, and you know you saw other

teams struggle in different areas that you wouldn't think. You know,
you see CAM and CT struggling to communicate during that
puzzle because both of them are the cook in the kitchen.
They want to take the lead on that. And that
is something that happens all the time when it comes
to working with people that people don't realize is that
when there are too many cooks in the kitchen, it
can be very easy for it to mess up the
other person while they're in their flow of trying to

solve something. So it's great that they finished, but at
the same time, you saw that there is a weakness
in too much strength, and that's exactly what we saw.
Let's get into it now, you guys win, you get
back to the house. We obviously heard Cam earlier in
the episode saying that worst possible case scenario would be
you and Kyle winning. You win, and we did. House
is turned upside down. Now what's it like being in

a house with the power? What was the mood? Like,
how were people feeling? Give me what you got? I
mean you can see from the episode everybody went in
one room. Yeah, like why are you guys being like that?
Like it was gonna be us now you have to
freak out for a little bit. And it felt great
because you know, we were the underdogs. I just don't
understand why you look at Kyle and I were just

automatically counted out. Like I don't know if you know
about my record, but I've never messed up swimming, you know,
like Kyle's been a great So I don't understand why
this is such a surprise to people, but I'll take it. Yeah,
you know, and it's nice to have people like kind
of squirming right now. Yeah, but it is. It is
a little disheartening to know. I know Cam was playing

her game, but the whole game telling me how badly
she wanted me to win or leave Roy to win,
and having not like all of these people you think
have your back, but then it's like, yeah, but we
really don't want you here, like not want you here,
but we will throw you in mm. Yeah, which I
always find myself in that position. So like, I'm not surprised.

It's just disappointing, you know, to see all of that.
What does that make you feel for like potential seasons
like nothing, Yeah, because it's just one of those things
of like, clearly you had to do what you had
to do for your game. My friends, including you Tory,
still love me and support me, and when I do
great things, they love me. When they don't do such

great things, they love me, but they check me like
everything is still okay in my life. Yeah, So I
am not going to stress out over what people had
to do. When they thought, hey, there's a million dollars
on the line, I got to do it's best for me.
I am mad at myself for not making better moves
because I could have made a different move, but I'm

not going to dwell on it. Nope. We've been taking
notes all Challenge podcast season. We've been asking so many
fucking notes. I have a note keeper, the notekeepers, the
note takers. We're actually going to write a book about notes,
so so watch out for that. It's coming next. Not
a fucking children's book. Okay, it's a little bit r rated,

but it's all about notes. Note taking in the strategy. Yeah,
because I'm not going to write it. I'm just gonna
read it because I'm not. That's not by part. So
we're gonna do that. But let's talk about the strategy
in this game, because I want to talk about how
Darell got voted in because it shouldn't tell me about
that because it shouldn't have May didn't have been Darrell. No,
but nobody else wanted to go in, and Corey was

gonna pick Kyle, and since we were safe, Corey couldn't
pick Kyle. And I don't think Corey wanted to call
it anybody else, but I think Leroy was on the radar.
It just was dependent on what it was going to be.
And since we've already seen all of these eliminations, yeah,
you know what if it was fire escape again, I mean,
anyone in the house would have gotten smoked by Leroy.

But do you take that chance? And I was looking at, well,
who's going to win? Clearly Naanny infesting you aren't going
to win anything. And I don't know if Big Tea
and Corey are going to win a challenge together, but
I know that Leroy and Casey per the history of this,
like what's happened so far that you know, they have
the best chance at winning dailies or Kyle of myself,

you know, but nobody else has really tied us up
for you know, this is my third daily win yep.
So looking at who's going to win is important too.
So I'm like, okay, well Fleevroy goes in and then
he wins, and then he comes back and then he
wins the next challenge. Will he throw me in? Right?
You know? I was I was trying to think a
couple steps ahead. Yeah, you know, how many waves do

you want to create? This late in the game. Do
you want to steal your fate or do you want
to give yourself maybe that opportunity to get to the final?
So which which is smart? And you know what, you
did a good job by throwing in Corey because we
were both at dirty thirty. We both saw Corey smoke
Durrell in that last round of the Purge on the
very first opening chatallenge. And nothing against Durrell. He is
a great competitor. Everybody has trends and weaknesses, and Corey's

a good sprinter. So I think that, like you probably
knew Corey was, there's a good chance he's coming back
from this one, just because he's a little bit younger
and faster. Yeah, but we didn't know before when we
saw a snapping point before we've seen it. You saw
it with Wes and Devon. Yeah, they were just holding
off and we thought it would have been that and
Durrell's not a small dude. No, Yeah, that's true. That's true.

That's where we thought it would have even doubt because
we thought after they ran it was going to pull
them and it didn't really give us the pole that
we were expecting. Yeah, it was literally a foot race
in between poles with a with a rope on your back.
That didn't do anything, So Corey smoked it. He yeah,
not taking anything away from Corey. I'm just saying the

previous one seeing it. This one was a little bit different.
But Corey killed it. I mean he dove of course,
like he's my boy. I put him in like I
wanted him to win, or at least, you know, I
wanted him to have his chance. Yea happy he did
so well. Yeah, and like you know, then he got
to come back. And you know, by Durrell, we love
a good vet. It sucks to see you go, but
hopefully we see you again. And as for Corey, like

you have a lot of power, and he picks Cam
and I think that was a pretty solid move on
his part and I get that. And then the best
thing that happens is CT asks for Big Tea back.
I thought that was so sweet. The look on her face,
like I actually started to tear up, Like it was
really sweet to see that. Did you like that? Yeah,
it's well it also goes to show, like you guys,

people want to look at people and be like, oh,
that's the best partner for me. That's not always true. Yeah,
so you know, Cam might be a hot commodity, but
that doesn't mean that chemistry will be built on every
team she's on, That's true. And I saw the way
that Big T swam and she was trying to get
the other rings for Corey, but she did what she could.

Oh yeah, big T's a swimmer, so yeah she is. Yeah,
it was a pretty It was a pretty really, I mean,
I was a beautiful moment. I really enjoyed it. And
now amber B is rogue? And does that mean that
next week? Miss does that? We? Does that mean next
girl is a girl's elimination? And all of the girls

were upset because if they had to go in again
to get their you know, to keep their skull minus
Big Tea, amber B was out of the question. And
we were going to put amber B against Big Tea
because why not? Because why not? You know, because we
all want to run this final together, right and we

are working so hard together. Yeah, let this rookie just
slip through. And now she's rogue. Okay, so now we're like,
did we do the right thing? Did we listen? Everything
happens for a reason, right, Like, you can't really, you
can only calculate so far into the game and all
you can do is roll with the punches after something

happens that kind of like falls out of plans. So
I'm so excited for the next episode. This episode was
amazing to watch. I'm so proud of you for winning
and yeah, you crush that and and I just love
watching you thrive on this, on this, in these competitions,
and I love you and Kyle together. I can't wait
to talk to him with Oh my god, it's so fun.
I was waiting. I'm like, I just want to laugh.

I want to laugh with somebody who, like, I know,
Kyle's good and he'll do whatever. He doesn't have to
look like physically, we probably don't look like the strongest people.
But don't fuck with us, don't buck this. Yeah, I'd
hate to see us in like a double elimination where
you have to go against me and Kyle. Oh spicy,
I love it. I don't know if that would be
the best for anyone. I like it, all right, Anisa, Well,

let's get talking to Kyle. Kyle Christie is coming on
the show right after this break guy, so the stay tuned,
all right, folks, It's about that time. It is interview time,
and today I feel so warm and fuzzy having this

person here with us. He is my man from across
the pond, a pirate, a warrior. He is my favorite gypsy,
my tattooed savior. No give it up for Kyle Christie. Yeah, Kyle,

how you doing? Kyle? Hi, Kyle. I'm good, I'm good.
I have a few things to say. See this kitchen
behind me. This is not my kitchen. My kitchen does
not look this nice. Also, Tori, how much does it
suck for you? The fact that you have to watch
the episodes each week? Even? Oh my god, Kyle, let
me just tell you, if you're going to start the

interview off like this, you don't want to know where
I'm gonna take it with you. Okay, I'm not going
to talk about it. Where are you gonna take it?
Don't make me bring up our my birthday dms. Oh god,
oh god, Kyle, and listen. It's incredible to have you
on the show. We're going to dive into more about

you as an individual, but before we do that, we
want to get into this episode specifically, because there was
so much going on in this episode. We need to
just tackle it right off from the jump. First of all,
congratulations on the wind. Second of all, how bad does
it feel to talk all that shit on Anissa and
then fucking win with her because you counted her off
from the jump and she ended up being a rock star.

How does it feel, Kyle, that's up. That's the fun. Yeah,
I felt it quite bad. Do you know what is? Though?
Me and Anissa were really well again. It was so surprising,
like there was a line on the show that they
didn't make the episode and the conversation of mine Anissa's
team meeting, the first thing I said to her was
and he said, I hate you and you hate me,
but we have to get on with it. And a

Nissa's reply was Kyle, I don't hate you. I was like, well,
this is awkward. Yeah, I don't hate you, even Anissa,
I don't hate you. I feel like there was something
we got along last season and then we got on
this season. I think you're a great person. You're so
fun to be around. You make living in a house

that much more fun, especially when you know these are
high stress environments. You make it that much more fun.
And I just can't stay mad, so to hold a
grudge against you while being that stressed out was not
going to benefit. Yeah, I'll be honest with you. I
didn't hold a grudge against a Nissa Eva. I enjoy
Anissa more than other people in the house because she

gets my band as she gets my crack, Like I
can like go back and fort me and Anissa and
go back and forward with each other over and over
and over and it never stops. It's great. Yeah, So
our partnership work brilliantly together, and I was so proud
of us, especially because I was a bit like a
little bit like a virus, because anyone who had me
was kind of screwed because I was public enemy, I

would say, number one. And for Anissa just to come
in and work so well with me, it was great.
I loved it. Yeah, and you trashed your tray nanny too,
so it was like, you have this reputation of kind
of being like you don't give a shit about anybody.
But Anissa was there, open armed and open thighed and ready.
I was just kidding. She wasn't open thing. I mean

I was in the water doing quite a stroke, so
it could have been open thighed at some point. How
did how did the leaving Nanni thing come up, like
in choosing Cam, Like, what what was going on with that? Um?
I knew me and Nanny had a word before this.
We spoke to each other and I was like, Nanny,
I've spoke to the main alliance in the house, and

it turns out we are not part of the main
alliance in this house. So it was like it was
like you and Corey. Nelson was in there, Fessi was
in there. It was like calms group and then obviously
Nelson and Corey and stuff. So I realized that I
wasn't part of that at all. I was with West

and CT and the other champs that I'm not a chump,
but you know what I mean, I hang around with
the But anyway, I knew that mean Nanny was quite
happy with what I did because I knew that we
had to break into their alliance, and I was happy
to do that. I was. I was actually torn between
Casey and Calm. I didn't know who would pick. I

wanted to pick Casey because it's Fessie's best friend and
I wanted to screw over. But then I also wanted
to pick Calm because I just thought she's great mastermind
and and you know what, it is no offense. And
he said. She tricks people into thinking that she's working
with them and that she needs them, and then she
cuts them off. That's what she does, and that is great,

you know what I mean? Like I mean, I saw
it firsthand. Yeah. Yeah, she's talented, she really is. It
was a good pick. And you guys were the killers
for a minute. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. We were good
and I was happy when I was with her, but
as soon as I wasn't with her, she threw me
out like a piece of trash. And I get it whatever,
you know what I mean. I'm saying a therapist now

because of it, but I don't want to get into us.
Oh guy, all wait, so now that you had left Nannie,
you picked Cam, then CT Stolecam from you, then you
got back with Nanni, and then Nannie left you. Yeah
you know, how does all of that feel? Do you
know why Nanny left me? Do you want to know
why Nanny left me? The honest reason? She said, Oh, um, well,

Fessie beat you in a final last time. No he didn't.
Oh she left me, I know, I said, No, that's
not she didn't say that said she said well, you
guys weren't winning together, so I think people whoever you
want to blame, I'm not here to argue that point.
I'm together. You guys didn't win, so how about you

switch it around? Like I look at all the partnerships
that did work, and then how many people talk shit
about partners that they only won with And then the
minute they switch sometimes things go. You know, I think
the game, the game, working with Anissa and then seeing
how she performs and stuff. At the game, you were

perfect looking at it and judging where things are going
to go. But at the same time, you're too trusted.
You trust these people, and it's just it's just you
trust them too much in the just screw Osova. Well,
you would also mean if I if I totally I
believe in them in the game, if I if I
trusted them, I wouldn't talk to any of them if

I put that much energy into it. There. Yeah, I
was trying to play a strategic game. I was trying
to be trying to play a different game this time.
Normally I would just pretend that I'm friends with everybody,
but I really don't give a shit. Yeah, and that's
why I normally play so Tori and I are actually
going to work on our strategic stuff. Yeah, for next
season if we go group. Yeah, that's why I'm sorry

to paint pictures of you guys. I'm going to hang
them over my bunk beds and let them let you
know that I am, in fact trying to work with
you through paint, trying to paint my feelings and write
you letters and put your pictures over my wall and
maybe make a pair of underwear and pajamas with your
With your phone, I can I can send you photos
of mere excellent any at all, like you know what

I mean. I've got the photos of me. I've got
the nigga anything you want, whatever you rent your tory,
I don't care. Y. We have had a lot of
applications now because people have seen people have watched the show,
past members of and realized how much everyone else sucks
apart from me in Devin. Yeah, right, that's true. Now,

we've had a lot of applications. I don't know if
we're getting fit you in all right, I'm gonna slip
you a little money and say your Molly know that too.
Whatever whatever we need to do. Okay, great, let's move on.

Because I just want to know because I need to
be slipped stuff day. I wasn't at this challenge, as
Kyle rubbed in my face rudely, but I have to
know I would have freaked out if I was under
that water. So, Kyle, was it more mentally hard to
be under that water or was it more physically hard
to be with that water? Well, the thing is we've
actually so I've done this, I've done a similar challenge

before I did one. I don't think you guys want it,
nor Vendetta as you guys went on it. So there
was one on Vendets and we had to go down
and we had to swim along a rope similar to
what me and Anissa done in that challenge, and we
had to breathe in the breathing apparatus. But if you've
never breathed into them breathing apparatuses, they're hard, like they're

it's like an old man breathing down your neck. It's horrible.
Oh it's I wouldn't have compared it to that because
I felt a couple of old men breathing from personal experience,
you know what I mean, at the pub, just old
men breathing down your neck. I can't handle that. Do

what Kyle a beer every week? I'm so disturbed, so
disturbed right now. But I'm in vendettas in vendettas, okay, right,
So I'm breathing in this apparatus. It's horrible, and I
go straight at the surface. You need to realize how
to breathe them. You need to keep calm. You need
to breathe slow, because a lot of people, You'll say
that on the episode of Amberba and Nanny, all these

different people are breathing fast into it, and I feel
like experience came through a lot. And obviously a Nissa
has got a lot of experience herself, so she'll you
would have done similar stuff to this, so you know
not to You can't pretty fast, you need to go
I was frightened. I've never done that before, and you
were incredible. Like I took a breath behind where I

took a breath right in to it before I went under,
so I could get I wasn't going to take a
weird breath underwater. I was like, yeah, you got. You
gotta do the first twenty seconds of like holding your
breath and then just try to it calmly. Okay, no,
I didn't. I didn't breathe on the way back. I
breathe on the way there because I had to keep
myself gone. And then I didn't breathe on the way

back because I had to get by to your long
body again because so long I had to reach up.
I had to get back to you. But I want
to know this personal question. Were you excited to partner
with me? You know what it is? Right, I'm I'm
split because obviously there's a competitive side to me where
I'm like, oh, I just want to win and I

want to be the best. I'm like a little bit
of like a smidge of FESSI where I'm like, I
just want to get to the final. I want to win,
I want to do this. And that is one side
of me. Okay, that is one side of me. It's like, oh,
I want to be a calm, I want to be
a casey. But then I see the other side of
this is a TV show to me, and this is
I'm split. I'm split. Do you want to win or
do you want to have fun? You are so much fun? Yeah,

because I thought We're gonna have so much fun together,
and I'm sure you knew you knew that. I was
so excited. It's fun. No, but look at Fessie and
nice history. We actually only perform well twice and then
we kind of were like blah every other time. I
loved your energy. Like he would be like, yo, can

you swim? Like, clearly I can swim. I'm a fish.
I've been like, yo, can you run? I have two
feet who chase me the flesh? Like you know how
fast I could swim? You know. I'm like, I'm out
when I need to be. But it's you know, like
the stay, the staying power, and I get it. Like
I think people just look at people who are like, oh, well,

she doesn't look fit enough to like run this final.
I'm like, yeah, but anything can happen in that final.
So I don't care if you're you know, you have
a six pack and you run or wherever, or you're
a twig or you run marathons. Like we're dealing with
crazy terrain and yeah, I mean I've gotten hurt before
and still had to keep going, like you just gotta
push through it. But I want to do that with

somebody who makes me laugh. Yeah, And I think if
you can enjoy the painful moment moments with somebody. Then
I'd rather take you as a partner than anybody else.
And I'm not going to make you like if we
fuck up, it's not you fuck up, it's not me
fuck up, it's we both fucked up. Who Like It's well,
there's more to win, you know what I mean. It's
not the end of the world if you'd lose a challenge,
you know what I mean? People, people need to realize

that this isn't the super Bowl, you know. Yeah, it
just annoys me. And it's like, we did have a
lot of fun, Anissa, we did, especially especially when lea
Ryan Casey put us first. I think you performed better
when you're you're like me, and you say you perform
better when you doubted, which you perform really well. Yeah,

you guys crushed that, and then you had the whole
house against you. Like that's not a good feeling for
people to be like, oh, that's who we want, Like
we're we have to think about who we want to
eat tonight, and we're putting Kyle and Anissa on the plate,
and you guys stepped up to that plate and fucking
hit a home run. Yep, exactly, I just I just
got so annoyed by it because it was like I
get why people were going after me, but then kind

of like what Cam did with me when she just
threw me to the garbage after I wasn't a partner.
That's what them, all of them competitors did to Anissa
when they found out she was partners with me, And
it was annoying because it was just like, no one
gives a shit about anyone in this game. No, yeah, no, no, right,
I mean, and in her interviews, sorry, it's okay. I mean.
I wasn't holding on to Fessi because I liked being

his partner. There was a safety and you know, being
with somebody who was more connected, and people were like
glad to stay with him. He didn't want to be
with you. I don't care if he didn't want to
fuck it be with me. I don't want to be
with him either, but you nowhere else. I didn't want
to be down there in that, Yeah, definitely, Like you
pick a juice, your battles, and I didn't want to

battle it out anymore. So I chose FESSI even though
I hated being his partner. Towards the end, Yeah, well,
good night. He puts a lot of pressure on people
dis knee yes, yes, a whole like can you swim?
Like why would you ask me? Last second? Like I
know I could swim. I haven't been on the show
for so long. If I couldn't swim, you would have
heard it already. Yeah the fish Yeah yeah, Andy, Like

he's like, hey, man, can you swim? And like I
would never ask you that question. I would ask you, Anissa,
can you swim? And then you'd be like yeah, I
went well, good because I can't. Yeah yeah, yeah, you
carrying me? Yeah. And their excuse, I mean their excuse was, oh, well,
you guys are really good swimmers. That's why we put
you first. You put us first so we could so

we could fail. Right. And then not only did we
get it done, but we got up to that puzzle
and what happened. Kyle m hm, oh god, Decorde. I
just think it was the first puzzle I'd ever solved
in the challenge. I was so happy it was Decorde.
The award thing was as well. We actually solved the tory,
we actually solved the puzzle faster, but we couldn't get

the like genes see the little card things of the
of the letter on. We couldn't get it off the board,
so I was trying to peel it. We should just
push it off, and we couldn't because our love together
ripping off. Oh my god, grab it. Yeah, Kyle was

trying to get my My goggles were like here all
over my face. We both look like tuxedo condom slash seals. God. Yeah,
I'm so happy that you guys want to because, like
earlier in the episode, do you see Cam Literally first
thing she says is, well, the worst thing that could
happen today is Kyle and Anissa win, and then you
guys get power. You know, like people were shaking and Kyle,

you love to stir the pot. So what was it
like to like have power at that during that time? Um,
the only annoying thing is I wish I wish we
did more with it. I feel like it's all right
looking back on it now and saying we put Big
Tea and Big Tea was my number one girl in
the game. She was the only one that had my
back left in the game. Um. And then obviously Anissa

had loyalty to Corey, which I understand, so it kind
of worked out and the real reason we didn't want
Corey and Big Tea to be the household is we
wanted them to pick each other apart. Our plan was
to stop picking them apart so it would set us
up for the next week along. Looking back on it,
I wish maybe through CT in Common, just because I

feel like the viewers deserved to say CT go against
Aurella would have been incredible. It would have been so funny.
Oh god, yeah, Anissa, what about you. I loved that
we had power. I mean, it was just I was
so emotional, like when we won, because what you don't
see is TJ is doing this whole thing telling Cam
and Casey how well they did, and Nanni and we

weren't allowed to talk to each other after each group went,
so everybody's trying to mouth that they did really well,
and Kyle and I are like whatever, and I just
had a feeling. I'm like, I know, we did really well.
And a car came driving by and we had pause
production second let the car ride by, and then he

was like and TJ was like, like I said before, Kim,
and you know, Cam and CT and Casey and leave
they really thought they had it. And he goes and
the winner is and we I mean I was crying.
I didn't know how to. I mean I got emotional
watching it, like it was so amazing to have that
and be like, fuck you, you put us first. Not
only did we win, we killed it, Like yeah, no

one who was even close to us, right, And it
just felt good for people to like have to walk
on eggshells, like you could have put and should have
put anyone we wanted in. In hindsight, I wish I
wish Corey would have been House vote so we could
have done something different because nobody cared about us, and

we kept our word. And to be honest, Kyle, like
even though I look back and I want to change it, like,
you know, we kept our integrity, We kept our words
to the people that we actually cared about, and I
hope in that instance they would have done the same
for us. So it's like, do you know what annoys
me about it? Though, Nissa, So there's this there's this
narrative obviously, and I understand the show and I understand
what is happening, but everyone's always like, oh, Kyle's a snake, Kyle,

we'll go back on his work has And then what
did I do with power this season. You know what
did I do? I said, Oh, when you said in
the elimination, I put Josh in the elimination, give me
a chance to get the skull, and then I put
Corey and Big Tea down there. Yeah. No, you said
you were the Reaper of Death and you were going
to bring the pain. Vote a Nisa, and you almost

got enough votes to get me voted in. Again, that's true,
I did. I did. I woke Anissa up after I
won the first time, and I woke up from a
nap and she was having a nice little nap, and
I said, Anissa, you do know I'm the bringer of Death.
I am the Reaper. I would have died. I would
together get in his bed and show me no. But

he said all of that. But the night before, being drunk,
he told everyone to vote me in. He almost got
numbers for me. And then what you don't see is
he apologized to me, and we said from there that
point on, we'd be the Gold Skull Club and like
we'd try and you know, work together. So then we
were on the same team. And he wasn't trust you know,
the bringer of death. I was the bringer of death

as well. Brought the death together, the death and the pain,
so much pain. Yeah. I mean, like you, you put
in some work this season, Kyle. I gotta give it
to you, like even earlier in this season when you
went in that all brawl and you took that X
thing out of the mud from CT and you bodied him,
Like did he okay? Did he give you that win though?
Or did you really body him? I'm bodied him, swear

swearing your mum. If you ask a night, if you
ask a night, say this is medieval times, Okay, okay,
if you ask him knight, if there's a story about
a night taking down a dragon, yeah, you asked the
night after what happened? He's never gonna say from the win, no,
I say that dragon? Yeah, blah blah. All right, Well

you secured that, you secured the bag, you got that,
you're the dragon slayer. You got a gold school early.
Haven't been down in elimination since. So how are you
feeling like the rest of this game, Like do you
feel like you're riding good or do you feel like
you need to get power every single time? We need
to get power every single time. And me and Anissa

we knew that, like we knew that, and it was
just it was hard because the game was very one sided,
with big brother Bane in the middle and then having
all these people hanging on with them, Anissa, it was
just so annoying. It was just so annoying. It was
just like, well, every week was something else unless you

had won, you fucked yeah, And I mean Fessy, you know,
like he didn't make it easy on you. Obviously, he
threw you down into elimination with Anissa and then like
I thought this episode you were going to throw a
Fassi down there. For sure, I would have and he said,
I mean you know what, Yeah, and you know I tried,
and then to Ley down because of Cam and then
she wanted you know what. But it was like this

because it was like Leroy head Cam Casey and Fessi
lebra head Nanny. So it was like, you know, Lever
had a lot of people on the list and I
was like right at the bottom. So I already knew that,
and I get it. You have your girlfriend and like
one of your best friends. I never would expect, and
a girl you want to run the final list, I
wouldn't expect to be on the top of that. I
think That's why it wasn't so offensive to me, you know,

because I knew where I stood. Then ct I never
knew what the fuck he was doing. No, and then
Nanny I looked back and she only thought about herself.
And I'm like, damn, Cam's been telling me this whole time,
put yourself first, and it's crazy. Cam's given me all
this good advice and they're talking all this good shit
to me about how I'm supposed to be selfish. Yeah,
and then I don't do it. I should have been

you live in Yeah, exactly, that's that is true, right down.
Strategy for next season if we go yeah, yeah, sitting
over here working on our alliance. What do you guys
want to call our new alliance? The the fum Alliance?
Maybe the Big Dick Crew. Oh good, I was my
next BDC. I'm with that. That was mine too, Kyle.

So I just gotta know, like, obviously, you came from
Jordy Shore and went on the challenge, and I don't
think that that show could have prepared you in any
possible way for the challenge, maybe unless you were in
a bar in fact, and there was an old man
breathing down your throat exactly, you know what I mean,
making out with old men or fights or fights? Yes, Like,

how did Jordy Shore prepare you for the challenge or
do you feel like it didn't prepare at all? It
didn't Old Jordy Show told me was to lift weights
to look great for women. Yeah, you know, I I
loved him. I loved him. I loved you, Kyle God,
I loved you on Jordy Shore and I'll ben When
we went on Vendetta's as Mercenaries, I was like, why

with Carra you could be with me badly? You were
staring at me too, I was I wish everyone could
see these eye winks going back now between the two
of them, right now because I am in the third wheel.
Oh god, we'd be such a hilarious couple and He's listen,

we'd laugh a lot and I would fucking throw my
body on the sword for you if we were together.
Oh yeah, I mean, has anybody else come from Jordy Shore?
Are you the only one? Are you the token Georgia
as Zahita came from. I mean, Jordy Shore doesn't prepare us,
So there's no way that you could have formed a
big brother alliance because there's no Jordy Shore alliance. Do

you feel like that's kind of why you hate the
Big Brother alliance? And yeah, probably never been silent. I
was like, I'm I take Big Brother because they all
like each other. God's screwed up? Say they are? They

are sneaky, like they don't look after do you know
what it is? Okay? I actually played a straight up
game this time. I didn't do anything wrong. I don't
feel like I am so if I'm with an alliance,
I've realized that you have to stick with that line
to the end. That is one thing that Big Brother
taught me. But they do screw each other over and

I just want for do you know, if you look
at my Challenge career, I've never been part of a
winning alliance. I've always just never ever, never ever, well
maybe not even on the last day one before this
the Bunker, I've never been part of that. So it
would just be nice to find a home in the Challenge.
You have a home with us, Kyle, Yeah, yeah, come

sleep in our home. Oh oh, this is getting x
rated everywhere. We're going to the X rated version of
this part of the podcast. Now, it's just me make
an out of an old man. Oh god, Okay, Kyle,
one more Big Brother question before we go into a
few more tiny, other little questions. Do you ever feel
like you're going to work with Big Brother or are

they forever xed out from your heart? I mean, I'm
never going to be part of them because I'm They're
never going to be part of my lines because I'm
never going to be part of them. Like they don't
want me. They just have each other, and then they
have people who do stuff for them. Yeah, right, Like
like Anissa, listen, I think after this season, we all
have a really good idea of what's going on. So

I think it's as long as we're all taken notes,
anything could happen in the future, you know. And yeah,
they definitely showed. They showed all of their cards, which
I kind of like two seasons in a row with them.
I feel like Big Brother watch out because now you
have Big Sister, Kyle's a part of it, and Kyle

is a big Sister. We're gonna put away on you.
Yeah yeah, I mean she's mascot him and Devon. I
can't waits crush them. Yeah, basic history so good. So Kyle,
I want to know this. It has been a couple
of months since we got home. What have you been
doing on the off season? Like, what do you do?

When I got home, I flew from Iceland, I flew
back to the UK. And when I got home to
the UK, and there was a little thing called lockdown
and they explained it me at the airport. Absolutely sucks,
by the way, absolutely sucks. Not fun at all. I
thought it was like a cool swunk e club. I

was going to go and I was like, oh my god,
that sounds amazing. Everyone just like locked down together. Not cool. Yeah,
but you the UK went into lockdown on the day
I got back from Iceland and we're still in it now. Wow.
So like, is nothing thing's opened? Nothing's opened. I just
been sitting with a dog drinking beers and that's it.
No restaurant, man, No restaurants, no nothing. I've been sitting

in the garden drinking beers with the dog. And I've
done about forty pushups since. So that's how you've been
training for it. Ten pushups every two weeks. But I
gotta say this one thing about Kyle. I don't know Tory.
If you watched him walk around in the gym, but
and for the listeners out there, I'm gonna tell you
how Kyle works out. He'll pound like sixteen beers. The
next day, he'll walk around the gym, he'll think about

working out, and then the next day he'll think about
it or not think about it, and then all of
a sudden, he'll go and run for like forty five minutes,
pick up everything in the gym, every weight with the
rarest of forms that look like it would break even
the healthiest of bats. But he's like a monster. And
I love that about him because I know one thing

I don't know who. I think it's just in your
in your nature, yeah, culturally, like in your DNA to
like yeah, when you have to fucking put on you're
the bringer of death. Like yeah, I'm scared because you
don't give a shit. And that's what I love. Like
you do not have fear of things except jumping down
during trivia, but other than that, like there's no guy

that frightens you. You'll do anything to win, and I
love that. Like scrappy, Like you know, once you're being
in that many fights once, so once once you've been
in a fight was growing up. Obviously I got my
ass kicked blood, and once you've had your ass kicked,
once you realize if you get your ass kicked, it's
the same every time, you know, So it doesn't matter

if a big guy kicks my ass or a small
guy kicks my ass. It's still an ass kicking. So
I don't care who I go against it. Yeah. I
imagine you, Kyle, growing up like drinking your dad's liquor,
digging a hole in your backyard fence, finding the neighbor's
dog and wrestling it. You know, yeah, exactly, that's your

childhood right yeah, now, but yeah, I see that for you.
And he was in the pub. He wasn't sealing his
dad's liquor. He was at the pub, Yeah, as like
a three year old. Yeah, like a twelve year old. Yeah,
I mean it's like ten twelve whatever. Love it? Oh god, Well, Kyle,
look in the future seasons, Like, how do you plan
because you know, you have this little bit of a

rep people think that maybe you're a little snake. Obviously
I'm not saying that about you, but how do you
plan on evolving or changing your game so that you're
perceived the way you want to be perceived? Well, well,
I tried to do that this time and never screwed
anyone over. Um didn't really like go at anyone, I
would say. I mean I went to people, but I

didn't screw them over in a sense of I told
them I was going to do something. I didn't do it,
apart from the whole thing at the start with West,
but I can't vote West, and like West messages me
all the time, he's a good friend. He's never fucked
me over, and I know he's done stuff to you guys,
but I'm really I'm over it. Yeah yeah, yeah, But

I feel like the annoying thing about Ittori is people
in the show are always like, oh, I'll just such
a snake. No, you say you're gonna do some me.
So he's doing what are you guys doing? Because everyone's
doing it do each other, but they won't admit. The
only difference is on my interviews on my little box
in the screen, I go, yeah, I'm a snake. I
want to win the money, like yeah, but no one

else admits that. And it's like the characters like Corey
you get them, Festy, you get the I want to
be the best, I want to be the biggest competitor. Guys,
you screw chip all the time, but you just forget
about it, and if you don't mention it, then you
think that you'll be forgiven. Yeah, yeah, I'm with you
on that. Especially Faesty this season. That was some snake shit.

Oh he was. He was a serpent. It was a
fucking it was a fox like paired with a snake,
paired with a cat. That's really sneaky like. He was
a mashup of different animals. I don't I don't fucking
trust it seems like my sleep paralysis demon that I
see at night. I don't ever I don't ever want
you to describe that again, sleep process. Now you're you're

sleep paralysis demon had breasts? Yeah yeah, it comes in
many four. It did low hanging breast. Not to anybody
did it look like me? If I saw you, it
would have turned from sleeper House's demon to a wet
dream you know. Oh God, we have some We're gonna

do a collaboration it last question, Anisa, give him our
last favorite question to ask, because okay, ask everybody this,
who if anyone he already did when he put that
depository in his ass? Who is your dream? Challenge? Partner
out of any celebrity or athlete, and who am I

gonna pick? Who am I going to pick? I would
pick Anissa. Oh spicy, spicy, spicy. Yeah, that's who I
would pick. Oh Man, I love you, he's my celebrity partner.
Oh yeah, Kyle. They should just let us go on

the next show, just you and I can give us
a lot of dumb shit to do, whether drunk or sober,
and see how just survive. I'll be tj. Oh. I
wanted to be this idea for a TV show. I'm
gonna be TJ's sidekick and I'm going to come to
the house and live there. It'll be so good. Yeah,
so good. Yeah, that is good. I would literally go

into rooms and find out what they're talking about, then
just go to the rest of the house and tell them.
I'd be like, I don't about you, and there you
know I can't, Kyle. Everyone be so much more paranoid. Kyle.
I love you. I thank you for remembering finally that
you had to come on here today. You are joy.
I didn't forget what you're talking about. Absolutely, Kyle. We

love you so much. We can't wait to hopefully see
you again in the future. Hopefully we can all have
a nice big sister conversation and talk about phones and
old men at bars. And I think that we really
have something here. So Kyle, thank you for opening up
your part in your mind and your thighs and your
everything else that you've opened for us. Sorry. Oh yeah,

I can't wait to open your DMS today. Yeah, I know,
I'm looking for them nude skills. Kyle. Where can people
follow you? And where can people send you? Send you
interesting content? Um? You can follow me at Kyle C
G shoal or you can have my home number. Are

you going to come looking through his phone right now?
Who's fucking number is you about to give out? Oh?
My god, good thing? You don't have my number? Yeah?
Or mine? All right? Well, Kyle, we love you, don't stop.
We love you. I was gonna give them Johnny Banana's
phone number. So funny, Kyle, it was a pleasure you.

We need to see you more often on here. We
love you. The reliance Sick sister, Sick sister. Once again,
Kyle is always a gem. Hopefully he will be part

of our big sister alliance too. We have a lot
of things going on, Kyle. Thank you so so very much.
Um I wish I could have him on every day. Yes,
I really do. I think he's amazing. He is amazing.
He's such a good pirate. I love that about him,
and uh yeah, I really do. Let's get into some
listener transmissions. Anissa, I have one of my favorite fans

in the world, Philip. He reached out and he said,
how do you pack for a season if you don't
know where you're going? So, Anissa, why don't you just
break it down? I will, because you're not going to
take any tips from Tori. One thing is to ignore
the packing list that one of our producers and our
talent cornators will send us, which will give us like
one bathing suit, six pairs of punties, two bras, like no,

I'm gonna bring eighteen pairs of leggings, seven pairs of sweatpants.
They'll give you some degrees forty five to seventy five,
but with a high maybe of eighty five but not
lower than forty two, but sometimes going to thirty five fahrenheit,
so you don't really know what to pick. So it's

kind of like pack so you just pack for all seasons,
like a little bit of everything because we end up
wearing a lot of the same shit over and over again.
Or Tori will just borrow all of your things and
then she'll look like she has this wonderful wardrobe and
you will look homeless with one tide eyed sweatshirt and
a pair of biker short And he's the only thing

I'm training for in this offseason is how to pack
better for the challenge. Okay, I'll work it on it.
You're gonna come over. I also, um, I also got
into packing cubes. If no one's heard of them. They
are amazing. They shrink down a little bit, put all
your stuff in there, and organize it. They all have handles,
so if you go somewhere, you don't even need to
unpack it. Just put your shit in there and you're

good to go. And it fits everything. See this is
why Anissa is the strategy genius because she starts from
the from the jump to the to the tip. I
don't know what that means, but she always has her
shit together. What I mean she always you know who
does it, Tories, Because we're going from the jump to
the chip, so Anissa goes from the beginning to the end. Yeah,

that would have been that's the jump to the tip off.
No one knew. Oh god, Anisa, Well, thank you for
that great advice. I'm taking notes and I'm going to
copy and paste that into my jump next time before
I tip off on the cheet. Okay, let's get into
something that I really love, and that's plug in your

social here so people can send you some love via
social media. You guys can find me on Instagram at
Tanissa MTV. That's a N E E s A MTV.
SENDI dms, love me, say things that are nice and kind,
virtual hugs, whatever you want, whatever you want. And Tori,
where can they find you on the tip? Do you

can find me on the tip at Tori Underscore dal
Please send me DM me a picture of a Q
tip today if you feel like it. I would really
see I would like to see how many people dm
me a Q tip. Okay, and just make sure that
you watch new episodes of the Challenge every Wednesday and
then go behind the scenes with us the next morning
on MTV's official Challenge podcast.
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