All Episodes

March 11, 2021 56 mins

Tori and Aneesa talk to fan favorite Challenger and Big Brother champion, Kaycee Clark, to figure out her strategy going into this week's challenge, the secrets behind her political game, and her least favorite thing about ram balls. The challenge vets also discuss this week's elimination, Fessy's risky moves, and a house growing more and more tense as the final approaches.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's up everyone. I'm Tory and I'm Anissa, and this
is MTV's official Challenge podcast where we go behind the
scenes of the Challenge double Agents. Like I always say,
the podcast is not spoiler free, so before we go
behind the scenes, make sure you're up to date on
all the latest Challenge episodes. On this episode, we're going
to talk about that insane Overnight Challenge, a huge shake

up in the House, and Nanni's big political moves. We're
also going to talk to fan favorite challenger and Big
Brother champion Casey Clark, so stick around for that. Yes,
I love Casey. I'm so excited and these So let's
just get started, all right, and you say here we

are in your least favorite segment of the show, way House.
I gotta say something about safe House today. If no one,
if no one can hear this voice of mine. It
actually a couple of days ago, I was like I
had a cold and then it went right into my
throat and attacked my little vocal cords. So I am

sound a little crazy. So Tori is gonna say a
lot today. I'm gonna try and give my best thirty
six second recap, but I can't promise that I'll be
able to speak for that long. Jess You're gonna do
a great job. I have a lot of faith in you.
You give all you can, Jessica. You gave all you
could on that challenge. It wasn't your fault. Your partner
let you down. And this time I'm your partner and

I'm not like, Okay, I'm your partner and I'm not
let you down. So we're gonna get through this one together. Ansa.
You're ready for your thirty six second recap? No, okay,
well here we go. I need the timer. Let's go.
All right. We arrive and it smells like fish, but
no one understands why it smells like fish, and no
one smells it but me. I guess I have the

pregnant nose. All it smells fish. We get locked in
a cage and I'm chained to Fessi, where I didn't
really want to be. Then we get big old balls.
You know it doesn't have balls, Fessy, because he didn't
eat any of them. Then we have some mark to
cheese shoes didn't smell, that didn't taste that bad. But
whatever happens happens. Then we get out of that Nani
know she needs to go into elimination, so her and Gaby,
the only two women without skulls, they go in the
Nanni wins, Nannie steals, Fessi Festi goes because he already

knew that and he didn't want to be my partner.
But Fessi's a dick, a big old dick, and that's
how I feel about him. And I'm with Kyle, and
you know what, I'm happy to be there. They're done, done,
done and amazing. I mean, like, you said you didn't
want to do it, and you did the damn thing. Yeah,
I did it. I fucking I did that. I'm raging today.
I feel like I feel like there's smoke coming out

of my ears for folks that can't see me. I
try to stay unaffected by these things, but it does.
You know, some of these episodes get You're right in
the jugular. You know, I'm sorry, and that's fancy for jugular.
You're gonna get every opportunity to speak your truth on
this podcast, so I'm not You got a lot to
get off your chest and you're gonna be able to
do it here. So and you have thirty six seconds

to recap shit, are you ready? Yeah? Girl in three
two one disclaimer, I don't have a wrap this time. Okay,
you get to the challenge. It looks like it's a
Blumhouse movie. That's right. It looks like saw. I thought
there was a little puppe guy gonna come out in
the corner. No, instead, we got balls and we got chains, balls,
chains and like handcuffs and shit. If this was a port,

it would be called stinky, pinky, stinky, thinky. I don't
know what we would call it, but it would be nasty.
I kind of wished it was important. It looked like
it was get a little kinky. Okay, I'm gonna keep
moving forward. That's right. I think that Leroy and Casey
liked the balls. They acted like they wanted for the win,
but I'm pretty sure they liked it. It It looked good
for them. We're gonna find out later when we talk
to Casey that what happens. Nannie and Gabby are like, yeo,
let's go in and duke it out. What happens? Naughty?

Oh gee? That comes through bad fan beat bop poop.
I'm trying to waste my thirty six sss. I don't
know what more. You already passed it and not anyway,
that's the advice. No, I mean that counts you lose today.
But if you were in a competition and there are
winners and losers, a you tried, you don't like stinky, right,

I mean that was incredible. Kinky stinky stinky kinky would
that's what he would be called scratching sniff. All right,
let's talk about the play of the day. Who do
you think that had the best athletic move or best
you know what I mean. I'm gonna give it to
Gabby because you were not across from her while Corey

was projectile vomiting, and Gabby managed to move her body
in such a way. It's actually a two point play
the day. Move her body in such a way as
to not get thrown up on. And we were early
inches from each other with the chain. You see how
he throws up. He puts his head back every time

he eats, so he just pukes everywhere like a fountain. Yeah,
that's one. Two. Gabby doesn't have a throat. She swallowed
whole pieces of frevented fish. No, I had never seen
anything like it. I envied her throat that I actually
want it now because mine hurts. But she swallowed. I've

never seen anybody eat like that, I mean every time digestion.
That's so terrible for your digestion. Yeah, but we're only
we're only thinking about million dollars right now, girls, So
we're really saying your your digestion at this point. Yeah yeah. Ah. Man,
Well that one looked disgusting. Who do you think at
the dirtiest who do you think at the dirtiest deed
of the day. Well, I'm gonna give it to FESSI. Yeah,

because I think so. I asked FESSI straight to his face.
But if you don't want to be my partner, can
you please just tell me so we can make other arrangements.
Nah's good. I like, no, you clearly didn't. And what
did I say? Just let me know ahead of time? Yeah,
you want, we could have made different arrangements. I don't
want to look back on the show and look like

an idiot, and you know what happens. I don't look
like an idiot. But God, these guys on this show
really try and stick it to you. Yeah. I mean, like,
I can't even imagine how you feel. I was getting
upset for you watching this this episode because it sucks
having people talk like that about you and not being
able to say it to your face. I think that's
why it's the most And it's also like I understand
people don't want to ruffle feathers in the game because

you don't want to have like FESTI doesn't want you
gunning for him now that if he told you the
honest truth, but you ain't scared of nothing. He ain't
scared enohing. He's the best of everything. Yeah, but honest rapping,
singing and dancing. And also it's like in this game,
we come back for multiple seasons, so like if there
is a chance that you and FESSI are on the
same season again in the future, it's like, now you
feel even worse about it, Like it's even worse than

if you were to tell you to your face. So
I feel warned. Me. Yeah, what's your dirtiest team? Let
me get off that for a second. I mean, I
don't know what the dirtiest thing was. I really, I
just think TJ was dirtiest shit for making everybody eat
those balls. Like I was disgusted. I was dagging watching it.
I couldn't do that. The balls were more like a
skin kind of thing, like they were that gross, but

you push your finger and jelly would come out of him.
What first? What? Yeah, I have a disconnect. I don't know.
Was the smell of the fish, Like I wanted to
eat that, but because I was chained to FESSI I
couldn't eat, Like I hated being that close to him.
I wanted to be able to be I like to
move when I eat during eating challenges. Okay, but let's

get into this episode then, because there's a lot. Yeah,
what was it like being there? What was it like
hearing that noise? Like, just give me from the jump, Like,
I mean, we walked in and I'm like, no one
smells that? Does anyone smell that fish? Yeah? Nobody. I'm like, well,
maybe I'm pregnant because my nose literally could smell your
ass down the street, Like I can just smell stuff.

But it was just because it's fermented and maybe because
I've done you know, fear factor and I've smelled fermented fish.
You never really like you never forget those kinds of smells. Yeah,
but it was just overwhelmingly fishy in a dirty ass
warehouse that I don't know where they because it was
on an airfield, like on like a at an airport,
so we thought we were like jumping out of a plane. No,

you're gonna go get lock canna cage and eat balls
all night. And that medicine ball was so fucking heavy too, Yeah,
like how heavy forty so forty pounds for forty minutes
basically right over an hour over an hour over and
then music was like rarer and the lights were going.
It was so loud, I literally because what they were

doing it's like, um, if you watched Waco or but
it's like a scared like what police do to psychologically
fuck with you, like when they're using like hostage situations
and shit, they try and like drown you out with
music and lights and to drive you crazy. And that's
what we were going through. I mean, and you can
see it, like for the rest of the competition. Obviously
you could see some teams were going really hard and

others seemed like they didn't care. Do you think that
like that beginning really like made people not want to continue,
or do you think that there was more strategy behind it?
I mean, there was so much food, and we already
knew that it was going to be a girl's day,
or at least we assume that once. Now I'm left
that what was going to happen because big team was rogue,
would make sense to have a guy's day and leave

an oral rogue. So thinking that, we're like, oh, well,
you know, Nannie and Gabby are going to get voted
in any way, so gotcha. So everybody already kind of
had the idea, Nannie and Gabby, we're gonna go and
and get their skulls. So it was kind of like,
why am I going to eat these balls? If I
know I'm not involved, I would have done the same
ship my house would not have eaten that if I
didn't have to. I would have rather taken that insult

from TJ. They've gone through all that day because why
for nothing? And my partner wasn't going to eat. But
you know, those interviews are after the fact, so yeah,
he got to talk about how he didn't eat afterwards
to say, hey, I didn't eat on purpose, No, you
just can't eat boo boo. Yeah, well, you know what
we're gonna find out eventually, right, because eventually he's going

to get another eating challenge and he might not be
tethered to a partner, so we will have to see well,
maybe not in this season, but potentially in future seasons
if he does come back. So that is an interesting thing. Guys,
Bessy might have a weakness. It might be balls his
finding his own All right, well, let's give it up
for the winner because we got Casey and Leroy. We're
gonna Casey later on in this episode, Leroy killed that shit.

I love that Cam help them with that math equation,
like all did, oh, everybody did. There was well I
was trying to help too. There was dust on the
table and we were literally going through that because we
were like, we might as well help them win because
I trusted I Cam and I are an alliance. Now
out Camp's my number one girl. Yeah, so if her
boyfriend wins, good for you, then I get my shit.

Casey's with FESSI, So like we were good. Yeah, So
we knew that they we just needed the right people
to win, so they'd put in the people. Because I
wanted to see Nannie do well this season, yeah, and
I wanted to run a final with her. So I'm like, Okay,
this is what we gotta do. If we're going to
try and run this final together in the end, totally
man and well. Good for Leroy Man, he pulled it out.

Good for Casey, they pulled it out. Well, listen, I
need to address this before we go winning further, because
there was a conversation in the house that Corey and
Bessie had involving me, So thank them for giving me
a little air time in this episode when your girl
got kicked off weeks prior. Not too mad about it,
but I gotta say, I just gotta put a little
I just gotta say it out loud because I'm not
trying to deal with any more rumors. It is what

it is. So obviously Corey was right. When I got
home from the challenge that week of being eliminated, my
ass and Jordan we split so and it had nothing
to do with anybody on that show. Like obviously there's
a lot that goes in to two people breaking up,
So just put that out there. But I'm sending all
love to Jordan. He's a good dude, so much respect

to him. But obviously, after like we get home and
like time has passed, Bessie and I definitely linked up
for a second to see what was good. But the
truth is that Bessie and I found out we are
definitely better as friends, so Corey was wrong. We didn't
date for a year, we didn't go to Mexico. Maybe
went some not compatible friends compatible. We're just homies and

that's it. So I'm just gonna say that right now.
Let everybody know that, everybody who's out there wondering what's
going on me and Bessie, absolutely nothing. It's all platonic
at this point in time. So water onto the bridge,
sia never all right, so now sorry, I'm pissed. Back
to back to the main production, which is now we
had to talk about the elimination because it was between

Nanni and Gabby and Gabby is a fitness instructor and
crushed that first round, right, so like she also you
could see the defeat though, because like everyone's cheering for Nannie,
every single person, okay, and you could see where like
when she just let's go that ring the second time,
like she was dragging her. I mean, they both put

up a great fight, and Gabby's really strong, she is
strong and Nani. Nannie did that though, man like icon
is a scrappy little thing. I know that. I'm just
trying to, you know, give the loser some you know,
um some words of encouraged mean. I mean, I really
liked Gabby in the house. We talked a lot, like

she became one of my favorite people. We would self
tan in the bathroom together, so ha, Bessie, I got
to see her in the thong and all over her body.
So who's the winner now? Me that? So yeah, I
did become close with her. But I was so proud
of Nannie finally pulling out this win. It was emotional.

She had just lost Josh, then she wins. He's out
there to see it. I know that she would have
loved that. He would have loved that for her, And
I'm just happy I got my girl back in the
house with me, her and I and our friendship has,
you know, become stronger. I know where she fits in
my life now as like my little sister. So our
relationship now that I understand our dynamic is so much

healthier for us, and I'm really happy about it. I'm
really happy that we got to we get to have
that now and hopefully it gets her head back in
the game until she goes and steals Bessie. Oh man,
Well she does that, and like you know, did she
give it us the game? Yeah, we talked about it.
We had a long time talk, and I was just

I was emotional whole week because I'm like, this is
the week that I go home. Yeah, at this time,
during every challenge, this is normally the week where I
go into an elimination and I go home. So we've
already been here for eight weeks and we you know,
so we're getting close to the end, and I'm just
anxious that it may happen again. And I'm like, oh,
So she sits down with me and she's like and
he said, you're not happy. She's like, I look at

you with him, and you're not happy. I'm like, this
sounds like a relationship, Like it really did start to
sound like that. And I was just like, guys, I
thought it was hot for one week I went to Bang.
I'm like, now that I know him, I don't want
that for myself. But it just hurt because it's like
just somebody leaving you. And maybe I have a banner minishes,

who knows, but no one wants to be left, especially
when the whole house was kind of making fun of it.
So like I think the added pressure. LeRoy's like he
does not fuck with you, like he does not want
to be your partner. And then Nannie's saying it like
in her interview, like don't you see the writing on
the wall, Like, no, bitch, you know when you're in
a dysfunctional relationship and you need somebody else from the
outside to tell you. That's what I needed. I needed

a friend to check me and be like, yo, bitch,
he's talking this shit. But I trusted Fessi so much.
When I had asked him, like, art do you not
want to be my partner? Him never telling me no
was on It was annoying, and I just had to
come to the realization, like my partner doesn't want to
be with me, and that's not a personal thing, Like
that has nothing to do with me as a person,

because I'm incredible, right and even as a competitor. As
a competitor, I just was in the headspace of like
if you give if you never give a person a chance,
how do you ever see them thrive or not? You know,
if you don't know what I can do, stop telling
me I can't do it, yep, because I'm still fucking here. Yeah.
So Nannie was like, I'm thinking about taking him. I'm like,

I was like, listen, do what you gotta do. I'm
just gonna tell you this. Whatever you do, just make
sure it doesn't fuck up my game. So if you're
gonna pick him, just make sure I'm cool. Make sure
like I'm gonna have a good partner, Like, thank god
there was Corey and Kyle down there, because I had
two great choices. I mean, any of the guys at
this point would have been great partners. So I would

have won anyway. And I even said it in the episode,
like I don't care who I'm with as long as
I get to that final it's just being but hurt. Yeah,
and listen, you have every right to be honestly, one
hundred percent, it hurts to not want to be wanted,
Like you said, why wouldn't that hurt? So I'm sad
and I'm sorry that that happened to you. But I
love you, and I know how powerful you are, and

I know that one day people are going to give
you the respect you deserve. And I love that you
get to stick it to Kyle and pick him as
a fucking partner because I was amazing. How amazing was that?
Like I was like, you douchebag, Kyle, you better take this.
You deserve this, Like you talked all that shit on
her and like, now guess what, she gets to pick
you And you did that so right, and I want it.

But it also makes sense. You pick the person with
the gold skull, you don't pick the person without one,
because the person without one's gonna want to go down there, right,
And then TJ's gonna put, you know, do some sneaky
shit and be like, oh, what is a girl's day? Right?
And I gotta go in again, and Corey's sitting there
like duh, no, that's not happening, right. Plus I know

how badly Kyle wants to win, and I know Kyle
will do whatever it takes to get there, and I
love that about him. And I'm like, this could be
a match made in heaven. We'll have to wait and see.
But everything that happened in this episode made me go
back and think like, shit, I really should have picked
Durell the first day. Ah well, listen, I can't think

like that. You can't go back now. You just know
for the future. And I know, but I may if
I have to go in again, I may just steal durell.
Oh you never know. Okay, I like where this is
my little thievery in the future, like a good thievery. Well,
you know what. I'm excited to talk to somebody later
in this episode, aka right now, who's coming in because

we have Casey Clark coming up. Guys, I love Casey.
Casey is a sweetheart. Yeah, so we're both really excited
to talk to her right after this short break and
see what is going on in her brown in her brain.
What's going on in a bronze kind of like a
brain but a bra but in a bronze. Who are you?

I don't know? All right, everybody, Well, we are so
excited for this part of the episode because Casey Clark,
the one and old cutie pie. I don't even know.
There's so many names that we can have for you. Casey,
you are such a badass, like like rookie legend. Obviously

you're not a rookie, but you're like a legend in
the making. I know you'd like to call yourself a rookie,
but we're not gonna even let you slide off that
easy because you can't cut yourself rookie. When you make
the final your first season, and you keep crushing these challenges.
We're gonna get into the episode first before we get
into any more information, but we really want to dive
in and learn as much about you as possible, because
it's an honor to have you on the showcase. Man, No,

thank you guys so much. I'm so excited to be here. Actually,
you know, I hear so many good things about you
guys running this podcast, So let's go brow power. Look, thanks,
Girman's International Day, Okay, yesterday, but Women's Internet every day day,
every day. I mean, it's actually international Woman's Day. Women's

International is probably a different day. It's probably a different day,
you know what I mean. But uh no, but you
guys are such powerful women, and I'm so glad to
be able to make you guys and you know, play
this crazy ass game with you guys, because I loved
her stround myself with strong, beautiful women. So you guys
are that so hey, I liked getting balls with you,
just a little bit of balls. I really would like

to talk about this this episode, especially this challenge, because
clearly clearly wasn't my forte and clearly not you balls
aren't your forte either, But definitelyushed this. And I just
want to know what are you thinking? Because I know
you smelled it when you got in there. I mean,
oh for sure it was. It was a stinky place. Yes,

tell me how you got through that. Tell me how
you got yourself through it to take the whim for
the day. Well, you know what I mean. I've never
eaten anything crazy like this before. So right before two
I was like, okay, you smell it whatever. I was like, yeah,
I've never eaten anything crazy. This is gonna be interesting
how it goes down. So you don't go home. You
don't go home and like practice eating raw chicken in

your fridge like we all do all the time. Tory,
I told you before about the raw chicken. We can't
use the raw chicken as a reference because someone's gonna
get sick. Okay, sorry, okay, okay, keep going kay sorry,
And um, and then my first season with you guys
on the Challenge, we don't have to eat anything. I'm like, okay, cool,
I got you know, I got through a season I
had to eat any crazy shit. So going, you know,

going to this, Um, I'm very aware, very aware mentally,
like I know that this will mentally mess with me
if I let it get to me. And I just
knew I had to literally not plug my nose. But
I don't know if you guys know what I mean.
Where you can kind of like not taste something. Nope, no, okay,
Well where you breathe in through your mouth and out

through your mouth while you're eating. Yeah, ye, doesn't make anything,
No exactly, No, just breathe in and out of your mouth,
don't use your nose, and you won't taste anything. Obviously,
I felt the texture and it was disgusting. And like
I said before, that's the first time and the last
time you've ever seen me that close to the balls. Yeah,
ever you all you hope, I hope, so for all

of us. Yeah, you know, how much of this challenge
do you think was mental verse physical? Because I obviously
you have to physically eat like dig but like the
mental part, come on, I say, I say majority mental
for sure. I mean you really have to just you know,
have that self talk with yourself, like Casey, don't even
think about it, don't even look at it. I was
telling me, where you look, we are not going to
look at these balls. You are not going to look

at this whatever shark stuff is shart oh shark, shark,
you have to eat this shark. There definitely were some
sharks that night. No, so um yeah, man, I mean
mean ley which just worked so well together. We were
literally just you know, just making you know, having fun

with it in a way kind of. I mean it
was disgusting, but um, just to be able to stay
calm with each other and talk her talk her way
through it. It was disgusting, but we and I was there.
I mean it seemed like forever as being a person
that helped you with the math. Yeah, you know, just
really trying because we knew at the end of the

day we had to put we wanted to put Gabby
and Nannie in. It was just a matter of who,
you know, wanted to get that win. And you secured
your third daily win and we were actually in competition
of like who's gonna get the most dailies the season?
And now you're beating me, so congratulations, thank you, You're welcome.

Now you know what it's so, I don't know, it's
just um oh no, that loud, that noise in their tory.
If you heard that screaming, I mean, yeah, I thought
I was gonna hurt my ear drums. It was so loud,
and I mean the you know, the show doesn't do
it justice, but being there in real life, it was cold,
it was loud, it was it was it was It

was a lot. But have you ever done an escape room?
It was kind of like that, except more in a
you know, look like I was waiting for that little
puppet to come out like video with a video like
unlock yourselves out of here, or Fessie will put his
actual balls in your mouth and kill you. Oh my god, Anita,

could you imagine like you just die in this case?
Because they were like you can't leave here, and for
after Casey and and leave roy Win, I'm like, wait
a minute, are they gonna let us out? I mean,
how long were you guys? Really? Guys for We were
in there for a while because we had to finish.
No one could leave until somebody won. So then I

was like, they were like, so you're gonna be in
here all night. I'm like, y'all are playing. Don't tell
me Nanny this, but it looks like her basement, so
you know, it brought back some I'm just kidding, Nana,
I'm just kidding. Okay, Wait, back to the way, Casey,
I gotta know which because you've won three daily missions
this season, You've won Roadkill, Aerial Takedown, and now survived

the night Which one was the most satisfying to win? Um,
the moment we're hanging from the helicopter, the cargo one, Yeah,
it looked like freaking Avoca like Amicado bag was hanging
from a helicopter. Was amazing. Yes, that one, Um, you
know what It's like? What does the helicopter involved? I'm
an adrenaline junk year. I'm like, okay, let's do it.
What do we gotta do? Let me just hang on

this and we're pushing other girls off. I'm all about it.
And yeah, I Tori, you would have loved be Yeah,
I was just watching that one back. Would have loved
that one. That one hurt me the most. Watching that
one back, I was like, damn, why can't I just
not be a loser one season? Just make it past
the fourth challenge? That would be so oh fucking great.
I felt so bad bad for you. I haven't I

haven't spoke to you about that, but I felt so
bad for you on your elimination, Like I had even
so frustrating not being able to get that thing down.
I was like, it's good, you know, you go home.
I used to kill it, us to kill it, so
I can't be mad. At least my best he got
that skull, you know, yeah, so sucked. I mean you
got your school. This is about you, Casey and your skull. Yeah,
you're to go in against Teresa. She's a season vet.

She was killing it this season so far. How did
that feel? Yeah? It felt. It felt so good and
they didn't really show it like in the episodes, but like,
you know, the day before, it's like I was pretty
much saying like, yeah, you know, Amber, Hey, if you
don't want it, I will take it. But if you
absolutely don't want it, I will take it. And whoever
I go against, I'll go against. And I was okay
with going against Teresa. I heard, you know, she was

kind of saying, like my name too, and I don't
know if that's true, but someone told me that she
you know, and I'm no dummy, right, I know that,
you know, she sees me as a threat, so she
wanted to get out, you know. Someone. She came into
my room and Teresa was like, so, how good is Casey?
I'm like, Oh, she's amazing, but what do you mean,
because you know, I'm not gonna I mean, it speaks

her performance speaks for itself. But I know she's strong,
so I'm always gonna, you know, support her. And we've
played the game before together. Um, so I let her
know and she was like, oh, okay, Like that's somebody
else I need to to look at because look, we
saw it with Ashley. Like the minute she saw Ashley
as a threat, she was like, well, I got to
get rid of her. So I think that that was
her next thought for Casey. Well, yeah, itself. And then

when that happened, when I heard that, I was like, okay, cool,
It's like I know she's a beast, man. I know.
I hear she kills it, you know, in the final
or whatever, you know. And I was like, okay, well,
it's either I get her out now and or I
get her out later, especially because I wasn't working with her,
right It's it's different if I'm working with someone and
we're gonna make it to the final together and hatch
it out there. But I wasn't working with Teresa, so
I was like, look, she gotta go, and um, if

it means I gotta take her out now before the final.
Let's make it happy. And everything worked out. Man. She's
a beast though, and I'm mad respect to her. And
that elimination was crazy. It was so intense. I just
as I'm watching it, I was getting tired all over
again just watching it. But it was it was cool.
She's she's a competitor. So I mean, you're you are

just seriously and amazing. I can't call you. You're not
a rookie. You're like in this like middle spot right yeah,
your second season. You're not a rookie. You're you're you're
at like you made it to varsity on your first
like yeah, your first tryouts. Like, so that's it varsity.
Oh Man, thank you so much. On your VR right

now you are the captain VR. She's like a varsity rookie. Yeah, captain.
We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out for any
other rookies. Like, because you crushed it, you're crushing it
on your second season. You crushed it on your first season.
You made it to the final. Like, what advice do
you have for rookies that are looking to establish themselves
in the game early on? Oh Man and building relationships,

I would say, yeah, I should, I should take that advice.
I've done five and now I'm going to advice from you. No. No,
I mean I think a lot of times people look
at it, you know, you see the challenge and it's
like it's, you know, there's some badass challenges that we're doing.
But I think, you know, sometimes people forget that we're
playing a game with human beings, you know, and it's

it's a big part of the game. And um, yeah,
I think relationships are huge. And speaking of relationships, you
and Libroy had a phenomenal one this season, even though
he always talks about how she doesn't talk. Yeah, yeah, well,
you know what, we did not talk in the house, Tory,
Like literally we didn't we wake up in the morning,

good morning, you know, good morning whatever. We did not
talk to each other. We really did not. You didn't
talk to me, I didn't talk to him. But when
we get to the challenges, we had great We had
great communication, and we just had the understanding that we
both we knew we both wanted to win. And I
don't know which was weird. It was just a weird
you know chemistry and which has worked out. Man, yeah,
and you guys were together since the beginning of the season,

so like, what made yeah partnership even happened in the
first place. You know What's funny, So in the very beginning,
you know, picking partners, everything happened so fast, right, Everything's
happened so fast. So I'm like, okay, cool, I'm like,
I don't I don't even see anybody. I feel like
everyone was already in pairs. And then MITCHI is now
standing next to me. He's holding on to me. He
was like, you know, wanting to be partners. And I
was like, and I felt really bad. I was like, oh,

I don't mean, you know, I don't mean this is
in a bad way. And I was like, just one second,
let me and I was like, look around, I told him,
and I was like, dude, Michi, I'm so sorry. Yeah,
you know, because it's like, okay, he's a rookie, he's new,
and I know he would just be a target. I'm like,
I can't tie myself with someone. So I told him.
I was like, hold on, huh, I know. He was
still like standing next to me. And then so I
see from Afar and I see Josh, and then Josh

like poled his hand out and I just I'm like, okay, cool,
let's go this way because and I felt really bad.
I told MITCHI later on when we went back in
the house, I was like, dude, I'm so sorry. I
hope you understand, like, um, don't take it, don't take
a personal you know, it's just all game. And I
felt really bad. He's a good guy, and you know,
we talked about it in the beginning. I wasn't gonna
be partners with Josh or Festi because we talked about it.

We're like, okay, look, big brother, let's you know, cover
a lot of ground and not be partners. And then um, yeah,
we'll go from there. And then it just it just
it like can of accidentally happened to be partners with
Leroy and I'm like he's awesome. Yeah, he's amazing, and
it just it just worked out. He's one of the best, though,
Jesus is, because he's just got this like amazing balance

of performing well being hilarious. Like I think that like's
so funny, so funny. I like having somebody comical in
a house that's like pretty hostile. It's like that's such
an undervalue trait in people. And that's why I think,
going back to what you said about building relationships, it's
so easy for him to do that because he's just
so likable. And yeah, for you like that both of

you really were successful in that area for sure. Yeah,
we're similar in a lot of ways. I feel like
we're just very laid back. Yeah, you know, it takes
a lot to get under a skin. We like to
joke around a lot. And then and and when we
you know, when the missions came, we were just so
calm we talked to each other. It would just be
like it just it was amazing. Yeah, and like it's
it sucks, you know, obviously he's retiring. He's mentioned it

a few times in interviews already, and it's it's so
sad to watch him go as an og as a VET,
but you know, you got to be his partner, Yeah,
majority of the last season thus far. And I'm curious, like,
did he pass you any like old vet knowledge before
he left the game? No he did it, but you know, no,

he definitely didn't. But you know what I'll take from
him though, is, uh, he's just such a hard worker
and this season he showed out, you know, like, you know,
he was really focused and you know, not drinking that
much and you know, wanting to just you know focus
on his you know, working out and just being in
the right mindset. And you know, I have nothing to
really compare it to, but when I hear people say that,

you know, he used to be the one where he
was just there to be there and you know, just
party or whatever the case, and to see him how
he was really just taking this seriously this season, mad respect,
you know. So um, yeah, he's a good guy. He's
a really good guy. He's a good guy. Man. It's
obviously going to be really sad to see him go,
but like he was an outstanding person to have made

such a career out of the show. So God bless you, Leroy.
Speaking of brothers, let's talk about this big brother. I
love so much. I love all of you guys. I
can't even lie. Like I tried working with you guys early.
There was one time when you were like all sitting
at the chess thing. I like snuck over. I'm like,
all right, guys, what are you doing because I want
to be in there. Yeah, you know what, we love

you tour. You were such a beast like you really are,
and UM to be honest if you want me to
be honest on why, I'm like, it was just I
feel like it was hard to read you. Like honestly,
it's like, yeah, we're when we were a meeting, when
we met at that chess area and we're like, okay, cool.
Like I was so down, like let's make it happen.
But I think as days went on, I was like
I didn't know where your head was at, and it

was you were just kind of hard to read, and
I don't know, and you and Anissa, I felt like
you guys were you know, you guys did your own
little thing and it was just like excluded yourself from
the group from everyone. I was like, damn, it was
like I just didn't know how to you know, you
were just hard to read, you know. But I really
love you and adore you. I'm like, damn, like, can
we make this work? You know? It's all good man,

Hopefully we'll have more seasons to figure some shit out.
So I had some rookie ass social mistakes. I am
a political layup at this point in time. So I'm
just gonna work on being better. I'm gonna take some
advice from you, somebody who crushed it in Big Brother,
and I was crushing it in the Challenge. So I'm curious, like,
did Big Brother give you that experience that you needed
to be successful? Oh? Dude, for sure. So people ask

me all the time, which one's hard to Big Brother
of the Challenge, I say big Brother mentally, you know,
the Challenge physically, right, So, um, the Big Brothers just
way more strict than the Challenge, like and it's just
so wild. So I think going from Big Brother and
then to the Challenge, you know, it was longer on
Big Brother. I was stuck in there for three and
a half months. I didn't get to talk to anybody.

We couldn't take naps. I couldn't hum, I couldn't you know,
listen to music. I couldn't whistle, you couldn't do any
of that. And now you know on the Challenge, and
I'm like, oh damn, I mean we can take a
nap here, you know, yeah, totally. You know, it's like
it's just night and day. But I mean, even before
Big Brother, I've been watching, so I think I subconsciously
I learned a lot watching Big Brother. Since I was

ten years old and when you're watching a game when
it's full of like human beings, like a like a
kind of like an experiment, you learn a lot. Since
I was ten years old and that was probably like
twenty years of watching the show every year, and I
just learned so much from it and I think it
just helped me. So yeah, well, I mean and you
absolutely brought it, you know, and the Big Brother alliance
is so strong. You have Bessie, Josh and Amber. But

like if in the Painted ass legit, I was like,
you know what, I think I'm gonna have to remove
myself from this alliance, guys, because it is too damn much.
I gotta it's a dramatic alliance hard and you know what,
and they knew. I was frustrated too, because I'm like, look, guys,
this game's already hard. You guys were making it way harder.
And I don't know how much long I can do this.

But I mean, I love them, I care about them,
and I think we do understand the importance of having
like a solid alliance. And then, you know, come from
Big Brother, numbers and numbers, numbers, Numbers is everything and
Big Brother having a strong alliance is everything. On Big brother.
We had alliance of six, and four of us made
it to the end, you know. So it's like we
just understand, you know, the importance of it. So but

if they weren't, if they weren't there, if you didn't
have the big brother fam to ride out with, who
would you have been in alliance with? Yes, casey, who
was There's like one right answer, right understand, Yeah, right
of course A Nissan and Tori. You know, you know

how to play this. I would say, I go, I
go off of like vibes and energy, I really do.
And I'm sure you guys feel the same, right Like
you can feel vige and energy if I can feel
like you're cool, and we can you know, make things
work awesome and um yeah, so that's the thing that
we were too. I couldn't trust him. I couldn't trust him,
he couldn't trust me, And then you know, I just
had to feel it out. What So she knows though

she knows we isolated ourselves. Though you guys did know
you guys didn't funny though you guys are so funny together.
How about you guys like thank you together with everybody else?
All right? All right, so take those notes tory, because
I need you to strategize for next time with other people,

not just me making friends. Making friends is my job now, Casey,
if we go, if we go on a challenge together again,
you can come for our morning walks where we hungover
and we just walk around and squares. Invite me. Yeah,
we'll send you a text also known as like we'll

over and be like, yo, you got your two pound weights,
We're gonna go for a walk. Okay, you know what,
I think I think I got one invite to the
Celsius party, but or that have been out. You and
I did Celsius and C four together right, played outside
for three hours? Oh god, playing crotch ball. Oh yeah, yeah,

you're right. That was so much fun. Everyone think about it. Well,
crotch we we grabbed the ball, I mean to catch
it with your crotch, and we ran on the treadbill
and throw balls with each other like to each other. Yeah,
after you left me then I went, good, that's good.
That's good. I'm proud of her for picking. Honestly, I

missed you, snack, Okay, I missed you. That's so case
you are. You are one of those people, like you said, man,
you just get along ball. Like I said, you get
along with everybody. You're never gonna say that about yourself
because you're humble, so humble, so smart. But I gotta know, like,
what was it like being the glue and like the
Josh Feci liliance when everything kind of popped off and
like FESSI went in there and like took Nelson out

because I know that like blew up. It was a lot. Man,
it was a lot. And you know, even in my
interviews are saying like, Casey are the glue to this
big brother alliance, And I'm like, I don't know how
much longer I can stick. You know what I'm saying,
like I'm gonna, you know so And just after, you know,
with FESSI doing that, I was like, dam can I
trust him? Like you're you're you're doing a lot right now, buddy,

I love and I care about you. But if you're
gonna keep you know, doing you know, being a little
rebel and not even you know, caring about this alliance,
then I don't know, I don't know. It just makes
it hard. But it definitely made it hard. But Josh
it feels bad. He tells me. It's like Casey's so
sorry for you know, putting through all that. But I
literally had to, you know, always consistently check him with Josh, Hey,

we're good with Jay. Hey, we're good with Amber b. Hey,
we're good with like you guys, like, let's do it, hey,
FESSI communicate like FESSI would come up to me, he'd
be like, Hey, what should I say to so? And
so I'm like, look, just what you're gonna say? You
know this he didn't mean to do it. And then
so it's like, I don't know, it was just a
you need a raise, you need a fuck it. I
got stressed out hearing grown men come up to you

and be like what do I say to this person?
That made me really uncomfortable. Casey I would have been like,
figure it the fuck out, man. It was a lot.
I would have to say. This season was like the
first season was hard, you know, coming in as like
a Ricky Ricky and then just still trying to learn
the ropes, and then coming in this season I felt
a lot more comfortable. I felt like I was in

my element with the whole political social game and all
that stuff, and um, I don't know, it's hard. It's
a lot. It's a lot of damn work. Okay, Yeah,
I'll remember for next time when you think about the
Big F and the Big J that you want to
be a part of the Big Brother alliance. I mean
you already know who. No, we could just rename it.
You already know who's a part of it. Last week,

Rihanna is a part of it. So, I mean, I'm
sure that's our big runs back on that. We're gonna
be like, look, Rihanna said that Rihanna's part of this alliance.
Do you guys, you guys want to be a part
of it too. That's our pitch. Do you think work? Yeah,
that's not gonna work. She's not gonna be there. My
answer is still yes. My answer is definitely yes. Absolutely
see that awkward tory. You're gonna have to work on it.

At that time that didn't believe it. Definitely. Well, Max
and Max are gonna have the intel in the van
and I'll let you know where you actually belong. That
is hilarious. I love that whole van thing. Listen, you
gotta get him where you fit in, you know, and
sometimes fit sometimes you fit in the field. Yeah, kind

of field van kind of thing. We're figuring it out. Yeah,
but it's good man. It's because we jump out on
the van. Sometimes you got to hide out and avoid
all that drama and easy in the van. Yeah. Literally,
what Casey does she avoids drama all the time. So
Casey she's actually another Max. How do you do it?
How do you stay so neutral? How do you do it? Well?
You know what it is. I was really trying to
think about this too, like what is it? Like? Why

am I not in a lot of drama? First off,
I don't like to just start petty shit if if
you know, like, I don't like to waste my energy,
my breath over something that's you know whatever. And I
like to honestly, I like to just stay treated myself
and if you know whatever, whoever doesn't like it, I
don't give a damn. That's just what it is. And
so um I would say, I feel like no one
tries me. That's what I'm like, No one tries me, honestly.

It's like, I mean, when you guys to pick on
me or something, do something like, you know, I don't
think you're a triable person. I'm just not interesting. Yeah,
I think that's why I'm not a lot of drubs.
You don't do anything. I don't. That's annoying. I don't
make any promises I cannot keep. I'll tell you that

I voted for you, and he'sa or I'll you know.
I told Corey that I voted for him. So it's
like if I already have it all out there and
I have no secrets and nothing like, it just makes
my life easier. And I don't. I don't know. I
just don't make any promises. I cannot keep my eye.
Just I don't know. And then no one comes at me,
and then I'm gonna need someone to come at me.
And then did I did? I did come at you?

We can hash it out, Yeah, you did a briefcase lady,
I did come at you. We'll talk about that at
a later date. But Casey, you voted for me this
same I did. And you know what, because I didn't
think you were going to it was really hard, my partner.
When did you vote for you when we went in

against you? Oh my god, kid, I'm so sorry. Remember yeah,
I said you weren't triable. Remember when I said you tryer, bitch,
try it right now, I'm trying so I can tell you.
I mean to be honest, it was. It wasn't easy,
right because I love you and you so but I
think for me it was I can I can really
differentiate personal in game, and that was definitely not personal.

It was strictly game and it had to happen, and
especially because personal because I know, I know, and you
know how much I love personal. And that's why I
had to tell I had to tell you straight up,
and you were I asked you. I asked you, bitch,
I asked you yeah, because I went to the room
and I was gonna tell you because where I told
you first? Oh no, you asked me that I walked

in there, and then I told you, yes, you were
a limit. I was like, oh my goodness, she's gonna
hate me forever. But the next day you said so
much and I understand. I mean, remember we got in
a fight on total madness that I didn't talk to
you maybe for like sixteen hours, and then the next
day and then we hugged because I was like, I

can't say mad. What was that was that when the
noodle fight? Was that that one? That was when you
and I argued about haubraw. Oh my gosh, we were
both not even mentally there. Yeah yeah, and you'd never
seen a haubraw before. But I was like, all right,
we'll talk about it. I forgot about that. That is
so funny. Yeah that was our first fight. Wow, I

love it. Look how far we we were close last
season though, Okay, we're close really, I know we really were.
But I wanted to give you your space this season.
I don't want to seem too needy. Oh stop, I
wish I would have been. Well, there's always another season,
hopefully where I could be as needy as I want
to and I have permission. Okay, I'm curious, like because

obviously this is your second season, and like I want
to know what do you do when you're not training
for the challenge or when you're not getting ready for
a show. And also did you watch the challenge before
you got on it? Like did you prep yourself for
any of this? Okay? So, like before going the challenge,
I eat a lot of chips and testable and that
I made sure that I'm ready to go. I believe it.

I actually believe that. Okay, So what do I do before? Okay? Well,
first off, I never used to watch the Challenge. I
know my dad watched it. I've seen like episodes here
and there of like the Real World and all that stuff,
and I saw like a couple of episodes here for
the challenge. My dad's like, oh, you should go on there.
I'm like, ah. I honestly was hesitant for my first
season to go on because like, oh, there's just too

much d Why would I want to put myself in
that situation? Right, And I almost didn't want to go.
I did almost didn't go on the first season. And
then I went on. I was like, this is amazing.
Everyone's awesome. Of course, you know, it wasn't as you know,
as my drama. So I'm like, this is amazing, everyone's amazing.
I actually love it. So I never used to watch
it before coming on, you know, obviously I had to
watch like at least one or two seasons. And yeah,

and the other question was what do I do to prepare?
I meditate a lot, you know, I give my mind
drag because I know mindset is everything, especially going I
don't think people understand how crazy this damn game is mentally, emotionally,
you know, and physically. I would say it would be
the last part for me, but um, I would say,

I just try to do versatility. I just try to
do different shit, you know, I just try to you know,
I'm swimming, I'm doing yoga, I'm doing puzzles, I'm working
on my math. Guys, just honestly altogether, just getting my
mind right, because that's that's the way I look at
That is my most important thing, is my mindset and
me mentally preparing to get into this thing totally. I mean,

like sometimes I do, like after being in finals where
you have to stay up all night, I thought about
like just like pulling it all nighter and like chugging
a beer, running a mile and a half, doing a
microscopic and trying to memorize like that, like like that's
the only way to train for this shit. Man, Yeah,
do some crazy and then and then add some balls
and the like. Then I'm gonna after a chug a

beer and run a half a mile and a half,
I'm gonna go find random balls and I'm gonna eat
them Tennis balls, soccer balls, rams balls. It's hard, right,
You can't really prepare for a challenge really, I mean,
it's just no, just a bunch of random shit and
you just gotta be able to adapt last minute and
make shit happen. Yeah, I think like the people who
make this shit literally pull just put random words in

a bag and just like pick them out, like eat
ball puzzles and eat some ball puzzles. Gosshit not another
ball puzzle. Oh my gosh. Oh man, it's o Casey
look into future seasons because you already got so much
of the game down on lock. Do you feel like

you need to evolve your game in any way or like,
if you were to go on, how do you feel
like you would approach it? Oh? I honestly went a
lot from you guys too, you know, going in there
and uh, I yeah, speak for yourself. I'm perfect and
I'm just kidding. Um no, so yeah, I mean damn

what was I saying? What was the question? Learning from
our mistakes? Like, how do you plan on changing or
evolving your game? Are you guys taking notes? Um? Well,
if we see Casey next time, this is what we know?
Oh man, so many different things. Um even know, that's

a that's a good question. That's a good ass question.
You think about it. This is a good question not
to have an answer for Casey. Very yeah, strategy more notes?
Say quiet? Oh yeah, you know what happens though. I mean,

I'm very transparent. Like when I when I'm quiet and
I don't say anything, I feel like I do everything
on purpose. Right, if I say nothing or if I
say something, it's on purpose, right, because it's it's just
I'm very I'm just very aware of things I see
or do and say. And um yeah, so do you
ever let yourself just go and be free? Yeah, when

I'm not playing the game. Kidding, Well, we got to
hang out when you're not playing the game, because yeah,
I need to see the care free like non strategists.
Well yeah, I mean I'm fun in the house too, right,
I like to joke around. I like to have fun.
You know, I'm it's just all part of your manipulation.
Remember that time and I was funny. Oh you know,

I adore you. We love you so much, dude. You
deserve to be loved as loved as you are you.
Oh man, I appreciate it. Hell yeah, well case dude,
it's literally been a pleasure to talk to you. We
absolutely love you. You're killing it this season. You kill
everything that you do. Thank you so much for coming
on the show. Oh you guys are honestly, thank you
so much for having me. You guys are always a
lot of fun. Can we please hang out out here? Please?

Can you guys be my friend? We need to figure
it out, so loves to be your friend, man, love
to sit with you. Yeah, yeah, favor. We're gonna work
on those ball puzzles. Awesome. Case Well, where can we
follow you? And is there anything else you want to
say before you go? Um? You can follow me on
Instagram Casey since nineteen eighty seven. I like to have

some fun do random stuff on there and h um, yeah,
that's it man. I'm having such an amazing like, having
such an amazing time on the challenge. And I'm so
grateful to be a part of the you know, a family.
And if I come back, cool, If I don't, that's
cool too. You know, I've taken so much out of this.
So thank you guys so much for having me. And
I love you guys so much. Ah, thank you for

being a part of it. Thank you. I just want
to be like you, guys, my girl up. I love
Casey Clark. The voice of an angel, the soul of
an angel. She is just always so even keel. She's

probably the most relaxed challenger. Yeah, I think I've ever met.
I mean, she has her head on straight. She knows
how to play this game. But I think she's genuinely
a good person. I agree. I really really enjoy her, man,
She's really cool. She's a great add to the show. Yes,
she's a great asset. Yeah, some of those words words.

All right, my dungleberry, what's up next? Okay? Well, I
think that we got to go into Challenge confidential and
I need to know and Nissa, if you guys did
that overnight challenge, how and where did you guys ever
go to the bathroom? Let's talk about that. We weren't
allowed to leave the cage up, so it was like
whatever you felt was happening in there, No people were well,

I mean I think it was a we had to
have been in there for three hours, four hours. I mean,
no one had to use the bathroom. Yet, I don't
think what I would you want to drink all that
cheese milk? Yeah? But did you see how much they
were throwing up? That's true? Yeah, so I don't think
anything stayed that long with them, but clearly at the
end when he was like, yeah, so you guys are
gonna stay in here all night until you get yourselves out.

I'm like, so we have to eat all this right now?
I thought we'd eat solve the math. I start solving
the math problem. I'm like, okay, Bessie, let's get ready
to eat. I had a whole freak out, like we
had to do everything to get out of the cage,
and then we got sought and then they sought us
out after a interesting Okay, I need to tell you
this because I had a bathroom experience on an overnight challenge,

and that's why I asked you. Because on More the
World's Too, we had to stand up all night in
the final over a snake pit, and people were starting
to use the excuse of oh, I got to go
to the bathroom, like I need to get off so
I can sit down, basically, and so they started to
regulate our bathroom times every you could only go once
every two hours, and they had us all on a timer.

And then we found out that there wasn't even a bathroom,
so you had to squat behind this tree. And then
he said, because I hadn't eaten all day, this was
my most prized poop I've ever taken. It was a
true jungle dung. Never taken a more beautiful. It was
my prize dung, and I took that on more the
world's too, And that is what I'm proud of in
my challenge career. Did you get to wipe? I'm gonna

be honest with you. They did have wipes for us. Yes, Okay,
I think we're gonna tell me. No, you didn't. And
I'm like, all right, my little dungleberry, but I wouldn't
it too. That's how much of a perfect dug? Yeah? Wow, Yeah,
for your jungle dog. Thank you. It's one of my
It's my proudest challenge moment. I love that. I love

that that's your proudest moment. I got one more secret too,
because this one's disgusting. Okay, this is about the food
one because we had to eat these grub worms. I
didn't have to eat it live grub worms. Okay, the big,
the big like white ones. Yeah. So somebody took a
shot of it. I think it was Polly. He threw
up about six hours later and it was still wiggling. Yes,

it was alive in his stomach for six hours. How
disgusting is that? I don't know I'm so, I'm I'm
I don't. I don't even if you get a big
rube worms smash it before you before you trash it,
you know what I mean? What do they taste like?
I didn't have to eat it. I made my I

made I had to like take a coconut and throw
it in a basket, and I made it so I
didn't have to eat it. I have to taste like,
I don't know. I'm happy. I'm happy, though I'm not
gonna go eat it. But uh, I like, once you
eat some weird shit like I ate a rat, and
I ate a pig's nose, and I ate chicken intestines,
and the chicken intestine smoothie was the worst thing I've
ever had to eat because it was just so hot.

And then I and then I won that and I
came right back into your sweet, sweet loving arms on
Dirty thirty and you were very angry. Well, yeah, I'm
but let's put that behind us. Let's let's move. We are,
But I like to bring it up sometimes just for
the sake of the story. Yeah we've come full circle. Yeah,
we have come full circle. Happy belated birthday. I wanted

everybody know that Tory's birthday was Sunday. Thanks, So if
you ever want to give her a shout out happy birthday,
old bitch, you can. You actually can. Yeah. Now, if
they wanted to your old ass happy birthday, where can
they find you? Listen, you can find my old ass
at Tory Underscore deal on Instagram. I don't know. Come

find out what's going on. I got a lot going
on on my page. Sometimes I post pictures of Anissa,
Sometimes I post pictures of Devin. It gets really confusing
over there, but Any said, yeah, my cat, and he said,
where can we follow you? Where can we love you? Yes?
Love me? On Instagram? Anissa MTV that's a n e
s a MTV. Slide into my DM Yes, slide and

love when you slide in. Tell Anissa go over to
NISA's page. Sorry, go over to a niece's page and
send her some virtual cough drops to help get her
throwback so we can keep crushing these challenges. Yes, please
please do it, and please send us your listener questions. Guys.
We try, we try to get as many as we can,
but I'm gonna be honest with you. There's a lot
of you guys, So thank you. So much for sending
them in. Keep doing it. I hope one day that

we get the opportunity to answer your question and make
sure you watch new episodes of The Challenge with us
everywhere Wednesday, and go behind the scenes with us the
next morning on MTV's official Challenge podcast.
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Hosts And Creators

Tori Deal

Tori Deal

Aneesa Ferreira

Aneesa Ferreira

Devyn Simone

Devyn Simone

Da'Vonne Rogers

Da'Vonne Rogers

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