Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's up everyone. I'm Tori and I'm Anissa, and this
is MTV's official Challenge podcast where we go behind the
scenes of the Challenge Double Agents. Remember there are spoilers ahead,
so before we begin, make sure you're up to date
on the latest Challenge episodes. And on this episode, we're
going to talk about TJ's security breach, that insane elimination,
and the terrifying daily challenge that's ahead. Oh and we're
also going to talk to four time challenger and our
friend Josh Martinez later in the episodes, so stick around
for that. Yes, I'm so excited. I love Josh and
I cannot wait to get into this episode. So shall
we get started? Anissa, Yes, my love, Welcome to safe House.
Everyone's favorite beginning of the episode, especially Anissa's Anissa, should
you go first? Or should I go first? Come on?
I mean that episode was something else, and it started
so abruptly, like right into the elimination, that it's going
to be hard, but I think I can manage it. Okay,
you got this one first, I guess. Okay, are you
ready enough to catch you? In? Three? Two? One? Go? Okay?
Devin and Gabby get voted in Oh shit, security breach?
What does this mean for anybody? Oh? Guess what four
teams are going in CT. Let's Devin pick who he wants.
He picks Durell and then Josh gets well, Josh and
CT get to go against each other. Then guess who
wins Durell? Well, Devin, guess you're not the puzzle master
and CT beats Josh. So now what they can twitch partners?
And what a CT do? Blows? Uh makes Big Tea
feel like shit about herself, steals camp, Kyle's upset, Kyle
gets naughty. Um, Big teas with with Nam and Gabby.
Quick somebody, there's a lot of shit going on. Okay,
that's just the elimination, all right, it's okay, I got
this one. You're gonna hate you for this when I
got it? You're ready? No, okay? Are you ready? I'm
get ready? Okay, go okay. Thirty six seconds So I'm
gonna say this. TJ pulled up with an eighty bitty twist.
One team in the cratersyche what about this? Josh gotta
go in, gotta handle his bin, but Durrell pulled it off.
He solved a tangerine set beat Joston important to the team,
but then he picked Cam and he did it kind
of mean and now a big tea in her feelings
because he really made a scene. Emotions running deep high.
People are about to crack. But poor Noam gotta go
because he had a bad back, decompressed in the spring
because they tired of the fights, but now they're really
gonna be tired because they stay it off all night.
I wrote amazing. I wrote it on my phone. That's amazing.
Did you just do that? Yeah? I just did it.
That's really good. I think I should write a haiku
for the next one, maybe a limerick, oh a little well,
you know, I think we're just gonna leave the thirty
six seconds up to Tory. She really is a showboater
this day. And uh, you know, mine was mine was shit,
mine was She just took a dump all over my
thirty six seconds. So thank you, Tory. I had to be.
I had to be in the challenge. Somehow, my my
bitch ass got eliminated by you weeks ago, so I
gotta somehow feel like I'm a part of the chow.
I mean, that was really great. That was really great.
I mean I feel like that was my Play of
the Day. But but we can really get into it. Yeah,
let's do it. Let's get into it. Now. What do
you think the play of the day. I mean, I
don't It just started so bizarrely that it's you know,
we're used to like a little bit of story than
a challenge on elimination. Now we're doing elimination, lots of
drama and then back to a challenge that now we're
left on another cliffhanger. So yeah, I want to say
the play of the Day. I mean, CT definitely solved
that puzzle in three seconds. So way to go solving
that tangerine. You know, shout out to Darrell um tan
grams or tanagrams have never been called tangerines, but you know,
tomato tomato. So it was a good sound bite, it
was worthy, it was worthy of a just reliving that moment.
But you know what, he I got to give the
Play the Day to him, because you know, Devin was like,
I'm gonna kick Durrell in a puzzle butt I mean
in a puzzle. Okay, I don't know what I'm saying.
He said he was gonna beat him and then to
roll one down there and whips some ass like the
ogs pulled it out, so let's just give it to
some ogs this time. The dirtiest d definitely goes to
set though. Yeah, he went off, you weren't even there,
tell me, tell me. I mean, I'm sorry, that was rude. No,
you would have been there, you would have been just
I mean he screamed, oh wow, and we were just
like all I could think about, Like, there's a way
in which you're like, hey, big tea, thanks for riding
out with me. Um. We could talk about it more
in depth back at the house, but I'm trying to
get a cam because everybody wanted cam. Cam was a
hot commodity, and she's really good at game and she's
forced to be reckoned with verbally and mentally, so why
not pick her. I don't blame him for picking her.
I think he could have gone about it a different way,
of course. Yeah, So definitely dirtiest deed goes to CT.
I mean, it's unfortunate, but I mean, let's dive into
it later in the episode, because it really explodes in
the house. Yeah, it gets really bad. So Tori, let's
get into this episode. We start with this security breach.
We've never had security breaches before except for earlier than
the season, and we got Ashley back. But this was insane.
And not only was it just about the first team
voted in, it was the team that got the second
highest amount of votes. I mean, imagine if that were you.
Oh my god, it was like you just barely dodged
because Darell sided with you. And then now it doesn't
matter all of that for nothing, You're still going down. Yeah,
we got four teams competing, how are we going to
do this? And they get to choose who they want
to go against, which I personally like because it gives
you a little bit more control in a game where
you clearly have no control at all. Yeah. I can't
even imagine being there, I mean especially, I mean, let's
talk about the Devin Darrell around. First. Okay, Devin's like, well,
Cet is like, Devin, who do you want? Which is
like pretty much any challenger's dream, because if you're already
down there, then you're like, you're coming with me, you know.
So he pulls Darrell down. But I really do think
Devin's slept on Darrell's abilities because like he's so strong
and so many areas well. Darrell's not the guy that
you want to run against in the final. He will
outlast you on any run. But I didn't know he
was good at puzzles, just like I didn't know he
was good at swimming, and he's fabulous at that too,
But I think they thought, oh, yeah, he's also kind
of afraid of heights. Well he is afraid of heights.
Let's not skate around that, Darrell. But you know, him
being up there and then him having to solve a puzzle,
I just think, yeah, people did sleep on him, took
a whole tigersness on him, and he went in there
and he showed them why he deserves to be there.
And then Josh goes against CT and it's like nobody
was going to beat CT in the puzzle. It doesn't
matter if they both got their pieces at the same time.
It just it just wasn't great for Josh. And the
minute CT got down, the weight was off. So Josh
was just like like a big baby, swimming back and forth, swimming,
swinging back and forth. But the best part about it
was that, you know, Devin and Josh hated each other
and now we got to watch them pranced off into
the night. Yeah, under the pale Moonlight together and believe
it or not, then spent some time going to bars
in Iceland. Yeah, and that's and had to say in
the same room. Yeah, and they ended up. It was
what TJ said was absolutely savage because he was like,
I hope you can get to know each other on
the plane, just like nah, no, I didn't have to
be us. Yeah, but they're friends now, Like I was
just in Mexico with those fuckers. They are they are friends,
which it's great. Like, honestly, the game is so hard.
Of course you make enemies while you're there, but when
you come home and you both suffer a similar loss,
you're like, damn man, that sucked, and you have something
to relate over. Now now you have this commonality that
you can discuss. So but also you just have the
show experience, period, Like we're the only people that are
ever going to be able to experience this and know
what it's like to be in a pressure cooker. Oh
not trust anybody. Oh start going nutty, yeah, speaking and
going nutty yeah cts outrageous speech. I mean he was like, Cam,
I want Camp suck my whole entire Dick, I want Cam.
I'm like the fuck you and fuck you, and I'm like,
where is all of this passion coming from? It was built,
it was tense, it was building up. You don't have
an explosion like that unless you're suppressing a lot, and
he must have been suppressing a lot. He must have
had no outlet for a long time. And now that
he finally has this win. He didn't think that he
was going to go into elimination in the first place.
So yeah, and I think people were going to block
him out. People were going to block him out. I mean,
look at him and how many times he's won before.
He's not somebody you want to go into a final
with anyway. Yeah, So then he picks Cam. We have
that new team. We have a lot of new teams
this time. We have CAM and CT, we have Durell, Will,
Durell and Amber stay together, which is really cool. But
then we see Kyle take Nannie again, which was hilarious.
I love when he ran up to her and he
was like, oh, the ride home was crazy. I'll tell
you about it when we get home, Like, I don't know,
it is great, Like you've missed out on so much.
Let me tell you it was great. I love Kyle
so it was. It was he was so entertaining, oh
so entertaining. And then we have non and Big Tea,
which is a really interesting matchup, obviously until we figure
out what happens to Noam, which is so unfortunate. But
I was really excited to see what they were gonna
do because Big Tea does have a lot of strengths,
especially when you even her and you give her the
ability to prove herself. She does step up to the plate.
She rises to the occasion. And now I'm just needed
to work with somebody who he could actually get along with,
So I thought it would have been a really cool,
interesting dynamic. Yeah, I was really looking forward to seeing
how that played out. But you know, I really feel
bad for his Gabby because now she's with the Corey curse.
Hopefully she could live another day, right, because they both
need skulls, So I think it's smart when choosing a
partner that you pick somebody who has If you have skulls,
you want to say with a skull. I think that's
also why CT chose Cam, because Big t does never
skull yet, so now CT has a skull and Cam
has a skull, you think it would be you know,
there'll be less of a chance that your team goes in, right,
so you think so. But let's talk about what happened
when we got back to the house, because okay, first
of all, not we I'm not there. I feel like
I'm there, but I'm not there. But CT starts with
and you guys go out to this hot spring. How
is the hot spring? Let's talk about that. The hot
spring was good. Clearly was carrying Nannie around like a baby,
because I am the mom when I go on, even
though I have not bared any children yet, Mom Andison
was in full effect. So it was like Gabby and
I were drinking. We had so much. I do a
door Gabby. I do love her. I don't get to
talk about her enough, but she is so funny. Really
enjoy her. Yeah, but it was nice. The hot springs
was fun, and it was nice to get out of
the house. I mean, during this time, you don't have
a lot of freedom to do much, so it was nice. Yeah,
but then it all came crashing down when c thought,
you know what I should do, make a fire and
make s'mores that he did not make. Yeah, so where
were those Well, I think that that's probably why the
fight got a little more intense. Had you had a marshmallow,
some chocolate and grand crackers, that could have gone differently.
And Kyle got us first s'more and he fell in
love with it. And I feel like Big Tea would
have had probably a better convo with a small Well
only that, can we just talk about CT's bad conversational skills.
I just think he doesn't know how to listen, like
he was just like he sat her down to say
sorry and explained to her why she wasn't allowed to
have feelings about it, and then when she was like
expressing herself, he decided to get mad at her for
then expressing herself. And it's like, wait a minute, this
wasn't an apology, and she read that from the jump.
She was like, this wasn't a conversation. You wanted to
sit me down to sway me. No. I mean, like,
I gotta stand with Big Tea on this one because
I think that CT, like he did not go about
any of this the right way. Yeah, he should have
just been like, listen, I'm sorry. I know I said
something in the heat of the moment that was probably
pent up, and I could I could have delivered that better.
I could have talked you before, and I'm sorry if
I hurt your feelings, and I promised to be a
better friend from now on, and that would have been fine.
I think that she would have been like, it may
take me a little bit to get over it, but
thank you for at least trying to be decent. And
what I really think is going on is that CT
has gotten the role of the bad guy, whether he
is or not. And I think years and years of
people assuming that there is no good in there kind
of puts him on the defense, you know, like, oh, well,
I have to be in charge of this conversation because
I don't want people to think I'm a bad guy.
I don't think he's a bad guy, and he's grown
so much. I just think that he could have candled
the situation better. And I think that getting, you know,
going on the defense helps him or the offense, whichever
way you want to put it, helps him to have
control over the situation. So just trying to play Devil's
advocate here, but yeah, definitely, and I feel that too.
I'm so with you on that. I think, like, like
I said, I don't disagree with CT. Did I think
it's just the way he did it, and like hopefully,
you know, the two of them will be able to
talk and over time and will help kind of calm
all that down because Big Tea said she was a
grudge holder, and that's a little scary. I don't like that.
Remember Big Tea, we are friends, you and I are friends. Yeah,
but speaking of Big Tea, her partner, nom, I gotta
tell you something. So when we did the helicopter one
with the rope where I slid down like it was
a fire pole or SuPAR pol, yeah, I was a yeah,
it's fine. I did what it could um. After Noam's turn,
he was violently ill, I mean puking his guts up
really and we didn't know what was going on. He
was like, an, he's almost threw up while we were
spinning on the ropes. So I know, like you know,
after like a really crazy workout, or if you're in
so much pain, it makes you like physically ill. So
I just couldn't imagine the pain that he was going through.
But I noticed right when it happened, so I was like,
are you okay? And he'd like fight it off and
be like I'm fine, and I'm like, I won't tell
anybody that you're hurt, but like, you gotta you gotta
get how to do something about it? Like what can
I get you? Do you need a foot rub? Do
you need a hug? Do you need a kiss on
the lips? What do you what do you need for
that back? You know, perhaps if we injure you in
another location, the like, don't worry, I'll do all of
the work. Oh man, I'll get to an Icelandic back brace.
And then they tell us like, right before we start
this horrible night challenge, noam you gotta go? And he
just baaled. He was like, I was so happy to
be here, Like this was such a big opportunity. So
I hope we see him in the future. No, if
you're listening to this, if you ever listen to it,
I love you. I think the world of you. I
think that you are such a gentleman, and I know
you'll be back, stronger, stronger than ever. I really hope
he comes back. I would love to see him on
another challenge. But then TJ reminds everybody that tonight is
served by if the night. What the hell this looks like?
It's from the movie Saw right, that's what I thought.
Listen the music that and you got FESSI like, it's
one thing, okay, it's one thing to be trapped in
a cell with this man, but it's another thing to
be handcuffed that close to FESSI in a cold cage.
It's not even like some hot shit where we're like
in a bedroom. It's a cold cage for Fessie and I.
And I'm so close to him, and I'm like, there,
I can't get away from you. And the only way
we can get out of here is we follow all
of these rules that TJ is going to give us.
There's no time limitory. We literally have to wait for
TJ to be like stop and switch and whatever. I
can't give too much away because I was already there.
But it is creezing, it's it's a smelly old warehouse,
like yeah, the lights, the lights places too what I
feel like they wanted us to seize and there, I
mean sensory overload. I really got nervous about that. I'm like,
this can't be all night. We can't do this all night,
but you guys gotta watch it. It is one crazy
mission that I would not wish on my worst enemy. Okay,
maybe my worst enemy, but it was pretty damn bad.
Oh God, I can't wait. I'm I love these cliffhangers
and I hate them. It's like this thing that keeps
me in and it pushes me out at the same time.
It's toxic relationship, the Challenge, the cliffangers. It's a cliffhanger
on top of cliffhanger. I'm like, we want it all, Jesus.
All that hurting me. I wish that they were just
on Netflix. I could just binge every other so I know, right, Netflix,
I hope you hear this. We need all of the
episodes ever. Thank you. All right, Well, listen, we're gonna
talk to somebody later this episode. Actually, in like five seconds,
we're going to interview one of my favorite contestants on
The Challenge, Josh Martinez, and he Sara you excited, Yes,
the human wrecking ball, the Cuban wrecking Ball. I meant.
He is such a little love bug. Him and I
have definitely grown over our Challenge experience together. We went
from wanting to strangle each other to wanting to hug
each other tightly. Yeah, So I cannot wait to hear
Josh's perspective on the Challenge, especially this episode. Yeah, all right, everybody,
we are back right now. And I am so excited
to have Josh Martinez on as a guest. I have
loved Josh since the very first season. I met him
on War of the World's Too. He has a heart
of freaking gold, and I think he's probably one of
the most misunderstood Challengers of all times. So Josh, Welcome
to the podcast. Welcome John. I love that intro to
wear that hype me up. Yes, dude, love right there.
It's facts. Literally. She also left no space for me
to do anything. Welcome. Welcome Josh Martinez, the Cuban wrecking ball,
my buddy who has said some of the craziest things
to me and it always ends up in a huge
Welcome God, Josh, It's so great to have you on
this episode, and honestly, I do think you are probably
the most misunderstood person on the Challenge. I always because
I praise you all the time on social media, like
I love Josh, Like I barely go on Twitter, but
when I do, I'm probably saying I love Josh and
leave him alone because like, people are assholes. But I
want to get into that a little bit later, because
I want people to get to know you more so
they can understand why we love you so so much.
So that's why I think it's so great that we're
going to have you on this interview. Hell yeah, I'm
excited for sure, and I'm glad it's with you two
because we already have such a good friendship and I
fucking love both of you. So yeah, let's get into it.
Thinks he was talking to me, thank you. So let's
dive into the episode because I think this, uh, this
is a crazy episode. I was talking to Tori about
it because it just starts with the elimination. So we
just had a cliffhanger. Now we're going into the elimination.
There's a security breach. What were you thinking? Security breach? Yeah,
I just watched it, and I think I just got
PTSD all over again, a rush of anxiety. I was
completely blindsided. I mean nobody was expecting it. Completely thrown
off of my game. I didn't even go dressed for
the elimination. I was like, I'm not going in. I
know I have I you know in the house. I mean, Alicia,
you were there. You we knew we had the boats
that I was saved, But my head, I'm like, I'm good.
Even when Lolo left, we kind of knew she was gone,
so it's like, okay that I guess we're just going
to figure it out as we go. Never in my
minded I think it was going to be a double elimination.
So as soon as TJ said my name, I completely
blacked out, like I've never had that experience happened to
me ever in my life. I blacked out. I couldn't
hear anything. It's like people were talking to me nothing.
I wasn't processing shit. I was just in complete shock.
It was crazy. So I don't even remember doing the elimination.
It's just fucking wild. Like but yeah, it was tough.
And then going up against CT, which the guy's record
speaks for itself. You never want to face off somebody
that's that good at everything in elimination, I wasn't scared,
but still wasn't like my ideal situation, you know, right
well especially I mean, yeah, yeah, Josh, did you know
that he was going around the house saying that he
wanted to go against you? Was that like news to you?
I did know a lot of people let me know
that he was campaigning hard, that him and Devin really
wanted me in. Um, I needs to let me know,
Lee Roy let me know a lot of people. That's what.
I had good friendships with a lot of people in
the game that we're looking after me, and so was I. So,
you know, just them giving me even that moment where
me and a Nissa in the last episode had that
moment where I like, it just felt good because I
felt like I had friends that fucked with me, that
had my back, you know. Yeah, So I knew no
matter what, I knew that he was campaigning hard, but
I didn't think that he was gonna get that. And
I think this twist, just like the challenge, gods were
on his side and it just so happened to work
out for him. But I just I really felt like
I was gonna be good for a while, just because
of the numbers I had in the game. Yeah, true,
I believe that, Like they were trying real hard to
get Josh and I'm like, yeah, so, um, we kind
of been working together this whole time, Like that's just
gonna go against him now. Yeah, you know, but I
think this is what viewers really want to know, because
she had beef with Devin clearly, Yeah, and had beef
even going into elimination. How was the flight home with Devin?
It's so I think that, you know, at first, I
was like, my initial reaction was like, fuck, I'm gonna
be stuck with this guy the next few days because
we know wed for a few days, do the interviews,
and I think it was the best thing that happened
for so many reasons. But like I feel like in
that game, it's set up to have enemies, it's set
up to you know, just played out to where we
were on two different sides. I knew nothing about Devin
going into the show, and when we got eliminated, they
threw us in the same fucking hotel apartment. I was
downstairs and he had the whole top floor. And I
walk in. I was like, Yo, this has to be
a joke, right, Like I literally go to security. I'm like,
they're fucking with me at this part. Production has to
be messing with me. But we literally just chopped it up,
drank a few beers out of do it, and I
got to see a side of Devin that I think
a lot of people on this show dope. And he
has his character he plays his role, he does his thing,
he talks of shit. But Devon's actually a really fucking
cool guy. And I'm glad that I got to know
him off of the show and kind of kick it
with him because he's a cool dude. And it just
sucks that in that game, especially me, I kind of
stick to my people rock with them, and then everybody
else it's like, all right, let's go to war and
just like just you know, getting to know him off
the show. He's a really cool due. So I'm glad
that we kind of got eliminated. Being eliminated by yourself sucks,
you know. Leaving was great. Yeah, we did have fun.
Hello Brog, thank you for the part for the random
miscellaneous blackout nights. Yeah, getting eliminated with him was was.
It made made it a lot easier to just have
somebody we could just touch it and kind of go
through a misery together. Totally. Devin's one hundred percent one
of those people that like you have this love hate
relationship with until you're off camera and then you're you
have a moment to like meet him and then you're like,
oh shit, there's something good in there, Like I know
you guys are friends now, and I like love seeing
the relationship bloom. And you know, I'm curious personally because
obviously you work with Big Brother like that's your people,
But like you said, you have so many other friends
that you have their back, and you do have other
alliances that maybe just a as amplified on screen. So
I am wondering now that your friends with Devin, would
you ever create an alliance outside a Big Brother AKA,
I don't see, that's hard. I don't know. I don't
listen in the sas. We don't know what's going to happen. Well,
I think that I'll ever align and work with him.
I can't say no, But he does know that I'm
very loyal to my people, and he doesn't really fuck
with some of my people. So that's the hard thing,
you know. Yeah, I mean we're going into this reunion.
We're gonna see how that plays out. But I think
that he respects that, Like you know, he knows not
to talk about like if it were about you, like
I wouldn't allow anybody to do that. So he I'm
glad that he respects that, and he knows that those
are my good friends. Yeah, they just have to figure
that out, But yeah, I don't see myself, Like, I
don't know's that's tricky because in the game a whole
different ballgame, right, So I just I don't know. I
don't know. That's a tough question. Well if you I mean, yes,
there was a great Big Brother alliance this season we
could see, But do you think you'd be always paired with,
Like there could be the Big Brother people you don't
like at all that may walk into this game and
you'll never work with. Oh yeah, no, I mean it's happened.
It's happened in the past with me, like with people
I don't want to mention, but yeah, just because it
doesn't mean that we instantly are gonna work because I
think some of my biggest blow ups have been with
some Big Brother people because we just don't get along.
I think the people that are like Casey and Fessie,
they're my really good friends outside of the show, and
we just have a good friendship and it just so
happens to be that we come from Big you know.
So I think that's what makes us such a strong
aligns a strong team, I guess is that we just
have a really good friendship. But yeah, no, I think
people that come from Big Brother. In the future, it's
not going to be like that because we don't have
that bond and we don't have that relationship or that history.
Like right, you too, Like we have such a good friendship.
Nobody's gonna come from Big Brother and think, oh, I'm
gonna not protect them because you're from there and go
against y'all. That's not gonna happen, right, So it's kind
of like, yeah, it's all within the friendship. It really
has gonna do from me, whether or not. Totally, dude,
I feel that, And like the way this whole season
ended for you at least was just so crazy and
obviously heartbreaking. So obviously I don't want to go into
it too much more because you know, I'll start crying
over here. When I was watching it, I was like, fuck, man,
Josh finally wanted his first elimination, like he was killing it.
He had all the numbers on his side and the
stupid blind side had to come out of nowhere and
then CT took you out, Which is it's good to
go down to a legend for sure, but at the
same time, it never feels good to go home. But
my question is next about how you felt about CT's choice.
Were you there when he picked Cam and like screamed
they were gone? I think by then, um, yeah, we
were gone. But I just watched that and I'm like,
how do you. I mean, everybody should have known him
that was gonna happen. TT was saying it the whole time.
He was saying it the whole time, So for everybody
to be shocked, it's like, listen, this guy's gonna do.
He's great at the game because he has no fucking
loyalty to nothing but the money, and he's willing to
do whatever he wants. He'll cross anyone to get there.
And I would never play that. I don't have it
in my heart to play that way. I just can't.
But like, you got to respect it and you can't
be mad at it. And yeah, you know he wanted
Cam from the very beginning after he denied her, which
was a shock to me, but yeah, you know, you
gotta expect that. Kyle's reaction was funny as help him
being pissed. I'm like, dude, I don't think it's a
matter that we knew CT was going to switch. It
was how he went about it. Yeah, I mean that
was a lot the way, so we were gone at
that point. But watching that and just his reaction, I
think he just came off of the win, he got
his golschal, he knows he's pretty much set to make
that final. I think it was just the excitement. But yeah,
that was That was a dickhead move. I felt really
really bad for Big Tea. Honestly, Yeah, did you feel
bad leaving Nanny? Because I know you guys got so
close the season and then you know, yeah, obviously you
see the rest of the episode where she's just like
sad and really still missing it. I mean she lost it. Josh,
you didn't see it. I told you about it later,
but she was like, no, no, it feels when you
lost Tory. I'm like, yeah, you feel like you're missing
a limb. I think, yeah, yeah, really trusted. Yeah, yeah
that's a fact I think. Yeah, Nissa was going through
when you left bad. Yeah, it was pretty bad. We
were all heartbroken when you left. It was tough, guys,
But but yeah, with the Nanni situation, Me Nani just
have such a good friendship and I feel like we
have such a good bond as an eighteen that watching that,
I mean, it was kind of saxing her upset like that.
I didn't know she got like that. But I'm proud
of her. Man. I think Nannie's so underrated and she's
such a good competitor and she has so much heart
that like whoever she ended up with, I think she's
gonna do good and do well in the final. So
I just want to see her make that final this season,
which you know hopefully she does. Yeah, we're all trying
to make that final. Josh, we're all trying to get there.
You know, I want this final, so fuck you want?
You want to run a final until you fucking get there. Actually,
I'm gonna be honest with you. Josh Martinez is one
of the has one of the the best workout ethics
I've ever seen in my life. Every time he and
Josh work out together, he's always like, all right, let's
go next one. I'm like, Josh, we only started breaking
ten seconds ago. He's like, next rep. No, I'm like, Jesus, Tory,
you're the same way. Let's do fifty burpies. No, Tory.
We need to be able to hold like, maybe pull
our pants up tomorrow, brush our teeth. You guys are
the same person. Shut up out, you both suck. I
love playing with Tory. She's so fucking I mean, I
probably have one of the best workouts with Tory than
some of the fucking guys in the house. Honestly, we
feed off of each other, so we motivate and push
each other, and I love that. And yeah, you know
I think that, like that's a cool thing too, that like, well,
it's a little frustrating because you guys see that side
of me. You see how I train, you see you
guys know when we're when we're competing, that like I
can go within durings and distance and all that stuff.
But yeah, within like the challenge. The past few seasons,
I feel like I really haven't been able to prove
or show that, especially in eliminations, because it hasn't been
something that, like, you know, to my strength, like a
headbanger or something like that. You know, everything that I
go into is some I'm not gonna say, jankie, but
I don't know. In another word, it's like some shit
that I'm not gonna fucking you know, really show my
skills in. So it's it's frustrating, ya know, It's just
something you can't train for it's like like when am
I ever going to go outside and pull over a
whole thing of crates and then take the balls and
throw them through shiite, Like you're never going to be
able to like, hey, can you train to stand up
here and answer trivia? No, I actually can't. These are
things you're never going to do. So the training that
we all have done, and especially you, Josh, because I
always see you running is built for a final. Yeah,
if that's even what the final is going to be,
because you know they were in snow one time. I
mean there could be snow in this. You never know. Yeah,
So even if you do train, it doesn't matter. I
mean I think it's more disappointing when you've put in
so much hard work and effort. Sure, then if you
just show up like whatever's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. Yeah,
I think that makes a difference. But training, I mean,
like I always say, you see some of the biggest
most you know, six pack having athletic dudes fall and women.
So yeah, you know, Josh, it wasn't your season right now,
but you never know. But you did win something this season. Yeah,
the first fucking elimination your first elimination win, Josh, tell
me how that felt? Oh so good. I feel like
I won the whole damn thing. If you didn't see that,
even like even them like laughing and fucking trying to
play me and all that stuff, it was funny. Them
balls were heavy as fucked to be really good, and
then they were much heavier than yours. They said, But
y'all made it look so easy, both of you that. Like,
I got up there and it was a struggle, but
I was happy, man, and it felt good. I think that,
like just getting that first win feels so good. And
I think that now I've with losing and getting the
criticism and people talking shit, it's just taught me to
not give a fuck. And now I got nothing to lose.
So when I continue to come back, I'm gonna work
my ass off, and I'm not scared to go down
into elimination anymore. Like when my first few seasons there
was no way. I never wanted to go down in
the sand. And now I've gotten comfortable with it. Like
now all I gotta do is I got nothing to lose.
It's like show up and do my thing and compete,
and and I don't know. I just think like with
failing and like having you know, these seasons back to
back where like I haven't made the final, which like
it's made me more hungrier, and like I've just been
so motivated by I don't know if it's saying motivated
by like my hell's my loss is like, yeah, it
makes me want to work harder and just to prove
myself and yes, for myself, I can make it to
the end. Success is going from failure to failure without
loss of enthusiasm. Every single time you get down there
and you pick yourself back up, you put yourself in
the gym, and you give birth to a fucking medicine ball.
I've seen it. I've seen it on your ig. Fucking
with these people anymore, I can't. I can't wait to
see what else you bring. Like obviously, hopefully nobody knows
if we're all going to be back for another season,
but if we're all back there, I just know everybody
that we're talking to in our closed circle is working
so hard to not prove to them anything to anybody else,
but to themselves. And that's what I love about. When
you exude, you just you're proving it to you you're
out in the gym for you, You're like, no, I
gotta I gotta do this for me, And I love that.
So looking into future seasons, like how do you feel
like you're evolving or would you ever like consider changing
the style of your game? Like what happens when you
lose personally? And what changes do you want to make
when you go back? Oh a lot. I think that
obviously a lot of the things that I've done hasn't
worked out for me within the game, and I think
one of them being in my temper and just losing
control of my emotions. It's really hard for me in
that game. You know, a lot of people at home
watch and we get shit on the internet, but they
don't know how hard that experience really is unless you've
been through it. And you guys have done so many
now that you get it. And but it's hard. It's hard.
And I'm on my fourth season. I spiraled. I wasn't
in a good headspace, and and just the toll, like
the pressure that I put on myself constantly to compete
for my family take such a toll on me every
single season. It amplifies everything's more amplified in the game,
and I just think going into future seasons, just controlling
my temper and having better control of my emotions. Like
I wear my heart on my sleeves, it's hard for
me to control it. I'm just gonna be honest, I'm
gonna own it. It's it's fucking hard, especially in that environment.
But I think in the future seasons that's something that
I just need to keep in lock because it does
affect my game, it does affect my relationships in there,
and it does put a target on my back for
no reason. Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, listen, we
had that moment where CT basically was like, yeah, he
said it earlier in the season. Well, actually not too
many episodes ago. He was like, I was making rookie
mistakes until my fifth season, and CT did not win
his first challenge until his tenth season. So there's so
many lessons to be learned along along the way, and
you just have to continue to not lose enthusiasm every
single time you make a mistakes. So just be easy
on yourself, because I mean, you're amazing. That's why you
keep getting asked back, even if there are people out
there who troll the shit out of you, which is
so fuck them, literally fuck them, Josh. You will learn
over time, as I have learned over two decades, that
what people say is not you know, like my biggest thing.
I can't control what people do, but I can control
how I react to them. So they're going to talk
shit all day about you, about me, about Tory, about something,
and we're still asked to do this amazing, amazing show.
So take it and stride. Keep us in your ass
and know that, like you are loved by Tor and I,
which and Nannie, and that's the only thing that matters. No,
I appreciate that. And to be real with you so hard.
It's hard. Man. I'm not gonna front and put up
a front and be like, oh, this shit's easy dealing
with all this shit, or even like going in and
competing every season and taking an ELM and you know,
coming back. But I think for me, it's like I've
been through so much real shit in my life that
like it's build me. I'm so grateful for my struggle
before I got on TV because I feel so un
phased by a lot of shit, and I have so
much respect for all of you guys that have done
this shit for years and and and are so open
and real and just continue to come back, like you
to Corey, like all the people that have been kind
of like made the show and what it is now.
I have so much respect because it's a hard industry
and it's a hard thing to deal with, Like, yo,
like you gotta be fucking you, gotta have thick skin
and just be mentally strong and not give a fuck
to just continue to come back and do the show
because this audience is tough, you know, and it shows
all the shit. It's one of the best shows in
the fucking world, but it is tough. It is hard.
So yeah, I have so much respect for all of you.
Oh Josh, so now that it's done, Yeah, and your home, Yeah,
it's done for you and your home. What have you
been doing, Like, what have you been doing on the
off season and how do you train for possibly the
next season? Yeah, So honestly, I've been living my best life.
That's like, I've been traveling, I've been training a lot.
I've been in the gym probably five six times a week,
probably two days, just working out, grind and just getting
my mind right more than like just just getting my
keeping myself in a good space. Mentally because you know,
obviously doing these back to back it does take a
toll on you. And and if I'm being real, last
season with total madness, they hate fucked me up. It
put me in a hole, like it really did. And
I was so so prideful, not even prideful. I was
embarrassed to say that they hate cracked me like I was.
I was in such a bad space that now it's
like I've completely blocked all of that out. I feel
numb to it at this point. That's crazy, but like
blocking that out doing things for myself, like spending time
with friends and family, traveling, doing things that make me
happy other such a life like my real life is
so good that like I'm just focusing on that and
just and just doing things to keep myself mentally, physically,
and just spiritually, you know, gets so that I'm going
into the next one. If I do go into the
next one, I'm mentally ready for whatever's thrown at me. Yeah,
here of me. Really, That's what I've been up to
and just yeah, enjoy life good. And that's the real challenge.
Of the challenge is dealing with the fucking show. You know.
It's like it's assimilating into real life and allowing yourself
to be a person, because let's be real, all of
the people that are talking shit on social media would
probably be on the show doing the same kind of
mistakes that we make and not have the ability or
the strength to deal with the criticism. So you should
be proud of yourself and you should go to whatever
freaking island with a mask on that you want, as
long as you can do it as COVID safely as possible. Yep,
I agree, they're in it. Has matt suit and have
a blast. I have some gloves at home if you
need someone from alcohol swat. I'm ready for the vacation, guys,
I'm ready. Let's go. Let's do it. So, Josh, you've
played in some intense, intense challenges over the past couple
of years, So wore the World's One and to total
Manness and double Agents. Do you wish you could have
competed in earlier seasons, like besides the ones that you've
been in, because they've been really intense. The last couple
of them, Um, the one in Spain the right before
I got on looked really that season, looks us I
think it was been dead as Yeah, that season Spain
is like bucket list goals where I want to visit Um.
I mean, I don't think the challenges were even that tough.
I feel like when I got on, I don't know
what the hell happened within production, and like their team,
they just cranked it up to one hundred, like the
super now seems way intense than like the past seasons,
but it also seems like y'all just had way more
fun back in the day, Like I wish I could
go back to like the OG era that time, where
like y'all seems so carefree, you didn't give a shit,
like social media wasn't a thing. Y'all were just generally
a good ass time and like enjoying the challenges. Now
it's like we're going to war every time you see TJ,
Like I'm ready to somebody's head off, you know, And
that's the element, that's the zone we all get in.
So it's intense. Yeah, yeah, and you're so right, Like
why it's it was so much easier for the OG
seasons to really just not be affected by how they
were going to be portrayed because they didn't have to
deal with the criticism publicly. To their front door. Like
Instagram's my door. You're knocking on my door when you
comment on my page, so you're coming on my page.
You're knocking on my door with some shit sometimes. So
it makes me think about how I act on TV,
and like, obviously it has its benefits. Of course, you
don't want to look like an asshole, but at the
same time, it does relate like it does take away
some of your freedoms because now you're living in fear
of how you're going to be trade so go. I
wish we could go back to could you imagine me?
And season that would have been a mess. Bring I
would add two more partners for I was just watching
I was just watching you on Netflix. N see, look
at me being a fan right now? What's that season
that was in Brazil? Oh, the duel was so fun?
The duel. If I can think any season the duel
that that should look like so much fun? Yeah, and
I don't shit in Brazil, That's what that's wild. Still
get to go to some pretty amazing, amazing places. But
we also have to keep in mind that we have
to keep up with Ninjour and Survivor, and you know,
even though we are the first people to ever, I think,
do these kinds of crazy shows. You know, we still
got to keep up with the times, and that means
that we are just going to keep keep up in
the Annie. But we've shown time and time again that
we're capable of doing it. Yeah, and then sometimes they
capable of doing a good try. Oh my god, Anisa, Josh,
we have one more miscellaneous, kind of fun question for you.
We ask everybody this because we gotta know. So, if
you could choose any athlete or celebrity to join the
Big Brother Alliance or just be your partner on a challenge,
like I would pick Will Farrell, Anissa would pick some
CrossFit guy that she thinks hot on Instagram. But you no,
so okay, so this I'm gonna be so real with y'all.
This probably wouldn't have been my option if we had
this interview yesterday, but I gotta say this because it's
so sick. Okay, do it? Do it? Do it? Fucking
Rihanna and Asap Rocky like bomb story short, we run
into Rihanna in the city and she it was me,
Casey and FESSI. She literally told her, She's like, can
I be part of the big brother. I was like, what,
I'm like, Rianna. First of all, you know who I am.
Second of all, you're asking her in the Alliance. Guys.
She's such a fan of the show and she loves
First of all, she loves y'all. She loves the show.
She says, they watched her and eight they watched it
every week and that was just such a sick experience
to meet such a big like she's a she's a
big time and like for her to watch our show,
support it, love everything about she says she would love
to do. So I don't know who yo, right, I
watch your love for her to follow me ya damn
it yo. So that I would, I would say, just
because we just met her and it was surreal and
she's such a huge town in the show and all
of us, I would say Rihanna. But if I had
to pick another person, I think, um, I think there's
some athletes too that are big fans of the show.
But I would pick like, I don't know, I'm such
a big fan of like a Rod and Jeter and
people like baseball I grew up watching. Uh so yeah,
like one of the that would be sick. But I
don't you know that's just me being a fan. Listen,
it's dream world. Will Farrell would never do the show
and he would probably be terrible at it, but at
least you know people would enjoy him for comical relief.
So you think who on my Instagram got Cody thinks
some psycho? Cody thinks some of psycho now because people
have been spamming the shit out of him, telling him
I want to eat his babies. I really just wanted
to be possibly buy him a drink one day if
he ever drinks, and watch him do bar facing burpies.
He's in such good fucking shape. He did like prospit
games and he's just a regular dude, regular sch with
real cute Please don't think I'm weird, Cody, Josh, I
love you and um I can't wait for the next
time we can all be together. Hopefully we can do
Mexico part I just think you're I think you're amazing.
I do think that I think that if people got
to see more of who you are, they would get it,
and that some of us are just a little bit
more emotional when it comes to these games and others.
It just means that you're a little bit more involved
in it. Some people can just let shit happen and
be unaffected. We aren't those people. So um maybe because
she looks weird right now. But hey you, but I
love you, Josh. Thank you so much. I love you guys.
Thank you guys so much, And honestly, I'm just want
to say I'm very proud of both of you. I've
told you guys this off podcast. But like everything you
guys are doing and just continue to kill it, you
guys deserve all of it. So I'm really probably happy
for both of you, So keep keep sucking crushing it bad.
Is the emotional podcast, probably, Josh. Let's just this is
sponsored by Kleenex. It would be quite amazing they specifically
reached out for your episode. It was so strange. Oh
that's that's that's love. I love you so much, Josh.
It was a pleasure. Thank you, Josh. Bye. Thanks friends. Oh, Tori,
that was so amazing to have Josh with us today.
He is such a sweetheart and it was nice to
you know, pick his brain and see how he really
feels about the challenge about us. Yes, I couldn't agree
with you anymore. Queen Anisa, thank you so much for
being my co partner through all of these amazing conversations.
I wouldn't be able to do it without you, And
I feel like it is about that time where we
are going to take a question from a lovely, lovely listener.
This one comes from our girl, Kenya Tori. What's the question? Okay,
she says verbatim, with all the estrogen in one house,
I'm sorry, with all that estrogen in one house, does
everyone's cycle sync up? Like? How's the hygiene? I'm a germophobe,
so I'd be concerned about y'all. I'm dad Like, first
of all, she's not rough. I'm happy that people as
viewers they watched and they're like, hmm, it looks like
I could get a pretty nasty in that house because
it does. Yeah, Like, what do they do on a
final when they have their period? Is there like a
quick like Tampa machine that shows up out of nowhere? Yeah?
I wish, Like I remember the one time we were
heading to a Okay, this is disgusting TMI for sure,
but I drank a Macha latte before I was going
to a challenge. It was in total madness, Anissa. I
had to go on the side of the road. I
was there. I looked at you were there. Where are
you going? Friend? Like to take a poopy in the woods.
But it is one of those kinds of things where
like you don't have a bathroom on the bus and
you have a two hour drive. But um, kenya to
answer your question, I am mother moon um, and if
you come around me, you will get your period. So
just trying to tell you, like, if I have it,
you're going to get it. The uterus is strong, so
we all sync up. We're all emotional, we all run
out of tampons. We've all spent a lot of money
getting them because we have to buy the organic ones,
and still trying to struggle to find out why we're
still paying for tampons. But that's gonna We're gonna save
that for another time. But it's um yeah, I mean,
and it's even worse because and with the guys, like
we had three bathrooms this season, and there was multiple
times when Anissa, you and I, one of us would
be on the toilet, one of us would be on
the shower, one of us would brushing our teeth, one
of us would our hair, Like you had to share
the bathroom and so you're really kind of scrambling while
you're in there, because thirty people are sharing three bathrooms,
so that's ten person to one bathroom. Just do the math, okay,
And how many times have we left crap everywhere? And
this lazy? I want you to tell one of my
favorite stories of the Nelson's story. You have to tell it.
Oh God, so sharing a bathroom, thirty people, three bathrooms,
Someone's always gotta shit, someone's gotta peace, someone's gotta shower,
someone's always in it. I go in it, may or
may not be that time of the month, Okay, it is.
I'm talking to Tori per usual, and Nelson comes up like, yo,
I think you forgot something into bathroom. And I'm like,
oh my god, Tori, did I Did I not put
my applicator in the trash? Like I mean red in
the face so scared. I'm like, Tori, it's my applicat
toor you gotta go check mayday mayday? Need I need
a twenty on my applicator. I know I put it
in the trash. Can oh where is it? God? It
was so funny because Nelson came up to you and
was like, I found it in the bathroom. And we
really thought you were he was talking about the tampon
like we were like, no way, he came up to
you and said that, and we thought he didn't know
what it was. Turns out he thought it was something
completely he was talking about something completely different. It wasn't.
It wasn't even the applicator, which was placed directly in
the trash can like a civilized person. Yeah, there's a
lot of things that can go wrong in terms of
just women women's hygiene in the house, and it's tough
being a female on the challenge, especially during that time
in the month. And every time a little side note here,
every time I've ever ran a final, I've been on
my period. Dirty thirty was on my period. Where the
World's Too was on my period. Just going to throw
that out there, so and I get mine, I get
mine usually the first challenge. Really Yeah, it's like the stresses.
I beat you on Dirty thirty, I'll get in my period.
Let's it gave you that extra strength that you needed,
that little oomflus, that little took me out, that little
push over you though you crushed me on that. If
anybody hasn't seen Dirty thirty, go watch the first episode
I talked shit on Anissa and then she smacks my ass.
Go on, and then I literally smacked her ass. So
there's a lot going on Dirty thirty. You know, it's
a good to just do a transitional reel for us
from then to now? How became TNA? Oh god? Well, Anissa,
I love you. It's absolutely an honor being a co
host with you and I I just want to know
where we can follow you, how we can support you,
and is there any place that we can buy exclusive
photos of you know, maybe a toe or something along
the line. Wow, the toe thing. You'll have to wait for, guys,
because we are maybe going to come out with some
toe loving pictures. Just Tori's toes of my toes loving
one another. Yeah, just just to be continued. We'll see
what happened. But you guys can find me on Twitter
and Instagram at Anissa mtv. That's a n e s
a MTV slide in my DM. Send me a question
or some love. We all need it. I try to
respond to as many as I can. Sometimes I get
a little overload, did and it's a lot, but I
try into my best. I'm only human, but I love
you all very much and appreciate you all listening. Yes,
where where can they find you? My little peach? You
guys can find me in the kitchen at three am.
I'm usually eating cookies when no one's watching, because if
you're eating when no one's watching, the cards don't count.
Other than that, you can find me at Underscore Nope,
at Tory Underscore, Deal, on Instagram, Twitter, whatever, slide into
my DM same thing. I try to reach out and
talk to as many people as possible, but you know,
we get flooded sometimes. But I'm sending all of you
guys love. We're so thankful for your support, So be
sure to watch new episodes of the Challenge every Wednesday,
and then go behind the scenes with us the next
morning on MTV's official challenge podcast, m