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April 1, 2022 31 mins

According to Carla Marie there is a difference between snacks and food snacks. We got to see Monster Trucks in real life and Anthony sat inside Grave Digger! We are about to celebrate MyDayFriday's 8th anniversary!!!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Big announcement on the podcast today, we're moving back to
New Jersey. What April fools? You got it? I thought
you were about to tell me, like you bought me
a home with what is it in? What? In um?
What's that movie called the Notebook? She's like, I want
the home with the white wick or whatever. She's no,

it's something about shades. Oh, I don't know. Don't you ruined?
Thanks for hurting my joke though with not knowing the
reference you were trying to reference. Anyway, I thought you
said you were going to tell me about is that
you're gonna tell me you bought a home? No? Why
do I buy a home? I don't have a job.
Do you have a job? Here we go from far

Boy and you're listening to my two favorite people, Carla
Marie and Anthony Friday. Friday, Hi, I'm carry hi on,
me on, I am tressing, Hi am jee, I'm will
and you'll listen to Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to the podcast

that started. It's all sir, lowered. I did lower it.
So if you are new to my day Friday, this
is something Carl, Marie and I have done now for
almost eight years. Coming up on the eight year anniversary
in like two weeks. I live two weeks. That's crazy.
Is it a Friday? It's April fourteenth, right or twelve?
Or thought it was the eleventh? Well that that time.

We remember we recorded it on Tuesday because we're like
scared you're going to make all these edits. I'll tell
you right now, what year was it? It wasteen That's
why I'm thinking fourteen. Okay, oh my god, I got
a scroll back all these years. I'm pretty sure it
was April eleventh, ten days away. So this is the
podcast that kicked off our careers as a duo. You know,

we had been working with Elvis around the Morning show,
the greatest morning show ever created, um and because we
each wanted to kind of practice what it would be
like to hold our own conversations, we decided to do
this podcast. And part of it was actually right after Carlin,
Marie and I had done this uh ski trip, like

a not a ski trip. It was an event for
a hundred at the time, and on the way up
we were driving listening to all these other radio shows
around the country that had their replay channels at the time,
not even real podcasts. It was just an additional station
on iHeart Radio that would just continually loop that show
until there was a new show the next day. And

we looked at each other and like, most of these
shows are pretty bad, Like we could probably do this.
The bar is very like, we're way more entertaining. So
we decided to try it out with the podcast, and
then you know, that kicked off everything else. So that
is what led us to Seattle. That's what gave us
our own show there. That's what everything did. You're doing

quite the speech for not actually being at eight years
Oh should I save all of this? Okay, I'll do
this all in two weeks. No, I just wanted everyone
to know kind of how we ended up here. And
this podcast is what has led us to the Morning
Show podcast, which hopefully you have had an opportunity to

check out if you haven't, I love both of us
obviously would love for you to at least give it
one shot, maybe two. Yeah, just by you listening. It's
not like, obviously we want you to come to Twitch,
but a lot of our revenue from Twitch comes from
people subscribing and bits and all that. When you just
listen to the podcast, just you taking that twenty minutes

of your day ends up helping us make money. Because
now it's official, we can start monetizing the podcast. Yeah,
that meaning like not Monday Friday the morning show podcast.
You'll hear like ads play before it, and don't worry,
We're not gonna be one of those podcasts. It's like
your six minutes of ads. It'll be quick. I can't
do that. And I did get a message actually this

morning on Instagram and I shared it in my story.
I shared it on my Twitter as well at Worst Anthony,
and it was a link I had originally posted a
link like, hey, check out our podcast, and someone said,
I've actually been putting on the podcast before. I tuned
into Elvis d Rain in the Morning Show for my
commute to work in the morning. I love what you
guys are doing. Keep it up. And then a lot
of people are go, yeah, I do the same thing.
I listen to you guys as I'm getting ready at

home and in my car. I listened to a regular
radio stage like that. Yeah listen. However, you listen to
the show, whether you're replacing a show in your area,
whether you're adding us on, or maybe one of the
shows you listened to as a really long commercial break
you can put us on probably the middle of all
of that. Seriously, that's what's sad. But let's talk about
what we got to do today because I got to

relive kind of my childhood um at the press event
we got to go to. I got to be a
part of it two, but I was more just like,
this is cool. So we went down to lo Winfield
and they were setting up it was like the press
event for Monster Jam, which will be taking place tomorrow
evening at the same place at lumen Field. And we
got to like check out some of the monster trucks, right.

So we got there and they had Blue Thunder, and
they had Mohawk Warrior. Yuck. Who was there? Was another
one that was El Toro Local It was also there,
but we didn't get to talk to that driver or
see that truck or anything up close. And I remember
getting on the the infield and I was like, oh, man,
Grave Digger is not here. Now. If you know anything

even actually if you know nothing about Monster Jam or
monster trucks, you know that there's you probably have seen
Grave Digger. If someone would have said name a monster truck,
would like a blue one. But if you said, oh,
Grave Digger is a monster truck. Yes, it's black, purple green.
I don't think I wouldn't know what it looks like really, no,

I would just know the name. Well, it's like the
whole Cogan of monster trucks, right, like, even if you
don't know wrestling, you know who hulkol again is, even
if you don't know monster trucks, which it sound like,
I was the biggest Monster truck fan ever. I was
just a little kid that would watch it on TV
in his uncle's room when he was being baby set.
I remember the commercials that would come on we were
kids for like, you know, when they'd become into Continental

Airlines Arena in New Jersey and like, flip, are you
gonna learn? So I got on the infield at lumen
Field and there was no Grave Digger. I was like, oh, man,
I thought I was gonna see Grave Digger at least
that would be kind of cool, right, And then as
we were walking out, they're like, oh, we have to
walk out this special way, and they took me to

see Grave Digger and I kind of like geeked out
a little bit. Again, not because I'm like the biggest
monster jam fan. I hadn't watched any of it since
I was like a little kid, but just seeing that,
seeing like an icon from your from your childhood is
kind of crazy. Yeah, I'm trying to think like what

the equivalent would be for me at this point in
my life. Right, Like I've met Knee before. You know,
it wasn't the real party though, so like maybe Barney
Big Bird if there was Barbie, Like what if you
went to Sesame Street. I've been to Sesame Place. No, No,
like the set of Sesame I would lose my ship exactly.
Like that's kind of the same thing like seeing Oscar.

And then we found out that the guy who drives
Grave Digger Um is the son of the original driver's
Grave Digger and like the whole family is in the
Monster Truck world. We actually learned a lot about the
ins and outs of Monster Truck sitting. I got to
sit inside a Mohawk Warrior that it is, I mean,
And tomorrow Saturday evening, we're actually gonna go to Monster

Jam for the first time for each of us. I'm
actually excited now because I like going into it. I'm
sure it's like super exciting if you're a fan obviously,
but if you have little kids. Yeah, but like now,
I just met three of the drivers and I were like, oh,
and you got to see some of the trucks like
as they're being like prepared for the event. And I
want to start doing different things like that, just going

to events that I normally wouldn't go to. You have
big plans last week was you wanted to start learning
new skills. Now you're gonna go to events. And this
is going to happen when all the time whatever, whenever
it's convened between going to ELI Fitness, well, yeah I
have to. I'm still gonna work out and taking nactional bax. Yeah, okay,

that's my relaxation time. No things like going to and
I know I talked about this before actually cause I
want to go to a rodeo, like a real rodeo.
Did we go to We went to well in uh, Colorado? What? Oh?
We went to the Professional Bull Riders Tour, like the
PBR tour. Yeah yeah, but I want to go to

like a local rodeo. We have we have to have
me here. Eastern Washington and Central Washington have them. I
don't know, I don't know how close it would be
to Seattle, Um. But I know if we go to
like Ellensburg in Washington, they have a rodeo there. We've
been there, they had a great bookstore. Yeah, Ellisburg is
a cool little it looks like a little country town. Um.

But I want to do things like that, things that
I normally wouldn't do, because today it was actually a
really good example of why. So we did the monster
truck thing right, and then we went to Costco, which,
for the record, kind of a draining experience. I love Costco,
don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to like poop
on the company, but the store is so big and

there are so many people, Like just navigating the parking
lot is draining sometimes. But I remember seeing some older
people getting into their car as we had our car,
and I was like, is this life? Do we just
go to cost Like once you become adults, you just
go to Costco until you die. That's literally what Anthony
said as we were walking out, and I was like,
I mean yeah, and that's not what I want my

life to be. I don't want my life to be
just living life between trips to Costco. I want to
be able to do new things. You know what you
just said. It's perfect live your life between trips to
cost but I want it's a new podcast life between
Costco trips. But I want to do new things on
a somewhat frequent basis. You know what I mean? Okay, Well,
you act like going to Costco is like going to

the hospital. You go, You've been going grocery shopping your
entire of course. But it's different when you have a
Costco membership card. It's like that is your that's your member,
that's your adult membership card. No, your cards. You're not
an adult toil. I hit that no, no no. Once
you have the Costco membership card, you're like a real adult,

like your your youth is gone. It's a black card too,
because we have the executive one, which is like grimm
and itself. It's like, oh, here's your black card of
your death of your child. Reminds me a bit of
like a funeral home logo. Yeah again, I don't want
anyone who works at Costco to think we don't love Costco.
We actually we have a Twitch viewer who works for

Costco h Q. And I mean, like Anthony saying Costco
is a part of life, I would love cost I
would love to do a partnership with Costco. We're like,
maybe it's we got We're doing a barbecue this weekend,
Like this is how we barbecue under fifty bucks with Costco.
I don't know whatever it is, Like I think there

could be Costco challenges that we could do and it
could be a sold thing. And I think the reason
today's trip to Costco was a little more draining the
normal is we went there without a plan, Like I
had to look up the things I needed as we
were there, so like it wasn't as uniform. I like
when I go grocery shopping, I like to go in

and out. I know exactly what I need. I'm gonna
get exactly that and I'm gonna hit the door. Yeah,
but we're still learning Costco. That's why. And they purposely
did you know this. I read this. They purposely moved
things around the store so you have to walk around
looking for them. That makes sense. I get it. Like
I know that certain stores do things to drive sales,

like little subtle things, and I know people get mad
about it. I'm like, I can't really get mad. I
mean that's like us, Like basically it's like, hey, coming
up in this episode, we're going to talk about the
time Anthony. Yeah, we're leading on. We're leading you onto
something that we're going to do later and costcoes like
that thing that you really need yet it's at the
back of the store and we're gonna make you see

all these other things on the way there. Um, we
did buy one thing we don't need though, what squishy
thing that was far from my friend Hannah. Yeah, it's
a big pillow bushy mellows or something. So apparently they're
like the new age beanie babies, but people are collecting them.
But those are no offense if you collect them, I understand.
Like they're comfortable, they're they're squishy. Actually a lot of

um kids with I want to say, learning disabilities. It's
just they're um kind of like a stuff done like
a safety animal, right, Like they because they're soft, because
they're squishy, they kind of give that same um one
of those little popham things called poppets, like a stress reliever. Yeah. Um,
squish mollows, squish mollows stuffed animals is what they're called.

If you want to look it up. The words squish
mollow back to like big marshmallows is what they are,
so it's got that kind of vibe to it, right,
But there are people who collect them, and we'll spend
a thousand dollars on some of these things, and one
I think I think the one we got is just
because my friend and his sister loves that one. Her

older sister loves them. Whatever. Some of them she'll buy
for like twelve dollars and resell them for two fifty, which, Okay,
you're like, that's not that much, but if you do
that five times, like it's a thousand bucks right there,
that's crazy. It's your rent. So wait, we're just gonna
give this thing away now. I don't think this one
goes for a lot. I think this is just one
that she's wanted for her personal collection. I think she

is pulling one over on your car. I think you
are her squish mollow mule at the moment. Well, let's
go back, because there was another one. No, I think
we need to charge Hanna's sister maybe tax on this transportation.
I watch a lot of Narcos documentaries. I know how
this stuff works, right, normally the dealer so Hannah's sister, right,

they under they under charge everyone below them so they
can sell at a higher price when it hits the
street and make more money. Right, So, like the people
who who grow the cocaine plants and stuff in Central
and South America, they make like pennies. They're not rolling
the dough. I don't want to be them. I think

I think we're in a squished, mollow drug ring. And
then have you ever watched Breaking Bad, there's like when
they cook meth, there's yeah, there's they call them smurfs.
I believe they are the people who go to all
the drug stores and buy the over the counter drug
medicine and then and then they because you know how

like if you go to buy musin x DM or
musen x D, I should say, yes, you gotta show
your I D. You only can do that a certain
amount of times. So what what meth healers do people
who cook math, I should say, is they'll get a
bunch of people to go buy all the music next
they can basically and then they cut them up and
the people that go out to buy them are called smurfs.
I'm pretty sure we're smurfs. I think we're squished mollow smurfs.

I wonder if we were like I never thought i'd
say in my life. I wonder if we were like,
we're going to take this whole box. It was like
one of those ones that the box was like taller
than any right, big, big, big box. It reminded me
of the box of the big bouncy balls. You'd get it,
you'd see it Toys r Us back in the day.
It's like that. It's like when you go pumpkin picking
and they got the pumpkins in a pile, or like watermelons,
same idea. What if we were like, we're going to

take this pellet they have let us. There's got to
be a limit. I don't know. Is there a limit
to what you can buy a costco? Imagine one day,
like just like buying over the counter drug medicine, you'd
have to like show your idea for a squish mollo.
Is a costco or costco cost how much something costs?
Not costs? So I guess the cost company cost co?

Is that not right? I don't know. I feel like
some guy's last name, so I'm like polished guy that
came over here back in the late eighteen hundreds. I
don't think so I don't know how to pronounce Costco,
Costco K A A S T K O W Castco.
What I said, We'll put that next to the microphone.

Let's see what it's like. Great out so you can't
listen to it. It's oh wait, yeah Castco. No, it's
not Castco. That's that's dumb jo. I don't know. Okay,

we're gonna move on now. Well I'm I'm sticking with Costco.
I actually sometimes and I think we talked about this before,
I sometimes mess up and say price Club because that's
what I used to go to with my mom when
I was no. When I first started going to, like
to Costco with my mom, it was called Price Club
in Clifton, New Jersey, and then one day it changed,
and I think my parents still call it price Club.

Cost Co. No, she's not saying Core cost Co. Yeah,
cost Co, cost all right, put it put it in bluetooth,
but I think that was why it wasn't work. Put
it in the bluetooth. We're running this through the system.
A Scotty would say, our system six hundred bucks. Who

he is? Scotty B from Elvis run in the Morning Show,
also from the Breakfast Boys know what are they called
Cereal Killers? Serial Killers podcast? This is taking entirely too long.
It's important, though, we should know about our future partnership company.
All right, it's connected Carmer. Then it's up cost Co,

cost Co, cost Co, cost cost I've been saying that's gross.
I'm sticking with costc. No, you're wrong. You can't do it.
They will never let you. What if the English wasn't
my first language, I could do whatever I want, ma'am.
Here's the thing, ma'am, this is a Wendy's if. What
if they come to us like, sir, we you're saying

it wrong and we want to work with you. What
you're saying there? Na say? What's it worth to you?
How much you got in that pocketbook? Lady? Okay? Well,
first of all, no one calls it that pocketbook and
price club? Are you okay? What listen? I'm an old soul.
Are you going to act me too? You know I

grew up next to an acme. I used to go
to act me in a food town right on Root
in Clifton. There was an ACME and I lived basically
behind it, like two blocks behind it, and I lived
at the dumpster of the acmee a sent That's where
I grew up. I dumpster baby. I think food town
is the reason why why I would always say I'm
going to go to the food store. Yeah. You you

claimed at one point that was a New Jersey thing
to call it the food store grocery shopping. Listen, I
came from a whole family of immigrants. No one called
it the food store. Do you say food shopping or
grocery shopping? Maybe food shopping thing that if you're gonna
food shop your food shopping at the food store. No,
because I can go gene shopping. I'm not going to

the gene store the clothing store, which you can't get
more generic than food. Yes, grocery, Yeah, grocery, but grocery
is what food you don't like? No, because groceries, I
mean you could get your sponges at the grocery. A grocery,
I would say, it is what is it that? Okay,

we're not we're not looking up more things on your phone.
We are this podcast has turned into an encyclopedia. No, no, no, no.
We actually we're talking about this at dinner the other
day with our friend Shawn when he came to visit
and we talked about it on Twitch on Thursday as well.
We have this instant now because we have the Internet
at our fingertips, right, we have Google right there that

we just search everything immediately. Every time there's some sort
of discussion, we grab our phone and for a lot
of it it's useful. Right If I'm if I'm saying, hey,
I think the Yankees are coming to town next weekend
and you say no, I think it's three weeks from now,
that's a stupid discussion to have. You can just look
up the schedule like, oh, no, they're actually coming in
two weeks. We're both wrong, But sometimes you don't need

to search things. Well, you know what a grocery is
definition items of food sold in a grocery store. What
that makes That definition makes no sense grocery, a grocery store,
or business items of food sold in a grocery store.
I think that's a stupid definition. But we're going to

move on from the grocery store. What is considered a
grocery package are fresh seafood meat or poultry package, or
fresh produce or vegetables package, or fresh dairy products that's it,
frozen yogur other confections. So then you weren't going to
the food store. Then you were going to the grocery
store because they had way more than just those. Well,
that doesn't make sense either, if just grocer. See what

I'm telling you is that Clorox is not a grocery
you could I was gonna make it. Someone's gonna then
drink it. I'm not gonna even make that joke. All right,
Can you put your phone down now? Well, there's a
lot to be There's a lot to learn about the categorization. Fingers, Marie,
put your phone down. There's a lot to learn about
the categorization. I said it right the first time. Look
what you did of food stores. That's great. Do a

podcast about it one day. I'm gonna call it life
in between trip to Costco, Life between trips to Costco?
Then how often do you go to Costco or cast Go?
I would go every two weeks to Costco, Costco, Costco, Costco,
and my episodes would come out every two weeks. Hey,

what are we gonna do for the eight year anniversary
of my Friday? I don't know. Take an app I'm tired. No,
this isn't not this show. But what do we know,
is there, like, what should we do for the year anniversary?
That episode is am I in New What? What did

you say? Am I in New York? When do we celebrate?
Because the eighth, which would be next week is you
can't celebrate it before you Oh, so we'll be doing
a coast to coast podcast. You know what, here's what
we're gonna do for the anniversary of My Day Friday.
You're going to do one from home with your parents

Freddie Murray and Anna Marie and uh, I'll just sit
back and do nothing. How about that? I like that
idea a lot stupid All right, Well, if you have
any ideas of things we can do for the anniversary
of My Day Friday, maybe there are some things you'd
like us to discuss again, maybe things that we discussed
eight years ago that we should rehash at some point.

We should listen to the first epid, do we even?
I don't think we know where the first episode is. No,
we found it in reposted at once. It's not like
it's not in the slot of the first episode. Okay,
I got you. Because originally when we started, we had
like a limited inventory of podcasts that we could use,
so we had to then delete the older ones. No, no, no,

because we paid something happened when we transferred something over
at one point. Either way, that's that's lame. We're not
going to talk about that. I am very excited to
go to Monster Jam tomorrow evening. I don't know what
really to expect, Like are there snacks there? I'm sure
their concessions are open? Kind of stupid question. Is that
they serve alcohol? Oh, that's a good question. Probably. I

need to find out. Anywhere that parents have to bring
their kids, they usually also provide alcohol for the parents.
Is there alcoholic Disney on ice? Yeah? Is there? The
full stadium? Isn't available for tickets right? Bow? I have
no idea because this is important to me because this
decides whether I need to eat dinner before I did.

I did get our take its text message to us
from our our media connection, thank you to Kim, and
it says we have Monster Jam pit passes. I think
there's like a pit party before they do there. They're
the biggest, so like all the trucks are in the
middle of the of course, yeah, and all the drivers
are there and you get to like walk around and

check them out. Do they have snacks at that, Carla Marie,
there are snacks wherever you go. You live in one
of the biggest cities in the world, You're gonna always
have easily accessible food. That's not true. That is true
because everything closes early nowadays. Yeah, but there's still there's
always seven elevens. What am I going to get there? Like?

What what are those called? Who talks? I don't like
those little spiral hot dogs for so I'm not gonna
eat a slurpie for dinner. Let me explain something. Number one.
Number one rule of seven eleven. Unless you are totally
black out drunk, you do not get anything off of
the rotating grill. Okay, although I've heard hot dogs are

decent there. Second, if you are going there late night,
you always get a slurpie. Even if you don't want
a slurpye, you get the minimum cherry coke. That's like,
you get a small one, right, you get the small
one cherry coke. That's if you're not in the mood
for a slurpee. If you horror in the mood for

a slurpee, do whatever you want, mix and match, get
get a jumbo slurpee. I just got the best April
fool's idea. Let's go to start Starbucks. What we're talking
about seven eleven High. We're gonna go to seven eleven,
gonna get slurpies. I'm gonna post on Instagram that it's
free Slurpy Day eleven. Go to your local seven eleven
and say you look great, and they'll give you a
freethom That would actually be pretty funny. Um. Yeah, and

then there's but then there's like fourteen aisles of snacks
at seven eleven. Drink and saut your heart's content. I'm
talking about a food snack. What is it? What is
wrong with your brain today? Did you get hit in
the head with a monster truck this morning? I do

have something growing on my eyeball. Yeah, Carla Maree has
got a stye developing side. It's a pimple. It's white head,
and I popped it and grew back. It looks like,
I don't know, it's kind of stysh. Anyway, we'll worry
about that later. It's probably those fake lashes you glue
to your face. I haven't done it in a long time.
A food snack. Okay, what's a food snack? It's not
something that comes in a bat something that needs to
be heated and cooked. Food. It's food. You just described food.

What are you talking about, like a pretzel, a food pretzel,
food pretzel as opposed to one other type of pretzel,
Carl theon Marie, and I'm sure, I'm sure, I'm sure.
I'm sure. I'm sure they have food pretzels at lumen

Field for Monster Jam. As a matter of fact, I
promise you the first food pretzel that we see, well, oh,
you don't even want a food pretzel. I probably shouldn't
eat them. They're not going free. What are you then?
What are you asking? Are you trying to get me upset? Yeah? What?

Did you just spend this whole time trying to describe
a pretzel just to tell me you don't actually it's
a pretzel. I quit. I'm not even gonna make it
to our eight year anniversary of this podcast. I quit
this stupid podcast. So the difference is a snack uh,

I'm looking a snack pretzel comes in a bag and
it's une, does not need to be heated, refrigerated, or
snack pretzel. So you're talking about like rolls gold or
whatever that or like the rods? Is that the name
of the company. Is it rolled something a food snack prozel.

He's in the little it's rolled gold by the way,
R O L D. Rolled gold. Oh, there's no s there.
Rolled gold WI makes some great ones. When a food
snack pretzel is the one that hangs in the little
glass and they're heated and they like dip it you
get at a car in New York City and not

getting rolled gold at a car in New York City.
It's rolled gold whatever. For the record, that's the difference
between a snack pretzel the foots. So what is another
food car the marie that is a snack food and
a food food. Wow, obviously there is a distinction in

the pretzels that you just mentioned. Different. You want a
soft pretzel is what you're really saying, sort of food pretzel,
like a weirdo food snack of food snack. No, no,
you want you want a food pretzel, not a not
a snack of pretzels snacks that's not a meal. Oh god,

we're gonna get banned from podcasting. Imagine we actually got
high into the podcast. It's probably normal, it wouldn't sound
this ridiculous. I know that much. What else is there
that you can get that's a snack. I mean nachos,
that's not because that's just kind of an So is
there a difference? What would you call the nachos that
you get like at a Mexican restaurant or maybe at

t g I Fridays or apples, So those are dinner nachos,
and then the nachos that you get it like a
game or what kind of those food snacks food snacks.
And then like a derrito is just a snack, that's
not that's not nachos. It says doritos nachos. The flavor
of the dorritos nacho cheese is the flavor of doritos.

Just like you get cool ranch. You tortilla chips, you
can get food snack nachos. No, those are just chips. Nachos.
Tortilla chips are not nachos without all the other stuff.
And then you can get potato chips. But then you
can get hash browns, which are okay. You see now
you're just you're just trying to be annoying. Now to

the mashed potatoes are dinner? No, no, no, stop it,
stop it, because that's like saying you're right now, what
you're doing is you're almost comparing like beef jerky to
a steak. Go, well, there's beef snacks like beef jerky,
and then there's beef like steak, and then like a
beef snack would be sack. I'll show you a beef snack.

A food beef snack would be like a uh, that's food.
It's a food snack. It's a beef snack. What food
beef snack? Alright, we're going home. When we're home, we're
gonna let you do anything else with your day. I
appreciate the time that you've hung out with us. Um,

this was an eye opening experience, I think for all
of us, and it is time for us to go.
I gotta go do my taxes. Good luck. Are you
gonna expense your food snacks? I bet I can for tomorrow.
It's work. You're not doing your taxes for this year,
though you're doing your taxes for last year. Anyway, for real,

this was a lot of fun. Thank you very much
for hanging out with us. Thank you for spending thirty
minutes of your day with us. Hopefully, whatever you're doing
this weekend or whatever you're doing today, if you're listening
to this. Later on, you're having a good time and
you're getting some food snacks in my belly. You look great.
You look great.
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