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September 27, 2019 30 mins

Carla Marie and Anthony kick off your weekend with MyDayFriday! This episode stars one of our greatest friends and co-workers...Greg T! Greg T works for Elvis Duran and the Morning Show (where we worked!) and he just got his own morning show! We congratulate him and make him cry. Carla Marie and Anthony cry too!! 

FYI Things have changed and we don’t have a morning show anymore! Keep up with everything Carla Marie and Anthony:

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well, welcome to another Friday. Hello. You know what's crazy.
We've been able to uh to do this podcast now
for over five years. It is by the way, my
name is Anthony, I'm Carla Marie. Welcome to the Monday Friday,
the podcast that kind of started our radio kind of
broadcasting morning show careers, which is kind of crazy. Yeah,
I mean we were in radio before that. We weren't

just like, no offense to these people. We weren't just
like podcasters who wanted to be on the radio. No,
we were very low level radio people with very low
level jobs, with high with high goals, with high expectations
of themselves. But we've been able to now do this
podcast for like five and a half years. As you're
listening to this and yesterday again we got to bring

up this podcast in like a big kind of corporate
setting on a panel that we were hosting. You'll get
to hear it at some point when it gets posted.
But it was called the Podcast about Podcasts. I think
it's actually my fault that it's not posted. So the
Podcast about Podcasts was us basically hosting, not a panel,

hosting a podcast, um in our I Heart Radio theater
here in front of sixty clients with two people Andy
Kelly and Dean Peterson who work for iHeart Radio, and
one is on the content side of creating podcasts and
one is on the side of like selling podcast If
you are a behind the scenes type person, if you
like knowing the inner workings of random companies and the

way things are bought and sold and traded and promoted
and all that stuff, it is actually gonna be cool
podcast to listen to. If you're not, it's super dorky
and I would not listen to it. But this is
the podcast that kicked off our morning show. We got
our first ever morning show with our names on it
on Power here in Seattle, and that is going to
be the theme of today's podcast. It's going to be shorter,
but our theme. We are dedicating our morning our podcast

today to a guy who just got his own morning
shows a shape. But this thing is it is the
head more with major American city still its class hair.
He is a ten on a scale of one to ten.

And we're of course battening down the hatches for our
latest storms. This is chaos. I never saw anything like
this in my life. When you go down that road,
the devastation just continues for mins. Disaster. He's worst crisis
since World War Two. It's a great depression. It's mighty Friday. Yes,

Steve Aoki kicking off the mo Day Friday podcast. By
the way, if you listen to last week, I tried
to get on stage with Steve Aoki at the I
Heart Radio Music Festival Friday night. It did not work.
He didn't retweet me though, which was pretty cool. That's
great at all, But you know I didn't work. I
didn't do what it needed it to do, all right,
Carla Murray, So you mentioned someone just got their own
morning show, but there's a lot of people I don't

know if they're familiar with this. Someone actually is. It
would be Charlie, our next door neighbor, oh from do
you remember that? It's so stupid sod if you if
you go back and listen to like early pod. I'm
looking for them because I did get a request from
someone on Instagram that said, can you find when he
was Charlie So Greg t Um of Elvis Durand in

the Morning Show. Now, there's a lot of people that
have come through that Elvis Durand in the Morning Show.
Door at some point sat in that studio and been
blessed in the radio world to be able to be
on the microphone and share the radio with Elvis. But
Greg T is one of the originals. It was him, Danielle, Scary,
Scotty b Um, and he finally is getting this break,

And I don't know if he's always wanted it, but
he's He's getting an opportunity to go down the hallway
in New York City at the station that I started
with one or three point five KT you to work
with a really good friend Colleen, and our good friend Carolina,
who was also part of Elvis Durrand in the morning show.
Um and I've we've talked about them at times, but
I want to talk about Greg T today because I

think a lot of people don't understand how much I'm
like getting emotional already, how much Greg Team means to
so many people and all the things that he encompasses
as a human you know what I mean. Like, people
don't understand the things that he does behind the scenes
and all of that. Yeah, he's kind of like the
I like everyone thinks of Elvis the show is the

comic relief to their life. He is the comic relief
for everyone listening, but he is the comic relief for
everyone at that show too, Like if you're having a
bad day, greg T is the person who cheers you up.
But also if Greg T is having a bad day,
you're also having a bad day. You know what's great
about Greg T? And a lot of people will talk
about their relationships with him, and there are people that

have known him longer. They're obviously people that know him better. Um,
I had a pretty cool relationship with Greg T because
we're with him more hours than anyone else. And one
of the first times I ever really got a a
spotlight shine down on me on Elvis's show is actually
due to Greg T. I had been on as Elvis's

assistant for a little bit and a friend of mine
her name is a and worked with a company that
represented the Stratosphere in Las Vegas. The Stratosphere is the
building that kind of looks like the Space Needle here
in Seattle or the CN Tower in Toronto. Has got
the rotating floor and they have amusement things on top,
like they have a little roller coaster, and they were
opening the sky jump, which is where you walk a

plank and you fall down four. I want to say,
it's four hundred and nine ft. I could be miss
speaking on that number, and I only went I set
up this whole promotion where Greg T was going to
do it on the Morning Show, was gonna be the
first ever person to do it, and he chickened out.
And when I say chickened out, he broke down, crying,
fell to the ground, lost his mind. And this was

about three days after my very first official day working
with Elvis thrown in the Morning Show so as and
I was only there to film it. And this is
one of the first big mistakes I made in the
radio world. I was filming Greg T, and I felt
so bad for the human that I know as as
Greg T, that I stopped filming when he started crying.
I know. And when I got back, Elvis was like, so,

where's the video of Greg T crying? I was like, oh, well,
I just I felt bad, so I stopped recording and
he looked like he looked at me like I was
the craziest human being in the world. Um. But because
Greg T bailed on that, I got to do it,
and I jumped. One of my first big radio moments
was jumping off of a building. Yeah, that was pretty funny.
And I remember being like, what's going to happen? Oh
my god, Anthony's gonna jump and I really got to

pick up the phone. But O, harey, Anthony, We're going
to talk to you a little. It's wild. It's either
you or Lauren. Maybe I don't remember hired um. And
then the other thing, and I'll keep this a lot
shorter is greg T. And I spent a lot of
time when I was the video person driving to all
the crazy places Greg T would go. We would literally
be in the car just the two of us. Are
just the two of us in an intern just talking

about life, talking about work, talking about family. Yeah, this
is kind of like a funeral, I guess um. And
we got to sit back to back in the Elvis studio,
so he was We were spent a lot of time
together over seven years. My relationship with Great T is different.
I like, I'm definitely like little sister, like nice to
him kind of thing. Um. He I grew up listening

to him the same way I did with Elvis, Daniel
and Scary and I remember in high school listening to
things like Tackle T Tuesdays where he would go to
local football teams and get tackled by that. And I
remember one week he was like, I don't care. I
get tackled by cheerleaders and I called in didn't get
on the air, and I talked to Sarah, who was
my job eventually my job at the time, um, and
she like took my information down to whatever but didn't happen.

But I was like, this guy, screw him. So I
get there and I've listened to years of Greg t
getting picked on by everyone in the show, and I'm
an intern. And after like six months, I remember him
building something for the Super Bowl at the time, and
it was a frog jump and people were gonna have
to the frogs. We're gonna have to jump to whoever
they thought was gonna win. And I looked at him
and I said, you made that. Looked like your daughters

would make that. And he got so mad. He told
Elvis and David Birdie. He hated me and him on
me around and when he found out I was gonna
be hired, he was like, don't hire this girl and
all this stuff, and he it was hilarious. And then
our relationship was basically that mixed with my like my
number one love at that show, like on and off.

We went back and forth and he I mean, I'd
be crying and he would be comforted me and giving
me advice. He and I got to spend a lot
of time together, me and him and Scary or just
me and him in Iowa when we went there for
the fair, just the three of us went to introduce
Maroon five and that was my first time going on
a stage and it was with Scary and great tea.
Like that is mind blowing to me. So T and
I have like this, Like people will see the jackass

version of him on the air, but behind the scenes,
he is like a rock to a lot of people.
He's your brother in a lot of ways that if
you have a close knit family, you think of your brother.
Sometimes you fight, sometimes you love each other, and you
do everything in between. Greg T was actually the first
coworker I had that I got into a legit screaming
match with, Like we we lost it on each other,

didn't speak for like two days. Now, keep in mind,
with a lot of jobs, you cannot speak to a
co worker for two days and you don't even really
see him or whatever. We sat back to back for
five hours of morning and didn't speak until he was
the bigger man and he looked over. He goes, hey, man,
are you really not going to talk to me? And
I turned around and I said, are you gonna? Because

I'm not a nice person, I said, are you gonna
mt the erna hole? He goes, I said, all right.
And this is the crazy thing. And I think when
you get into a fight, you think it's the biggest
thing in the world. I have no idea what we
thought about, literally literally zero idea, but we fought and
we argued and we screamed, then we cursed to each other.
Can we try to get this idiot on the phone?

We can. I also want to talk about one thing
that before we call Greg t um. I think a
lot of people, like you said, Carl Me, look at
him and they see the jackass. They see the the
king what does he call himself, the King of King
clown And they also see that the craziest success that
even though he hasn't had his own show until this point,
Greg t is one of the more successful people in

radio period period. Like you can't even if he stated
with Elvis, even if he quit radio today, he has
a legacy in radio, and I think people see that like, oh,
he does all these crazy things and these stunts and whatnot. Um,
but people don't realize the work that he puts in
behind the scenes when he builds things, when he's busting

through a door, he is literally going to home depot
on his own time, spending his own money a lot
of times or Elvis's money, um, and he is putting
things together, drills, saws, everything, and people don't realize the
success that he has had. Yes, he's been able to

do it with Elvis's platform, but he has put so
much time and effort literal blood, sweat, tears, everything poop,
and he deserves all of the best things that you
can get and he has earned it. We're gonna say,

I was gonna tell you to call him, get him,
get him on the horn. One of what I was
going to say is one of my first times as
an intern. So it was actually my first semester with
Elvis's show. So it was fall two thousand nine. Um,
they Greg T right before Thanksgiving was going around. The
whole thing was Greg T is going to go around
with a turkey. That was the plan to get businesses

and see where can Greg T go with the turkey.
And by the way, if you want to see who
we're talking about, it's Greg T. Frat boy, do you
have dialed? Is not in service? I pressed one? Yeah
that while you're talking. So the day before Thanksgiving, Greg
T got a rooster, not a turkey. So I got

to go around as an intern with great T too,
random businesses in New York City with a rooster. And
I remember me like, I've listened to this my whole life,
and now I get to be a part of this. Okay,
we're okay calling Greg Tin. Now let's see. Hi Gregory,
You're on Monday Friday? Yo, my day Friday. Wow, I'm

really moving up. Now are you finally made it? Man?
On Monday Friday? As yourself? Not as Charlie Charlie the
next our neighbor. I really did think that Charlie had
a had a lane, he could have been there. Really,
you know, it would have been perfect. It would have
been but a good thing it didn't work out because
now you guy your oh Joe, I don't know. I

can't believe it. I don't know how it happened. Where
where are you right now? Greg? I am up A
year old next to the woods. I'm on the Garden
State Parkway. I just left the Garden State Plaza mall.
Did you have an appearance there today? No? I actually
had to return items to Neiman Marcus because I can't
afford that, Tiff, now that you're not working for Marcus stuff. Yeah,

and you know, I bought all this stuff to or
to Elvis's wedding. But after I realized that, you know,
I don't need to buy a belt that costs three
and eighty dollars. You have one at Macy's for twenty bucks,
I'm like, let me return this now. So between that
and a tie, the tie cost two hundred and set dollars.

And who's who's got money like that? Not me? Hey? Uh, Greg,
t do you think we can talk about the thing
that you asked me to do at Elvis's wedding? What
do you ask you to do? Hold on? What did
I ask you to do? Oh? Um? Did I forget?
You give me a hint? Um? You had to venmol

me for something? Yes? I did, red. Oh you want
to talk about that? I don't know. I like because
I you know, what's funny, That's the first time I've
ever done that. In my life. You're kidding, Met, what
is happening? Explain why you what you did? What you
texted me? Greg T, Well, I mean I just wanted

to have a good time, and uh, you know there's
so much going on in the world right now with
vaping and how vaping is bad. So in order for
me to get off a vaping, I need to get
back onto cigarettes. Well, I mean, there's no way to
get off the vape. The vape is too strong and
they don't make like the patch for vaping. So I

got to stop. That's the way to do it. You
have to go backwards. Now, I'm gonna go back to
quit like people quit. Do you know how hard it
is to quit nicotine? Nicotine is so addicting. So I
actually so I texted the group of guys Saturday morning
of Elvis's wedding because most of the women were getting

in their hair and makeup and everything done, getting ready.
So I texted all the guys that said, I'm just
gonna walk around Santa Fe maybe find a bar to
watch like some of the football games. So Gregg T
texted me on the side. He's like, hey, man, you
need a huge, huge favor. He says, I was down
when I left slow, so I bought a pack of
Marlboro Lights. I believe, Greg, I'm not at you. Why

don't you do that? You have to understand Listen, you
have to understand. Ay, I didn't want to go back
out already because you know, once you left the hotel
you have to walk up in the freaking two block
scores and there was there's no I mean, there was
no smoke shops anywhere. So I figured if he was
just rolling around and find a place to pick up
a pack of smokes. Yeah, so let me tell you.

Let me tell you though, So first time I ever
bought a pack of cigarettes? Is that we call it pack? Right? Yeah? Pack? Okay?
And I'll tell you why I did it, because almost
anyone else that would have asked me to buy a
pack of cigarettes, I would have said no. And where
are you? Love me? Before I get into that. Are
you in your car? Are you in public right now? Too?

My Trump? Okay? Driving home? Greg T I'm glad you're
on the podcast with us. The only reason you're not
someone I could have said no to. Even though I
didn't want to buy cigarettes. I've never bought a pack
in my life is you are so unbelievably selfless all
the time, and you do so much for you know,

you do so much for so many people, and you've
done so much for me personally as a friend, as
a co worker. UM this um and we you know.
The crazy thing is Gregg T and I talked about
how we used to spend so much time in the
car driving to the stunts that you would do or

the events that you would have to host and I
would be filming you. Um. Greg T and I for
so long talked about the things we wanted to do
in our careers, even though we were so unbelievably fortunate
to work under the Elvis spotlight, which is listen, there
are people in radio who have their own shows in
the biggest cities in the world who would give nothing

more than they would want nothing more to say than
to work with Elvis Durand in the morning show on
zu UM. But we talked about things. There are things
that we wanted to accomplish on our own. There are
things we wanted to just try and experiment whether or whatever.
So T, I am so unbelievably happy for you as
a friend, as a co worker, as someone who has

been in all of the things that you have been
able to do and accomplished already in your career. Dude,
I cannot cry anymore. When we left, we cry. I
love you, I seriously love you, and you are incredible
and you have earned every opportunity that you are going
to get and have you you have gotten in the past.
You are the hardest working, most lovable and hateable person

I think I've ever met me in radio Yeah you
broke you broke up my my sorrow by saying that's
true before in the podcast, I said, if you have
if anyone at that show is ever having a bad day,
Gregg T is the one to cheer you up. But
I said, if greg T is having a bad day,
everyone's having a bad day. And it's so true. Taking
the wall down with me, everybody go. And TA was

so hardful to explain, like our relationship because like I
feel like your little sister slash niece, but your friend,
but also sometimes like maybe you kind of want to
have sex with me, so I don't know. I mean,
let's be honest, you know I want I'm always I'm
looking for a lover and won't blow my cover to

find he used to tell me this all the time,
that if we could just go next door to the
studio and rent a hotel room for a few hours.
But I'm not gonna tell anybody. I'm not gonna tell,
he used to say. I forgot, he says to me
all the time. I used to give tea massages. It
sounds way weirder than but but he also would give
me like the best advice, like you went through things

years before I did, obviously, and me being a alvios
A show at twenty two, you had been in that
spot literally doing the same job, and you would see
me cry and you would be like, sit and you
would make me sit down, and you would sit there
with me as I was crying, and you would like
listen to me and you would just give me. You
would shoot shoot me straight and tell me things like
this is how you need to act in your career,

and this is how this ship is gonna happen to
you all the time, and this is how you need
to handle it. And I like, yes, I had that
from Danielle, but I feel like I at the time,
I've really had it more from you at that show,
because you would be the ones to just always dish
it out and be out of the studio and be
there to pick up the pieces of all the chaos happening. Seriously,
I cannot take it anymore. I can't believable, guys. I mean, listen,

the only thing I could say about myself when I
when I want to have to get real. You know,
I think you know you touched upon it. It was
a tough thing growing up for myself. You know, everybody's
got this sorrow story, so I'm not any print, you know.
I it wasn't the best that usually wasn't. You know.

There was a lot of things that went on in
my childhood that shouldn't have gone on, and I just
knew that there was more to me as a person.
And I used to always ask myself and just say,
you know, why, why why am I the one that's
getting you know, the abuse? What? You know, what did
I do? And I always said, you know, one day,

I'm sure that those that I see somehow getting taken
advantage of or being abused or having a difficult time
with decisions, that I would try to help them out
and guide them as best as I possibly could, because
I knew how I wanted to be treated, but how
I wasn't being treated. So I just tried to be
real with people. And I didn't want to always just be,

you know, the clown and the guy that just got
ripped on. I wanted everybody to know that there was
a real person there, and then I had a real heart,
you know, And I just tried to help you guys
out as best I possibly could with some little advice
that I thought was real. I didn't want to give
you some smoking mirrors, you know. I didn't want to
try to be somebody that I wasn't and I didn't

want to give you guys advice that I thought was
not real. And I think that the whole audience, the
KTU audience, and anyone who does go listen to your show,
like they are so lucky to have you and to
have someone like you who is real and it's ready
to have fun and is ready to work and is
so excited for like this new adventure like that. It's

so cool that people are going to get to hear that. Well,
I will say, um, I guess that was one of
my selling points when I was interviewed, was and I
I used I think I told you guys just a
thousand times, and I feel like it's a broken record,
and but I'll just tell you for your audience or whatever.
You know, for many years, just like Anthony touched upon it.

You know, we the three of us, were very lucky,
very fortunate to be a part of the Elvis Duran
Morning Show, and we have learned from the best. You know,
there are ways that Elvis does things and then he
taught us that needed to be done the proper way.
And so I think because I was with that show
for twenty five years, you know, I studied, and you know,

I came up as like, uh, you know, a guy
off the bench that they would put in, and eventually
it groomed myself into a starting position. But I kind
of felt like, if there was a base ball team,
so to speak, that I was the catcher on the team,
and I know when my picture was on and when
he was throwing aces, and I know when my picture

was off, and what he needed from my role to
get us through the morning. And I learned every single
position on that field. I knew the first base in
the second basement, and I also knew how to take
it for the team and block the plate so that
our team could win. And you know, we all have
our own we all had our own uh you know,

needs in life. So we needed our team to win.
We needed that. Because it didn't win, how do we
all put food on the table, help we all survive?
Because they could have replaced us at any time. So
if it was slastic comedy and me putting myself out
there to look like the moron, but to make everybody
laugh and to make everybody remember that when they heard
a good show, then that's that was my role and

that's what I had to do. So I've learned so
much from being a catcher. Why can't I do my
own morning show now? And if I didn't learn one
freaking thing from Elvis Duran, you know, arguably the best
p J in America. If I didn't learn one thing,
then man, I really am a fool. And then I
really that I wasn't the great catcher that I thought

I was. I was just a freaking an idiot. So
now they're made through scene, Well we'll find out you
Greg Ta, And this is what I love about you is, yeah,
you you provided the slapstick stuff for a long time,
and you put your own body at risk. And what
was it. You did, you like break your back in
a stroller at some point. But what I love I

have a compressed So what I love is you. You
do that and you put your body on the line
for other people because you knew that doing that was
going to create this success for a whole team of
people that relied on you to do your job. And
there are people listening in their cars or listening at home,
and you made their day better by making them laugh.

And and you also became You also became the guy.
And it's crazy because I even I wasn't with you
your whole career, obviously, but I was able to see
you do that and be this guy who was on
the air crying with his daughters and Mickey Mouse in
the studio with Elvis Durant, and you did everything in between.
You couldn't have done more to support the people around you.

And you are a hard worker. And we said it
before we got you on the podcast. We said it
before we got you on the podcast. Even if your
radio career for whatever reason ended yesterday, if you said
I'm gonna go home forever and I'm never doing radio again,
I'm gonna go be a carpenter you'd have one of
the best radio careers in the world. And I love
you and you deserve everything you've earned it. I don't
even know what to say to people. I mean, all

I did was just trying to be real. I swear,
I just I just wanted to be nice to people.
That's all I wanted to do. I didn't I didn't
like do this job and think like you know that
this would happen, or that I would be somebody that
people would say you help me out or you did
give me. Yesterday, I got a phone call from somebody
out of complete thin air, but I haven't talked to

in twelve years. The person if now like an attorney
and used to work in the promotions department, you know,
at at radio stations Z one Hunter, and called me
to say I always waited, Um, I'm wanna, I really
wanna start bawling, man, because the guy, the guy goes,
the guy goes. I waited for this day so that

I can congratulate you and say thank you. Because it
wasn't for you talking to me and setting me on
the right path, I wouldn't be an attorney right now
because I would have stayed in radio and and done,
you know, party patrol games, And I'm like, dude, are
you I mean, I just tried to be real with
all of you. That's all I ever tried. That's it.

I didn't want to do anything else other than just
being a friend. That that's it. Well, I'm sorry. I
just wanted to be your friend. I don't want to
actually finally be the one to give you advice, but
I will say that there was crappy advice you did
give me A right I broke up with my ex boyfriend.
He was like, this is the biggest misstake you're ever

gonna make in your whole life. You're never gonna find
another guy like this, blah blah blah. He was the
only one. And I was like, well, it's t right
because it was t and I was so mad at you.
But I'm good, but I needed to say that I
know I am. I'm sure that you are in very
good hand. I'm sure that you're being very well taken
care of and looks after. I'm sure. I'm sure there's

a very good gentleman that's out there taking care of you.
UM know what you're doing, I know what you're trying
to do. It's not what I'm trying to do. It's
what Okay, I just think that I did think that

you again, being real, there was a good person in
your life at that time, which I still think it's
still is very good for and he had a good
head on the shoulders and he wanted something real in life,
and we had this job that was, you know, kind
of not real, kind of you know, living of the

fake life. And I just said, it's like the winning
Yang and you could still be you and be funny
and outgoing and he could be your your person to
ground you and that would have been, you know, perfect
for you guys. So I just thought wrong, that's all.
That's all. Now you're definitely not wrong, but too bad. Okay,
So it's a good guy. So my advice is actually

kind of on par with Elvis said something like this
to us when we got offered our show when we're
moving to Seattle, and he remember him saying, like, I
wish that I could be you right now starting this
over because it's the coolest thing. But he also said,
you're gonna see the ship side of it, the side
of it where you don't like all the things he
has blocked from us for years, and I'm like, oh,

it's fine. It's like you're gonna have to deal with
the p D of like a boss. You're gonna have
to deal with other bosses don't have to deal what
their bosses. And you have to deal with people telling
you what to do every day. But at the end
of the day you have to remember. And this is
like where I'm coming from, what are we doing, Like,
we're not brain surgeons, We're just doing radio and you're
gonna get so much crap and you're like, why the
hell am I doing this? But at the end of day,

you get to go back in the air. And already
started yesterday, I believe I had a conference call. No
I'm not even kidding. Something happened yesterday and at five
o'clock I was already involved with my very first real
comm call with some higher ups. That's all I can
really say. I can't going to it, but one of
the higher ups said to me before everybody came on

the phone. One the higher up said, I'm sorry that
we have to spoil your your big day, but welcome
to the big leagues. This is now what you have
to put up and you're gonna have to you know. Yeah,
it was really weird. Yeah, it happens like twice a week, honestly,
and it's it's a lot. But at the end of
the day, what are we doing. We're going on the
air and having fun and making stupid jokes. So take

both sides of it. Remember obviously take them seriously. Listen
to your bosses because I feel like you're not good
at that, and then obviously do you At the same time,
I'm not. We're not gonna blow anymore, smoke up your butt.
We'll talk in on the phone or whatever. I don't
deserve it. I don't deserve it as enough. I'm one person.
I'm just don't know. Just what about you, guys? How

are you doing successful? You're doing well. You guys are awesome.
I want to throw it back on you guys. How's
everything with you? Guys? Were good? Everything is great, and
we do have to let you go. Um, I will
leave you with something that a very close friend. Hold on, sorry,

are you gonna cry? He is? Come on, bro, I'm
gonna leave you with something that a very close friend
and told us before we left for Seattle. I swear
to God, if I'm taken any more. You worked your
ass off. You are a good person. You have earned this.
Go enjoy it, dude. I'm sorry, I'm literally I'm gotta,

I gotta. I love you, I love you. Keep driving
and I will all text you later. I love you
so much. Man. We love you, Charlie, see you later.
I love you. Thank you. Can we call him every
week and make him cry? We should? That was the
podcast today. I'm gonna go wipe my tears now. I
love that man. I have you carried on the podcast before?

Probably not? Okay, go give him all the love. It's
Greg t frat boy. And when that little m f
for copy stuff that we do on our show, you
got call his ass out because you know he's gonna
love you. Guys, thanks for listening to this chaos.
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