All Episodes

June 18, 2022 43 mins

And just like's the last episode. After eight years of sharing our lives with you we wrapped up the MyDayFriday chapter live from the Jersey Shore with so many of our supporters. We're still around! LIVE on Twitch and with the Morning Show Podcast (links below). But we truly could not and would not have done this without YOU and we mean it. We love you, bitches!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome. First off, welcome to everyone who's listening. If we're
in your ear holes on your commute wherever you are,
thank you very much. But also hi to everybody. Holdstulo.
Let's see how about turn the speaker Freddie Murray, my
dad is saying you can't hear us? How about now?
Good dad? Well, he's also personally deaf. Song, he's probably

not the best person to ask if you can hear us? Alyssa,
can you hear us? Okay? Good, good, young ears, thank you,
all right, welcome to the last My Day Friday podcast
of all time. Thank you to everyone who showed up. Yeah,
this is crazy. So we are down at the Jersey
Shore in Point Pleasant Beach for the last ever Moday Friday.

We started over eight years ago at this point. Um
and if you you how many people have been here
since the beginning? Okay, you can cheer? Also of its
audio okay, good, good, good, good to know. We are
also streaming this live on Twitch for everyone who couldn't
be here, who has been listening for ever from all
over from Ohio, California. We had people listening in Alaska

for the longest time. Like it's just it's crazy. So
thank you to physically being here. Thank you too being streaming,
or if you're listening to this three weeks from now
on a podcast, we appreciate it. If you're listening to
after today, you're late. Sorry, Yeah, podcast is over, but
Carlinury did pick the intro for today, so hopefully everyone
can hear this one. It started off as a shape,

but this thing is massive. It is staying on course
to head more little major American city still in its
clost hair. That is a ten on a scale of
one to ten. It's just chaos and saw anything like
this in my life. And the disaster. There's the worst
crisis since World War Two. It's a great depression. It's

my frid bites. All right, Welcome, welcome, welcome. So we
um we're working right now because obviously nothing ever work,
nothing ever works the way it's supposed to. So everyone
here can hear us. The people on twitch cannot. So
Carla Marie is going to have to fill some time. Okay,

it's my Carla Marie time filler. It's my favorite thing
to do. Um. So this morning we got to go
to the place where it started, where it all started.
We're literally the very place Anthony and I met Elvis
around in the morning show and I'm going to count
how many times I cried today and we should have
taken bets at the door on that. I haven't started
yet though, But we were at Elvis's show this morning.

Are we good? Okay? Hi everybody? So yeah, So we're
at Elvis's show this morning, and it was I think
probably my favorite time ever going back to visit. It
was so freaking cool because we hadn't been there in
two and a half years at this point, and on
this day of all days, where we're finishing a chapter

the whole book that we started there really and it
was the coolest experience. And anyone at that show will
tell you the only way they get to do what
they do, and the only way we get to do
what we do is because of every single per so
who is here right now and every single person who
was listening or watching. So we're gonna thank you probably
a million times today, but we want you to understand
how important everyone is to us, because we couldn't have

done what we do. And I think a lot of
you aren't our family understand that more than our family
because they're not even paying attention as we speak right now,
and they don't like to them We're just their family,
right And I say that and then like a nice way,
like we're just their family. They were always there. Yeah,
they've got no choice. You guys would go out of
your way every week to pick up your phone, hit

a button, listen to us, spend your time with us
rather than with your own families, because you were listening
to us. So to that, we are very very grateful
to you guys for and for making us part of
your lives. And then you know, we know so many
of you. And I might randomly mention someone's name at
some point and I'm going to call him out again.
But Matt drove from Baltimore. Focus put your hands together

for us. The Baltimore drive. I know we've got Pennsylvania people. Yeah,
Long Eye Land also, I think, which is yeah, distance wise,
might not be as long as Baltimore, but I'd rather
drive to Baltimore ten times than Long Island. I'm just
gonna say you guys very very much, um, but I
don't know anything we have planned for today. So we
do have some emails that people sent in that couldn't

be here. But also we do have this third microphone
in case you have a question or a comment or something.
I know, Um, you might be nervous, but guess what,
the podcast doesn't matter anymore because it's gonna be over.
So there's really there's no harm, no foul. You're more
than welcome to come up here. UM's pretty long cable.
I can probably walk it out to you if you're
feeling lazy, but you can also walk up here. Yeah,

if you have a thing about like a favorite Moday
Friday moment or something that, Like if someone says, oh,
what is one thing you remember about Moday Friday? Think
about that. We'll bring it up again and we may
be come up here. But start getting those gears going.
I know. We also ran out of I think as
we out drank all the Sweet Tea vodka at one point,
but it's back back. Yeah, starts to that guy. That's impressive.

That's impressive. Real quick. Um, because we have a couple
of emails to get through. I think we should get
to who do you want to? Who do you want
to get to? First? I can read okay, Jesse's because
that actually can take us into a topic. So when
we started this podcast, Jess's name was Jess McCaig Uh.
Then Jess got married and she has a different last name.

But she took our Monday Friday t shirts that Anthony's
cousin had printed and that your dad. Yes. They were like,
I don't know, we only have like thirty of them.
But Jess, we got her one and she took it
to Scotland for her wedding and sent us a picture
and that was like and we were like, oh my god,
this is crazy. It's the coolest thing ever. But Jeff
send us an email and we want to read it.

She said, I just wanted to send my goodbye thoughts
to Monday Friday. Much like you both. I feel like
I have grown up with the show since its inception
in April. I got engaged, married, bought two homes, experienced infertility,
and had a baby. It's been incredible watching you both
grow professionally and personally these last eight years. As I
listened back to the Lost episode you just posted, it

is apparent how much more confident Carla Marie is, and
I hope you both are so proud of yourselves. There
was one segment in the Lost episodes in which Anthony
was reading a study that said women are happiest with
their body at the age of thirty four. Carla Marie,
I think you are right around that age, so would
you agree with that? Now? I thought this could be
fun talking point for your final episode. I can't wait
to see what you guys do next. And even though

my day Friday is coming to an end, I'll be
there on Twitch and the morning show podcast or wherever
it may be. Love you guys. And she signed it
Jess McCaig, but she's Jeffer already in Cleveland now. So
I was going back and I was listening to those episodes.
It was a Glamour episode and you were reading like
all these ages out and I was like, I'm not
there yet. And then I was like, oh my god,
I passed that already listening back, which is crazy, and
it was women are happiest apparently with their bodies at

thirty four, and I was like, well, maybe this isn't
the best body. But at the point I am now,
I've thought, well, there's no point obsessing over your body anymore.
Just be happy with what you have. And I think
that's what that whole article was about, that by the
time you get to thirty four, You're like, I'm just
gonna join my life like whatever it is, it is,
there's no reason to be obsessed and obsessing give up

at thirty four? Or are you finally happy? And I
think you're finally happy and you realize that there's no
reason to psych yourself out all the time and just
be like I am who I am and people are
going to love me and you look great no matter what.
And I heard that, I was like, huh, do you
actually feel that one? I do, yeah, because I mean, listen,
we all have our days, but I'm at a point

now where I'm not gonna care well shares to that
for us off and we mentioned that we are drinking.
Like Carly Maury said our podcast would be the first episode,
Carl Ree just says was our podcast is gonna be
about drinking and fun things and drink to everyone who
has to drink. Um, and thank you for the email, Jess.
We do get a bunch of really nice messages, especially
today on on Instagram, people were deeming us um, just

you know, different memories from from My Day Friday. What
is one of your most distinct clear my Day Friday memories?
Carl Marie mine. One of my most distinct memories would
probably be when we had I don't know if this

is gonna be yours, but if I feel I'm sorry
our friend Joe Rainey on the podcast, Uh if you
don't know. We ended up talking about him again in
he passed away and we had him on and he
was such a huge supporter of us, and he was like,
I have the perfect song for your podcast. Like he
was one of the first people who didn't think of
it as just some stupid thing these little idiots were doing.

At Elvis's show. He was like, no, no no, no, I
want you to play my artist songs. He works in
the record industry and he was like, I want you
to play your song. I know I care what you
guys think. And he came into the pipes that like
the first guest we already busted in the room. He
was a maniac and he was like, play this song.
I think it was like eat an XO right. Actually,
I think one of the intros this for one second
Friday with Good Show. This is Ricky Martin. You're hanging

out with Anthony and Carla Marie. It's no rock Feller
and you're hanging out with Anthony and Carla Marie. It's
my day Friday, it's the weakend up for the weekend.
Oh my god, it's the weekend. Yeah. So that was
a song that carlat about yeah, and he was like,
playing on your podcast podcast, it's perfect for you guys.
And we've talked about this quote before, but when we

landed our own morning show in Seattle, he was the
one that stopped us and was like, so many people
are going to say to you, you deserve this, this
is amazing. You deserve this. You guys deserve this. He's like,
you didn't. You don't deserve this. You've earned this. Don't
let people tell you you deserve to have a morning show.
You have clearly earned this. And the fact that we
just have him on audio on the podcast is just
one of the coolest things to me. So I think

that was one of my biggest moments. Anthony went about yours, um,
it's a good one. Damn. I wish I had something
that sent sorry story it doesn't have to be sentimental,
but kind of funny story out of that tragedy. Is uh.
It was probably like three weeks after Joe had passed
away and I hadn't heard that song and probably it

like never really took off the way probably should have.
We had it in our intro for a little bit.
I hadn't heard that song and probably seven years, and
I was at the gym l Pillar. I was at
the gym and out of nowhere, that song started playing
and I started crying in the gym, and it was
the most I didn't even realize what was happening. It

just the song was. You know. I wasn't paying that
much attention to what was playing in the overhead, and
then once it hit, I was like, oh my god,
and I started tearing up, like at the bench press
or whatever. And I had to walk into the bathroom
and it's just me by myself, crying in the bathroom,
like a loser of your novel, crying in the gym.
Day in the gym. No but from I would say

one of my most distinct memories is actually probably when
we did the My Day Friday podcast from Santa Fe
for Elvis as well. Oh yes, that was awesome. We
had Froggy in there. Uh Sam Sam's now fiance Danielle,
Danyelle Gandhia I believe was in there as well. There
were so many people. Do you know what the pink
hair was in there? They're like eight of us and um,
it was just cool to have that whole audio family.

I would say that we got to to grow up
with um in the podcast and kind of just having
a good time. I don't even remember what we talked
about in the podcast. Weird things. If you want to
go back and listen, I believe that was sometime in September,
if you want to go give that a role again.
But before the world's completely shut down. It's nice. Yeah,
we've had some cool I mean, we've gotten to do

I started writing down earlier all the places we've been
able to do this podcast, uh, and just quickly wrote
down Taiwan, in Mexico, South Dakota, New Jersey, New York City, Washington, California, Nevada, Arizona, Chicago, Nashville,
just just a few places. I mean when we've done it,
we think in fifty different places we've recorded this podcast,
and sometimes it was just microphones on a little recorder

just because we want We're like, we can't let everyone down.
We need to put something else this week, and sometimes
like oh, we'll just post it late and then no
one will care, and then we get all these messages
like guys, I think it's broken, there's no podcast, and
we're like, oh, they do care. Maybe test it out
once in a while, So thank you guys. There was
actually one time we were going up to Canada um
and we couldn't post the podcast for some reason that day,
like there was an issue, and we opened up the

spreaker app because that's what we used to use at
the time, and we just recorded it into Carlone's phone
and we were just passing it back and forth in
the back of a car because you can't do that
on Android. Only an iPhone we might have actually done
on my phone. Now that they think about it and
are better, why we can actually do an in person vote.
Raise your hand if you have an iPhone. I don't
trust this crowd one bit. Raise your hand. If you
have an Android, well, it's your family. Raise your hand.

If you have an iPhone again, do you know there
was research done You're more likely to have an STD
if you have an iPhone. That's a true stat That
is a true stat. There are more people that have
iPhones in your more more promiscuous. I guess iPhone, what's up?
Less protection. Raise your hand again, that's the person you
needs to go home with them less less protection or
care about. I don't know whatever it is. I'm just saying,

you're making things up. That's study okay, something I wanted
to bring up, and that I have all of you
here because Anthony keeps telling me it's not true. We
posted the lost episodes, which would have been the first
like six months when we start recording, so April through
like October whatever it was, and I'm listening to him
like when did this guy lose his jersey accent? And
everyone's messaging me being like Anthony has such a jersey accent.

He keeps telling me and he will listen to him
be like, no, I don't. And there were there were
some words it was weird when I said Carla in
one of the early podcasts, that was weird, and I
was like, I don't even know who that guy. Tony
and Carla used to do a podcast. Um. But then
it also because we were listening to one of the
episodes on the way down here and you even admitted
like it just left one day whatever the jersey was

kind of got up. You got one out when night
blacked out and then woke up and it was gone
from like it could have been. We also we also
referred to Netflix as the Netflix channel. Don't don't don't
you if you have the Netflix channel, And I'm like,
it truly is a time capsule, and it's it's like
being able to go back and listen to your diary.
And at some moments it's it's I opening because you're like, Wow,

I grew up so much. In other moments you're like,
what an idiot you are? Well, it's also cool because
some of the songs that we played back when we
were probably doing that illegally. Um, I heard radio. That's
their problem. Now they can get sued for the podcast.
It's not ours. Um. There were songs that we play
that are now like huge songs, but we were playing
them just like ten seconds of it, Like, oh did

you hear that this new artist Rito Aura ever heard of?
A g R? Is huge? Now we're playing their songs,
So it's kind of cool to see that. I also
listened to a lot of E d M, a lot
of d M music, a lot of dance music, Steve
Aoki stuff that I was playing. Is there anything going
on in the Twitch chat there's a lot. I can't
really see the screen that well. And for everyone who's

watching this or maybe listening and not experiencing this with us,
it is very hot. Thankfully everyone most of the people
out there have Brella's now. But I actually, right before
we started, had to take this computer inside because it
was getting so hot, and I was like, it's not
gonna make it. It's not gonna last. So if we
lose the stream at some point, my computer just caught
on fire. Yeah, it's ninety one sunny, and the humidity

is Our West Coast family has no idea what that means,
because you've never felt that, you know, I forget every
time I come to New Jersey or the East Coast
in general, because we go to Florida sometimes I forget
how terrible humidity is in general. I don't I don't
understand why it exists. But it's much better in the
Pacific Northwest, but we have nothing out there. Um. Also,

as you're getting your food, your drinks, all the things,
don't forget to tag us Carla, Marie and Anthony on
Instagram and also Center Steakhouse and anything that you post
so they can repost. Um trot off to them for
letting us do this here. And we do have the
third mic here if anyone wants to jump up, who's
going to be the soul? I knew it, of course,
I get your butt up here. You've been emailing and
tweeting and all the things since they want right, Like

I would say the beginning, which let's see you, but
you can tell us wait, wait testing there you go.
You're gonna have to be even further that way. You're
moving around both ways, this way, this way. There we go,
there you go. It should be good now. Okay, hello, UM, no,
I'm not going to sing. I'm I've got three notes

at best. UM, only come out when I'm drunk. Okay, well,
we got a few more sweet teath for you, But
what were you going to say? Um? I love you
guys so much. I am so happy for your entire journey.
You are some of the bravest people I've ever gotten
to know. Um. Being able to support you and encourage
you and like make friends with everyone and like be

a family together is the best thing. And also your
parents are stunning. UM. I remember after one of my kids,
I have too many to think up, UM, but I
was like, really, depressed. I remember emailing you guys the
morning after I had my son and like, you guys

are just fucking amazing and I love you so much.
Don't cry. Yeah it's still happening, I know, but whatever
you want, honestly, no, I'll save that for Carla, who's that.
I'm so sorry, Carla Verry. Thank you very much, thank you,

thanks for going first. See it wasn't so bad. See
it wasn't so bad. It wasn't so bad. Thank you. Yeah,
we've we've gotten emails from people that have been like,
I just need to say this to someone. You don't
don't read it on the podcast. I just you're the
only people in my life who don't actually know me
and won't judge me, and I need to You don't
even need to respond. And it's been like how we're

how did we get there? But we are so grateful
to be those people. And like, when I say that
right now, my family is probably what people tell you
that why you can just it's but it's we're so
lucky to live the lives that we live. It's been
really um. I think we should get into chris as
email because I can barely read. I mean something although

can I find it okay? So, Chris Um has listened
to us from Austin, Texas from day one. We've actually
gotten to hang out with him twice in Austin before
and he's amazing, and he would send us super long emails.
We'd be like, we can't read this whole email on
the podcast, it's so long. This guy sent us the
long I think he might have been the first person
email us actually, But so this is a part of

the email he sent us last week. He said, from
the bottom of my heart, let me express my appreciation
for the two of you frequently over the years. You
two have been a safe port in a storm. When
I first discovered My Day Friday, my divorce was happening
and my world was falling apart. The beauty of My
Day Friday is that it allowed me to pull up
a chair and join in on a conversation with friends.
It was and still is a space where I didn't

have to be anything and was free to be who
I wanted to be. And that's like what we said
from like the fact that someone just said that out
and that's kind of what we set out to do
is crazy, and a lot of that I gotta give
credit where credit is due. A lot of the stuff
that we have learned and and kind of uh honed
in our skills on came from Elvis. And if you

listen to Elvis a show, I mean it's it's very
similar in that in that way where it's a little
clubhouse and you can kind of be whoever you want
to be or be yourself. And uh, we we were
with him today. He wasn't even in the studio because
he's at his place in New Mexico. And it's I
kept saying it over and over, I said to them
in person. I said it on Scotty B and Andy's podcast,
The Serial Killers, which we didn't record until next Thursday. Yeah,

I guess type theoretically it's not recorded yet. No, but
we recorded that today and a lot of the things
I think sitting there today, kind of being out of
radio and just taking it all in, I don't think
I realized how impactful growing up there was and how
much we tried to take from that. Not even say

we never said, oh, we want to be like Elvis
a show. It just kind of it was such a
good feeling that we always wanted to replicate that feeling.
We want to make people feel the same way Elvis
makes people feel, and so getting this validation like this
is just really it's like being at your own funeral,
like kind of ending this podcast and it's like getting
that that validation, except for we have a whole another
podcast and a channel don't worry about and a clothing line.

You look great dot Co please shop that before duly four.
But no, it's it's true. And the fact that we
hear like these things from Porta and Chris and Jess
like it's amazing. So yeah, thank you for that. Before
we move on to anything, anyone else want to grab
a microphone. Everyone just got their food then' oh just

be on that side of the table so that we
don't have some mic feedback. Tell everyone your name, Um,
sound color before teen. So my question is um going
into the radio career. One thing that you started off
by doing like this wind makes me think that the
till you never go into radio. But one thing that

was sorry, asked say the question again, but it's like
the first thing you started with as you got into radio.
So yeah, great question. Um. So when I was your age,
I asked my mom I we would are actually younger
would be driving to school and I was like, I
want to do with Elvis and his show are doing?
And I do. I wanted to be on the radio
or on MTV on TRL which you probably have no

idea what that is. That's so sad. But um, I
went to Rockers University and started working at the radio
station there and started interning and just worked my butt off.
My dad was the one who said to me, make
yourself invaluable, do everything so that they can't fire you,
which worked for like eleven years. It's to a point
where it doesn't work anymore. And I've also learned a

balance of like, at this point, don't do all the work.
Let other people do the work. But that's how I
got it. But its like there's so many different ways
to get into every industry is specifically radio, there's not
one path in and not one path to grow up
in it. In Anthony Conte attention in Carlo Marie's path
actually is way more abnormal now because there are so

many fewer internships in the radio world, um in an
entertainment in general. But I started on the street team
for one or three five KT, which is actually celebrating
its twenty fifth anniversary, even though that happened last year,
they're celebrating it tomorrow, um with a with a concert.
And I kind of just worked up through that. So
I went from being on the Street team to being
kind of the manager of the Street team. And then

I found out that our market president, who the guy
who oversaw all of the things that happened to New
York on radio, he was getting a new assistant. And
I was like, no, I'm probably not gonna get this job,
but at least I'll get forty five minutes or so
talking to a guy who makes a lot of really
big decisions. And I guess correctly, I did not get
the job, but he suggested me to Elvis because Elvis
at the time was looking for his first assistant. And

I had an interview with Elvis and it went well enough. Um,
I wasn't the worst interviewer, I guess, just the worst assistant.
But UH just worked up from there. Elvis needed people
to go out with Greg t and film things, so
that's how I started doing more video stuff and producing
things than the podcast happened, and everything kind of took
off from there. Yeah, but do you want to do radio?
Are you just asking that maybe, okay, talk to us

first before you make any decisions. Thank you. All right,
I'm not too scared about gen z No, but you
said something hard of me. You mentioned how she might
not know TRL. Didn't you say some of your family
doesn't know the rug Rats They're not even here. I'm
so mad, I mean talking about rug Rats. So yesterday,
my niece Krista Marie, which is insane to think that

she was ten or eleven when we started this podcast
and now she's about to graduate cosmetology school and highlighted
my hair yesterday, which was so scary, but it was
actually one of the best highlights I've ever had, so
that was cool. But they she had like all the
clips in my hair, and it was her and my
niece Alexa. They're both there together, and I was like,
oh my god, I looks like Cynthia from rug Rats
and they're like ignoring me. I'm like, you know Cynthia,

and my Chris is like I don't know who that
is and like the doll and then alexas like I
don't know that show and I was like, then, didn't
even know it existed. They literally like I've never watched
I've never even heard of it, and I'm like I
almost want to interview them, be like what do you
think this show is about? Like do they even think
it's a cartoon? Do they even know? And that was
the moment where I was like, Oh, this is the
defining like you're you're that old person now that it's

talking about things that I have no idea what. Well,
It's like it's kind of like when both of us
started in radio, because both of us started. You were
what twenty or one when you started, and we were
like the the young people at everywhere that we worked
for a long time, and they would bring up artists
that they had interviewed like twenty years prior, or actors
who were on shows, and I would just look at
them with a blank face. And now I'm realizing, day

by day, I'm getting closer to the person that's getting
the blank stares back at me. Yeah. It's like, do
you remember that band Fallout Boy? Right? And there what?
I don't know what that? Did you see the new
meme about pop punk and email email songs? So it
was basically no, no no, It said pop punk is the
new dad rock, and I sent it to all of

my friends who are dads who also like that music. Wait,
who are the pop punk fans in here? I know
if you listen to this podcast, you probably are, well
apparently like dad rock. So that's weird, which is kind
of crazy what you think about, because like those albums
came out five years ago. So we just made you
all feel really bad. Not as bad as the Apple
users who have STDs, not as bad as the iPhone users.

But I'm just gonna insult as many people as I
can apparely, what else? He got another email? I cannother email?
Where was that one? That one was? That one came
in as we were setting up today, so it was cool.
It's from Stone Foreshaw and you probably just know his
name from us shouting him out on Twitter and reading
his emails. And he sent a bunch of crying faces
and said, oh mg, it's literally taking me two weeks

to write this because I can't even to think eight
years ago at the start of the Monday Friday podcast,
I wasn't even dating through that time. I went on
a first date, got engaged, then married at a house,
and most recently welcomed our baby girl at the beginning
of this year. What a blast. These eight years have
been all while having YouTube big Dumb Idiots play on
my speakers every week. You two have accomplished so much too.

You moved across the country, had your own morning show
on the radio, started a new show on Twitch, got
a merched line, started another podcast, the morning show Podcast.
Oh and oh you have even read this? Oh yeah,
you're dating. The future is not limited at all, and
you show that to be true. The end of my
day Friday is is the end of an era, but
you two are starting a new one with each new project.
I can't wait to see what else you have in store.
Best wishes, Stone. PS. I'm not crying? You are? Are you?

Stone is wrong and that when I read it originally, Um,
it is kind of crazy, Like eight years is a
long long time. So thank you to everyone who's been
with us for at least part of that ride. And
I know there were a couple of hands for eight years,
right we saw that who was here? Yeah, it's crazy
eight years. My brother raised his hand. I don't know
if that's true. It also doesn't count. Also, Mike is open.

But now that we went through kind of some of
the nice emails, we got our favorite moments. What do
you want to do now? Because we did this a
lot on the podcast. We did this a lot on
Monday Friday, and we would just say things that we
wanted to accomplish, and a lot of those things didn't
come tr I mean, we talked about having our own show,
we talked about having a merch line, we talked about
a lot of things. It's like it's one of those

fountains that you wish it. So if anyone has one
to make a wish today, this is the place to
do it. I don't want not wishing that. So what
do you got? What do I got? Um? I think
for our next projects, I think I would like the
Morning Show podcast at some point to become more than
the Morning Show podcast. I don't know exactly what that means,

but not just a podcast right, like maybe it's on
all the platforms and other In other ways, I would
like You Look Great to become to have a an
already established partner, So maybe that's the Nike You Look
Great line or Adidas or team up with like j. C.
Penney is still a thing. Probably I would like to,

like imagine walking in a Target and be able to
buy You Look Great shirt like something like that. That
is one of my lifelong goals. To be able to
take this little phrase that we started that has become
more than a little phrase. I may we're looking out
at the audience and then there's so many you look
great shirts. It's really cool. Um So to be able
to take that and make it something more like and
not that what it is isn't enough, but like take
it to the next level. I think those would be

my two wishes. Is this like a genie thing? Don't
have another one, then you can get one yours. Oh,
Sam isn't here, by the way, Sam Elvis Ransom, Yeah,
she's in the chat. So I'm trying to I can't
really see that you're picking out bridesmaid dresses. And she
planned this because she didn't know I was going to
be home and yeah, And I said, Sam, we're doing
last Monday and Friday and seventeen. She's like what. I

was like, yeah, And she's like, oh, well, we're going
to pick out bridesmaid dresses. I'm like, you don't even
think to just tell me you were thinking of doing
that day. So shout out Sam, because that is the
most Sam thing ever. Like, I don't know if she's
still in here, but she wrote Hi, I love you
both okay, and there are thank you everyone who's in
the chat. By the way, we don't normally do this
podcast and the chat at the same time, so it's
it's cool to see that. UM. I wish man, I'd

like to do this again. UM, but not the partner
like something like this again, maybe in less heat. UM.
I'd like to see. I'd like to see because we
have a lot of projects that we think about. We
have a lot of things on our idea pad, if
you will, and I would like to see us get
into either the virtual reality world, like the metaverse type

of thing. I don't know what that would look like, UM,
or a TV project because I think we've done radio,
we've done podcasting, we've done live streaming, and i'd like
to add some different platforms we've we've been in magazines.
We I mean, I'm modeled. Your mom come up here
and talk about all the time she had to drive
you to modeling shoes she did. There's a bunch of
times she hasn't do that. I had to do that. UM. Yeah,

I would like to do I think that. I think
i'd like to see what we could do in other platforms.
Because I like tackling the new things and learning, learning,
learning new skills to do that, I can agree to that.
And I know you also have a list of thank
you that I want to say before I forget, because
I know we will. Um. Obviously Sender's stakhouse because we

would not be sitting here without them. So thank you.
Uh to Matt who answered all of our questions all week.
To Chris who was running around today helping set up
everything Alex as well Sarah, who is your lovely server.
She thinks she may have said I'm done, I'm not
having She's been amazing. Uh. My brother Billy, who's not

here and I was like, wait, you're not coming. He's
like I can. I was like, well, everyone's gonna thank you,
hay me, So thank you for not coming. You're the
best brother ever. Uh Mike also his business partner as well. Uh.
Missing Oh my sister Ashleybury, who really actually coordinated this
entire thing and actually doesn't work here or do anything
with this, but she helps right now. But she did
formerly known as trash Ley, but we don't call her

that anymore now she's grown up. Uh. And my niece
Gabriella Marie, who helped make Beast. Although I she's gonna
say she did it. I don't really know who did.
But thanks who made them? Okay, and then uh I
need to listener. Who's now our photographer? Oh that's oh yeah,
wait we actually got a hype train. Okay. So Anthony's cousin, Michelle,

we've actually had on this podcast before. It lives in California,
Fist full of Cake. We've streamed with her on Twitch.
We've done bake alongs with her live. Um sent us
shots of tequila. Are you guys going to see me?
Think so? Not? Dusty tequila just as bad as on video.
Maybe it's actually it's worse. I'll promise you that. Anthony. Everyone,
here's Michelle. Everyone, Thank you Michelle. M hmm, there we go.

Now we just wait. Okay, hey Michelle, there we go.
You shimmy, there you go. Okay, all right, that's a

Twitch thing. That's not matter. Freddie, we're merging everything. He's saying, God, Dad,
would you like to come up here and say something?
Just kidding? UM. I also want to thank Gina, Lindsay,
Melanie and Stacy who were like, hey, we'll be in
the area early. We're coming up from Philly. If you
need anything. I was like, cool, can you check in
everyone that? Thank you? Also, Melanie, come here, I need you.

Melanie has actually one of our you Look Great models
for this last collection. We sent her a shirt early
so she modeled it and I think she did a
great job. Probably my favorite shirt. She's on the website.
Are she's wearing kids size large. It's a kid's extra
large gets straight. But thank you. Go walk around let
everyone feel I'm just kidding. That's the worst. What I

meant to say. This is why we did the podcast,
and we don't really do things live like this, so
I don't trust Carlmury around people. Didn't I miss anybody? Uh? Oh,
Sonali was the first one here. Well, you guys were first,
but you were working the first non worker. Yeah. Also,
and I know they're on the list. But we got yeah,
so much support from Elvis early. I don't know I
talked about him earlier, um, but he was he has

throughout its fun it's my sister pick up. We're goin. Um.
We got so much support early on through the process
after I heart let us go, and up until today
and we will continue to get support from Elvis. Um,
but having his support in our industry, it's like the

touch from God, it doesn't really will never exist again.
And then uh, because of Elvis his friend Dennis who
if you read Elvis's book, Dennis Clark, what do they
call him on the radio Lydia Malcolm Lydia. For some reason, Um,
we as this little fledgling podcast got to work with
a guy named Dennis Clark, who in the radio industry

is the guy who literally goes to the biggest shows,
goes to Elvis the show, goes to Ryan's show, goes
to Bobby Bones the show and coaches them on how
to be better. Literally works with like the best of
the best, I mean stations in uh Portugal, stations in
Spain and France and England. They fly him out, put
him up in hotels for weeks. Um, that's how valuable
this guy's advices. And he sat down with us multiple

times before we even had any any idea of having
a show and helped us out a lot. So those
two people, UM have been such amazing champions for us
and support systems. So we couldn't go this whole show
without really isolating them. And thanking them. I used to
have a screenshot and I don't know any more of
an email that Dennis sent to someone else who sent
it to us, just showing us. And he was like,

I just listened to the Monday Friday podcast with Carla,
Marie and Anthony. Wow, there's so much potential here, like
they could be they could one day have a show
like it was something and that was and that was debt.
Like again, there's no read like they weren't being paid
to work like Dennis was being paid to work with us.
It's just something he truly believed in. We were probably
a resource loss for that. Really for a long time,

we were a loss of resources also. And this is
not something we talked about normally in my day Friday.
It's something we do on Twitch. But if you're familiar
with Twitch, we are actually in a hype train right now,
which means if we get another hype train, there's another
shot we have to take. So and oddly enough, my
brother is sitting there and in the so you keep us,
keep us charted, buying them, keep us posted of if

we get the hype train level five, okay, and that's
how we'll end because there's live music at six and
it's not us. So thank god ask your mom? Should
I sing? Mom? Yeah, that's true. Have you needs to
clear this place out and get and turn tables over?
What song? Semi trying do do do? Do do do do?

I can never know it. That's that's the thing for that.
That's a good memory, Matt from the podcast. There you go,
there's yours. No, we're not playing that if that's what
we're trying to do. Um, when is it going on YouTube?
It's fine. I want to mention that when we asked Elvis,
probably February March, we're like, hey, Elvis, we want to
get your permission to do a podcast. Um, you know,
we'll just record this audio over week and we'll post

it to the website. Because that's just it's not like
a ruled Elvis' show. But you don't do stuff like
that without getting his respect, like permission whatever. So we
asked him. He's like yeah. So we start the podcast
months later, and a few months in I guess someone
emailed him or sent in a text and was like
was it you or you're nod in your hand? Was
He was like, Hey, I just want to let you

know I've been loving listening to the podcast that Carlo,
Marie Anthony do. And Elvis was like, can you guys
come in the studio and put us on the air?
And he's like what is this and we're like, we
asked you. He's like, oh, I don't think you're actually
gonna do it? Cool, and I was like, that was it,
And even he today was like, it's it's crazy that
it's been eight years and you know, if so many
podcasts came after it, but we were the first one
that like anyone took seriously at that show. And now

it's just we're not like trying to take credit for
the podcast boom by any means, but we just we
it was just something we really wanted to do, and
he supported us from the beginning and shout out to
Rob row from my heart, who was like, Hey, we're
building out this podcast platform for the app and we
want to put you guys on there, and we were like,
we're going to be in the IRP for for a
long time. For a very long time. Instead of doing

podcast versions of shows, you would go to an on
demand channel or not even a replay channel, and it
would just play the show in a loop and you
would just have to catch up with it wherever it was.
And we were one of probably the first podcast that
I Heart Radio ever had like a proprietary fun fact.
We actually found out we got added to the app
while we were about to interview or do something with

follow Boy full Out Boy in the studio and they
were like, no way, guys, that's awesome, congratulations, and we're like,
this is the best ever. So yeah, that was. It's
taken away cars. Not that many. There's more dudes than you, guys.
But do do Do Do Do Do Do doo doo

doo doo doo do doo do doo doo doo do
do do do do do do? I do it? No,
I think you're adding You're still right back to the beginning.
You're adding a dude eight years, eight years, and I
can't add the dudes. We tried that. Everyone's still here.
Justin we did it. It was a hype train. We
have to twitch, thank you. Is this still a costam egos?

Justin is the official lawyer. It's not stopping. Oh, we're
just gonna play semi time. This is this is it's
our playoffs time. I've always wanted to be played out.
Cheers all right, anyone still have a drink? Alright, chairs, Michael,
cheers to you so for real, Thank you guys very
very much. Um. A lot of people have talked about

how we we did the podcast for eight years. We
did it pretty consistently throughout the eight year period. And
I said this previously in one the podcast, But we
did it. We were so consistent because of you very much,
because every time we knew you were going to show up,
it made us want to do a little bit better
and make sure we were there. So thank you very

very much. Cheers to eight years. Who By the way,
as we end this podcast, make sure you listen to
the Morning Show podcast. That's where we are now. Um,
I think it's time to say goodbye. I have I
prepared words. Not really, there's something I wanted to read.

Oh my cousins are watching high Liz bo whatever. I'm
just leaving? Okay? Was that us? That was not us? Hey? Um?

Well first I was just are you doing on the birthday? Okay?
Obviously we're both really proud of this podcast and we
set out. It was Anthony's idea that one day we
would have our own show. And I was like, Okay,
I'm just gonna do this podcast every week because it's fun.
I like hanging out with you, so whatever. And then
one day it actually happened we got a show, and
I was like, oh ship, I guess this is real now.

And this journey has been the coolest thing ever in
getting to do it with your best friend now turned
business partner now turned boyfriend is just crazy and it's
been just such a cool story. And I watched The
Office for like the fifth time and I finished it
like a week and a half ago, and at the end,

and if you don't know the Office, and I guess
I'll just do a quick explanation. If you don't know
the Office, Carla Marie can actually recite every episode basically
at this point she watches it. So it's a sitcom.
And the whole idea of the sitcom is that this
production company is coming into film a reality show about
this paper company. And in one of the last moments
where Jim, one of the main characters, is in the
confessional and he's talking about the last eight year, no

nine years of filming them as a paper company, and
Jim says to the camera, guy, imagine going back and
watching a tape of your life, you could see yourself
change and make mistakes and grow up. You could watch
yourself fall in love, watch yourself become a husband, become
a father. You guys gave that to me, and that's

an amazing kift. M And I was told that last week.
I was like, the timing of this is just so crazy.
And we have this diary because of you guys, because
I can tell you right now, if you weren't tweeting
and emailing and everything, we would have been like, all right,
no one cares, We're done. But like we've said it
for the last eight years, the only reason we did this.

We started because we wanted to just try to one
day have our own show. But it became more than that. Like,
you guys are actual family and say something you should know.
I know that's just because of what they taught you
in radio to let me cry, but you're supposed to talk, Okay,
Oh this is It's been more than we could have

ever imagined. Oh and I know a lot of people
have emailed us over the days, over the last couple
of days, and really over the eight years about how
they would turn on the podcast during tough times and
laugh and whatnot. And uh so did we Yeah, like
we hit that record button forgot about all this ship
we were going through and we only had that as

like you guys would come to us for escape, but
it was just as much on our end too. You
have no idea, So thank you. And one last time,
I don't want and crying cheers to eight years. Yeah,
I was to say something funny, So does anyone want
to say something funny? Please? It's not going to be out. Yeah,
before we goes, I don't want anything anyone? Are you

taking orders? Are taking orders? Thank you very much? Um
oh yeah, Gabrielle Marinna listen. We have been on the podcast.
Our parents have been on the podcast. Um, I'm trying
to thank you. Else. Oh, Ashley, you've been on the podcast.
Justin's been on the podcast. When him and Michael came
out to surprise you and you were like, oh my
brothers are here. Cool. We should get Angelo and salap here.

They've never been on. Michael wasn't even born when we
started the podcast. We would have we'd have a whole
podcast with Angelo and sal except the podcast is over,
that's it. We would have though we absolutely no, but
thank you. We love you guys. Live music is starting.
We're gonna hang out for the next hour or so.
Um well, thank you, I love you. Don't say bye,
see you later. Oh bye. Michael and
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