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October 6, 2022 20 mins

Langston and David answer a listener's email about speculations about Krispy Kreme being associated with the KKK. 

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Motherfucking many years. So many episode, motherfucking many years. So yep, yep, yep,
there it is. There it is. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome
to another phenomenal episode of My Mama Told Me, the

podcast where we died deep into the pockets of black
conspiracy theories and we finally worked to prove the theories
that you the listener have at home. It's a motherfucking
mini episode. I'm David Boy, I'm Langston Kerman. We we
are your hosts. We are excited to be here because
that means that we get to talk to you about

the dumb ship that you believe that you felt was
important to send to us via email. You know how
I feel about emails? Like, yeah, I don't know, but
I'm excited to find out now who sent you another?

And if anybody's wondering how BORI feels about emails, No,
who sent you? Yeah, that's the answer. That's that's the
vibe he's coming with. Anytime you're like, man, I should
hit David up, You're gonna get a real different energy
in that email. Not want listen if you send me
an email, blo your goddamn here, smooth, both this is

the correct way. We should have been doing this podcast
from the beginning. We needed you completely on the ones
and two, so there was no reason for me to
have ever been in charge of it. You're you're correct.
I love pressing buttons. Okay, we we have an email
from a person named Gerade. Gerade sent us an email

that that was, Oh, this is exciting. He said, good
day links and David, I love a good good day.
That's how he starts off because England. Yeah, I hope not.
That's gonna make me change my opinion of him immediately.
I'm over these black English. That's no top point for Langston.

I'm over it. I don't. I've had my fill of y'all.
I don't even have a reason to be mad at you.
But it ain't sitting right in my spirit no more.
They seem like they can't cook as good as us.
You know what it is? Okay, that's I think that's
a great articulation of of what's bumping me inside of
that is they can't cook as good. They're not doing

the same like cool ship we're doing, but they're picking
up on our vibe and they're being like we as
a commute, we us together and it's like, nah, we ain't,
we ain't together, and this you silly talking motherfucker. This
ain't usually no camaraderie in the black die aspra it's
Black Americans or nothing. Yeah, not for me. I I ain't.

I ain't mixing my I ain't mixing my blacks. You know,
when you put on a black shirt and black pants,
but them blacks don't match. That's blacks are terrible. That's
a bad look. It's a real bad look. And that's
what that's what hanging out with English blacks feels like
to me. These blacks don't match. Yeah, someone who's who's

been at the house. We're in three different kinds of blacks.
It is confusing, and it makes you look poor, and
I don't know what it really makes you look for.
And and you do these tricks in your head. I
don't know, if you've ever been here, you do these
tricks in your head where you go, uh you go.
I bet when the sun hits it though, that's gonna
look that's different. Yeah at night time, it won't. Nobody

will know, especially because one is an older black, like
a faded like dingy, and then you like brand new black. Yeah,
and Honestly, I feel more embarrassed about the brand new
black because it makes it makes it seem as if
I just kept this shirt but I but I wanted
to match it and got desperate and didn't know how

to do it. Whereas like the old shirt, I could
be like, ah, this's a vintage dirty shirt, you know
what I mean? Just that story to it. Yeah, but
that's how I feel about British blacks, just got a
story to it. It just seems some stuff we haven't
seen agree to disagree. My man, they can't tell me

ship this is this. But but anyway, Gerarde, who may
or may not be British, sentence this email and said,
I have a conspiracy for you that I don't necessarily
believe to be current to this time period, but I
do my best to spread it for generations to come.
So a little backstory. I'm from Oklahoma by way of Louisiana.

When I was younger, my father, very silly man, who
is from Denver, a shout raised in Oklahoma, used to
tell me that establishments that replaced words that typically started
what they see with the K did so to let
their clan comrades know they fucked with them. This conversation
happened around two thousand or so when Crispy Cream location

started to pop up in Oklahoma and me, being a chubby,
little thirteen year old, I was of course intrigued in
the doughnut hype. I can't say I ever believed in
the validity of the claim, but literally, anytime I'm with
someone that I have not already spread this info too
and I see someone that replaces ay C with the K,
I almost always usually say, you know they funk with
the clan right now? This could be chalked up to

business owners trying to be hip and creative with their
spelling and branding, but I have definitely used the theory
as guide of where to and where not to stop
when traveling through the South. I can't say I've seen
this trend prevalent in any other region than the South.
I'd love to hear your New Guys thoughts on it.
Love the podcast as it has given me many other

conspiracies to spread to other like minded individuals. Best regards, Gerride. Okay,
I mean, do I think Come and Go could be
fucking with the clan? Yes? Oh, because why wouldn't you
spell it the regular way? It's hilarious. Yeah, you didn't
have to do the K. That's crazy that that's not

a flag? What is? Why would you put the K
with the U M? That's right, that's nuts. Also not
for nothing, that's cool and go if we're really if
we're honoring other languages, cultures, identities, it's agree to disagree.
I mean, I don't have the name either. If if

it was up to me, I would call it nothing
dash but that I'm built different splurge in spring. You know,
you gotta get it all up. I think it's busting bounce,
but I hear yeah, I'm with you along on the ride. Hey,

that's why you're a television writer. That that was south
Side streaming on HBO Max. So so you you're yes,
you're like, oh, come and go. A percent could be
clan affiliated, which means this could happen anywhere. This isn't

just limited. Yeah, you're come and goes, you're quick trips.
I'm mostly thinking about gas stations. What else? What's another
big k oh okay kmart? Yeah, I was a thing
for a while, but smart sounds a lot worse. Sounds
like the crips did it, And that's what definitely that's

not what you want. No, not at all, not at all.
I'm trying to think, what are the big K Krispy Kreme?
Krispy Kreme does sound clannish that they doubled down with
the K two k's. That's you're knocking on the door, right, Yeah,
there's no and it it truly you're not unaware of

what that affiliation could be, right And so like when
you're Crispy Cream, you're you're risking the possibility that you're
being written as k K when you're abbreviated, when you're places,
which is only welcoming another K. And I mean if
you look at if you look up the company, their
trademark name is Krispy Kreme and Confectioneries International. Is that true? No,

I was gonna spit my water out. I was gonna
be like, goddamn, get your ride on the phone. This
motherfucker was onto something. Pray to God, is then her
daddy is still with us so that we can share
this together? Because that's what I'm saying. I mean, I
I've always thought, isn't all kinds of ship? Somebody? I

used to hear that people say that the n R
A was also the clan. That makes perfect sense if
I'm being honest with you and not not because I
think at its conception the n r A was built
by the clan. But but you you are what you eat,
you know what I mean? Like these motherfuckers are made
up of like white supremacy as like the base of

their they're sort of like you know, fucking subscribers and ship.
So yeah, you're you're not not the clan. Yeah, no,
I agree with that. I this one is I'm trying
to think of a cave that fox heavily. I feel
like fox heavily with black people to like subvert this.

And I don't have the Karnassians, but they don't really
like us. They just know they're using us. Yeah, they
used us like a motherfucker. That's a trick man. Who
who who survived that storm? Only Reggie Bush? Yeah, lamar,
but he fully had kill off half his brain for
a period to be free of it. Yeah yeah, yeah,

he's never going to be right now, but but he's free.
Yeah that's true. Tristan is never going to be free.
That boy looks at the sunset and he don't always
know it's the sunset. But he knows, he knows this
his you know what I mean, what they practice is
like an ancient, ancient, old magic brought over from that

old country. Yeah, it's it's it's real evil, evil ship
that they're doing. But yeah, no that ob would say
worse than the clan. But I mean, have they sucked
up as man? The clan is not sucked up as
many basketball players, professional athletes plans not as effective as
as these ladies are. The worst KKK Chloe, Courtney and Kim.

They're so bad that they they've made it all the
way to six k's. They're all they've KK twice around
the block. They said, we see what you're doing, We're
gonna double down. They were like Kendall, Chris, Courtney, Kim. Yeah,
and the big one, all time, all time Kardashian rebound leaders,

Crie kardash Oh boy, no, I'm sure they're fine ladies,
and we should keep buying their makeups and stuff. Why not?

So you you do believe then that that this is
a very real possibility that Gerard is presenting to it. Yeah,
I mean, listen, why not. Why they've obviously never gone
away right the and and we know that there are
secret societies prevalent to this day in America. The schools

that ship is real. Yeah, they got presidents and ship.
So is it crazy for me to think that there's
like a bunch of white guys in the field somewhere
who maybe also have a donut shop. Yeah, that seems.
They also do this this shitty thing every couple of
years where they like will write some article where they'll say,
like the KKK's members are dwindling, and they the lead

Magic Dragon says that they're they're nearly out of money,
and it's like, yeah, I'm not believing that ship for
I don't believe that. We'll tell me about what what
did you do with all the imagined Dragon's ticket sales?
Because I know you're affiliated. I know you're affiliated. Yeah,
it's just it's I don't believe that, Like nobody is

helping to keep the KKK alive anymore. Bro, if we
still got kmart, like there's so many other things that
should be dead, they're still making r C Cola, the
KKKK get funding. Radio Shack still out there, Radio Shack,
what's it end with Langston? What's it end with? Oh?

And Unnecessary? What's that? Okay? But referred tear. Damn, maybe
they are dwindling thing because radio shack is almost gone.
They haven't got nothing like you don't want to buy
a forty dollar pack of batteries. That was their ship, right,
They were dumb expensive for things. And then for a

while they were carrying Nick Cannon's headphones. I'm pretty sure.
Oh yeah, because I used to live by one in
Highland Park. Never went in four years i lived over there. Wow, damn,
that's what a tough business to to keep alive when
all you can do is is overcharged for Nick Cannon headphones. Yeah,

I don't even know. I think the incredible oh that
is what they were called. Are they gone? Is he?
Is he out of the headphone game? I don't think
Nick Cannon is ever out of any game. I believe
that Nick Cannon is is the closest thing to an
indestructible being that we've ever come across. And and frankly,
I wouldn't doubt him for a second. I think that's fair.

I think that's fair. And man fucked Mariah Carey and
and somehow you know what I mean, like has never
failed once. It's he got to fuck Mariah carry And
then funk a bunch of other people. That's not even
really fair if you think about just like life, Christina Million,
the Kardashians, He's fucked them, he beat the Kardashian curse.

He's untouchable, dog man. I never thought about it in
that light. He is really amazing. That's why I don't
ever feel bad about making fun of him. I'm like, no,
this is an infallible creature. There's nothing I'm not doing
anything to any anybody. You're punching up, those bullets bounce off,
you know what I mean. He's going to be fine. Yeah,
it'll be fine. Damn, what's is that worth? It's gotta

be like if I'm gonna guess like sixty million, that's
what I would think to goddamn good for you, Nick.
But as far as this k thing goes, yeah, I mean,
I think it's pretty plausible. I don't see why they wouldn't,
you know, Trump Easter eggs like that, you know, and

that a part of me didn't want to believe it
because I'm a huge Crispy Cream fan. I I goddamn,
do they make a good goddamn donut? That ship is
fucking worth the racism, Yeah, out. Listen, it's what you
can call me a lot of things. That hot light
used to come on when we were going to basketball

tournaments and the bus driver would pull over shit man.
That said, I also recognize that that our our addictions
that things are wants for for what is delicious does
not necessarily mean that they don't have evil behind them.
And it got me thinking, I guess about this, this

question of how many of our businesses in general are
are potentially associated that aren't just doing the weird where
red flag of like k It's like, you know, everything
that that we invest in and enjoy and like is
sort of is bought into hurting somebody. It may not
be specific to race, but it ain't helping the world,

if that makes sense. Oh boy, they they're real clear
about what they don't like. It's it's sinister because they
were like, we're gonna fry chicken and be this way.
You must you could have made anything. It was wide open.

I like the idea of you standing outside of a
chicken l ages screaming at him. You'll get a hat
any day. I got two buxes of duckets crying and
you know what you did this Polynesian sauce had stayed

my soul. So in this version, you bought the chicken,
you ate, you ate a substantial amount of the chicken,
so much Polynesian sauce, all of your share, and then
you're you're a sort of chicken stupor you yell at

Chick fil A for being homophotic and ruining chicken. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah yeah. It's like the end of the planet apes like,
what have you talked to her? That's me, let's me
outside the Chick fil A covered in polys oh Man, Well, Gerard,
I hope this helps. I don't know if this answered

your question well or not well, but goddamn that we
have fun talking about. What almost seems pretty certain is
that Krispy Kreem and Good they're doing evil ship behind
those those doors. But that hot sign is still hot,
so make your choice. Yeah, guys, I mean that said
at all a somber ending to an otherwise joyful episode. Bory,

could you tell the people where they can find you
what cool ship you have going on November five, I'm
going to be headlining the Denver Comedy Works hometown crowd.
Come on out October one, come to Faded Comedy Denver.
Jordan's Temple is going to be headlining Faded Comedy Denver
dot com. Everything else going to my instagram. Cool guy

jokes seven, Send me a d M, you know, send
me any kind of d M, some animal fight videos,
cool butts. I'm really open to everything. I appreciate you guys.
Hell yeah, send my boy at d M and go
see him perform live. And and as always, you can
follow me at Langston Kerman on all platforms. And if
you want to send us your own conspiracy theories, your

own drops. If you want to accuse other businesses of
being associated with the KKK, please send those theories to
my mama pod at gmail dot com. We would love
to hear from you. That's it. That's all. Bye, bitch,
mother motherfucking many years so, mother fucking Minie herself, many

years so, mother fucking Minie herself
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