All Episodes

August 18, 2020 70 mins

Are Ciara and Usher intersex? Langston and his guest Yassir Lester (Black Monday on Showtime) work to figure it out. Also, they do their absolute best not to get canceled.

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
It's so weird how like the person you are in
high school, unless you make drastic changes, is kind of
just who you carries forever. Yeah, you carry the one
on that personality. Yeah. Absolutely. They used to do those
episodes of like Ricky Lake where they would be like,
I used to be a dork in high school, but
now I'm fucking hot, and like they'd come out, you remember,

and they'd like yell at the person who bullied them.
But even when they would come out, you could still
see a dork in them, you know what I mean, right,
because a loser would be like, I gotta get on
Ricky Lake to show someone who hasn't thought about me
in twenty two years. You mean that this lady with
the whole family, you're gonna yell at her because she

was mean to you when she was sixteen. Girl, the
fucker racists mostly money stuff you can't tell me. Yeah,

there it is. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to a spectacular
I'm Wonderful, a beautiful, big tittied episode of My Mama
Told Me, the podcast where we died Deep Deep go
underground into the world of black conspiracy theories and we
worked to finally prove that Jaden Smith can in fact

talked to fish. That Nigga died his eyebrows blonde for
a reason. Humans didn't tell him to do that. A
fish told him that. A trout named Harold said, Jaden,
you know what, I'm a fish. You should look more
like a fish. Make your eyebrows disappear into your face.
We know you can talk to fish, Jayden, and we
are going to prove it. I'm lanksty Kerman. I'm your

host as always, I'm happy. I'm having a weird day.
I'll be honest. Today I discovered that and I didn't
know this, and I'm a very ignorant person. Apparently the
phrase Siamese twins is racist. Had no idea this whole time.
I just thought I never knew that that Siam was
a real place. I just thought that was the name

that they picked for those twins that are stuck together.
But as it turns out, we were driving, my wife
and I driving past a restaurant they claimed to sell
Siamese food, and I said, well, why are they selling
Siamese food? What is Siamese food? Is that like when
two chickens are pressed up against each other and they
cook it anyway. I didn't know, and she said, no,
Siam is a real place. And then I said, oh no,

that means that that word that white people came up with,
it's just me. It was just two kids apparently born
with their elbows stuck together. And then white people were like,
all right, that's gonna be your country's thing forever and
always name the evils of America. Well that covers that.
I'll tell you this my next guest. He ain't evil.

He's a good guy. He's a lovely human being. I'm
so excited that he's here. You know him from Oh Man,
you know him from Black Monday, it's a hilarious show
that he both writes on and has a part in.
You know him from Duncanville. You know him from writing
on Black am Huh. You know him from trolling Jimmy
John's on the Internet. Because he told me, and I'm

quoted here, he Fox with Subway and he doesn't think
Jared did it. That's what he said. I don't know.
We'll find out more about that when I invite him on.
Please welcome my hilarious desk. Mr yass lester, every boy. Yeah,
let me let me clarify something. Sure, I didn't say

Jared didn't do it. I said he did it. And
I don't care a right Fair enough like me give
me my five dollar foot loan. I was specifically the
subway come back home. Look at cabinets on Wayfair. I

don't care if a woman comes to me. I'm anyway.
My kids needs a cabine regardless. What's that guy's doing
with me? Now you're talking about botuses. If you find
a kid in your cabinet, you're gonna send it back now.
Now you got a kid, You got a kid. And
what they don't tell you is is that like you

can also you don't gotta keep the kid. You don't
gotta keep that. You can tell the kid and if
that's to come up for you, you could do that.
It's like you didn't pay nothing for the cabinet, right you.
You could do the right thing or the wrong thing
with that. That's your choice. Why are you making this
up an issue for Wayfair? They're just doing good business?
Oh my god? Like first of all, and I know

this is the conspiracy we're talking about, but I will
say the thing that always cracks, like, especially with that one,
I was just like you think you're the one who
cracked the case. What I'm saying all these people, I'm like,
you think you think Wayfair didn't think enough to be like, Okay,
let's name it exactly after murdered children or kidnapped children.

Make it twelve thousand dollars, but no one will suspect
the thing. I hope a fifteen year old doesn't come
on the website and times like it's just so crazy.
It's so it is wild that they were like the
biggest way to crack this code is I'm pointing out
this one's named Rebecca, so there's probably a lady named
Rebecca in here. It's like, I don't think I don't

think that's how you if I'm gonna like kidnap a kid,
I'm probably not gonna do it that. But well it's
like you're not the same name, the same name, like
if any it's more to me, it reads more like,
you know how like Disney animators are like all right,
make sure the pastor has a boner made like it's

like a like it's gross and weird, but like nothing,
there's not kids behind the boards of Disney like you know,
doing like weird sex stuff, right, it's to me, It's
it's more like that, like it was just some weird
guys like I'm gonna name these I'm gonna name this
after the lady I follow home and it's like, Okay,
now you're weird for sure, but there's not a kid

in there. You just got some ship to work out
you Yeah, So anyway, that's great. I'm so happy you're here.
Dog good. Yeah, you know, me and you just worked
together on the b T Awards, so there's a time
catching up since then. Dog fine, I moved in the
middle of this, which has been a nightmare. Okay, bro like,

and this is gonna be on a racist tip, but
I gotta say so hold on, wait a minute. That's
how they get go ahead. So my girlfriend Chelsea who
you know you worked with her on Hilarious Lankston Kerman
was an actor on, so she hired move is for us.

They end up being Russian, which whateversion. You know what
I'm saying, not ideal in these times, but here we are.
It feels like they should like that. We gotta preface
with you know, just so you know we're Russian, like
gonna We're gonna come through with the accents and all that.
And by the way, we were really Russian. We're like
we're like old school, like you know, James Bond, Like

you know, I don't own nothing but track suits. That's
that's the kind of energy I'm coming with. But like
to the point where it was like an older dude
who was balding and then like clearly like his nineteen
year old son, and it was like one of those
things where it's just like for the sun. I was like,
well you do like working like one of them troll farms,
like you know what, Like you're you're a moore, Like

you know what I'm saying, Like you don't how to
use a phone? Bro Like young entrepreneurial boy, you should
be you should be hacking our our government. What are
you doing? You would have a better life back in
Russia just sitting in one of them rooms, you know. Anyway,
I digress. So they show up and like what would

any other time be like, oh, Walmart gigantic like Walmart
store size eighteen wheeler, like the gigantic ones. We have
a one bedroom apartment or like whatever, it's unnecessary, but
all right, yeah, they load up half my apartment. They're
like all right, that's all we can fit for y'all.
And we were like what They're like, oh yeah, sorry,

we have a whole other household on the truck, so
we're just squeezing y'all on. It was just like all right,
we gotta take this l. So that's so my point is,
it's like we were so scared of them being Russian
that we took the l on them being bad movers.
You know, this wasn't based on like culture. This was

just too bad movers who packed you guys in together? No, man,
that it was because here's the thing. It felt like,
and obviously I'm gonna be real, this is where the
race part comes. It's like it felt like they you
that we couldn't say nothing because they're Russian. Yeah that
makes sense, Like they kid. It was like a lot
of like long looks at us and we're like, al right,

just hired to grab it. You you both have very
ethnic names. It's they probably looked at all the reports
and they're like, yeah, we're gonna we're gonna we'll do whatever. Yeah,
we'll do whatever we want. Are we gonna give them
their own truck? It was so crazy, But I was
just like oh this is like their time, and like

I mean it for you like online and stuff, Like
I hate the argument that people are like Russians did
all this. I'm like Russians planted seeds, but like Russians
weren't at the voting booths, you know what I'm saying,
Like they just convinced y'all. They were just sending out
blasts and then if y'all wanted this to happen, yeah,

they didn't. They didn't do anything that specially, yeah exactly.
It wasn't great. So like I'm usually just like yeah, Russia,
blah blah blah, but this time I was like, oh,
I feel like I know, I can't do nothing right now.
First they came from my national election and I said nothing.
Then they came from my furniture and I drew a
motherfucking line. Oh my god, that it is so funny. Yeah,

so yeah, that's I was. Yeah, I was. I was scared,
but you know, goodness, that's all life is, ban dog.
I don't do nothing. I don't know, but I mean
you're like out there exercising at all. I don't do nothing,
run and then I come back inside. That's pretty much it.
It ain't. It's not that deep. But you know, we
gotta figure out ways to stay sane and all of this.
I figured if I somehow could get buff before the

industry opens back up and they have to talk to
me different, then I'll have saved my career somehow. It's
not working, as you can plainly see. But I know,
but your face is definitely because here's the thing you have,
because are you You're a drinker. I drink. I used
to drink a lot more Now I'm like very occasionally

the alogracy. Okay, see, I was gonna say, as someone
who used to drink and doesn't anymore, I noticed I
can tell when people stop their face, and so I
was gonna say that you stopped, Yeah, you stopped, or
you're working out a lot. But it's probably a mix
of both as well. I'll take it. I used to
be a fatty, Now I'm not what I can get.

Speaking of fear, we're talking about fear. I had a
little bit of nervousness going into your conspiracy theory. I'll
be honest. Oh you have. You've presented one that arguably
is one of our most challenging to enter into in
today's era. In, but I'm very excited to introduce it

because you were. You also were the fastest person of
all time to respond to the question of what would
you like your conspiracy theory to be? No One, it's
alwayst as if I'm always thinking about it. It felt
like you had the email drafted already and we're just
waiting for someone to ask what you're thinking about, Yasir,

And you asked, and it's beautiful, you said, my mama
told me Usha and Sierra used to be hermaphrodites. And boy,
oh boy, did my jaw dropped. And before we go
any further, because I want to hear all your thoughts
before we go any further, I want to be clear
for our listeners at home that that word is not

a word that we use for people. It is an
outdated word. The correct terminology is inter center sex. Yes exactly. However,
at the time that we were growing up, that was
the word that that conspiracy theory sort of came out of.
I never heard the word intersex until like three years ago,

and unfortunately, everybody was just running around calling Sierra and
Usher hermaphrodites. So please, Yasner, tell me more about this
conspiracy theory. So so, and this is where we get
into the like, this is where we get into the
weeds of it a little bit, because so many conspiracy theories,
as someone who genuinely loves them, yeah, so many conspiracy

theories usually have a thread of like, oh okay, Like
it's not that you can follow it perfectly, but you
can tug on it and get back to where you started, right.
This one truly the only thing, the only thing I

can think of, because I really spent a lot of time,
and here's the thing I didn't. I wasn't as smart
as to like go research it the only thing that
they are. I wasn't reading your book, studying your science,
because like, here's the thing. It's like it was I think, well,
you know, and I hope this doesn't step on any

other ones, but we're roughly the same age. I'm a
few years older than you. But this conspiracy theory hit
the ground running around the same time as Marilyn Manson
had his ribs removed, so he, you know, give himself head.
And then that little Kim backstage one night, you know,

gave blowy Jay's to so many dudes. She had to
get her stomach pump. So like, so it's like number
one is like a sixth grader who has no concept
of sex as is like you know, like I feel
like sixth grade girls get it because they have to,
Like we just live in a society sadly that like

if they don't have the knowledge, dudes take advantage of them.
And these usually older men blah blah blah. So like
usually thank goodness, women have like a better a better
grasp on these things sex until and I mean this
from the bottom of my heart, I feel like no
man knows anything about sex until he actually has it.
Like it doesn't matter how many books you've read, it

doesn't matter how many stories you've heard. It's once you're
actually in the act, you're like, whoa there, we have
no concept of like where things actually go or what
it's supposed to feel like it's just all theoretical. And
then you get inside of a person and you're like, okay, yeah,

all right, let's take it easy. I think I get
it now. Even then, and even then I would say,
like I think at like time number ten, it's like
you're like, oh, I got it, Like well, that's why
we're also trash at it in the beginning because we
didn't know anything to start off with. And then that's

tacked on top of the fact that we're not smart
enough for intuitive enough to figure it out quickly, you
know what I mean, Like men are We're not sitting
there studying and figuring it out. We're just like looking
at it and being like, oh, that's different than I thought.
And then we like, you know, run and go, come
and try to figure it out again the next time.

Oh god, um, so as you know, as you so
eloquently stated, So it's like you don't know anything. So
it's like not only that, not only do you not
know anything about the act like being intersects. It's a
very that's a very nuanced conversation, even for even for
the most expert mind in terms of like what that

means not just for the person, but for society at large,
you know. And then like the Marilyn Manson thing, it's
like you clearly don't know enough about anatomy to know
that that's impossible. It's that didn't help that much. It didn't. Yeah,
and then it's like pray, it's just like you didn't
extend to your spine. You got rid of the other
part that if you couldn't do sit ups before, you're

not like doing them better because your ribs are smaller, Like,
that's not the issue here, bro. So that would be
funny if you just saw a dude with like a
fourteen pack. It's like, oh, I got I got my
ribs removed, our river removed, and now I'm super buffin
stay wet, don't matter who's sucking it. I got my

dick wet. It's so sad. So So anyways, as I
was saying about tracing the threat, the only thing I
can truly truly think of is that they are both
phenomenal performers and dancers and are like for the sadly
for the sierra of it all is that she, especially

at the time, was so toned and so like, you know,
like because there's the thing. It's like, Jenna Jackson was
that toned, Angela Bassett was that toned, and like those
conversations never came up. But I just think that they
were already in like they were already in the world. Well,
you know what, to your point, it wasn't just that
she was toned. She also was like hanging out with
bow Wow, So she was taller than that's right, and

so it's like, oh, this big, strong, tall lady and
she's not even that tall, but at the at the
time it was five seven, she was like six eight
and muscular, and so a bunch of high school kids
were like, this bitch got a penis, which is like
so so like because it actually it spotlighted on us

shore and then went to see you. And it was
just it was one of those things again that like
the usher of it all never made sense other than
I think my theory. You know, I went to very
on to very hood schools till till high school, and
uh so there's like all like middle school stuff, and
it was truly it just felt like one dude hated

that his girl like that, and he just told everyone
that he was half girl, which is so crazy, but
already gotta pussy on his hid, so fu him because
that's also the other thing that like was so especially

as you you know, get older and learn about people's bodies,
but like the thing that they used to always throw
around and be like, actually the clip is a penis.
Actually what his penis was a click and Sierra's clip
is a penis, and you're like, what is where to God,
You're like, yeah, that's true, and you're like it can't
be okay, but at you know, at sixth grade. You know,

in the sixth grade, you're like, oh my god, right,
your whole world, your whole world is crumbling. And then
you're thinking about the one crew drawing that they show
you in textbooks and you're like, well, it did kind
of look like a tiny little dick and I don't
know what to do, and you nailed it again. Because
it's like this is also the rise of the Internet.

Like this is when like the Internet first hit schools,
and like there was no way to block anything, right,
Teachers had no idea what like a fire wall was
like you could just you can do whatever you want.
And also it's like so much of the internet truly
owes what it is to pornography, Like yeah, pornography built

the Internet, and so because of that, you could find
all that stuff easier. Like I remember, truly the first
two things I ever saw online were a porno site
and then cartoon network dot com pictures of Dexter's from
Dexter's Lab that you could print out and color yourself.

Those are the first and then the third thing I
did was print out Bone Thugs and Harmony lyrics. I
put them in a binder. I love that, I do love.
I hope it happened exactly in that order. That first
first you watched them porn. You came and then you
came to your sense and you were like, you know
what I that that was a line I need to color.

I gotta color something. I love Dexter's Lab. I'm gonna color.
I can't color without music. Who did I listen to?
Of course Bone Thugs and harm And you sat there
and you colored Dexter and you listen to Bone Thugs
and you you let your your come soak into your pants. Well,
here's this is even sadder. Thing looked that point is

at the school library. It looked at moren then got
scared and then downloaded the Dexter's Lab thing and then printed,
but then went home and then you know, thought about
porn clearly, right, So the Dexter's Lab was more sort
of like to cover up your your tracks, right right?

I just because I remember I didn't know what the
internet was, and I saw this commercial that was like
go to cartoon network dot com and download a picture
of Dexter, and I was like, what I gotta do that.
If the TV's telling me to do it, I'm taking Nexter.
Oh my god, I do. I totally agree. I do
think that so much of this came out in an

era where there were no The Internet was sort of
like the wild West. It was like Deadwood almost, just
like a lawless town without any organization, and there was
nobody to fact check anything, Whereas now, if some sort
of conspiracy like this were to come forward, it would
be immediately at least refuted, if not fully dismissed. There'd

be a hundred people being like, no, shut the funk up,
that's not true. Here's proof of that thing. But we
were kids and they were just like, you know what,
you gotta dick under there, and we're like, yeah, I
don't know. I actually didn't know, because truly, back in
the day, like someone telling you something was equal to books.

This presentation. I would like to cite Steve. Steve told
me that if you turn to Steve first eight, he
mentioned you know what I'm saying, someone could just be
like because I mean truly, like if you were in
a classroom and someone ran in and said, like someone

bombed the CNN center down down unless you like got
to the news immediately you just because also most people
back in the day didn't lie about stuff like that
for the most part, you know what I'm saying, people,
I mean, people clearly lied about like assurance, SIRA being intersecting, like,
but like mostly people, it's just like news was news. Yeah,
there wasn't as much of a trend of like doing

it for the trolling wasn't the same thing. You were
actually actually crazy if you were doing something like that.
And now it's a little more of a gray area
where it's like you either are crazy or you're the
funniest motherfucker I've ever met in my life. I don't
always know which one. Yeah, So like when someone told

you something, you were just like all right. I mean
because it's also if you think about it's probably low key.
How like every religion started, it was just something being
like this is what happened. You went all right, okay,
so follow you. Hey, y'all, Hey, Steve said some stuff,
so I'm gonna follow him. I'll cite him occasionally if

that'll help the group. I didn't have to ask is
it a long line of Steve's or is it one
Steve who's been eternal. I like to think it's a
generational thing. Steve and then Steve the junior and Steve
the first and go down the line. All right, I
like that. Yeah, all right, We're gonna take a break

and then we'll be back more. Yes, more. My mama
told me we are back. Ye. Anyway, so we're back, baby.

We are back here with Mori Yaza Lesser and we
are still talking about the history of the sex of
both Usher and Sierra and where that all comes from.
This is the question I wanted to ask, did at
any point, Well, first of all, who specifically do you
remember telling you this? Or is there a person specifically?

Like a group of dudes, but I'll be gladly to
say all named names. So they also here's the thing,
and I this is like such a weird detail to remember.
It was all the tallest dudes in my grade. So
it was like it was all the dudes who were like,
you know, five, ten and sixth grade. One of them
was named I swear to guy, his name was Britain,
but it was b R I T T O N

and like he only wore he was just like it
was crazy because he wasn't particularly good looking, but he
was just like so fresh, Like he was always like
I don't know if this made it to Chicago, but
just always like an Apollo and like some like Tommy
Hill figure like Carpenter Gene like some rebox. He was
just always losty like that. Then there was this other dude, Timmy,

who like less fresh wrong. They were like trying to
figure it out, but he was he was like six three,
Like they were trying to figure out how to have
him play for like the high school team in sixth grade,
likes like crazy. They were trying to do that that
thing that people do with like Dominican kids, right yeah, yeah,

truly him up instead of bump him down like he's yeah.
So it was it was Britain and Timmy and then
the last dude was Edward and Edward I remember, like
so Edwards was like so many weird. I'm gonna leave
out the dude the last dude names because I don't

want to put him on blast, like Edward's kind of
Edwards cousin. The cousin's dad broke out of prison while
you were all on school, Like we were at school
and like a news bulletin came up and they were
like so you know, like they like said a dude
and the kid who it was like started crying and
we were like, nigga, this is incredible, Like your dad

got out of jail. Congratulations. Yeah, he's like, no, I'm
the one that put him in. Oh God, to kill me.
Why are y'all cheering? Please stop this? Oh my god,
that would have been worth it. But so then the
last dude was Edward, and Edward was always wearing a

Reggie Miller Indiana Pacers jersey. Those were the dudes they like,
they're like Loki like mobbed on me, like just like
rolled up on me and was just you know, ushers
or her Ma Like I didn't I didn't know that.
But I mean, like, if you're telling me to tell
people like you guys seem like cool dudes, I repeat yeah, yeah, yeah, Hey,

look man, I got no call him about repeating something
that just heard from three people that barely talk to listen.
I've be't figured myself out enough to feel confident to
tell you know that's not true. So yeah, I'll go
tell more people and will create a violent and dangerous
atmosphere around this school and more so for people that
are struggling with their inter sexuality. So thank you, thank

you for choosing me to be your mouth. Oh and
then for high school, it was because that's when the
Sierra thing was happening. Thank or maybe right before, but
it had to have been mohomie Mark or mohomie Eugene
because they were because they were most likely was Eugene,
Like we all worked at McDonald's together, and uh, Eugene,

like Mark was from Detroit, so he and he had
like the older brother who rapped, and like we were
always just like trying to get Mark. He was like
varsity basketball freshman year high school. Like man, like Mark
is doing it, you know what I'm saying. But like
I was the weird kind of like art kid who
was trying to be funny, and then Eugene was just
like this spacey like weirdo. Anyway, so those are people
that told me about it. And like again, like I'll

say this, the Usher thing I fully believed. I just
like fully believed it from the job. The Sierra thing, Right, Well,
that's fascinating. I'm gonna jump in here because that that
actually is really fascinating to me, because it wasn't one
that I think that I heard when I was growing up.
Oh interesting, I had heard a lot of speculation about

his sexuality and Jim, but not a lot about like
the possibility of him having you know, multiple sex sex organs.
But I will say that it fits within a a
world of theories that you know what I mean, or
a type of theory that made perfect sense to me.
So it wasn't me reading that and going get the

funk out of here. It was more like I could
see that. I can see how we as kids would
have accused him of being intersex or whatever. We you know,
hurtful word we were back then. But even in you
know us your no, you got a cybees ding dong.

That's right. They fused together. Man, you don't want to
tell nobody because he's say it helps his dancing. That's
how he danced so good, because that's all that's part
of it, which is so crazy that they were always
but that's how he could do that so good. That's
just like I'm sorry him having both like anyway, sorry, no,
it helps him move his hips in a way that

a man never should be able to. So crazy, But
so with that most of the research that I attempted
to dig up about this, there's not a lot about Usher.
It just there isn't a lot, Whereas with Sierra, there's
a ship toun of her literally having to go on interviews,

multiple interviews, and deny the possibility that she's intersect And
the worst part about it is, and I didn't realize
this until I'm like digging all this stuff up, she
was fucking seventeen. She was a child. This was a
child being like ha ha ha, nah No, I'm not
a boy and a girl mixed together, like y'all say

over and over again. Anyway, here's my song good. He's
about having sex with an adult man that was written
by by an adult man, Jazzy. But here's what I'll
say that I feel like, not to say that it's proven,
but I feel like the part that we can take
from this is that this is all the Usher thing

is so infancy Internet that and then remember I was like,
I think it was just the spotlight was taken from
Usher then flashed on us. I think that I think
that that's the through lines you can follow, is that like,
as that rumor went on, they just attached it to
whoever they could, and she just happened because I was like,

what two thousand to two thousand, two thousand four is
when she came out, And I think it was pretty
immediate that people like this is not a traditional quote
unquote traditional woman, whatever that means. I will say that
even because I don't know enough, and because I felt
like this is important, especially in terms of this subject,
I wanted to dig up exactly why hermaphrodite is a

problematic word, right, And so what I uncovered is that
basically hermaphrodite is not actually a thing that happens in
a human person. That here, hermaphrodite refers to a organism
that's able to hold both genitals or like a male
and female sex organ at the exact same time equally,

which doesn't actually happen in humanity, right. Intersex people actually
is more complicated than that, Like you said before, it
like ranges from anything from like a person who has
just like undefined genitals, a micro penis and enlarged clitterists.
Labial fusion is one of the things undescended testicles or

a labial mass which they you know, if they dug
under their I guess they could find testicles underneath. So
it's a bunch of ship that sounds like me, I
personally connect with the labial man. Keep digging, keep digging,
You're gonna find what you're looking for. So it's like

all these why so that even the implication that like,
these two people are sort of this same thing is
like a super ignorant thing because they could be a
million different kinds of intersex. But it's also like, and
you know, there's two things that play. A it's a
child learning the concept of what hermaphrodite is in terms

of whatever attribute that is to to an animal or organism, right,
learning that and then being reducing it to like, oh,
that would be like if a dude had a dang
dong and had a little and had a vagina, that
would be And you're like, that's it could not be
more wrong, Like that's what it is, right, teacher, I

hear you, But I'm also I'm hearing what I'm saying,
and what I'm saying sound more like what I like
to say, so I'm gonna go with it. So it's
like you have that already at play, and then the
concept that like and I'm not saying this would be
funny that let's say the I don't know what the
most common form of inter sexuality is, right, but let's

just say we just take the most populous form of
intersexuality is right, that two of them would make it
as R and B stars dog, it's like such a
crazy saying. So that's the other thing that Iron covered
is that that intersex people only represent one point seven

per cent of the population. So the fact that it's
already impossible to make it to that little celebrity, but
two of them would, under the dark the cloak of
night make it to that level. And you a nigga
who's on the internet coloring Dexter's lab pictures uncovers this
truth about her is insane. It's white. Yeah, it's uh,

but it makes me lacking. I'm just like, oh, just like,
it doesn't matter if it was, if it's twenty and
two thousand, two nine six. It's just like niggas have
just been bored forever. We just needed something to talk about, anything,
to talk about, anything other than learning that that little

girl's got broad shoulders. Let's say that she's, uh, she's
a man. Now. It's like now she's probably just growing
into her body and also very talented at the exact
same time, but also like and here's what I'm saying,
like again, not to speak on I don't want to
speak on traditional gender norms, but in the realm that

we are existing right in a business to music business
that relies on gender norms at the time, at the
very least at the time, Sierra is just because she
has nice shoulders. She's one of the most hyper feminine
people who's ever list sure, like outside of like wearing
a white blazer, it's like a very dude, he's a

buff man. Yeah, It's like so crazy that we've picked
truly like the the ends of the spectrum for a
hyper femininity and masculinity, and we're like, both of them
have both parts. Next questions. If anything, if we needed
a starting point at our most ignorant level, we could
have said RuPaul, who already was playing the line. But

instead we were like, who's that motherfucker that that looks
like a man and talks like a man and dances
like a man. That's a lady. It's like, do you
do why I think I said he's part lady? Next question? Okay,
but stop prowling at me when said it. She part man,
you heard what I said, put the record all told

me when she talked about Roland Nigga's left, you know,
sound part nig and the way she's saying that. So
one of the things that I think is hugely fascinating
from this whole thing. And like I said, Sierra, So
with part of the Sierra argument was that number one
that the claim and maybe you heard this, was that

not only was she intersex, but that she had announced
it on the Oprah Winfrey Show. That there was like
this hidden episode where like Sierra had come out and
like said like, hey, Oprah, I am in a an
intersex person and this is my truth. The episode does
not exist, but everyone claimed to have seen this episode,

and everything that I uncovered was like a bunch of
people being like, yeah, my cousin said he saw the episode.
It was wild, it was crazy. It's like, get the
funk out of here. Because that's also a holdover from
pre internet, is that it was because that's also the
Tommy hill Figure thing. Remember that exactly what I thought about. Yes,

they were like and then Tommy hill Man, Tommy hill
Figure went on the Open with Your show. He said
he was niggas never wear his clothes. Everyone. He said,
if he's a nigger and his James Hill shoot him
in the street. It's like, Tommy Hilliger never said that.
But you're also like the dude who's first and only
model for a very long time was Aliyah Aliah is

literally responsible for the successful Tommy Hill figure. But like,
it's just so weird that we can say back in
the day, you could say anything and be like, what happened, Like, oh,
it is on Oprah, And maybe that's why she's an
op Yes, Oprah let a bunch of I love this,
Oprah let a bunch of bullshit ride because she wanted
more ratings and more attention, and she was willing to

let the black community tank itself for the sake of
entertaining white people and letting her fake stories sort of
circulate to make herself more popular in the white community.
It's yeah, now that we're on this, I'm like, oh,
that's exactly what happened. Oprah probably started all this ship. Yeah,
every hey tell him Tommy Hill was just on the show,

and that's the era that she got a ding dong
hiding in the past. Make sure you mentioned the Oprah
Winfrey Show every Tuesday at eight m. Because it's also
like I'll say this, like Oprah had wild moments right,
like she had the clan on and like you know
there was ship just to that bigger moments, but it
wasn't Jerry Springer or Jenny Jones. Like the chances that

two major things happening on her show and no one song,
it wasn't at least news. That's the thing that we
just we just forgo or four went to the news. Yeah,
you know that was just like well, you know, he
said that he's knows someone who saw it, and it's
just like like we all wouldn't. Everything else made it

to us, right like any other Like the Mark Ferman
tapes made it to us, like so many things, so
many things that that was a home video shot in
the dark in nineteen what whatever it was. There's a
reason that all these things make it to us, and

it's because they existed, not because like there's some secret
conspiracy not to show us the Lost Sierra tapes. God,
I mean, I wish I was better at deep fakes,
because it would be funny to just do deep fakes
of Tommy Hill figure on Oprah and Sierra on Oprah
making their little announcements. I found them. I found that.

Everybody said they weren't real, but I found the tape
that's so funny, so okay with the Usher one one
of the more fascinating parts of that, because like I said,
I wasn't finding a lot of information about any accusations
about him being intersex, and even accusations feels like a
weird turn in this case, because it's, yeah, sure you're

a smarter man than I am, the right words, but
so it all, as far as I could tell, and
this was my own digging. As far as I can tell,
most of the accusation or sort of like criminalization of
Usher came out of exactly what you said, which is,
this is a dude who sexier than me, and I
don't like how that feels, so I'm going to undermine it.

And then in two thousand and ten, he does that
song with Nicki Minaj a Little Freak. I'm sure you
know the lyrics. Of course, to back uh, he talks
about being bisexual. It certainly like hanging out with bisexual
people and like group sex and that whole thing. And
in an interview afterwards with MTV. They asked him, like
a Usher, are you into group sex now? And he's

like His response was basically like, you know, I get
into it from time to time. I like hanging out
with bisexual people. And that's when the Internet is like, Oh,
this motherfucker up to something he ain't. Oh he he
on some dirty, nasty, filthy ship, which I think then
spawns because of our homophobia and transphobia and all the phobias.

It moves into Oh he's got multiple like sex organs
and his body kind of thing. It's crazy, I mean.
And here's what I'll say. Granted the news didn't hit until, like,
you know, four years ago or something, but if we
had known Usher was getting all them poor ladies sick
back the day, there's no way we would have assumed

he was intersex. Like he's just not. He's just given.
He's given every woman he needs herpes what you What
we would have accused him of was being a bad guy,
and then that would have been the excuse for why
our girls shouldn't have sex with him. It's like, not,
you don't want to fun Usher, he's a bad person.
You want to, You want to your skin to turn green,

he's got diseases. Girl, girl, stick with me. I can't
move walk sideways, but I'm pretty good. Look, I can't
move walk sideways, but I promise you'll get home safe
and healthy. You won't cough tomorrow. So I'm glad you
brought that up because in two thousand seventeen, just for

anybody who doesn't know, Usher got sued for twenty million
dollars because a woman and then three people after that
accused him of giving them herpies without notifying them ahead
of time, that he knowingly gave them herpes and didn't
tell them, which is a crime. Which they never proved
that he had herpies or that they had herpies. In fact,

I think that one of the women they proved she
did not in fact have her pies, but was just
saying it and letting it ride. But I didn't realize this,
and this is a very fascinating element of it, is
that one of the accusers of the four was a man.
Had no idea. Really, yeah, there was a dude in
that group, and he never revealed his name or his identity.

He went by John Doe, as they do in you know,
court cases where you don't want to keep your identity secret.
And so I think that that just added to like
sort of this weird dance of like what the funk
is going on with Usher? And so there's all these
different historical moments that people refer to when they talk
about Usher sexuality. For example, his ex wife to make

a Foster in two eleven tweeted after their breakup that
gay men, quote unquote gay men who look and act
straight should identify themselves with bright wrist bands, which who boy,
I hate when I hear an idea that I had.

She was like, clearly, you're tripping. This is wild. That
is so fun. It's just like also like you know,
the Holocaust to happen. Yeah, that like we just as
a species, we shouldn't do things to identify different Just

leave it alone. You just gonna have to guess. And
you know, there was a small part of her that
was like, well, I'm not putting patches on their shoulder,
I'm just wristbands tattooing them. I just want a wristband
so that they don't trick me. But that's why I
don't like the logic of it, because it's like, you know,
the easiest thing to get offs a wristband, like you
just cut them off like the gay Like these secret

gay agents aren't just able to take the wristband off
in the morning after a nice shower, Like what are
you talking about to make a well Also just like
it's just like I don't I don't want the world
to know I'm gay or bisexual, but I gotta put
all my wristband. You know. That's what Tomka says. You know,

Tamka Foster Usher's ex wife. So but see, that was
another thing that I remember pointed to about the conspiracy
of us was just not even the intersex thing, but
of his sexuality. It's because Tamika was older than him
by like ten years or something, and people are like,
no man loves a woman years older than him unless
he gay. You're like, are you sure? Like every time

everybody like someone older than him he gave something wrong
with his brain would be like a woman that old,
look at it, what is she in our mid to
late thirties, She's done. It's so sad, okay, So that
that happens. Then in two thousand thirteen, I believe it is.

Did he does an interview where it's one of Diddy's parties,
and this is one of those where he starts videotaping
the parties and he has Kevin Hart hosting this party
and he's interviewing with Kevin Harden. Usher walks into the
building and he's so happy to see Usher, and he
starts talking to Kevin on the microphone with Usher and
he says out loud in the interview, he says, I

love this this dude, he's my bro. We used to
wake up together, I mean damn. Pause. And then everybody
just started laughing because Diddy had implied that him and
Usher used to sleep in a bed together as partners.
That one's that's hard. That's a stretch for me a
little bit. It's it's not evidence of anything, right, because

I would just assume it was just like even my
head went to, oh yeah, like a hard night of
party and you wake up and it's just like, oh,
there's Diddy over there. Like I didn't. It's like he
was like and then I woke up to the soft,
the soft woreth of his breath on my neck I mean,
damn pause. And then Usher he used to kiss me
real slow, and he would say good morning, Papa, and

I would say hey, uh oh, damn, you caught me,
Kevin Harsh just like, okay, naive, where are you all right?
Get over here, I'm a tweet about this and get
in trouble to how about how about a smash the
dollhouse over both y'alls? Hey, okay? And then the last one.

And this is this is one of my favorites. Is
that in they as Jenny McCarthy, of all people in
an interview, why are they interviewing Jenny McCarthy. I have
no idea. Why are they asking her questions about Usher?
Even less clear, but in an interview with Jenny McCarthy,
she was asked if she thinks Usher is attractive to
what she responded by saying, is he for sure? Straight?

Is he by? I think he's hot? I would definitely
be interested. I would have that unsure flag of which
team he plays for. For real, guys that are really
well kept like that and aren't really with that man
need chicks. I tend to have a question mark because
I remember and I don't. I don't know about you,
but I remember because I moved to l A in
two thousand five, and that was like I was from

Georgia whatever, But that was like the I feel like
peak Zenith like quote unquote metro sexual movement, right, and
the whole idea when you really, you know, reduce it
to its core, was that like if you're a man
and you shower, have a T shirt that ain't wrinkly,

you half I'm sorry, what like if you got a
haircut and the best we could have half you want
of these half gay niggers running around got secrets? Motherfucker?

Like like so because like that's like her saying that,
And it's like, first of all, when we talk about
problem with white women, it's like the woman who lied
on Emmett Till and then Jenny McCarthy. She's like, it's right,
they're the same to yeah, she I mean you fucking
she did the vaccine. She's like one of the source

materials all her. And the thing is that, like it
was bad information and bad science coming from a blonde hair,
blue eyed, white lady with big breast like who's already
had some semblance of fame and who had a child
that's afflicted not from the thing that she's saying, but
because she can point to that every white person believed her,

She's she is lit to your point, She is literally
the most dangerous weapon that the white community could pull
out in those circumstances. She is both victim and big,
tittied and blonde. She can go crazy with whatever she
wants to say, and she did. And so like the
idea that like some one who is so not just

on the wrong side of history, but just like actually
in their soul and then their atoms is incorrect, Like
she's not. She's not built the way a human is built,
in the sense that like, I feel like her molecular
polarity spends opposite of us, you know what I'm saying,
Like it's just like you're so wrong on everything. And

so it's like the fact that she went on TV
again using the weapon of blue eyes and breasts and
blonde hair to be like, oh he must be. Then
of course everyone's gonna now is going to question it,
and she made it popular in a way that it
should and ending it with he's too well kept, that's crazy.
But yeah, well I think we agree Jenny McCartney is

uh spawn of Satan, And yes, yes we do. We're
gonna take another break and then we'll be back with more.
And my mama told me we are back yeah, ah,

we are back here. Oh that is I mean, sincerely,
in in the grand scheme of heartbreaking things to have
ever happened, I don't think there's ever a point where
I got to enjoy it the way other people did.

Like I was just like, oh, I was just like,
oh no, this young king has to do this, you
know what. And I feel bad about it now, but
I legitimately thought it was the funniest thing I had
ever seen in my life. And then other people had
to be like, hey, you know that's not good, right,

you know, like he's he's really gonna struggle for the
rest of his life because of what he just announced
him from of five thousand people at a church. I
was like, Nope, this Nigga's hilarious. Here's what I'll say,
because to pretend that I didn't laugh, Like I was
pretty on board with, like, yo, like this is heartbreaking

until he went women women, women, and I was just like,
you didn't have to do that. Bar Well, he's a showman,
show so good. I still check in on him on Instagram. Yeah,
he just got in that fight with the lady at
the Black Lives Matter around He's still working. Yeah, I

will say I appreciate him in the sense that he's
just like he's not like what's her name, bad baby
or whatever, or it's just like you try to like
make a whole new career or whatever. Do like but
I do like that. He's like, y'all not gonna forget
about me, right, you know. He's like, I'm just gonna
keep being myself. But now I get what myself is,

Whereas I totally agree. I the bad babies of the
world are like a gross human being who then tried
to did a bad thing and then tried to manipulate
that bad thing into a completely different career that you
didn't deserve and should not have. She's just like, no,
I'm gonna keep yelling at people and it'll be under
different contexts and perhaps you'll like that. Good for him.

I'm proud of him. Okay, now we're gonna play a
fun game. This is a fun game. It's a brand
new game, and I'm very excited to debut with you.
This game I have coined and it's a game that
I've come up with and I'm very excited to introduced.
It's called Langston's sister Jia, who's ten years old, describes

new conspiracy theory she uncovers on tiktoki. Yeah, so this
is how it works. I'm gonna play you some audio
clips of my sister explaining a conspiracy theory to me,
and I just like for us to unpack exactly what
she's talking about, what is she what she's stressing about,
And keep in mind she is genuinely afraid of what's

happening in these clips. She is not at all doing
this for a prank or for some silliness. She is
ten and she means it. Okay, here we go. Okay.
So by thing about Chuck E Cheese is that I
don't trust nobody more. I've heard too many stories about them.
They're basically as saying that as a strike of midnight,

the robots get off there stands and start walking around
seeking for children to eat or to just torture them.
All right, yeah, there your thoughts on the U. So
I just have to be clear she's afraid that the
plot of Toy Story and Mannequin U exists only at

Chucky Cheese. Cheese is empty, strike closed, and so they
just go around me like, oh, if there's a spare
kid in here, we're gonna, We're gonna, We're gonna wait.
It was either eat or torture or torture. It depends
on the kid in the day, I guess, uh, and

which mannequin I guess catches them or whatever. I don't know,
but yes, at the strike of midnight they come alive
and they eat and or torture kids. Also, like, does
she know that they've they've gone under chuck E Cheese? Yeah, no,
she has no idea. She thinks that Chucky Cheese is
the most thriving business of all time. As far as

she's it's her favorite place. So she's like, nah, Chucky
Cheese is dope, and I hate to find out. It's
as if your favorite person got canceled for do you
know what I mean? Like it's your hero going down.
And she's like, funk, I love Chucky Cheese. But I'm
hearing about these robots eating and kidnapping children. But again,
like this is it's like the wayfaier thing that I

want to like, as wanna hold your sister and be like,
it's not gonna be you that figured this out. You're
not the one. And I will say that she's she's
smart enough to know that she's not figuring out she
but she doesn't know who to trust on the internet,
so she, like us when we were kids, is just
subscribing to these people who then tell her something wild.

And she's like, hey, y'all, I got some bad news.
I'm hearing from JELSEI thirty three that that they're kidnapping
kids at Chuck E Cheese. I'm hearing from Chuck E
Cheese hater that some wild things are happening at Chuck
E Cheese. Why would he say, okay, just the last

thing real quick. It's just like the idea that people
still go yes like that. She's like, oh, I got
you know, like I can't go. Other people go. But
because you're done't think that stroke of midnight thing you
gonna catch not today fail. Okay, I'm gonna play you

some more, because she goes on to describe exactly because
I was very curious, how is it that these people
are are these Chucky Cheese robots are coming to life?
And she explains that as well. They just found a
man that was downstairs doing like spells and voodo on
the robots for them to kidnap children. He was using

a Luigi board plus he had like this circle and
he was sit in the middle with candles, and it
was very dark and spooky down there, and he would
just sit in the middle and start doing his things. Ah,
here's the thing. If you were going to bring robots

to life, that is how you do ye. So she's
not it seems as if this isn't a dig. It
seems as if whoever told her the story, wherever she
had it from, they didn't have the vocabulary for pentagram.
Yet clearly that's what she's describing. They didn't know, they
didn't know like the actual terms of witchcraft, so they
were she was just like, yeah, they got a wegi

board and some candles and a circle and a circle.
So it's also like the other thing you want to
say is that like usually for like the demons and
like the Satanic you know, conjurors, it's like they're pretty efficient,
Like they're not bringing Augi board and the pensigram like
you know, it's like they it's usually one thing, like

they either got like a pencilgram with like a book
of spells, or they got like Augi board with like
a book of spells. But like then maybe like you know,
like a lock of hair or whatever. But like we
just need her to know that's like overkill, like if
you got to bring thick, your thick, your your method
to whatever madness you're trying to create. Because the other

question is is are they putting souls into the into
the robots? Is that what she thinks is happening. Is
that how they're transferring souls from hell or they're just
bringing them to life and they're just bloodthirsty. Yeah. I
just think that she thinks there just they become become alive.
I don't think that the concept of like the transference

of a soul is even that's a little too sophisticated
for so for her, it's just like they are not alive,
and then a man in a basement makes them alive,
and then they seek out children to eat and or torture.
Got you all right? Cool? All right? I'm gonna play
you the last clip, and this one, I think is

when she explains the Chucky Cheese employees handle what's happening
with these kidnappings and these robots. Oh wait, so the
way the Chucky Cheese people are aware of it, just
real quick they are. In fact, she'll she'll explain it
all okay, perfect, Well really, there was another person who
found an article about how it said that the workers

when it turns midnight, they have to go put it
on like a little cute, chucky cheese outfit, because if
one of the robots sees you working there and it's midnight,
they're basically come and hurt you or murder you. But
if you wear the costume, they'll think you're one of them,
so they won't attack you. And what they're attacking you

for is they think you're like a robber or someone
that's trying to mess with the play store. And when
you walk up towards one of them, they always look
down at you because there's a hidden camera, I guess
in one of their bodies, so they can scan you
whatever to make sure you're not guilty of anything. Does

that make sure you're not guilty of anything? I? First
of all, this is she is adorable in a way
that like that is so cute, and it's like I
just haven't heard a child talk earnestly in such a
long time, Like it's so sweet to hear even though

it's like, you know, oh it's haunting. I'm not able
to get her to stop believing me. But yeah, it's
real cute that she thinks it's real. But okay, because
I also the other thing to ask her is, at
this point, everyone knows at midnight the robots come back.
Everyone knows there there apparently have been articles written and

it's not in these clips. But she also explains that
the part of how they uncovered it was they found
fingerprints of children on the windows leading towards the basement,
unrelated to the fingerprints they might find of children any
other time it checked on a slide at a booth.
These were apparently clearly kidnapped fingerprints. That's opposed to other thing.

So there's also windows in the basement. I guess, so
I don't. Hey, I'm just a reporter here, okay, Yeah,
I mean, thank you number one for bringing us to
light in a way that I never would have guessed.
Because the thing that's funny to me is that now
the robots are sophisticated enough to like have cameras that
full body scans to know if you are like one

of them or not. But also if you just dress
like them. The technology it can't penetrate the costume. They
just can't tell the difference between but last thing, they

they eat and torture children, but they also defend the
place from robbers. Right, y'all got a weird moral code
here and chuck e cheese. You're like, wow, it really
is all shades of gray. Like, listen, we'll kill a child,

but we will not let you steal our pizza recipe.
That is, unto my friends, is why we will defend.
It's so crazy, that's so funny, And this is apparently
circulating all over TikTok and uh specifically for you know,

in the network of kids who otherwise should just be
watching dances and weird things. Yeah, which is the scariest part.
It's like, you know, you think that your little sister
is on the internet watching people learn to like do
the Savage dance, and secretly she's learning about murders and mayhem.
But what I will say for right now, luckily, is

that it's attributed to a business, which is hard. But
for the most part, most part, it is just a
ghost story. Like it ain't pizza gate, you know what
I'm saying, Like, well, that makes a different kind of
pizza gate. But well that that is the that is

a slightly endearing part is that essentially what she is
doing is pizza Gate, but for kids. And so the
daring part of it is that like, oh, this is
an attached to a real person who then becomes criminalized
and now we have to spend the next twenty years
trying to unpack for other real people. It's like, Okay,

it's like this fictional character that she thinks comes to life.
That's harmless in the grand scheme of conspiracy theories. Yeah, yeah, um,
but I I just because to me, like I think
that like so much of growing up weirdly is that,
you know what I mean. It's like so it's like again,
it's like the Usher Sierra thing. It's like you know

how they say, like babies see more. They see more
things because they don't have language to dictate the things
that they see, and they don't see Wow, I hadn't
heard that. You haven't. Yeah, it's like a really interesting thing.
So I'll do a quick example, real quick. But they
have this thing called the green dot test, right, and
so they take a village, you know, let's say in Brazil, right,

I forget where it is exactly. They have like over
forty words for the word green because that's how nuance
they see. So they give them a chart with nine
green dots and one is off by like point zero
one of a hue, right, and say which one is different,
and they can point to the one that's different every time.
But this same the same village or a group of

people don't have a word for the color blue. So
when you hand them the chart with the same chart
but one of the dots is blue and ask them
which one is different, they physically can't see it. Their
brain can't register it because they don't have the language
for it. So if you do it to someone like us,
who has the word blue, but we don't have the
nuance of the color green, we we fail the same test,

but in opposite So that's why they say like babies
and blah blah blah. So I want to say all
that that it's like to the usher thing, the Sierra thing,
even to the like the thing with your sister, it's
like we're all weirdly trying to define a world through
the prism of like a very limited language. Right, So
because like, well she's actually talking about it's just like

the greater fears of like probably technology of like an
unknown world, and like what does that mean, what is
what you know? Like, what is the idea of murder
and torture? All these words that she hears, but she
doesn't necessarily understand the concept of them. Man. And it's
the same thing with like the Usher thing and the
Sierra thing is like not understanding that like sexuality, gender,

all that stuff is fluid and isn't binary, and like
you know, flows in very different ways, and because you
don't have the way to define them that you kind
of just like start inventing things. Yeah, to your point,
I think it's just us trying to bring everything closer
to ourselves, and we do it in sort of like difficult,
ignorant ways sometimes, but it's not always malicious. It's just like,

this is the only way I can begin to understand
the world or the feelings I'm having is to express fear,
and I don't know how to articulate what the real
fear is. So there's motherfucker's in chucky cheese basement trying
to kill I'll start there and then you know, the
out to be clear, the usher here, I think like

that we can't. We can't. We're not copying that one
to like childhood ignorance, like there was Brittain and Edward
and Tim. Timmy hates you usuer. He thinks you're you're
you got a vagina on your hip and he hates
you and he'll never forgive you for what you did.
That's where and that's where he keeping CDs and that's

how he was handing him out. He would he had
a little vagina on his hip and then he would
keep the CDs in there on the tapes, and he
pulled him out. And that's how l A that's how
l A read got his damn. You know it's true
because all his c d s, if he ever gave
you one, they were a little wet. There was just
a little bit wet, and you know because it was
in that pussy pocket on his hip. All right, all right,

we've crossed the threshold. We did it. I think we
This was so much fun, dude, Thank you so much. Hey,
can you can you all the people where they can
find you? And what you got going on? Oh? Yeah,
I got I got nothing going on. But you can
go to Instagram. You go to Instagram, Uh search my name,
yes or Lester y A S s I R l

E s t E R and do the same thing
on Twitter, I would do the handles, but just look
for my name and one of I'm one of my
favorite people to follow on any platform faces you're one
of my favorites to follow. You really make me laugh
on there in a way that like And it's weird
to end this on a complimentary no no, but I
feel I mean this sincerely because I've only known you

from Afar from a very long time and then we like, sorry,
you know, kind of met through Chris and Sam and
everyone in Jack, but you are your sense of humor
is wholly original in a way that I get glimpses
into the way your mind works, even through like social media,
and it really is entertained because like so much of

it is just aping other people's senses of humor. But
you are, truly, You're very original. And I digged that
about your sweet man, and I feel uncomfortable and I'm
gonna call you. I'm gonna call you intersects from now on.
I'm gonna accuse you of things that that just helped
me deal with my feelings. But follow Yaser. He's the best.

Thank you so much for listening. Subscribe or like it
and review it, do whatever you do to podcast. I
don't know, I'll just be talking. Okay, this is my
mama told me by racist. You can't tell me
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