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Facing accusations of sexual harassment, drugs and racism from former 'Real Housewives' stars, Bravo executive Andy Cohen remains resolute in his stance, declaring he has 'no regrets' about his actions. Travis Kelce finds himself in the midst of controversy as he responds to accusations made by actress Jana Kramer regarding his alleged drinking habits. King Charles III is determined to extend birthday wishes to his grandson Archie as he turns five.

Rob is joined by the charming Marc Lupo. Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:09):
Vices. He alone, welcome through the naughty but nice shove
your host rub shooter. And it is Thursday, which means
our dear friend Marc Lpa joins us, Hey, LUPI are
you there? Hello, rab Hey, honey, I've got a little
bit of a tickle in my throat today. Don't worry.
I don't think I have a cold. I think it's

just allergies. Mark. I've been sneezing up a storm. Mark
this morning, I should say, just got out the shower.
It looks very wet and moist and cutes.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
Yes, yes, my hair is crazy right now, but I feel.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
I love it. I never see you, Oh natcha Ella.
I'm not saying that you're a Kardashian, but Mark, you
put on a public face. You do. Your hair's always
don your skin's always polished, like if I beat you
out for a drink. You don't just roll out a bit.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
No. I do take effort to groom myself.

Speaker 1 (00:59):
So you true, what age did you start grooming? And
remember your mom Doris is listening, so she will call
in and tell us if it's not true.

Speaker 2 (01:06):
I would say early teenage years you.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
Were you were perfect there. Yeah, oh, it's like very
Poppin's practically perfect in every way. Okay, let's jump into
the show hard time. Is it my friends at his
tea time? This story, I'm not sure if I love
it or I hate it. It's so outrageous and it's
so bold. Let me explain. So Andy Cohen, who's in

a lot of trouble at the moment, legal dramas. People
have accused him of being a racist. People have accused
him of doing drugs, people have accused him of sexual harassment.
He's standing firm, saying what me worried? I have no regrets.
So he did a cover interview, not a small red
carpet interview, a cover interview with the Hollywood reporter. They

shot him. He looks fabulous. But this is a lot
of effort, Mark. This isn't just like a i'll get
you a question on the red carpet. This isn't a
little bite for entertainment tonight. It's a full uncover interview.
Mayo or Sean I think did the interview. He's a
brilliant reporter. And they asked Andy really serious questions and
he said, no, I don't have any regrets. He said,

obviously it's not the fun to be a target. That's
who he thinks he is that the I'm at a target,
and he knows I know what the truth is and
I know how I've conducted myself, and I walk tall
on that. Absolutely no regret, absolutely no shame, absolutely no
implication that maybe we could have done something wrong. It's

such a tricky question when people ask you, do you
have any regrets. There are some politicians out there who
never ever say sorry, They never apologize, and they will
never admit a mistake. It's a strategy. And there's other
people out there who have a different strategy, which is
I'm the first to apologize. I'm the first to say
when I've messed up, and I mess up a lot
and I hate myself for it. But Andy know he's

going to stand tall. He did app absolutely nothing wrong.
He thinks that The Housewives is nothing but fun. Giggles, giggles, giggles.
This is a very complicated show. When you put toxic
people on television, it's delicious to watch them. I get it.
I've done it too. I used to love this show,
but it's also to taking advantage in a certain way,

and so now a lot of the ladies who are
no longer on the network, so now they can speak out.
They don't have to worry about losing their jobs. It's over.
They're never going back. So now we have at least
what two three ladies who are out there, couple with lawsuits,
a couple with really serious accusations. And in the middle
of this fire storm, what did Landy decide to do?

Not lay low, not disappear, but no, he decided to
do a cover interview and photoshoot with the Hollywood reporter
Mark As, a former popularist. My head exploded. The secret
to publicity is when you're guilty, shut it up. Shut up.

Maybe Andy isn't guilty. I mean, he hasn't been proven yet.
They're just accusations. Although we've covered Andy for a long time.
He's sloppy. He would be the first, I think, maybe
to admit that. And I think what we loved about
Andy is how honest he was. He used to always
talk about the ups and the downs, the silliness, the dramas.

He doesn't appear to be that guy anymore. He did
absolutely nothing wrong. What do you think?

Speaker 2 (04:28):
So listen, I think this story would have been great
for Andy. A few years ago, if he wasn't facing
all this backlash and then these serious allegations. It's a
beautiful story, but not for someone really who's facing serious
charges or you know, serious allegations. And so I wrote
the story, and the thing is this, it's you know,
clearly he's avoiding the hard parts. His lawyers were there

in president, he couldn't speak to some of the harder questions.
And I think, you know, recognizing that he had a
photo shoot and he had several different poses and out,
he's not taking it as serious as maybe we would
like him too. And I think I expect more from
Hollywood reporter, you know, I would like I don't want
to see this man celebrated. It felt like it's a

story that maybe would be like celebrating someone's career milestones
as opposed to like asking questions about what's really going
on with the network.

Speaker 1 (05:18):
It was like a fluff piece. It felt like it
was from a brother magazine. It felt like it was
People magazine, where they don't really ask the questions. Remember
when Sarah Jessica Parker was on the cover of People
and they never asked about Kim Petrel. They just like,
the only thing we wanted to talk about when Sarah
did that to me was Kim. Kim had just announced
that she wasn't coming back and had said some tough
things about that. They just didn't ask, And so I'm

surprised too that the Hollywood Reporter did this. It's a
real fluff piece. There are some serious questions in there,
and he answers them in very short sentences, just a
few words. But I think the cover's devastating because it
basically says me, worry why And I think that if
Andy can get way, if the allegations are true, it's

really shocking. Like anybody else that I know who works
at Bravo, had they been accused of what Andy has
been accused of, they would have been put on leave.
I don't know if they would have been fired right away,
but they would have been an investigation and they would
have been put on maybe even paid leave. But they
certainly wouldn't be doing cover stories on the cover of

the Hollywood Reporter. It feels like there's a different rule
for him and a different rule for everybody else that
works at Brafit.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
Well, it's it's a great point you're making, and if
you go into the comments on Twitter of any you know,
any post that reposted the story. People are saying, read
the room, Are you kidding me? Why does the rules
not applied to Andy? And I think to the point
he makes in a story, we do live in this
kind of like outrage society where people get so upset
and they you're canceled immediately. And I think people like

him have somehow skirted, you know, past this and have
been able to sas just remain on Aaron. I don't
really understand it myself.

Speaker 1 (07:00):
I don't understand it. Mock you and me would be
gone so fast if half of this was alleged about us.
If half of this, which brings us to our pole
question of the day. Andy Cone is standing firm amid
all the legal, sexist, and even racist allegations towards him
and the Real Housewives. He said he has no regrets.

My question is, should Andy apologize? Should you just say sorry?
It's a tough thing to say. I've learned how to
do this, Mark the old rub shooter. I wouldn't apologize.
I just keep plowing forward. And I like this new
I do. I like this new strategy. If you do
something wrong and you know you did it, you know
you did it. When you do something wrong, Mark, you know,

should you just apologize? What do you think should Andy apologize?
Go vote on our Twitter page at Naughty Nyce rob
Our facebook page is Naughty Gossip and be sure to
check back tomorrow to hear your results. Hey, Loopie, what
are you working on?

Speaker 2 (07:58):
This is an odd story? So he has a city
Chief Star Travis Kelsey has found himself in the midst
of controversy as he's responding to accusations made by actress
Jana Kramer regarding his alleged drinking habits. Now, Kelsey expresses
bewilderment at Kramer's attempt to tarnish his reputation, asserting that
he has never even met her. Kelsey, Yeah, it's weird.

So Kelsey was blindsided by Kramer's remarks on her Wine
Down podcast, where she claimed the football player is quote
always drunk HM and insiders close to Kelsey the ny
these allegations, emphasizing that he does not have a drinking
problem whatsoever.

Speaker 1 (08:39):
I think this is so strange. He's never met her.
I didn't even know who she was. I had to
look her up. Mark, I didn't know who she was.
If this is being an ex girlfriend or an ex friend,
or somebody he worked with, or a football player who
was on the same team as him, I'd be like, Ah,
the hard thing here is that he's an athlete and
he couldn't win super Bowls and do what he does

if he's a full time drunk. It's just impossible for
that to happen. It's like celebrities when you always hear
Shares dying. If longer Share is still doing her show,
she's fine. It takes a lot of energy. Madonna too,
But Donna's on stage for two hours. It takes a
lot of energy to do that, and so it's always
a good sign. So the fact that Travis has a
full time job, it's a job where physical activity is essential.

I don't believe he's a drunk. We've seen photographs of
him out and about, and he does look like he's
had maybe one too many after he won the Super Bowl.
Maybe he's entitled to a bottle of champagne or two,
But I don't think he's a drunk now. One of
our Naughty Naughty listeners, I love you, I love you,
I love you. They live by by Travis and they've
seen him out and about in the town, and they

said he's actually always plight and sober. He doesn't really
drink that much at all. So that's one of our eyewitnesses.
It's amazing. I think that Travis and his people are right.
This is all about getting attention, not for him, but
this other person. I don't even know her name. Let
me look her up, Jana Kramer. Jana, I think that

you want a little bit of clout here, you want
a little bit of attention, and I'm not going to
give you anymore. Okay, We're going to move on. King
Charles is seeking Meghan Markel's approval to get Archie a
birthday gift. So King Charles is determined to extend birthday
wishes to little Archie, who turns five five years old Mark. However,
before the monarch can navigate this delicate territory, he's seeking

approval from Meghan. He would like to send them a
small watercolor. So Charles is quite the artist. I don't
think a five year old boy or girl, or anybody
at five is going to care about a painting. But
that's what Charles wants to send. But he's not going
to send it until he speaks to Meghan. Meghan likes
homemade gifts, so that's sort of sweet. But can you

overthink this When you buy a gift for someone's baby,
someone's kid, even someone's doggie, should you ask permission first?

Speaker 2 (11:04):
What do you think I think with Meghan and Harry
you have to because everything's different from them, you know.
I think it's really sweet. And you know, my friend,
her father was you know, was older and he recently
just passed, but she did for Christmas ask that he
wrote her daughter, who was just just turned one, a
letter letting her know what he hoped for her and

his wishes for her. And that's so she would have
that forever. And so I think sometimes those are way
more valuable than buying her, you know, a toy or whatever.
And so I think, you know, their kid would have
that forever, and that would be special to you know.

Speaker 1 (11:40):
And it's from the King of England, right like that
paintings were of Kaching, Like the King gave me a watercolor,
even if it's ugly, I'd hang that up. I have
a big sticker next to it saying this is from
the King. I tell everybody the King sent me that,
and it's a big deal. I would even take a
painting from Beyonce or anybody who's famous who wants to

send me a painting. I'm happy to have it, and
I might not display it, but I will sell it eventually.
And so I think this is good. I think you've
hit the nail on the head there. When it comes
to Harry and Meghan, you gotta tread carefully because they
do get easily offended. Maybe some people would say rightfully, so,
but you know those friends, don't you. I know my
friends where I can be myself, and I know my
friends when I'm walking on eggshells, and They're always going

to find a reason to dislike what I'm about to say.
So it's probably wise that he's given them the heads up. Okay,
Taylor Swift and Teresa Judici and a likely doer. What
does Teresa have to say about this random meeting? Oh
my god, this.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Is so great. So reality started. Teresa Judaeus couldn't contain
her excitement as she recounted her recent encounter with pop
star Taylor Swift at Coachella. Described Swift as a sweetheart,
and revealed details about their memorable meeting. So Judo said,
when I went up to her I'm like, do you

know who I am? And said yeah, and she was
nanning her head and despite two days's unusual reluctance to
bother celebrities for her photos, her partner and cursed to
seize the opportunity.

Speaker 1 (13:14):
Oh I bet they did, you know. I think this
is Taylor being really sweet.

Speaker 2 (13:19):

Speaker 1 (13:19):
Does Taylor know the Housewives? Maybe? I mean she has
a TV Maybe it's amazing. Do you ever get that? Mark?
We're not famous, we're not on television. But sometimes when
I'm adding about and I'm introduced to somebody, they're like, oh,
I know you, And I'm like, oh, hello, Hello, Hello,
what about you? Mak Are you surprised and people know
who you are?

Speaker 2 (13:33):
I'm surprised when people I've worked with, like celebrities from
like years past, remember me from whatever thing. But I
don't care, you know.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
It's like, yeah, I don't think I care ver much. Yeah,
some people it's very important to them. I have friends
who if a housewife knows their name, they're like, oh,
my goodness, Lue knows me, And I'm like, she really doesn't.
Like they really don't. They just sort of been played,
And you know, I think Taylor's been nice here if
somebody runs over to your like you know me, yeah,

like who are oh Teresa who? Like? I think it's
a little needy, but I do understand it, and it
made it made Teresa really really happy to think that
Taylor Swift, No, sir, Okay, we'll take take a Greek
break and we will be right back. Welcome back to

the Naught but Night Show. I'm Rob shot to it,
idea friend, Mark Glupo Hailey. Let's get to the polls.
Last show, we talked about Prince Harry disappointed as King
Charles is too busy to meet him. Harry is in
London right now and Charles he's not available. Should Charles
make time for his son? That was our question. Let's
have a look. Seventy nine percent said yes, make time,

even if it's an hour, half an hour. And now
we do have a little bit more news about this though.
Sources out of London are saying the reason Charles did
not meet Harry his Harry had demands. There was a
negotiation before they met, and Harry didn't want certain people
in the room. He didn't want Camilla around, he didn't
want his brother around, and it got too complicated, like

Once you start putting conditions on a meeting, it becomes
a very different meeting.

Speaker 2 (15:17):
Mark Harry is just the worst. I mean, listen, we
knew Camilla was somehow involved. I love it. Sorry, if
you don't want Camilla, you're not going to You're not
gave the meeting.

Speaker 1 (15:26):
Sorry, you're not going to. It's like people that want
to be friends of Bruce, my husband, he's very successful.
If you mean to rob to me, I will cut
you off. It's like Bruce's friend, Like I will get
rid of you. Like if you were mean to me,
You're not going to get to Bruce. How are you

with your fellow Kevin? Do they if somebody was if
somebody was mean to Kevin, could you be nice to them? Mark,
could you meet with them?

Speaker 2 (15:53):
I can be very aggressive and so it's yeah, I
can pop off really quick. So I could be a
Camilla too.

Speaker 1 (16:00):
I'm a Camilla. I think I'm a Camillata. Okay, don't
forget to vote on the baseball go to my Twitter page.
Naughty nice rab facebook page is the ady girl said,
I had me sure to turn back to my raw
would to hear your results. And now it's time for
a nicest of the day.

Speaker 2 (16:19):
Wow, So Jason Kelsey is questioning Tom Brady's motive for
his Netflix roast. H Kelsey openly emitted his confusion regarding
the appeal of Ross, questioning why anyone would willingly participate
in an event when personal and famillion matters are a
fair game for comedic fodder O Rob. Reflecting on the spectacle,

Kelsey remarked, I really don't think get it. I don't
get why people do Ross.

Speaker 1 (16:48):
I love this, this one, I don't. I don't get it.
Now Tom was paid for it. I think they got
about two hundred three hundred thousand y but he's got millions. Now.
Some people are on on our Instagram page, thank you
for your comments. Your dms are saying the money went
to charity. But even so, for Tom to give two
hundred three hundred thousand dollars to charity, to have to
go through all this, all this embarrassment, I'd rather just

write the check myself if I was as rich as Tom.
Why do people do this? Joan Rivers may she rest
in peace, used to be a dear friend of mine.
I'd often go over to her house and Joan was
the roast master, And I said to Joan this question,
why do they do it? She said attention? She said,
they just love attention. And so I don't know about
this one. Would you ever do it? I just wouldn't

do it.

Speaker 2 (17:31):
I love watching them. I love watching It's so funny.
But no, not from not about me, but I love you.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
No, oh, Mark, you wouldn't be good at this because
you can be a bit sensitive. Yeah, yes, I would
laugh to assertain great, but then after ten it's like
when you meet somebody out and they keep ribbing you.
I can laugh at myself, but not for an hour.
You get one joke and then we move on and

nicest of the day. And now I noticed the naughty, naughty,
naughty Jack's Taylor from the Van der Pomperus is revealing
the naughtiest place that he had sex with Brittaney Cartwright.
So Jax, who's a reality star, dropped the bombshell that
him and his a stranged wife Brittany, had sex in
one of New York's most bustling locations. He claims they

had sex in Time Square. Now I have a lot
of follow up questions. Were you actually in a bar
in Times Square? In a bathroom? I hope you were.
Were you in the McDonald's in Times Square in the bathroom?
I hope you were. I really don't. But it's better
than having sex on the street in Times Square. Like
New York is a fabulous city, but you can't just
drop your trousers and do your business in the streets

of New York. That is not allowed. To have a
lot of questions. And the reason I don't like this too,
she wasn't there to defend herself. So when you reveal
something intimate about somebody, make sure that you ask them first.
He clearly didn't add naughty as the day. Let's end
with a moment of rob. You get a rob, you
gotta rob, You're a rob. It's a priority. Because she
missed out on so much. Think about that. What have

you missed out on? What have you missed out on
because you didn't make it a priority? Is it hanging
with friends? Is it having a relationship? Is it going
out for a great dinner. Make sure the next time
you turn something down, or the next time you don't
want to do something, ask yourself is this a priority?
And it might not be? And if you answers no, great,

don't do it. But make things a priority. Decide in
your mind what is a priority and what is not.
I have a lot of people I know because of
what I do for a living, they're not priorities. I
have five friends their priorities and so when they call
and invite me for drinks, that's where I go. Figure

out what the priorities are in your life, who the
priority are in your life? And I promise you you'll
never miss out ever again. Hey, that is it for today.
Thank you so much for listening to the Naughty but
Nights with Mark and Rob show. I gave you top
billing Mark of iHeartRadio. Don't forget to subscribe on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast wherever you listen, and leave us

a review if you can. And remember altogether. Now, if
you're going to be naughty, you've got to be nice.
Take care everybody. It's not even nice with Bro
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