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Armie Hammer’s alleged DMs, which detailed the actor’s graphic sexual interests, have shocked the world, but he’s happy. Jennifer Lopez wants to put those Botox rumors to rest once and for all, Blake Shelton is looking to lose his quarantine weight before he walks down the aisle with Gwen Stefani. Rob is joined by his dear pal Garrett Vogel from Elvis Duran and the Morning Show with all the scoop.

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Advice to the Naughty Button Night show. It's Monday, which
means our friend Garrett Vogel is joining us from Z one. Garretts,
are you there? Yes, I am Rob Shooter, and you
know what. My show is off today, but I decided
to wake up super early on a day off just

to be with your awfully kind I didn't know you
were after day. It's Martin Luther King Day, so I
hope everybody is acknowledging that and celebrating it. We've got
a great little show for you to see. If you've
got twenty minutes to day and want to escape into
the world of celebrity gossip, you've found the right show. Hey, Garretts,
do you know what time it is? It is a
tea time. You put some put some extra milk in mine.

I'm ready. Do you take sugar in your as I
never asked yes and no depending on the day, like
diabetic diabetes aside because I'm a diabetic um. I really
try to stay away from the sugar, maybe like the
fake sugar. But every once in a while you need
that little kick in your smart well. Hopefully you don't
need to kick in your bottom this morning, although it
is early. We do get up early to do this shows.

How did your job go? You've got the coronavirus vaccine,
do you feel like, yeah? No, you know what it
was like, uh playing a game as a kid. You
played that punch Buggy game with your friends, and that's
what your arm felt like for two days pretty much
like that's what my arm felt like on Friday night.
I knocked out at like maybe eight o'clock. It just

totally it totally drained you. No side effects. You know,
I'm not growing a third arm or anything like that.
Phase one of of two. The cool thing is and
Rob Shooter. I'm sure you will see this in due
time when when you get yours, the positivity in the room,
when you are getting it of people going telling the

doctors and nurses and physician assistance. Please please please let
this work. I hope it works. I want my right before,
isn't it. We've all been We've all been changing our
lives so much for so many months. We want our
lives back. So I'm glad you got it. My friend.
Let's jump into some gossips. So Army Hammer is secretly
enjoying all this attention. It's actually making him feel like

a star. So Army allegedly had some d ms leaked
direct messages, and they seemed to show some very shocking
sexual desires that repulsed pretty much the world. However, one
person that they did not upset was Army himself. So
does his tell me? For years, for decades, he has
tried really hard to be an A list star. He's

never had a breakout role like a Clooney or a
Brad Pitter, a bent Afflete. So despite making dozens and
dozens of movies, he's always been in Hollywood, particularly that
handsome guy, but people don't really remember his name. All
that has changed now and he's secretly enjoying all the attention,

are you Well? You're right though, I mean, because the
only movie that comes to mind is him playing two
roles in the Facebook movie with Justin Timberlake, when he
played the winkle Box twins. You know. Outside of that,
maybe a guest role that he had on Entourage where
he played a you know, pretty much he played himself.

Actually he did play himself, which is interesting, um, but
it's so weird, like is he trying to lose a role?
Why all of a sudden, you know, Joaquin Phoenix did
this like crazy out of left field type you know
personality thing, when many years ago is he try and
do something like that. I just I don't get it.
I don't get why. Obviously if I can explain so,

sociates told me this level of attention is addicted for
a narcissist. People feel the whole world talking about them
is like a drug. This is why some celebrities believe
that no publicity is bad publicity. A lot of people
have said that he has a little bit of a
god complex. He thinks he's a perfect, perfect person. And

if you have a God complex and now the whole
world is talking about you, it's a little bit addictive.
Many many celebrities go their entire career just being photographed
on red carpets or at official events. Very few are
actually the superstars that get stalked or chased by the press.
Very few of them appear on the covers of newspapers

or the weekly magazines. The Tiger Woods, the Kim Kardashians.
Now he's in that level of ben Affleck fame, and
it's something how long, It's something that even though it's
not the right reason, I think we can all agree
that it is something that you love. If you're a narcissist, well,

let me let me ask you, Rob Shot, because as
we know, you have worked with many of celebrities in
your former publicist life. And what you just said was
any press is good press. Do you believe that perform
It depends who you are. So if you like attention,
if you're a Jennifer Lopez, and goodness knows, she's felt
this level of fame. I've been with Jennifer where she

was chased by twenty photographers. Jessica Simpson when she was
doing The Newlyweds really enjoyed being on the cover of
the weekly magazines. Every Wednesday. She would rush to the
news stands in l A to get a copy of
US Weekly. It was her sort of like it was
like a college newspaper. She loved it. Did he too?
I worked for Diddy? Did He loves attention, That's why

he keeps changing his names. So some of them really
enjoy it. Do I think Meryl Streep wants to be
chased around? No? Does Kate Winslet No. You know who
gets this level of attention? Who doesn't want it? Jennifer
andy'ston that Jennifer doesn't really like being on the cover
of the weekly magazine. She doesn't Jennifer doesn't really like

being stalked around l A And I think it's interesting
one of the reasons Jen was pulled into that world
was not necessarily her choice. It was when Brad left
and hooked up with Angelina. So had Jen married, I
don't know, Matt Damon, we probably wouldn't think of Jen
as the superstar that we do. So it is interesting.

It appears now like j Lo has changed her life
that she doesn't want to be chased around anymore. And
I think she's made those decisions. So I'm not saying
celebrities always consciously make these decisions, but often the ones
that are on the covers of the magazines, the Kim Kardashians,
those celebrities really try hard to be famous. This level
of fame goodness known as Army is that guy at

the moment, which brings us to our poll question of
the day. So does this tell me Army is secretly
enjoying all the attention he finally feels like a star.
It's all publicity, good publicity, yes or no? Govert on
our Twitter page at Naughty nice rob at Facebook page
Naughty Gossip and be sure to check back tomorrow Before

we go on to the next item. I just thought
of something that I think really explains this. We've all
got that friend in our life who's always wanting to
be the center of attention, even if it means they
are badly behaving. We've all got that friend who's like
a naughty puppy who peas on the carpet just to
get attention. We think about it. Think of your friends now,
Think of that one friend that you're still friends with.

You don't know why you're friends with them. They're always
doing something awful to get attention. That's what Army is
going through. Hey, what are you working on? My friend?
All right, let's talk about the Bachelor, Okay, and yes
it's mostly about a contestant, but it's about the hosted themselves.
Right now, Chris Harrison, we all know them, of course,
so right now they're in the middle of the Bachelor

right now. And Chris Harrison, actually, I guess offended his
his core base by by telling them to suck it.
And let me explain why. So. Ashley Lacanti, if you
remember her, she was she was on a few seasons ago,
and then she did what every Bachelor and Bachelor at
contestant did, appeared on the spinoff shows Bachelor in Paradise,

Scheler went to games. She was on season fifteen originally.
So it's one of those things I personally, I would
be I would be one of those Bachelor Nation people
that Chris Harrison would tell the sucket because I'm not
a fan of of people trying to like hang on
to those last few moments of things through the Bachelor. Now,

if if if Ashley was you know, out and she
was a correspondent on Good Morning America and she was
on the red carpet and she was doing like real work,
She's she's she's just she's on the dating show. Like so,
Chris Harrison well announced that that Ashley was coming on
this season to kind of just be an advisor, you know,

and fans are like, I don't know, you know why
she holding onto those last few minutes. I guess her
podcast wasn't enough. No, you know, hey, I think we're
doing better thing than actually podcast just saying I'm being
naughty and nice. Um, But here's what Chris said, pretty much, Hey, Nikki,
suck it. We specifically asked my friend to be on
the show. She was gracious enough to quarantine and join us,

which is very nice of her. But goltroll somewhere else poor.
So I like this, do you defend people that you
work with? Are you ever frightened of turning off your audience,
your fan base, people that support you. It's a very
tricky question, isn't it when you think of it like that.
Taylor Swift did this recently with her views on Donald
Trump and the election. She was very very outspoken, surprisingly

so for somebody from the country world. Yeah, no, yeah,
you stay up for your your family and friends. This
is a little bit different in the sense where you're
on TV once a week and the whole idea is
people that you've never seen before all coming together falling
in love. Like, what does Ashley do to add to

to this season? You know what I mean? How does
Ashley help Matt aside from her podcast and being on
the show and then playing in a bunch of games
and hooking up with you know what I mean? It's
there's no she doesn't have She has a tie to
the show being that she was on the show, but
she isn't a part of the show. You know what
I mean? Were vinded back, like they did advise her.

So I like that truth that she didn't just get
up one day and beg, beg, beg to come back.
They called her and she was like, you know what,
they're going to pay me. I like being on TV.
I don't mind it. I think the one that I'd
be worried about, actually is there's a rumors that Chris
himself is in trouble that we've talked about it on
this show. That it could be what they're calling inside

ABC tyrod, which means the next Tom version. Remember when
Tom was blindsided and Tyra turned up and You're out
and tyres in is tyrok going to take off? Is
that they might get a person of color, might get
some diversity on that show. They might get a woman.
The world has changed since that show started ten years ago.

Over ten years ago, the dating world has changed, and
certainly the me Too movement has changed. An enormous amount
of black lives matter something blur arguing that maybe it's
time to shake it up. I know, Chris, Chris. Can
you imagine Chris the Bachelor? Chris moving on? So talking
about blasting trolls Jlo is fighting back to Jlo put

up a beautiful video of her plug in basically her
new skincare line. She's no fool. If Jenny is going
to put up a two minute video and make the
effort to film it, it's going to plug something. So
she's in product and she's washing her face and she's
claiming that her fabulous looks because she washes with this
certain soap that she's just invented. So she wasn't watching

with it like two years ago. It was just quite recently.
It's only just been invented. I want to know what
she's been using for the last twenty years, and that's
called d n A. In any case, somebody, well you
know this too. I mean you've worked, so your your time.
There wasn't like you're driving her to go get Somebody
claimed that she had botox. Jen snapped back saying, no,

I didn't. But she said something really, really amazing, and
she said, I'll give you another j Lo Beauty's secret.
Try spending your time being more positive, kind and uplifting
to others. That will keep you youthful and beautiful to
send in love. Do you think being nice being positive

keeps you young? Well that I don't know, but it
does it make you feel better? Probably? Yes? I mean
I do know some really mean people who don't age,
and I think it's their nastiness that keeps them so young,
Like they just know that's botas, that's botox. What do
you think about botox? Have you ever done it? Garrett?
Ever thought about it? No? I haven't like the whole

idea of of taking it and putting putting a needle
to your forehead just to have straight lines. That's just me,
Like I'm not knocking it, but for me, I just
can't see myself putting in the Ultimately, doesn't you don't
feel it? I did it in my forehead, so I've
done it once many years ago, about five years ago.
How long does it likely that four or five months?
And then you probably should go back after that. I

didn't go back, and my lines are back in my forehead.
You know, I think you liked it. It was free,
so a doctor gave it to me for free. And
then I was with Jessica Simpson in l A when
she got her lips done. Then when Jessica had big
enormously and she would offer to do mine Jessica was like,
as a trees, I'll pay get yorks off, got a
very thin upper lift, and I was going to do
it until she went first. She screamed so loud. I

get like, like the idea of a needle going into
your lips, and what's going to get the throne of
virus shot? Garrett, that's the only needle that needs to
go in you. What's happening with that? I love him,
By the way, that was free to I didn't have
to pay for that. So I don't know why I'm
doing this or you should do this story because and
I'll explain why. In this second. Blake Shelton, getting ready

to wed Stefani very soon, wants to lose some weight
before the wedding, just like every bride and groom does
in the world. So he wants to lose about ten pounds.
And interesting, here's the thing, Rob Shooter, you should be
giving Tim tips of how to lose some weight. It's
the simplest thing. Or Blake Shelton has this big, big

gas ranch out there, and I think he should do
what you do, just walk around from admire your kingdom.
Blake goodness, I mean, Blake, Blake said that he's very tall.
So here's the thing. If you're very tall, you can
carry the weight weight obviously, so he um, he's over
six feet, he has to be like, I'm about six

one six two, so he's got yeah six, I'll put
them between six three six five. Very very tall. And
so he feels like he needs to lose a hundred pounds. Uh,
you know, he feels like he's gained it, just like
all of us have during quarantine. But I don't think
he needs to lose that much. But still he could
listen to you, Rob Shooter, you've sixty pounds. He said

something which I thought was great. He said he likes
to say ten pounds because that's doable. Don't tell anybody
you're gonna lose a hundred pounds or sixty pounds. Don't
don't even tell yourself that start with one. Everything starts
with one. If you're gonna write a book, you gotta
write a sentence. If you're gonna run a marathon, you've
gotta walk a few steps and just start with one pounds.
So I think ten's very doable. Question for you, Garrett.

You're in good shape, you're a handsome man. Before your wedding.
Did you think about your body shape? Did you think
about losing weight? Of course, for the one reason only
is pictures. You know those those pictures are therefore ever
so you want to try to at least look your best.
Maybe I have a very maybe unusual way of thinking

about pictures. I've lost some weight, so I'm looking pretty
good at the moment. But there was a time not
so long ago, a couple of years ago, when I
reached my peak weight. I think it's like about two
forty and there's a picture, many pictures of me. I
never shied away from it. I love a picture. I
never shied away from pictures. My friend Fianna and gurrise
Hello Fiano. She listens to the show Hello Heleven. Even

Fianna sent me a picture of the two of us
and we're having so much fun at a party, and
she wrote the caption, I wish I could remember this night.
It looks so much fun. The fact I was heavier
in the picture didn't upset me. I can look at
old pictures like I could look at my wedding pictures
and not think about my weight. I'd be like, oh,
what a lovely day? Does that make me? Kind of strange. No,
not at all, And let me say not everyone's period. Like,

I don't care if you had a picture of me
with four chunes from my wedding, but like the main photo.
I like, I have the main photo from my wedding,
like hanging in my Is it still you know? Yeah? No,
it's up above the we're looking adorable. Hey, we're going
to take a quick break here and we will be
all right. Band, welcome back to then. Not even a

Jean Robshooter with our friend Garrett Vogel, Garrett, Let's get
to the Poles official. Andy Cohen from Bravo aims to
join the Sex and the City reboot. He his best
friends in real life with Sarah Jessica Parker. Is this
a good idea or a bad idea? Oh? And said, no,
it's a bad idea. You don't want Andy on the show?

What do you think? I think a cameo by Andy
would be fun. He's been on it twice before. The
bit of him on the street rob Shooter, that's where
like passing on the street, like maybe carry's walking like
along a crosswalk, a very crowded crosswalk, everyone wearing masks
and Andy like Oh, he's been on twice before. He's
been on as a shoe salesman, Barns. Barns his close

who's not going to reprise that role. He was also
shirtless in a gay bar next to her, but he
wasn't on as Andy Cohen. I'm told this season they're
going to pepper it scatter it with famous type New Yorkers. Garrett.
Should we get on, of course we should be able
to get on via this podect. Maybe we're talking about
an article that carry just just published, and or she's

a she's a guest on our podcast. Yes, Carrie's on
talking about sex and the city and dating. Would you
would you do something like that if you've got asked
to be an extra on a show, playing yourself something
for one reason, and one reason only the outside of
the bragging rights. Maybe two reasons, because of course you
would brag with something like that, just for that moment

of history you're a part of it. I've been on
the Real Housewives a couple of times and people have
taken screenshots at that airs and repeat forever. And then
I also played myself in Days of Our Lives, the
soap opera that's in Salem I know. I was on
a game show called Chain Reaction on the Game Show Network.

It was about ten years ago, and it happens to
be one of those episodes that it comes on maybe
every four months. So I get a screenshot from whether
it be my grandmother to a random listener going, hey,
is this you on the game show Chain Reaction where
you have to like fill in the words and like guests,
And then we went to the final round. Yea asked

to get sex in the city. I want to be
on the price right a little different right now? Like
watching it, it's it's it's not the same. They'll be
back the contestants already there. But okay, let's do the
nicest of the day. Yes, all right, Well, I think
all the Swifties out there have have they've known probably
about this even before we do this story, Rob Shooter.

But Taylor Swift and her I guess boyfriend. We don't
even know if it's fiancee. Who knows at this point, Joe,
she sees herself being with them for pretty much forever.
You know, they've been together now for four years, and
Teller has gotten super super comfortable about going out in
public and letting fans in on the romance and and

but she's still protecting it. She's guarded. And we haven't
really seen this in a relationship with Taylor Stift before
because she's usually just whatever the paparazzi. Yet that's that's
what we get from Taylor Swiss relationships. So, uh, you know,
she loves Joe and she loves the relationships. She's not
trying to hide it. She's even given him songwriting read
it on her last album. So you know, you gotta

think that this could lead to something. I think it's
going to sound like congratulation to you, to your adorable
and not yes day of the day. Kelly Clarkson has
revealed that celebrities were mean to her just after she
won the American Idol and it's really interesting. So Jennifer
Love Hewitt was on her show and Kelly stopped to
stop the show and remind you, so you won't remember this,

but almost twenty years ago, we were on Idol and
we were on a red carpet and most celebrities were
mean to us. I was on those carpets at that
time and people were not nice. Kelly said, people were
mean to us because we were from a talent show,
and it was the first season and it was looked
down upon. It's like if you go to a big
celebrity event and a real housewife is there, they're not
treated that well. Reality TV is still still got like

a very very bad datation, a stigma, and so did
I Idol. I think a lot of celebrities were jealous,
particularly that first year of Idol. It came out of nowhere.
These kids were superstars. Forty million people were watching, you know,
the celebrities that that's been working really really hard for decades,
singing in bad piano bars and learning my craft, and
suddenly Kelly Clarkson comes along as a superstar. It has changed, Garrett.

Have you ever been mean to somebody because you were
a bit jealous or you looked down upon what they did?
Probably back in high school, if I could remember, Like,
I went to an old boys school, so it was
just like it wasn't really making like like the atmosphere
was different, you know, But I would probably say it
went both ways in high school. I didn't go both
high school, but the way you treated people in high

school was definitely different. It's very interesting. I'm not a
snob at all. It's one of the few qualities that's
very good about me. I don't look up or down
if you work at Gucci or Gap. I like you
all the same, so I probably wouldn't have been mean
to her. Jennifer love Hewitt was really nice. God bless you,
noughtyus there the day Norty those celebrities named the names

Kelly and now name and now it's time for a
moment of Robbie got to Robbia Robbie rob So it
doesn't matter why you're being kind. All that manners is
you're actually doing some good. I remember before I got
a green card, before I could work in America, I
volunteered at gay Men's Health Crisis, and I remember getting
trained to answer the hotlines there, and a supervisor said

he didn't care why we were there. We could be
volunteering to make ourselves feel better, to meet you guys.
We could be volunteering so our friends thought we were better,
he said. At the end of the day, it all
leads to the same results. So don't worry about why
you're being kind. Just do it and life gets better.

That's great, No, honestly, just yeah, think about it. Just
don't don't think about it. That's the thing. Don't think
about it, just do it. That's it for today. Hey,
thank you GARRETTA. It's your day off, so we really
do appreciate it. And thank you for listening to the
Naughty Even Nice with Rob and Garrett Show, a production
of I Heart Radio. Don't forget to subscribe on the
I heart Radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you listen,

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