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April 29, 2024 21 mins

Britney Spears is in "serious danger" on both the mental and financial front and is doing way worse than she was under the conservatorship. Justin Bieber sparked concern among his fans after posting a series of selfies on Instagram, some of which showed him in tears.  Prince Harry is set to return to London in May.

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Speaker 1 (00:12):
It's hell. No no, no, no, no, no no, no, no no. Welcome
to the Naughty but Night Show. I'm your host, Rob Shooter.
It's Monday. Our friend Garrett is off today. But don't worry, noughties.
We've got so much gossip, so much news to get to.
What time is it, my friends, It is tea time.
If I sound a little bit horse today, don't worry.

I woke up with a little bit of a tickle
in my throat. I think it's allergies. Does anybody I'll suffering?
Oh my goodness, I've been sneezing for a week. Life's good.
I'm not complaining. Life is good. But if any of
you know some good allergy medications, I'm taking clariton, let
me know, let me know. Okay, let's jump into the show.

Big story at the top of the show, there's a
new report out of Bombshell report that Britney Spears is
quote completely dysfunctional and in the danger danger of going broke.
So a new report out by TMZ reports that Brittany
is in serious danger on both her mental and financial

front and any day now. People worry that this could explode.
They say she's doing a lot worse now than she
was when she was under the controversial conservatorship, so as
for her mental health. As for her mental health, one
source says she's quote completely dysfunctional, and since the conservatorship ended,

she's had no supervision and according to sources, she has
been having radical mood swings that people are saying very shocking.
Also to sources are saying she is burning through money.
Brittany has a lot of money, but she also lives very,
very high. There is little money now coming in. She's

not in Vegas anymore. That was a huge earner for Brittany.
One of the reasons stars do Vegas is the money.
They just love this cash cow. It's a relatively easy job.
They don't have to tour sometimes if they live in California,
they fly in and out just for a couple of shows.
Then they go home. Sometimes they can sleep in their

own bed at night if they do a show and
leave right afterwards. Celebrities love doing this. It's just the
pot of gold. Brittany's not doing that anymore now. She
doesn't sell albums anymore either, so that source of income
has dried up. And Britney never wrote her huge hits.
So a lot of pop stars like Billy Joel. Billy

Joel is a great example, Paul McCartney at Lesia Keys,
they won't sing songs that other people wrote, and so
that's why they do not any money ever, because those
hits will always be playing somewhere around the world. Can
you imagine being Taylor's with Forget all the money she
makes on concerts, just her royalties from her song writing

credits are tens of millions of dollars. Well, Britney doesn't
have that, but she's spending as if she does. And
now insiders are really really worried. Worried for several different reasons.
I hit the phones. They're saying, Obviously, Brittany has struggled
with mental health issues. We know that she's been honest

about that. Without somebody in charge, there's nobody there to
make sure she takes her medicine. Now after they and
it was a controversial conservatorship, I'm not saying it wasn't.
After the conservatorship with her father ended after thirteen years,
Sam her husband really stepped up, made sure as she
took her pills every day, made sure as she had

a good diet, she exercised, They did all the things
that are possible to make somebody okay. Now all those
guardrails they've completely disappeared, and now Britney is pretty much
by herself. What the big fear is is the last
time this happened, over thirteen years ago, the people that
popped up into Britney's life were not good people. Anybody

that was a good person, anybody that tried to help
Britney got rid of and she just wanted yes people
around her, yes, yes, yes, people who told her fine, fine, fine,
people who told her if she wanted to go out
clubbing and dancing and drinking and whatever else, all fine, fine, fine.
Those are the type of people that Britney is now attracting,

allowing into her life. What do they do? Though we
fought quite hard, the public did with the outrage that
Brittany was not in charge of her own life. Remember
that we really got behind it. Free Britney, Free Brittany.
Well now she's free, and now these are the concert sequences.
But is it better that she's now free and allowed

to make terrible decisions? It's her money, it's her life.
We can all make bad decisions, can't we? But that's
our choice, or would it be better to have somebody
there helping her? Now? The difference is Brittany. Once again,
Britney has severe mental health issues. She's spoken about this.
This isn't something shady we're talking about. I tread very

carefully when I talk about people's mental health. It's very
very important. And so Brittany does suffer profoundly here, which
some people would argue puts her in a position where
she can't really make good decisions. And so it's a
very complicated, really difficult topic. Today, Britney Smears is in

a ton of trouble. Insiders are saying she's completely dysfunctional.
They fear she is in danger of going broke. What
do you think? Controversial question today? Was Brittany better off
under her conservatorship? I never ever thought would say that,
not on the Naughty but Nice Show. I never thought

would have to consider this. But are taking some people's
rights away from them to protect them? Is that ever?
A good idea? A tough one today? Hey, go vote
on our Twitter page at Naughty Nice Rob or a
Facebook page which is Naughty Gossip, and be sure to
check back tomorrow to hear your results. Okay, moving along,

a little bit of more bad news. H I don't
like this on our Monday. Don't worry, we will get
happy in a minute. Justin Bieber has posted some pictures
on Instagram that have his fans very, very worried. So
Justin sparked concerns amongst his fans when he posted a
series of selfies on Instagram, some of which show him crying.

He's in tears. The singer shared the photographs without any captions.
There's no context, leaving things to speculate about the emotional
turmoil behind the images. In one picture, heartbreaking, Justin appears
to have tears welling in his eyes as he looks
into the camera. In another photograph, he has tears running

down his cheeks. This has made people really, really worried.
He did not offer any explanation. Fans have flooded the
comment section with messages of concern and support. Justin is
another young pop star who has suffered with mental health issues.
He's been honest about that too, and his fans love him.

I find this really really concerning and almost, dare I
say it a little bit selfish. Not that Justin is blue,
not that Justin is sad. Express your emotions. But when
you only give your fans people that love you, just
what's happening and nothing else, it puts them in a
really bad position. Justin, please go back to instant and

give us some words. We want to know. This isn't
a tease. Tell us what's going on. People love you,
people want to help you, and this is true for
you in your life too. Don't just let people see
you crying, tell them why that you are crying, and
then they can make a difference. I've really learned to
not hide my feelings anymore, in my life has got

so much better instead of the worst thing you can
do is pretending to be happy. Don't put on a
happy face anymore. If you want to cry, that is
one hundred percent fine, it is absolutely right. But when
I want to cry, I also too tell people why
I'm crying. And that's where you can find a solution.
Because when you tell other people why you are crying,

you also explain it to yourself, and maybe that's even
more important. Justin, I know you are struggling my inside.
As my sources say, this has been going on a
long time. In fact, a lot of my insiders don't
think they leve sy justin perform ever again. And he
used to love the music business and then it turned,
it got dark, it got depressing. Justin just write songs.

If that's what you love doing. It doesn't matter if
you never released them, if you never record them. Sit down,
grab your guitar, go back to the stuff that made
you happy. And I think that's a really good lesson
for all of us. When you are sad, close your
eyes and think about what made you happy, when in
your life were you the happiest, and go back, Try

to go back to doing that. Okay, moving along, Prince
Harry is returning to London that the DA So he's
set to return in London in May, so very very
soon to mark the first visit since his father, King
Charles the Third, announced that he was resuming his royal duties.

So this blew up over the weekend. It actually happened
on Friday after we taped our show, so it's worth
thinking about it for a minute. On Friday there was
a bombshell report that the King had updated his funeral plans.
Is sent everybody into a spin, an absolute outcry. What
is going on? A frenzy? Is the king dying. My

sources tell me that the headline's funeral plans and cancer
in the same sentence. That's not good. However, this was
just an automatic, a very standard update of the procedures.
This happens when you are the king. So the day
he became king is the day they started to plan
his funeral. It's that bizarre, but it's true. They want

to be prepared his funeral. The funeral of a monarch
is all about the succession of the next person, so
they want to make sure it's done right. It's a
ten day morning period. Lots of things happen during that
ten days. Maybe the most important is that William becomes king.
Also to the body is laid in state for people

to come and pay their final respects. And there's lots
of little details that change over time. If you've ever
made your funeral plans, if you have a will, you
know that you have to update it. And so what's
going to happen with Harry at the funeral? Where does
he want Harry to sit? I think he'll be on
the front row, but that's Charles's decision. It's his funeral.
What songs do they want to play? Now? That Charles

has revealed he has cancer. I'm told Charles wants people
there who have been so supportive to him. It's not
a coincidence that one of his first new public engagements
is going to a cancer ward. He wants to say
thank you. Cancer now has become part of his life.
He's going to use the rest of his life to

try and do good, really find a cure, really help people.
He wants that to be reflected and his funeral. So
as you can see here, it isn't that they're rushing
the plans because they think he's going to die tomorrow. No,
absolutely not. If that was the case, he wouldn't return
to work. Thank you of your friends in your office, the
friends that take some time off because they are sick

and return, it's because they got better. Friends that don't return.
That's the ones you have to be really worried about.
Charles is returning to work. This was just a really
sort of technical update. It was something that was quite
standard procedure. They were literally like dusting off the plans,
making sure everybody was in the right seat, making sure

all the hymns that were going to be performed were
the ones that the King still wanted, and also to
adding different aspects to the service to reflect his life.
So don't worry here about King Charles. That's what's going on.
But back to Harry. He's going back for the Invictors Games,
the tenth year celebration of these games, which he invented.
It's very important for him. It's scheduled to take place

on May eighth and a very very big, large service
service of Thanksgiving at Saint Paul's Cathedral in London. Lots
of celebrities are going to be there. Harry is going
to be there too. It is unclear if he will
visit with his dad or his brother, although I'm sure
he will visit with his dad. Let's hope him and

William can spend some quality time together. And at the
moment it's unclear if Meghan will go. I asked my sources,
my royal sources, and they said it would be lovely
to have her there. And Harry obviously loves it when
Meghan is around. He's much more confident when he's around Megan.
So I think their plan is maybe this might be
the first time in a long time that we see

Meghan and Harry back in London and maybe even back
with his dad. Okay, quickly, before we get a break,
we have new information about Tom Cruise and his daughters
Suri and why they have pretty much no contact. It's
because of one rule, just one rule. So, according to
a former Scientologist leader, Karen de la Carmagne, there is

one major rule that may be preventing Tom Cruise ever
seeing his daughter. So the former Scientologist explains that Katie Holmes,
that's Tom's ex wife and Suri's mother, has been labeled
quote a suppressive person by the Church of Scientology. In
Scientology terms, a suppressive person is someone considered to be

an enemy of the church due to the action they
have took against it. Now, the reason they label Katie
as an enemy of the church is she left. She
was a member of the church when she was with
Tom and then she left. And they said, because Suri
is still close to her mother Katie, Tom will have

no contact with her based on Scientology principles. It's all
so sad, isn't it. So Tom's other children, remember he
does have two other children with ex Nicole Kidman. Those
two kids are still members of Scientology and thus their
relationship with Tom is still good. It's not about Suri

being a scientologist here. I doubt she is, but we
don't know that for a fact. This is about Katie Holmes.
So even if Suri joined the church jumped back into
the church, unless she gets rid of her mother, literally
cuts off contact with her mother, Tom and her will
never be Okay, it's quite extraordinary. But scientology, it prioritizes

the church over everything else, including family. Family ranks lower
on the hierarchy than the church. Oh, heartbreaking, heartbreaking. Okay,
we're going to take a quick break and we will
be right back. Welcome back to the Naughty but Nice
I'm your host, job shooter. Hey, let's get to the polls.

Du last show, he talks about Megan Markle poised to
reken a seven figure some big money in under a
year from her American riviera orchard. And oh it sounds
so fancy, doesn't it That she started to sell her jams.
She hasn't actually put them up yet for people like
you and you need to buy. She's handed them out

to some influencers, to some of her friends. I'm told
it's delicious. Lots more products are gonna be coming out
of towels, bedding, all sorts of marvelous stuff from the Duchess.
That question was will you buy Meghan's products? What do
you think? Will you buy them? We love Gwenoth's, we
love Martha Stewart's. Will Meghan be somebody that is in

your home too? Let's have a look. Seventy five percent
said yes, I'm with you. I can't wait. I really
want to try that jam. Don't forget to vote on
today's pole. Get about Twitter page a Naughty Nice rob
or a Facebook page Naughty Gossip and be sure to
check back tomorrow to hear your results. And now it's

time for her Nicest of the Day. Travis Kelsey is
Analyst of the Day. He's finally given given us an
official term for his relationship with Taylor Swift. He calls
her his quote significant other. Oh so. At a charity
event in Vegas, love was in the air as Travis
affectionately referred to Taylor as his significant other. It was

a really charming, charming murmur, really heartwarming. Video shows them
in the room together at the event. Everybody is staring.
He got up on the stage and surprised guests by
announcing an addition to the live auction often at these
big celebrity events, they have auctions, and the auction off
amazing prizes and all the money goes to the charity. Well,

he jumped up and he teased the crowd that he
had a very special item, not originally listed tickets, tickets
that's right to Taylor Swift's concerts. The place went nuts.
He referred to Taylor as his significant other. I'm sure
he got permission from Taylor at her tickets, not his
to do this, but just lovely, these two are having

fun together. Everybody in the room that sawn them said
they on the real deal. I had sources there who
said they spent all night looking at each other, smiling,
trying to be a normal couple. It's impossible when you're
as famous as Taylor Swift, but really enjoying each other's company.
In a really nice little sign here, And I think
this is true for everybody. They get along with each
other's friends. Isn't that important? Have you ever dated somebody

and they just didn't fit in with your friendship group?
It makes life really difficult, doesn't it. But these these
all get along and had a marvelous night in Vegas
and raised a lot of money for charity. Okay, let's
the way naughty is the day noughty naughty. Aubrey Aday
is accusing Diddy of trying to muzzle her by using
her publishing rights. So Aubrey has come forward with startling

new allegations against did He, suggesting that his decision to
relinquish publishing rights to the Bad Boy Records artists in
twenty twenty three was a calculated move to buy their silence.
So did he got so rich when you worked for
Diddy's label? He kept your publishing, which fifty percent of
the money you make from your songs. We talked about

this a little earlier, and Britney Spear's not making any
money because she's not the songwriter. If you are a songwriter,
fifty percent of your song is for writing, fifty percent
is for publishing. Did he took the publishing? That's how
we became so rich. Now a lot of artists have said,
this is so unfair. He's making all this money. It's
a bad contract. And so in twenty twenty three, surprising everybody,

did He decided to give all those artists their publishing back. Well,
Aubrey claims that she received a meager sum of about
three hundred dollars from her publishing, and she refused to
sign the deal. You have to remember now that a
lot of these artists that worked for Diddy, they don't
sell anymore. So even if you own your publishing and
your songwriting, you're not going to make a lot of money.

So Aubrey's saying it wasn't about the money. It was
a clever move from Didny because if you took his offer,
you had to sign an NDA that meant you could
not reveal anything anything about working for him. She said.
She thinks he knew all this was coming, all these
accusations were coming, and so he tried to buy her

and other people's silence. And naughty is of the day, naughty, naughty,
naughty Letty with a moment, Rob Young new study what
makes school kids the most popular? What do you think
it is? Is it that they're the athletes. Is it
that they're funny, Is it that they're pretty? Is it
that they're rich parents? No, none of the above makes
any difference. What makes kids really popular in school, and

they did test after test, study after study, is that
the most popular kids have the longest lists of the
people they like, So You can control your own likability,
and the way you do it is by liking others.
The more people you like, the longer your list is
of people you like, the more popular you will be. Boom,

mind blowing. Think about all the people you like today
and make that list and make sure it's long lung life. Hey,
that is it for today. Thank you so much for
listening to The Naughty but Nice with Rob and the
Naughty Show. You're the co host today, a production of iHeartRadio.
Don't forget to subscribe on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts.
Wherever you listen, leave us a review if you can,

and remember altogether now, single long, naughtise. If you're going
to be naughtyer, you've got to be take care of.
It's not even nice with Ro
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