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Britney Spears' recent altercation with boyfriend Paul Soliz at the Chateau Marmont hotel in Los Angeles sheds light on a troubled history of conflict between the couple. Channing Tatum is seeking to streamline his divorce proceedings from Jenna Dewan. Sean Swayze shed light on the friction between Patrick and John Leguizamo during the filming of their 1995 movie "To Wong Foo."

Rob is joined by his dear pal Garrett Vogel from Elvis Duran and the Morning Show with all the scoop. Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Shoo. No no no no no, no no no. Welcome
to the Naughty but Nice Show. I'm your host, Rob
Shooter and it is Monday, which means our dear friend
Garrett Vogel jamesus.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
Hey, Hey, good morning, Bubby.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
You're always so alive. I love it, I love it,
I love it. What are you being up to, my friend? Busy, busy, busy,
busy weekend.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
I went into the pouring rain and saw du Alipa
last night in New York City. That's one of the
magical things about New York City. No matter where you are,
there's always something happening in your town. Yes, so du
Alipa announced an hour before she did it because of
you know, they don't want overcrowding. Do Alipa said, I'm
doing a show in the middle of Times Square, come

and see. Went went there and she was performing on
the back of a truck. Pretty much subulous a new album.
But in comparison, I go home and Dual leave. I
had thousands of people. Yes, then see what Madonna did
in Brazil where she had one point five million people.
That's incredible. So yeah, it was a busy weekend in

New York city, How is yours.

Speaker 1 (01:17):
Really really good? I saw that Madonna thing too, one
point five six c and any reporting, maybe even two
million people turned up on the beach, the Copacabana Beach
in Rio to see Madonna. It was a free concert
to close out her show. How did they do that?
Like just security wise or looking security Larson, you just

turned up.

Speaker 3 (01:38):
You just turn up and you hope for the best.
I mean like that. That's what it is. And and
and where we are in the city too. The city
is like this is a this is like a super
Bowl esque weekend in New York City for those that
are unfamiliar, because tonight is the big met Gallas. So
all these celebrities are just like sneaking around town. And
where I am uptown in Manhattan, literally every other hotel

has a bunch of celebrities that we all know.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
And love just hanging out.

Speaker 1 (02:05):

Speaker 2 (02:06):
Yeah, it's kind of interesting. It's a good people watching.

Speaker 1 (02:08):
It's a good people watching. If you're in the city
and you want to see celebrities tonight, go and stand
outside the Mark Hotel or the Carlisle. Those are the
two big fancy hotels where all the celebrities stay. Sometimes
you know it costs about six hundred dollars a night
to get a room in those hotels. That's right. They
don't use the room, they just use it to get
changed in, and so they wanted to get dressed in

those crazy costumes. They're some over the top by the
venue in Midtown and so those hotels. Can you imagine
paying that much money and not sleeping there? Give me
the key, Garrett. If you're listening Madonna or Kim Kardashian
or whatever celebrity Jlo who's going tonight, If you're not
going to use your room after you get dressed, give
Garrett and I the keying. We promise we won't be

too greedy with the room service.

Speaker 3 (02:53):
I will just take the free stuff that's already there.
I want to order anything else?

Speaker 1 (02:57):
Yes, there's already coffee. Oh yes, give us the key.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
Did you watch Tom Brady last night?

Speaker 1 (03:04):
Dan? Fantastic?

Speaker 2 (03:05):
Oh what? What? It was a little long for me?
It was like watching the Oars.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
Tom Brady got roasted live on Netflix and it was fun.
There were some people that probably shouldn't have been behind Mike,
but you know, credit to Kim Kardashian, yeah, for being
a very good sport.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
She got booed, so Kim got up to tell a joke.
She started her joke about Kevin Heart, about his size,
his height, and the crowd turned and I'm not sure
if they were defending Ken or if they were just
mad with Kim. But Kim, to her credit, Kim, to
her credit, she stood there and she took it. There
was also an awkward moment too, when one joke it

was not about Giselle, it was about Robert Kraft, who
owns the football team, the Patriots. There was a joke
about him, and that was the only time Tom did
not Tom did not laugh, He did not like it.
In fact, he even got out of his seat. I
thought it was going to be a Will Smith moment
where the guy was going to get slapped, but he
got out of his seat. He went over to Jeff

who was roasting him, and said, don't say that again.

Speaker 3 (04:07):
It was interesting, And I think the other person who
really took it on the chin it was Giselle last night.
And she wasn't even there, you know, like I mean,
I know, everything is not off everything is off limits.
There were no boundaries, but for Gizelle not to be
there and for her to get most of the jokes,
you know, the butt of the jokes.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
I thought that was a little yeah.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
And if Tom I had been like I don't want
not my family, you can actually have perimeters. My friend
Joan Rivers, May she rest in peace. Oh, she did
the Donald Trump roast long before he was the president.
And she told me, she told me that they met
with Donald before to say, what can we make fun of?
Can we make fun of your hair? Can we make
fun of all your marriages? Can we make fun of

what you've said about your children, particularly the weird creepy
stuff about you and a vunka? He said, yes, yes, yes.
The one thing she could not make fun of was
his money. She had a joke that he wasn't as
rich as what he says he is. He went mad.
So it's interesting, isn't it. We all have Arachilles heel,
we all have the one thing that isn't for me,

at least to us. With Tom, it was Robert Kraft,
the owner of the football team, not just Alle. Okay,
let's jump into the show. What time is it, my friends?
It's tea time. We'll find out more about Britney's new boyfriend,
Paul salise. So after that fight, disagreement, argument at the chateau,
moment where the paramedics were called. Now more information is

coming forward. We're finding out that the two of them
stayed at the Fancy Win Hotel in Las Vegas in December.
They got into such an argument that they damaged the room.
Tens of thousands of dollars had to be spent to
repair the room. Lots of drama here. These two seems
so toxic. Britney likes the bad boys. What can I say?

Speaker 2 (05:55):
I mean, first, how much do you think the chateill
costs for a night?

Speaker 1 (05:58):
It's about twelve thousand. Oh my god, she got a bungalows.
If you get a bungalow, it's like this separate, standalone
little house. There's about eight bungalows at the chateau. Now
she's in a regular room, probably about one thousand and
two thousand. But if she got a bungalow, we're talking
twelve thousand.

Speaker 2 (06:15):

Speaker 3 (06:16):
And let's remember, according to Brittany, all this is made
up by her mom. Her mom is behind all this.
They are fine as a couple, even though she her
ankle has swollen and there was something going on. This
is all just her mom.

Speaker 1 (06:31):
There were two people in the room, Brittany, you and
the boyfriend, and one of whom has a swollen ankle.
Your mom wasn't in the room. It doesn't take Tom
Hanks in the Da Vinci Code to figure this out.
We can figure this one out, Brittany. But it's so interesting.
I spoke to my sources. They said, she has always

liked the bad boys, the Kevin Fedalies who now turns
out to look like an angel. She likes these guys.
Sam was the nicest boyfriend husband she ever had.

Speaker 2 (07:02):
But he couldn't think about it.

Speaker 3 (07:04):
Like looking back at Britney's past, what fifteen years ago,
twenty years ago, do you think we would ever get
to the point where we would say, hey, you know what,
Kevin Federline.

Speaker 1 (07:14):
He's a good guy. Kevin Federline's the good guy out
of this. She likes the bad boys, justin Timberlake probably
being the biggest exception to that. But what do you do?
What do you do if you have a friend a
family member who dates these bad these these dodgy guys.
And that brings us to our whole question of the day.
Britney speeds for finding out a lot more about her

and her boyfriend's troubled history. Do you like bad boys?
It's about you today, not Brittany or bad girls. I
guess do you like them? I never have now. My sister, Oh,
Christine used to love a bad boy. She didn't marry
a bad boy. She married a good boy. She got
them all out of her system. But she had such
awful boyfriends. And I wanted to say, why are you

dating these losers? You're so cool? Why are you dating
the loses? What about you? Would you ever date a
bad boy? Go vote on our Twitter page at Naughty
Nice Rabbat facebook page is Naughty Gossip. I'd be sure
to check back on Monday to hear your results. Take
Aret Love, what are you working on? All? Right?

Speaker 3 (08:14):
Let's talk about Channing Tatum and his ex wife Jennat
Dwan almost almost ex wife they are. They're battling out
in the divorce trial. Now, there are several different trials
possibly happening. Channing wants to make it all one single trial.
He's looking to streamline this divorce proceedings with his ex

wife by urging a judge to handle all the issues
in one trial, which I get for two busy people.

Speaker 1 (08:41):
Why he just do it all in one.

Speaker 3 (08:45):
Because I think Channing realizes that, you know, the narrative
of the story will stay with the judge and that
judge will be able to see things clearly, versus taking
care of one issue then bringing it to another judge
who has to form a new opinion and then possibly
favor in Jenna's favor in especially hiding the magic mic

money that she's claiming that she deserves that Channing is
holding back from her. And it's just so interesting to
see that this almost feels like this is going on
as long as the Brad Pitt and Angelina Crile, you know
what I mean, Like this seems like this is on
the edge of taking the lead from what I feel,
you know.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
Yeah, it's been going on for six yeah, six. Yes,
it's interesting, isn't it. I used to think when you've
got divorced, when a couple broke up, you just got
divorced and then you moved up with your LIFs. But no,
not with multimillionaires. There's money involved, there's assets involved, there's
sometimes children involved. So this is getting really ugly. He

claims that she's just trying to stretch this out. She
wants this out there in the press for as long
as possible to do damage to him and his reputation.
She's claiming, No, that's not true. These are really complicated
financial matters. Millions of dollars are at stake here. They
want forensic scientists to check the books. How much money

did you earn?

Speaker 3 (10:10):
It's quite a decade, like seventy almost seven years, almost
a decade of this.

Speaker 2 (10:15):
That's what you say.

Speaker 1 (10:16):
Yeah, it's craziness. It's crazy. Chann and pay her. It's
not worth it. Whatever money you are trying to keep,
I just say pay it. I know people who have
had divorces, and the ones that are most happy, at
least in my opinions, are the ones that just got
it over with. Split it fifty to fifty. Why you know,
do I need ten million? Do I need twenty million? No,

it's all.

Speaker 2 (10:38):
That's why we got the third installment of Magic Mike.

Speaker 1 (10:41):
Probably that's probably right to pay to pay for this divorce.
Ugly ugly rich people problems. Okay, this story is really
blowing up. So John Leguizamo, who I saw at the
theater a couple of nights ago, you looked good. John,
did an interview with Andy Cohen and talked about working
with Patrick Swayzee. Now, normally we don't talk bad of

the dead, and I think John might have said a
little bit too much. John would probably argue he wasn't
talking bad, he was just telling the truth. Remember they
made that movie together too, Wang Fu in nineteen ninety five,
very very funny movie. They did not get along on
the set. In fact, they really butted head John. John
liked to add lib he liked to go off script.

He's very very funny. Patrick was the opposite. Patrick rehearseduff methodically.
He knew every camera angle, he knew what he was
going to say, how he was going to say it,
and so they definitely clashed on the set. Now, John
went on to say that he was a bit of
a control free Patrick, and he was neurotic and he

was contancturous during the movie. Well, now Patrick's brother, he's
speaking out his name, Sean Swayze, and he's saying this
is just all not true. And to be honest, John
wasn't that nice either. Woo.

Speaker 3 (11:59):
It's tough to say, especially when someone's passed away, because
you're only getting one side of the story. You know,
and and I get it's easier to let your feelings
out or maybe he was holding on to him for
so long and he felt now as the time.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
But it's just like it's unfair, it's unsair.

Speaker 3 (12:13):
Right now you have his brother who really you know,
only has stories that Patrick passed down to him to
really defend Patrick. So you know, I think it was
a cheap move to say this now versus you know,
while he was alive.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a cheap move. Doesn't doesn't
leave a good taste in anyone's mind. Okay, this story
made me scream. Tiffany Haddish, it's revealing that she used
to have a celebrity crush and Henry Cavill, Superman, but
not after meeting him.

Speaker 3 (12:40):
Well yes, and she was telling the La Times that
you know, I used to really want Henry Cavill. That's
very strong want Henry Caravell. I think he's so hot.
But I met him and he was so awkward. It
was like that this would be weird, you know. She
even called him a nerd, speculating that he I'd find

four solace discussing fantasy games like Dungeons and Dragons romantic pursuits,
and you know what they say, never meet your heroes
are the people that you're really in love with, because
they'll just let you down eventually. So but but I
mean not fair. Come on, I'm sure he has more
to them than that. You know, maybe he was just
nervous to meet Tiffney and you come across awkward at

a first meeting.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
Yeah, I think he's so good looking that he's going
to be fine. Here. We don't have to worry about
He's going to be fine. He's a little awkward. I've
interviewed him on the red carpet. He's a little you
know what it is. I don't think he enjoys being
a celebrity. I bet if you met him outside of
a premiere, he'd just be like, sort of a quiet,
shy guy. But at premieres and those big events or

meeting other celebrities, he was a little be too awkward. Okay,
quickly before we get a break would be. Goldberg has
a new memoir at It's a brilliant, brilliant memoir, but
she discusses pretty much everything from being brought up in
the projects to how life now to being happy being single,
saying marriage life is just not for her to maybe
shockening opening up about her cocaine addiction in the past.

She said that during the eighties she would use a
lot of drugs, but she gave them up and then
she started doing them again. And she explained to the
drug scene in Hollywood, saying that she was famous and
she was rich and should go to these parties and
drugs were everywhere. There was cocaine just lying around on tables.
People weren't sneaking off to the bathroom or to hide

to do drugs. They were doing it out in the open.
And she got really involved in this. It didn't It
didn't end well. So Woopee certainly made changes in her life.
She's clean now. But I think talking about this stuff,
being honest about your life not only helps others, but
it helps you too. I'm happy to see Woopee tell
the truth.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
Yeah, and it helps you move forward like.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
You Yeah, yeah, Okay, talking about moving forward, We're going
to take a quick break and we will be right back.
Welcome back to the Naughty but Nice Share and Verbs
shooting with their dear friend Garrett Virgel. Hey, Garrett, let's
get to the polls. Hey, last show we talked about
Britney Spears having an altercation with her boyfriend Paul Salts.

She called it fake news. Our question was, do you
agree is this all fake? Is this made up? Did
her mom do all this? Was there a body double?
Brittany said, there's photographs they were not her. Do you agree?
Four percent degree? That means ninety six percent? We see you, Brittany.

Aloa loa lo hey, don't forget to vote on today's
pole page. I had norty nice rab or our Facebook
page which is naughty gossip and be sure to check
back tomorrow to hear your results. And now it's time
for our Nicsest of the day.

Speaker 3 (15:51):
Well, it was back last night, but Real Housewives of
New Jersey was on, and Melissa Gorga finds a little
bit of humor in Teresa's predictions of Melissa's Real Housewives
of New Jersey departure. Now, despite Teresa's assertions during the
season thirteen reunion that Melissa would be leaving, both women,

along with the rest of the cast, received pickup letters
to return for season fourteen. Reflecting on the situation, Gorga
found some humor in the turn of events, and she
described returning to filming as fun and couldn't help a
joke about the situation, saying what had happened? So, you know,
it's interesting where even though it's reality and we think

it's kind of.

Speaker 2 (16:35):
Scripted, there's a degree of like politics to it.

Speaker 3 (16:38):
So by Teresa putting it out there, you know, it
kind of like, oh my god, I can't believe because
you once it's on the internet, it's there forever. So
Melissa's taking Melissa could easily just stoop down to Teresa's level,
but I think she's taking the high road on this.

Speaker 1 (16:51):
She does take the high road. I like Melissa. These
Housewives annoying me a little bit. I used to be
really into the show. I'm not into it as much anymore.
But I know Melissa a little bit, and whenever I
see her out, she's always really funny and she's quite charming,
and she's sitting on the joke. I know she's done
your show. She was great when she came over to
see one hundred.

Speaker 2 (17:08):
Oh and last night on the premiere of Real Household.
He's in New Jersey.

Speaker 3 (17:13):
They actually went to a restaurant in Cranford, New Jersey,
which I frequent almost like once a month, and the
one thing I hated when I wanted to go was
shut down because they were filming that episode of Real
Housewives in New Jersey.

Speaker 1 (17:29):
Full cirtle, Melissa, you are nicest of the day. It's
very rare that a housewife is the nicest of the day. Okay,
let's do I'd naughtice the day. Naughty, naughty, Sharon Osborne.
You do make me laugh, but this is cheeky. Sharon
feels vindicated now that the Talk is going away. So
three years after Sharon's controversial exit from the show, the

Talk is getting canceled. The numbers plummeted when Sharon left
the show. They never bounced back. In fact, I think
it was the lowest rated CBS day time show, so
it wasn't gonna survive that. But is it right three
years later, three years that you're still gleefully, you're gloating,
You're happy, Sharon, move on, move on.

Speaker 3 (18:13):
I don't know I'm a with her with this, Like
you get burned pretty hard, like you want to you
want to see some of the revenge, you know what
I mean?

Speaker 1 (18:20):
Like revenge you do, Garrett.

Speaker 3 (18:22):
I'm not especially if you especially if you feel like
you got wrong, very right.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
Yeah, I don't hold a grudge, and some people it's
almost annoying. My friends are annoyed by the fact that
I can move on really fast.

Speaker 3 (18:36):
I can that you just told me that.

Speaker 1 (18:40):
I don't hold a grudge. Maybe for twenty four hours
I hold a grudge, and then I'm too lazy. That's
what my problem is. I'm too lazy to even hold
a grudge. Move on, Sharon, let's and with a moment
of rubb you get a rub you're rub rub. Don't
confuse your free time with time that you are free
to be available. Your free time's really important. You need

time in your life to do nothing, to slow down,
to do absolutely nothing. That's your free time. It's not
time that is unscheduled. It's not time where you can
do anything with anybody else. Now it's your time. So
don't become addicted to being busy. Have you ever done that?
You just have to be busy, busy, busy all the.

Speaker 2 (19:20):
Time feeling something.

Speaker 1 (19:23):
Yeah, don't do that. I'm now fine sitting down for
two hours and reading a book. I'm fine going for
a walk for an hour and thinking about all my
favorite songs from the eighties. Okay, that is it for today.
Thank you so much for listening to The Naughty but
Nice with Robin Garrett Show, a production of iHeartRadio. Don't
forget to subscribe on the Arhet Radio app Apple Podcast.

Forevery you listen, leave us a review if you can.
They really do help. And remember all together now, if
you're going to you gotta be nice, take care of everybody.
It's not Eve but Nice with Rob
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