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April 30, 2024 20 mins

Prince William and Kate Middleton marked their 13th year as a married couple with a heartwarming tribute on social media. Chelsea Handler is putting an end to the speculation swirling around her potential involvement in 'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.' No more bad blood! Joe Alwyn seems to have put his past with Taylor Swift behind him as he's reportedly found new love and happiness.

Rob’s best pal Delaina Dixon from DivaGalsDaily's joins him today. Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Advice shooters. It's time he and they were low. Welcome
to the Naughty but Nice Show. I'm your house to
rub Shooter, and it is Tuesday, which means I do
a friend. Miss d joins us. Hey, Delena, are you there?

Speaker 2 (00:24):
I am, and you're sounding a little bit better today,
mister Shooter.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
Thank you, thank you, thank you. My allergies have been
crazy craziness. I'm taking all sorts of pills and it
appears to be helping. You know what, I can't complain
because I love the summer. The weather's lovely today. A
few sneezes, a little bit of a stuffed up nose,
It's all fine when you've got a nose as big
as me, though having a stuffed up nose can really
be an issue. But do do to worry. We've got

tons of gossip to get to today. What time is it,
my friends, it is it's tea time. Big story. At
the top of the show, William and Kate celebrated their
thirteenth thirteenth hasn't time flew by wedding anniversary with never
before seen photographs? So these two do have private pictures.
They might be the most photographed couple in the world.
But they do have some snaps, some private pictures that

nobody has ever seen. Now, thirteen years ago, I'm not
sure they were carrying around their iPhones with them. Now
everybody is, but these look to me as if they
are professional pictures outtakes from their wedding. They look adorable together.
It's a black and white shot, very simple, and the
caption's adorable. It reads thirteen years ago today. Oh, I

love it, I love it, I love it. Kate's in
that wonderful Alexander McQueen gow and he's got his hand
around her waist. Since that wedding, the Duke and the
Duchess of Cambridge have welcomed three children into the world. George,
who's ten, Charlotte, who is eight. A little louis my favorite. Naughty, naughty,
noughty but nice. He is six years old. What are

you thinking about the picture? Mystery?

Speaker 2 (01:58):
Oh, first of all, isn't this gorgeous? And after all
the news we've heard about Cape Middleton battle and cancer,
we always knew about the riff going on between Prince
Harry Prince William. It's nice to just celebrate a happy
moment in their lives. Thirteen years I mean, Rob, that's
a long time to be married, and you've been married
for a little bit at time. What do you think
their secret is.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
I think that they talked to one another. I think
they really do like each other. I'm told that they
celebrated the reading anniversary in quite a private way, and
this is why they are still together. Both of them,
despite who they are, both of them really do enjoy
being alone with one another. Sources are saying that he
cooked her a meal for the anniversary. He's pretty good

in the kitchen. They do not have a full time cook.
They don't so they borrow staff from the king whenever
they have a dinner party or something formal. This is
an occasion where I'm sure they could have borrowed a
cook or two, but William said no, he wanted to
do it by himself. They had dinner together with their
family also as well as the dinner, though he did

get her, insiders tell me a very special piece of jewelry.
I wonder if he went shopping at the Tower of
London or if he went somewhere else. His family has
a ton of beautiful, beautiful jewels, and they do have
date nights, not just on their anniversary, they go out
with one another. So I think that that's their secret here, mister.
They like each other, they like being together, they like

being alone. It's lovely, I'd guess, walking red carpets and
going to premieres. But at the end of the day,
these two would rather be with their family in their
own fabulous palace. It's not a house, it is a palace.
And he's in the kitchen, the cooking dinner. It's really
rather sweet.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
I love that. I mean, if you're a man who cooks,
I mean, I'm sure your woman is happy she don't
have to make dinner, you know, some private time. No,
this is a really wonderful occasion for them to celebrate.
And again, thirteen years. I mean, you know, they say
it's an unlucky number of bu for them. This is
very lucky. So more happy years for them.

Speaker 1 (04:01):
More happy years. Indeed, which brings us to our whole
question of the day. A Prince William cooked dinner for
Kate to celebrate their thirteenth wedding anniversary. Adorable. My questions
a little cheeky. Would you rather go out for dinner
on your anniversary or would you rather have it in
the house? Would you rather cook dinner or go out

for dinner. I would go out type of guy, Misty,
I am not a very good cook. I'm terrible at it.
Bruce is a much better cook than I am. You're
a good cook, Mistery. You can cook.

Speaker 2 (04:30):
Yeah, when I put my mon to it can cook.
But I think, God, I don't know. A very romantic
dinner at home with candle light. You know, Netflix and
chill could be quite fun.

Speaker 1 (04:42):
It's sounds fun, but then who's washing up all those dishes?

Speaker 2 (04:45):
That's what you hire the help for.

Speaker 1 (04:48):
Gave it for and send over some staff. Go and
vote on our page at Naughty Niser. Are there Facebook
pages Naughty Gossip and be sure to check back tomorrow
to your results. Hey Misteve, what are you working on that?

Speaker 2 (05:02):
Well, it's all about Chelsea Handler. So she is putting
to end the speculation if she is going to join
The Real Housewife of Beverly Hills. So it's been out there,
and she actually shared a screenshot of a blog postclaiming
she had signed on to be a part of the series,
which would be just absolutely delicious as he likes the

same mister shooter. But I'm sorry to tell you people
I'm hearing it from my team, and it's out there
from Chelsea herself that she is not joining. She basically
wrote on her social media, this is not true and
there's a reason she actually thinks that the show is horrible.

Speaker 1 (05:42):

Speaker 2 (05:43):
She has criticized the show, expressing her disapproval of its
portrayal of women and the emphasis on physical attributes. And
we've heard from a lot of real housewives just trying
to stay a certain look can be challenging. Now, she
was on What Happens Live back in twenty thirteen and
she called franchise quote six and she questioned its values

and what it promotes.

Speaker 1 (06:06):
Yes, I know, but it would have been some good money. Yeah.
I known Chelsea a while and she really does have
her standards. And once she makes an opinion up her
mind up about something, she's not going to change that
opinion for a paycheck. She's earned a lot of money.
She doesn't need the money for doing this. She can

make a lot of money doing her stand up around
the contrary, and she sells tons and tons of books,
So it's not the money. So why would she want
to do it? Why put yourself into an environment where
you know you've got to fight and scream and share
it to make a fool of yourself. And let's be
honest too. Chelsea had a very successful late night show
for a long time where she was the boss. She
wouldn't be the boss of the Housewives. Oh. She has
not held back about what she thinks of this series.

She does not like it. Remember when Kelly Ripper went
off on The Bachelor? She hates the Bachelor. That's like
saying Kelly's going to host the Bachelor. No, she just
doesn't like it. And to ask her to think that
Chelsea Handler was going to turn up and fight with
these ladies and scream with these ladies, It's just impossible.
It was never ever gonna happen. When I first saw
the reporting, I laughed, it's not even reporting, it's just

silly speculation. Now though, it just goes to show you
the volume of disinformation. It gets so loud that Chelsea
felt the need to put at a statement, where are
you on the Housewives? Mister? I used to love it,
and I'm not so into it anymore.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
Oh my goodness, I'm gonna admit a dirty little secret.
I don't think I've actually watched a full episode of
any version of the Real Housewives. I've seen parts. I mean,
I've actually been on one of the Real highest Wives,
the one of Potomac, so I watched, you know, at
least the part that I was on. We went to
a party once and I didn't make it through the
episode because I had a little too much wine that night.

So I'm not the biggest fan, but I do love
hanging out with the women when I get a chance.
And I just want to point out there's no way
Chelsea could do this show because of the contract. I
have no control over the way her images is used.
And why would she do that when she has actually
been at a certain level. So absolutely, that alone would

let people know she wouldn't sign on.

Speaker 1 (08:12):
She's not doing it. She is not doing it. Okay,
Moving along, Kate Hudson's opening up about her relationship with
her biological father, Bill Hudson. So on an interview with
CBS Sunday morning, she revealed that she's quote gradually warming up.
So they two of them have a very distant, very
detached relationship. They've really not been in each other's lives,

and she said, it is what it is, and I
have no expectation of that with my father. I just
want him to be happy. So the fact that Kate
now has come to a place she's forty five years old,
but she's fine with this relationship or lack of relationship,
has meant that things have warmed up a little bit.
If you remember Kate and her brother Oliver, they were

born during Bill Hudson's marriage to Goldie Horn, which ended
in divorce in the eighties nineteen eighty two. Then she
started to date Kurt Russell, who she's with never got married,
but she's still with Kurt. I think here Kate looks
at Kurt Russell as a father figure, not her biological father.
I hope they find peace if it works for them.

They're not going to find peace unless they resolve some
of their issues. But warming up. Warming up is not
a terrible place to be.

Speaker 2 (09:26):
Yeah, And I think we can look back at kind
of Prince Harry, Prince William and their father. You know,
our parents get older and they're not going to be
here forever, and I think you want to be at
peace with that that when they're no longer here, you
know that you said you're what you needed to say,
and you found some point of comfort or closure or
whatever you need. And I'm sure at this stage, whether

her biological father being seventy four, that's probably where she's at.
So I understand the warming up and if it can
just get to closure, just to maybe it's like I've
always loved you. I didn't do right, but but I
always loved you. That may be enough.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
Yeah, I hope. So meanwhile, she has a new career.
I she's putting out an album, She's recorded an album of songs,
she's going to go on to her She said she
always wanted to be a singer. She's always been writing songs,
and so she would love to be a singer now.
And she said the reason that she's doing it now
is that she stopped caring about what other people will think.
So for a long time she was told she couldn't
have a music career because it would hurt her film career.

She doesn't believe that is true anymore. But more importantly,
she's at the place in her life now where she's like,
I don't care. I don't care if you love it,
if you hate it. I want to do this. I
can't wait to listen to the new music. Okay, mister,
you have a wild story here about Noah Cyrus. What
is going on with that family?

Speaker 2 (10:41):
Okay, let's put our seat belt on for this one, Nati. So,
nearly two months after rumors have swirled that Noah Cyrus,
who is the younger sister of Miley, was having an
affair or a three way love triangle with her mom
Tish Cyrus and act you, Dominic Purcell, she's clapping back,

and rightfully so.

Speaker 1 (11:05):

Speaker 2 (11:05):
The twenty four year old singer took to Instagram and
she was sharing photos from Coachella. She was with Lana
del Reys, the young and beautiful lyrics and having a
good time, and some troll to had to climb in
and be like, well, what about that love triangle? And
this is what she said back, just go choke on
the fattest see dash, kay, just for a little bit. Thanks.

I mean, it's a little weird to say that you're
in a love triangle with your mama. Your mama's a man,
I mean, Rob, just break it down for us.

Speaker 1 (11:37):
Yeah, yeah, I ever tell us what's going on here,
Noah or you or you keep away from this subject.
But to be commenting on other people's Instagram posts, I
think this is not going to help you here. Clearly
something is going on. I do believe the stories. The
sources of their stories seem to be pretty credible to me.
I spoke to somebody who said that she wasn't exactly

dating him, but rather she went on a few dates
with him, it didn't work out, and then a while
later he started dating her mother, and then they fell
in love and got married. Noah was not at the wedding.
Miley was at the wedding too, so this has caused
a huge rift within the family, not just between mother
and daughter, but between two sisters who used to be really,

really close. So it makes me sad, But I do
know by writing cheeky, rude comments on instagrammer is not
going to solve the problem here. Miley, Noah, their mother,
and maybe even the gentleman in question need to all
sit down and have a very very tough conversation. Okay, quickly,

before we get a break. Joe Olwyn, who I've always liked,
has moved on from Taylor Swift, so there's no bad
blood here. Swift is if you were listening, he loa
loa loo. Joe has put Taylor in the past and
he's already dating somebody. That's right. He's found new love
and new happiness. The thirty three year old actor has
moved on with a relationship from the fourteen time Grammy winner,

and he's now focused on his career and his new romance.
Sources close to Joe reveal that he does not like
the drama. He always tries to keep his private life private.
He hates being in the spotlight, and that's why we
don't even know the name of his new girlfriend. Mindsiders
tell me we probably will never know. He doesn't want

to be out there in the public a game with
such a public romance. He has nothing against Taylor. There's
no bad blood there. It's just who she is, who
she's going to be forever. Isn't something that he wanted.
That's not the life he likes. He loves being an actor.
He hates being a celebrity. He barely poses for photographs,

he barely does interviews. I'm glad he's met somebody nice
because Taylor has too. So Taylor's doing fine. She's very
helpy with her man. So I want Joe to find
some happiness to and insider say that's exactly what he
has done, though.

Speaker 2 (13:57):
I just say that's wonderful. I mean, if he his
life to be private, you can't be with Taylor Swift.
I mean that's She's about as big as it gets.
So as long as everybody's happy and love and they're
in their separate corners and there's no bad blood, I'm
happy for the both of them me too.

Speaker 1 (14:14):
Okay, we're going to take a quick break here and
we will be right back. Welcome back to the naughty
but nice Sean will shooting with idea friend. Mister, Hey, mister,
let's get to the polls that thank you very much. Astually,
we talked about Britney Spears. It's a really horrible story
that she's in serious danger. Her mental health and her
finances have both plummeted. So sources told TMZ that Britney's

mental health is not in a good place and also,
too shockingly, her finances are in a bad place too.
Friends worry that she could go broke. It was a
hard conversation we had about this, but our question was
was she better off under the conservatorship when her dad
was around. We know all the terrible things that happened
to her, but she was always going to have money,

and she was always going to have somebody there reminding
her to take her medication. Now she doesn't have anybody sam,
her husband's gone, her dad has been pushed out, probably rightfully.
So let's have a look. Was she better off under
the conservatorship split down the middle fifty to fifty. I
could go either way on this. To take away someone's
rights to take away their money, I'm thinking about Wendy

Williams too. It's outrageous. If I want to make bad
decisions and blow all my money, that's up to me.
But some people would argue. And this is the other
fifty percent. It isn't about making bad decisions. It's that
Brittany is in no state to make any decisions, that
she needs professional help. I've got friends who make odd

decisions and it drives me crazy, but it's their choice.
I don't have somebody. Maybe Wendy was the closest, and
I was not that close to Wendy, but she clearly
needed professional help. And the question is here, it's not
necessarily does Brittany need help. I think we'd all agree yes,
it's who should help her? Should it be a family member?
Should it be Lance bass A? Friend. Who could we

trust to help Brittany. It's so much money, it's so
many millions, it's so much power mystery that often that
attracts the wrong type of person.

Speaker 2 (16:15):
Yeah. I remember watching a special about Brittany and there
is a woman but she was kind of Brittany's handler
when she was a young girl, and then she was
pushed out by the family. Maybe that's somebody that we
need to reach back out to. But again, it's so hard.
Who do you trust with your money. It's almost like
you have to find a corporation like the firm, like
the Royal Royal family that really is just their mindset

is just make sure your money is okay and we
get our cut and that's all we need. We're not
read it out.

Speaker 1 (16:45):
Yeah. I wish institutions existed like that, like Chase Bank.
I wish they could take over Brittany's Brittany's finances. But exactly,
it's so so difficult. The Wendy conversation is something that
I go back and forth on too. We know Wendy,
We've met Wendy, We've been in Wendy's house. She needed help,
We knew that she needed help. I kind of wish

her son was doing it though not this conservatour. And
if some people would argue that he took money from her,
I know Wendy would rather give hundreds of thousands of
dollars to her son than an anonymous conservator who's been
appointed by the court. So this conservatur debate, it's not over,
my friends, It's going to be going on a long
long time, and it's not an easy answer. That's why

this subject we can't just put to bed and move on, mistery.
It's really complicated. Hey, fingers crusted, don't forget to vote
on today's pole. Get an a page at Naughty nine
rob our facebook page is Naughty your zip and be
sure to check back to my rightward to hear your results.
And now it's time for nice niceness of the day.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
Well, our nicest of the day is a little cheeky.
It's Meryl Streep and she's revealing something about Nicole Kidman
that she learned from Reese Witherspoon. So basically, she's recalling
this conversation of Reese Witherspoon telling her that Nicole Kidman
likes to take a dip and cold morning dip in
the ocean, to start her day off. And here's the

cheeky part. Nicole Kidman is naked, She's.

Speaker 1 (18:16):
Gotting kind no clothes on.

Speaker 2 (18:17):
So basically she goes out at five before dawn and
goes skinny dipping behind the hotel in the ocean, and
the three of them are castmates, they're pals, and Meryl
is just so shocked by this and kind of amused
and is actually enthralled that Nicole can deal with that
cold water and is committed. But they say that a
cold water plunge can be very beneficial to your house.

So maybe Nicole knows something is teaching us all, what
do you think a little.

Speaker 1 (18:43):
Bit doing something right this day? She looks absolutely fab
you a lesson, Nicole Kidman, are nicest the day? And
now I know she's the day. Naughty noughty, naughty jompon.
Jeffy's opening up about marriage challenges to his wife Dorothea,
so he's given a glimpse inside that the marriage and
saying that they have to work really hard every single
day to make the marriage work. He said, quote every

day is a challenge and a change. Oh, John, I
used to work for John. I was the publicist for
Bon Jovi, and he used to protect Dorothea fiercely. I
remember once when People magazine or it might have been
Vogue magazine, wanted to do him on the cover, but
they would only do it if they could shoot him
and Dorothea at home. He said, no, she doesn't want
to do this, she doesn't want to be a celebrity.

She married one, and now the fact that he's talking
about this must put her in a really uncomfortable place
and naughtyus that the day Halet's end with the moment
of Rabbi, get a robe, goa rob, you rob. Don't
be too cool to like people. That's my mission now
in life. I want to be the first person to
like somebody else. I'm going to pursue people that I like,

and then I'm going to share it by telling them.
When you find somebody that you like, a stranger that
you meet, tell them like people. The more people you like,
the more people will like you. Put down the sword,
knock down those walls, and don't be too cool. If
you meet somebody youlike, tell them make friends. It's never

too late to make more friends.

Speaker 2 (20:11):
Yeah, well I like you, mister sugar. I would have degree.
You know when you're just you know, too cool for school.
Come on, that was decades ago. Let's just be kind
and friendly and show off our positive energy to one
another and hey, it'll.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
Be a girl. That's it for today. Thank you so
much for listening to The Naughty of Nice with Rob
and Misty Show, a production of iHeartRadio. Don't forget to
subscribe on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts. Wherever you listen,
leave us a review if you can, and remember all
together now, if you're going to be nice, take care everybody.

It's not even nice with Ro
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