All Episodes

May 2, 2024 19 mins

Jennifer Aniston isn't hopping on the TikTok bandwagon anytime soon, and she's got some solid reasons why.  The buzz surrounding Odell Beckham Jr. and Kim Kardashian's low-key romance has come to an end. Britney Spears has made it abundantly clear that any hopes of reconciliation with her sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, are no happening.

Rob is joined by the charming Marc Lupo. Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
It's time alone alone, Welcome to the Naughty but Nice Show.
I'm your homes Rob Shooter and it is Thursday, which
means our dear friend Marco Looper joins us Sloop O
are you there? LOOPI louis here? Helloa, lupy. I feel
like we've already done half an hour's show. Before we

hit record, we started to gossip. Don't worry, We're not
going to leave you out on the conversation. I hate
it when friends do that, when they're like having a
side conversation. We're all in this together. I'm very inclusive,
so is Mark. We did have a little bit of
a gossip before the show. It's good to catch up.
I look forward to seeing you every Thursday.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
Mark, me too. But that conversation is for after hours.
We can talk.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
It's after hours. It's an after hour. Okay, let's jump
into the show where everything will be clean and nice
and decent and what the Naughty but Nice Show is
really about and really what we are about to although
we do have a little bit of a naughty side Mark, Yeah,
let's jump in before we get ourselves into any more trouble.
What time is it, my friends, it is tea time.

Jennifer Aniston, who I love, has revealed her stance on TikTok.
So she's not jumping on the TikTok bandwagon anytime soon
or boo hoo. And she's got a solid reason for
why not. She's emphasizing that she just can't add. She's
not interested, she doesn't have time to add another social
media platform to her life. I get that, Mark. I

started with the Twitter, and then I did the Facebook,
and then Instagram, and now I sort of flirted with TikTok,
but I just was like, Oh, there's only so much
we can do each day. It's like a full time job.
I used to sort of roll my nose a little
bit at these influencers with the one hundred thousand million followers.
I rolled my nose and sort of put them down

a little bit. Now I don't. That is a job.
That is education. Somebody who is an influencer on social media,
that is what they do for a living. That's their
full time job. They get up in the morning and
brush their teeth like you and me, and then we
get to work. They get to work on themselves on
their own Instagram and that's what they do all day,

So I do understand it takes an enormous amount of work.
Where are you on social media?

Speaker 2 (02:22):
Mark Listen, I feel the same way. I enjoy social media,
like looking at social media, I engage in it, but
I also feel the same It's like I have a
full time job and I have a busy life, and
I just I don't have the time to pour into
it every day where I'm creating videos and content because
it really is a full time job and I have
to make money somehow, and that's not gonna be through Instagram. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (02:46):
Yeah. If I was super rich, if I had a
trust fund and I could just focus on myself all day,
if I could be like my own hobby, then maybe
I would be more interested in it. But the thing
is here, and Jen really explains this too. She said
she keeps it at arm's length, and she said she
notes you can get sucked in, sucked in and it

leads to loss of hours, wasted time just mindlessly scrolling.
She reflects on her own experiences, admitting that she has
got caught up and it's absolutely a rabbit hole that
she's fell down. She watches animal videos and cute baby clips,
and she cautioned people. I think this is the most
serious part about the negative effects on your mental health,

stating quote, I just don't think it's good for us.
I don't think it's healthy. I gotta admit, Mark, I
don't think after spending thirty minutes, maybe an hour, scrolling
through other people's lives, I don't think I've ever walked
away feeling happier. I've always walked away not feeling quite
as good about myself or my own life, or that

I'm a little bit of a loser. And so I
really now do try to keep it at arm's length.
I get because of what we do for a living,
how it's a useful too, how it can help people
discover the podcast and the more stified post maybe the
more people would listen to this show, and the more
that would help the entire brand that I'm trying to build.

But at the same time, too, I'm really proud to
say I have a really great group of friends. There's
not that many of us, but we enjoy each other.
We still phone each other. I know nobody phones anymore.
We all text, but my friends and I we laugh,
We go out for drinks, and when I'm out for drinks,
the last thing I want to do is be on

my phone. I want to be talking to my friends.
So I'm actually with Jen on this one. Where are
you on the mental health aspect of social media?

Speaker 2 (04:41):
Yeah, I see what she's saying here. You know, I like,
you have a very nice, full life, and I do
a lot of fun things and I don't put a
lot of it on social media because I'm actually enjoying
myself and doing those things and I don't need you
to see that or be a part of it or
comment on it. I'm happy to share milestone moments which
I you here and there. But I can see how

the comparison of others can be strustful for you, for me,
or for other for you know, for you, and so
I don't I try to take a caught up in that.
And when I do use social media, I like to
follow accounts that inspire, you know, like yes, or bring
like just like silliness. I like to follow celebrity account
celebrity news and stuff that I find Yeah.

Speaker 1 (05:22):
Yeah, yeah, but it's a really good point. Mark. I've
unfollowed people that don't bring me joy, anybody that I'm
jealous of, even if they're a good person. I'm not
saying they're a bad person, but if I'm jealous of
their life, I just stopped following them anybody that makes
me feel worse bad about myself, not on purpose, it's
my craziness, not theirs. They're just posting pictures. But I
just stopped following them. And I've all said to him,

this is a very controversial thing. I don't follow many
friends because I don't need to because you're my friend,
do we talk and so I follow a lot of acquaintances.
But my real friends, my ten, my five real friends,
I don't follow them on social media because I don't
need to see pictures because I'm part of their life.

I know if they're going to Spain on vacation, I
know if they're going to London, and so I think
it's something that's worth thinking about. Social Media isn't for
your friends. Your friends are for your friends, not social media. Okay,
this brings us to our pole question of the day.
Jennifer prefers to keep social media at arm's length. A

bit of a naughty question. Would you like to see
more of Jen on social media? Would you like to
see more of Jen on social media? Go vote on
our Twitter page at Naughty Nights rob our Facebook pages
Naughty Gossip and be sure to check back tomorrow to
hear your results. Luby, what are you working on? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (06:49):
Okay, so Adele Beckham Jr. And Kim Kardashian's romance has
reportedly fizzled out. Oh yeah, so. The buzz surrounding of
Beckham Junior and Kim Kardashian's Loki romance has seemingly come
to an end. After months of speculation about the status
of the relationship, The Insider disclosed that the pairs fulling

has fizzled out, marking the apparent conclusion of the romantic
connection rob This update comes just one month after the
duo was spotted together at the illustrious Vanity Affair Oscars party,
adding to the intrigues surrounding their rumored affair. Now this
has come to a surprise. You are the ending to
this romance.

Speaker 1 (07:32):
No, Ki, Kim has been unlucky in love, and so
I think Kim, We've seen so many guys that have
come and gone, and so I want Kim to find
somebody really special. I think she acknowledges it's difficult to
be mister Kim Kardashian. She's such a superstar and she
lives her life so publicly talking about Jennifer Anderson a

minute ago. This is the opposite. Everything Kim does is
for social media, is for reality shows. It's like being
with one of the housewives. They love all this attention.
I'm not putting them down for it. I love that
they love it. I do. I'm glad that they don't
pretend otherwise. Kim. It's quite difficult because I don't think
you can han't. We'll have a private life and be
with Kim Kardashian.

Speaker 2 (08:13):

Speaker 1 (08:13):
The reason we're finding about at about all this today
is in a few days, Kim's going to turn up
at the Met Ball, and I think a lot of
people thought she would walk the carpet with Odell. It's
clearly not going to happen. Kim is single. Maybe she'll
meet a nice guy at that ball. It has happened
in the past. Nick Jonas met Prianka Chopra at the
Met Ball. Celebrities have hugged up there. So maybe this

is a good night, or maybe Kim will be too
busy hiding from Taylorsoft.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
Rama yeah, rama, yeah, I mean I listening. I thought
was interesting about this pairing was that we really didn't
see them showing any kind of PDA. They didn't really
show up together at any events where you know, you
would see her talk about other past relationships like Pete
Davidson openly. Yeah, this was kind of very under the radar.

And I'm curious to know the Krashians the reality shows
coming back to Hulu soon, will this be mentioned on
the show or they're being a kind of explanation or
all this will just kind of, you know.

Speaker 1 (09:15):
Just potended it didn't happen. I mean, they're pretty good though,
at acknowledging all their follies, Like this is a family
that uses every detail of their life for content, Like
they don't shy away from very much at all, so
they need storylines. I knew they were in trouble when
we didn't see them out very often, because that just
isn't how Kim dates. If you date Kim, you have

to get a premiere's you have to walk red carpets together,
you have to turn up at events. And the fact
that he wouldn't do this is telling me they're just
not a good match. It's not that they're bad people,
but it just wasn't a good fit. Okay, Moving along
some sad news, Britney Spears has attacked her sister in
a shocking new video. So Brittany has made it very

very clear that any hopes of reconc aliation with her
sister Jamie Lynn a distant as she launches into a
scathing tirade captured in a since deleted Instagram video. So
Brittany does this, She poststuff and then I think she
regrets it, She takes it down. She refers to her
sister as a little bitch. She talks about her sister

being on a TV show. I'm a celebrity, Get me
out of here. She makes fun about that. This is
really painful to see. We know that the dynamic within
this family is not good, that they're in a really
bad place. A few days ago, Brittany deleted her entire
Instagram account after attacking her family. Brittany is full and

rightly so, I think of rage, of pain, of anger.
But instead of using social media as a therapist as
a tool, I wish you'd get some professional help. What
do you think?

Speaker 2 (10:53):
Yeah, I mean I think you know there's been psychiatrists
and others weighing in saying that she needs to be
back under some type of sort of should and maybe
it needs to be medicated. From watching the video, she
does sound quite unhinged. She was speaking in a British accent.
At one point, she was rambling on about various things
that didn't connect. It's just overall very concerning, and she

seems like you're said, very angry. And what's most worrisome, Rob,
is that she doesn't seem to have anyone in her corner.
There's no one in her family, no friends, There's no
loved one who's stepping in and saying you need help.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
Oh, Mark, is heartbreakings instant it when you have a breakdown,
I'll be there, Mark, I promise if you shave your head,
I'll come running in and start speaking in a British accent.
I'll come running over. I spent some time with Brittany
shortly after her meltdown, and I knew things were odd
because of the British accent, and the paparazzi used to
tell me they always knew if they were going to

have a wild day with Britney depending on if she
had an American or a British accent. So I think
there's some link there. We laugh, but I think there's
some I think that she needs help and I don't
know how to do this, And if it can't be
a family member, who should it be. But clearly, clearly,
clearly Brittany's on a dangerous path here, and I think

the family, the sources I spoke to say the family
would love to help. They've messed up in the past,
but they do love her. They would love to help.
You know, the similar situation with Wendy Williams. At the moment,
she's under a conservatorship. It's not her family, this is
an independent conservatur And those questions are big questions. And

I think the reason we talk about it so much
is we don't have any good answers when people get
to this point. What do you do when you know
somebody needs help but they don't want it, what do
you do? And then add sixty million dollars to the mix,
and my goodness, the situation is explosive, Okay, talking about

explosive beig and Markel has got herself into another little
bit of trouble. Well, what did she up to that?

Speaker 2 (13:01):
As she does so? Reports revealed the Duchess of Sussex
has been cooking up more than just recipes for her
new Netflix series, as filming takes her to a cannabis
farm in Broiled and Scandal, whoa Meghan? Okay, so whispers
and Holly was just that? Megan's highly anticipated cooking show
has found an unconventional filming location at a cannabis farm

in California, as the Duchess continues request for television stardom.
Critics question her judgment in a landing herself with the
farm mirrored and legal and ethical concerns.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
Oh, she didn't know. She just found a nice farm,
like she had a scout out there that found a
nice fat Do you remember that movie, The King's Speech?
It won the Oscar It was a great movie. A
friend of mine worked on that, and the place where
they shot it, where he had his vocal lessons, was
an notorious gay pawn set in London, And so the

set of the movie they did not know. They didn't
want to do a movie on a set that had
been used for something very different, a different type of shoot,
but they did, and then afterwards they were mortified. I
think the same thing is going on here. I think
that they've had to find a farm to shoot this.
They had scouts go out there and look at different
available properties and the one that they happen to pick

is a kind of contriversial place. Oh Mega, I do
love you, But trouble does it find you? Or do
you find trouble? I don't know. Okay, quickly, before we
get a break talking about trouble, Monique is lashing out
at Oprah again, calling her quote a raggedy bch So
Monique is out there doing a stand up routine and

Oprah has become part of the show now and they
had a huge falling out and Monique is not held back,
but she didn't mince her words when she referred to
Oprah as a raggededy you know what, leading and leading
the audience in a spirited chance of f Oprah Winter
TMZ has the video. I get it. I get the anger,

but I think if this becomes your full time job money,
you're gonna lose Oprah's Oprah. It doesn't matter what you
say about Oprah. She's paid the dues, she's got billions
of dollars, she got a great life. Sometimes you've got
to put down the sword. I've had to do this
to Mark. When I feel that somebody hasn't treated me well,
I want to fight back. But I can become relentless

about it, and it can become like my identity and
I lose who I am and I just become this
guy that's attacking somebody else. Stop put down the sword. Money.
We know you don't like Oprah. Oprah probably doesn't like
you either, But this could stop if you just decide
to find something else to talk about. Okay, we're gonna
find something else to talk about when we come back

in just a moment. Welcome back to the Naughty but
Night Show. I'm Rob shoot with our dear friend Mark Lupo. Hey, Lopy,
let's get to the poles. Thank you. A last share
with about King Charles is too busy to meet with
Prince Harry out during his London visit. Is this a
snub or is it no big deal? His dad is

too busy to meet with him. What do you think?
Eighty five percent said it's a snub. It is a snub.
It looks terrible. He might be the busiest king in
the world. Fine, twenty thirty minutes five an hour. Come on,
you're so rich. It's not as if you can't afford
to book a nice restaurant, or you can't afford to
get the taxi across London. He's not going to get

on the subway in the rain to meet him in
some divy bar. Come to the palace. I'll send a car.
How about that, Mark, I'll send a car to pick
you up, bring it to the palace and we can
spend an hour together having tea. Sounds lovely, do it?

Speaker 2 (16:44):
What do you think somewhere Camilla is chuckling.

Speaker 1 (16:48):
Camilla's behind this. Chavilla's like you ain't meeting him. She
got that book out. She highlighted all the chapters, all
the mean things he said about her not happening. Okay,
don't forget to vote today's Paul. Get our Twitter page
at Naughty Nise we all about facebook page. Is naught
he girls in, but they sure to check back to
morrow to hear your results. And now it's time for

the nicest of the day.

Speaker 2 (17:12):
Wow, Wow, it's share. I love that we love share
so according to Share. Her shyness around men, combined with
the hesitancy of men her age to approach her led
her to explore relationships with younger partners with a with
her sense of humor share equipped. And the reason I
got with young men is because men my age are

older with a sense of humor share equipped. And the
reason I got with young men is because men my
age are older. Well now they're all dead. She went
on to explain that younger men have been raised by
women like herself and possess a boldness that she finds appealing.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
Oh well, that's interesting. It's a different generation, isn't it,
And we are raised differently. I look at my family,
my elder brother, who's at least years older than me.
It's very different to me. And part of that is
my mom and dad were very different when they were
raising him. And so people that are our generation have
different amateures, different political beliefs. Men of Shares age might

be more conservative, might be more set in their ways.
I love this, and I do love that shirk and
can have a good joke, even at herself are nicest
of the day, And now I naught is the day, naughty, naughty, naughty.
Taylor Swift was called Cringing and Travis Kelsey as he
sang a song at a charity event. So Travis loves
to sing, He's not a very good singer, and so

Taylor is cringing away. This is the naughty is this.
You've got to accept people when you date somebody, the good,
the bad, what you like, what you don't like, it's
all who they are. Give him singing lessons, Taylor, get
him a vocal coach, and maybe the two of you
one day can do a duet. Okay, let's end with
a moment of Rob. You gotta rob you, Rob, You're
a rub. Toxic relationships are not the most exhausting. Let

me explain what is ambivalent ones. If you have an
ambivalent relationship with somebody, it's the most difficult relationship you'll
ever have. Good and bad are very easy for us
to work with, even if you're bad. I have tools
for that. It's the ambivalent ones that should really raise
red flags. Look for your address book, look through your

life and figure out the people who you are ambivalent
about and stay away from them. Okay, that is it
for today. Thank you so much for listening to The
Naughty but Nice with Robin Mark Show, a production of
iHeart Radio. Don't forget to subscribe on the iHeartRadio Appubble podcast.
Wherever you listen, leave us a review If you can,

they really do help. And remember all together now, if
you're going to be naughty, you got to be nice.
Take care everybody. It's not even nice with Ram
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