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Jennifer Lopez is sparking divorce rumors after liking a harsh Instagram post about 'broken relationships' adding fuel to the speculation of trouble in paradise with husband Ben Affleck. Sensational claims from Queen Camilla's confidante reveal a royal bombshell! Love is in the air as pop sensation Taylor Swift and NFL star Travis Kelce continue their whirlwind romance with a dreamy date in the picturesque Lake Como!

Instinct magazine’s Corey Andrew joins Rob with all the dish! Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:12):
It's time. Hellolo, Well, welcome to the Naughty but Nicia.
I'm your host, Rob Shooter and it's Friday. We made
it through another week together. Naughtya's Friday. It's a great
day and it's an even better day because we get
to spend it with our dear friend Corey Andrew. Hey,
Corey are you there? I am here?

Speaker 2 (00:33):
Hello, rab how you being Ireland?

Speaker 1 (00:35):
Really good? We had a bit of a crisis on
the show this week, one of our one of our podcasts.
We couldn't load. There was no show on Wednesday, and
I've got through it all. I'm so proud of us,
through the pandemic, through the ups and downs. We used
to record this in a studio and we did it
at home and so we've been all over the place.
We've never missed a show until this week's bit bummed

that it finally happened, but it was inevitable it was
going to happen at some point. But we are back
back back and thank you for sticking with us. Naughty's Okay,
let's jump in the shad. Gosh, it's a big one today.
What time is it? My friends Jennifer Lopers, so there's
a lot of buzz going around, lots and lots of
buss about Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck split in Let

me explain what's happened here. So, a couple of weeks ago,
in Touch magazine came out with report that they were
living separate lives, that the marriage was in trouble. Then
Ben was spotted just yesterday leaving a home in la
by himself and it was not a home that he
shared with Jennifer, so he was spotted visiting the property alone.

He was observed departing solo in the morning, fueling speculation
around the status of their marriage. Then, because things are
not juicy enough, j Lo goes house hunting by herself.
She was looking for new homes by herself. And then
just this morning more breaking news. Jennifer has added fuel

to these rumors, liking a scathing break up post Instagram
about the lack of integrity and respect. So Jennifer sparked
more divorce rumors today after liking a really harsh post
about quote broken relationships. The quote actually said the following quote,
you can not build a healthy relationship with someone who

lacks integrity and emotional safety.

Speaker 2 (02:26):
Oh that is really really deep.

Speaker 1 (02:28):
I mean, it's I mean, but I thought that.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
For them though, she was always like, he's the one
they got away, you know, he was everything like I
thought she had already kind of checked off that integrity
box for him. That's why she lead them so much.
So that's a weird assessment.

Speaker 1 (02:42):
Yeah, you would hope, So you would hope. So I
think that he was the one that got away, but
when she got him back, he wasn't exactly the man
she wanted. Ben is troubled. He's talked about this. Ben
has lots and lots of troubles. He's he's had substance abuse,
and so he's been really honest about this, and I
hope he's doing really well. Jennifer is also a rather

difficult person too, and so when you put these two together,
it's really explosive. Now, I used to work with Jennifer,
so I can tell you the following. She doesn't do
anything by accident. Jennifer doesn't accidentally like a post on Instagram.
It's just it's not who she is. She's very deliberate,
and it's part of her success is that she's so

so disciplined. Sloppy stuff You and me, Corey after a
drink at Bottinos. We could like all sorts of nonsense
and get herself in a turn of trouble. I know,
if I see a cute picture of a shirtless boy,
you like like lie. I know, But Jennifer doesn't play
that game. So the fact she did this, she's very
aware of the media. When I worked with her, she

knew what was going on. She knew who was on
the covers of all those magazines, she knew who was
trending online. So she's definitely aware of all these rumors.
And so for her to like this post in the
middle of this is a sign she doesn't do stuff
by accident. Now, my sources are telling me that Jennifer's
not terribly good at marriage. Dumb like, we know that

this is her whole marriage. So it's difficult for jen
And it's also too it's very difficult for a man
to be mister Jennifer Lopez. Hego. He's an alpha male.
It's always about Ben. If you've seen him ever on
a red carpet or being in a room with him,
he's the center of attention, not when he's standing next
to her. She is a superstar. Her level of fame

it's like being with a beatle. It is out of control.
Ben's a big star, but I've seen j Lo shut down.

Speaker 2 (04:38):
Oh no, she does, of course. And let me look
at the Met Gala what she just did with the
Met Gala as well, And that's stunning dress. But I
will tell you I have a feeling for some reason
that they were stressed already in this relationship, this marriage,
and I think this film flop and that failed tour
really put unimaginable strain on their relationship. First of all,
that film was all about Ben, I mean love Affair

with Ben. It was kind of embarrassing. It was kind
of like weird. And I don't know how the public
how it landed on a public, but I think it
means I'm a spectacle in that way.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
No, you're right, it didn't land well. It didn't. It
didn't do very well. I remember too. Nobody would finance it.
So that's her money. So not only twenty million dollars,
twenty million dollars. That's a lot of money. Jlo and
Ben are rich. But still if my husband spent twenty
million dollars on my partner, i'd be fore you. Yeah, yeah,
you just found your house storious about it, So you're

right there there, there definitely is tension. Let me remind
you that when they broke up the first time, it
was after their movie Jeely tanked and often, yeah they
did a movie project together, it tanked. So when the
going's good, and think about this in your own life.
When my life is good professionally, my personal life is

quite good too, because the money's rolling in and I'm
really happy and I'm feeling like a big shot. It's
when I've been fired, when i'm low that I really
know Bruce is the one. He's so supportive for me,
and I'm not sure I can say the same with Jennifer.
And then now my sources tell me they don't expect
an announcement soon. They're trying to work through this, but

there are one hundred percent problems in the relationship and
we should not be that surprised. I guess by that
we were so hopeful this became a fairy tale, This
became a fair but fairy tales aren't real. People. Now
we've got to do the work. Add to that, they're
on different coasts. She was in New York film in
Kiss of a Spider Woman. He was in La then

she went to Europe to finish the film scheduled. Now
she's going on tour. The tour is not selling very
well either. They have to schedule time to be together.
They have to schedule time to make this work and
if they don't, it won't, which brings us to our
whole question of the day. Jennifer has added fuel to
the divorce rumors after liking a scathing breakup post about

the lack of integrity and respect in relationships. Our questions
quite simple. Are they over? What do you think are
these two over? I know it's heartbreaking, isn't it? Go
vote on a Twitch page on Naughty Nice rob at
Facebook pages Naughty Gossip and be sure to check back
on Monday to hear your results. He Corey love, what
are you working on that?

Speaker 2 (07:17):
Yes, we're on the flip side of romance. On the
other side of that coin. Taylor Swift and Travis Kelcey.
They had a romantic getaway from Paris to Lake Como,
which sounds very very fabulous and very expensive knowing those
two though they can afford it. But love is in
the air. As the pop sensation Taylor Swift and NFL
star Kelsey. You know, they continue their world win romance

with this dreamy little vacation. Now, Picturesque Lake Cuomo is
one of the greatest destinations. Everyone loves it and it
is pricey, so it's like an exclusive sort of area.
But they were captured in exclusive photos by the Post
and the Enchanting Couple. They were indulging in a romantic dinner,
basking by the serene beauty of all of Italy's fame
deftinations offerings, and it was really like, I guess, a

sweet moment for them, really further like further solidified if
you will, their relationship and a speculation about their blossoming relationship.
And so it's pretty obvious. Now there are a couple,
and you know, with Kelsey by her side, you know
she's radiant, she's really excited, radiant and joyful, and you
know they're walking hand in hand. But listen, I will
tell you following this Ben story with Jennifer Lopez, I

will caution them to be very careful because at that
level of fame and success, a lot can go wrong,
more than an average relationship.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
Care Yeah, wise words. I think that they're using their
fame and their money and their success there to do
all the right things to get him over to Europe.
They want to be together, You've got to be together.
I had a long distance relationship with Bruce for a year.
We dated ours in Scotland. I was in Edinburgh, he
was in New York. Oh. We had we had yeah
for a whole year. We had a distant relationship. Us

finishing my masters, thank you Much, look at Me party
pansarty pans. So I was finishing my mouth the University
of Edinburgh, very fancy, and Bruce was here writing the
songs that make the whole thing. So we had a
distant relationship, but we had a rule that we had
to see each other at least I think every month

other month, and we made the effort. We got on
cheap flights. We figured had a way to do it.
They don't have to worry about the money, but nevertheless
they do have to worry about making time for one another.
They're doing everything right. He's going over, she's on tour,
so he's not working at the moment, although he is
filming a TV show. He found the time to go
over to Europe and spend time with her. And so

when you've got this much money, use it, use it.
But some people don't do that. Sometimes I look at
people who have got all this money in the bank
and they're frightened of enjoying themselves and going out and
having a nice meal. I want to spend all my money, Cory.
My goal is to die broke. I don't care about
leaving it to anybody. And I close my eyes for

the first time thinking about all the lovely clothes I bought,
all the lovely meals I've been strips. I want to
spend it all. I love you. I love that they're
doing this. They're a real couple and they're doing everything right. Okay,
this story is shocking Adam London Prince William has been
accused of blocking Harry and Charles's reconciliation. So Charles desperately,

desperately wants to make friends with his son. However, his
other son, William, does not want this to happen. Now,
some people would argue William has a good reason. That
book was shocking also too, Let's not take out of
the equation. Queen Camilla, she's furious still with what Harry did,
and I get it. If he did that to me,
if he did that to me or someone worse. If

he did it to someone I loved, I'd be furious
about it. Sir Charles good Man, kind man, really big heart.
He wants to be friends again with his son. However,
his other son and his wife are cautious about it.
I think rightfully. So here, I think Harry and William
need to make friends first, or at least peace. They

might never be friends again. They can make peace, then
the Charles part will fall in the Camilla part, that's difficult, difficult.

Speaker 2 (11:05):
I don't know, Rob. I don't find those two things
to be synonymous. I think a relationship with the father
is different than a relationship with the brother, and I
think those two things are not mutually exclusive, so they
can they don't need to be tied together, if you will. So,
I think that Harry should have this vibe with his
dad and try to reconcile that. And it's really none

of William's business in a weird way.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
Like you know what I mean. Like for me, I'm like, well,
why would.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
He try to sabotage that, Like you know, that's his son.
He should like stay out of that and let William
and let Harry and Charles work that out. That's what
I see. That's how I say it.

Speaker 1 (11:40):
I think you make a really, really, really solid point there.
What I would say, though, is, Harry, don't give William
any ammunition. So if you and your dad have a meeting,
if you and your dad reconcile, don't you be talking
about it on Oprah? Sure?

Speaker 2 (11:56):
Now those are the boundaries.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
Yes, you gotta be careful because Harry is a loose
canon rightfully, so, now he's not a working royal. He
can say and do pretty much whatever whatever he wants.
But I would be careful not to give William or
the Queen any unition. Okay, this story I think is
lovely and sort of sad at the same time. JFK. Junior,

it's been revealed why he never contacted the princess after
Diana's death.

Speaker 2 (12:23):
Yeah, yeah, I was kind of shocked but a sweet
way too by the story. But also I wish he
had done it.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
But so JFK.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
Junior, you know he did not call Prince William and
Harry after Princess Diana's death. And also, let's think they
were young too. I mean, they were little boys when
this happened, sort of. William was older, of course, but
you know, his wife Carolyn Besset Kennedy, she actually wanted
JFK to call those boys and talk to them, and
despite his deep connection with the Princess of Wales Diana,

he chose not to do it and not to reach
out to her grieving sons William and Harry in the
aftermath of her tragic death. Now, according to a new biography,
JFK Junior's wife Carolyn, she urged him to say, you know,
to talk to them in extend his condolences because he
really wanted to echo Diana's admiration for his modesty amidst
media scrutiny, because he knew what it was like as

the son of extremely famous parents to always have the
paparazzi follow you and chase you. So he and Diana
really bonded over that, so they had a bit of
a friendship.

Speaker 1 (13:20):

Speaker 2 (13:21):
He hesitated, however, though, to bridge that gap with the
young princes, and despite sharing that pain of losing a
parent with diana sons, he felt their circumstances were very
different and he chose not to actually reach out to them. So,
I mean, it's bittersweet, I get it. Maybe in one way,
he didn't want to impose. I don't think it was
his responsibility to do it. In any event, it would

have been nice, but he wasn't obligated to do it.

Speaker 1 (13:44):
That was obligated. I say, reach out, And now it's
even easier because you can text people. You don't even
have to find them. Back then, when Diana died, we
didn't have and so it was much more difficult. But
if you can make somebody's pain a little less in
that moment, I say, do it quickly before we get
a break. A shocking subject that won't go away. I know, Corey,

you have a lot to say about this, Harrison, Butkler,
who is a teammate of Travis Kelsey, said some really
really outrageous things. Well, now Holder and Jenna are stepping
in saying, don't speak for us. So he's advocating for
women to embrace being homemakers, and Jenna Bush says, who

is he to tell us? And then Holder added, don't
speak for us. Now on the other side of this,
whoopy Goldberg speaking out saying he can say whatever he
wants in America, it's free speech. He's a devout Catholic.
He thinks women should be in the kitchen. Whoopee doesn't
agree with his thoughts, but she does agree that he
should be able to say it. What do you think?

Speaker 2 (14:47):
Who's the thing about?

Speaker 1 (14:48):

Speaker 2 (14:48):
I love her, but she talks out of both sides
of her mouth. Two weeks ago, she was bashing Downald
Trump for something he said that really pissed her off, right,
really made her angry. And she was like, way, well,
and he had a right. It's like she just said,
you know what, he had a right to say it, right,
So she had a lot to say about that. So
now she's saying to Harrison, you know, it's okay for
what he said. No, you have to car people out

for when they say things that are really unfortunate and misfortunate.
And that's what happened in this case. And I'm Withholder
and Jenna and yeah, he needs to be quiet.

Speaker 1 (15:20):
And I don't think it's canceled culture. I think it's
consequenced culture. If you say something outrageous and you believe it,
stand by your words, Harrison, And he's not back down,
He's not. He really believes this. He told us what
he believes, not what I believe. And so we won't
be doing business anymore. Although we weren't really doing business before.
Let's be honest, I wasn't buying his jersey. Okay, let's

take a quick break and we will be right back.
Welcome back to the Naughty but nic Sho. I'm Rob
shoot with Entieth, Cory Andrew. Hey, Corey, let's get to
the polls. Last show, we tooked about Travis Kelsey's teammates
slamming Harrison for his sexist, anti LGBTQ comments and also
quoting Taylor Swift. So we did not bring Taylor into this.

Harrison did he misquoted her. He used one of her
songs to tell women to stay in the kitchen basically,
which is the opposite of who she is, the opposite.
If you want an example of somebody who could be
fabulous and do it all, it's Taylor Swift. My question was,
should Taylor respond, let's have a look? Eighty percent said no,
best to ignore him, Taylor. If you respond, you're going

to make this bigger. The best thing Taylor can do
in response is keep being Taylor. Just be you, be you. Okay,
don't forget to Today's Paul, go to our Twitter page.
I'd norse you. Nice rabor our Facebook page, which is
not su shape back on Monday to hear your results.
And now it's time for a per nice of the day.

Speaker 2 (16:53):
Well more romance, like a little bit of a romantic
story here Meryl Streep.

Speaker 1 (16:57):
She's revealing that her favorite.

Speaker 2 (16:59):
Love scene that she's filmed was with Hollywood legend Robert Redford. Right,
so she said that that was her favorite one. You know,
they did the film, the iconic film actually out of Africa,
a big Oscar winner, I believe that year for those two.
And you know there's a scene where his character delicately
tends to Streep's hair by a tranquil river. Connection just

transcends the romances for a Streep she said, The scenes
allare lies, not in just its central appeal, but in
its ability to capture the essence of human connection. Now,
with all the respect, girl, I saw the scene and
I was putting to sleep, honey, almost put me to sleep.
I mean, but if it weren't for you, Meryll, girl, I.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
Was like Robert Redford, Beryl Street. Nice is the day?
And now I noticed the day did? He has shared
a cryptic message amid six trafficking investigation. This is serious.
The message said quote time tells the truth. I hope
you're right. Did he? And I used to work for Puffs,
so I know him pretty well. But these cryptic messages,

they work when you're changing your name, or you're plugging
an album, or you want somebody to buy your sneakers
or your clothing. Life there when it comes to this,
and so your old playbook of getting attention, of changing
the subject, it won't work in this instance. You need
a new playbook. And dare I suggest it's to tell
the truth. If you will to tell the truth, then

do it. I know everybody would want to sit down
with you, Oprah.

Speaker 3 (18:28):
The truth is incriminating. That's the thing is. If you
want to tell the truth, tell it. But if you
don't want the truth out, then these cryptic little teas
its pretending. We can see through it.

Speaker 1 (18:42):
The day. Let's end with a love of rob. Recently,
somebody that I know not terribly well, but I did
have great affection for past and so I've been feeling
a little bit of grief, and I've been talking to
my friends about grief. And last night a friend said
something that I wanted to share with you. They said, following,
grief is all the love for a person that you

have that you didn't express. So grief is an expression
of love. So what this is telling me is, don't
hold those feelings back. Today. I wish the last time
i'd seen Uncle Johnny before he passed, I told him
I loved him. I wish I told him how much
he meant to me. I wish I told him how
funny he was. I didn't, And I think that's one

of the reasons why I'm grieving so much today. Not
necessarily for him, but for me. It's quite selfish. It
was about the feelings that I had that I never expressed.
Express yourselves, and then maybe when we passed, when our
friends pass, we won't have grief. We'll have a celebration. Hey,
that is it for this week. Thank you so much

for listening to The Naughty but Nice with Rob and
Corey Show, a production of iHeartRadio. Don't forget to subscribe
on the Hurt Radio Apple podcasts where ever you listen,
leave us a review if you can. They really really
do help. And remember altogether. Now, if you're going to
be please it's starting a nice with Bruh
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