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Prince Harry acknowledged the unfortunate reality that his long-awaited reunion with King Charles III will have to wait. Kim Kardashian's appearance at the 2024 Met Gala stirred up a whirlwind of reactions, not just for her daring corset dress but also for her unexpected accessory. Nikki Glaser candidly shared the quip she chose to omit, shedding light on the decision to steer clear of sensitive topics involving Brady's family.

Donny Meacham joins Rob! Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.

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Speaker 1 (00:14):
No, Welcome to the Naughty but Nic Show. I'm your host,
Drop Shooter, and it is Wednesday, which means our dear
friend Donnie Meacham joins us. Hey, Donnie, are you there?

Speaker 2 (00:25):
It is Wednesday. It is only the middle of the week,
and I have seen not too much of Rob Shooter,
but I've seen a lot of Dhooter.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
I'm sick of myself. Donna. You can say it. Donnie,
you can say you're sick of me. I'm sick of myself.
I did so much press TV for the met Gala.
I'm really good at this. You can say that. If
you're really good at something, naughtyes say it, don't be
bashful about it. So I get booked on all these shows.
I do my research though, to be on Good Day
New York in the morning shows, I after gonna put

like oo five thirty five. Oh, I know, because I
have to read all the websites to do all the research.
I have to hit the phones, I have to talk. Yes,
so it's a lot. So I do love doing it.
But I must admit I'm a little bit sleepy myself.
But don't worry, noughties, I've got enough energy, enough fuel
to get through the next twenty minutes like a race car.

So let's jump in. What time is it? My friends? Else,
it's tea time. Okay, big story at the top of
the show. This makes me a bit sad. Prince Harry
has confirmed that his dad's basically too busy to see
him when he's in London. So, in a somber revelation,
Prince Harry has acknowledged that, unfortunately, reality is that his dad,

King Charles, will not be available to meet with him
when he is in London. We told you this story
a couple of days ago, but now it has been
confirmed by the Duke of Sussex's spokesperson, so now it's official. Donnie,
we knew it was right. Your friend Rob never gets
it wrong. I knew that they were not going to meet,
but I'm actually quite shocked that Harry's spokes person has

put out a statement saying, yes, correct, they will not meet.
Charles is too busy.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
Just hearing you and like talking about it. It is
really sad, but it's also very surprising because look, I
get it, he is the King.

Speaker 1 (02:18):
You know, the King is busy, busy things to do do.

Speaker 2 (02:22):
But it's if you wanted to make time for your son,
you would so I whether he will agree or not,
I feel like it is a very calculated and pointed
move that.

Speaker 1 (02:33):
He's thinking by saying, now I hear, it's all Camilla.
He wrote awful things about Camilla in that book. Camilla's
the love of his life, even though he is his son.
You're never going to beat the spouse. The spouse is
going to win, and so Camilla is furious, furious. He
called her a rock whiler, he called her the devil.

He really went hard after Camilla in this book. And
once you do that, you've done it. You said it,
You did say it, Harry. So I think unless Harry
apologizes or calls Camilla not his dad, he shouldn't be
meeting with his dad. He should meet with Camilla. That's
the person here that feels aggrieved. That's the person here
that feels like they're the victim. So that's the person

he should reach out to. I would say, Charles, daddy,
I won't meet with you, but please, please, can I
come to the palace and see the queen? Can I
see Camilla? And I'd throw myself on the bottom of
her throne a and I'd say, please, forgive me, please,
because otherwise there's no no peace in this family.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
But it's hard because I want to sympathize with Harry
in a situation of like, you know, his dad was
in love with Camilla while he was yes, Diana no
good and he made it obvious. So Harry is I
feel like it's just to protect my mom's situation now here,
to protect herself. I have to do it for her.
But it's like at some point everyone needs to.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
Like, right, had he said what you just said in
the book, I think you can come back from that
saying I'm really angry with her. I was really really
angry with my dad. I was really angry with Camilla.
I want to protect my mom. If he had said that,
he could have had a whole chapter on that who
had read every word? But he didn't. It got really
really personal here. I'm told that Charles is conflicted. He's

a good man, Charles's he is a good, decent man.
And what does he do here? Does he upset his wife?
Does he upset his son? His son's left the family,
So every day he's with his wife. He's not going
to see Harry for months, maybe years, But he sees
Camilla every single day. That's his priy already hear. We
talk about this a lot. Don't be on the Naughty

but Night Show. What's your priority? For instance, as a
little exhausted yesterday after all that TV and so with
a friend might have maybe did invite me out for
Driggs last night, I didn't go. I was too tired.
But I didn't lie about it. I said I was
too tired. Now had Madonna called me and said, Robert
you want to meet Martinez, yeah, then I might have.
I've had a second wind, because that's a priority, you know.

I like be honest about what is priorities. Camilla is
a priority. Harry not so much, And that sounds cruel,
But Harry is not totally innocent here, which brings us
to our pole question of the day. Harry is disappointed
that the King won't make time for him and he's busy,
busy schedule while he's going to be in London. Should

Charles make time for his son? What do you think? Yes?
Or no? Go vote on our Twitter page out Naughty
Nice Rob or our Facebook page which is Naughty Gossip,
and be sure to check back tomorrow to hear your results. Hey, Donnyle,
are you wicking up?

Speaker 2 (05:40):
Yes, well real quick, but I just can't get over
Charles says cancer. This could be one of the last
time Charles, get it together, get anygo. Kim is doing
what Kim does best, and she is getting Kim out there.
So she finally came out and she talked about her
unconventional choice about the raggedy sweater. People were calling it

the twenty twenty four met Gala. In an interview with Vague,
she revealed that the pilled sweater served a purpose beyond aesthetics.
She goes drawing inspiration from the aftermath of the wildest
night of her life in a garden. She aimed to
evoke a sense of casual comfort amidst the opulent setting
of the gala. She also impromptu added, it's my boyfriend's sweater.

This is hilarious because like it's stuff like that. This
is what the mecala makes me laugh so hard about,
because it's like drawing inspiration from the aftermath of the
wildest night of my life in a garden. I wanted
to invoke casual comfort.

Speaker 1 (06:39):
What what is this?

Speaker 2 (06:41):
Literally, what goes to these people's head when they're trying
to find what it's like, You're fine.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
It's such a word silence, isn't it. Have you ever
been out for a drink aol with a friend and
they're talking just cotton candy. I don't know what you said.
For like twenty minutes, they just rattled on and on
and on. I said, I I've not got a clue
what you just said. It made no no sense to
me at all. And that's sometimes how I feel with Kim.
I don't know what any of that meant. And why

would you wear this sexy, sexy dress and then put
a sweater over it? Was it chili on the carpet? No,
it was a nice night in New York. I'm very
confused by the by the whole thing. But I do
like that she's pretending, or maybe she believes it, that
there's a theory that there's a motivation behind this this madness.
Did you see her waist? Oh my goodness, it's not right,

aren't they? There's something not right?

Speaker 2 (07:35):
No, it's I mean, I'm a skinny mini.

Speaker 1 (07:37):
You're skinning money?

Speaker 2 (07:38):
That some right there?

Speaker 1 (07:39):
No, that's something not right there. Everyone's asking why was
Kim not at the afterparty? Is she had to catch
a flight to Germany. She was getting paid to be
a keynote speech. I know she's busy. Kim works it.
I mean whenever I feel like I'm exhausted, I think
a Kim nobody works harder. I mean, she literally gets
that money, and so I'm sure she was getting a
ton of money. So she flew straight to You can

imagine going to the metal Ball, coming home and doing
your waist, or I'd have a burger right away and
say make sure there's a burger and fries waiting for it.
The minute I get this corset off, if I'm gonna
put my my sweatpants on my eating clothes.

Speaker 2 (08:14):
Yes, I wore this sweater because I'm hopping on a
private jet after the speak, and it's going to be
called on the plane.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
That's right, and it's going to pay my bills. That's
why she's going. Let's not paying the bills. She's got
to pay that bill for the met seventy five dollars
a ticket. Oh Kim, Kim, Kim okay. Moving along, Kendall, Jenna,
Kim Sister, and Bad Bunny were spotted getting very flirty
and an after party. So Kendall and Bad Bunny they
broke up, but they are apparently back together, or at

least it looked that way. Speculation has has ignited after
they were spotted having a romantic reunion and a star
studied met after a party, so sources tell pay six.
But the former Flames were cozy together. They were laughing,
they were flirting, and they were sharing intimate cuddles in

the spotlights. So they were there on the on the sofa,
cuddle in the way everybody could see them. They were
not hiding. There were spotlights in the clubs, you could see.
Everybody was in a dark corner. And get this, the
two of them were staying at the same hotel. My
sources tell me these two at least if they're not

back together as a couple, having a little fun with
one another. And I say, well done, that gorgeous. I
like that bad bunney, I do. I don't know. It's lovely,
isn't it gorgeous? God? I don't know he's music, but
I like him.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
This means they broke up amicably, and you can be
friends with your exes if you break up.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
Listen to yourself, don yes, how many friends of your
exes are you? Hamley ex'es are friends with you, none
how many, So you can't.

Speaker 2 (09:50):
Story I'm doing is.

Speaker 1 (09:52):
Moving along?

Speaker 2 (09:53):
What's Nikki Glazer like? I'm actually really happy to hear this.
She has a rule that we have here on the
Naughty Nice Show, and that is to leave the kids
out of Oh, Nicky, I like it. Yes, And Nicki
Glazer revealed that she cut a joke about Tom Brady's
sons from the Netflix roast. So remember Comedy Central used
to do those roast of this person this person. Yes, yes,

Netflix is now picking it up. They did a Tom
Brady one and she was on The Howard Stern Show,
and a joke she wanted to say was, remember that
picture went around Tom was like kissing his son on
the lips.

Speaker 1 (10:26):
Yes, it was a very unusual picture, wasn't it. I
think she might have even been a video.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
But yes, yeah, and she goes. The joke I wanted
to say was Tom, hopefully we make out at the
after party. You can pretend I'm your son, Nicki. That's
actually I find that to be a little harmless and
like a little silly. But she did say she and
the other comics and everyone involved was like, look, we
don't involve kids. Do not bring his kids into this

because they didn't choose this life. They didn't choose to
be Giselle bunch In Tom Brady's kid. So if they
grow up and they decide to get into the industry,
then make fun of them all you want.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
I say. I mean, it's a very good rule, and
we have it on this show. My problem with it, though,
is nicky you want it both ways. She told the joke,
So you can't take credit for cutting a joke that
you then tell how. I mean, if you tell me
at Bottino's fair enough, But if you tell it on
a national radio show, then really did you cut the joke.
I don't really know if you did.

Speaker 2 (11:25):
One of the jokes that's really going around is remember
Aaron Hernandez that was the football player. Yes, well, his
ex fiance has come out because there was a few
jokes about him, and she has come out and been like,
look like I have a kid with this guy, So
my kid is going to see this. So it's what
goes back to the whole like you could have left
him out of it, but like his kids are going

to see this. Yeah, now I have to explain it
with his kids.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
When you talk about not involving the kids, it's complicated
because if you mentioned the parents, the kids are involved.
Like there was jokes about Bridget moynihan being pregnant when
Tom left her. He did do it, he left her
pregnant for Gizelle, and so there was a joke about that,
which sort of brings in her son Jack because he
was in her belly like he was there. So kids
don't just get hatched. They come from parents. And so

if you have a little swipe at Giselle, which many
people did during that roast, in fact, she's very angry
about it. So many people had a swipe or two
at her, isn't that involving her children? So kids will
see it online that's their mother. In some ways, I
think that's even harder make fun of me. But if
you go after my mom, I'm furious. It's like at school,

you can make fun of me, but the really mean
kids went after your parents or said something mean about
your parents. Didn't let your mom's this or your mom's that.
I don't know, Nikki. I think I like the idea
here of leaving the kids alone. We do it on
our show. However, you can't clay to cut chokes and
they tell them to how it's stirred live and you

didn't tell him at the bar. You were on the radio.
Yeah there was a microphone. Yeah in your nose, you couldn't. Yes,
or nikky and naughty, naughty. Okay, before we go to break,
we've got the reason or apparently the reason that Blake
Lively and Ryan Reynolds did not turn up at the
met So they're then practically every year. They weren't there
last year, but we see them all the time. They're

gorgeous on the carpet together. They were not there on
Monday night, and now Ellie's reporting they decided to step
away from the spotlight to spend a little time with
their family. They wanted to be with their family. I
don't know if I'm totally buying this, because your family's
there every night, Like, can't you see your family on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Yes,
you don't have to do on Monday too, Like I don't.

It's such an odd thing to say, Like if they
had to fly to go to work, or if it
was their school's senior prom, if their son was graduating,
or if he was in a school play and it
just happened to fall on the Monday. I get it,
but you couldn't wispy the met for a couple of hour.
Are there something more to this? Am I am? I
digging too deep?

Speaker 2 (13:55):
Or just say you know what, I didn't feel like
dressing up tonight. I just ad the end of the day,
I was like, you know what, I don't really put
a makeup on today. And we've been like, you know what'sweet? Relatable?

Speaker 1 (14:04):
It's relatable quick mething.

Speaker 2 (14:06):
Though, it's a little interesting that Jessica Bill was there
without Justin very Justin might be a little busy.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
Not busy, No, yes, interesting, it is interesting. I noticed that,
and the fact she did it is really telling because
they've been celebrities for a really long time. So say
Justin was busy, just say he was busy. I wouldn't
go if I was Jessica, because I said, if I
go by myself, everyone's going to be gossiping about this.
She went by herself on purpose.

Speaker 2 (14:32):
Doesn't normally go I know, she doesn't normally get by herself.

Speaker 1 (14:35):
I know, it's really can you imagine I don't like
going anywhere by myself. I don't I always drag a
friend along, don't you know? It's really lowly. You know,
each year Andy Cohen's not invited to the Mets, Sarah
Jessica's plus one. Sarah gets two tickets and she drags
drags Andy with them. It's lovely. If I got a ticket, Donnie,
I've got two tickets, I'd drag you. Who wants to
go by by themselves and stand there, Jessica Bielders. There's

something there, Donnie. I'm glad you brought it up. Okay,
we're going to take a quick break and we will
be right back. Welcome back to the Naughty Book, Nice show.
I'm the rob Shooter with her dear friend Donny Meech
and hey, Donnie, let's get to the polls. Last year
we tooks back. Kim Kardashian reacting to Tom Brady's dis
about Kanye West. Was the joke funny or was it rude?

Let's have a look, he said, If you remember that
Kim wasn't nervous about being at the Rost, she was
nervous about leaving her kids home with their dad. Funny.
I think I think it was funny. Lesson, Oh you
agree with me? Seventy five percent said funny, I agree. Hey,
don't forget to vote on today's poll. Go to our
Twitter page at Naughty Nice Rob or our Facebook page
which is Naughty Yossip and is sure to check back

tomorrow to heal your results. And now it's time for
the nicest of the day.

Speaker 2 (15:53):
You know, I'm not gonna lie. I sometimes forget that
Beyntie and jay Z have two other kids. They do
the blueyv And I know, I know it sounds terrible,
but we only hear about Blue Ivy. But thanks to
Tina Knowles, she shared a rare update on Roomy and Sir.
Her warming revelation, Tina Knowles provided a glimpse into the

world of her grandchildren. You know, she Roomy emerges as
a blossoming artist and creator, her talents extending to the
realm of painting an artistic expression. Meanwhile, she says, Sir
is described as very very smart, which is so sweet.
And I'm just like I do kind of forget there's

Roomy and Sir. All we hear about is Blue Wyby.
It's Blue Ivy, Blue Ivy, And then you're like, oh wait,
there are two of us over here, But that could
be intentional as well. They could just be trying to
keep those.

Speaker 1 (16:46):
They are so Tina loose lips. I know is gonna
be furious about this. They keep these two heads to
the spotlights. Grandma there with the loose lips telling this everything,
I love it, I love it, I love it, and
nicest of the day. And now I noticed the day
this a moment ago. Gazelle is deeply disappointed by the
roast that Tom Brady decided to be part of. So

Tom did not have to do this. It was not
duy duty. He did not have to show up. He
decided to do this roast. And when you do a roast,
you know your personal life is gonna be guess what roasted?
And your personal life involves Gazelle and a really ugly breakup.
And so sources are telling People Magazine that she's really
upset about it, and she's very disappointed, and she doesn't

want any part of this. And her role at the
moment is not to be on television, not to get
paid to turn up at roast or Netflix specials, not
to worry about her career, but to worry about her kids.
She was at home with her kids. They didn't watch it,
but she couldn't get away from this press. Her kids
will see this press too. It is everywhere just not nice.
Once again, we say we want to leave the kids out,

But if you go after someone's mom, you're going after
them too. So I totally understand why Gizelle is not angry.
It's actually worse than being angry, isn't it disappointed?

Speaker 2 (17:59):

Speaker 1 (18:00):
It's an awful thing about when.

Speaker 2 (18:02):
That's a hursher feeling. Somebody says they're disappointed in me,
it hurts worse than them just saying I'm angry at you. Yeah,
oh oh man, I disappointed you.

Speaker 1 (18:11):
Yeah, yeah, he disappointed to Tom, if you're listening, you're
a naughtyus of the day. Let's end with a moment
of rap. Would rubb? You get a rubbi be good rum,
but have a sense of urgency and say it's a priority.
Start doing that in life. What is a priority for you?
Who is a priority for you? And make sure that
person knows it, and make sure you have a sense

of urgency around them. I know thousands of people because
of what I do for a living, only about five
are a priority. There, I've said it. I like the
other nine hundred and ninety five that's right. My math
is not very good. I like them, I like getting
text from them, I like even meeting them for a
drink very so often. But I've only got really five
people in my life that are a priority. If they call,

it's always a yes. When I see their their name
on my phone, I always answer, how many do you have? Donnie?

Speaker 2 (19:02):
I'm thinking about it too, like probably around the scene
there's like maybe like just a handful, a couple fingers.
On the other hand, of just people there, I will
make sure it always means always time for everybody else.
It's like, you know, I'm a little busy. I don't
have the answer.

Speaker 1 (19:15):
Rink. Yeah, yeah, And it's fine. There's nothing wrong with that.
In fact, it's healthy. I have friends that I don't
see for months and we sit down, we have a drink,
and we catch up like it was yesterday. But there's
about five people in my life that are a priority.
The number is not important. What's important is that you
identify them. Think who in your life is a priority,
And I hope the first one is you. Hey, that

is it for today. Thank you so much for listening
to The Naughty but Nice with Robin Donna show. A
production of iHeartRadio. Do you forget to some squirre on
the iHeartRadio app Apple podcast. Whereever you listen, leave us
a review if you can, and remember, if you're going
to be naughty, you got to nice. Hey, take care

of everybody.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
It's not even nice with Bro
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