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Prince Harry was overcome with emotion upon learning that King Charles had bestowed a prestigious military honor upon his brother, Prince William. Leah McSweeney's legal team is casting doubt on Bravo's investigation into allegations against network executive Andy Cohen. On Mother's Day, Tom Brady took to Instagram to express his gratitude and admiration for the mothers in his life, including his ex-partners Gisele Bündchen and Bridget Moynahan, just days after they were the subjects of biting jokes during his Netflix roast.

Rob is joined by his dear pal Garrett Vogel from Elvis Duran and the Morning Show with all the scoop. Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Sure, it's.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Lollo. Welcome to the Naughty but Nice Sham'm your host,
Rob Shootle. And it's Monday, which means our dear friend,
Garrett Vogel joins us, Hey, Garrett, are you there. Happy
Mother's Day?

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Are you hi? Bobby? Happy Mother's Day to you.

Speaker 3 (00:27):
Even though you and I both not mothers, but we
do have mothers and loved one to our mother. So
if you're listening and you are a mother, Happy day,
late Mother's Day.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
Yes, it's not Mother's Day in Britain. It's really strange.
Father's Day falls on the same day in America and
the UK. And so my mommy now is very, very
lucky because she gets two Mother's Day. So I called
her yesterday and she feels like she's an American mom now,
which is a fun thing to be. So Happy Mother's
Day to all you fabulous mothers. Okay, let's jump into

the show. What time is it, my friends? It is
tea time. Oh my goodness today. So Prince Harry was
left in tears after King Charles bestowed in honor on
his brother. Let me explain. So Prince Harry was really upset.
He was very emotional after he learned that King Charles

had bestows a prestigious military honor on his brother. He
gave his brother the head of this military unit, but
it happens to be the unit in which Harry served
during his time in Afghanistan. We forget a lot of
people forget that Harry was a working royal that went

to war. He was in Afghanistan. So often people in
the royal family, lords and ladies, they get these fancy
titles without really doing any of the work. If anybody
should be the head of the regiment, it should really
be the most qualified. But that isn't how Britain works,
because the royal family normal normal life, so it should

be somebody really say yes. But we can say at
least Harry's done some of the work, William not. I'm
not sure I would accept a military honor if I
hadn't served. What do you think? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (02:22):
Correct? But but again, like how do you say no
to dad who is also the king? You know what
I mean? Like, like, it's one thing when you we've
all argued with our parents, right and you know they
they are the patriarch of the house, in matriarch of
the house. But at the end of the day, the
king is the king. So when the king goes, hey,
you know what, I'm going to give you a title,

you don't argue it. And when the king goes, I'm
not going to give you a title, what are you
going to do.

Speaker 2 (02:49):
It's a complicated one because the ultimate title is king,
and he's given that not because he passed a test,
or he applied for the job, or was the most
It's a really antiquated system. And I don't want to
sound it's so so lucky, and so Harry being upset
about this it makes it so interesting because I think

in many ways it's easier to get upset or to
feel upset about a work decision than a family one,
because this dynamic here is so complicated. It's not just
a family, it's a job. It's the ultimate family business.
And say, if you don't want to be part of
the job, you can't really be part of the family.

So this is of all the things that has happened,
all the drama back and forth, I'm not picking aside here.
Both are to blame for this, but of all the
things back and forth, the one thing that's upset him
the most is the fact that his brother got this title.
That he really wanted. It just goes to show you,
even at the very top of the game, we're talking

kings and queens, people can get jealous.

Speaker 3 (03:59):
So I was thinking about this over the weekend too.
So if you pick a side, like you said, you
just you you weren't picking a side, but let's just
say if you were. Is he the equivalent of picking
like a Democrat versus a Republican? But in the UK,
like if you pick Harry's side, you know you're you're
one way, but if you pick the King side, you're
you're another way.

Speaker 1 (04:17):
Like is it like that over there?

Speaker 2 (04:19):
It's as dramatic as that. But I think the country
America is split fifty to fifty. So whichever side you
pick here, you can find your your tribe. You can
find your forty eight forty nine percent. In Britain if
you pick Team Harry, I think you're lucky if you
find ten percent. Like the majority, the overwhelming majority of

Brits are certainly on Team William, Team Charles's camp here.
So to be a Harry fan, to be a Harry
supporter in the UK is quite a lonely thing. Now,
making things even worse, there's a new report today out
of London. The King Charles offered Harry to stay at
a royal residence during his He was there for three days.

They've got spare room, they've got a spare house, They've
got lots of places he could stay. Harry decided instead
to stay in a hotel. Harry, this isn't helpful. Like
I get it. You're walking into the Luckons dead with
the family. Say stay with them, and you're not stuck
in a studio apartment like in New York City. You
don't have to bump over over each other running to

the one bathroom. The palace has a lot of bathrooms.
You basically have your own wing. But didn't take up
the offer, stayed at a hotel. The Sunday Times are
saying that this could have actually helped, but he didn't
because he chose not to stay there. It feels to
me as if both sides, and we've seen this with friends,
we've all seen this, We dig in our heels and

as long as both sides are gonna not give an inch,
nothing will change.

Speaker 3 (05:52):
You know what, Let's break it down for everyone that
isn't on the royal spectrum. It's the equivalent of when
you were arguing with your parents and they're like dinner time,
I'm not eating, fine, you're not having any Then you
would lock yourself in the room and then they would
have dinner without you. You'd be like, hey, so I
can see Harry in a little bit going hey, so

does that invite still.

Speaker 1 (06:16):
Extend to me?

Speaker 2 (06:17):
I'm hungry. I'm hungry now. I didn't need And it's
also too who turns down a free room in London.
I'm going back to London in a couple of weeks
to see my parents and I will stay at my
parents house. I can't afford to get a hotel that
i'd like in London. Like, it's really really expensive now, Harry. No,
they're in new house. No, they're like six houses on now.

In fact, one of the reasons I'm going over is
they're moving houses again. They're moving close to my sister.
I'm gonna stay at their new bungalow. I'm looking forward
to it. But once again, if I had to go
for five days and pay a hotel b or three days,
oh my goodness, it gets expensive, which brings us to
our whole question of the day. Harry was in tears
after King Charles. His dad bestowed literally honor on his

brother William, not him, but on his brother William. Our
question's a little trieky, but you can get to it.
Naughty's we are grown ups here. Is this his own
fault for writing the book? If you talk to anybody
who knows the King, who knows William, They said, basically,
there's there's no way back after this book. After Harry
insulted Camilla, there's no way back. What do you think?

Is this his own fault? Go vote on our Twitter page.
It's you know, Go vote on our Twitter page, act
naughty nice rob our facebook page Naughty Gossip, and be
sure to check back tomorrow. And the reason that we're
asking whose fault it is is not to double down
on it, not to rub it in, But when you
know that you did something wrong, then it's easier to

fix it. So I don't think any of this can
be fixed until Harry talks about this book. This book
has rocked that family. They don't trust him, they don't
want him around anymore. They're angry with him. He's got
to talk about this book. Okay, moving gone, what's going
on with Bravo?

Speaker 1 (08:05):

Speaker 3 (08:05):
So Liam McSweeney's lawyers, they're kind of questioning Bravo's, you know,
investigation which cleared Andy Cohen just the other day. So
Liam McSweeney's legal team really is doubting everything that Bravo
has investigated into the allegations against Bravo and Andy Cohen,
suggesting that the probe kind of, you know, it didn't

feel right. You know, it felt like it was just
kind of a lopsided investigation leaning towards Andy Cohen's favor
pretty much, you know, Bravo even said Andy Colin's allegations,
including promoting drug use. McSweeney's lawyers raised concerns about how
legitimate this investigation was. It kind of was just like
a hey, did you do it? No, I didn't do it. Okay,

you're good to go. That's what they call William was.
They claimed they were never contacted by the investigator, and
questions how the investigation could be conducted without speaking to
the people that are are raised. Such questions, how do
you have an investigation without speaking to anyone? As they say,
as far as we know, no one has ever contacted
our firm. And of course, looking forward, McSweeney's lawyers said

that they intend to review all the interviews, the evidence,
the final reports from NBC Universal's investigation in the discovery phase.
And let's be honest, this is not like this is
going to the FBI. This is not like big time,
big time investigators. This is just a group of people

from NBC and Bravo that were quote unquote put on
this little committee to figure out, hey, did something wrong
go or so it kind of it isn't really at
the legal terms yet.

Speaker 1 (09:45):
It's more at a.

Speaker 3 (09:46):
Very introductory phase of this investigation, you know, so it'll
be interesting to see. I mean, Andy Cohen feels like
he has done nothing wrong, and we've heard that several times,
but Leah and her team have other things to say.

Speaker 2 (10:01):
You know, Yeah, these investigations are only legit if they
are legit, and this one does feel a little strange.
I hope Andy is vindicated if he did nothing wrong,
but at the same time, the only way they will
know that is if they interview people. What's the most
devastating part about this statement that Leah's lawyers have put

out is that Leah wasn't questioned and she's the one
that's bringing the allegation. So the first person I would call.
If I were the investigators would be Leah, and I'd.

Speaker 3 (10:34):
Want to say, if you're hired by NBC, you know,
like I'm going to talk to the good people.

Speaker 2 (10:40):
I just think that you can read a cherry pick.
You can investigate to anybody and get the result you want.
You really can. But that is something on an investigation.
So about it's getting to the truth here, And I
think that even though Bravo has said we investigated it,
don't look over here, everybody. It's all fine, move along
with your lives. We've done this. Lea's not going to

go away. And this is a lawsuit. And so during discovery,
Brava's gonna have to hand over this investigation, all the files,
all the interviews, and I'm gonna predict it's going to
be very thin. It's not going to be the most
exhausted investigation. And the reason I'm predicting that is they

didn't interview Leah. She's the one with the accusations. And
so Bravo, I get it. I know you want to
save Andy. I know Andy has enormous power over Bravo.
He's the face of Bravo. He certainly is the whole network.
They don't want anything bad happening there, but it's very
shortsighted because if something bad did happen, it always does

get out.

Speaker 3 (11:45):
But don't you feel like if something of magnitude did
happen and came from Andy Cohen, he kind of would
have put on some type of you know, leave or
kind of on a sabbatical or a long vacation. You know,
like none of that ever happened, you know, And it
it feels to me that, you know, some of these

housewives realize that their time does come to an end,
and they.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
Don't want it to come to an end.

Speaker 3 (12:12):
But unfortunately that's how reality TV show works sometimes, and
this is kind of like their their their their revenge
of sorts. You know, hey, you don't sign me to
the show. I'm coming back at you for the you know.
You know, I felt like I was in a toxic
work environment. You know, That's what it feels like to me.

Speaker 2 (12:27):
Yeah, yeah, but I think that happens in many jobs.
Like the amount of toxicity that we're willing to put
up with for a paycheck is shockingly high, and so
I find very few people wake up one day and say,
you know, this is just such a bad work environment.
I've got to leave, and I've got a sue. What
I find happens is they get fired or they get

pushed out, and then they tell the truth. So I
don't think this is just a housewife phenomenon. I think
it exists in many different in many different jobs. And
we've got to admit we've been around these housewives we've
seen in the show. It is not Mary Poppins like
this is a toxic show.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
Like it's a.

Speaker 2 (13:09):
Toxic I filmed a couple of episodes of these housewives.
I've been in the background a few times. It was
really not fun. It was a work environment that had
it existed in an office or a different place of work,
a more traditional place of work, somebody would have been
pulled into hr like you can't flip tables when you
work at my company or your company. You can't spit

on other people. I can't pull your wig off, Garrett.
You'd have beautiful hair, but please I would not touch it.
But you can't do that. And Andy was the ring
master of this, and I think his own words are
going to be used against him. I think they're going
to go through hours and hours of footage things that
he said, he's very cheeky. I think he's adorable. But

there's stuff here. There's more stuff here that meets the eye. Okay,
moving along. I thought this is rather sweet, although it
might be a little, a little too little, a little
too late. So Tom Brady is praising Gizelle and Bridget
Moore in a hand on Mother's Day. So he took
to Instagram to praise his own mummy. Very sweet, but
he went the extra step to also praise his ex

partners Gazelle and Bridget. The problem is with this is
it comes just days after really biting jokes about both
of them and his net Flick's roast. You can't have
it both ways. You can respect and cherish the people
you share children with, or you can make fun of

them on national TV. You can't do both. And it's
interesting in life when somebody does me wrong, then they
do something extraordinary nice, but that doesn't make the wrong
go away.

Speaker 3 (14:49):
This is a Brady move though, This is like that.
This is his whole career of where he'll do something
that you know, skirts the line of I don't know,
and then all of a sudden, you know that smile
that those pearly whites come out and everybody, most people
you know, fall into like the gaze of.

Speaker 2 (15:09):
Such a good God.

Speaker 3 (15:11):
I know what I learned though, over the weekend. We've
been saying Gizelle's name wrong. She talks about this, how
do we say Itselle?

Speaker 2 (15:18):
Giselle? Oh, I like it.

Speaker 3 (15:21):
And when she came to America and went on auditions,
typical Americans just called her Gizelle, so.

Speaker 1 (15:30):
She would be like, no, I like it, Giselle.

Speaker 2 (15:36):
We've been saying Rob wrong too. Moving forward is pronounced God. No, no,
it's still Rob. Okay, we're gonna take a quick break. Okay,
we're going to take a quick break and we will
be right back. Welcome back to the Naughty. But she's
thirty friends, Garrett fell, Hey, Garrett, let's get to the polls.

That last year we talked about King Charles's really really shady.
King Charles ordered all the working members of the royal
family to attend to his party, not Harris. They both
had competing events on the same day in London, and
he basically he sirtled the wagons and said no, no, no,
you have to come to mind. Our question was should

the family have been allowed to make their own decision. Now,
I would argue ninety nine point nine percent of the
family would have gone to Charles. They don't want to
upset Charles. He's the boss of the company. Think of
who you work for. Think of the boss. Are you
going to get to the bosses party or are you
going to get to the interns party. You're going to
get to the bosses party. So King Charles was going
to get the people here. But our question was, should

they at least have been able to pretend to make
their own decision. Let's have a look. Seventy percent said yes,
Charles should have said you pick, you pick. They would
have come to Charles.

Speaker 3 (16:48):
But you why are they measuring who has the bigger sword?
You know what, who has the bigger sword in this family?

Speaker 2 (16:55):
That would be the king. Okay, don't forget to vote,
or maybe Camilla, don't forget to vote on today's Paul
goet our Twitter page at Naughty Nice rob at facebook
page is Naughty your sip and be sure to check
back tomorrow to hear your results. Hey, Garrett Love, Let's
diem a favorite part of the shallow and nicest of
the diet.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
I've seen her all over New York over the last
few days.

Speaker 3 (17:19):
But Oprah is apologizing for you know, making diet culture,
you know, a thing and setting unrealistic standards for people.
And she said she publicly confessed to her role in
making this toxic diet culture a thing. And she revealed
that during a weight Watcher's Live special that she admitted

to promoting and unrealistic standards of weight loss for decades.
I mean even down to her talk show. You know,
she she would roll out, you know, the fat in
a wheelbarrow. Remember that, Oprah con She even confronted her
past involvement with weight loss with a weight loss industry
head on, acknowledging that she was complicit in fostering a

culture obsessed with unattainable body ideals. I want to acknowledge
that I've been a steadfast participant in the diet culture.
She confess to, highlighting her influence through various media platforms,
including her shows and magazines over the span of twenty
five years.

Speaker 2 (18:17):

Speaker 3 (18:17):
So, I mean, I guess the I'm sorry is is
It's always good to hear I'm sorry, But twenty five years.
I mean, at at one point and be like, okay,
that's that's way too long, of just.

Speaker 2 (18:29):
It's way too long. Yeah, it's way too long. I
think that's why Oprah is now saying sorry. Sorry is powerful,
it's where you start.

Speaker 1 (18:35):
She's going to do a.

Speaker 2 (18:35):
Lot more to make this right. Okay, And now I
noticed the day naughty, naughty, naughty Megan McKay and said
that she will never ever return to the View, which
seems like a thing that she might say. However, she's
not being asked.

Speaker 1 (18:50):
So I don't want me too. You know what, I've
never returning to the View.

Speaker 2 (18:54):
Yeah, I'm never going to return to the moon, Garrett.
I'm not going to be an astronaut anymore. They never
asked me. Then, I want you back. It didn't work out.
Now you've made a living of trashing these ladies. In fact,
they wish not only would you not return, but that
you would shut up at some point in your life.
It's time to move on the.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
United States.

Speaker 3 (19:15):
Do it.

Speaker 2 (19:17):
Let's end with a moment of rob You get a Robbie,
a rob but really short one. Today. Make kindness the norm,
make it your go to place to be, make it automatic.
Don't try to be kind, make sure you are kind.
I try it so hard to make it my norm.
I want it to be my default setting. When something

goes wrong, instead of getting nasty, instead of getting angry,
I get a kindness. And I've actually it's actually worked, Garrett.
It took me a long time to figure this out,
but I've trained myself. It's a habit. It's a habit,
a good habit. Hey, that's it for today. Thank you
so much for listening to the Naughty but Nice with
Robin Garrett Show, a product of iHeartRadio. Don't forget to

subscribe on the iHeartRadio app or Apple podcast or wherever
you listen. Leave us a review if you can, and
remember all together now, if you're going to be naughty,
you gotta be nice. Take care of it.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
It's not even nice with Bro
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