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When Prince William failed to bow to the newly crowned Queen Camilla during the Coronation, it was an example of him subconsciously siding with his late mother, Princess Diana. Jennifer Garner spent part of her Memorial Day Weekend at Disneyland along with her and ex Ben Affleck’s youngest daughter, Seraphina, and Jennifer Lopez’s child Emme. While the world collectively felt the loss of Tina it’s easy to forget those who will feel her loss more personally - including her widower, Erwin Bach.

Rob’s best pal Delaina Dixon from DivaGalsDaily's joins him today. Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:09):
Advice for sure.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Welcome to the Ignorament, Nasha. I'm your host Rob Shooter,
and it is Tuesday, which means our dear friend Elena Dixon,
and Jan says, hey, misster, are you there?

Speaker 1 (00:24):
I am?

Speaker 3 (00:25):
Happy post Memorial Day?

Speaker 2 (00:27):
Happy post Memorial Day. We talked about this a little
bit yesterday on the show. I wasn't sure what to
say Happy Memorial Day because we're we're really observing remembering
something that's kind of hard, and so I think we
decided we were going to say thank you for your
service or what do you say? Mister? Do you say

happy Memorial Day?

Speaker 4 (00:50):
I mean I do, because we do want to kind
of celebrate the people who gave their lives for our country.
But I definitely think that thank you for your service,
and anyone who is in uniform right now or has
been in uniform again, we appreciate you so much everything
that you've done for this country, and we do thank you.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
Yeah, it's a really good thing, I think to have
a day to think about it. Obviously you don't spend
the whole day thinking about it, but I definitely thought
about it for more than a minute or two yesterday,
and it really did give me an amazing sense of
how lucky I am to live in such an amazing,
amazing country. We fight in America. We're not a political podcast,
but I know we have disagreements, but I do think

when we look around the world that some of the
horrors that are going on, we're really lucky to be Americans.
Even with the silly accent. I'm an American, I.

Speaker 4 (01:43):
Am you are you are, and I know you worked
very hard to become an American. Anyhow, I was born
in this country, so automatically I became an American. But
I also understand how hard my people suffered and fought
for this country. So yeah, you do have to take
them more. Think of the Buffalo Soldiers, thank you, or

the Harlem Hell Fighters. If you don't know them, go Google,
and you know, just get a little education about the
people who did wonderful things for this country.

Speaker 2 (02:11):
A men. Okay, let's jump into the show. What time
is it, my friends, it else it's the top of
the show. Prince William has decided to break royal protocol
and he's not going to bow to Queen Camilla. So
when William failed to bow to the newly crowned Queen
during the coronation. It was an example of Prince William
following his gut instincts and siding subconsciously with his late mother.

An expert tells The Mirror the experts called Judy James,
and she says that William may have found it unnatural
to bow to his stepmother, who had an extramarital affair
with his father, King Charles throughout the majority of his
marriage to Diana. The Mirror points out that William was

not alone in this, and that the majority of the
royal family did not bowel curtsy to Camilla. They only
bowed to the king. Now, just to remind everybody here,
royal protocol states that royals have a lower rank must
bowel curtsy to those in higher ranks. So William and

basically all the other members of the family should have
bowed or curtsied to the new queen. What do you think?

Speaker 4 (03:32):
Oh, okay, So maybe I am not going to take
the most popular opinion here, but let's take a moment.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
It takes two.

Speaker 4 (03:40):
People to have an affair, So you're bowing to the
new king, and rightfully so. But he was also involved
in those extracurricular marital activities, so I understand that it
was your mom. You feel she was durst, but your
father did the same thing to her, So it's kind

of like, if you're gonna bow to him, you might
as well bow to her. And hey, guys, I don't
care what you say. She was fast, she was first.
If if the monarchy had allowed King Charles to marry
the woman he loved first, this would have never.

Speaker 1 (04:22):
Been a person.

Speaker 3 (04:24):
I know it's not gonna be popular, but I'm ready
for the ship.

Speaker 2 (04:26):
Yeah, that's a really good point. If you're gonna bad
to your dad, why are you not bowing to the
lady he had an affair with. Because it takes two
to tango, So if it's about the extramarital affair, you
wouldn't bow to eat that. You're picking and choosing, aren't
you here? So I think, Elena, that's an excellent and
excellent point. Hey, people have been asking me to what
will actually happen to Queen Camilla if Charles dies, and

it's something that's gonna happen, but people are wondering what
actually happens to her. So despite the fact that we've
titled her Queen Camilla, she still is technically Queen consort Camilla.
A label of consort is used to denote that, despite
being married to the king, she does not share the
same sovereign to you. So essentially it's a reminder that

her her place is not thereby blood or birthright, it's
by marriage. So if anything happens to King Charles, she
will not become the queen William becoming king.

Speaker 3 (05:28):
Yes, and here's my question.

Speaker 4 (05:30):
Okay, so that's kind of like your step mommy in law. Now,
when he becomes king, if she's still alive, is he
gonna be like, you got to pack up your stuff
and get out of the palace.

Speaker 1 (05:39):
Basically, yes, he will, but they'll do it, oh no, dignified,
polite manner, like we're not going to see a truck
outside with her stuff being loaded into. But basically, yes,
she will be assigned a new palace. They have a
lot of spare houses. Mysty it's not like you or me,
we'd be like, where are we going to live? They

have a lot of spare I'd be on your couch.
They have a lot of spare homes.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
So she will move out and William will move into
the Pallas as the new king, which brings us to
our pole question of the day. Prince William broke royal
protocol and he will not bow to Queen Camilla. Is
this the right move or the wrong move? You know what,
Miss d thinks. I want to know what you think.
Go to a tricter page. Our Facebook page is Naughty

Gossip and be sure to check back tomorrow to hear
your results. And miss what are you working on there?

Speaker 4 (06:38):
Well, it's about Taylor Swift, who I know you got
to see in concert. That must have been amazing. Anyway,
Kelly English hopped on her friend's TikTok to explain what
happened at a Taylor Swift concert between Swift and a
security guard, saying, I was the girl Taylor spoke with
last night. So basically the guard had been harassing our

group all night just to like. He kept telling us
not to touch the rail and like anything we did anything,
he was on top of us. We were just dancing
and having fun and he didn't like it. So she
went on to say, and Taylor noticed that I was
having fun and that he didn't like it, and she
didn't like that he didn't like it, and then he

basically got escorted out. That was his job and then
they officed us free tickets for tonight for the next show,
and this girl, Kelly added, this just wasn't a big
crazy thing. It was just a bunch of girls having
a good time, and he didn't want us to have
any fun. I mean, I have not been to a
Taylor Swift concert. I did meet her when she was

starting her career. I wish I had gotten her number.
We could be BFFs now. But Rob, as a person
who's been there, tell us, what is it like.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
It's amazing, mister, it is amazing. I don't want to
say I dragged my feet, but it wasn't my thing.
I'm a Madonna type guy. I'm the age that grew
up listening to Madonna and so Taylor Swift. I knew
some of her songs, obviously you can't not, but I
wasn't the biggest, biggest fan. And when I found out
it was not in the city. You know how I
feel about leaving Chelsea let alone. I was like, Oh,

do I really want to go all the way to
Jersey and am we're going to get there? And can
I get an uber and blah blah blah. I'm so
glad I went. It was it was a revelation, mystic.
She's phenomenal for I think people forget that about her too.
She sings, she writes her own songs. My favorite part

of the show was when she was just playing piano.
It was acoustic, it was her and a piano. Then
she played guitar and it was all stripped down and
this massive stage had just this one person on it.
It was absolutely amazing. If you do get a chance
to go, Trustia friend Rob, but go go go, it
is amazing. Okay, Moving along, Kim Kardashian gives the same

gift to all of her children every birthday. Kim is
a bit what does she get the kids, Let me
tell you. She writes them a letter, a four or
five page letter on their birthdays. And she said, it's
fun to see them grow as the years go by.
They collect these letters, and she explained that the letter
basically is a recap of the year and includes who

their friends are, silly things they've said, their favorite foods,
all the stuff they've done together, really what that whole
year was about. And so she started giving out the
letters and at first you could imagine the kids were
not that excited about getting a letter. But she said,
as they've grown up, they've really grown to appreciate these letters.
And now they go back as a family and they

read the letters and they laugh and they It triggers memories,
doesn't it. And maybe that is the ultimate gift, wonderful memories.

Speaker 3 (09:50):
Oh well, that's very sweet.

Speaker 4 (09:52):
And we have to remember that she comes from a
billionaire family, so a letter seems quaint. But the rest
of us we need gifts, We need something we can
and open. But I totally understand. I mean, they can
have anything. They have the most incredible experiences in life
just because of their last name. So this is just
something that is just heartfelt and sentimental that they can

enjoy together. And you know what I think about letters
that I've gotten in the past or things. You hold
on to those things. You know, you pick up something
and it has a memory attached to it. So how
wonderful will be when they're like eighteen or twenty eight
or eighty to go back and see these letters that
Mommy wrote to them and relived their lives.

Speaker 2 (10:35):
Get an email, the emails, but they're not the same thing.
And I've sent very few letters. No next, I email
all the time or I text people. But it's really special,
isn't it to get a letter? I love this idea. Okay,
moving along talking about families that I love Jennifer Garner,
and I have to say that very carefully. Mistake because
I've been calling her Jennifer Goder like a gardener, like

in the garden with green thumbs. The naughties have corrected me,
so thank you for that, Noughties. Jennifer Gardner takes her
daughter and Jennifer Lopez children to Disneyland. Jennifer Gardner spent
part of Memorial Day weekend at Disneyland along with her
ex Ben Affleck's youngest daughter, Serafina, and Jennifer Lopez's child Emmy.

So the trio was spotted enjoying several rides together and
at one point, the actress even took photographs of the
whole group. So the mom of three shares Violet, Sarafina
and Samuel with Ben, who is now married to Lopez.
But they are really working hard at blending their families,

a very difficult thing to do. And now, remember when
Jalo and Ben got together, we were really rushing them
to get married, and sources tell me even though it
was quite quick They took their time because before they
tied the knot, they wanted to pull the kids in.
They wanted to make sure that the kids were part
of this in Tire family. Obviously it's very important to them.

So we knew Jennifer was doing this. Now we know
too that Jennifer Gonea is doing it too, And I
think this is the way to go if you're going
to go to Disneyland with your kids. She brought j
Loo's kids along with her. Just lovely.

Speaker 3 (12:20):
I love that.

Speaker 4 (12:21):
And you know what, Actually, I'm ready for the TV
show Two Smart Jennifers, because these are very intelligent ladies.
Even though they're celebrities, they understand a couple things. One,
you try to keep your life as normal as possible
for your children, and that means co parenting, having this
situation where everybody just gets along, so the children know

that love is first, even if you're not married anymore.
And two, hey, these are both smart celebrities. They understand
that it looks very good in pr that they're one big, happy,
blended family and that the kids come first. So I'm
ready for you know what, it could be a streaming
show too. Smart Jennifer and I'll be watching.

Speaker 2 (13:04):
I like it. I really do. Now. I think Jennifer
Gara you can see her really working hard at this.
Jlo's image is not this. Jlo's image is a really
powerful sort of solow figure standing there. So to see
this side of Jalo and these two gens together working

very hard to make this work makes me like both
of them even more. At the end of the day,
here we have to remember it's about the kids. Now.
You might not like Jlo, I get it. You might
not like Ben Affleck, but you can't say they're not
great parents. Like the priority mystery has been being amazing parents. Okay,

one more quick story before we get to break. Tina
Turner's widower is reportedly planning a sweet tribute for fans,
which everybody is dubbing simply the best. So we've heard
a lot about the legendary Tina Turner, as we should,
but what we've not heard a lot about is her widower,
Irwin Buck. These two were together since nineteen eighty five.

When they first met, he was a record executive, and
she said he was really good looking, and her heart
was beating, her hands were shaken, and then she met
him and oh my God, and they fell in love.
They lived together in Switzerland in a seventy one million
dollar home. Now a Swiss newspaper is reporting that he
is thinking of turning it into some sort of tribute

museum place where memorabilia can be revealed and if people
want to go there and pay respects to Tina, almost
like a graceland, that this might be an option. I
love this idea. What do you think?

Speaker 4 (14:45):
Oh, I think it's wonderful. And for people who don't know,
he was sixteen years younger to her. So hey, Tina,
and you know what, if you go and watch her
documentary on Max and you just hear about her situation
with Aike, she does to just be love and adore
and that is what this man did for so much

of her life past eight So I'm just so happy
for that. And hey, I think we're gonna have the
book tickets if this happens, because we are going we'll
have to sit in the back of the plane, but
we will get there.

Speaker 2 (15:16):
We'll get there Towea. Okay, We're gonna take a quick
break and we will be right back. Welcome back to
the Naughty but Night Show. I'm I'm sure there with
her friend Miss Henley. Let's get to the polls DA
DA DA last show, we talked about thank You on
Harry and Meghan could possibly return to the UK one day.
An experts said they might return, not now, but eventually
they might return. Though it's always going to be home

for him. He's always going to have family there, and
as you get older and your parents get older and
your family get older, it does pull out your heartstrings.
I can totally confirm that when I was in my
twenties and thirties, I did not miss Britain very much.
I was dancing and enjoying my life here. But as
I've got older and my parents have got older, I
have thought more about home. So Harry could return to Britain.

Do you think he will ever return? Was that question?
Let's have a look. Seventy five percent said yes, one
day thing you can see Harry returning to Britain. Don't
forget to vote on today's pole. Go to our Twitter
page at Naughty Nice ram at Facebook pages. No there, y'all,
zip and be sure to check back tomorrow to hear

your results. And now it's time for our nice Nicest
of the jh.

Speaker 4 (16:28):
Well, our nicest of the Day is Martha Stewart and
Sports Illustrated because she is the swimsuit cover girl at
eighty one years young. So she went on the Today
Show and she unveiled her cover, the twenty twenty three cover.
Now the lifestyle Guru is the oldest ever cover star model.

She's wearing a plunging one piece. Her hair and makeup
is slayed to perfection. So I like that picture, she
said in the Today clip, And she was kind of
admitting that she was caught as short of shacking when
she was doing it. Of her experience, she said it
was a bit odd to be photographed and swimwear in
front of all these people, but it.

Speaker 3 (17:11):
Turned out okay.

Speaker 2 (17:13):
She di, did you let miss Stewart, She's just a
finn fantastic fa nicest of the day now and naught
he's the day naughty, naughty, naughty. Matt Haley is seemingly
referencing Taylor Swift's moroman's rumors. So Matt Haley is Taylor's
new boyfriend. Let's just put it out there.

Speaker 1 (17:28):
And he appeared.

Speaker 2 (17:29):
He did a show over the week end and he
specifically said he was not a dressing speculation of his
love life. He said, is it all a bit? Is
it sincere? Will he ever address it? He asked these questions,
and he said all of these questions and more will
be ignored for the next hours. So he knows his
audience are there not only to hear his music, but

also we wanna hear about Taylor Swift. And right at
the top of the show he made it clear he
was not gonna talk about it. This is very very naughty,
my friend. You know, we want to hear all the
juicy details that naughty is the day. Hey, before we go,
let's have a moment, rub Rub. I was walking yesterday
and I saw this beautiful young girl skipping along next

to me with a bag, and on the bag it
said the following, and it really made me think. It
said quote, I don't sing in the shower. I perform.
And I thought that and life perform. Don't do it
fifty percent. Live your life every day to the to

the max. Figure out what your passions are and don't
hold back. I wish the way that I sang when
I'm alone in the apartment or in a car, or
in the shower is how I could be every day.
I wish I could be that uninhibited. I wish I
could be that free all the time. And after reading

that on that tote bag, I took it as a
sign to remind myself you can be the only person
holding you back? Is you? Oh?

Speaker 3 (19:09):
I love that? Yes that you know what?

Speaker 4 (19:13):
That is my mantra for today. I don't even have
anything else to say. I am going to perform. So
if you're in New York City and you see a
little black girl skipping down the street, it's probably me.

Speaker 1 (19:26):
You're here.

Speaker 2 (19:26):
You see you can sing too, mister. Okay, that is
it for today. Thank you so much for listening to
the Naughty but Nice with Rob and mist Show, a
production of iHeartRadio. Don't forget to subscribe on the arheart
Radio Apple podcasts wherever you listen, leave us a review
if you can, and remember all together now, if you're
going to everybody's hit, it's not even nice with Ro
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