All Episodes

May 14, 2024 20 mins

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's daughter, Suri Cruise, is carving her own path in the world of theater, defiantly asserting her independence and distancing herself from her famous father's shadow. In a raw and revealing confession, Chris Pine has bared his soul about a painful chapter in his life that nearly derailed his dreams of stardom. The Real Housewives of New Jersey is stepping into the spotlight once again to set the record straight amid swirling controversies surrounding her husband, Luis "Louie" Ruelas.

Rob’s best pal Delaina Dixon from DivaGalsDaily's joins him today. Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Advice for sure. It's nice. Hello and lo and hello,
Welcome to the Naughty but Nice Show. I'm your host,
Orb Shooter, and it is Tuesday, which means our dear
friend de Lenna Dixon joins us. Hey, miss Dea, you there?

Speaker 2 (00:26):

Speaker 1 (00:26):
I sure am?

Speaker 2 (00:27):
I sure am?

Speaker 1 (00:28):

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Lovely Tuesday. How is life treating you? Are you getting
your call?

Speaker 1 (00:34):
Pretty great? I have this ah this summer cold. So
I've been sneezing for a couple of days. I feel okay.
I'm not six six sick. It's just annoying, you know,
when you're achy and sweaty and just like so, I'm
staying home, drinking lots of water. But don't worry. In
two days I shall be marvelous again. Let's jump into
ash show. What time is it, my friends? It is?

It's tea time. Big story. At the top of the show,
Suri Cruiz looks like she's changed her name, shunning her dad,
Tom Cruise. So Suri Cruz is the daughter of Katie
Holmes and Tom Cruise, and she's carving down a new
path in the world, a theater and she's going by
a different name. So she's been doing theater and now

she's lending her talents to a musical comedy, Head over Heels.
It played Broadway for a short period of time. It's
based on the Go Go songs. She's going to showcase
her talents on the stage under the name Suri Noella,
so it's not Suri Homes. She hasn't taken on her

mom's name. Now, some people are saying, mister, she's doing
this so that she can blend in a little bit
of it, said Suri Cruse, We'll all know who she was. However,
she's arguably one of the most recognizable young people in
the world. We've known her really almost from the day
she was born. So she could go up under the

named Tim bucktoo, and we would recognize her like it's
Suri Cruse. Everybody in the company knows, everybody in the
audience knows. And so is this a snub to her dad, who,
let's point out, has certainly snubbed her.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
Well, I'm sure some of that went into it, But look,
she's a young woman. She's coming into her own at eighteen,
and that's when you explore your independence. There are a
lot of young kids who take on a different name
because they don't want to rely on their parents' fame
or fortunate Ian. I'm not just talking about celebrities. You
could be the cool kid at school whose parents kind

of own the town. So maybe you want to try
something different. But yes, I'm sure the fact that she's
going by Suriy NoREL didn't escape her or her mom
that people would think that she's changing her name from
Cruise because of her dad.

Speaker 1 (02:49):
He's not been great to her. We know this, We've
covered it on the show. He allegedly has not seen
her in years since the divorce. Scientologists have this very
street policy that they're not allowed to associate with people
who could potentially be harmful to the religion, and we
know Katie Holmes, as a former scientologist, falls in this category,

at least to scientologists. So it's a different name. Also,
let's remember, too, when a lot of people start out
in show business, they change their names. I worked for
Alicia Keys for years. Her last name ain't Keys, and
did his name certainly wasn't did he j Loo is
Jennifer Lopez. That is true, but lots of celebrities do

change their name. So I think we should let her
be creative here. If she's trying to run away from
her history though impossible. It's like, if you're Madonna's daughter,
you don't have to call yourself Madonna. Madonna's son is
an artist and he does not use his family name.
In fact, he doesn't even use his first name when
he's promoting his art. But we all know his Madonna's son,

and so Suri, if you're listening Gallabaloolo, make peace with it.
You are who you are. It is a great privilege,
but it's also too a big, big burden. I think
a lot of people are going to think Suizana getting
these jobs because she's got famous mom and dad, and
so I really hope and pray that she can stand
on her own talent, that she can carve out her

own path. But it's very difficult when your dad is
arguably the biggest movie star in the world.

Speaker 2 (04:26):
That is the case. But she can call some other
famous girls like Dakota or Brain or any of those
people who have famous fathers and find how they did
it on their own. In the end, you still have
to have talent. You still have to show up when
the director says cut or starts. So as long as

she proves that she can do the job, then she
deserves her chance.

Speaker 1 (04:50):
I'm looking forward to I think this would be great,
and you and I we love theatre, Misty and the
fact she's doing local theater, she's learning her craft on
a lin local level is really inspiring. She's famous enough
that she could go into Chicago the Musical. They have
lots of stunt casting in that show. They've had Wendy
Williams in the show. They've had Lisa Renner in the show,

so you know they love a celebrity in Chicago. You
don't have to be the best singer or dancer. Dare
I say to do Chicago as long as you sell
tickets and Suri Cruise in Chicago on Broadway, people would
definitely turn up to see that. But Sui's not doing that.
She's decided to go the local community route to learn
her craft, hopefully as far away from the spotlight as possible,

which obviously is difficult because she's so famous. But I
think that this is a really good strategy, and we
are wishing you our best, which brings us to our
whole question of the day. Siri Cruise has changed her
name in an upcoming local theater company production. She's no
longer using the name Siri Cruz. Our question is do

you think she's shunning her dad, Tom Cruise? What do
you think? Is this a stage name or is this
something to shun her father? Go vote on our Twitter
page at Naughty and Ice rob our facebook pages Naughty
Goshim and be sure to check back tomorrow to hear
your results. Hey, miss d let are you licking on that?

Speaker 2 (06:17):
Well? The very handsome and talented Chris Pine of the
Star Trek series is bearing a very painful part of
his soul and his past that almost derailed his career. Now,
if you can believe this, he pulled back the curtain
on a moment that's still handsome to this day. Now,
he failed an audition to play the role of Ryan

Atwood on that beloved teen show, Remember the.

Speaker 1 (06:43):
OC Remember that show.

Speaker 2 (06:45):
Everybody loved it, everybody was gorgeous, And one of the
reasons he did not get the role is because he
was suffering from really bad acne and he was told
that basically cost him the part. Now, he's been reflecting
on this emotional of facing rejection due to his skin struggles,
both as a teenager and later as a young adult,

and he said it was one of the most painful,
traumatic points of my life. And his voice was, actually,
you could feel the pain, but it's also a story
of pain and resilience. Resilience, and it's his story to tell. Now,
as somebody who deals with an issue. I deal with
hair loss, I know how painful it can be. It

seems like, ah, just get over it. But it is
hard when you're dealing with something like that, and so
I really appreciate it he's talking about it. Especially for
young children or young adults who are going through acne.
It's very hard to bear that part of your lisse.

Speaker 1 (07:42):
It is it is, and particularly when you're so young,
you just don't have those tools. When I was younger,
I had acne too. It wasn't as bad as Chrisius,
but I definitely felt my face was covered in pimples,
and I was just too young and not experienced enough
to be able to deal with it. Now I would
be much better. Isn't it ironic? Off and things happen
when you were least experienced, the least prepared to deal

with them, But it does. It does make you stronger.
It just goes to show you some of the people
who we consider to be the most beautiful people in
the world. They have their issues. We all have issues.
I've worked for some superstars, people that you wouldn't ever
dreamed had insecurities. They all do that nasty little voice

in our head telling us we're not good enough, we're
not pretty enough, we're not thin enough, we're not smart enough.
Everybody has it, and the people who succeed are the
ones that learn to turn down the volume. Chris, this
is an inspiration. Good for you. I've met him, mister.
Oh good looking man.

Speaker 2 (08:44):
Oh, I'm sure he is.

Speaker 1 (08:45):
You know.

Speaker 2 (08:46):
And next time you're hanging out with her Mark, can
you give miss Dia car she'd like to see in
real life?

Speaker 1 (08:53):
Absolutely? Okay, Moving along, Teresa Judici from the Real Housewives
of New Jersey is striking back ad cans about her husband.
So the Real Housewife is stepping into the spotlight to
set the record straight around a new controversy over her husband, Louis.
So Louis has been pretty controversial. Some people say he's

using her, he wants her fame, he wants her money,
she said. The reason they're all attacking him is not
because he's my weakest link. No, he's my rock. The
reason they're attacking kim Is. They have nothing on me,
and they're trying to hurt the person that's closest to me,
which is my husband. Now, Teresa is not normally known

as being the most deep, the most thoughtful person in
the world. This is really deep. This is really really smart.
I know this happens. If you want to hurt me,
go after my husband Bruce. That will hurt me more.
If you want to hurt Miss d go after a
family member. I'm actually pretty good at taking criticism, at
taking not even criticism, just nasty comments. I don't care

that much. My skin's are really thick. But if you
want to hurt me to somebody I love, And that's
what Teresa says is going on here, I buy it.
I buy it, mistery, I absolutely buy it too.

Speaker 2 (10:07):
But what's very interesting by her putting it out there,
she's kind of cleaning it back. She's like, look, I
know what you're doing and it's not gonna work. So
for the people with the trolls who keep doing it's
kind of like, really, guys, she already knows what you're doing.
Fun fact, her husband actually went to Tappanzee High School,
which is in the county where I grew up, so

you're very close to it. So it's a cute, little
fun fact for everybody. But yeah, and it's just kind
of a low blow. I've said this, when people go
after people's children or their family members, it just seems
like it's kind of lazy and it's kind of me. Now,
of course the facts come out that proof what you
are saying, we'll have to take a different stance, but

for now, stand up for your man. Girl. Ain't nothing
wrong with.

Speaker 1 (10:52):
It, absolutely, okay, Misty. Moving along, Nikki Glazer, who's a
very controversial comedian. I find her very funny, but she
really is edgy. She goes right up to the line.
She was part of the Tom Brady roast and she
was the one that made several jokes about Giselle. Now
she's responding to it.

Speaker 2 (11:11):
What she got to say, Well, you know, Gizelle didn't
really like no joke's being made about her. So NICKI
had an answer for her, and she said she wanted
to give her perspective on the matter. She said, and
I quote, I mean I would be disappointed in me
if I were Gizelle as well.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
Read into that.

Speaker 2 (11:32):
I mean, so NICKI is definitely not letting go, and
she's basically how she defended herself. She said that part
of Tom Brady's story are the women from his past,
and she waited until kind of the end to make
a comment about his ex wife. But again, you know, people,
we have thick skin. We have to in this business.

We would like to think Gizelle does too. But nobody
wants to hear, you know, things said about themselves about
a relationship that didn't work out. So yeah, I can
understand it. But in the same token, she should have
just been like, ha ha, Nikki, not that funny and
close the door.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
Yeah, Nicky's in a tricky position here. I know her
a little bit and she's actually rather nice, which is
why her potty mouth is really really funny, because it's
just not something that you would you would think about
her if you knew her when you're doing a roast, though,
when you signed up to do a roast, the job
is to make fun of people. I wish she'd make
more fun of Tom instead of going after Gizelle. She

never named her. Though she never ever said her name Gazelle,
she always referred to her as the ex wife, but
does that make any difference, Probably not in splitting hairs. Here.
My rule is, and we have this rule on the show,
and I live by this in my life. If I
wouldn't say it to your face, I'm not gonna say
it behind your back. Now. The bad side about that,

everybody listening is I probably would say it to your face.
I'm quite bold do I would say something quite quite naughty.
But I think that's a really good yardstick to judge
your life, if you wouldn't say it to someone's face.
If you're on social media and you want to fire
off a tweet, if you want to be a little
bit mean, I say to myself, if I wouldn't say

this to your face, then I'm not saying it online
or in a roast. Okay, quickly, before we get a break,
will be. Goldberg has opened up about being fundamentally selfish
when it comes to marriage and hookups. So, the award
winning co host of The View has a new book
out and she said, quote, I am fundamentally a very

selfish person. I found that because I have wonderful kids
and a son in law and three grandkids and one
great grandkid or wood that I don't have a lot
of time for other people coming into my life, she
went on to say. And this is so naughty, she said,
A hit and run that means somebody she needs for

a little bit of fun is great. I don't mind those,
But you can't spend the night. So if woodpeefind you
Pickture up in a club, a bar, or wherever, make
sure you got your taxi fare home because you're not
spending the night at Castle Goldberg.

Speaker 2 (14:15):
I mean, I think The Golden Bachelor taught us about this.
When you get to a certain age in life, for
a certain place, you kind of set in your ways
and it's really hard to imagine somebody else coming in
and disrupting that. That's not to say that she couldn't
fall in love. They could live in separate houses and
be together, so there are ways around that. But I
do believe you know, as you get some years in

your life, you want things a certain way and it's
kind of hard to disrupt that. And I think that's
the point that she's making. And whether or not it's
selfish or not, actually it would be more selfish if
she brought someone into her life. Then she wasn't genuine
about that. That the true, selfish, tell the truth.

Speaker 1 (14:55):
When I was at university, my friend Damien, who I
lived with for a while, Damien made it very clear
to every cute guy he met in a bar, we're
gonna have fun for a few hours and then go.
And I was always so shocked that he was so
brutally honest, but actually it was kinder. He was being truthful,
and so the truth never hurts anyone. Okay, we're gonna

take a quick break and we'll be right back. Welcome
back to the Naughtimate Night Show. I'm not shoot, took
out dear for Misty. Hey, let's get to the polls,
DA DA DA last show, we talked about Prince Harry
being in tears in tears after King Charles bestowed and
military honor on his brother Prince William. A question was
quite a tough one. Is it Harry's own fault after

writing that book? He wrote a tell all book and
he didn't hold back. He left the family, and so yes,
there's obviously perks that he's upset about, but he did
choose to leave, he did write a tell all book.
So is this his fault? Has he only got himself
to blame? Seventy percent said, yes, this is Harry's doing.

You know, if you storm out of a job, if
I quit this job, then I'm not going to be
talking to you every day. It's part of the reality
of life. If you leave your job, you're not going
to get the perks anymore. And so doing the book
leaving the family, Harry, don't get upset, move on. It
was your choice, Okay, don't forget to vote on today's pole.

Get our Twitter page at naughty Nice Rob or our
Facebook page which is naughty Golsimba. I'm sure to jake
back tomorrow to hear your results. And now it's time
for and nicest of the day.

Speaker 2 (16:37):
Well, our nicest of the day is Taylor Swift because
she puts on a great cancert and more importantly, she
got famous people in the audience. So she was doing
her era's tour. She was in Paris, Okay, so of
course how Boo was there? Travis Kelsey, he was in
the stands of the VIP section and he turned into
a dancing machine. He was getting down to this woman

he knows signed up blank space. He's like, not about me?
And guess who else we it was? Gigi hadid Oh
the model and Bradley Cooper. I mean I was looking
for his mom because he likes to take his mom.

Speaker 1 (17:15):
Please he to his mom.

Speaker 2 (17:17):
They were just having a good time.

Speaker 1 (17:19):
Fantastic, What a cool crack. They're getting really close, those
four they went on vacation together. I love this, I
love this, I love this and get this. I just
read the statistic. Today, more Americans are going to travel
to Paris to see Taylor Swift than see the Olympics.
The Paris Olympics is coming up soon, and Taylor is
more popular than that amazing guy that's is in the

day now. I noticed the day naughty, naughty King Charles
is battling to get his brother, the disgraced Prince Andrew,
out of the Royal Lodge. So it's fell into disrepair,
and Andrew won't pay for the upkeep, and now they
believe it's going to cost about five hundred pounds to
update to repair this large There is a nineteenth century

estate and it's owned by the monarch's estate, so Charles
doesn't really own it. The monarch owns it, and as
the monarch, you can give it to other people to
live in, but you can't sell it, so it belongs
to the state. Queen Elizabeth owned it, and she gave
it to her son, Prince Andrew. Well, now that Queen
Elizabeth's gone, King Charles owns it and he can give
it to who he wants to give it to. But

you might be living there and free, but you're still
gonna pay for the upkeep. And Andrew ain't paying for it.
And this is a messy, messy rich person situation. It
drives me mad when so many of my friends, sometimes
myself struggle with paying our bills. Misty all these people.
It drives me mad. Analgist of the day, Let's end
with the moment of Rob. You Rob. It really is

simple one today, mis dy, and you can have it.
Car out time every single day to have fun. If
I can find an hour a week to watch the Kardashians,
I can find ten minutes every day to have fun
on my schedule. Literally, on my work schedule. I have

all my meetings lined up, all the things I've got
to do, all the events I have to attend, and
I put ten minutes of fun. I write fun on
my schedule. It reminds me every day, whether it's playing
with Derby, going for a walk, just looking out the
window at this beautiful view. I have fun for ten
minutes every single day to do the same. Hey, that

is eatful today. Thank you so much for listening to
the Naughty but Nice with Robin Misti show, a production
of iHeartRadio. Don't forget to subscribe on the iHeartRadio app,
Apple podcast. Wherever you listen, leave us a review if
you can. They really do help and remember all together now,
if you're going to be noughdy be yes, un your

adorable pakid, are you but nice? Swids on the steak
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