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Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker has been criticized for its sexist and anti-LGBTQIA+ remarks, including references to teammate Travis Kelce's girlfriend, Taylor Swift. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle concluded their visit to Nigeria with more than just memories, as they departed the West African nation with a collection of gifts in tow. David Copperfield is vehemently refuting allegations of sexual misconduct following claims made by 16 women, asserting that law enforcement has already cleared his name.

Rob is joined by the charming Marc Lupo. Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:09):
Yee. It's Paulo and Loa Lo Welcome to the Naughty
but Nisha. I'm your host, Rom Shooter and it is Thursday,
which means our dear friend Mark Lupu joins us. Hey,
LUPI are you there?

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Luy Lewis?

Speaker 1 (00:23):
Hello? Did you miss us? Yesterday? We had a disaster.
So Donnie and I did a show and I think
it's the first time in the history of this show
and we've been on now for I think three four years,
that we couldn't post the episode. So we recorded a show.
It was delightful. Donnie was delicious. I was charming, and
I couldn't get it to post, so all day long

we had technical issues. So thank you everybody for reaching out.
It's so thrilling that you missed me, that you missed
us for twenty four hours. But we're back, and I
promise you We've got tons of gossip to get to.
What time is it, my friends? It is tee time.
I'm glad it wasn't your show, and Mark that we
had technical issues with your mother Doris or should be

on the phone, wouldn't she's screaming at me, screaming. She's
very upset.

Speaker 2 (01:13):
You Terry and and the other Nazis. They were a
very upset in their Facebook group. They were pressing, So.

Speaker 1 (01:20):
They're absolutely right. I'm gonna blame it on Arafat. Now
you won't know who he is, but he used to
be at intern and he was delicious. Now he's gone
on to become a huge technical wizard and he still listens. Arafat.
If you're listening Helabola alone, we still need you. Okay,
jumping into the show. This story is blowing up. So
one of Travis Kelsey's teammates, his name is Harrison Buckner,

is being slammed for sexist and anti gay comments he
gave during a conmencense speech. Gets worse. He also quoted
Taylor Swift, so the Kansas City Chief, and I'm learning
all this with you. Naughty. Sports is not my thing,
So I'm learning all this new language. So if I
get it rug, if it's a pitch and not a field,
or a field or not a pitch, if I say

baseball instead of basketball, let's just go with this one
because I'm really trying to learn it. Mok. So, this
gentleman called Harrison was given a commencement speech at a
college and he criticized women in particular for not wanting
to be home makers. He said that the most important
thing in life for women, addressing women in the audience,

is to be a quote homemaker. Then he even quoted
a Taylor Swift lyric to the crowd. It was from
her song be Jeweled, and he took it out of context,
and so he twisted it to mean something that Taylor
Swift is absolutely against. If you want to see the
best example of a wonderful, smart woman, look at Taylor Swift,

look what she's doing. And if you want to be
a homemaker, that's your choice too. But to have this guy,
he's twenty eight years old to say this, it's just
so shocking. So he was against working women, he's against
Pride Month, he's against abortion, he's against gender ideologies. What
was this school thinking Mark, to even ask him to

do this speech.

Speaker 2 (03:16):
Well, listen, they clearly did not do their background checks
on him, because he's someone who prides himself on this.
He has said it before. He's very outspoken. I had
never heard of him until now, but if you look
into him, he said outrageous things in the past, and
I think, how selfish are you? To go and ruin
these people's moments. This is the thing worked so hard
for this, And I think back to my own self

and my college graduation. Lisa Ling was my commencement speaker
from formerly The View, and she said such positive things
about the world of journalism and broadcasting. And while I
can't remember the specific things she said, I remember how
excited I was after that to go after my dreams
and what I wanted to do. And I would imagine
these people will always remember now how he made them feel.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
Yeah, what would you do if you were sitting there?
Would you get up and walk out? No, I've worked
so hard for years to graduate. I'm not gonna walk
out because what this guy is saying, and it's just
so complicated, and I think that's the right word. It's
so selfish. Now, we should be clear here on the
Naughdy Butt Night Show, we like diverse opinions. Harrison, you

are entitled to your opinions, but now to you're entitled
to the pushback. People are really really angry. So people
on the team are coming out and slamming him, saying,
I don't want my mothers and my sisters and my
girlfriend to be homemakers if they don't want to do that.
And interestingly, so far, Mark, we've not heard from Travis.

We've not heard from Taylor Swift. Now, normally i'd say
this has nothing to do with Taylor. This Harrison works
with Travis, they're on the same team. It's a work
friend of her boyfriends. But he did quote her. He
took one of her lyrics and really twisted it to
give a point of view that was not the original intention.

So maybe Taylor might say something, Maybe she might post
the lyrics. I think Taylor is so clever at this.
Do you think she will respond?

Speaker 2 (05:11):
I mean the irony of this own quoting a Taylor
Swift song, I mean, it's what a gay thing to do. First,
but secondly, I hope so because it's it's out of context.
Taylor is a very big supporter of the LGBTQ community,
and it's not okay. And I hope that Travis says
something because it is uncomfortable and it's not okay to

slam the community of people because he has no idea
who he's speaking to and who's in the crowd. And
you know, as far as as being a homemaker, sure,
there's nothing wrong with that. That's great if you want
to be that, But this person's living in the past.
Like women now have many options. There are more women
now in college enrolled in college than there are men.
And that's why you're seeing more women in working and

having careers because they're delaying getting married, they're delaying having kids,
and the worth rates are dropping. And so we're in
a from place and time. Yes, he's stuck, and he's
stuck in another era.

Speaker 1 (06:03):
Yeah, trying to roll the clock back, but doing it
in such a public way at a commencement ceremony. These
kids had worked so hard for that moment, and this
is what they're going to remember. I think Taylor Swift
should turn up into a free concert or something fabulous
at the school and yet just invit women, just that
we've danced the gays and just dance the night away

with Taylor, which brings us to our pole question of
the day. Travis Kelsey's teammates are coming forward to slam Harrison,
who made some sexist, anti gay comments during a commencement speech,
and he also to did quote Taylor Swift. So that's
why she's been pulled into this. I'm not just pulling
her in because she's dating Travis. He quoted at our

question is should Taylor respond? If you were Taylor Swift,
if you were the biggest star in the world, would
you respond? Should she respond? On? Now? We go back
and forth on this on this show. Sometimes when you respond,
you give a problem more attention. You give a narcissist
more attention. Harrison is probably loving all this at the moment.

He's not backing down. These are his views, Like you said, Mark,
He's lived with these, He's spoken about these for a
really long time. So I think now he's made himself
sort of into a star for that movement, for the
anti gay movement, the anti women movement. He's now the
poster boy, which is what I think he always wanted
to be get this. I get this. I did a

little research his mother. She's a physician, really highly trade physician.
I know his mother. So what do you think should
Taylor Swift respond? Go to our Twitter page at Naughty
Nice Robber Facebook page, which is naughty Goosie. I know Mark,
and be sure to check back tomorrow and I hear
your results. Hey loupieh are you working on Yes?

Speaker 2 (07:55):
Okay, So Prince Harry and Megan Markle has taken home
page true of gifts the Nigeria tour the part I
love that, the parts of the longer being working Royals Okay, So,
Prince Harry and Meg and Marco concluded their visits in
Nigeria with more than just memories as they are part
of the West African nation with a collection of gosh So,

Unlike their former status as senior working royal members of
the Royal Family, their current non working royal status allows
them to remain the generous tokens of appreciation that they
were undering their brief rip No. I do love, I
do love a freaking I love it. I love training
the residence in Montesino, California, the Duke and Duchess of

Sussex brought back over twenty gifts received during their three.

Speaker 1 (08:45):
Days YouTube YouTube. It's just wild, is it. You know?
They were like, back up the plane, We're gonna load
all this swagon. I know they put so much on
this plane. Now they're entitled to it. Now, working members
of the Royal family cannot accept freebies. But when you're
not working, when you're a profit making enterprises, which is

what they are now, you can accept gold bars Like
I can literally see Harry putting the gold bars into
the back of the plane and Megan they're with him
helping stack them. Another question that's come up is were
they paid for this trip? So did the Nigerian government
want to get a royal couple there so much that

they were willing to give them just hard cash. We
don't know the answer to that, but this is what
the royal family was concerned about. They were concerned about
rogue royals going around the world selling their privilege, selling
access to who they are to the highest bidder. And
so now they can do that. Is it a good look? No,

it's not a good look. But I think the world
now has changed, Mark and we're going to see more
and more celebrities people doing this. For instance, a friend
of mine said Mariah Carey. Big stars, even Beyonce gets
paid a fortune tens of millions of dollars to perform
in Dubai at bar mitzfers and parties. If Harry and

Meghan will offer ten million dollars to turn up at
a wedding, would they do it? Should they do it?

Speaker 2 (10:17):

Speaker 1 (10:17):
The answer is they can do it, and so now
are they going to be rented royals, which we don't
look down upon. If you hire Jay z or if
you hire Jenny Philpez to open your casino in Vegas
now instead of hiring Beyonce, maybe they'll hire Meghan and Harry. See.

Speaker 2 (10:36):
I don't have a problem with Beyonce or Mariah doing that.
The issue I have with Megan and Harry doing that
is they want it both ways. When it's conving it
for them because they'll do this, but then they come
to London and they want like public they want the
private security from the government, and they want this and
that and the other. And so it's like you have
to make a decision. Do you want to be the

benefits of the of the royal family and then you
want to abide by their rules or do you want
to come to Nigeria and get paid by the government
there and get the gifts and whatever. So it's very complicated.

Speaker 1 (11:06):
It is complicated. Is that people in Britain are really
confused about this. They're like, so you feel safe in Nigeria,
but you don't feel safe in London, Like they just
like my people are like, what's going on? Or YouTube?
I like this story. I used to work for Paris Hilton.
I was her publicist during the infamous videotape, remember that

all those years ago. She's actually very, very smart. I
really liked Paris. So she's addressing a car seat safety
concern saying, no one is perfect. Paris put up a
picture of a kid's in a car seat in the
back of her car, and then people flooded, flooded her
with the comments saying it's not safely set up. Apparently
I'm not a dad Mark, neither are you, So I

think no. Apparently that the sea testing go backwards. The
children shouldn't be looking forward until they reach a certain age.
It's safer if they are backwards. Or Paris knowledge that,
saying oop, see mistake. I'm new at this. Nobody's perfect.
I love that she didn't try to make excuses that

she didn't blame the assistance. People always do that, don't
they like the nanny put it in wrong? No, No,
Paris took responsibility and said, thank you, I'm going to
learn the lesson, and now the kids are facing the
right way. Paris Hilton all grown up.

Speaker 2 (12:22):
There's a big change from where she was years ago.
But I do appreciate that too, and I think She's
learned a lot being in the spotlight for twenty years.
Because you acknowledge it, you say sorry, and it's all that.
The story is done.

Speaker 1 (12:34):
Yes, yes, yeah, the story's done. It's so clever. She's
a brilliant publicist. Like I'm not quite sure what she
does for a living, but I know that she's a brilliant,
brilliant publicist. Isn't she coming back to TV with Nicole?
I read that they're going to come back with a
new reality show. I can't wait.

Speaker 2 (12:52):
I was obsessed with the original Surreal Life.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
Simple Life. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it.
I loved it. Hey you two, if you're listening, loo loo, Okay,
moving along, we have a dance performance by a very
unusual young lady. Explain what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
That's right, that's right. Shiloh Jolie Pitt, the seventeen year
old daughter of Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt,
has wowed fans with her impressive dance moves in a
recent Instagram video, so Querga so choreographer Kilan Carter shared
footage of Instagram showcasing Shiloh's talent as she danced solo

in a studio setting. Dressed casually in sweats and sneakers
and an oversized t Shallow exuded confidence and skill as
she moved the rhythm.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
Yeah, yeah, it looked good. Watched I watched it like
five times. She should go on. So you think you
can't dance? I love that. Do you know why? I
went to high school with Kat Deely. We went to
school together. I know that we were in the amateur
production of Fiddler on the Roof. I was model. I
think she was in the chorus two steps behind me
catt although she's certainly in front of me. Now a cat.

If you're listening, go Lollo and lo. I love this.
It's a side of Shiloh we never get to see.
She's very private. They know that she's not on social
media herself. I don't think this was posted on the
carreographers page, not hers. Now, my sources tell me he
did get permission. They didn't just post this video without
her permission, but they did post It's it blew up,

It's everywhere. Take a look. It will make you really
really happy. Okay, quickly, before we get a break. Sophie
Turner is praising Taylor Swift, saying she's an absolute hero
for giving her a place to stay amid her divorce.
So Sophie is on the cover of British Road Gosh
looks fabulous, and she's talking about the challenges of her ugly,
ugly divorce and so there's a lot of stuff in

there too mean for this show, Well, what I liked
out of it is she said Taylor Swift was an
absolute hero extending her hospitality and giving me a place
to stay in New York. Taylor literally gave her her
New York apartment. Now these two are not particularly close,
they've known each other, but if you remember, Joe Jonas
dated Taylor Swift back in two thousand and eight, So

it is a little bit awkward than an X of
your husband who you are divorcing, offers you a place
to stay.

Speaker 2 (15:18):
What do you think I like Soobe Turner, I was
rooting for her after the divorce because, you know, as
we talked about in the show, got really weird and messy,
natal nasty, and they kind of painted her as this
like party mom doing hair and I don't think that's
the truth. I think she just had a hard time
and she was kind of left for dead. So it's
nice to see that someone had her back.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
Yeah, Taylor had her back. We have your back, naughties,
and we will be right back. Welcome back to the
Naughty but Nico Bro shoot her with our dear friend
mark Lepo. I hope you're listening today, everybody, because yesterday
we had no shower and so we have no poll
results today because we didn't do the pole. We take
the show, we edit, did the show, we polished the show.

We were proud of the show. We A lot of
work goes into these twenty bads. I know we make
it look easy because we're professionals, but actually a lot
of work does go into the show. So I'm sorry
it didn't work out yesterday. No poll result, but don't
forget to vote on today's pole. Go to our Twitter
page at Naughty Nice Rob or our Facebook page which
is Norty Gossip, and be sure to check back tomorrow

to hear your results. And now it's time for a
Nicest of the Day.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
From Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's arch Archie. Well, so,
Megan Markle and Prince Harry's Archweald Foundation has been cleared
of delinquency. Oh Okay, let me explain. So, Meghan Markle
and Prince Harry's Archwell Foundation has been swiftly removed from
the State of California's list up to delinquent charities. Goodness colors,

worried so Duke and that'shes of Sussex charnable organization. Arch
Well was recently reclassified from delinquent to current California's charity's page,
marking a significant reversal that appears have occurred overnight. It
has been revealed that the necessary payments associated with the
renewal fees were indeed made as far back as November,
totaling two hundred dollars. It appears that it was some

kind of administrative lapse that led to the error, and
now the foundation is.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
In good stay. Oh I'm so glad that young bank.
But he's so sloppy, isn't it. Oh, it's so sloppy.
You two, who are you hiring? Like? I don't expect
Megan and Harry to be sitting there with the checkbook
saying we've got to renew our funds, We've got to
renew aur fees. Harry send a check for two hundred.
They have a staff, they pay people hundreds of thousands
of dollars to do all this, get a better team.

This is hugely embarrassing and it should never have happened.
And at least you two are now backhand nicest of
the day, I think okay, and now I noticed the
day naughty naughty a serious story. David Copperfield is denying
sexual misconduct against allegations from multiple women. So David Copperfield
is overwhelmingly refuting allegations of sexual conduct following claims by

sixteen women. The UK newspaper The Guardian, very smart newspaper,
has a really long, detailed investigation into him into the women,
including three who alleged he drugged them before engaging in
non consensual sexual activity. Additionally, four women claim the Copperfield

groped them and can cursed them into engage in sexual
acts during live performances on stage, so while they were
on stage they said they were touched in appropriately. Once again,
he's denying this, but these details are very specific. This
is a really reputable newspaper. You are a naughtyist of

the day. Hey, let's end with a moment of ra
rob you rub, you get a roub not even you
are superhuman and that means willpower is not enough. So
if you want to stop doing something that's not good
for you, you've got to find something to replace it.
If you pull a weed out of the garden, if
you don't stick something in that hole, another weed is

going to come back. So you can't just cut out
bad behavior. You've got to replace it with something good.
When I wanted to change my habits, instead of just
stop drinking, I filled the time that I would go
out with my friends, on writing, on reading books, on

doing something that I really enjoy it. I replace the
bad behavior. Now I want to buy a piece of cake,
which I do every single day. Instead of doing that,
I go for a walk, and I just replace one
thing with another. Think about that, and I promise you
it will really help. Willpower. It's not enough. It's a lie.
It's not about you being lazy. It's about setting up

the system to work for you. When you want to
get rid of bad behavior, find something good to replace
it with. Hey, that is it for today. Thank you
so much for coming back Naughties and listening to the
Naughty but Nice with Rob and Mark Shower production of iHeartRadio.
Don't forget to subscribe on the Art Radio Apple podcast,
where every you listen, leave us a review if you can,
and remember all together now, if you're going to be naughty,

you've got to be nice. Take care of everybody here. It's
not even nice with Rob
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