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March 1, 2024 19 mins

Sarah talks with NBA senior writer Michael C. Wright about Victor Wembanyama's incredible statement performance in the Spurs win over Chet Holmgren and the Thunder. They also discuss Michael's MVP Ladder, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander and Jayson Tatum making their cases for MVP, and the greatness of LeBron James as he approaches 40,000 points.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome in into NBA Pulster production of iHeartRadio in the NBA.
I'm Saracustack, NBA analyst for the Yes Network, and today
is Friday Marsh firsts from our extraordinary core group of
NBA journalists. We're joined now by NBA dot Com senior
writer Michael c Right out with a fresh MVP ladder,
although Michael has been pretty consistent here for quite some time.

At the number one spot is Nicola Jokic. Number two
Shay Gildas Alexander the Oklahoma City Thunder. Number three is
Giannis Atta Kumpo. Jason Tatum pops up to number four,
and Luka Doncic rounds out the top five. We're gonna
dig a little bit more into your MVP ladder. But Michael,
you've been You've been on Wemby Watched since the beginning.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
That is in your neck of the woods.

Speaker 1 (00:47):
We had an extraordinary game last night between the San
Antonio Spurs the Oklahoma City Thunder, the third time that
these teams have met.

Speaker 2 (00:57):
It was a one thirty two, one eighteen victory.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
The Fires please guy.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
By the Spurs snapping the Thunder six game winning streak.
But the fun part of this Victor Webbenyama, Chet Holmgren.
Watching those two come together, I'm not sure we're talking
MVP Ladder. I'm not sure where your Rookie of the
Year thoughts were at, but I think with the performance
last night, Wenby just continues to to seal things in

such a impressive significant way. Twenty eight points, thirteen rebounds,
seven assists, five blocks, two steals. It was a back
and forth game, but he had a couple of clutch,
clutch plays and impactful ones in handful of sequences down
the stretch that helped sealed win.

Speaker 4 (01:46):
Well back of the tree, get out of here. O,
My goodness, I wish some Paris.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
Michael having watched him, and I know we all have
caught glimpses called highlights watch games, but I'm not sure
everyone has been as locked in with the Spurs as
you have and with Victor at this point of the season,
given all the hype coming into what he was going
to be and become. What has stood out to you

most about his evolution throughout the course of this season
and how despite not necessarily winning and being very very
honest and vocal about kind of where he feels, what
he wants, how he wants the team organization himself to
continue to improve. What stood out to you most about
his progression and getting to the point he's at right now.

Speaker 4 (02:40):
Well, Sarah, I think I would say that, you know,
you talk to anybody in the Spurs organization in that building,
everybody thought that you would see Knights where he would
just look like an absolute superstar, and then other nights
he looked like a rookie. And he's looked like a
superstar much all season long, and so I think in

that respect, he has surpassed expectations for pretty much everybody
involved with the Spurs. So it's almost like, Okay, well,
we thought that this year would be this development, developmental
year for Winby and the whole team, but now it's
sort of like they're having organizationally, they're having to say, Okay,

we might need to press fast forward on this rebuild.
We might need to accelerate it a little bit, because
Victor winbin Yama is a much better player than we
thought he was number one and number.

Speaker 3 (03:37):
Two, he's just rapidly developing.

Speaker 4 (03:41):
You know, I've really enjoyed watching the guy's progression. Last night,
it was just I wish you would have been there, Sarah.

Speaker 3 (03:49):
It was nuts.

Speaker 4 (03:50):
I'm serious. So, you know, he goes down the court
hits a couple of three pointers. It was like the
last three minutes of the game. And then after that
last three they come back down the cord on the
other end and Chet you know, tries to hit Winby
with the step back and Winby blocks it and sort
of sends check Homegren flying back and where he just

lands right on his butt. I mean, the crowd goes crazy.
We're talking about a crowd, sellout crowd, by the way,
and there's been pretty much all sellouts ever since when
Ben Yama came to town. Uh, sellout crowd. They're going crazy.

And then after the game, I love the spontaneous reaction
from Victor Wimbyama. You know, they give him the microphone,
they ask him. I don't even know what the question was,
and all he said was I missed this bleep. And
the crowd just goes crazy because you know, they haven't
been in San Antonio in over a month. They've been

on that rodeo road trip. They come back when this
big game and that's what he says, and the crowd
goes crazy. And then he said let's get a Godspurs
go chant going, and so they do, the Gospurs go chant,
and the whole crowd.

Speaker 3 (05:07):
Just ate it up.

Speaker 4 (05:08):
And I think that the fans really sort of embraced
that honesty, that spontaneity, that youth that you know, just
that feeling of like it's a big deal when we
win and I want everybody to celebrate with me. That
sort of thing is really, I guess, uh, what what

the fans wanted here in San Antonio. I mean, there's
whole generations of Spurs fans that don't know what it's
like to be in this situation that they're in right now,
not going to the playoffs, not contending for championships. So
by and large, he's brought hope back to the organization
and I think that's only a positive for not only
the Spurs, but the entire NBA.

Speaker 1 (05:50):
Yeah, incredible to hear, to watch, the witness all of
those things. And I think to your point about the
buying about the crowd in the Spurs fan base, I
think the interesting thing to watch and you mentioned a
playoff experience, you got two contrasting individuals and chet Hoolmgren
the piece he's going to play for Oklahoma City, a championship,

a championship aspiring team, a playoff ready team, and then
on the flip side of things, the Spurs third worst
record in the NBA. Obviously that that's a big aspect
of where you want to see the direction of this
organization headed. But with that being said, I think so
much when you talk about MVP conversations, it comes down to, Okay,
what is the team doing, how how is a player

impacting winning? When do you think Victor wenbin Yama will
actually be able to put himself in a true MVP discussion?

Speaker 4 (06:46):
I would say as soon as the Spurs put themselves
at least that in that territory where they're fighting for
at least a play in spot where they're around seven
eight nine in the West. And that's another interesting aspect
of all this because you know, I mentioned that, you
know you have to or they're going to have to

sort of hit fast forward on this schedule of rebuilding.

Speaker 3 (07:12):
But like you look at that.

Speaker 4 (07:14):
Roster right now, and I was talking to somebody in
the organization last night about it. I could see half
those players on that Spurs roster not here next year
because again, they have to sort of speed up the development,
and now they don't have time to wait on these
young guys. So I think that you know San Antonio

that like, if you look at what they have in
terms of assets, draft picks, things like that, cap space,
they have a chance if they want to to sort
of go make a run in some real players, you know,
real players that can help them sooner rather than later.
And so maybe they can go and get a star

to play alongside women Yama. You've heard all the rumors
about Trey Young possibly come to San Antonio. All those
things are our situations that I think the organization is pondering.
And if you get a couple of events in here
and you pair them with wimben Yama and some of
the other young guys that they feel like they can

move forward with, now you're in a situation where Victor
wimbin Yama can win MVPs because the San Antonio Spurs
would be in contentment at that point at least for
a playoff.

Speaker 2 (08:31):
Spot without a doubt.

Speaker 1 (08:34):
And with that being said, on the other side of
the court was Oklahoma City Thunder who their rise and
they're build with the core that they have. The young
pieces obviously hit on a bunch of draft picks. We're
talking about Chet Holmgren, Jalen Williams has been tremendous. You
can go on about how they all fit together, but
shake Gildas Alexander is ahead of that snake, and he's

someone who has had a steady rise throughout the course
of his young career now in the sixth year in
the league. Had always impressed. But because of Oklahoma City Thunder,
they they have been dangling around the top of the
Western Conference for the entirety of the season. Currentlys at
the game back of Minnesota right now in that second
place spot in the West.

Speaker 2 (09:15):
But he's been extraordinary.

Speaker 1 (09:17):
I mean you look at not only the numbers that
he's put up each and every night, the consistency of it,
and again the driving force behind what this Thunder team
has been able to do. Right behind Jokic obviously Denver,
Denver is coming Denver's half game behind Oklahoma City, and
Jokic has been doing Yokich things the entire season. But

how realistic do you think it is for Shaef if
Oklahoma City continues to play this way for Shay to
win the MVP this season?

Speaker 4 (09:46):
Well, Sarah, you tell me because when you know, when
you look at this, this, this the MVP race sort
of coincides with the race in the West right now,
because right now, yeah, yeah, the Oklahoma City Thunder I think,
are game up on the Denver Nuggets, or they're actually.

Speaker 2 (10:05):
Just a half game up, just a half game, yeah.

Speaker 3 (10:08):
And so what the Nuggets are coming?

Speaker 4 (10:10):
They are you know, they kind of chilled for a
little while, like, oh yeah, yeah, you know, we're the
defending champs. We have what it takes to do what
we need to do when it's time to do it.
And then you look at what they're doing right now.
I'm talking about the Nuggets. They're five and ohs and
it's all Star break. So it's not like the Nuggets
don't have a real shot. It's sort of taking over,

you know, the lead in the West. And I think
if that happens, that sort of solidifies the MVP for
Nicola Yokics. But let's say that Oklahoma City finds a
way to end up winning that West or just just
coming in the top two, maybe even ahead of Denver,
then to me, the balance maybe tilts towards Shake gildg

just Alexander, I mean, because the kids got like forty
four thirty point games.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
He's got more more than it's unbelievable. Yes, he's averaging
just over thirty one, enough to say that's not.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
A lot, but it's it is the consistency of how
he's putting up those numbers.

Speaker 2 (11:09):
Thirty nine from three.

Speaker 4 (11:11):
Yeah, have you ever just like spent time just sort
of looking at his game by game stat lines. It's
like he gives you the same thing every night.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
Every look at last night, thirty one, six and three,
Like that's what's it's it's always you're right, you know.
And I think for a player of not to say,
but I mentioned it's six year in the league, twenty
five years old. The consistency you get out of someone
relatively speaking that young, Yeah, to perform, you know. And

it's how he operates and commands the entire offense. There
are so many things about his game that I think
the intelligence he brings to the table and the sophistication
of his understanding on both ends of them, both ends
of the floor. Say that again, I think, yeah, but
I don't.

Speaker 2 (11:59):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
Oh, Like, if it is that simple as who has
a better record, who wins, who wins.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
The West, who's at the top of the West.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
If it becomes that, if that becomes a deciding factor
between a player like him Jokic right right.

Speaker 3 (12:14):
And then same thing with you.

Speaker 4 (12:15):
You look at Jason Tatum like he gets really no
love in the whole MVP conversation, and then I just
keep looking and saying, well, the Boston Celtics are rolling,
They've got a huge lead on the rest of the East,
and we don't even give him credit for what he's doing.
I mean, he's shooting a three pointer better than he
has in quite a while. I think his assists numbers

right now, he's sitting at a career high it assists
per game. But because he doesn't have the gaudy numbers
that the other guys ahead of him do, it's like
they just everybody just sort of ignores him. But I
can't ignore the fact that Boston has played as well
as well as they have. It's twenty seventy three at home,
a big game against the Dallas Mavericks tonight, and I

think if he can come out on top, the Celtics
can come out on top of that game. I think
that sort of, you know, reinforces the notion that maybe
he deserves to be a little higher than Luka doncs.
Does you know at this point on the MVP ladder,
it's all there's a lot of stuff going on right
now and just it's all fun to watch there you
know how it goes.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
I mean, it is fun to watch.

Speaker 1 (13:22):
It is fun to watch, and I think for all
of us who you kind of look at this. We
got the Olympics coming up in Paris, a lot of
discussion between international players, US players, lass American born player
James Harden to win an MVP. So I think Jason
Tatum when you kind of look at where things shake out,
maybe the next person. The only thing I'll say about
that before we get to a break is that with

Jason Tatum, obviously you look at this Boston Celtics team
and they are running away with things, but you also
have a bunch of former All Stars, current All Stars
those he's playing around, and the on off numbers are
that different when Tatum is not playing, And so I
think sometimes you look at look at Tim Jokic being

a guy an example last year where that it just
entirely falls off when it's not on the fall and
with exactly exactly and Tatum, And it's not to say
that he's not having but that's why I think you
you appropriately you appropriately have. He absolutely should be in
the discussion, but I think there's there's an appropriate place
for that of the contribution speaking of a former MVP

and man one that is still playing like it. Father
time cannot catch him, Lebron James. We're gonna get to
him right.

Speaker 2 (14:31):
After the break.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
Welcome back to me, Pulsara Kusak joined by the great
Michael c Right, Michael new MVP ladder out.

Speaker 2 (14:44):
Lebron James is not currently on the ladder, but man.

Speaker 1 (14:47):
He keeps doing things that that never cease to amaze us.
With his age, his tenure in the league, the minutes,
the miles, it does not matter. He is nine points
away being the first player to ever reach the forty
thousand point mark. Incredible to think about already the all

time score in league history, but I think even more
impressive fun for all of us to watch Los Angeles
Clippers LA Lakers. Everyone can kind of have a discussion
about what that rivalry is or what that really means
between those two teams. But the Lakers are coming into
the fourth quarter the other night down twenty one points.

They were down twenty one points early on in that
fourth quarter, and Lebron James just goes off nineteen, has
five threes in that quarter, finishes with thirty four points.
When you look at Lebron James, what he's doing at
this point, I think we've all described it in different ways,
continued to be odd and oppressed, but in terms of
where he's at with his play, all the talk we

have about this Lakers team, how do you see this
season continuing to play out, not only for him in
what he wants to accomplish, but where things sit the
Lakers now currently sitting in that nice spot in the
Western Conference. How do you see his progression and kind
of trajectory as this season finishes off in comparison with

the expectations of this Lakers team.

Speaker 4 (16:17):
Well, I will say Sarah that first off, let's appreciate
greatness when we see it. Let's just appreciate it because
it's not going to be around here forever. You know,
Like Lebron James still has the he has the determination,
the basketball like you, the physical skill set, He's got

all those attributes that on any given night he can
sort of conjure up that that want to and say, Okay,
I'm going to be the best player on the planet tonight.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
He can do that.

Speaker 4 (16:50):
But the problem I think Sarah with that is that
he can no longer do it every night the way.

Speaker 3 (16:57):
He used to be able to.

Speaker 4 (16:58):
And so when you look at that with how it
plays with the team and its expectations and goals for
this season, I am just not sure. I don't know
if he's gonna have it every night because it's gonna
be tough to come back from that nice spot and
this is the last place they want to be, by
the way, because you you're right there and play in territory.

So then you're going to have to really battle just
to get into the postseason if you have to play
in the playing tournament. And to me, that's extra games,
that's extra mileage, minutes. You know, there's just to wear
and tear on your body. And then you know, you
just look at some of the weird stats, like I
was sort of looking at what the Lakers have been doing,

and you know, last night, for instance, it was a
third time this season that both Lebron and Ady put
up thirty points in the same game. Do you realize
the Lakers have a one to two record.

Speaker 2 (17:53):
When that happens, that's wild, right, that is wild.

Speaker 3 (17:57):
Yes, what I.

Speaker 4 (17:58):
Means the supporting cast needs to step up. Lebron is
doing his part, Ad is doing his part, but they
need some of these other guys to step up, and
you know, just just make appropriate contributions because those guys
just can't can't, you know, just give you everything every night.
So that's sort of the way I look at it.

I mean, you look at that Clippers game from the
other night. It was classic Lebron. He was hunting matchups,
he was And the funny thing about it, he was
hunting matchups. And you know, there's always that threat with
Lebron James that he's gonna get to the Cup. But
against the Clippers, let's be real here, he settled a

lot of times for three pointers, but he was hitting him. So,
you know, like I said, I just want everybody to
appreciate this greatness that we're seeing right now. It's not
gonna be around forever, and I think, you know, I
think he's gonna call it quits here in the next
you know, maybe three years or so. I don't I
don't think we're far all through Lebron deciding to hang

it up. So yeah, let's appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (19:06):
I feel you, I feel you.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
It feels like it's never gonna end, but all things do,
and to your point, it's it's an absolute blessing again
to watch him for all of us basketball fans, Michael,
As always, we appreciate your time. We'll continue to read,
watch all your good stuff on NBA dot com and
NBA TV, and until next time, we'll see you.

Speaker 3 (19:27):
Then, all right, Sarah, I have a good one.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
NBA Polst with Sarahustack is a production the NBA and
iHeart Radio.

Speaker 1 (19:33):
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