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November 9, 2020 57 mins

November is Dreams Month at Night Call, and we're kicking it off with some incredible dream calls and emails from listeners. Of course there are also more pyramids and architecture talk too. This time it’s Brasilia - the faded poppy mid-century utopia that is Brazil’s capital, and The Summum Pyramid - the mummification temple from 70s religion Summum in Salt Lake City, Utah. Would we get mummified and more importantly, would we let Summum do it? But also: a viral Tik Tok about the Christian conspiracy that the COVID vaccine will implant a chip in your body that is actually the Mark Of The Beast (this makes it sound cooler than it is). And our first in depth missive from dreamland - a listener who believes they heard a weird frequency online that led them to have an experience they interpreted as demonic possession. We interpret their experience and talk about the power of frequencies and music to influence or induce emotional states. All this and Exploding Head Syndrome, on an all new Night Call!


Dramatic MAGA tiktok

Background on on vaccine/mark of the beast conspiracies

Do not work order for Songbird

Valley of the Dawn/Dawn Valley

Dawn Valley wiki

Summum Pyramid

Exploding head syndrome

More on EHS

Molly on brain zaps at MTV

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
It's one seventeen am in your subconscious and you're listening
to Night Call. Hello, and welcome back to Night Call,
a call in show for our dystopian reality. I am
in l A. I am Tess Lynch, and with me

are Molly Lambert and Emily Oshida. Today we are going
to be taking some calls and emails about dreams about pyramids.
But first let's check in. We are recording on Friday.
The election has not been called. Maybe by the time
this is released it will have been. How are you
guys feeling we should be super specific? We are. We're

recording it Friday is now ten fifty seven am, specific time,
because who knows what could happen in the rest of Friday.
Friday could be an interesting day. You never know. It
feels like there's three more plot twists. Yeah, I don't know.
I mean, there's gonna be tons of recounts at this point.
At looks like or at least one in Georgia probably

and possibly in Pennsylvania. But I guess we'll see how
that shakes out. It's just been we've been living in
a real liminal state for the last few days, and
I think it's making everybody a little bit crazy right now.
We were in a liminal state already, so this is
like a liminal state inside a liminal state. Yeah, real,

real tenant ours, this is we didn't need to see
tenant in theaters. We're living it. Emily, you had champagne
that is waiting or waiting to not be uncorked. This is. Yeah,
this is my one act of of I guess optimism.
Even though you know, I could go on and on
forever about how I'm feeling a very like unsatisfactory, like

it's not fun, but I do feel a degree of
indication about how close this ended up being, just because
of how many people yelled at me about like how
I was being overly pessimistic about Joe Biden's chances of
being president because like the pool he's ahead so far
in the pools and Wisconsin stuff, and I was like, guys,
why are you looking at polls like we've done this already.
But I digress. I could, I could, I could yell

forever about that, but yeah, I did buy a bottle
of champagne on election day or it's prosecco but whatever,
same effect, um, And I wasn't gonna spend that much
money on a Biden presidency honestly, Um, but you know,
just to have the back of the fridge just in case,
just in case there's a more like an end of

presidency too, to celebrate real that austerity. Champagne socialism, yeah,
prosecco socialism, prossecco socialisms. Okay, Yeah, I feel like I
it's very strange, obviously everybody kind of feels this way
to keep yourself from having feelings as you watch something

that affects you so much. I mean on election night, Um,
I started it to watch and then got deja vu.
I was like, why am I putting myself through this?
Like we won't know tonight. I don't want to have
that like horrible dip into anxiety and despair and then
the slow climb back up to like maybe it's okay.
So I went to bed at like ten, very well rested,

and it's been happening again and again where I'm like,
I could stay up and watch this play out, but
I would really love to just not do that and
just hope it plays out in our favor. Um, last time,
four years ago, I made like a huge dinner. I
maybe even talked about this in the podcast before. But
I just I made a roast chicken and like all

of this stuff, and then I threw it in the
trash when the polls changed, and then I was like
so upset with myself because I was like, you should
have just saved the chick, and it became like an
even a compounding thing of like, oh, I was so
self indulgent. It's just whatever, I don't want to see
a great New Yorker short story exactly. Yeah, yeah, the
roast chicken in the trash. I like wanted to go

to bed at like six pm, for sure and just
go into a value of the dolls uh medically induced
coma for a couple of weeks and come out the
other side. But that wasn't an option. So I ended
up going over to a friend's yard and seeing a
few friends and hanging out together. And that was actually

the best thing I could have possibly done. I know
it's not an option for everybody, but just like being
around other people who are not that excited about a
Joe Biden presidency, but are you know, nonetheless hopeful for
a not Trump presidency. I'm not even gonna say that
I'm not excited for a Joe Biden presidency, just because

I want to get out of this situation so badly
that I can't even take any pleasure in like rehashing
all of the feelings I had during the primary. I
think it's like we have to kind of get over it.
And I just feel everybody kind of like way eating
on on this precipice, being like, I'm not going to
say any shit about Joe Biden. I'm not going to
say any about Joe by as soon as they call

it for him, or you know, maybe as soon as
he's actually inaugurated. We'll see how the next few months go.
As far as calling the presidency, I think it's okay
whatever happens. But I'm just saying like, once it's certain
that he's going to be our president, if it's certain,
that's when you just let it all, let it all
out and be like, Okay, you motherfucker, you are accountable
to us. He helped you get this stupid job. I

feel like it's fine to do that now, because I
feel like anything else is like too superstitious of like
we can't say anything bad or it'll it'll flip back
the other way. I do think that it was crazy
to see the news channels be like we can cut
Trump's mike. That was the most Bonker's part of yesterday

to me, um was they all cut his mic during
the speech because he was saying stuff that's not true
and realize like they could have done this time, but
they didn't because they wanted access or ratings or whatever.
So it's like to say, it's like a bigger version
of like people you know, turning on high Vey Weinstein

or something. Once he's like no longer that powerful. It's
like once the tide starts to turn and and somebody
doesn't hold this way that they have, and you can
undermine them in a way that feels more just. There
was a story about Trump calling Rupert Murdoch because Fox
called Arizona for Biden and not everybody did, but the

ape he did, and AP and Fox News did. Yeah,
And so now people think that Fox might call it
first because they're just like showing Trump that like they
have more power than him, they are more important than him,
which is true, but also it makes me get scared
about the like super soldier racist Nazi man they're gonna

or women they're gonna come out with for the selection
imagine Trump but like competent and like with the facade
of like a politician would be terrifying. Yeah, Like, in
many ways Trump is not at all the ideal figurehead
for this model of Republicanism. And it's like kind of
been the only thing that's kept King from yeah, because

he's not a true believer. He like doesn't believe any
of the stuff I think. Um, not that the other
aren't hypocrites, but like I for sure don't think he
actually is pro life. He like clearly isn't a religious person.
You know. There's a bunch of things. And also like
I'm afraid for the like everyone being ready to make

just make him into a clown man, a George W.
Bush like harmless clown man when he's not president anymore.
I don't know if I think that will happen. I
don't either. I think the reason that George W. Bush
is able to be a toothless clown man now, um
and people seem to have this collective amnesia about how
truly damaging and evil his uh presidency was is just

because there wasn't the same day to day um interfacing
with it that we have now like every single day
if you're at all paying attention to any uh current events,
and not even necessarily on social media, although that's the
way that most people are experiencing it. Like it's just
like having like just be having your head and advice
for the last four years. And I think that that

I've been thinking a lot about like how that's going
to affect our generation and the younger generation going forward.
Like this, this this version of reality that we've been
living in, unless it just gets worse, whish it could?
I mean, well, speaking of weird versions of reality, uh
Emily shared with us very very disturbing TikTok. I mean

it's one. It's one thing when you like are looking
around on Twitter on election I perhaps despite your better judgment,
and and going down threads of protoon people or whatever
boughts and all of the above, and just seeing you know,
the maga rhetoric which we've all become so familiar with

up until now now mixed with like this sort of
delegitimizing the election. But like I stumbled in a to
a completely other wing of weird right wingy conservative like
semi magical thinking religious Twitter, it's right wing, it's right

wing drama kid yeah, it's like Christian drama kid Twitter.
Why do you explain what it is? And then we'll
talk about our reactions to it? Okay, So I and
the context in which I found this was that it
was retweeted by Perfume Genius, who I follow great follow also,

but he retreeted um Andrea Russet, who I guess it's
like an artist, like a music artist. Um, she's got
seven point one million followers, so obviously I'm too old
to know who she is, but my mutual follows are
include Marshmallow and um. Yeah. Anyway, she retreated this saying

this this this clip of a TikTok saying, how the
funk is this real? Um? And this is a TikTok
from a user that goes by It's Taylor Rousseau and
it's this incredibly dramatic complete with visual effects, makeup and
a sound, a very dramatic soundtrack of some kind of

like very brooding Christian rock. It seems like of her
enacting in this scenario in which she's being asked to
bye bye, I guess by the Joe Biden Police State
to get a a chip implanted in her arm that
will protect her from covid um, but her knowing that
this is the mark of the beast as we all

know obviously of accident, that's going to be the mark
of the beast. Um, she resisted and is killed um
by the bidens state for her resistance. And but then
she goes to heaven and is uh is blessed by
God for you know, doing the right thing in her
life on earth. Um. It ends with her in heaven,
but she also gets like punched by like off screen,

Like so it's all on this girl's face and so
it's like her doing this acting and like it's subtitled,
but she's like lip sinking to the song and getting
like punched by somebody off screen and blood is coming
down her face and she's all bruised up because she's
refusing to get the vaccine. It's like it's kind of

like the ultimate like stop hitting yourself, like of like
right wing conspiracy type stuff. It's like it's like truly
like punching yourself in the face to own the lips
or something. Um, but like highly dramatized. It's wild. And
this was posted by Andrew Arrusset and the responses are

shockingly in support of this narrative um and kind of saying,
how could you make fun of this this woman's religious beliefs.
Also we all know that like the vaccine is the
mark of the beasts, and she has a point and
you should. People need to be more aware of this.
And I'll make fun of Taylor Rosseau for this video,

which just sent me down a wormle. Yeah, that's pretty
emblematic of a lot of the realizations over the past
few days in terms of how many people believe crazy,
awful shit. I will say that I've seen a lot
of stuff. I only see TikTok through Twitter because we

are on TikTok. Could be if from the Nightcall Hive
demands it, but it seems just like overwhelming to me. Still,
I like having it like curated to me by Twitter
get the greatest hits. But I've seen all these things
that are like really theater kitty people doing fake scenarios.
It's like they're making up dystopian novels and doing acting

it out. So that's what I thought this was. At first.
I didn't think it was religious. I thought it was
but it is that it's but it's based on a
real conspiracy. Did you guys see, there's like this Michael
Bay produced movie coming to Netflix soon that is basically Songbird,
Songbird about It takes place in like the world where

there's COVID twenty nine or something. It's like the COVID
has gone up to COVID fifty. He described it as
Romeo and Juliet but set in a pandemic and it's like,
it's a love story, guys. It's hot. Archy is starchee
in it. Oh my god. The people who set out
the stream to pirate that are doing the lord's work.

Because I was like, I want to be able to
dunk on this having seen it, but I refused to
spend a red scent on watching it. It's gonna be
a Netflix movie, I think, Oh is it? Yeah? Okay,
because they were shooting it now and there was a
do not work order that the union put out because
they were not i think, observing UM correct protocols for

cod I'm shocked that this libertarian movie that's all about
the big government coming to get you and force you
to take the vaccine, the chip vaccine or whatever wouldn't
obey a union protocol. Yeah, shocking. It's kind of Taylor
made like for I don't know, like hunger games fans
or something, because it's just like, like, what could be

more ominous than the government putting a chip in you? Uh.
The whole six six six thing though, is sort of
like maybe be on my pay grade. It's it's it's
some revelationship. But like I don't I've been trying to
read some blogs, and most, like I will say, to
the credit of a lot of like like Christian blogs

and stuff and like and like academic some like vaguely
academic blogs that have been looking at most of them
are like dispelling this. Um. They're just saying there's nothing,
there's nothing here. But it's some people are saying that
this got started with um Kanye West talking about the
vaccine and and you know, supposing that their why be

aship that they would put in people's arms, and that
it would be like them, you know, it would be
like a mark of evil. And I just think all
these all these things line up is like fundies and
um people that don't want big government involved in their
lives in any way, even when they would be helping you.

The acting out of the persecution is just so wild
to me. And I think we like see this, so
wait times, we're going to see so much more of it,
especially like if if if the election is called for
Biden raises why people think they're being persecuted. Yeah, they
really believe this, and their their speech is always under threat.

Um when you know, right, obviously this is not the
case because we hear from them all the time, right.
And it's also like it's not just on the right,
Like obviously there's like you know centrists who are like,
we're being person you know, there's a lot of people
that are pushing back against progress in various ways or

being like let's keep it room temperature, folks, which is
like nothing is ever going to be room temperature again,
so we gotta go with that instead. Um. Yeah, I
feel like people always think it's the end of the
world though, right, I think with more frequency lately, and
I think with good reason, but a lot of hard

evidence to support that one as opposed to the COVID
beast beast conspiracy beast chip. Can't these people find out
about like Prop twenty two and be like it's a
conspiracy to like turn workers into machines. That would have
been the perfect way to direct conspiracy theory energy. It
was such a lost opportunity, you know, because it's you know,

when people would point out, like follow the money on
Prop twenty two, people were convinced it was just that,
like the ad campaign was too overwhelming, and you know,
some people just fell for it. But that's also l
A prop uh California props. So prop talk prop Talk,
that's a bonus episode. Yes, exactly, that's the l A

podcast crossover episode. Exactly, Hot prop Talk. We should take
a break and then when we come back, we will
have some pyramid pals and dreams. Let's take a nightcall
about pyramids in Brazil. Timn call. This is Rebecca. It's

three twenty in some follow Brazil. I'm calling above a
cult but also pyramids. So um, this is my second
voice mail because the other one was too long, So
I'll just say that the planned city brasil Ya, which
is the cap of Brazil, planned by of Kinye and Meyer,

the modernist architect has always been intriguing to me because
I think it's beautiful, but some people say there's some
weird energy around it because it's made of concrete. In
all buildings have some sort of triangle base and the

entire city is planned to be without any corners, so
everything is kind of rounded, and if you look from above,
it's shaped as an airplane. So all of this is
alrighty creepy. But I was browsing the International Film Festival
of from Polo Catawang and I found a documentary that

is about spirituality around some around Brazilian and I found
out about this cult called Down Valley and it's really fascinating.
It was founded by a medium in this n Sason.

She was called Tiernava and the call is a mix
of spirituality and Egyptian religion like deities. And I don't
know much about it. I'm singing it the English uh
Wikipedia page for it. I found it fascinating. The where

like very very colorful clothes and they do kind of
like um, say, carreographs ritual. I really think you guys
should look into it. I hope you have a good night.
By thank you for that night call all the way
from Brazil. That was very exciting. It's always really fun

to hear from our our listeners who are not neighbors
and then call come to Brazil. We came to Brazil.
I am looking at a National Geographic article about this
about don Valley this cult. Um. I weirdly know a
lot about Brazilia because I had a boyfriend who was

really obsessed with it because it is so weird and
it is very beautiful. Brazilia looks rad and it is
also very scary. Yeah, he ended up going there. Eventually,
he made a pilgrimage to Brazilia. UM And apparently now

it is we heard or not weird. I mean dystopian
in the way that everything is dystopian in that it's
like this dream city, but it's kind of, you know,
become less shiny as time has passed. And I believe
they have a homelessness epidemic in Brazil as they do
everywhere else. So there are I think encampments like around

some of these crazy buildings, which you know, just that
kind of thing, like in downtown l A, where there's
like these huge, you know, modern towers and nobody living
in them and then people living on the streets below them.
It's just, uh feels very dystopian, uh futuristic, blade runnery.

So I'm not surprised that new age people also are
into this city because it has no corners, but it
just fits in with our general um buildings in more
interesting shapes than squares are deep dive into the overlooked
bill things in other shapes than squares. Pyramid Palace has

been a huge hit, and we had no idea when
we started, but we've all had like a lifelong interest
in pyramids. I wanted to be an Egyptologist for a while. Um.
I took in egyptology class in college that was so
interesting that I, um almost failed. I had to drop. Well,

it was so interesting that you almost failed, Yes, because
like I don't have a brain for dates at all
or maps, so I kept like failing all the quizzes
because they were like, what, you know, draw a map
of Egypt in the year, in this year, this era,
you know, and I could not do that. But everything

I learned in the class was like incredibly fascinating. And
it also ended up being about the history of Egyptology
and you know, sort of the great era of looting
by the British Museum and like what's happening now with
that stuff, for artifacts are being repatriated back to where
they belong in Egypt. Yeah, um, well, just to get

back to the Valley of the Don for a bit.
I would highly recommend looking this up just strictly for
like style points, because the outfits that the practitioners wear
when they're doing their ceremonies are like very rare. They
look very much like costumes from a Yodorowski film or

something very like colorful, blocky, kind of like god spellish.
That's also what Brazilia feels like to me. It just
feels like, yeah, like it's built to be the backdrop,
like like alphabel. Yeah, and their beliefs seem very complicated,
but one of them, I I like the kind of

um balancing out of of of a cult to beliefs
that rather than say, Egypt being built by Aliens, which
as we've I think discussed, is basically racist, uh, as
a conspiracy theorist conspiracy theories go, uh, they just believe
that Jesus was an alien, which I'm into that one.

I'm super into that. There's a lot of Jesus is
an alien And somebody else wrote about the re aliens
and we'll get into them sometime soon, but I totally
get down with the Jesus was an alien. That makes
Jesus makes so much sense. Yeah, he's just Superman then,
which is fine. Like that that all that's like the

joining of of of superhero weirdness and religious weirdness. That
just yeah to taste that taste fine together. Yeah, please
look up the Temple of Dawn Valley because it is
also very Yodorowski. It is a colorful labyrinth. Yeah, the
colors are great, like because Brazili. It is also pretty

like monochrome, um, which is like one of the reasons
I think it looks so pretty, especially now that it's
getting old and like something. They're like cracks and a
lot of the concrete structures and like moss and kind
of where on them. Like I think it looks really
it's it's aging very well, um from a purely aesthetic standpoint. Um.

But the Don Valley stuff is like mega color pops,
like just very polyphonic spree. Uh. Yeah. And this religion
was started in nineteen sixty nine and you can tell
that's where it stays. And I like that it was
started by Tianieva, was an ex truck driver. That's how

shoes described really nice hot tip on the Pyramid Palace.
Thank you so much for that. Yeah. Um. We also
have another We have a voice memo from Patrick high
Night call. This is Patrick in Salt Lake City, And
did it tell you about another pyramid, the Some of
Them Temple here in Salt Lake. It's located right in

the middle of a normal neighborhood. It's about a forty
ft wide pyramid. I think it's about twenty five ft tall.
It's built by the sum Them, which is a I'll
use the term new religious movement, which is heavily influenced
by ancient Egyptian aesthetics. Unlike most pyramids these days, this
one actually has mummies in it. Some of Them's founder

was mummified and placed into a gold leaf start caphagus,
and a handful of cats, dogs, and other animals have
also been mummified and encased in a bronze sculpture. Some
of them offers this service mummification to human and animal
customers alike. If you are ever in the market, if

you ever want to get lost down a very nightcall
rabbit Hole. Check out some of Them's website at some
of them dot us s U M m U M.
There's ures of the mummies, including the animals, and including
the process. Nothing too gruesome, but they do show the
animals wrapped in bandages and and getting ready to go

into a bronze sculpture. So it's pretty interesting. Boy, fascinating.
I've never heard of this before in my life. I
definitely have come across this before on my Wikipedia travel
through the pyramid section and maybe the new religious section. Um.
Super fascinating. Also fascinating that it's Salt Lake City based,

because you know, Mormonism is essentially a new religious movement.
It is much less old than people think it is.
And when you go into the actual teachings of Joseph
Smith and stuff, it is all like, incredibly nutty and
involves like a lizard coming and talking to him on

his window sill. So um, great promo for the real
housewives of Salt Lake City. I'm curious what it is
about Salt Lake City. Patrick included some pictures from the website,
and there's a picture his caption is inside the pyramid,
it looks like your aunt's living room circ except that
there are human and animal mummies inside of those sarcopha guy,

it is the strangest mix of like aesthetics I've seen.
I don't know, guys, would you want to be mummified?
Sure you would, I don't know. I mean, it's takes
up an awfu lot of room, but it seems more
problem ecologically sound than like modern traditional burial, like just

you know, let a lot of bandages do the work
of all those chemicals or something. It could be cool
to be a mummy. I don't know, but you guys,
I would do the mushroom suit. If I were mummified.
I would not want to be stored at the Summum
the Summum Temple. I believe their Their website is definitely
worth a look. I took a cool art class when

I was a kid um where we made little Egyptian
tombs and we made little clay mummies and bandage them
and then put them in a little made little sarcophag
eye for them. I just don't trust this sum them
organization undane like on top of their body preservation tech,

like it all looks a little bit JANKI Well, it
feels like the cryogenically freezing people a little bit too.
It does feel like there's something very like seventies Altered
States about it. Well, it's it has a d i
y vibe. That's the the off putting thing. And and
you know how sometimes like I don't know, you can

judge an organization by whether or not you feel like
they have the means and technology to make an air
tight chamber. Um, that's like something I always think about.
But yeah, I like religions. Can they make an eartight
chamber or not? I don't think that they can. I
think that there's going to be some unpleasantness with this

body at some point down the line for them, uh
being mummified in their temple. Okay, but if they're using
like ancient mummification techniques like those do work, but are
they I don't trust them to be on That's what
I'm saying. I don't think that they're doing it right. Also,
their their pyramid looks like a storage container. Like the
only thing that makes it not look like like an

extra space storage facility is that it's a pyramid. Other
than that, it just looks like, yeah, where you would
keep your records or something, or or your mummies or
your relatives and pets like some mums. Some mummies. I
think that's what it is, right, some mums. We cracked it.

So aside from pyramids, we have been putting out for
your dreams. We wanted to hear about your dreams and
your you know all matters of your subconscious. Just felt like,
you know, as we near the end of a super
surreal year, why not take a full bath in the subconscious.
And we got some great ones from you, some so far,
so we're gonna do a little dream mail. Um. But

this first email comes from JP, who says I'm responding
to your call for prophetic dreams. It happened about five
or six years ago, and I've only ever told a
few people. I remember being taken by someone to a
high cliff across from a tall bear mountain. Suddenly lightning
shot out of the great clouds, striking the rock face

in an explosion of fire and smoke. As the dust
plumes settled, I saw a list of thirteen names, and
I wept as I instantly and intuitively understood that these
were the names of the thirteen families that secretly control
the world. It was at that moment that I woke
up not remembered a single one of them to this
day of tribe and nothing has come to me. Oh well,

this is just car This is a great dream. You
gotta remember. You gotta do some hypnosis and figure out
what those names are. Definitely, uh yeah, I I think
this sounds close to like some of the bad conspiracy
theory things of the Thirteen Families who control the world.
But I just really like the idea of like being
in a dream and there's an explosion and then these

names appear before you, when you just break down into
sobs because you're just like it's important. Yeah. It just
makes me think about in Boogie Nights when Dirk has
the dream or his name reveals itself in Neon Yes
with an explosion. Well, this also makes me think of
the UM. I think it's more or less true. But

like all dream things, it's like it's never a science,
so you don't really know. But this idea that like
you can't read anything in a dream, you can't remember
anything you read, yeah, which I think mostly just means
you can't read anything in dream, which is very strange.
I would love to have somebody come on and explain
that for us, Like why does written language not make

it through? I don't know. Do you remember seeing billboards
before you could read, yes, and being like those are
like you know someday what that means? I feel like
it's like that I remember feeling like I could read
long before I could so I think I was just
like looking at words and making up what they meant,
you know, Like that's the thing that kids do a lot.

They quote unquote read a book um, which is always
very adorable. Uh yeah, no, the reading things, like, you know,
if you were to get some kind of cryptic prophetic
prophetic prophecy uh in a dream, like doing it and
writing feels like the most obscured way to get it,
Like how would you you would have to hear the

voice of something. I feel like sounds make it through
really well. The idea of it being writing though, so
interesting because of the idea of like language being this
great evolutionary leap for word that you know, goes back
to apes and and came to us. Because I feel
like even when you see it with children like my
brother's kids now, it's like they make this leap all

of a sudden where their brain can suddenly read and
process language, and it's so crazy. So the idea that
there's like the next level of that that the human
brain can't reach yet but possibly could. I think the
thirteen names can probably right and probably access that. If
we could just read the thirteen names, then we would

become like the super you know, we would reach them
maybe and sixteenth names right here. One of them is Kardashian.
I'm afraid I think it's like Bezos. I mean, I
feel like it saw the Billionaires right. Um. I I
would like to propose we take another night email about dreams. Um,

but I'm going to insist on reading this one because
I'm obsessed with it and it is about exploding head syndrome.
This comes from Natalie High night Call, Long time, First time.
I've recently learned that an occurrence I've had with my
dreams the last couple of years has a really concerning
name and is actually a diagnosable thing, exploding head syndrome.
Exploding head syndrome is when you have auditory hallucinations while

you are asleep. For me, they first manifested as dreams
where someone would be knocking on my front door forcefully
like a cop, and this would jolt me awake as
I truly believed I heard knocking. I would then panic
search my house to try to find the source. They
occurred a few more times until I started to realize
they weren't real. I have since had some that were
just loud crashes or like something crushing inside my head

like I was gnashing on rocks. They always wake me
up and cause a panic response, as waking up to
any sudden loud noise would. They first started after a
vacation in Spain, when someone broke into our airbnb after
knocking where I was alone taking a nap. So I
initially thought they were a PTSD response, but in reading
more about them, I think they might be more related
to a head injury I sustained in a car accident

the same year, or a stress or sponsor from either
of those things. Who knows, but knowing they are a
real thing that happens to other people too has helped
in my panic response and seemed to calm them down. Day. Yeah,
exploding head syndrome, you guys, Have you guys ever experienced
anything like that? No auditory hallucining I've had. I've had

like some weird during migraines, I get an aura where
I I can hear, but it's not when I'm asleep. Um,
but I get like some auditory stuff and some visual
stuff in like the aura, which is super scary when
it first happened. Um, but I cannot imagine being I
guess in a way, you know, after earthquakes. I feel

like sometimes I have that jolted awake by like I
think I hear some loud noise or I feel a
jolt or something in your dreams, like when you're yeah, yeah,
I mean I get that one a lot, don't you
like the following dream that ends with you like actually
jolting in your bed exactly that kind of thing. Yeah,
And or a crash. I've heard like a crash where

there was no crash and been like, oh, yeah, oh
that's so weird. Yeah. I Also this reminds me a
lot of like brains apps. Um. I don't know if
you guys have ever had those and stuff. Those are
the scariest because they don't warn you about them. And
then yeah, I wrote a thing about it once about
going through withdrawal and just yeah, and all these people
were like, oh, I have that too. Uh. That's like

the number one thing they should tell you when they
put you on brain maps but they don't, is that
your brain will do these little zapps. Um. I got
those from shingles, by the way, and not from meds.
But I had shingles when I was like super duper stressed,
and it was right after i'd had a baby and
I got shingles like on my neck and like it

was really there. I guess it was like the nerves,
the closer they are to your head. But I had
I remembered Molly telling me about them. I was like,
these are brains apps because they just feel like a
little electrical current. Yeah, it feels like a mini seizure
in a way, right. And there's also like they can
do things to your brain by pressing on parts of
them to sort of make some of these things happen.

From what I understand, um, the thing that a lot
of schizophrenic people have where they think they're being followed.
There's like some part of the brain that controls the
fact that your body feels like it's in your body.
And then there's like a part of the brain that
if you press on it, it feels like your body
is behind you or in front of you. So you
should do that to me, I mean, just to bring

it back to the chip, you know. Yeah, Oh, I'd
love to feel behind my body. I would like to. Uh.
Seems scary I have. I think auditory hallucinations are the
scariest thing. And I tried to read that Oliver Sack's
book about it at a period when I was like
maybe not doing great, and I immediately like had to

stop reading it because it was just making me feel
just afraid of things I didn't even know could happen
to people. Yeah, but I do also hear people saying
mommy a lot, and think saying Molly. That happens constantly.
That's just miss hearing Molly that I know. I'm just saying.

You never think someone's calling your name and you're like, no,
they're saying mommy. It just sounds my name is mommy,
So it's even more confusing. It's a premonition. Yeah. No, this,
like all of this stuff, is just anything that makes
you realize how soft and vulnerable the human brain is.

That's why it needs your skull. It does need your
does it needs the pyramid to protect it? Which is
just yeah, no, this is this is super interesting. Um, well,
do you want to take a quick break and come
back with maybe one of the scariest night calls we've
ever gotten? Yes? All right, all right, well this one

is not exactly a dream email. We still wanted to
talk about it because it does have to do with
the subconscious, and I will admit like test first brought
this one up to us, it was like, this is
really freaky, and I, um, I would concur this is
this is a rather upsetting night email, but I feel

like we should read it, but buckle up and make
sure that yeah, if you believe in demons, maybe maybe
uh twune out. But so this email comes to us
from Sarah. I've cut it down a little bit, but um,
she writes to us, dear night call, where do I start?
Roughly eleven years ago, I believe I was possessed. I

have zero recollection during that time. But what I can't
forget is waking up to a face on my mom
which I had never seen before or Since it was
the summer and I was having trouble sleeping, the allotted
unrest caused me to discover Alpha Delta Gamma wave videos
on YouTube, and hence turned into a sort of obsessive
sleep routine. I would set my laptop as close to

close as possible and try to settle in for the
night as subtle affirmations surrounded me. Fast forward three days,
where I woke up partially under the bed, with the
room and disarray and my mother fuming in the doorway.
She was mid stream yeiling at me, and when she
realized I was listening, which brought on a spiel about
my boss contacting her over missed work and how how
was she supposed to explain that. My mom, still seeming,

explained the calendar days to me and eventually answered as
to why she was so angry. Turns out I spent
the whole time flopping around my sister's room as well
as sleeping. On one of those days, she was concerned
and tried feeding me water, to which I allegedly screamed
at her, keep your water off of me, you filthy whore,
and then proceeded to lick my own face wildly. Mind you,

I had not eat and drank or relieve myself, and
more importantly, my mama is close to a saint. I
was utterly confused by all of her news, and I
made amends during the day, slept a ton more, and
eventually turned back to YouTube for my bedtime routine. Here's
the very disconcerting part. The very disconcerting part. I went
to the last video I started nights earlier. Within the comments,

someone said they had ran some frequency meter and was
learning the creator that the frequency stated was off just
so and was instead broadcasting something demonic. I know nothing
of these things. The creator simply replied that he or
she would look into it, But those comments were posted
a long time before I found myself reading them. Because

of this, I'm still terrified of that genre. I'm thinking
she means a genre of YouTube video and the irresponsibility
or malintent of people streaming it. I grew up a
strict nondenominational Christian. We're talking an unbending schedule of at
least nine hours of church a week, disregarding the thirty
minute drive each way. There were things about the Bible
which seems so unjust and terrifying to me, and the

idea of being possessed is always one of them. And
yet I think in a way I found myself full circle.
I'm hopeful you or your least listeners could shed sub
light on the matter. Who Yeah, yeah, I have a
lot of thoughts on this one. Uh. Do you guys
know of these videos by any chance? Because I wasn't

really familiar. I've heard of them, but not I've never
like investigated them, but I do. I think I found
them when we were talking about a s m R.
A few years ago and found some of the like, um,
the beta wave, things that are supposed to be like
talking about it a little bit because um, that's what
Denise Richard's husband does. I think I was, And it's

the sound baths and stuff like that. I think like
some of the one that's like the peaceful frequency. So
I watched a bunch of videos that were like whatever
it was, forty six hurts or something, um, and it
doesn't sound peaceful. It sounds like somebody doing a sound test.
It's just like whoop. And it's funny because people put
it over new age music because it's like this relaxing tone,

but then it just sounds like an alarm or something
interrupting new age music. It's not very relaxing. Doesn't it
defeat the purpose if you're playing music in the middle
of it, like you're not getting a pure tone. Well,
you can get the pure tone if you want it.
I would say I didn't. I didn't feel the effects
of the tone. Although I think tones can be very powerful.

I believe in like the power of you know, ancient
drone music and stuff like that. I think music and
sound can do things to your brain, can do things
to your brain waves. Yeah, I have a couple of
like audio like there it's a podcast that has like
a free yoga class on it. It's basically audio. And
I was never listening to one of them all the

way through because like the thing would be over and
I just turned it off. And then I did one
day and I realized that there was like a sound
bass sequence at the end of it. So it was
playing on my speakers and I accidentally I'm sitting there
in savasana and like suddenly like and it's really intense,
like even just over my speakers on a podcast, it
was like this sort of vibrat sational thing where I
was like, like you kind of feel I mean, it

is a peaceful feeling, but it's it definitely has a
physiological effect on you. Um. And that's not even in person.
That's not even being in some specially constructed acoustic setting.
But like this is a YouTube video that she's talking about,
like this is playing over laptop speakers. I used to
listen to white noise um like like rainfall, and I

would do the YouTube videos because they I could notice
when the sound resets and it would like, you know,
just I didn't like that because I would start identifying
like different beats in the little clip that they were using.
So I found a YouTube of like a ten or
eleven hour long UM thunderstorm, and it was great like
the first couple of times, but then I started I

didn't know if it was I think I was just
being a little cuckoo, but I started listening and like
hearing stuff under it um and then I was really
freaked out and I didn't want to listen to it anymore.
But we've we've talked so much on this podcast ab
out YouTube and how YouTube is just I mean, if
if there is the possibility of demonic possession, it would

for sure exist on YouTube. That's like the first step.
And if subliminal messaging does work in any way, they're
definitely people trying subliminal messaging because it's so unregulated. I
feel like you've talked a lot about how much insane
stuff there is that comes up for kids. That's why
I'm so I'm so suspicious of YouTube all the time.

I just remember, I mean, it was a real whole
arc of like my son watching the truck videos, the
truck music videos, and he was really getting a lot
out of it. Then he was also doing some like
learning videos, and then all of a sudden you just
noticed that there would be these slight links between this
video and the next video. And I mean, the the
stuff he saw was super, super, super concerning, to the

point where I think, if you haven't seen those things,
you read what people write about them and think that
they're like suburban women losing their ship over nothing, or
like conspiracy theories. Legitimately, it was hard to even understand
like what these videos, what their purpose was right now,
they're legitimately super scary. And the way the YouTube videos

just flow into each other, don't you know, just keep
loading new things and they all eventually funnel you to
like Ben Shapiro, because that's how they're algorithm. It's also,
though even not even scarier than Bench Shapiro, but like
in a in a whole different realm of scariness are
the videos that are just strange, like the ones that
we've talked about, you know, like what driver tors and

like what people think those are sweet peach exactly, um,
And then you start thinking about like one some of
the ones that my son was watching were um, like cars,
video game cars just driving off cliffs and exploding and
like you're just like what why, like what's being here?
Or like the ones that just seem off and you're

but otherwise are just kind of like there's nothing happening,
there's no clear purpose, there's no narrative of it just
seems designed to kind of leave an impression and it's
just like an experiment on their brains because who knows,
it's just clockwork orange. But like, I still feel like
there's a difference between that stuff about that kind of

possibly AI generated content, Like some of those YouTube videos
seems like they're doing the kind of SEO for like
basically what children, like the ultimate channel ers of it
are requesting on YouTube. So they're like, oh, we have

a lot of searches for truck exploding into flames. Let's
make a c g I video of a truck exploding
into flames. We can get those views from all those
eight year olds, Like, which is you know, very weird
and just consider on its own, but you can kind
of like connect some dots that are still upsetting. But
like I do think that, like in a very unscientific way,

I feel like there is a possibility of like some
of these tone videos at least like in the way
that meditation can kind of you know, provide some clarity
or you can have epiphanies or whatever from meditation or
from any kind of therapy. To honestly, like, I would
not rule out the possibility, Like I think that there's

I think the context of her having grown up in
a non and nominational Christian household and going to church
nine hours a week and having you know, even if
she is like not a fan of that, the idea
of demonic possession, like that stuff gets planted in your
subconscious so hard if especially if you grow up with
it as a child. And I think like, even if

she doesn't subscribe to that now, I just like it's
really frightening to think that that could manifest itself in
some way because you're in some kind of liminal or
meditative state or whatever, and that you know, that stuff
that is in your nightmare fuel basically for the rest
of your life kind of comes to the surface, right.
And again that's like what's so scared worry about the
human brain is like you can't necessarily control it, and

the idea that somebody else might be trying to control it. Uh.
I obviously do believe that there are people making YouTube
to try and hypnotize you into whatever. And I do
think that like, yes, something gets you in a vulnerable,
semi hypnotic state, and you have grown up with this

idea of demonic possession. But also maybe she was possessed
by a demon. I mean, I also just think that
there are possible explanations for this that are not demonic possession. Um.
And definitely I believe the emailer that her mom is

nice and patient and great, but I also think that
it's possible sometimes in extremely religious households to ignore things,
um that our health or mental health related, and they
kind become, you know, what appears to be a demonic possession.
But I know totally yeah, not to diagnose the email

or at all or anything. But there's also I mean, seizures,
for instance, high flavers, things like that if if someone
refuses to take you to a doctor again not saying
that that's what happened, religious faces, perhaps even a panic attack, um,
you know, anything dissociative, and it's just a scary feeling

to feel like you are losing control of your brain
or can't trust your own brain. And it's made scarier
if the person who's carrier under isn't willing maybe to
acknowledge that that could be the problem, and instead, you know,
it assigns some kind of more supernatural or like evil

sort of explanation for it, which I think can only
compound any panic attack or what ever that you might
be going through at the time, or any you know,
just sort of dissociative state. It's also I mean, you
mentioned the color mentioned that, or the emailer mentioned that
they were having trouble sleeping, and this kind of stuff
can also happen if you even if you think that

you've been sleeping, if you feel like you haven't been sleeping,
but you know, there are times when you feel like
you must have slept some but you're not actually really
falling asleep. After a few days of that, it wouldn't
really be like that outside of the realm of possibility
that you would disassociate so much that your behavior would
seem like what you're describing. You know. Yeah, I think

it's a generally safe and not at all paranoid rule
thumb maybe to not fall asleep with YouTube that is
that is very true. I mean that's what I felt
like eventually, I was like, you know, you're in a
very suggestive state when you're trying to fall asleep. And
then you know, when I started, like here, when I
started thinking I hear stuff underneath. That's that's partially because

when you listen to white noise, like, that's what happens
is that if you're having trouble falling asleep, especially, you
start to identify things that are annoying, that are keeping
you up in the track. That's mental well you and
I think you know with YouTube, like someone might have
even just been having a laugh with being like you're
some relaxing noises and every so off and offen in

like and kind of keep you away. And maybe it
was just a natural thunderstorm noise, but your brain was
interpreting it as creepy in some way. That's almost certainly
what it was. I mean, but I don't know. Do
you know what I recommend, because I have gone through
the same thing is explore dot org as I always
recommend the live Earth cams. You can often find one

that's like an actual nature sound and it will just yeah,
because I have the same problem with like, once I
you're looping, it doesn't relax me ever again, Yeah, yeah,
you you realize you're in a in a simulacrum. Yeah,
the storm or whatever. I wonder if the demonic tones
thing though, because friend of the pod, Carter Cruz, also

was talking about somebody who she was following who talked
about how like E d M has demonic a demonic
note in it, and there was like this demonic note
sort of conspiracy that again, I was like, I don't
like the like the Devil's like the tri tone. Yeah,

basically I want to know what this note sounds. Like,
what do you think the demonic note sounds. I mean
you should find it him. I think the demonic tri tone.
It's just making me imagine like a Dracula church organ,
you know, just some minor keys. Probably I'm gonna trying
to find it. That's it right there, That's that's the
demonic Yeah, totally. The sound of garbage truck we just

got it. Wheeling is a demonic tone. But it's like
anything can become demonic. Remember when we had the whole
ice cream truck sagay up early on in the podcast, Um,
somebody who's getting sent the sound of an ice cream
truck and it's just one of the creepiest things for
whatever reason, because it's so North Carolina that I heard

that one all the time. The Hello on the ice
cream truck and anything can get creepy if it's repeated enough.
And I just also think tempo, you know, like very
fast music makes me feel stressed out. Uh, sometimes I
want that. There's another thing that's like the sound of
falling downstairs. It's like the permanent spiral. It's a musical thing.

They do it in a Mario game for an endless staircase.
It is basically just it just sounds like it's going
down always, but it's always just the same. Uh. If
you know anything else about demonic music or music and
hypnosis at Double Tones, you should give us a nightcall

about it at two four oh for ace I site. Yeah,
and also if you have any uh insight on on
this color's experience with the alpha and gamma tones in
YouTube slash any um suspected demonic possessions yourself? Um, please

let us know all about that. I also feel like
you can feel like you're being possessed when you have
the sleep demon sitting on your chest. Do you ever
get trapped in like a like a nap and you
try to wake up and like sleep paralysis that can
feel like possession to me, where you're like trying to
get out of a dream. Nightmare on Elm Street stylie. Thankfully,

I never really had that before. Dodge that one. Well,
that's it for this week. Thank you so much for
listening to Nightcaul. If you have a story about dreams
here amid anything else, please give us a night Call
it to four oh four six night. You can also
text us at that number or email us at Night
Called Podcast us at gmail dot com. If you are

enjoying the pod, please leave us a rating and review.
You can also support us on Patreon at patreon dot com,
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