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November 2, 2023 31 mins
Former Magic guard and fan favorite Anthony Johnson joins Dante George and Jake to discuss his NBA journey, his two stints in Orlando including the Heart and Hustle team and the Finals run, playing on great NBA teams and what they all had in common and what he's up to these days.

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
On this edition of Magic Pop Squad, we catch up
with former Magic player and fan favorite Anthony Johnson. He
had a terrific NBA career and of course his last
two years. We're here in Orlando. He's part of that
two thousand and nine Finals run.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
We get into all of that with aj Magic.

Speaker 1 (00:17):
Fans afforded Department of Transportation remind you that fans don't
let fans drive drunk. If you've been drinking, don't get
behind the wheel. Instead, five a sober driver or catch
a ride service. Remember, drive sober or get pulled over,
have a great night, and drive safe. Lots to cover
here with Anthony Johnson, including that two thousand and nine
Finals run that included beating Lebron James in the Cleveland

Cavaliers in what ensued after they eliminated the Cavs, always
a favorite story for Magic fans. What he's up to now,
a lot of time with the golf course, being a dad,
coaching his kids in basketball, and a little bit about
his NBA journey and some of the greats that he
played with along the way. Terrific stories including Ron Artest,
Dwight Howard, a lot of former teammates, good stuff with

Anthony Johnson on this edition of Magic Pod Squad. This
is Fawns long enough to Orlando Magic. This is Cole Anthony,
This is Jennon Suggs.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
This is Paulo Man Carroll the Orlando Magic and you're
listening to the Pod Squad.

Speaker 1 (01:14):
And welcome everyone to another episode of Magic Pod Squad.
Dante Marcatelli, George Galatee, Jake Chapman, and this man simply
one of our favorites, one of our all time favorites,
Anthony Johnson. AJ played for the Orlando Magic two stints.
You remember the ninety nine, two thousand and then two
years from two thousand and eight to twenty ten, thirteen
NBA seasons, and quite frankly, AJ, I would be fine

if we just caught up but once a week and
just tell stories and reminissent. It has been way too long.

Speaker 2 (01:44):
How are you, my friend? It is always a good
time to catch up with my Dante Galante and now
we got Jake in and building. Yes, okay, you know,
catch up with my magic people. So all good. Thanks
for having me on.

Speaker 1 (01:58):
Guys, let everybody know where you're at, what you're up to.
Do you play golf? Twice a day, three times a day.
How much golf are you a get?

Speaker 4 (02:06):
He's ready to go right now after this, by the way,
like we're keeping him from a tee time. Oh no, no,
we're keeping him from.

Speaker 2 (02:13):
Oh man, I got two wheels to the golf course.
We got a twelve fifteen teeth. Now, you know, I
live here in Atlanta, and you know, just kind of
taking it easy, living a dream. Got two kids. My
son's a sophomore in high school. I coach today, you
teams in the summertime, so helping, you know, just helping
him getways, trying to go and I have a daughter

that's seventh grade. So just trying to be the best
dad I could possibly be. Soaked. Yeah, just living a
dream and enjoying fatherhood. That's great.

Speaker 4 (02:43):
Hey, Jay, talk about that. I think we talked about
that the last time we spoke about coaching your son.
How has that been for you? Do you are you
one of these I mean, you're coaching, so it's a
little bit different. So you have to be a little
bit of a screamer, I would imagine, because there's two
types of parents out there. There's there's the ones that
kind of just sit back and then there's the ones
that are super involved but you're coaching. So how has

that angle been from your perspective, coaching your son, watching him,
watching him do what you did?

Speaker 2 (03:11):
Well, we all know I'm super competitive, so I really
enjoyed a competition aspect of it. And you know, just
being able to be around my son training him and
you know, coach his team's day in and day out.
You know, it's a bond that you know, father son
bond that I really enjoy. And he knows when we're practice,
I'm the coach. But soon as practice so we get

in the car, I'm dead. And he knows that I'm
hard on him, and you know, it's one of those
things I tell him all the time. You know, with
my basketball career, you have all the answers to the test,
so there's no way be making sixties and seventies. We
used to be making nineties and one hundred. So when
he's not doing what he's supposed to do, you know,
I get on him pretty hard. But you know, when

when he's playing well and he's you know, applying answers
that he has, you know, it's good to sit back
and be a good father and kind of just you know,
nod my head in approval.

Speaker 4 (04:04):
So how is he doing on the test since he
has all the notes?

Speaker 2 (04:06):
And man, you know it's a roller coaster, you know
because somebody you know now he'll be sixteen on Saturday.
So you know, these kids nowadays, they think they know
it all and you have to give them room. You know,
this is his journey. I've already had my journey. This
is his journey. So I got to give him room
to kind of develop, to try things. And you know,

I know what, you know, he needs to he needs
to grow, and I got to give him room to grow.
It's not you know what, I can't always expect him
to get it from my viewpoint and from my eyes.
So I have to allow him to kind of, you know,
make his own way. And sometimes it's you know, pulling
hair out, which I already have it here. You know,

I have to allow him to take the driving wheel,
to take the stairingwheel. And this is his journey. So
some days you know better than others. But uh, you
know he's on the right tack. Yeah, I coach.

Speaker 4 (05:01):
I coached my son in the basketball for one season
and we won zero games. So now they're both players.
I only had a partial answer, can you Yes.

Speaker 2 (05:11):
You got to get and I am a deal going.
You gotta go find seven year old?

Speaker 1 (05:18):
Yes, that's right.

Speaker 2 (05:19):
You know what.

Speaker 1 (05:19):
You know what's interesting, George? You say that. And I'm
always amazed at how athletes come at it because my
I coach my daughters and we have one George. We
have won a couple of games, which is fun. But
they get upset. They'll get and I feel bad. I'm like,
you know, if they have a bad game or miss
some shots, they get upset, and I'm like, it's sorry,
I don't get him next game. And then I talked
to Q Rich. You hear from aj and age. You know,

Q will say his son got upset, and he'll write
back say, well, how much did you practice? What'd you
put into it? It's a completely it seems to be
a completely different mentality from a professional athlete as how
they treat that situation that it is for me, whether everything's.

Speaker 4 (05:55):
Fine, as opposed to you just said to go play
something else.

Speaker 2 (05:58):
Yeah, Cross, It's that sounds good, right?

Speaker 1 (06:01):
Is that fair? Is that fair? You kind of there's
a different accountability.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
I think yeah, I mean, you know, I think we all,
you know, being a former athlete. Uh, you know, our
kids are a little bit ahead of the curve and
definitely ahead of where we were at that same time.
So you know, a part of it we want them
to have the professional approach and gret things and you
know for us, you know, for me, it was lifting

weights during the day, getting it exercise on the game day,
you know, get treatments and all that kind of stuff.
When you know, I'm dealing with a fifty year old
and none of that stuff is really important right now.
So you know, right right, have my you know, getting
ready for NBA Finals game approach and he has dad.
I'm fifteen, you know, yes, two old bucks, other stuff approach.

I gotta check out YouTube, I gotta check out social media.
But there's a lot, you know, there's things that's more
important than you know, putting my best foot forwards. So
you know, as a parent you have to make the
necessary adjustments. But you know, preparation is one of those
things that if you want to be successful, it has
to be high on the priority.

Speaker 5 (07:09):
A j It's obviously a completely different level, but does
it make you relate a little bit to stan Van
Gundhy and some of some of the coaches maybe you
had over the course of your commercy, you'll stand trick
channeling through you at any point or is that just
is that way out?

Speaker 1 (07:22):
Is that way over here?

Speaker 2 (07:25):
I think Stan's approach is a little different to Ayj's approach.
Probably a good thing. Yep, yep, you know, uh, you know,
of course Stan was a great coach. We had a
great system, we had great success. But with staan Man,
nothing was ever perfect less unless you beat a team
by one hundred and you made every shot and each

got a high level of threes. Yah, Stan was not
going to be happy. And and you had to hold
other team to like less than fifty points. But if
he gave, none of those things are really able to
be accomplic So Stam was never happy. But you know,
he's a great guy and a great coach. But you know,

my approach, man, I just you know, these kids are young.
We want to practice hard, I want them to prepare.
I want to try to help them get to college.
So you know, it's just as much as possible, just
try to put them in a position to be successful
and be aggressive and uh, you know, just uh and
and like you said, there's going to be some teams that,

you know, you just run into a bustsaw. So sure,
you know, you just gotta kind of, you know, take
it one day at a time and just prepare them
as best as possible. You know.

Speaker 1 (08:35):
It's interesting. We had Hito Turkelu and Rishard Lewis h
in here on opening night, so that was a lot
of fun. And Rashard told the story that heto Turkulu
when the play was drawn up for him. He understood it.
If it was a gain, if he's gonna get right,
no problem, But there was a language barrier when it
was get back on defense. If you remember it that way.

What what's your what's your memories of hto Turkulu?

Speaker 2 (09:00):
I mean just that combination with Richard and Big Turk
and the White Man that have three guys that runck
and rolls effectively and finished games at a high level,
like the White being in tror presence, Big Turk and
Rishard being able to score from three, then Big Turk
being able to put the ball on the floor at

six eleven and we're sharred being able to post at
six ten, six eleven and take advantage of matchups. Man,
You know, that was like a teammate in heaven, and
we took advantage of it as much as possible. But
my Big Turk story, man, I'll never forget. You know,
we always get on Big Turk about a whole bunch
of stuff. But before a finals game, he's the pizza

before the game. I'm like, Big Turf, you're the only
guy here in the NBA Finals that's out of seat.
But how do you say, hundred and twenty games and
you playing thirty five forty minutes and you still out
of state? That like, come on, Big Turk, come on,
Big turn. We had a great time. We had a
great time.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
That's beautiful.

Speaker 2 (10:01):

Speaker 4 (10:01):
How often are you playing You didn't just play the
two you know three years in Orlando. You had a
thirteen year NBA career. I mean that is a lengthy
NBA career. How often are you pulling up highlights to
show your kids just to you know, to kind of
put them in check, like listen, like check me out,
like this is me.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
Then do it. Our coach used to do it at
a high level back in the days. Uh again, Uh,
you know these kids, like I said, you know, kids
are young. They think they know it all. So You're
trying to help them understand the game at a high level,
and sometimes they look at me sideways, like I don't
know what I'm talking about. So every now and again,

you know, I gotta put them in the torture table
playing one on one, or I have to send them late. Said,
let them know, this is coach JJ back in the day,
dunking on somebody nice, you know, having a big night.
So every now and again I do it with kids
look at me sideways. But for the most part, you know,
I just kind of talking up the im maturity and
they they just think they know it all. And you know,

basketball for them, you know, starts with you know, Lebron
James and you know these guys. But you know, we
did play good basketball way back before you know, these
these new shooting forty foot threes who you know started
So yeah, so you know, every now and again I
do it, but I just kind of try to laugh
it off and h yeah, just try to find the

nearest golf course.

Speaker 5 (11:26):
Hey, Ja, I wanted to ask you about that, the
state of the game today. You you sort of presided
over some of that, you know, the younger guys. Lebron, Yeah,
I think you were sing leg when stuff was was
getting close. Anyways, how do you like basketball today?

Speaker 2 (11:43):
You know, it's it's tough. I would have to say.
In my career, I played you know, uh when I
played with the Pacers, we used to have to battle Detroit,
Receive Wallace, Chelsea Bullets, uh year and the year out
to try to go to the NBA finals. And if
you watch the brawl in the Palace, the score in

the fourth quarter was like sixty six sixty two, were
like three minutes left in the game.

Speaker 1 (12:10):
And that why the fight bro go.

Speaker 2 (12:11):
Ga, you know, with three minutes left in the game.
If those were dog fights. You know, I didn't play
with the Pistols and the bad boys, but you know,
we used to take pride and playing defense. We used
to take pride in competing, and we used to take
pride and stopping our guy, and we used to take
pride and team defense. Nowadays, some of that competitiveness, some

of that taking pride and getting stops and playing good defense,
you really don't see it. So when the games get
out of control, it's like, are you being offended that
your guy thinks he could score on you whatever he wants?
And for me, I would be offended, and you know,
I would take the personal challenge of shutting my guy
down and stopping my guy. And of course, you know,

now with the NBA guys shooting cross half court, guys
seem the high level or high high amount of three
And of course you know Steps and the Dame Lillard's
and those guys, they were going to make a good
bit of it. But you got to pay your best
foot forward and you gotta stap it up, and you
gotta guy, you gotta get stops. You gotta get stops.
And you know, it's just when I don't see guys
taking personal accountability or stopping a guy, that's kind of

you know, you gotta turn its channel quick fast.

Speaker 1 (13:23):
You know what's interesting. You played, so you've eighteen years
with the I'm sorry, eighteen games with the magic that
it felt like it did it real It really felt
like it felt like it. But those eighteen games at
the end of the heart and hustle season, right where
you were part of that run, this team was trying
to get to the playoffs. You saw Ben Wallace really
before anybody else did. Well, what do you what do

you He's not in the Hall of fame. Is that incredible?
What did you see with Ben? And did you have
any idea that this guy was about to emerge? Right?

Speaker 2 (13:52):
Not at all, not at all at the time. You know,
Ben was I want to say, I drafted yeah, yeah, yeah,
I drafted a great guy. Quiet, never said much of
anything offensively. It was kind of like, you know, don't
really passing the ball less. He was wide open and
no one was around. Uh you know, but what thing

you saw, you saw his senacity. You saw when the
game started like he was about his business and uh,
you know, and he got every rebound whatever he got
his hands on. It was he was most secured and
you know, and and kind of rebound at a very
high level. But to see him evolve into you know,

the dad, hard hustle Ben Wallace and to the Detroit
Ben Wallace man, I mean, you know, he worked at
it and you could tell he took great pride into
being the best version of himself. And now he has
a Hall of Fame jacket. So super proud of him,
and I'm proud for and happy for him and his family.

Speaker 4 (14:56):
And Jay, how about you had a lot of teammates
over the years. How many of these do you still
talk to reach out to. Uh, you know, like you
mentioned Ben and those guys are how many of those
guys are you still in touch with?

Speaker 2 (15:07):
You know? For me, I'm kind of like a cave man,
so I kind of like just just stay here in
the house and if you see me on the golf course,
that's I run it to a lot of guys on
a golf course. But for the most part, you know,
I text with a good amount of guys. But yeah,
I kind of keep to myself, you know right now,
you know, just the fact that I am, you know,

just taking it easy. I try to get my kids,
you know a lot of time. But I love, you
know too, texts and the catching up with guys and
seeing them on the golf course. So you go to
Vegas and there's a big event. I run it to
a lot of guys at the Big Three and those
type of things. So it's always good to catch up.
But uh, you know, like I said, I'm a cave man,
so uh, you know, I'm not hard to find. But

at the same time, I kind of keep to myself.
But you know, yeah, there's a lot of guys that
are a few guys that I keep up with.

Speaker 1 (15:56):
You played three years with Run Our Tests and Metal World, right,
so you got it. There's gotta be some good run
Art Test material you must have. You must have seen
some unbelievable things in those three years.

Speaker 2 (16:07):
What's crazy is before I got there, the stories that
they were telling me, like the stories that I was
told before I got there, and to see it in person,
I want to say that I got the mild version.
But the mild version of Ron our Test was out
of control. And Roddy Man, when he's in his right mind, man,

there's no small forward that you know could do what
he could do. He could lock people up, he could
you know, the top scores could barely get the double digits,
and then he could turn around and beast and eat
on our fence. Had been withhoot threes, with shooting, with
posting up and just using his physical strength. And one

time he got up like two seventy and still was
moving and setting guys down. And that's incredible to be
six seven to seventy and stopping the t max given
the Kobe's you know, a tough time, like you know
he was, what he was doing on the floor when
he was in his right mind was truly impressive. But
off the floor, that boy was, oh man, he was

out of control. He was out of control, and it
just you know, sometimes you could laugh at all, but
at the timesy we try to compete and win it
a ship. A lot of these distractions are not helping
us get out to go, and that was the disappointing part. True.

Speaker 5 (17:32):
It was one of the first guys I remember when
I when I when I hit the league, when I
was an intern in six oh seven, maybe a year
or two afterwards, where I looked at him and I said,
he he was so build. It must have been the
time you're talking about when he got up to two
seventy and he was still moving. He was built like
a like a meat refrigerator or something like that. I mean,
he was just he was so thick and and the

lateral movement. He was just outstanding.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
Jay Just so you know, but Jake compares everything to food,
a meat refrigerator like that. There's a lot of this,
a lot of food analogies.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
But go ahead, I got to add the jag Man
thank of Bones, Jones, uh, the UFC fighter, Oh yeah,
him as a basketball player. That was Ronnie as a
basketball player, like he was just bones those you know,
but at six seven, two seventy five, you put him.
He put him on your list of the of the
greatest defenders of all time. Oh yes, oh easily, easily

because he could guard like like they are times that
practices Dale Davis would host him up and Dale couldn't
really move him, and we all know how big Dale was. Yeah,
I mean, I would definitely put Ronnie as one of
the top greatest defenders in the NBA of all time.

Speaker 5 (18:39):
I wanted to ask you, a j was there when
you think back, was there a common thread on on
all the great teams you played on, obviously the Orlando team,
maybe those Indiana teams. Is there something that maybe, with
the benefit of hindsight you say that was something that
those teams had head in.

Speaker 2 (18:54):
Common and maybe you didn't realize at the time.

Speaker 1 (18:55):
Well and real quick, just so everybody knows, because he
because because AJ's too modest. You were a sixty seven
win Dallas team, a sixty one win Indiana team that
went to the Eastern Conference finals, and of course this
Magic team that went to the finals. So yeah, to
Jig to your point, AJ, you were on a water
of teams that had a ton of success and.

Speaker 2 (19:13):
The New Jersey Nets where we went to the finals,
fights with the finals twice for Jake Zacht of course,
and the common thread. Of course, you have to have
a defensive approach, you know. That was the one thing
all those teams we took pride at stopping other teams.
So having a defensive approach and just everybody being tied
end is one. When you don't have in agendas, when

guys kind of have they air compacts in place and
no one's casing free agency or chasing money, it kind
of breaks everyone together and there's no in agendas and
everybody is playing towards one common goal. And that's normally
when you have that defensive approach, a good system in place,
with good coaches, a good synergy, and everyone's playing towards
one common goal, you'll probably have good success in anything

that you do. Anything that you do.

Speaker 4 (20:00):
I brought up on podcasts before when we've talked to
other guys and Ajam you may remember this because you
were talking about everybody's playing for the common goal. Do
you remember the training camp. The end of training camp
before we went to the finals, we had a dinner,
We had a team dinner that I was lucky enough
to be a part of. I've mentioned this before where
Stan went around to every guy in the room at

one through fifteen and just told everybody what their role was,
and everybody, to a man just kind of looked like
just looked at him, nodded, and then we went out
on the floor and did it like do you remember that?
And that's forever stick with me because I had never
seen anything like that before. We had I've been to
training camps and that one just stuck out to me,
and you knew walking out of that door, like we're

gonna do something really special this year.

Speaker 2 (20:45):
Yes, I mean even early on, you know, I had
come from teams that had you know, final success. The
first two or three days in practice, I met all
the guys in the locker room, Hey, man, like we
got to take a ship team here, Like there's no
weakness if we just kind of pull it together and
just have the mental toughness. Of course, mental toughness come

in into the second round, third round of the playoffs
kind of helps you get through. If we can stay healthy,
we're gonna do it. But with stand and his staff
to give every player a role to know your role
and the roles that he gave us. Of course it
was posted over your locker, so you saw it every day.
But every role and each characteristic on that seat defined

every player like there was no there was no gray area,
first of all, and they were wanted to present correct
on the roles that each player and the characteristics that
was on that seat, So they kind of put things
in perspective. It let you know what you were there for.
It let you know that what you you know what's

expected of you and your strengths and your weaknesses. So
let's continue to get better with your strengths and let's
improve our weaknesses. We could have a great year, but
that dinner was phenomenal and it was the start of
something special and the year was just it was a
great year. Uh. Fortunately we didn't we didn't cap it off,
but you know, it was just one of those things
when you went in, it's.

Speaker 1 (22:14):
So much better and losing, Yes, what well? And you
and you and Rafer were such a great combination. We
talked to Rafer about a year ago or so and listen,
you you're phenomenal in the postseason and helped the team
get all the way to the NBA Finals, which this
city will never forget. But something that we kind of
didn't remember was the Cleveland Cavaliers did this little picture celebration.

Speaker 2 (22:34):
I remember it that you remember it.

Speaker 1 (22:36):
I don't remember seeing that as much, but Rafer reminded
us that that was kind of motivation for you guys.
And then when you guys eliminated Cleveland, man, that must
have been an incredible feeling. But kind of tell that
story for us a jake from your vantage point.

Speaker 2 (22:50):
You know one thing about that team, we went on
the road and we smacked everyone. Right, it wasn't just
us winning at home, but we felt very good and
every confident when we were on the road, and the
whole build up throughout the season was you know, the
Lakers and Cleveland. You know, it was just right. That
was kind of like what was supposed to be. And

then Cleveland before the game, they would always do this
family photo and you know they were just you know,
they were a first quarter team, like they would just
blow everyone out in the first quarter, and it was
just one of those things like you know, they just
dancing and you know, just they're having a great time
with her, and you win it and you feel like
there's nothing wrong with that, but they it just seemed

like they used to go overboard with it, and you know,
when we were playing them in the regular season, it
was just one of those things like wait till, wait
till you know, wait till June, because y'all, y'all gonna
be in for rude of wakening.

Speaker 1 (23:49):
So it bothered you in the regular season too when
we saw that.

Speaker 2 (23:52):
Okay, okay, gotcha, got it, but there's no need of
getting robbed up in the regular season. It receives in
November December, so it was no big deal. But you know,
it was something we kept eye on, we talked about
in the locker room. But it was one of those
things where it gets you know, when we get face
to face come June or you know, the n of May. June, Yeah,

y'all will have a handful, y'all will have some problems
on y'all hands, and exactly did We were a three
point a big Lebron James three point away from begging
up and really kind of keeping that series and showing
them they weren't on our level. But we knew they
weren't on our level. But it was just one of
those things that you know, you just got to play

the games out. But it was just fun after we won.
You know, just taking a family photo like this, that's
so good, you know, just rubbing it in a certain way. Ye,
what did you do? They were not on our level
at that time. Even when Lebron he was averaging like
forty forty five like he was, he was, he was
balling like it was. It was unbelievable to think he

was doing. Of course, he was being guarded by Turks.
So we got.

Speaker 1 (25:02):
We got, we got, you know, to make up for that, right,
just we.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
Gotta give them a uh, you know, some little slack there.
But yeah, they were not on our level. No team
in NBA was on our level at that time. But
you know, we just didn't get it done in the
final two weeks.

Speaker 4 (25:17):
Sure, but what but to remind everybody what you did
during our family photo when we won the when we
won the East.

Speaker 2 (25:23):
Well you do aj, I mean, you know, I you know,
I let my little you know, my point guard. We
all were a crew. So Rayper and Demior and te
lit Day they held me up and you know, like
I was a baby, and yeah, so so so, yeah,
we had a good time with it. Because that, you know,
looks great. They used to hold up on Williams and

you know, so it was just, you know, kind of
one of those things you just after the fact. I'm
not a trash talker, but you know, I wanted them
to know that they were not on our level, and yeah,
we could do all that stuff too, but we could
do it as we're winning and moving on.

Speaker 4 (25:58):
The picture goes very under the radar because it's just
just like we're having a good time agent and I
knew immediately.

Speaker 2 (26:04):
I'm like, oh, I know what he's like, what he's
let's rub it a little bit. You gotta rub it
in because that's all you heard about. That's all Cleveland, Cleveland, Cleveland, Cleveland.
You know, they they had nothing for us, Like they
couldn't stop Turk, they couldn't stop the Star, they couldn't
stop the White and everyone else, all the role players

we contributed. So they like, yeah, they were not on
our level, really, and that is awesome. Lebron doesn't make
that three, then they're down too old in their own building.
Going back to Orlando and that that's easily sweet, which.

Speaker 1 (26:37):
Take us off Turk because Turk had the game winner
before that Lebron.

Speaker 2 (26:41):
Yeah would have.

Speaker 1 (26:41):
Been, but he's goes every time the playoffs come. I
gotta watch that shot.

Speaker 2 (26:45):
Yeah, and he don't clear winner Game one. He had
had the game, Yeah, I had the game winning Game one.
So yeah, so you know, of course it came down
to game winning shacks. But yeah, we we didn't feel
like they were on our level.

Speaker 5 (27:01):
Real quick, before we go, I want to go back
to the to the stand the stand preseason dinner where
he assigned everybody his role. I covered stand in Detroit.
He did the same thing.

Speaker 2 (27:11):
It did not work.

Speaker 3 (27:12):
So the personnel personnel helps, let's give otis. Let's give
otis and then deck towards it in the front office
or j def Oh this was instamental, uh you know,
and pitting that team together and uh yeah. And also
that's since the general manager uh day day towards it, yep.
And then the ownership group like it was man from

top to bottom. Our Senate d was unbelievable. I mean
it was just smiling faces. Everybody was upbeat, everybody was positive. Everybody,
I mean we were winning.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
We had a great system in place, we had great guys,
Like the synergy was unbelievable from top to bottom. It's
just unfortunately unfortunate that we didn't get it done in
the last two weeks.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
Well, it's been a struggle since then for this Magic team.
They've gone a couple of different directions. But we're fee
there is a buzz in town. We're feeling like we're
we're headed in the right direction and there's a lot
of excitement around it. Do you watch the team still
and what are your thoughts on this up and coming
Magic team.

Speaker 2 (28:10):
Well, I really like the sighs, the sides across the board,
you know, uh that really you know in today's NBA
uh you know, of course they talk about position this
guys that you know, guys got big guys that can
handle the ball, the bottners and uh uh you know
Hollow and and Wendell Carter. You know, he grew up

here in Atlanta. He has some perimeterive skills. So you know,
I'm a big fan of Cole Anthony and uh, you know,
and and some of the other guys. So, uh, now
that you know they turn the corner, they have some
success at the end of last season, so now you
got to carry you know, dad into this season. Of course,
it improve your summer workouts when you know what it

takes to win. Now, when you're in the summertime, your
workouts changed and you're able to kind of develop and
get into a mode of Okay, now I have some success,
let's carry it forward. So, uh, you know the team's too.
You know, they got a big one tonight against the Lakers,
so look to uh you know, seeing you know that

match up, and and then hopefully they could kind of
build on the buzzs. You gotta bank a lot of
games early in the season when you can, and the
Lakers a team that's very gettable, uh you know this
time of the year, so you know, hopefully they could
put their best foot forward and uh, you know, have
a good showing tonight.

Speaker 1 (29:29):
That's great on the broadcast. Yes, he's got it all down.
I'm telling you, I would love to have him come down.
Do you have it in you, budd George, to bring
him down here for a broadcast and to do our
golf tournament. He needs to come to the Magic Golf
Tournament's do it.

Speaker 2 (29:44):
I'm wide open, So let's do it. Playing you swing
by on the way back. There's got to be now
this kidding, No, there's definitely no room there.

Speaker 1 (29:56):
The bench is full, those things are full. Watching the
second Mental Laker game last night, and they like the
beam you played in Sacramento.

Speaker 2 (30:03):
Do you like that?

Speaker 1 (30:04):
Do you like the beam?

Speaker 2 (30:05):
I love? Uh? Did I like it?

Speaker 1 (30:07):
Do you like it?

Speaker 2 (30:08):
Do you like the thing? I love? Love it? Okay,
you know it's it's theirs. You know, it's it's something
that's theirs, and no other team have thought of it,
you know. So they of course with the cow bells
back in the days that used to be unbelievable. But
it's Sacramento, you know, it's not much going on out there,
so for them to have something that's days, you know,

it's I really love it. I love it, and it
gives it gives us as a togetherness and Carberie and
the guys. Not to say it makes you play harder,
because at the end of the day, anytimes someone's keeping score,
you should you used to kind of give your best effort.
But to have that extra motivation to hit the button
and like the beam, I love it. I love it.

Speaker 1 (30:53):
Well, we love talking to you, aj great stuff. Hit
them straight today and let's we look forward to seeing
you here soon.

Speaker 4 (30:58):
All right, what are we going for seventy five, seventy six.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
What do you know? That's we're gonna go eighty one
eighty four y one, how four?

Speaker 1 (31:07):
So you're can we put them in our group tours
for the tournament. We have a chance in this thing,
all right, guys, good stuff. That'll do it for this
edition of Magic Pod Squad with Anthony Johnson.

Speaker 2 (31:18):
We'll see you next time.
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