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January 11, 2024 28 mins
Magic Traveling Secretary and Senior Director of Team Operations Rodney "Sid" Powell joins Dante, George and Jeff to discuss his favorite memories of the Shaq era in Orlando now that #32 will be the first number retired in Orlando Magic history. Plus some background into what all went into that decision, Paolo Banchero's All-Star first half and a daunting road trip preview.

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
On this edition of Magic Podsquad, we catch up with
Orlando Magic traveling Secretary and Senior director of Team Operations,
Rodney Powell, You've been here since day one, and myself
George Galante, Jeff Turner. We recamp what has been a
busy couple of months for this Orlando Magic organization and
get into the Shaquille O'Neal number of retirements, our thoughts

on that and why that is absolutely a terrific move
for the organization. Polo ban Carrol, we feel definitely headed
to his first All Star Game in Indianapolis and also
a first half of the season recamp coming your way
here on this edition of Magic Podsquad, and of course, Podsquad,
brought to you by the Board of Department of Transportation,
reminds you that fans don't let fans drive drunk. If

you've been drinking, don't get behind the wheel. Instead, find
a sober driver or cat your ride service. Remember, drive
sober or get pulled over, Have a great night and
drive safe. Plenty of shack stories with Jeff Turner and
Rodney on this edition of Magic pod Squad. This is
Fawns long enough to Orlando Magic.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
This is Cole Anthony. This is Jenny Suggs.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
This is Paulo man Carroll the Orlando Magic and you're
listening to the Pod Squad.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
And welcome everyone to another edition of Magic Pod Squad.
Dante Marcatelli, Jeff Turner, George Galatee and to Orlando Magic.
Senior Director, President, Vice President of Team Operations and all
Things travel. How many how many titles do you have
in your name?

Speaker 2 (01:30):

Speaker 1 (01:30):
It's pretty impressive.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
One one, Tyler, which was the one that I get
paid for. What there you go?

Speaker 1 (01:37):
Senior Director of Team Operations, Traveling Secretary Rodney Powell, better
known as Sid, joining us here on this trip. You know,
if we told the story, how did you get the
nickname Sid?

Speaker 2 (01:46):
Sid? Sid came from When I was in junior high
I played basketball and I was a big fan of
Sidney Moncrief at the time. Okay, and somehow, I mean,
I know, I never jumped like Sidney mont Creef. But
what were there similarities in your game? Is that how
you Well, yeah, yeah, I could shoot, but I couldn't

jump like him. And somebody I wore his number and
somehow I I got stuck with. That's what Sid. He
was at Arkansas. I think good Mine.

Speaker 3 (02:15):
Creef had a great post up game.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
Sid I did not have that.

Speaker 4 (02:19):
I like how on everything like Credentials, media Guide, everywhere,
like everything is listed as Rodney quote Sid unquote Powell.
That's my favorite because like could just go Sid Powell SID.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
SID is not all my birth certificate, so i'd match,
or your driver's life SiGe.

Speaker 4 (02:38):
You've got a city hall and get that ship.

Speaker 1 (02:42):
Rodney Powell is what gets you on the planes exactly
what's what's on the license? Well, lots to get to
here on the On this edition, the big news with
Shaquille O'Neal is a number being retired Polo ban Carro,
who we all feel will be an All Star and
feel like that's a lock for the coaches to vote
him in, but fans still need to do their job
and and we'll do our kind of first half of
the season update. But I think the news come out

a couple of days ago, and Alex Martins did a
great job on TNT announcing that Shaquille O'Neil would have
his number, thirty two would be the first number going
into the rafters. And like my dad always said, you
know you you hand out gold bars. Somebody wants silver, right,
So there's always fans that aren't gonna like that, right fans,
But for the most part, everybody understands it and overly
or the overwhelming majority is that that's the great that's

the right thing to do. It's the right move. He
needs to be the first number to go into the rafters.
And I don't know if anybody can explain that better
than you, Sid and jt on Shack. What he meant
to this organization first, just putting this team on the map, right,
getting a guy like Shaquille.

Speaker 2 (03:44):
That was the biggest thing when he came this is
that's one of this whole places you know, got headed
in the right direction when he came on board, and
things got going the right way, and we were on
a roll for what four years? Five years? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (03:58):
Yeah, I think the big thing for me is that
people need to remember is so we were an expansion
team for three years. We played like an expansion team,
and we were so bad that third year that we
overwhelmingly got the first pick in the draft and we
brought in Shaquille O'Neill and really kept the same team.

I mean, it was the same group of guys. You know,
Nick Anderson was already here, Dennis Scott, we had Scott Skiles,
you know, we had you know, Terry Catlidge, and we
had basically the same crew. And we went from that
very poor expansion team to a team the very next
year wished to quill competing for a playoffs spot. And

you know, based on like it went down to the
fourth tiebreaker, I think that we didn't make the playoffs.
But you look around, you go back through time, you know,
and see a first round draft pick that helped the
team improve by twenty games and make them. As Sid said,
everything changed, Uh yes, did you could speak? It changed

from our travel means too. You go, we went to
a charter plane. Then the ownership got a chart plane
for us. I mean that was all broughtle.

Speaker 2 (05:13):
The hotels were all different, hotels were top notch. We
were like a traveling road show, a traveling circus. So
I was so because we hear that, we hear those stories.
How you you see people outside our hotels. Now we
may have what maybe fifteen twenty people.

Speaker 4 (05:30):
Half of them are asking for you. Yeah that is
that's fact.

Speaker 2 (05:34):
But back then, I mean we would come in at
two in the morning in some of these cities and
there's people just lined up outside waiting to see Shaft
in the in the well.

Speaker 3 (05:44):
I'm not exaggerate when I say one hundred people, Yeah,
one hundred.

Speaker 2 (05:47):
Yeah, it was right.

Speaker 3 (05:49):
I remember that sid that night we were we were
into San Antonio and it was late.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
Oh yeah, because he was from San Antonio and at
that west and there was people on that sidewalk to go.
It was terra. I mean, yeah, those were I mean
that's all because of him.

Speaker 4 (06:06):
And it's just to see him too, by the way,
because odds.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
Are half of him that they were. He wouldn't sign
him many ars.

Speaker 4 (06:11):
The odds are he's just going from the bus right
into the lobby.

Speaker 3 (06:14):
So it's interesting you you just said that people will
ask me. He still asked me for my autograph, and
so they'll have cards and everything. So then then San Antonio,
long line of people. We're getting off the bus, getting
off the bus. Some guy yells out Jeff Turner, Jeff Turner.
So I walk over to the line and the guy says, hey, Jeff,

He's like, anyway you can get Shack's autograph for me.
That's what it was.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
It's a good try.

Speaker 4 (06:43):
Though, that is a good try.

Speaker 1 (06:45):
And why do you wear disguises? Like tell us some
of your favorite Shack stories from back then. It could
be from traveling or I know, you guys buy up
to relationship.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
I just remember he's he's the same way as now
he was then. He's a big kid, a big cut
up all the joke sir, prankster. And I mean it's
like when you watch him on TV now with him
and Charles cut Up on stage were on the set.
But just some of the things that he would do
on the plane when they would have pillow fights with

him and then and then they would get Brooks Thompson
rest in peace Brooks and beat him up with pillows
because he was the bed. Like you know, they had
a couch on the and Shaq and Jack had the couch.
But he would make Brooks sit beside him. He'd beat
him with the pillows. Just little things that I mean.

He was a big cut big kid, just like he
is now.

Speaker 3 (07:38):
He wore a he wore a well he's probably seen
different times he would like wear wigs and get off
the plane like some people. I don't know how he
felt like them anyway.

Speaker 4 (07:57):
But in reference those couches. Now, those were the couches
that six of us would.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
Fit on in back right one.

Speaker 3 (08:05):
Back then it was just Dennis and Shock Brooks if
they needed Brooks.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
That's what do we call it? The nuts and bolts
won the first thing. The person with Skoles referred to
it as nuts and bolts won.

Speaker 1 (08:18):
But you were but so Sid you were the equipment
manager back then. Obviously Jeff you played with them. And
it sounds like by all accounts that he was. He
We see what he does now for the communities right
for for Orlando, for Central Florida, everywhere he went. He's
buying bikes for people. He buying cars for people, bought
a wedding ring for Did that start? Like, when did
that all start?

Speaker 2 (08:38):
Did you see any of that? Usually do that? When
he would say we were leaving for a trip and
he's come to the airport at a red light. If
he saw some guy you know, or what do you
call a panhandler now or what, sure he would take
care of him. He'd give him a hundred bucks. That
I mean, he was very giving back then. So I
mean he's never changed when it came to that stuff.

Speaker 3 (08:58):
You know, what I always thought was interesting is like,
you know, like a lot of celebrities, you know, and
you can't miss Shack, right, he wasn't afraid. Like Shack
would just go to the mall. No, yeah, like and
just you know walk around. People knew who he was
and stuff like that. So it like those stories don't
surprise us.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
Back then, we didn't have security like they do now. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
Yeah, yes, right right, I mean George has security now
for yeah, yeah, I mean.

Speaker 4 (09:26):
It gets gets a little bit much.

Speaker 2 (09:30):
I mean I don't think our first year few years
with Shack we had security.

Speaker 3 (09:34):
No, but we started you know, it's right, yeah, it
really was like you know, I always kid people. I
was like we were It's like chiming with the rolling stones,
you know. It's like, I mean wherever we showed up,
I mean we had people. You know, this was you
know obviously back before nine to eleven and everything, people

would tail the bus going to the airport and would
go through the gate out onto the tarmac to try
to get to the to the airplane just to get
a glimpse. It was, you know, so that when when
people like if they have reservations about Shacks number being retired,

you know, I for me, it's like as a player,
everything changed, just like we talked about and everything, and
yeah there were you know, like the way it ended
wasn't great. The when he you know, when he left.
I always remind people, though John Gabriel tells a story,
it was the only year there was a there was
some negotiation, was the only year there where there was

no restricted free agency, so there was nothing really we
could do. I know, it really was with the with
the most dominant player in the history of the franchise,
in my opinion, we had no recourse and it didn't
go well and in the end, but does it ever
does when a great player. I'm sure when they traded

him from LA that wasn't good either, right, So I
always encourage people just think about in those four years,
what happened on the court and what he did, how
quickly we went to the NBA finals. Had Michael Jordan
not come back right in ninety five ninety six, who knows?

Speaker 2 (11:19):
We were just the way us then? Yes we were.
We could have bat on TV, you know.

Speaker 4 (11:24):
Yeah, I mean I always and it's already been said
twice here and nobody really knows it. There's been many
times where we've been in discussion since the announcement with
various people, whether it's a reporter, whether it's staff, friends,
whatever else, and it always comes back to the answer
of well, it's Shack, It's Shack. Yes, there is going

to be no player. Listen, we all have talked many
times about the quote unquote Mount Rushmore of the Magic right, Shack, Penny, Dwight, Tracy.
There's no argument that those are clearly the four best
players ever to wear a Magic uniform.

Speaker 2 (12:03):

Speaker 4 (12:04):
However, there will be none of those other guys will
move the needle no matter what needle you're talking about,
whether it's on court, media, fan reaction, anything. There is
not in the country, in the world. There is nobody
that's going to move that needle the way Shaq moves

the needle. And that's why, to me, it's a no
brain decision that Shack has to be first. And we've
been asking for this. You know, there's a there's a
board that you know that recommends for Magic Hall of
Fame and that type of thing recognitions that we've asked

for Shack for. This isn't just a decision that was
made last week. You know, this has been this has
been a long time coming, and I just think the organization,
for whatever reason, it's finally the right time. And it
doesn't matter when the time is, you know, you wish
it could have been. I don't think maybe if you
would have done this ten years ago, maybe you wouldn't

have the reaction you do now. You know, we've we've
had this history of you know, bitter breakups and then
the breakup stings for a really long time. Well, like
we can, we can get into a habit now of
shortening that window. And you know this, there's no doubt
that this guy was the reason that the Magic were

on the map period. There's no argument.

Speaker 3 (13:28):
Great point, we don't talk about we don't really talk
about two of the other expansion teams that much. You know,
Minnesota and that's Armless and that's the other thing, right,
Miami has obviously had great success, but we did it first,
you know, with with Shaquille o'neils, so we had that
quick success. So yeah, I don't think there's any any doubt.

Speaker 1 (13:49):
We go to all these arenas and you see all
the banners that are up in the rafters, right, so
now there will be two organizations that have never retired
a Jersey there's.

Speaker 2 (13:57):
Just tooers clippers and slippers and rafts ers.

Speaker 1 (14:00):
She'll be the only two that have never retired to you,
and maybe that's coming. There was pressure on them to
try to put someone.

Speaker 2 (14:04):
You saw the next day after Shack was announced the
social media for those two teams. Yes, random knocking off
players who they would think would they could retire.

Speaker 1 (14:15):
What do you think it means to Shack? What do
you think it means to him to be first to
be recognized this way on to write to.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Be I think he's I mean, have you talked to him?
I have not talked to him. Come see, I have
not talked to him. Just I mean I saw, I
saw his expression went on TV when he was was announced,
and I think he was shocked a little. But you
know he's made comments before that. You know what, he
did a video where yeah for the call. Yeah, So

I mean for him to finally get it, I think
he was very you know, excited, and but his reaction
was what I like, just like, wow, this is an
honor and h well deserving. So I mean, I think
we're we're doing the right thing.

Speaker 1 (15:05):
Well, and then you have success, so now the team's winning,
So how did that change from how what you saw
against opposing teams. Right now you're having all time battles
in some of the great centers of all time are
in the league, going against Shaquille O'Neil, right, and he
and and he was ready. There were certain centers that
he disliked more than others. From what it sounds like, yeah, right,
but now now you're starting having success and.

Speaker 2 (15:26):
You go to the finals. But just ended an honor
for him, like to be the first player. Don't be
three in three cities for sure, no question. I mean,
no one else has done that.

Speaker 4 (15:34):
Will Chamberlain, they said, I think is three? Is that true?

Speaker 2 (15:38):
With the Trotters, with the glow Trotters?

Speaker 4 (15:41):
Well that because yeah, so then he is?

Speaker 2 (15:45):
Is he not? Is he not?

Speaker 4 (15:46):
The war was the Warriors sixers, and I guess that's it, right,
that's all he played for is so he'll.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
Be the first. But I don't.

Speaker 4 (15:52):
But I well Lakers or Lakers too, right, So well,
I thinks Will does have it.

Speaker 1 (15:56):
But to have that guy connected to your organization, those
only only be can only be great things. And again
the overwhelming majority of fans, everybody understands it and loves it,
right like we all do, and we understand it. But
he brought success. Your first taste of success came on
his shoulders.

Speaker 3 (16:12):
Yeah, and I guess let me just say, like the
thing about him and you if you followed through his career,
you know, at other places too, Shaquille O'Neil was the
mark of a great player. Do you make your teammates better?
And you know, like again I go back to we
were the same guy. He's right, that won twenty games

or whatever it was twenty one, what did we win
forty one year?

Speaker 2 (16:37):
Forty one?

Speaker 3 (16:37):
Right, Like we brought us in and he made us
all better, you know, like I shot the ball a
little bit better, which I had more room to shoot.
Dennis had more room. You know, Nick Anderson turned became
a three point shooter because you know, there was so
much attention on the big fella, and so you know,
that's for me, is a big part of it.

Speaker 1 (16:59):
And for those that's he's only here four years, he's
still in the top ten in how many different categories.

Speaker 4 (17:04):
And those four years are arguably the four greatest years,
you know, among the greatest years in the history of
the franchise. So also there's an interesting conversation that we
had on the bus one time because we were talking
about I don't remember. We were talking about the possibility
that it would happen, and Jeff, I thought, made a
great point where he said, if you look down the future,

you know. Tracy McGrady was such an enormous fan of
the Magic when he was a kid, right, which made
him want to come to the Magic in whenever he
came two thousand and three or two thousand. Well, the
reason he was a fan of the Magic was because
of Shack. That was the reason. It was because of
ability well and Penny. Not to not to discount what

Penny did. It's because of that team and that era
and that era, you know, and Penny has a large
part to do with the success. But Shack was the
straw that stirred the drink, and so like it. It
has such a wave of influence on the team. Again,
I would just say anybody that argues the other way,

I think all they have to do is listen to
the last fifteen to twenty minutes of us talking, and
that should should persuade.

Speaker 1 (18:15):
Nobody goes on TNT soon This could happen to he
goes on TNT every night and says, I love what
happened down there and that I mean he can have
influence on free agents too. Is when that time comes.

Speaker 4 (18:24):
Because it's Shack, Because answer goes back to because it's
Shack every time Shack.

Speaker 1 (18:30):
And here's where I would segue, because it's Paulo. I
think that is coming. I think they are seeing that right.
Shaq was an All Star each of his four years,
and we fully expect and anticipate and would be. It
would be a crying shame if Poulo was not an
All Star this year with what he's done. But how
about your interactions with Polo?

Speaker 2 (18:48):
He seems to be.

Speaker 1 (18:50):
He seems to be heading in that.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
Direction as well. Pylo's got, He's got, I mean his
drive for the game. I mean for a young guy
like him, and we all we all see him play,
so we know what he can do. And I think
I just think this year would be the the way
he's played and produced. I think he should be a
shoe in as an All Star, no question.

Speaker 1 (19:11):
And don't we could catch you judge it by don't
you don't the requests start getting bigger guys.

Speaker 2 (19:16):
Like the same. I mean, it's the same path as shotgun.
He's kind of like he's our face of the team,
absolutely everything. And when people talk about the magic, ite'ts
palow So I mean, and he deals with it the
same way. I mean, you deal. He's a great guy,

great kid. I kind of a kid, but uh, just
the way he could be your kid. The way he
handles We have kids older than him. I don't like
to go so but he just the way he handles himself. Sure, yeah,
and I mean I know it's just the beginning, but
he's very professional now and and things are just going
up for him.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
Well, and we've been there's no denying we've been in
in the wilderness for nine ten years, right, and this
is the guy that's bringing us out of it, him
and Odds and the rest of this group. But he's
the guy that's on the top of that scout of
report night in and night out, and with Franz out
Consecutive games of forty points, consecutive games of forty minutes.
I mean, and I thought to me, to me, nothing
personified all of this better than you're down twenty against Minnesota,

and coach Moseley says, you know you can. You've played
three straight games of forty minutes. It's fine for you
to come out. Yeah, I'm good. I want to finish
this right, And they made a little run, try to
get back into The guy wants to play.

Speaker 3 (20:34):
The guy wants to win. Yeah, there's no doubt about that.
You know, he's he's got the skill set to be,
you know, an all time scorer. He does so many things.
But again I go back to kind of what we're
talking about Shaq, Like you think about his rookie year, right,
like what was the improvement of games? You know, like
that's important, Like he he he tips the needle, you know,

going towards winning, and he makes people around him better
because of the attention that he draws. And you know,
he is so young. You know, Chack came into the
league already at twenty one years of old. Yeah, Pollows
just in his second year, just turned that age. So
you know that that you know, the rise we're going

to see it really is incredible what he's done so far.
To be honest with you, I think you had a
little graphic the other night of his month to month
improvement just this season, and it's just incredible the way
his game is ticking up. And you know, we get
to watch it, you know, every night he's not facing

single coverage right like their teams are gearing their defenses
to stop pollow right now. So that's uh, that says
a lot.

Speaker 4 (21:48):
The thing from from my perspective is now, I think
we've talked about it when we've we've caught up with
Tracy McGrady later and you realize that the number you know,
you don't really when you're in it, that the numbers
and things that he's putting up is so historical and
astronomic until you know you've stepped back now twenty years

later and you're like, holy crap, that guy had like
fourteen forty point games. Well, from my perspective, I'm now
having to look up things for Pallo already, you know,
one and a half years into the NBA where okay,
we're on the same spreadsheet as Lebron Tracy, I'm on it.

Like the names and the and the things that he's
doing in a historical capacity. From my perspective is like, well,
holy crap, I didn't I didn't realize that. Like, well,
holy crap, I didn't realize that either. You know, like
they just keep coming and coming and coming so you know,
he may not get in with the fan vote because
it's probably you know, as much as we still want

everybody to get out there and get on their app
and vote for Pallo and every day and the triple
days and all that, it.

Speaker 2 (22:58):
Will make it close.

Speaker 4 (22:59):
Because the return he's already now, he's already jumped. I
think he almost doubled his votes in a week here
since you know, since last week returns came out and
then the ones who just came out today on Thursday.
So he's going to continue to climb there. Again. I
don't know if he's going to get into that top
two because he's so far behind. But if the magic
can still stay, you know, in this top you know,

we all we all know that three through nine now
is you know, such so tight, and they change, you know,
one day we're fourth, next day we're seventh, Like next
day we're fifth. These things are changing all the time.
If we can stay in that conversation for the next
few weeks and still be in there, I I sometimes
think that means more when the coaches put you in there.

Speaker 2 (23:43):
Well, just the way it's the way he's recognized by
his spears. Yeah, I mean you hear Lebron talking about him.
You hear Janni is talking. I mean everybody knows that's
noticed him, So that helps tremendously.

Speaker 4 (23:56):
I mean you're in the locker rooms, right, I mean
that means a ton.

Speaker 2 (23:58):
You hear the players talking. I mean even his own teammates.
I mean, just like the other night he got his
first triple double. It's like these guys are all like
young fans of here, like, hey, can I get your
jersey jersey tonight?

Speaker 4 (24:11):
Well see, and then there you go, that's that teammates.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
But that's his teammates. But that's it.

Speaker 1 (24:14):
But you saw that sid in the there's something. There's
a locker room dynamic when it's a Shack a Dwight, yeah,
a t mac penny and Apollo not.

Speaker 2 (24:23):
These guys are videoing him holding the book game ball.
It's like he didn't know what to do with the ball.
And the guys, I mean, you got guys you yelling
across eight, I want your jersey tonight. And he's just
looking at him like why right, we don't. Well we're
seeings off that we're not. That's what.

Speaker 4 (24:39):
Yeah, And I think he's there. I mean he's there,
and I.

Speaker 2 (24:43):
Want then to say, hey, I want his I want
his jersey. Are you seeing that guys are coming to
the locker room asking from the other thing? They're all
coming asking for his jersey. Amazing.

Speaker 1 (24:52):
His rook Kevin Durant, told him about the free throw
line and why I got to get that jersey after
the game. So the last thing we'll throw out there
because at the end of this road triple be at
the midway point of the season, and I think we
can all agree there is a much different feeling this
year it was last year. Even though we've been decipated
with injuries lately, we've been hit, We've been hit hard,
and we're going through the hardest stretch of our schedule.

But if we can come out of this still with
somewhat of a cushion or as you know, maybe around
five hundred or as much of a cushion as possible,
the sky's the limit. The schedule is going to soften
at some point and you're gonna get healthy and you
have very good possibility of being a playoff team and
maybe as high as maybe high enough to avoid any
kind of play in scenario.

Speaker 3 (25:32):
Well that I think that's got to be the goal now.

Speaker 2 (25:34):

Speaker 3 (25:34):
Like when we first started this thing, based on what
we did last year, it was kind of like, okay,
well the next step is to just to we've got
to be competing for a play in spot and everything,
well that's off the.

Speaker 2 (25:44):
Table now in my you know, now, I don't think
we're going to be shoot for six.

Speaker 3 (25:47):
Or better exactly right, right, Like you want to go
to play in, you want to get a spot, and
you know you're right. Health is always a factor. And
we've got a little glitch in the schedule. You know
where we're going. We're down some guys through a tough part.
And the other part of it is when you start
winning now people don't take you, you know, like look at

Orlando and say, well there's a win on the schedule,
all right, rest some guys. Everything we're seeing teams at
full speed. Uh, and so you know that that changes
things too.

Speaker 2 (26:18):
But I think you're right.

Speaker 3 (26:19):
I think we get through this trip and hold our
heads above water.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
And it comes once we get through All Star break. Yeah,
long trip up the first February, got that big all
stand right and March.

Speaker 4 (26:31):
Funny guys keep saying that though, because I saw a
quote last night from Jason Tatum after they played Minnesota.

Speaker 1 (26:36):
Okay, similar to us.

Speaker 4 (26:37):
Because every graphic you see has us in Boston having
the quote unquote easiest schedule remaining right, and then Jason
Tatum last night and I felt the exact same way
about the Magic. So it's like, yeah, let me know
when that ish starts, you know, And I'm like, yeah,
like no, kidd is, like I keep looking at our
schedule and you're you're waiting for the you know. And
that also says a lot about the parody of the

NBA right now too. There's a lot better teams than
there then maybe people thought there were, but yeah, I'm
looking at the schedule and going, well, yeah, when's that
fighting up for us? But the good news is is
hopefully knock on woo, hopefully on this road trip that
we're about to embark on here, you know, I think
you may start seeing some people getting back on the
floor that we've been.

Speaker 2 (27:18):
We'll see when that's schedule.

Speaker 1 (27:19):
You've been scheduling these trips since day one when this
schedule came out, had you seen one like this?

Speaker 2 (27:24):
No? I mean, like we saw the beginning of the year.
We took that first West Coast as the first time
in my thirty five years, i'd ever gone out west
in October in October, so it was it was nice
to get to La over with. But yeah, we're sure,
but that was our first time ever doing that. Yeah,
and all the trips are long like this one too.

One is this one seven days one of February's ten days, So.

Speaker 4 (27:50):
When's this ish gonna light up? I noticed you took
this one and not the ten Day one Jewels jewel
as a ten day one.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
All right, well, sid we appreciate it, guys.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
The good luck rest of the away and we'll see
where this takes us, hopefully six or better here on knees.
That'll do it for this edition of Magic Pod Squad
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