All Episodes

October 10, 2024 21 mins

The NY Mets are HOT all thanks to Grimace and Jose Iglesias aka Candelita's OMG, so C&R highlight some of the best (and maybe worst) rally cries of the past.  And Troy Aikman catches heat for calling Taylor Swift the "Missus" after hearing are rumor that she and Travis Kelce are engaged, so we highlight some of the best rumors and urban legends in pop culture and sports. And Rich shares his Thursday night MLB/NFL parlay courtesy of DraftKings code: CRSHOW

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
Oh yeah, Handsome Gabe puts some stank on it.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
Yeah. Hey, let's go Yankee road Dog with your road Grayson.

Speaker 1 (00:18):
That's right. Welcome to over Promised The Cavino and Rich
Bonus Podcast, Episode sixty six. I'm Steve Covino. That is
Rich Davis. We are Monday through Friday on Fox Sports
Radio two to four out here on the West side.
Oh god, I got five to seven out of the East.
And of course, thank you guys for being here with
us once a week because this guy always over promises

things that we never get to. And we're gonna talk
the best rumors in life and in sports.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
Yes, thanks to Troy Aikman, there's a new one.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
He started a rumor plus your picks for tonight, lots
of great games tonight, and we kick it off with
rally cries. Rally cries in sports because I mean, there's
a trick to it, man, because if it doesn't pan
out well, then it just seems corny. You look back
and you're like, that was so weak, and I feel
like you're a team. The Mets are at a make
or break point where it could be awesome or corny,

depending on how they are.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
Grimace Oh my god, it's either gonna be the most
memorable thing in Mets history or oh.

Speaker 1 (01:18):
You're gonna be like grimis Grimas for example, your Mets
who let the dogs out.

Speaker 2 (01:25):
Bro that was two thousand. I hated that, right, I
really did. But the Grimace vibes and you know who
else hawk to a girl? You know, the Mets have
a six forty three winning percentage since hawked to a
girl throughout the first.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
Pat I get it. You're looking at this as your
good luck charm and something to rally behind. But like
I said, if you don't go all the way, you
look back and be like that was the wackiest, weakest
sort of thing to grasp onto, Like the Padres a
few years ago, is it two years ago? Or here
go two years had all these old idiots You're like,
that's what's That's what the old idiot's rhyman was not

the rally cry you wanted to get behind it going
down to yellow man Brown. That's what it's in Podres.
All the loose, let's go goose, that's what's If I
was a Padres fan, i'n't want to punch myself in
the nerds if that became our rally cry. Right, so look,
you're on that cusp of this could be the coolest

thing ever because the guys on the team, you know,
jose Iglesias, OMG. The song's actually good. Pit bulls on
it now, right, they're holding up the sign and you're
actually delivering, right, Like, look at that. Lindor is a hero.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
This could be the greatest story or the I'm thinking
a couple of years ago when the Mets had an
early exit from the playoffs, it was a Pete Alonzo
at the Let's Fucking Gold Mets LFGM.

Speaker 1 (02:49):
We still use it, but you know what, that's not
as bad though. Yeah yeah, and you know what, there's
a carryover. We'll explain. So it got us thinking of
rally cries in sports again. When you win, they're great.
When you lose, you look back and like eh. And
we kick it off with the nineteen seventy nine Pirates man,
we are family famly. Yeah. I was just a three

year old nothing, but I still know the legend of
the we are family, you know, seventy nine pirates. I
got all my pirates in me.

Speaker 2 (03:20):
Yeah, I remember those funny hats. I was born within
weeks of them winning the nineteen seventy nine World Series.
So the Pirates stat is one of those vibes that
everyone looks back on. You know, I don't want to
throw out the football, but you're right. These things don't
count if the team doesn't win. Like what would the
eighty five Bears Super Bowl shuffle have been if they

didn't win?

Speaker 1 (03:42):
Oh, they had to win.

Speaker 2 (03:43):
But that's how.

Speaker 1 (03:43):
Confident they were, you know, And that song is legendary
as a result. Yeah, good point. I always thought this
was corny as hell, but it still was their rally cry.
But as a Yankees fan, I was like, get out
here with your stupid rally monkeys, and you're Scott Speezio,
stupid little flavor.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
You was just mad because the Yankees had made it
to the World Series four years in a row, not
in two because of the rally monkey, avume.

Speaker 1 (04:07):
And that's the other thing. When it's not your rally cry,
you think it sucks. Like the rally monkey. I'm sure
people in Anaheim thought it was the greatest thing ever.
I think it's the corniest shit that ever was the
rally monkey. But it worked for them. You get behind
they were like yeah, and then it's synonymous with that
year and that moment.

Speaker 2 (04:25):
Well here's another one you're not gonna like because it's
an American League team that beat you. Yeah, the Cowboy
up for the Red Sox.

Speaker 1 (04:32):
See, but like I said, like the LFG with the Mats,
how it carried over. Yeah, Cowboy Up. I believe started
with like Kevin Malar and all those guys, and it
started in.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
Three they fell short. But then the next year they
broke the curse and they were still doing the cowboy up,
like we're gritty, dirty helmets, Beard Grizzley. Yeah, Cowboy up.
They were ballplayers.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
Cowboy up. That was their thing. Like I said, every
team has a thing and they print a few T shirts.
I remember ninety sixty Yankees had we play today, we
win today da SI because Mariano Duncan had said it,
it turns into a thing and then you roll with it.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
Oh you know what. I'm curious to see if this
catches on. Keep an eye out on social media for
T shirts that say Mets Nation. We've never called ourselves
as fas fans medsination, but Francisco Lindor in the post
game is like, yo, I like to thank Mets Nation
and then in the in the locker room in the clubhouse, Mendoza,
the manager goes, what did Lindor call you, guys medsination?

So you're gonna see meds Nation. Shit.

Speaker 1 (05:31):
Now, I can't blame you forgetting behind anything that Lindor
is saying or doing. Right now, this guy's magic. He's electric.
Oh amg oh my god. Now last year people say,
was it a fluke? Was it a gift from God?
I say no, it was a gift from Scott Stapp
and Creed. The whole can you Take Me Higher rally
cry that they got behind here Hi lifted the Rangers

to a World Series championship and revived the career of
that was so funny because do you remember they had
a mariachi band performed Creed. I do I not to
name drop. I shortly interviewed shortly after interviewed Creed after this,
and they're like unbelievable. They're like, yes, insane, but dude,

it worked, And I believe it started with like Andrew
Heaney of the Rangers. It was kind of heiney when
he was with the Yankees. Andrew Heeny saying that they
played Creed in the locker room and then they started
playing it throughout the loudspeaker. Everybody started singing those songs,
and people started realizing that the joke became a reality,
Like yeah no, and they won the World Series with it.

I can't hate on it.

Speaker 2 (06:45):
So you're right, it goes away and it's almost like
that sucked if it didn't work. If it works, it
goes down in team history.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
Oh yeah, that's the Creed era of the Rangers when
they won. And how can we ever forget when it
comes to gimmicks and sports? Can we ever forget the
trash can banging Astros of twenty seventeen? You remember those guys.

Speaker 2 (07:06):
Remember after the World Series they held up the trash can?

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Yeah? Remember it was like stump when they were like
and they would celebrate it with the trash cans. Oh
I love that story. That's how I remember it. Yeah.
Oh yeah, I remember when OW two came out with
Oscar the Grouch. That was fantastic.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
I think that was the only thing that ever brought
together Dodgers fans and Yankees fans because they're both like,
fuck you Astros And looking back, you remember who like
called it out right jomboy tomboy.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
Yeah, but how could we forget, never forget this great
gimmick of the trash can bangers back in the day.
All right, but again, props to your mets again they've
been a little gimmicky with their timmy trumpets. Still that's
more of an entrance. But you know, the crowds behind it,

this OMG thing might lift them the same way higher
lifted Creed. I don't know. There's something about it, just
something about it. That's how.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
Now there was a rumor that could Taylor Swift and
Travis Kelcey already be engaged.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
Well it started because Aikman referred to her as, Oh,
there she is the missus. People like the misses.

Speaker 2 (08:14):
What did he say?

Speaker 1 (08:15):
So he was asked.

Speaker 2 (08:16):
About it, and this is what Troy Aikman had to say. Listen,
Troy Aikman's probably thinking, I've I've just called into missus.
I wasn't really meeting anything by it.

Speaker 1 (08:25):
It's his girl. Yeah, well he said there's some truth
behind his misstep.

Speaker 3 (08:30):
I think, Troy, it's been it's been great to watch,
and you guys do add like that element. Like Big
Cat said, the Big Game voices, it just feels like
it's a spectacle when we got Troy and Joe on
the broadcast, and that's always great. And unless you make
a minor mistake on the air and you accidentally say
that Taylor Swift is married to Travis Kelsey?

Speaker 2 (08:47):
Yeah, like, is that? Was that a big deal? I mean,
was that was? I was? I on a tightrope right there?
This morning I woke up and I saw a headline
like Aikman knew he was in trouble or something, and
I'm thinking, gosh, if this is if this is newsworthy.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
I mean in trouble, Yeah, I mean look.

Speaker 2 (09:10):
Really yeah, because.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
Well, hold on, in reality, if you refer to somebody
as there, she is the misses, it doesn't necessarily imply
that they're married, right, It's like, yeah, it's the miss
Isn't that more of an expression too though?

Speaker 2 (09:24):
Yeah, but when you're tight.

Speaker 1 (09:26):
Roping that the missus likes it.

Speaker 2 (09:29):
Oh, but Travis comes off the line.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
Of script, what the hell I married or something? And
then he changes directions so well that you see it
over and over, especially when outside the pocket. So Aikman
goes on to say and defend himself that he actually
heard a rumor that they might be engaged, right, so
they might be engaged. And it got us thinking of

the best rumors in sports and in life growing up,
because we all heard the same ones.

Speaker 2 (09:58):
And this is pre internet. Some of it's pre Internet,
which is shocking because I don't know how pre internet
if you lived in la Idaho, New York, Texas, Mississippi, Chicago,
we all heard the same stupid ones.

Speaker 1 (10:12):
Right right, So we'll share him. You could add to
him at Fox Sports, at Covino and Rich hashtag over
promised and in no particular order. Well, let's just get
into some great rumors we grew up with. I mean,
Spot just threw it up there. We all thought that
Marilyn Manson was wonder years Paul Pheifer, everybody talked about it.
There's a few rumors about Marilyn Manson, a few bad

ones too.

Speaker 2 (10:32):
That where did he like remove his ribs so he
could yeah to himself, Yes, that he had.

Speaker 1 (10:37):
A rib removed so he could please himself?

Speaker 2 (10:39):
Does that work that motion again?

Speaker 1 (10:41):
Plum so he could? What the hell?

Speaker 2 (10:44):
Paul Pfifer would never do such things? What would Winnie
Cooper say?

Speaker 1 (10:48):
Speaking of he has a new album coming out November
twenty second. If you're keeping score at home, but along
those lines, there was a lot of people that said
that Billy Corgan was the Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins,
was the kid from a small wonder.

Speaker 2 (11:01):
That kid Jamie and a lot of people believe that.
But again, rumor could be, is that Billy Cory he's addressed.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
I believe we asked him about it one time. It
might be.

Speaker 2 (11:13):
I'll give you this. A lot of these are always like,
you know, dirty sexual rumors. Like every school had a
story of like some girl that got a hot dog
stuck somewhere.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
A kid you know and his cat, right, he was
always some.

Speaker 2 (11:25):
Guy's dog with peanut butter. What in every high school across.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
America, there's always a kid and his cat and a
girl in a hot dog, And there's always there's always
these roomors.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
You wonder where they start, And I think the answer
is back then someone got done dirty by this person,
and they're like, let's start the weirdest rumor about them.
Like I don't want to get too graphic, but there
was a Rod Stewart rumor that he had to get
a stomach pumped because let's just say he ingested a
lot of something. Now, hold on and I remember being like, what,
for the record, I'm from Union, New Jersey. Rich is

from Franklin Square, Long Island. Ever, we heard the same
rumors growing up.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
I imagine people watching all over the country, all over
the place, all over the world. They're like, yeah, I
heard that too, but how Ron Stewart, Yeah, stomach pumped
because yeah, you know what, and by the looks at
that picture, I kind of believe you know that the.

Speaker 2 (12:15):
One would never the one that goes down as the
number one? How on earth did that start?

Speaker 1 (12:21):

Speaker 2 (12:22):
And I think the answer is I think when when
people have done research, it's because someone was trying to
do him dirty.

Speaker 1 (12:27):
Yeah, Richard gear Oh we should have ended with that one,
because that is the king, the king of of all rumor.
How did he get tied up with his whole lemmy
wink sort of thing. I have no idea. If I
were him, i'd publicly addressed like, by the way, I
don't know if he ever has, but every time I
made an appearance and like it never happened. Riche here.

What you're about to see, by the way, is one
hundred percent reel of a photo, just so you know, oh,
is not AI generated at all star of Gerbil and
a gentleman there he is. I don't think that's the
one that's the king of them all, because we've all
heard the Richard gear Gerbil rumor and we all thought,

like you think it's weird, right, it's got to be true.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
I've heard it. You've heard it, like my wife's friends
heard it. They grew up in Texas. Like that has
to be true. Let me hit you with the sports one.
We got two more sports friends. A few, you have
a few. He has denied it, and in fact, he
gets mad when it's brought up. But Baltimore oriole cal Ripken,
the rumor that he walked in went back to his

house and he caught his wife with Kevin Costner.

Speaker 1 (13:37):
Isn't part of the story. That's why the streak ended.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
Well, no, the streak was going to end, and that
was the day mysteriously that the lights didn't work at
Camden so they had to postpone the game. They didn't
postpone the game, the iron Man streak was over, So
that's always rumored. He has vehemently denied that, saying, like.

Speaker 1 (13:55):
A little friendly in this photo, and you know what again,
when the legend becomes fact print the legend. Part of
me believes, like even though I know it's a rumor,
I'm like, for years I thought that was true.

Speaker 2 (14:08):
It's too good tory.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
I'm like, yeah, yeah, because Kevin Costner guy was and
be like, no, that's not true as a rumor, Like, oh,
I want to believe it.

Speaker 2 (14:15):
I thought I want to believe it.

Speaker 1 (14:16):
As the Yankees fan, I was like, yeah, screw that guy.
And how about this one. We've all heard it. I
don't know if there's truth. There may be truth to it.
I don't know. Delonte West allegedly with Lebron's mom, Well, he's.

Speaker 2 (14:32):
Had a rough go out at the last couple years,
Dalante West, I think it's back on the streets and stuff.

Speaker 1 (14:36):
He was homeless. But we all heard that rumor, right, Yo,
he banged Lebron's mom. And I say that respectfully as hell.
I'm a Lebron fan. I'm not a hater at all.
But like, we've heard these rumors and now this is
the Internet era, so we know how they spread, we
get how those things happened. But we've heard that stuff before.

Speaker 2 (14:55):
And you know, speaking of sleeping with people's moms, Yeah,
forget the kid's name, But we talked about the cycler,
not stiff. The hockey story where remember like the veteran player,
Oh yes, on the spot.

Speaker 1 (15:12):
That turned out not to be true though, right again,
they denied it all the way. It was like a
hockey camp and Corey Perry yes, with Connor Bedard's mom. Right, yeah,
that was a big story for a minute, but that
rumor spread quickly, so rumors and sports.

Speaker 2 (15:29):
Do you remember that other rumor? Where wasn't it a
was the picture for the Indians back in the day,
Rick Vaughan, didn't you sleep with Roger Dorn's wife? I mean,
that's what I heard, Actually, that's what I heard, man.
I heard that was video proof of them and like
in a hotel.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Lobbyers, So what I heard they once got busy in
a Burger King bathroom or something. But again our swift
and Kelsey married Aikman saying he heard maybe they're engaged.
I don't know, but right now it's just a rumor.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
Well let me end this by saying, hey, tonight, we
got two American League Divisional series. Oh yeah, you got
that going on today and we got Thursday night football.
This is a I mean using this. The phrase must
win at this stage of the NFL season seems a
little premature. But the Niners are two and three, the
Seahawks are three and two. The Niners have lost two

division games. They've lost against the Rams and the Cardinals.
If the Niners lose tonight, that would mean they've lost
against everyone in the NFC West.

Speaker 1 (16:26):
That's bad, not good, Yeah, not at all.

Speaker 2 (16:28):
And if they win, they're three and three and the
Seahawks are three and three, and it's almost like and
the season starts over. So you got to look at tonight,
it's almost a must win for San Francisco.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
Not complaining, just explaining, not hating, just stating, aren't you
a little overwhelmed at how much there is to watch?
And world of spots right now? Fact? All this greatness
going on here? Yankees, Eh, there's any football?

Speaker 2 (16:52):
Well, the fact that the Mets now have like two
days off before the next round starts, I'm like, all right,
I can take it.

Speaker 1 (16:57):
The breath. I almost need a break.

Speaker 2 (16:58):
Seriously, Well, i'm gonna give you, courtesy of DraftKings Sports
Book Code see our show. I'm gonna give you a
parlay for tonight that will be something you like and
something I like, Well, call this the Coveno on rich Special.

Speaker 1 (17:11):
Oh yeah, two.

Speaker 2 (17:13):
Things going on tonight. Number one, Yankees trying to clinch.

Speaker 1 (17:17):
The cn our special. Rumor is it pleases everybody, pleases
all the ladies.

Speaker 2 (17:21):
The Yanks try to finish off the divisional series against
the Royal.

Speaker 1 (17:26):
So just the rumor.

Speaker 2 (17:27):
The Yankees win tonight. Yeah, they will then go on
to host the Alcs. So Yankees tonight, Garrett Cole, I
have a lot to prove tonight. My greatest outing last time,
So I think I'm gonna go out there and get
them tonight. Gerrit Cole's on the hill. That's a big bonus,
right yeah. And forty nine ers money line, So Yankees

money line, forty nine ers money line. This is the
Kaveno on rich Special. He's happy, I'm happy, And one
hundred pays out one fifty odds aren't great us. They're
both favored in their games, but let's called this coming
on Richard. Maybe maybe the Mets, uh, you know, they
got the day off, so will go Yankees Niners plus one.

Speaker 1 (18:08):
Fittyh dirt Cole here, There's only so much I could do,
but I think in order for us to win and
take it further, Judge really needs to step up. The
Yankees gonna win a lot goes into this guy right here,
man not only to break that that that postseason curse
that he has going on, And I think it happens tonight.

Speaker 2 (18:28):
So you said you were talking to some of your
buddies about greatness and the postseason. Hm, can you call
someone one of the all time greats if they freeze
in the playoffs in any sport? Right?

Speaker 1 (18:41):
If you can? But it tarnishes the legacy and people
want to debate that all the time, and I simply
go back to the obvious. It's like, yeah, Dan Marino
is one of the greats, one of the goats.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
He just never had.

Speaker 1 (18:53):
But I'm saying he never won a championship. You never
win a championship. That's gonna stick with you for the
rest of your career, regards wredless of how great you are.
So Aaron Judge knows that as a Yankee for his legacy,
he needs to step up in the postseason. We know
what he's capable of, and.

Speaker 2 (19:11):
He needs to win reclightly because in baseball, individual statistics
are way more clear, Like if Dan Marino lost playoff games,
but he threw for three hundred yards three or four touchdowns,
but the Dolphins just weren't good enough. What could he
do if Aaron Judge or Mookie Betts just got hot
after being so cold a Rod had that reputation.

Speaker 1 (19:32):
Look at Mookie Betts turned it around just like that.

Speaker 2 (19:34):
But what I'm saying, could Judge is next if you're
a guy who's MVP caliber guy year after year, but
your career postseason batting average is like two to oh
eight and you've had like no dongs, and you know,
no Ribby's dogs. You know who had dongs? Marilyn Manson
his own, his own from what I from what.

Speaker 1 (19:54):
I merged, A yeah, especially in the early two thousands
man record, That's what I I've heard.

Speaker 2 (20:01):
But anyway, tonight the parlay, I like your Yanks. We'll
see what happens.

Speaker 1 (20:05):
Let's go a little Yankees. Let's go Judge, who do you.

Speaker 2 (20:09):
Want to play in the AL? At least make it
forty nine ers? Who do you want to play? If
the Yankees advance Yankees advanced guardians are Tigers? No, I
know I'm thinking about it. Tigers seem too hot, man.
I'd rather take the Guardians, Tigers are young and hot, scared.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
Well, all these teams, the scariest team is your team,
because they're just playing with that magic, stepping up in
the big moment.

Speaker 2 (20:33):
Is it weird that I don't even like that to
have a few days off right now?

Speaker 1 (20:35):
Yeah? No, I want to come on, let's let's go
the momentum. But what we're seeing here is baseball having
a moment, and a lot of these young teams are
playing big. Although the Guardians are dangerous, the Tigers appear
to be a little more dangerous to me.

Speaker 2 (20:48):
So screwbles pitching, where like that's a guy that you
could guarantee one game of the series. Your team's sort
of screwed.

Speaker 1 (20:54):
Yeah, no, absolutely, So let's go, man. Enjoy your baseball,
Joy your football, Enjoy your Thursday night. And if you
miss any of our shows, our actual shows, search Covino
and Rich wherever you stream your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (21:05):
Perfect. Hey, until next time, Arima, there cheat man, see
you in the over Promised land. Goodbye, goodbye, Let's go
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