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April 10, 2024 57 mins

Turn up your radios! Will and Sabrina are watching “Radio Rebel” starring Debby Ryan and Adam DiMarco!

The film premiered in 2012 as a Disney Channel Original Movie.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:15):
I have a question okay that I've been thinking about,
and I thought about it when I started watching the
film that we're going to be recapping today.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
Okay, because I know you have a.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
Musical background, and so excluding Cheetah Girls, forget Cheetah Girls,
have you ever been in a band?

Speaker 3 (00:30):
You mean, like a rock band?

Speaker 2 (00:31):
Yeah? Like a band?

Speaker 1 (00:32):
Like did you and your friends get together and try
to form a group or form a band or a
garage band or did you ever do any of that
kind of stuff?

Speaker 3 (00:39):
I did, Actually, it was so quick. It was really
early on. I want to say it was in the beginning.
I was a freshman or sophomore in high school. I
was a part of sort of. It was a manager
that knew a bunch of dancers that also sang a
bit okay, and tried to form it. But that was

really quick and nothing happened. Absolutely nothing happened from it.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
So no, growing up, did you, like, did you dream
of being in one? Where? Did you come up with
a name for your own band? Ever a name?

Speaker 1 (01:11):
No? Yeah, you never got to the naming stage. See,
I never learned the music. I just instantly jumped to
naming the band I would be in. I never learned
how to sing or play instrument, but naming the band I.

Speaker 4 (01:22):
Was good at.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
Okay, do you have a couple of them? Are you
gonna share it?

Speaker 4 (01:25):

Speaker 2 (01:25):
Yeah, well no, the one my friend and I.

Speaker 1 (01:27):
So I was going to sing and I don't sing,
And then I was also gonna play bass, and I
also don't play bass, nor did I own one at
the time, so it was just all right, you're gonna
play bass. But we got as far as coming up
with the name Rude Awakening.

Speaker 3 (01:40):
Ooh, that's a good one. Yeah, I do love that. See,
we never could agree on anything when I played rock
band for a while. I mean, this was a an obsession.
That's the way I'm looking for every night occurrence pretty
much at my place in LA. I have to say,
I gotta throw out a name. And I know it
sounds so dumb to do this, but Robert Kardashian was

in my band.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
That's I think you said that before he.

Speaker 3 (02:05):
Was in my band.

Speaker 2 (02:06):
It's a great band.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
I just have some friends that we would go over,
you know, after going out to dinner or whatever while
I was living in LA that would come over and
I had the whole setup. I had the drums, the bass,
the main guitar, the mic, the I think at some
point there was a piano playing situation, or I might
be making that up in my head.

Speaker 4 (02:24):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (02:24):
It was a while ago, but it was so fun
and I cannot pass by in an arcade. If that,
like guitar hero or rock band is ever there, I can't.

Speaker 2 (02:34):
You're in.

Speaker 3 (02:34):
But it's so frustrating now because I used to be
on the hard level and I can barely get through
the easy level now. I mean even on the easiest
of easy songs, I'm terrible at it. It took a
lot of work to get good at that game.

Speaker 1 (02:51):
Well, I'd like to just propose that if you do
put the band back together, you call it the cheap Dashians. Thanks,
Welcome to Magical Rewind, the show that makes you want
I grab your friends, your PJS, and your popcorn and
go back to a time when all the houses were smart,
the waves, tsunamis and the high School's musical.

Speaker 2 (03:07):

Speaker 3 (03:07):
I'm Sabrina Bryan.

Speaker 1 (03:10):
Oh, strike up the satellites, folks and check your frequencies,
because we're taking it to the airwaves with twenty twelve's
Disney Channel movie Radio Rebel, Yes, and possibly the only
one we can recap that includes the word podcast. And
that's very true, right because everything else is too early.
Based on the debut novel Shrinking Violet by author Daniel Joseph,

is first aired February seventeenth, twenty twelve, to four point
three million viewers, which is an impressive number, especially over
ten years ago. Now, some of the differences between the
book and the movie we will recap, like the book
takes place in Miami and her DJ name was Sweet Tea.
But as is the case with every Disney film, it's
either got sports or music, and this one, of course,
is all about music and radio personalities and all that stuff. So,

as you can probably guess, Disney Records put out the
pop punk Influence soundtrack with three Debbie Ryan who was
the star, three DeBie Ryan songs, including a cover of
We Got the Beat which was great, and another contributor
named Fat Sue.

Speaker 2 (04:07):
It was shot in Vancouver, Canada, beautiful place.

Speaker 1 (04:10):
And it's also worth noting this is different than any
of the other movies we've covered so far in that
it's produced by a third party company. So this was
not done in house. This was not a Disney Channel
like made at Disney for Disney. This was made by
a company called mar Vista and two for the Money Media,
and then they sold it to Disney to air in
the United States. So very different than the normal kind

of Disney machine pumping something out. This movie was made
and then sold to Disney for Disney Channel. Also, it's
not on Disney Plus, which it was on Disney Plus
when we were originally starting to outline what we were
going to do and look in and put our list together.
It was on Disney Plus then, and then because of
all this production stuff, with it being a third party,
it probably had a finite life on the Disney Channel.

And it is now currently on Peacock and it's on
Amazon Prime for free. So you can either watch it
there now or take a look look after you listen
to us.

Speaker 2 (05:01):
That's up to you.

Speaker 1 (05:02):
So first normal question we always asked, had you heard
of Radio Rebel before we did this?

Speaker 3 (05:06):
I had not. I had no idea about it. I did.
I obviously assumed we were going to be doing something
with the radio station, which I'm so excited. It's always
been a dream to do radio station be a DJ,
that would be so incredible, But no, I was excited
to find out what it was about. Obviously, DeBie Ryan,

she's a queen on Disney Channel.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
Yeah, yeah, huge on Disney Channel.

Speaker 3 (05:30):
Oh and she's she's actually very comedic, her timing on
her the shows where she's very funny, she's awesome. So
I was excited, but just had never heard of this one.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
Yeah, I had neither.

Speaker 1 (05:42):
I went in completely cold, and then instantly I realized
it was a modern day take on Pump Up the Volume.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
Are you familiar with Pump Up the Volume?

Speaker 1 (05:51):
No, pump up the volume, Pump up the Christian Slater
underground pirate DJ. High school kid. I think it was
hig school, high school, early college. Pretty sure it was
high school. And it's this same kind of premise, and
you know it's Christian Slaters. He's got the kind of
come on everybody, you know, he's got that kind of
Jack Nicholson vibe about it. And he's the cool guy
who's who's is overlooked in school.

Speaker 2 (06:13):
It's it's this that's awesome.

Speaker 1 (06:15):
Well, I would argue a better version of this, but
then again, it's a Christian Slater movie. He was the
biggest one of the biggest stars of the eighties and
had a ton of money, so it was it was
really really good. But before we make our debut on
Seattle's number one destination for rockx slam FM, uh.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
Let's get into the synopsis.

Speaker 1 (06:32):
So when high school shy and I'm underlining shy, really
really shy girl Ryan goes undercover with a pirate radio
persona that allows her to express her true feelings, things
get out of hand, putting her prom and true identity
at risk.

Speaker 2 (06:48):
Did you like it?

Speaker 3 (06:49):
I did? I actually did.

Speaker 2 (06:51):

Speaker 3 (06:53):
Debbie's just so adorable. It's hard to believe that she
is so shy and and you know, being put into
this position of not a cool girl because I just
find everything about her so cute and adorable and she's
the coolest person in the world exactly, and so you know,
that was a little bit unbelievable. But yeah, I thought
it was. I thought it was really a cute movie.

Cute Okay, Okay, I thought it was. Okay, it wasn't
my favorite, It wasn't awful. The acting, obviously was very good.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
The acting we've seen is getting kind of better in
a lot of the movies that were going on. Usually
I don't have a problem with the acting. The acting
was fine. I thought some of the characters were way
over the top. I mean, like way way way over
the top. But how mean can a bully get? I mean,
is are there really girls in school that are that
horribly mean as her bully was in this movie?

Speaker 2 (07:43):
I think a little much.

Speaker 3 (07:44):
Yes, I mean her outright, like basically calling people peasants
and not the not absolutely not. But I think some
of the things that she did trapping her in a closet,
I don't know if that would happen, but to get
back at her through a boy, that's so typical. There's
some stuff, but the extreme things of the things she

was willing to say outright, she's not whispering them to
her friends, she's literally saying it to anyone that's in
the room. Are just that that was crazy to me.

Speaker 1 (08:19):
I thought they were a lot of the anciliary characters
went very cartoony.

Speaker 3 (08:23):
Yeah, the principle was the one for me that just
I could not stand. I just had such a hard
time with her. Yeah, what they gave her to do too,
it was tough.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Yeah, no, I agree, And again I didn't dislike it.
It just wasn't. It didn't tonally, it didn't seem to
know what it was to me.

Speaker 1 (08:41):
It wasn't really a comedy with wacky characters, and it
wasn't really like a it was. You could tell the
time this was released seemed to be kind of around
the mean girls.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
Yes, clueless, kind.

Speaker 1 (08:52):
Of like I know, Clueless was way before that, but
it tried to catch that vibe, and I don't think
it necessarily did. But anyway, the movie stars a Disney
staple and absolutely, as Sabrina said at the beginning, Disney Legend,
Debbie Ryan. She plays the painfully shy Tara Adams aka
Radio Rebel. This was her third d com with Sixteen
Wishes and The Sweet Life Movie in twenty ten and

twenty eleven, respectively. She also guest starred on shows like
Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverley Place, and Austin and Ally,
and starred in Jesse with Peyton List and Cameron Boyce
for four seasons on the Disney Channel. So again, Absolute
Disney Royalty. And then there's Adam DeMarco. He's Gavin. He's
a member of the G's Not Quite Rude Awakening, who
is Smack dab in the middle of a prom or morp,

we'll get into that love triangle as the radio rebel
love interest. He's also known most recently as Randall on
The Order and I'll Be on season two of the
hit show White Lotus, so has gone on to a
pretty great career. Merritt Patterson plays Stacey, the school's queen
bee and mean girl who's obsessed with being the prom queen.
And then we have Serena Palmer as Audrey. That's Tara's

best friend who helps hide her secret idea wh who I
thought was very funny.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
And then Martin Cummins is Rob lynch Adams.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
He's TERA's stepfather who runs Slam FM, and he was
Mayor Kelly in almost eighty episodes of Riverdale.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
And I liked what they did with his character.

Speaker 3 (10:13):
I did too. I liked their relationship.

Speaker 1 (10:16):
Yes, that that to me was actually one of the
nicer relationships of the film, is watching that kind of
them learn each other and grow and then she's able
to open up to him.

Speaker 2 (10:24):
It was I liked that. I liked how they went.

Speaker 3 (10:26):
It's one of our first step relationships. Yeah, they've done
the dad one a bunch of times. We've always had
a lot to say about this, so I wasn't expecting
it to be great, and then it turned out to
be a really nice transition, different kind of relationship for
us to see. I enjoyed that.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
I agree the easy writing thing would have made it
where he doesn't care about her. She's successful, so we
want to keep it going. It's all about slam FM
and he was like, you're my stepdaughter.

Speaker 2 (10:48):
First. I liked that question. Yes, there's a lot.

Speaker 1 (10:51):
Of other people in this one, with a large majority
being local Canadian actors, which you will see a lot
of because of lower budgets and rules productions have to
follow and shooting U in Canada, you have to do
a certain percentage of your cast has to be Canadian
actors and that's absolutely the way it should be.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
Well, it's also cheaper not having them come fly.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
Stay sure, but it's also like, if you're going to
come shoot a movie in our country, you've got to
use a group of actors.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
I think that's I think that's fair.

Speaker 3 (11:15):
I do too.

Speaker 1 (11:16):
Yeah, this movie runs just eighty five minutes, five below
the target, a number we continue to flirt with, unlike
something like say.

Speaker 2 (11:25):
Fuzzbucket which was nine minutes long.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
It was directed by Peter Howitt, who directed the nineteen
eighty eight Gwyneth Paltrow hit Sliding Doors, also the Julian
Moore Pierce Brosnan rom com Laws of Attraction, and the
Mister Bean movie Johnny English. If you look at this
man's IMDb, it is so strange where it's like you
go from Sliding Doors and movies with Pierce Brosen into
kind of d cooms and stuff. It is.

Speaker 2 (11:49):
It's a wild ride in this man's career.

Speaker 1 (11:52):
It really is. Outside of the original novels writer. The
script was written by Eric Patterson and Jessica Scott, who
wrote Another Cinderella Story and a Cinderella story Once Upon
a Song. So first, I think the way we have
to get into this for some of our younger listeners, okay,

who are joining our show, let's first discuss what radio is.

Speaker 2 (12:18):
So radio kids.

Speaker 1 (12:20):
No, I'm kidding, but I think that in twenty twelve
this might have been the last kind of year could
have pulled off a movie about radio.

Speaker 2 (12:31):
Did the girls on your dance team? Does anybody listen
to the radio? Do they have favorite DJs? Is this
a thing anymore?

Speaker 1 (12:36):

Speaker 3 (12:36):
I think everything is basically on Pandora or where you know, Spotify, Apple,
iHeart I Heart is probably I would say the biggest.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
The one that's still going the most, that.

Speaker 3 (12:50):
Feels most like a radio station type thing.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
You got Ryan Seacrest thing people like that are still
doing and Mario Lopez and.

Speaker 3 (12:57):
Stuff, but it's still streaming. You still do not have
to turn on a radio. You know specifically you can,
but you don't have to. You can stream it on
your phone, you know, anywhere you are, your computer, anywhere,
which is so different than having to be at either
your car or in your your house to like tune

into a radio station.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
It's my wife and I were on a walk this morning.
It took two of us to answer a text on
her watch. Oh that's all I have to say about that. Yeah,
so that's what You're absolutely right. It was all streaming
and everything. So so then yes, this is probably the
last year that they can pull off a movie about
an actual DJ or what would be DJ If they
were going to make the monitor equivalent of this, it

would be something like a podcast, right, or you know,
a podcast that all the kids are listening to, or
something they can stream. But then a lot of the
instant we oh, it has to go live, you need
to be here at such and such a time, that
kind of goes away. Yes, a lot of the problems
and difficulties that she finds during this film wouldn't exist
because she could prerecord a bunch of stuff and do
ten podcast episodes and walk away, which you can't do anymore.

It's what we, my friends and I call the public
phone problem, where in the eighties there are so many
eighties movies just about we can't find a telephone that works.

Speaker 3 (14:12):
Yes, and you said you that those movies now would
be five minutes long at the most.

Speaker 2 (14:17):
They would you pick up your cell phone and you
call somebody and you're done.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
Or back when I was younger, it was the pager.
You could you had a pager so your parents could
could get a hold of you. They'd send a certain
message to call back them when they needed you, and
you had to find a phone so you were at
your friend's house or whatever.

Speaker 2 (14:35):
Yeah, you know, nobody does that anymore, no one.

Speaker 1 (14:38):
There is a whole thing about how kids no longer
have to speak to their friend's parents anymore. Because you
used to call the house and say hello, mister Johnson
is john there? Can I please talk to him? Although
that'd be terrible for his name is actually Johnson, but
it is they don't have to do that anymore. You
just call your friend, you hit your friend up, and
that's right. So they've they've skipped a step. Yeah, did

you have trouble buying it? So the premise you have
to buy into right away with this movie, and they
really pushed it far and I get it is that
Tara is so shot that she can't speak to most people.
And that's not hyperbole. She literally can't speak. She can
talk to her best friend, right, and the two twins

that are there, but she can't talk to any of
the other kids in school, her stepdad. She literally can't
form words.

Speaker 2 (15:33):
Were you okay with that?

Speaker 3 (15:34):
I watched Big Bang Theory, and there's a character in
Big Bang that can't. I think it would need so
much more of a pre story type thing to actually
believe it, or to see it happen over and over again.
And I think it doesn't happen enough, you know, I
think it like it needs to be a lot more.

It needs to be where you can really realize. I
didn't understand that until a second time I watched it.
I just thought she was shy, and I thought she
was shy around boys. Okay, that's normal. But the idea
that this character cannot speak who she basically freezes completely
shuts down.

Speaker 1 (16:12):
Yeah, I mean, it's a real thing, but it's I
would I agree with you. I would like to have
seen that set up a little because like thirty to
forty percent of this film is convincing people that she's
so shy, right, that she couldn't be Radio rebel because
she literally can't.

Speaker 3 (16:28):
And you don't get that again, She's just I mean,
it's just hard to believe with just that just was tough.
That was really hard to put in to my brain that, oh,
she's not speaking at all. Yeah, she must she might
have only she might need to get rid of the
twin friends. It really just be one friend, right.

Speaker 1 (16:48):
Yeah, the twin friend with those were that was another
very cartoony pair of it was I'm a cartoony.

Speaker 2 (16:54):
A lot of the extra characters.

Speaker 3 (16:56):
They showed up in the elevator with the outfit, the
red alphant I died.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
Oh, they were very funny. I love the dewey Can
you tell us apart? It's like you are fraternal Twitter, you're.

Speaker 5 (17:07):
Not even near again identical, but one extras agree with
you one hundred percent.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
One extra scene of her mom may be saying like,
why don't you try to talk to somebody today, or
sitting with a counselor saying I want you to say
one thing to one person today.

Speaker 2 (17:20):
That's your whole goal today.

Speaker 1 (17:22):
Because then it that contrast between her when she then
becomes Radio Rebel, where she puts she instantly snaps into Okay,
this is my happy place, and when I'm in front
of the microphone, I'm in my bedroom. This is my
happy place. I can say all the things I couldn't
say today. I would just love to have seen a
little more of that than just I can't talk to

this guy.

Speaker 2 (17:44):
To Gavin, you know it did it didn't really.

Speaker 3 (17:46):
I don't think it read as well as it There
might have been another way to do it, to make
it read and be understood just a little bit more.

Speaker 2 (17:54):
I agree.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
And so of course the show she's doing, which she
does live from her bedroom, takes off in popularity. Everybody
is starting to love this show. They're trying to figure
out who Radio Rebel is, and she's obviously staying as
anonymous as she can, and it's easy to overlook her.
That's they've set that up, because this person who talks
so eloquently on the radio every week, who it seems

to get us, knows exactly what we're going through, speaking
right to us, can't possibly be the girl who can't
form words in front of anybody. It turns out, of course,
that her stepdad, which is we talked about a little
bit before there runs or is a like a managing
director at the biggest radio station in Seattle, SLAMM huge,

and so again, I found it interesting that she let
the persona drop, so she instantly the first real scene
that we have with the stepfather and her, she gives
up that she's radio rebels cut out.

Speaker 2 (18:50):
It's so fast.

Speaker 3 (18:51):
I was not ready for that. I thought this was
going to go on for a while. We're five minutes
into the movie. She has to, you know, he comes
to her door. She doesn't. Again, she doesn't look like
she doesn't want It didn't come off that she could
not talk to him. It was like she was uncomfortable

and just didn't want to talk to him, which most
teenagers are. I feel that's what I hear at that age,
they get out of my room. This is my personal space,
this is my safe I don't be in here. But
it's I mean, that happens so fast. That happened so
so fast, I couldn't believe it.

Speaker 2 (19:29):
But I also like, you know, how I read it,
which I kind of liked.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
I read it to where she would rather give up
her identity in front of her new stepdad than than
leave dead air on her radio show. True, like it
was more important to get to speak to the listeners
than it was for this guy, not to realize. And
of course he, you know, offers her a slot at

the station, because why not. She's hugely popular, she's hip,
everybody's loving her so great.

Speaker 2 (19:58):
She is now going to be on.

Speaker 3 (20:01):
The radio.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
And by the way, we mentioned in the book that
her DJ name was Sweet Tea. I asked you at
the beginning what your band name would be? Do you
have a persona? You'd be like, what would your DJ
name be?

Speaker 3 (20:15):
I don't see, I don't know, I don't I don't know.
I was younger, So my nickname when I was younger
was Brie. I got called like when I was really
little by my family, and my family still calls me
Brie A lot of times. Some of my close friends
call me Bri, so it'd probably maybe be along the

lines of something with Bri in it.

Speaker 1 (20:39):
I think, yeah, well, I got depending on when your
time slot is, if you're at three, then it's be
with Brie at three.

Speaker 2 (20:44):
Would be incredible.

Speaker 3 (20:46):
Yeah, I mean that, I love that.

Speaker 2 (20:47):
I love come on, I would be Will the Will
for dell.

Speaker 3 (20:53):

Speaker 1 (20:54):
It's just easier for people to run, right. But she
quickly builds her audience up, so she starts the show,
so she moves over there again. They show her in
the booth for the first time ever, and she's very,
very nervous. The thing that threw me was her engineer
who's now her best friend, saying down you're on in fifteen.
I assumed that was fifteen minutes and she had some time,

and she starts pounding down fourteen thirteen. I was like, oh,
it's fifteen seconds.

Speaker 3 (21:20):
She doesn't have a lot of time and she just
just had told her to practice. That was one of
my sees. Ye, the British sees. You literally told me
to practice and she said, okay, I'm going to try
to do put on a music and she's like, great.

Speaker 1 (21:31):
You're on in fifteen fourteen Wait wait wait, she hit
one button and then it's like, you're on in fifteen
go what?

Speaker 2 (21:40):
But she ends up again. The audience is starting to build.

Speaker 1 (21:43):
The kids in school are starting to really get into this,
The kids all over Seattle are starting to really get
into us. And she is now starting to drop little
what we would call easter eggs into her show to say,
like to affect what's going on in her life. So
let's everybody wear red tomorrow because that'll show that we're
all in this together. And then the whole school is
filled with red. You know, let's all do that. We're

having a dance party. So they're all kind of doing
that kind of stuff. But one of the things she
does is the guy she has a crush on leaves
a demo CD and she picks it up, which is
again by the horribly named band the G's, and plays
it and they start to become very, very big. It
leads to a spontaneous dance mid class to release all

these pent up emotions, and of course this catches the
attention of the most animated principle and it seemed like
she was in a movie for like seven year olds.
It really did like the wacky principle, and it wasn't
that she was unfunny, it just seemed like she was
in a completely different movie, principal movie.

Speaker 3 (22:46):
Besides the Twins. No one was really at that quirky animated. Yes,
you know, no one's characters really seem like that. Maybe
the one that helps out our villain.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
Oh, the bad Girl's.

Speaker 3 (23:01):
Stacy's best friend.

Speaker 2 (23:03):
Yeah, yeah, you know, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (23:05):
Maybe she was a little big, but not really, you know,
everyone was. She just was over over the top.

Speaker 2 (23:11):
They're over the top.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
I agree, and that's her best friend. That the best
Stacy's best friend could be a very fun character. A
girl who has her own personal assistant in school is
very fun. But again, everything was just kind of outlandish.
So so eventually Radio Rebel has to come clean because
even her best friend Audrey doesn't know who she is.
Eventually she comes clean, and now so she's got somebody

else on her side who's helping her out with everything,
and the team is now in place to keep her
anonymity while she is also growing in popularity and starting
to affect the school around her.

Speaker 3 (23:45):
Stepdad has said that he wants to keep that together right,
which is great, which was big, but also a lot
of pressure because now it's not just her because she's embarrassed,
and now it's he goes through this whole like little
teeny tiny monolog of saying like, you know, I could
lose my job, no big deal, no pressure.

Speaker 1 (24:01):
Oh okay, okay, yeah, but it's like it's but it's
like you're more important, and I like that that you
are more important. You're more important than being able to
feed the family if I was with it, which is fine. Uh,
another question for you, did you find the voice that
she was talking with and then the voice that went
out on the radio were that different?

Speaker 3 (24:24):
No, you mean as far as it is it concealing
who she was.

Speaker 2 (24:28):
Yeah, she uses a voice modulator, and it didn't seem
like it was all that.

Speaker 3 (24:32):
That was one of the things that I saw too.
That's okay, because I wanted to make sure I'm glad
that you're hearing it too, because she was supposed to
be using something to make her voice sound different so
much that when her her twin best friends have some
kind of you know, they've they're computer guys.

Speaker 2 (24:52):
They built a program or sign something, yeah.

Speaker 3 (24:54):
Program something to try to expose her. There's a moment
where that's when I went, oh, wow, okay, so she's
supposed to sound a lot different, and she really does it.
I agree, her voice might be a little bit more
raspy on the radio than it was.

Speaker 1 (25:10):
They made it a little more sultry, a little more raspy,
which I also kind of thought was a weird choice
to make her almost like a like a sexy DJ.

Speaker 2 (25:17):
It was a little strange, it was, But I yes,
I didn't think the voice was was different enough. But
and again, why she's now she's on buses.

Speaker 1 (25:29):
There's pictures, not pictures of her, but who is Radio
rebel is kind of everywhere, And you figure you could
just stand outside the station and watch her walk in,
which they tried to do later I think, but.

Speaker 2 (25:39):
Yeah, didn't.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
She was hiding her identity, But it wouldn't have been
that difficult to find out because she says, I'm recording
here at such a right time exactly. It's like you
would know when she was there. But things even get
worse for Tara as radio rebel, who's just spilling all
of her emo feelings on the air, making the principal
even angrier. She then the Principle threatens to expell any
students for listening to the show or anyone involved in

concealing the host's identity. And if that's not hard enough,
prom is also coming up, and Tara's arch nemesis, Stacy
is already taking Gavin right, who Tara obviously likes, and
Gavin is a cool guy, and it seems like Gavin
and Tara have a lot in common. They like talking

about kind of obscure bands or into indie stuff, and
you can see Stacy doesn't like that. And I think
one of the other reasons that Gavin and Stacey wouldn't
work is because that's also the name of a very
popular Welsh sitcom Gavin and Stacey look it up, great show,
It's true. So, again making things worse, Principal Mareno decides

if Rebel, if somebody doesn't come forward and say who
Radio Rebel is, or if Radio Rebel doesn't give herself up,
she's canceling the prom. Yes, which the only thing going
through my head, as the son of two lawyers, is
I'm not sure that's legal. I don't think you can
cancel a school event based on something not happening on

school ground. So I'm going and making a radio show
that kids are listening to good point at home at
six pm or whatever. You can't now cancel school functions
because you don't like something that's not taking place on
school grounds.

Speaker 2 (27:19):
I don't think you're allowed to do that. I could
be wrong. And if you are a lawyer in the
prom world.

Speaker 3 (27:24):
Let us know it not happening on school grounds. Yes,
I think that's a huge thing. You also cannot confiscate
items from a kid and never give them back, which
is what it seems like. I got my cell phone
taken away from me almost every day in second period
my senior year, and every day I had to go

and get it back at the end of the day,
and it got so bad that my mom had to
And at that point it.

Speaker 2 (27:51):
Was why were you on what was second period? What
were you learning? And why were you on your phone
the whole time?

Speaker 3 (27:56):
Sabrina economics class and my boyfriend at the time always
called me during.

Speaker 2 (28:02):
That time, so he got me in trouble, and you
would answer.

Speaker 3 (28:05):
No, I would just forget to turn my phone on
ring like, oh, it would be on either vibrate or
I wouldn't turn it off, which I should have just
turned it off. So still my bad. I was a knucklehead.
But you can't just take somebody's actual phone away, nor
can you do what however, they're listening to the radio there.

Speaker 1 (28:23):
Oh no, she had several thousand dollars worth of iPods
and earbuds and every other thing.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
So yeah, which is which is nuts? So but this
this works.

Speaker 3 (28:33):
But this lady's on a power trip regardless, and it works.

Speaker 2 (28:36):
Yes, and it works.

Speaker 1 (28:37):
The student body is now has turned on Radio Radio Rebel.
They are furious, they want their prom. Tara is now
completely defeated. She's taking calls from angry classmates and she's
ready to give it up and drop the whole act.

Speaker 2 (28:50):
But then so bad for her. She has a plan,
so yeah, there's a plan.

Speaker 3 (28:55):
There's a plan, and that plan there's a plan is morp.

Speaker 2 (28:59):
Yes, the plan is more and MORP, of course is
prom backwards.

Speaker 1 (29:02):
So students can wear casual clothes, they can dance however
they want, and most importantly, they can listen to any
radio show their heart desires. And add to this pressure,
Radio Rebel has now been nominated Radio Rebel not terrible,
but Radio Rebel has been nominated for prom Queen against
her number one enemy, Stacey, who has been.

Speaker 2 (29:21):
Lobbying and lobbying and lobbying to.

Speaker 1 (29:26):
Get I mean, just man, did she just like Sean
Young trying to be catwoman? She is lobbying to be
prom queen.

Speaker 2 (29:35):
I'm telling you yeah, and so who's going to be
more queen?

Speaker 1 (29:40):
And she even says, well, if radio Rebel wins, who's
going to accept the crown? I could be expelled. And
it's like, well, then don't just don't accept the crowns
You're you're anonymous.

Speaker 3 (29:51):
That seems like an easy answer to me.

Speaker 2 (29:54):
Will answer, yes. Okay.

Speaker 1 (30:00):
So one thing we haven't mentioned yet through the entire conversation.
We've talked about her stepdad, who we both really liked
what they did in that character.

Speaker 2 (30:08):
We haven't talked about her mom, No, who was what
a quack I mean just overly involved mom, which is
a new Decom trope we haven't seen yet, like like
overly overly, overly involved in her life, to.

Speaker 3 (30:24):
The point where she says she's so excited that she, well,
not Tara, but her persona radio rebel, has been nominated
that she says she doesn't even care if she gets expelled.

Speaker 1 (30:38):
Okay, Mom, yo, I don't care if you're kicked out
of school. I care about prom that's your mom.

Speaker 3 (30:44):
I care about you getting a crown at a dance. Yes,
oh my goodness, that knocked me off my feet a
little bit.

Speaker 2 (30:51):
I could.

Speaker 3 (30:52):
I wasn't ready for that. I thought maybe she'd bring
the idea that you and I both had easily. Well,
why don't you just maybe you'll win. You just don't
have to accept the award.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
Yeah, just go to the problem, enjoy yourself, be anonymous.

Speaker 3 (31:05):
Have fun, have a good time, like keep it moving.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
Yeah, I mean so I get her mom. It's like
shows up at places and eavesdrops on her conversations.

Speaker 2 (31:14):
Very very involved mom.

Speaker 3 (31:16):
Also, I didn't another thing to go back to the
characters just being a little funky and weird. There's a
part of her like the second I saw oatmeal or
whatever it was on her face, and then when Stacy
comes to the door and she's got some like cherry
things on her fingers or whatever those were for cuticle,
that whole thing was pushed.

Speaker 2 (31:36):
Yeah, very character.

Speaker 3 (31:38):
You're much and didn't really understand why that was really
that necessary.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
But no, again, very cartoony.

Speaker 1 (31:44):
They took every other character and I guess you could
even say they took Tara cartoony with not being able
to speak in front of people.

Speaker 2 (31:49):
I mean they were very pronounced characters. Let's say that. Yes,
so Stacey and her minions are hot on the trail
of terror.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
They're trying to figure out obviously who radio rebel is
a because their radio rebel is now up against her
at prom but be also because the norms are coming
up and talking to her like they think that, you know,
she's made everyone equal.

Speaker 2 (32:18):
The pops they call it here are.

Speaker 1 (32:19):
Coming up and talking to us. It's crazy, and they
even so at one point they have her kind of
cornered in the radio station and to get out, a
giant sandwich shows up, A guy in a sandwich sho
shows up to deliver the food and not all no,

and it's also everybody. Even in twenty twelve, I've never
never saw a delivery person come to your house dressed
as the mascot of the restaurant that you were going.
I mean, maybe out in front of the store there's
a giant sandwich with a flippy sign or something like that,
but the guy delivering it to your house and the
person delivering to isn't dressed like a sand.

Speaker 3 (33:03):
Right, how do they get in and out of their
car so often?

Speaker 1 (33:06):
Okay or yeah, or on their little moped. Can you
imagine seeing a giant sandwich? That would be just a
big sale that would blow him right off the moment
the entire.

Speaker 3 (33:13):
Time, all right, exactly, we are not here drive vehicles
with full blown exactly.

Speaker 2 (33:23):
Stacy now thinks it could be Terra.

Speaker 1 (33:24):
So what she does is she holds a pre more
party at her house so she can keep an eye
on everybody, because of course she invited twenty three people
in a school of one thousands, so she can keep
an eye on everybody while the show goes on live
and she and she essentially says to Terror. She actually says, Tara,
if you're not there, I'm going to know that your

radio river, So they don't pre record a show, which
they should have obviously to play.

Speaker 2 (33:52):
While Terra's at this party, they have.

Speaker 1 (33:54):
Old clips of her that are trying to answer questions
from callers, and of course Stacey calls in, but it's
going badly, so Tara grabs her phone from the party
and is running around the house while Stacy's trying to
find her and doing her radio show.

Speaker 2 (34:10):
The only thing missing was the Benny Hill theme song.

Speaker 3 (34:12):
Tara slips out quickly yeah, but then starts to have
to do this whole and we see all of Stacy's parents' house,
including a coat close and.

Speaker 5 (34:21):
Again there's two hundred extras that could work, but there
was Yeah, there wasn't, no, there was it.

Speaker 2 (34:27):
There's twenty five people there, so you're gonna notice that.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
And it's also Stacy's staring at her on the couch
and then she gets up and walks away, and then
the guy comes in. He's like, hey, can I have
my coat? And you can hear that on the radio,
and it's Stacy going what is that? And it's like, okay,
this this didn't work even a little bit. Also, the
Gees perform at the party. Again terrible band name from
now and I'm not calling rude. Awakening performs at the party.

Speaker 3 (34:52):
Awakening was not there, well, not there.

Speaker 1 (34:56):
The she Dashians perform at the part. Even though they
just formed a couple of weeks ago. They're technically like,
they're really polished, they're already working on His friend wants
to drop them from the band because he wants to
play real music.

Speaker 2 (35:12):
Even though they are playing.

Speaker 3 (35:13):
Real That party was very I didn't see the difference
much besides more of an acoustic set than what they
played normally at the party. You know, later on what
they played was good. Yes, I kept going, wow, these
are great songs. They were going to free there. But
when he's going, you know, we could talk about so

much more, it's it's kind of sure.

Speaker 2 (35:38):
We can, but yeah, but that's not the band we're These.

Speaker 3 (35:41):
Are also fun party anthems, like you know, that's kind
of what we're gonna do first, and then maybe on
our second album. We'll get a little deeper.

Speaker 1 (35:48):
All right, on the sophomore album, after we've hit that
mom down Gavin, juniors in high school, maybe we could
just play Stacy's party and not worry about anything.

Speaker 3 (35:59):
Else of this way need to solve the world problems
on track number one.

Speaker 2 (36:04):
We will do imagine on our second album.

Speaker 3 (36:07):
Gea girls do that enough. What's solving the world.

Speaker 2 (36:10):
Problem is that this song is called so Flies. That's
that's the extent of what we're doing right now.

Speaker 3 (36:15):
Get in your zone, Gavin, exactly, Stay in your lane, Gav.

Speaker 1 (36:19):
I mean, man, you're you're you're already going uh rockstar
persona here, You've had one song play one time on
one radio station. But it's fine anyway. None of this
matters because MORP has finally arrived. Gavin has left the
band again for difficult reasons to explain, Radio Rebel does
win more Queen, and then Tara walks out to accept

she's made the decision to walk out and accept the award.
Did you find it weird that she did it on
her own? That it wasn't like through a random series
of events she got outed as Radio Rebel, but she
actually makes the state, like, dresses up and walks out
on stage.

Speaker 3 (36:59):
I mean, it's weird how they did it. Was it
a recording? Was that a recording that was going on right?

Speaker 1 (37:06):

Speaker 2 (37:06):
Did she have a micropho?

Speaker 3 (37:07):
But then she shows up with a mic? I don't know,
a lot of it was confusing to me. I you
know that ending was a little.

Speaker 2 (37:15):
Funky, so strange.

Speaker 1 (37:16):
Yeah, yeah, I agree, because the principal then walks out
and claps like a cartoon character and then expels Tara
and then the entire student body one by one, and
of course her mother, her mom's there. But all of
a sudden, everybody starts saying I am spartan, so I
am radio revel.

Speaker 2 (37:35):
So they don't know. So she can't expel everyone, but yes,
apparently she can.

Speaker 1 (37:43):
And also she seems to like, obviously it's Terra, so
why wouldn't she just expel terr it's it was kind
of thrown away.

Speaker 6 (37:52):

Speaker 2 (37:52):
But then and then she wins the crown, but then
gives the crown.

Speaker 1 (37:57):
To Stacy because Stacey was the one who really wanted
to win anyway.

Speaker 3 (38:04):
As long as Stacy said she was radio rebel.

Speaker 2 (38:09):
Right you I I hear your so you have to
admit your radio rebel.

Speaker 3 (38:13):
As well, which means she's part of the rest of
the peasant. Yes, she's a pop now.

Speaker 2 (38:22):
It was really weird.

Speaker 1 (38:24):
And then to ratchet up the weirdness even one kind
of step farther, Gavin gets on stage with justin acoustic guitar,
because of course he's no longer in the Gens.

Speaker 2 (38:32):
He's just Gavin.

Speaker 3 (38:33):
He's yeah, He's not Genes, He's.

Speaker 2 (38:36):
Just g Yeah.

Speaker 1 (38:37):
So we imagine that this is a song he's had
in his arsenal that he didn't play for his bandmates
for some reason that we don't understand. He starts playing,
but then his bandmates get up on stage and play
with him. So obviously they'd had some rehearsal time.

Speaker 3 (38:56):
If you think about it, bands, from what I hear,
they you know, practice in their girl rag all the time.
So it's just the fact that they all had their
instruments there.

Speaker 1 (39:07):
Well that too, But it's also like it if this
was the song you wanted to play, if this is
the song that your heart song that you really wanted
to really say something the band, You've obviously rehearsed this
with the band.

Speaker 3 (39:18):
So it's not obviously it's not fully full blown Disney,
but this is the idea of that you a band
can just pick up and pick up and play and
follow along. Oh, I can hear the I can hear
the melody. Here's my little adding into it here, you
know that kind of thing.

Speaker 1 (39:35):
All right, that's fair Okay, I was I was gonna
say fair enough, but I don't think it's fair enough.

Speaker 2 (39:39):
It's weird, but it's a Disney trope, but I guess.

Speaker 3 (39:43):
The TV version of what could actually really happen.

Speaker 2 (39:49):
Yeah, and you know this scene, so everybody gets a crown,
everybody wins. It's great. But this scene also became famous
because as the you know as e.

Speaker 1 (40:00):
But Debbie is watching the performance at More. She makes
this very saucy kind of grin at Gavin on stage
and it has become a really famous meme.

Speaker 3 (40:09):
When she moves her bang and gives the eyes, I.

Speaker 2 (40:11):
Think we have it? Do we we have it?

Speaker 1 (40:13):
Do we actually have said meme? Because this is uh,
this is one that has become famous. There it is,
So that's become.

Speaker 2 (40:25):
The gaze.

Speaker 1 (40:26):
That is the Debbie Ryan radio rebel gaze. You never
know what somebody's gonna grab. It becomes a meme.

Speaker 3 (40:32):
I know she's the Queen of Disney memes, right is
that is that? When we found out the queen of
Disney memes?

Speaker 6 (40:38):
She is?

Speaker 3 (40:39):
It is a good one. Again, I don't know, didn't
know the movie before this. See that little segment pop up,
and it was like, recognize it right away, right, that's
where from. Wasn't sure what it would come from.

Speaker 2 (40:52):
Yes, there we go, Yeah, there you go. That is
the famous meme.

Speaker 1 (41:03):
Now she's obviously as she's she's reacting to Gavin singing,
singing his song as she's doing this little hair flip.

Speaker 3 (41:11):
Yes, did you like the.

Speaker 2 (41:12):
Music that was in the movie.

Speaker 5 (41:13):
I did?

Speaker 3 (41:14):
I really did. I thought it was I thought it
was some of the best music we've heard from as
far as band goes. With them playing, I agree. They
also didn't just we've seen some really bad guitar playing,
and they didn't show a lot of them actually.

Speaker 2 (41:31):
Playing the guitar, or they cut to close up of hands, so.

Speaker 3 (41:35):
Yes, they don't make it to where the actor is
obviously not well advanced within the guitar playing levels, so
instead of doing that, they do close up on the
face with them singing, and then close up on the hands.
I'm okay with that. Not everyone can play the guitar.
I sure as hell can't, so I'm alright with it.

Speaker 2 (41:58):
It was fine. I agree. I liked the movie. But
in the end we find out that Gavin was.

Speaker 1 (42:02):
In fact the Sandwich mascot said help it Tara escaped,
so he always knew Tara was radio rebel, and then
you know, he kisses her on the cheek because their
official war updates. But the thing that's cool is in
twenty fifteen, Debbie revealed on Facebook that they shot an
alternate ending where they actually kissed, but it wasn't you right.

Speaker 3 (42:23):
Which upset me even more After the kiss on the cheek.
I thought that was garbage. These are finally we've got
two kids that are high school age, so it would
not be too inappropriate. Yeah, inappropriate anyway. Why can't we
just get a little peck? Why? Yeah, the kissing on
the cheek was so awkward. They've gone through this whole

little journey together and you're gonna kiss her on the cheek,
and then to find out they actually did film it
and didn't you.

Speaker 2 (42:54):
So you're asking for an all you're asking for.

Speaker 3 (42:57):
I want to remake. I want them to redo that.
See for me, the alternate ending, okay, because to me,
a kiss on the cheek is just so awkward. Okay,
I guess, especially at that age, I don't think boys
are going around kissing girls on the cheek.

Speaker 1 (43:12):
Yeah, so you you're well, I'm gonna get you a
shirt that just says release the kiss cut. Okay, So no,
I think if you're not gonna have them kiss, I
agree that to me, a kiss on the cheek is
like swearing without swearing in movies where they say things
like crud yeah exactly, where it just doesn't work. So
you have them look at each other, the lights behind them,

and then freeze on them looking at each other. You
don't need any contact if that's what you're gonna do.

Speaker 3 (43:38):
Exactly, I gotcha. Yeah, all right, that that part annoyed me,
and then it was even more they actually filmed it.

Speaker 1 (43:47):
Yeah, all right, release the kiss cut. I'm giving you
the shirt, release the kiss cut. Let's do some real Sabrina,
whyn't you start with our five star?

Speaker 3 (44:02):
I will because I really did like this little movie.
It was fun for me. Loved. This is from Nicholas p.
Five stars. Okay, love this movie since I was eight
and now I'm nineteen. Such an amazing positive approach that
helps kids and adults see good in life. Also, the
music is amazing. The movie is worth a try for anyone,

So if you haven't watched it, go for it. You
won't be sorry. Solid five star reviews, Solid five. The
one star review is from Olivia.

Speaker 1 (44:32):
W Olivia's Pisted Olivia's Pet Gotter read this has written
this film is corrupt and dishonorable. The premise of Morp
is ludicrous. What happened at tradition promise something that under
no circumstances should be compromised or altered. There is no
doubt in my mind that MORP is leftist propaganda made
to insert the idea of rebellion in our young teens,

developing minds that said, unless you want your child to
grow up a loopy, eggheaded liberal, let them watch Radio Rebel.

Speaker 2 (45:04):
Very specific.

Speaker 3 (45:07):
To calm down for five seconds. MORP is something that
is at so many high schools nowadays.

Speaker 2 (45:13):
So you're yes, wait, Morp's the real thing.

Speaker 3 (45:16):
Yes, don't worry. I'll getting toes because I knew that
you've been aware of the don't worry.

Speaker 2 (45:21):
Oh no, of course not. You know, Olivia had some
yeah issues there with the film.

Speaker 3 (45:26):
You know what, I think Olivia was actually the real
life Stacy.

Speaker 2 (45:30):
That's what I think it is. Yes, I want to
release the Olivia of the movie.

Speaker 3 (45:34):
The book was written about her and she is still.

Speaker 2 (45:38):
Not with it.

Speaker 1 (45:41):
We're also going to be doing a new feature this week,
we're calling the even more Warped Tour. So there's a
bunch of bands that are mentioned this movie, like the G's.
So I'm going to name a band and you got
to tell me if it's mentioned as a fictitious band
in Radio Rebel or someone who played on the infamous
Warped Tour In twenty twelve, the year the movie was released. Okay,

all right, first band, name you first Radio Rebel. I'm
I think it was Radio Rebel as well, wasn't it.

Speaker 4 (46:11):
That is Radio Rebel. It's the first band on the
T shirt. That that one, That one I gave you
kind of an easy.

Speaker 2 (46:17):
One, that's what I thought. Okay, really, well you are.
We're one for one all right.

Speaker 1 (46:23):
The second band, oh, Sleeper, I'm gonna say that's warped
I don't remember that in the movie.

Speaker 4 (46:29):
Yeah, two for two. That's a warped tour band on
a street.

Speaker 1 (46:33):
Yes, okay, all right. Band number three, the Smugglers I'm
gonna say Warped Tour again. That sounds warped Tour.

Speaker 4 (46:43):
I'm gonna say warped Tour to Nope, that's a poster
in the radio station. That's Radio.

Speaker 1 (46:50):
Radio Rebel poster. Okay, uh, Beabs and Her Moneymakers.

Speaker 2 (46:56):
That's a great name.

Speaker 1 (46:58):

Speaker 2 (46:58):
I hope that's a real band. I feel like I
just because I hope it's real. I'm gonna say warped Tour.

Speaker 4 (47:04):
That's right. They did a handful of dates of Warped Tour.

Speaker 1 (47:06):

Speaker 2 (47:08):
Beabs and Her money Maker's great band name nan Cougar.

Speaker 3 (47:13):
Nan Cougar. I didn't see that anywhere either.

Speaker 4 (47:18):
I didn't either, So warp warp to you didn't see
it because you didn't use AI to enhance her bedroom.
Because there is a poster for Nan Cougar that I,
thank god had to do work to find in her bedroom.

Speaker 3 (47:34):
It's a poster in her bedroom. Okay, yeah, this.

Speaker 2 (47:37):
Is what AI should be used. By the way, this,
this is why we have it.

Speaker 4 (47:42):
Brilliant Enhancing a dcon is worth using AI.

Speaker 1 (47:45):
Yeah, absolutely, And I think I know the last one
because he mentions Red Letter Day.

Speaker 2 (47:51):
Yes, doesn't he talk about Red Letter Day?

Speaker 3 (47:53):
No, she introduces the band Red Letter Day when she
tells everyone to wear red.

Speaker 4 (47:58):
Right, Well no, she okay, red Letter Day is from
is from radio?

Speaker 2 (48:02):
Yeah, but it's because he's he says it to her.

Speaker 4 (48:05):
Correct. He suggests, if you like you first, you'll like
Red Letter Deck.

Speaker 2 (48:09):
You love Red Letter Day?

Speaker 1 (48:10):
Yes, yeah, that's that's when Stacey then walks over. It's like,
no band talk because I'm a juror.

Speaker 3 (48:13):
That's not the band that she introduces on the radio though. Yea,
so it is the same same Okay.

Speaker 2 (48:18):
Yeah, yeah, yes, he tells her about it and then
she plays it.

Speaker 4 (48:21):
On the Okay, yeah, I'm going to go enhance more dcoms.

Speaker 1 (48:25):
Yeah, go go ai more d cooms because that's awesome Jensen,
thank you.

Speaker 4 (48:29):
I'll just keep checking posters.

Speaker 3 (48:30):
What's wonderful.

Speaker 2 (48:32):
Beabes and her money Makers is now my favorite thing ever.

Speaker 1 (48:34):
I can't wait to google and listen to the music
because I'm gonna let's do Sabrina seas.

Speaker 3 (48:42):
All right, Okay, so I've got the main one is
to talk about more, but I'm gonna go through real
quick and see which ones. Okay. One thing that hit
me right from the start, especially since you hated the
name Gez so much. Did you see the G shirt
he was wearing in the beginning. It was a pac

Man shirt. Yes, we're gonna go with his mom. His
mom ryingstoned with these silver studs, just the G. They
tried to make the pac Man look like G. That
was the most hilarious shirt. I mean, I love the
wardrobe in these movies all the time.

Speaker 2 (49:21):
There's so few.

Speaker 3 (49:22):
Sometimes they are so funny you have to just stop
and like soak it in. That was one of the
best shirts ever. And then I do have to say
this one moment in the movie with her best friend
where she's out on the grass and she does the
screaming thing that like a toddler does, where she's like,

she's gonna scream, and she did. I was appalled for her.
That would have made me not be your friend for
at least a three or four day span, because that's
embarrassing for a mom to have to go through with
a five year old, but a best friend to go
through with somebody her own age, that was so so embarrassing.

Speaker 2 (50:03):
I love that you would have sentenced her to three
or four days of not being your friend.

Speaker 3 (50:07):
Yes, there's just so you understood that that could never
happen again. We are going to just have some space
for a good three to four days because really that
that would have embarrassed me so much, and she did it.

Speaker 2 (50:18):
I can't wait in public together against I'm gonna just yell.

Speaker 4 (50:23):

Speaker 3 (50:24):
I will take a hiatus from the show. Without a
doubt you would not do that. That was awful. Okay,
more so I knew that. I'm like, I can't wait
to explain more because I don't. I bet you will's
not going to really actually know that this was a thing.
This this happened when I was in high school, the
way they do it here in Orange County, and of

course there's other ways. I loved the spin that they
did it where everything was there saying we're gonna flip
everything upside down, and in the movie the chairs were
hanging from the ceiling, like they really went to a
great like extent to do the creation of morp, which
I love. Morp is obviously prom spelled backwards. So here

it's the first dance of the year because you end
with brace, yes, you end with problem, you start with morp.
It's it's kind of a back to school date. So
I will send you the two Morphs that I went to.
One was my freshman year and it's like I had
all these little butterflies in our hair and we had
this cute, kind of cute outfit. Right we're freshmen. And

then the next year when I find when we find
ourselves and we're not caring to be cute and adorable
or whatever, we're really just going for fun. Because really
at my school it was mainly girls that went to it.

Speaker 4 (51:42):
The guys.

Speaker 3 (51:42):
It wasn't a date dance, it was just a group dance.
It kind of became a group dance. So I went
with all my girls and we all dressed up like
our boyfriends. So we all had our big their big
cargo pants on with socks and their vans and you know,
their their bats and whatever, and we had the best time.
It was such a fun time with just the girls.

So more was one of my favorite dances in high school.

Speaker 2 (52:06):
So I have to ask, did did this movie invent
morep or was more of a thing considering.

Speaker 3 (52:11):
I graduated ten years earlier than this movie.

Speaker 2 (52:14):
Oh yeah, okay, right, that's right. I keep forgetting that. Yes,
you're right, Okay, it did not.

Speaker 3 (52:19):
Okay, Morpe was definitely very new when I was in
high school. For our high school, at least, it wasn't
done very many times before I was actually in high school.
So my freshman year, I want to say, it was
one of the first times it was done, and it
was a really fun dance and I loved it. And
I loved it because it wasn't a dance that was
just for, you know, the date aspect, which all the

other dances are. This ended up being more of a
group dance. You don't go with the date, you go
with a group of people. So it could be a
group of mix of girls and guys, or there were
guy groups that went as well. But uh, it was
so fun. I will send the pictures for you and
leave the chat so you could see because it's definitely vibes,
it's cute, and then it's look at us where like

we're being a lot more funny.

Speaker 2 (53:05):
So okay, I like that. At my school we had bloors,
but I'm not going to explain what it is.

Speaker 3 (53:13):
So uh.

Speaker 2 (53:16):
We okay, did you have any more sites?

Speaker 3 (53:18):
That's all I already go to you today.

Speaker 2 (53:20):
I love the morphing. So now we have to rate
the movie one out of ten. And here are the
options we've got this week.

Speaker 1 (53:27):
Voice distortion, filters, dancing sandwiches, morps, sherry o, terry lookalike, principles,
over involved moms, or I'm going to add beabs and
the money makers.

Speaker 3 (53:39):
Let's do beabs and the moneymakers.

Speaker 2 (53:41):
Okay, so how many beabs and the money makers do
you give this film?

Speaker 3 (53:46):
I felt this movie was an easy watch. It wasn't
super I got caught up on a few things, you know,
but mainly the principal drove me nuts. Right, So because
of her, I'm going to take it down to A seven.

Speaker 1 (54:04):
A seven, okay, not too far apart. I had some
I had some issues with a lot of the caricatures. Yeah,
were just very kind of over the top. The end
didn't make any real sense to me at all.

Speaker 2 (54:14):
I didn't kind of get that. So I'm going to
give this. I'm going to give it six Beads and
the money Makers.

Speaker 3 (54:18):
Seven beads and the money makers versus the six beads in.

Speaker 2 (54:21):
The money six bees the money Maker. Yeah, I might
even go six point five again because the acting was good.

Speaker 3 (54:27):
That that's what kept me going.

Speaker 2 (54:30):
The characters weren't great, but the with the acting was
not bad.

Speaker 3 (54:33):
The characters that I liked was good. I really really
loved the way the actors did it. One of my
favorite things was her best friend when she did her
monologue for their acting class.

Speaker 2 (54:45):
Great, wasn't she so good?

Speaker 1 (54:47):
They were that the whole I mean again, the characters
were over the top, but they were written and directed
that way. The actors were good at pulling them off.
So I might even go six point five to seven,
could be seven. Now I'm gonna stick her to six
point five six point five. I've Beabes and the Money
you're changing it from.

Speaker 3 (55:02):
The six to six point five.

Speaker 1 (55:04):
Yeah, I'm gonna go to six point five. I kind
of go up to six point because of the actors. Yeah, yeah,
and I think that. I think that's good.

Speaker 2 (55:10):
So there you have it.

Speaker 1 (55:11):
We we have put another one in the books, and
I know everybody's going to be very excited because one
of the most asked for and I mean far and
away most asked for films is coming up next. We
are going to be doing nineteen ninety nine's Xenon Girl
of the twenty first Century. Yes, we are doing it,

but before we get to it, we want to kind
of wet your appetites, and we are talk about Disney Royalty.
But from the other side of the camera, we're going
to be talking to Stu Krieger. Now, Stu wrote all
of the Xenon movies. Yes, he also wrote Going to
the Mat, Gotta Kick It Up, Smart House, Phantom of
the Megaplex. I mean, it's like, this guy is responsible

for a ridiculous number of these d coms, huge, huge,
huge dcoms. It was a great ada and it's going to.

Speaker 3 (56:03):
Be so exciting to have his take on what it's
like to be a part of you know this the
Xenon franchise, you know, watching it from the very beginning.
We get to talk to the actors after it's already written,
things have been produced, you know that kind of thing.
This is from the very beginning, starting starting with just
page one. That's incredible. What a different ride we're gonna

hear about. I'm so excited, I cannot wait. It was
a great interview.

Speaker 1 (56:29):
Actually, we want to play a little bit for you now,
so check out this little moment with Stu Kreeger.

Speaker 6 (56:36):
Xenon is Eloise at the Plaza on the Space Station.
And if you know that emblematic kid's book from the fifties,
it was a kid living at the Plaza Hotel in
New York, creating mischief and wreaking havoc and getting into
places she shouldn't be. And I said it's Eloise at
the Plaza on the Space Station, and they went, you're hired.

Speaker 3 (56:53):

Speaker 6 (56:54):
The reason you were hired is eighteen writers before you
came in and said it's They said it was a
variation over and over again of its nine O two
one oh meets Star Trek. Disney Channel would not do
nine O two one oh Disney Channel would not do
Star Trek. No, thank you, and you came in and said,
eloie's at the applause of this on the Space station.

Speaker 4 (57:14):
That's who we are, that's what we do. Boom, let's go.

Speaker 2 (57:18):

Speaker 1 (57:18):
There is plenty more of that and that is going
to be Monday on the Magical Rewind feed, So go
and check that out because some of the insights you
had into some of the biggest dcoms of all time
were really, really cool, and it was amazing to hear.

Speaker 2 (57:29):
From the beginning. You're exactly what you said, how how
it all started.

Speaker 1 (57:32):
Yes, so appreciate you sticking with us. Remember to subscribe
to our feed and you can follow us at Magical
Rewind Pod on the Instagram machine. Thanks everybody, and we
will see you next time.

Speaker 3 (57:42):
Bye bye,
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