All Episodes

May 21, 2024 38 mins

Finally, a pharmacy with a restaurant! What if Kate was a big-jugged nurse on the night shift, and Jacqueline always ordered directly from the Goop Kitchen app? Dr. Loretta on the doorstep, and it really is much easier to bring those boxes through to the back... What’s wrong with having a little fun with yourself? A tooth un-fills and the comfort of this friendship through it all. Jar, but with someone else. A gentle way to start the day may be returning. There will be enough life jackets on the Poog Cruise. The pot is hot—but the stone? It’s 500 degrees. Put her to work, boys! Jacqueline debuts a new voice and explains how to raise a lap cat and hard seer cabbage. Rep yourself before you die!

Earnestly Begging for: Goop Kitchen vouchers, Pure Lift, 
Brands Mentioned: Dr. Loretta, Tower, Fenty, Charlotte Tilbury, Biologique Recherche

Edited & mixed by Allie Graham.

See for privacy information.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hi, I'm Kate Berlan, I'm Jacqueline Novak. And this is poog,
an ongoing conversation about wellness between two obsessive friends, two
untamable intellects. This is our hobby, This is our hell,
This is our naked desire for free products. This is poog.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Today's topics looselie speaking, GM, hand on the stomach, apple sauce.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Hey you're in sunglasses.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
I'm in psychoglasses. Is a message to myself because I
am high on withdrawal.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
I can't believe so, Jacqueline texted. For those who know
the hags who are listening closely, Jacqueline has been unable
to get her well beutrin filled. And by the way,
CBS care Mark has tucked my various genitals and for
years with mine. I'm actually currently fighting them on my
Migrate medicine.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
Well, you know you know what I heard someone someone
reached out after the last episode.

Speaker 1 (01:02):
I'm actually scared.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
Now if I say it that, then then I would
go they go bv Mcalleney's or something. Okay, it's not
that BP Mickey's Beverly Hills.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
Have you heard of this? Wait? What do you mean?

Speaker 2 (01:16):
Let me find it a pharmacy because I was like,
I gotta get away from CBS.

Speaker 1 (01:20):
Oh, they were like Bevy mctoole's.

Speaker 3 (01:25):
Well, by the way, Jacquelin going independent pharmacy. My grandmother
was one of the first female pharmacists in America.

Speaker 1 (01:31):
Oh my god, No, it's what I've heard. Mickey Fine.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
It says Mickey Fine, and I look it up and
it says they have a restaurant, and.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
I'm like, astant, this is what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2 (01:44):
It's like and they were like a sort of deli
real Wait what did I say, Mickey Fines And it's fabulous.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
It sounds my old pharmacy in Brooklyn's and.

Speaker 2 (01:53):
Apple Oh right right, Oh my god, thanks coffee shop hanging.
I mean because oh look, and then Mickey Fine grill
and they've got they've got the old soda fountain.

Speaker 1 (02:10):
It's like the farm. So the fountain thing.

Speaker 3 (02:13):
That's so fun. I, by the way, woke up in
a cold sweat and thought I fell off biologicue ersh Yeah,
due to of course, the spoils of poog and thank
you to everyone who sends products. But I thought it
was like it wasn't the mushrooms the whole time It's like,
did I have the regime? You know, and then I
got away from it? But the truth is it's I mean,

it's exorbitant the prices. He said, regime or routine regime?

Speaker 1 (02:39):
Right? Regime? Right? Oh, right, right? You mean did I
say regiment? No, regiment, regime? Regimen? Well I think French
would be a regime. Wait saying regime, Did I say regime?
You sure did? Roll back the Sorry, I'm hearing.

Speaker 3 (02:59):
Crazy sounds because they're oh wait, so they're oh, this
is horrible. By the way, I can hear it doing
the sewer line like under like on my block the
other morning. Sorry for the sound, but imagine this because
as we know, I've been sleeping poorly, although I had
a couple of great nights of sleep lately. Woke up
seven forty five. Doorbell, doorbell, What my eyes? I'm like,

what is this violation? Because I was gonna be able
to sleep till nine, but seven forty five I'm filled
with anger.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
They've woken me up.

Speaker 3 (03:32):
Jacqueline's pulling on me, and she's texting or recording, which
typically is something that I do.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
I'm not texting. What was she doing?

Speaker 2 (03:38):
Okay, I'm trying to quickly. I was gonna bring it
up and explain. I'm not trying to hide anything put
in my lunch order that didn't get pushed through and
go because I was.

Speaker 1 (03:48):
Gonna do it with you. Where'd you order?

Speaker 3 (03:50):
Well, I'm thinking of ordering from Goop one time. Gone
into the kitchen. I just had an emergency Chinese chicken
salad from Arawan.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
Well, they've got the you know, they've got the Brentwood
Chicken salad.

Speaker 1 (04:03):
Who oh, Goop.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
Yeah, it's called the Brentwood Chicken Salad Chinese Salad.

Speaker 1 (04:10):
I think we've done our work. I think we deserve
a couple of Goop.

Speaker 2 (04:13):
We're not getting any vouchers though when you think about it,
I don't know. I just think that kitchen it's not
but I I just was like, I have to put
in this order. I can't survive the episode without knowing
food is on its way?

Speaker 1 (04:27):
Do you know what I'm saying? And I told you, I.

Speaker 2 (04:30):
Think maybe last week that I realized I have been
ordering through the app. I've been ordering through Uber eat
since I've lost six K and Goop points that I could.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
Have been racking up. I didn't know it was a
point system. My friend Sally Pressman, Okay, one of the first.

Speaker 2 (04:51):
I said it sort of as a joke because she
was like, if I don't get a shout out for whatever,
it doesn't matter. I touch that. She was She's like,
I'm black Onyx goop kitchen app and I was like,
oh my god, order for group kitchen like two weeks
in a row, and like, but forgot to use the app.
Oh I see huge orders that are you know me

dangerously living in abundance.

Speaker 3 (05:15):
But wait, wait, Jacqueline. So the sewer was being worked
on at my house and my alarm went off at seven.
Oh no, I was excited to finally sleep until nine
and the alarm And by the way, I'm not promising
this is a good story, but my doorbell is ringing
at seven thirty and I pop out of bed, destroyed.
But there's nothing more violating than the violation of sleep.

And I'm also a particular baby with it. I cannot
suffer having the sleep disturbed. I throw on my robe
and I go, I'm gonna have fun with this, because
how the fuck by legally you cannot ring someone's door
before eight, and I'm talking about like like city work.
And by the way, and I'm walking to the door

and I go, I'm not gonna fucking yell at the
guys or doing their work like whatever.

Speaker 1 (06:01):
But I opened the door, there was a knock. There
was a ring, ring ring, seven forty five am. I go,
what I come?

Speaker 3 (06:09):
I go hello, and I really it is the desperation.
I'm like on the verge of tears because I have
them say well, hello, and they go, oh hi, oh sorry,
huge details. I can't even I don't have access to them.
I don't have access to what they need to access.
So they're waking up for no reason. That's you know
what I'm saying. Just know that they've woken me up
and I can't help them.

Speaker 1 (06:26):
And you already know that. I already know that they
have access.

Speaker 3 (06:30):
So I go, okay, hello, and they go, oh, hi,
we need to access you know, the back of the property.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
And I go, I don't have access to the property.
And I go and I work nights. No, you didn't know,
you didn't. You are un real. We're sorry, and I
go and I and then I go, this is my
only time. Just say no. Because by the way, what

if I were a nurse. You see what I'm saying, Well,
they don't know.

Speaker 2 (06:59):
I do.

Speaker 1 (07:00):
They don't know, and and maybe they could tell, maybe
they could tell.

Speaker 2 (07:06):
But the doctor Loretta resting on the on the welcome
mat ouy with some spoiled trash air on base.

Speaker 1 (07:15):
Yeah, yeah, oh my god, Oh do you know what
I had? You know what something I did the other day?

Speaker 3 (07:20):
It was interesting talking about this FedEx delivery a bunch
of heavy boxes and the guy and he's like, starts
to unload them, and I go, oh, wait, wait, you
can actually unload them over here, because he was bringing
them upstairs. I go, if you, if you just go
right around to the side, and he was clearly really
annoyed at me, which I understood.

Speaker 1 (07:35):
But I was like, I was like, I promise, gonna
you won't have to left. He was gonna have to
move the truck back, but I was like I just knew.
I was like, it's gonna be easier. And he literally
shakes his head at me, like fucking bitch, and it's
like just trust me. And then and then I start going, God,
I was like, what would it be like if I
had like huge jugs, a big like.

Speaker 2 (07:53):
I was like, it's always jugs with you, Okay, Yeah,
I just wonder how it would have been diver but
listen so so, so I go and then.

Speaker 1 (08:02):
I find I don't know that it was a different
I don't know if I were.

Speaker 3 (08:04):
Like a stone cold, like big jugs fox with like
a huge ass, tiny waist answered in like heels and
like a little skirt, and was like, I don't know anyway,
I had that fantasy. So he's and I'm like, I
feel bad because I'm like, oh, he thinks I'm this
like entitled bitch who's like live it over there. It's

like for me, right, yeah, but you're gonna see it's
actually I'm like, he doesn't know yet. He's not gonna
go upstairs. It's gonna be easier anyway. He shakes his
head at me. He starts loading in the boxes and
there's a bunch of them. They're heavy, okay, And I'm
kind of going, oh my god, thank you so much.

Speaker 1 (08:38):
Sorry. You know, I almost buy my lip what I said.
I mean, this is much easier, right, I don't do that.

Speaker 3 (08:44):
I find myself pushing out my stomach to make it
seem like I'm pregnant, and then I.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
Put one hand. Fuck, put one hand, just like I
did do a huge hands on the back.

Speaker 2 (09:00):
Seek what if I had jugged? If it were jugs
sitting next to you, you would have thrown them on it.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
And I just wanted to see what it felt like.
I'm a nurse, very I was doing it very subtly,
but just one hand on the stomach. I even, what's
wrong with that? Nothing a little fun with myself. No,
absolutely nothing's wrong with it.

Speaker 2 (09:24):
It's it's the childlike nature and you that has a
little idea and does it.

Speaker 3 (09:31):
Yeah, I thought it was a fun little thing, like
well then I almost felt pregnant.

Speaker 2 (09:35):
It was interesting the speed, but you are comfortable with
the and I go to the like it could be
dru thing all the time because it's sort of like,
you know, I don't know. You're lucky I did see
that car coming, even though I would have been in
my rights to walk without looking, you know, like that
kind of thing.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
But like, yeah, you're like I worked nights, you.

Speaker 2 (09:58):
Do this. This is the thing about you throw a
lie out there in a quick pinch. You're scheming sort
of like character from like you know what I mean,
like a dickens, Like you're quick, like you'd be great
on a competition show like I mean, if I if

I had the permission, like if I give myself the pervision,
like Okay, we're trying to get through a European town
quickly to get because we're on the amazing race or
something like that. So I knew like then like oh
my god, how we'd soar. I'd be like like leaping
into the lies.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
So happened that even seems too strong a word. The
pregnancy stun.

Speaker 2 (10:38):
Sorry, I'm sorry I made Perhaps I'm too Perhaps I'm no,
but but my story is I work nights, how damn you?
And then and then minutes later and I threw my handle.
I mean I'm not wrong to like, note this is
theme of the stories.

Speaker 1 (10:54):
No, I heard that.

Speaker 2 (10:57):
You and you going, but you wouldn't judge me if whatever?

Speaker 1 (11:00):
Right? No, no, totally, I mean it's it's it's something.
I'm openly impressed. But it's interesting. I see what you're saying.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
I don't doubt if it's odd. But but I also
wanted to tell the listener that I woke up this
morning to these texts which are really cute to me.
Odd I just no, no, no, no, no, I'm not criticized
feel criticized or judged. I don't feel criticized, judge, I
feel seen, Okay, twelve oh one am text from Jacqueline
Novak we will always have their friendship through high and low.
He he And then my tooth filling just came out.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
It's an incredible way to wake up. Yeah, we got
to bring back GM more doing mornings GM.

Speaker 2 (11:36):
Oh yeah, I'm always writing. Today's a huge GM all day,
all night kind of kind of thing.

Speaker 1 (11:41):
For those who know GM. My tooth feeling has fallen an.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
Old reference to when Jacque and I were living in
New York and when g chat was a huge part
of life, and when you would log onto g chat,
you know, in the morning, check your emails. I would
get a little pop up from Jacqueline GM in the
morning and then we just go GM and it really
and then we transferred to text. Just waking up hitting GM.
It's just a really nice way to anchor in the day.

Speaker 2 (12:04):
Oh yeah, it's it's how I yeah and my friend
Deer dream like. It's a very soft way of saying
good morning. And so it became kind of thing with depression,
which is like at any time of day, it's like
a quiet way of saying hello, it's really small.

Speaker 1 (12:18):
It's just like Jim, Yeah, it's good. It's like small.
It's like so gentle.

Speaker 2 (12:23):
I need the GMS and like you can do it
through your teeth like I like to speak.

Speaker 1 (12:28):
Yeah, hit me with some GMS this week.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
All right, I'll get in kind of wait, just so much.
I wanted to tell you, Oh yeah, I want. I
went to jar a couple of friends and I.

Speaker 3 (12:36):
Got a text from Suzanne that said, where are you
Suzanne the chef?

Speaker 1 (12:39):
Incredible? Oh my god, can you believe it?

Speaker 2 (12:43):
That's awesome? She came and said hello, she was a dream.
A couple of things. By virtue of going with someone else,
different things happened, right, by which I mean like something
I don't know if you've ever.

Speaker 1 (12:54):
Ordered different orders? Yep, Like yeah, you tell me.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
Like my friend er He's like, I'm getting to Caesar.
I'm like, what all this. I'm like, I don't even
really think about it. I'm like, I've never really thought
friends if I'm getting sort of a classic.

Speaker 1 (13:06):
Friend Liz Pong. Okay, ye got it.

Speaker 2 (13:09):
I told you already, but you I remember again, you
erased it. I remember, no, right, It's like because you
have the same emotional experience you have the first first time, like.

Speaker 1 (13:18):
Friend, who who? Yeah? What jar? And then and then yeah, and.

Speaker 2 (13:25):
I see this ridiculo looking salad appear and I go,
what the hell? Pile of purple leaves? Never creamy dressing.
He did not order a special, He did not order
a special salad. It was what I believe it was wrathwagon.
What Caesar? I think that's their fucking Caesar, and they're
just I'm always going if there's Caesar and Wedge on

the menu, and I'm going for a sort of classic
flavorite jar, I'm probably going for the wedge like I
always do.

Speaker 1 (13:52):
Now that I see this pile, I.

Speaker 2 (13:53):
Was like, oh my god, and I averted my eyes
quickly as not to because you always get the Marcona.

Speaker 1 (14:00):
You always get the one with the almonds. I see
a Marcona, I can't help maybe fruit, yeah, which I'm
always I never want that really for a salad. I
usually am not a creamy salad.

Speaker 2 (14:11):
Yeah, I'm usually not, except for the wedge. I mean, oh,
I don't have opportunities play. I lie, I lie at
the same time, but yeah, I just need We'll wait,
what are you about to say? Because I want to
remember it before because you forget because I'm going to
say one other things, hot pot, but keep going. Okay,
are you ready? Yeah, our friend Jeff Okay goes. Apple
sauce is a side I've never really seen that we've

never interesting to see. Apple sauce is a.

Speaker 1 (14:38):
Side big chunks of apple, Like, oh my god, yeah, okay,
I don't even really process it.

Speaker 2 (14:42):
I'm like, yeah, he asks our dreamy waiter, right, and
he's like, you know, it's a comfort food, so I
kind of like, but I'm like yeah, and I'm just
still not really I'm like, really, we're gonna get apple sauce.
I'm not even really like going there. I mean I
didn't think, really we're gonna get apple sauce. I didn't
think that.

Speaker 1 (14:57):
I just mean, like I moved on from it. I didn't.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
It didn't like call to me like, oh shit, I
have to really consider this. Purple yams were happening, you know,
et cetera. So it was like all right, and then
the waiter comes and Jeff's like, I'm curious about the
apple sauce, and I'm like, oh, he's not fucking around,
and now I'm curious too, And I realized it's happening,
and he's like, yeah, it's you know, it's beIN. I
try to remember, and then we asked Suzanne about it.

I can't remember who spoke of it. I can't remember.
I They said it's a comfort food for people, and
at one point was off the menu.

Speaker 1 (15:25):
People asked for it back.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
It arives and I feel like there was so much
happening in this meal that I didn't really get to
reflect on it. But it was interesting. It was chunky,
kind of spicy.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
No, because my mom makes a homemade apple sauce that
will blow your back up. Now you think you would.
I expected chunky, and it really wasn't.

Speaker 2 (15:47):
It's just there's it's very compelling and it it was
delicious mm paired with pork.

Speaker 1 (15:54):
Holy shit, yep, that's a classic. So my mind.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
I had a kumquat based cocktail that was glow and there,
you know, I was like, in order.

Speaker 1 (16:03):
To margarita, Well, haven't I ever had it or seen
it on a menu?

Speaker 2 (16:07):
Well, they're delicious, and this was a gin based drink.
It wasn't a margarita, but it was come quiet and
I knew I was gonna have two cocktails, so I
said I'll be getting a Leachi martini next mm hmm,
let me try the special.

Speaker 1 (16:19):
I couldn't resist. So funny. Couple of hags in the
way out the door.

Speaker 3 (16:23):
You're kidding. I was at Burgers Never Say Die. Oh right,
burger joint here behind the the finally counter.

Speaker 1 (16:33):
I'm a hag. This woman, I'm a hag. No, I
have to say Hi. Can I get you some free
Fountain sodas? Can you believe this? No? Yeah? Oh my god.
The community and we have grown, and by the way,
we've been quietly growing the community. Imagine us in ten years,
all of us boarding a cruise, boarding a cruise. Yeah,

but and there will be enough jacket and the food cruise.
I'll tell you that much. That will be enough black jacket.
And this was not This will not be the Titanic.

Speaker 2 (17:02):
When our boat goes down, it will be will be
a place for people to go, and I'll be last
to leave ship. Yeah, it'll be soaked rouble.

Speaker 3 (17:26):
So I was hyper fixated on hot pop. You know,
you go with friend. I haven't done it in years.
You go with friends to bring me the broth. You
get the meat, Yeah, I love that spicy. And you're
cooking it.

Speaker 2 (17:36):
There, you gotter do it there. You better make sure
you don't get sloppy with your meat, right, Oh?

Speaker 1 (17:40):
I know sometimes though, yeah, but it's like three trifles.
Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (17:44):
I had a transformative meal. Never mind now, okay, but
you weren't going to do it. It wasn't because it
was it was transformative, but I didn't pay. I was
taken to Nobu Malibu, and I have to say, I
think it's the best beef I ever.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
The hot pot was my mouth. No, sorry, I'm jumping
all over the place. I'm jumping. I'm jumping. Okay, sorry, sorry,
but I know you're telling me about a transfer of meal.

Speaker 2 (18:06):
You had it.

Speaker 3 (18:07):
They go, they give you a stone that arrives at
the table. They go, don't touch the stone. It's five
hundred degrees. I go, why didn't sign a release?

Speaker 1 (18:14):
Some way in so? I actually think this is insane.
People are drinking. I'm not capable of holding that thought
in my head. Exactly. They go without a little again visually,
and I go, I mean I was, I was like, so,
Palm's face down on the you know, I made a joke.

Speaker 3 (18:26):
Of course, couldn't resist, Yeah, of course, And he goes, so, seriously,
he's a palm. Yeah, he goes, really it's five hundred degrees.
I was like, what's absolutely saying?

Speaker 2 (18:34):
I could have a child that sounds so hot that
I'm like, it'll it would be a relief if you
touched it, because I actually wouldn't hurt.

Speaker 1 (18:40):
You wouldn't feel anything so hot.

Speaker 3 (18:43):
Your hand would be gone, yeah, wag you beef, little
tiny thin slices, bam bam on it. Oh my god,
moaning in next tosy Jacqueline, guess what you and I, bitch,
we're going to know melbo.

Speaker 2 (18:56):
So it was really never had sushi together except for
a blue ribbon of course.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
Oh yeah, of course once five years ago you forget,
let's go.

Speaker 3 (19:06):
So it was a full sushi meal, full sushi meal,
moaning in ecstasy.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
But then then then when did the hot part happen?
And then toward the end, my friend goes, can we
get the wag u?

Speaker 2 (19:18):
Oh right, sorry, I'm talking.

Speaker 3 (19:24):
I've been thinking about this beef for like days, and
I know, and here I go, oh somebody reading about
no boo. You know, I mean, it's like sick to
fall into that. But again, I want the stress.

Speaker 1 (19:34):
I didn't pay. In fact, I had a funny Okay,
I think.

Speaker 2 (19:38):
This is the thing, the way you think that the
not paying is like like I know, like it's it's
it's inside. I know you believe it's like communicating some
kind of moral something like you know, like like no
boo fell on your head like an anvil out of
a window.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
You can't be blamed.

Speaker 3 (19:57):
Okay, okay, someone referenced my miserly ways the other day.
But Jackline, I feel like you'll relate to this. So I,
you know, constantly have a fear of looking like I'm lost.
I don't like to hesitate even for a second. I
don't think I don't know where I am. I'm at
a restaurant.

Speaker 1 (20:15):
I don't want to ever ask where the bathroom is,
or if I do, I want to pretend like I
briefly forgot but knew the whole time.

Speaker 2 (20:21):
And so it's so weird. So I know it interesting
from you, from you specific.

Speaker 3 (20:25):
So I'm in, I'm in, I'm in the Nobu right,
and there's two I go, where's the bathroom? And I
don't want to be like somebody like a peasant from
nineteen oh four, Right, where's the bathroom signaling I've never
been here before.

Speaker 2 (20:41):
Okay, I start getting in my head, that's not be
a regular nobo. You think it's a cousin.

Speaker 1 (20:47):
Is wrong to not be like coming to the third
actually give a ship. But what is this? Okay?

Speaker 2 (20:52):
So I go, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're not actually giving
a ship and yet having primal responses in the moment.

Speaker 1 (20:58):
It must be what I discussed. I'd like to discuss that.

Speaker 2 (21:01):
Okay, discussed this, Yeah yeah, okay, go on, So but listen.

Speaker 1 (21:05):
To this those who have been to Noble Male but
we'll know. So when you're in there the bathroom, you look.

Speaker 2 (21:11):
A bunch of listeners to nobody right now go even
though they haven't the same psychotic response.

Speaker 3 (21:19):
So there's a bunch of like Japanese characters on the wall, right,
and a huge stone path leading to one side, and
I go, well, clearly that's the fucking bathroom, right, And
I start proudly walking down and there's like it's like
a stone path, there's lights. I see someone who works
there kind of clock me, and I go, what was that?
And then I get to the kitchen. I was walking

toward the kitchen, okay, and then somebody goes, oh, are
you looking for the bathroom, and instead of just saying yeah, sorry, no,
I wanted i'd a big so I like, I'm like
in the kitchen. It's like not like I'm like in
the kitchen and people are looking at me, and I go,
put me in a work boas.

Speaker 2 (21:57):
I like, did like a full that's good, great, okay,
you had that ready from another time?

Speaker 1 (22:03):
Yeah yeah, and I go, I go, and then they
kind of go, yeah, the bathroom's over there. I don't
know how this happened. I don't know what made but
I go, I was a server for a long time.
No you didn't but on me clear, I actually shockingly
didn't work just retail okay, but I don't know why
I said that. They didn't need to hear that the episode, right,

because that seems like i'mpontaneous, lie, I know. So then
I'm it's like what it's like class anxiety. It's like
what I'm like, I'm like, hey, I didn't pay for
the Noble meal, Okay, I wouldn't come here. I can't
afford a just dinner and Wednesday night here.

Speaker 2 (22:36):
This is birthdays only. So then I go, yeah, I go,
you know, can you believe this either like to work, boys,
I'm just kidding. I mean, I'm not kidding that much,
because of course I love to work. Work is the
only thing that saves man.

Speaker 1 (22:52):
So then I'm humiliated and I debase.

Speaker 3 (22:54):
I've debased myself, and then I walked to the other
side where the bathroom is.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
See this is very interesting.

Speaker 2 (23:01):
So, I mean, obviously this relates to your fear about
you know, not knowing how to handle yourself at a
pool alone.

Speaker 1 (23:08):
Exactly being alone in the restaurant looking for the bathroom.

Speaker 2 (23:11):
It's just so weird because you're one of the most
It's like you're one of the most sort of self assured.
And is it These broad things are just not gonna
work because who isn't the most commonh Okay, But I'm
trying to I'm trying to find the particular thread here
of what's going on.

Speaker 1 (23:31):
I'm like, what is it?

Speaker 2 (23:32):
Why does kateer Lynn have a fear right of for
a second, looking like she doesn't know which way she's
going when like you also, you know, actively allow your
kind of getting energy to be party.

Speaker 1 (23:50):
That's the thing.

Speaker 4 (23:50):
I have commitment to getting lost right to the powers
of that. And yet at noboo exactly. Well this is
where is it like classings? That is this some kind
of like like deep like you've sied.

Speaker 2 (24:04):
I mean it's almost like you uh yeah, you're you're
you're both afraid of looking not up to snuff at
at noble and like and too comfortable there yeah birthdays
only like is what you think is where you're comfortable?
Is like an appropriate appropriate amount of striving.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
Yeah, it is interesting though, because getting lost.

Speaker 2 (24:27):
And you look and yet you look cute when you're lost.
I've seen it, you know, it's it's a nice look
on you.

Speaker 1 (24:32):
Okay, this is huge. This is a big it's a
fresh pair of jugs for you. Okay, if you want
to play that game.

Speaker 2 (24:40):
This is good.

Speaker 1 (24:41):
This is good, feminine, this is good.

Speaker 3 (24:43):
This is when you're hitting some ship, you're hitting something
because I feel happening in my life, right yeah, look lost,
this is happening in my life of like something like
some other like okay, oh lord, strike me out?

Speaker 1 (24:54):
Except help? What is it about? Accept help?

Speaker 2 (24:57):

Speaker 1 (24:57):
Because I think I do accept help.

Speaker 2 (24:58):
You found your way to gently resting a hand on
a belly like like because this growth you gently resting
your hand on lower abdomen.

Speaker 1 (25:06):
To suggest asking for what she needs. Yeah, through the
lines that she deserves.

Speaker 2 (25:12):
I slipped into his voice the other day when I
hadn't slept, and it was like doing a lot for me.
Like I also woke up yesterday I had a new
voice come to me where I just turned to Chris
and I went h okay. And I haven't been able
to stop doing it for two days. One hand goes
up like this again, I go, hyeah. I did it

like nine times three minutes.

Speaker 1 (25:36):
It was a new Oh. I bought something from an artisan,
the Sportsman's. I was thinking of you. You know, I
paid a purring cat. What toy for humans? Trying to
get kittens into my parents' house. I'll get it really quick.
And she's gone, oh yes, Oh, she's getting the cat.
I assume last night I ordered something for a cat

from the neighbors. When are you gonna get cats again?
You could talk about that.

Speaker 3 (26:03):
Okay, she's gone. I assume she's going to get the
purring cat. I am looking for some to adopt, some
cats for slash with my parents. A couple of cats
gonna be really therapeutic in my home. My dad a
huge cat head. It doesn't have to be kittens, of
course not.

Speaker 1 (26:18):
I don't know. I don't know. I felt like I
just had to show what do we have? It was
just satisfying little items, okay, and this is like a cat.

Speaker 2 (26:29):
With a.

Speaker 1 (26:32):
Purse. That's cute, that's fun.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
Yeah, and then I got last night a classic Amazon order. Oh,
I bought from an artist and a small cat sized
beach lounger like it looks like a like a pool side,
looks like a beach lounger with stripes.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
Oh, that's cute for the cat.

Speaker 2 (26:54):
He needs the one that hangs out by me boo.
But I had to get rid of the other bed, yeah,
because he it was like got rained on. It wasn't
like a true bed. And so this one looks like
it'll dry and I can't wait. I can't wait for
the neighbors to see him wrestling in it.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
Very cute. You can get your parents and kittens. They
can be older, because the idea is you want my parents.

Speaker 3 (27:14):
Inexplicable. We've had so many cats over the years. None
of them are lap cats, like none of them like
like having these cats that are so yeah, like really
interesting personalities, but like you cannot they will not, And
it's like we've got to get cats in there for
both of them. Particularly my dad, a couple of cats
lounging at him very to him. He's obsessed with cats.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
Yeah. Great, And so there's you can either.

Speaker 2 (27:35):
So if you get kittens one, you can like basically
train them to be very comfortable with touch early on.

Speaker 1 (27:41):
Okay, this is a huge kitten. You can make them
on your shoulder, Okay, this is great. Oh you just
all my cats are lap cats or shoulder cats or whatever.
Force it. I don't.

Speaker 2 (27:53):
Yeah, And it doesn't even feel like forcing me because
it's just like how I've always been with them, and
so it's like a cat and put it on my shoulder, you.

Speaker 1 (28:01):
Know what I mean, Like totally. I also have ways
of holding it. I didn't know that. I thought it
was like they were.

Speaker 2 (28:07):
It needs to feel, it needs to. I mean, I
wouldn't force a cat who really had a problem with it.
But I just what I find is that if like
some people don't even have the impulse to like pick
up their cat. Okay, And so if you've raised a
cat from kittenhoun you've never like tried to pick it up,
it's certainly not gonna be used to that and it's
gonna what the hell's going on?

Speaker 1 (28:25):
That's like my parents.

Speaker 2 (28:26):
I like to hold cats in this specific way that
you've got them, like in a hug, but you put
your hand under their feet their back haunched feet so
they can feel, and they do that. They can freely
spring out from that position. It's not like you've closed
their feet down. It's like they had anyone could spring

off of the thing. It's it's like so they're they're
in control, but you're also like getting to snuggle them
so cute.

Speaker 1 (28:53):
Yeah, the cats are going to be hugely therapeutic, but.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
You could also get it doesn't have to be getting.
You could also First of all, we were at shelters
are filled with laptan.

Speaker 1 (29:01):
Ant, like we don't want kittens, you want to catut
nothing more.

Speaker 3 (29:05):
Can be an older cat like for sure, like yeah,
my last my parents lost cut who was adopted was older,
and like that's totally fine. But then of course, literally
it was like a friend was like, oh, I'm fostering
like four thousand kittens, and I was like, okay, well
did we just get two from there? But my mom
is so attached to Maine coons.

Speaker 2 (29:22):
Oh right, that we thought that Boo maybe had a
little bit of a Maine coon energy. I've had cabbage

e old pepe twice in a row. Now is a
good huge head of cabbage? Okay, yeah, I bet I've
been doing. I've combining two Instagram things I saw one.
What do you you slice the wedge of cabbage? You
put butter in a pan. Okay, heat it up, throw
the cabbage in the and you treat it like a
piece of meat. You hard sear it, Okay, on one

of its faces heartse heer, caramelized butter, sausage.

Speaker 1 (30:10):
When that's then you flip it like a steak. Same thing.

Speaker 2 (30:13):
Then, after the other side has been hard seared, you
throw a little wine, a little broth, throw a little
water in the pan, cover the pan, and it sort
of cooks the rest of it.

Speaker 1 (30:21):
Now, but you got that hard sere for you. Listen
to you. I've never heard soaring. You got that hard
s here. You got that hard sere.

Speaker 2 (30:35):
Feel bad because I saw Anastasia fashion beauty. I was
thinking today as I was wearing my own merch headed
into the tray. Anderson Studio is thinking, wrap yourself before
you wreck yourself. I'm wearing my own merch before you
wreck yourself, Like I'm representing my own self. Yeah, like

wear your own merch, ye die?

Speaker 1 (30:58):
Yeah yeah? Or where your own you get fucked. But
I felt like I saw in a stage of fashion
beauty fallen off micro current and I feel like my
face has fallen fourteen feet and really, yeah.

Speaker 2 (31:08):
Well I haven't seen my pair left in six months?
Where is the left parents house or something? What do
you mean?

Speaker 1 (31:16):
I want the purelyft for the love of God?

Speaker 2 (31:19):
Is it you mean it was never a free but
you know this you bought it wondering I know, but
I want for Christmas two years ago hags recall.

Speaker 1 (31:27):
And if you can't find yours, then let's get a couple.
Yeah I can't. And it's an old model. Okay, we
chew new pure lifts. I just hope in a stage
of fashion beauty nosed in my video.

Speaker 2 (31:39):
I don't think I'm doing perfect form, okay, because I
saw a video come out after that was like showing
false form and like is it supposed to do this
or this? And I was like, yeah, I'm getting the
stuff wrong, you know, but like whatever, so filling has
fallen out which can really make you feel like.

Speaker 1 (31:57):
We're chewing. It's all falling apart, it's flossing. It's just
like fuck.

Speaker 2 (32:04):
And then it feels then I began consumed with the
photographing it. It just feels like a jagged sharp It
just feels.

Speaker 1 (32:12):
Insane, you know, like just can't be right. And then
it's like, oh, we're going to get you into that dentist.
Do you think we're tongue tied? Snip snip?

Speaker 2 (32:28):

Speaker 1 (32:29):
What the fuck is the tungue tied and lip tied?
You know, what the fuck are you talking about? It's like, okay,
what cosmetics?

Speaker 2 (32:40):
So you know that? No, well, I mean it can help.
I guess it depends. Okay, yeah, so you know the
tongue tie.

Speaker 3 (32:47):
I've heard about their about their doing that to babies
and they're fucking everything else. So the tongue tie is
the band of untied for a reason. Yeah, well, it depends.

Speaker 2 (32:55):
If it's too tight, I guess it can be limiting,
limiting what allow you not to be mewing? Well, you
know your tongue is supposed to be on the roof
of your mouth. This is the whole trend. Okay, so
for everything, for facial development. I mean, it's a whole
whole thing. Okay, like this, well that doesn't look.

Speaker 1 (33:12):
Tongue should be like that. Wait, what's that? That's the
roof of your mouth.

Speaker 2 (33:18):
Is the tongue, but the point when hanging down it
causes breathing problems and whatever. Okay, not a point flat
against the top Okay, not that okay, not flipped.

Speaker 1 (33:29):
So no all day? No, well not flipped all day? Yeah,
what do you mean flipped like curled? Like no flat? Okay,
Like how did they do it? Like king? King?

Speaker 2 (33:44):
You say king, the other king thing of the tongue
kind of flies up to the top king. Okay, actually
that's not even it. I don't know whatever, it's the
whole world of it's a whole thing. But and like
all these people are like, so I got my tongue
tie released and my life was you know, it's one
of these.

Speaker 1 (34:04):
I don't know, snip snip. I don't know if you
want to snip that. It seems a little insane.

Speaker 2 (34:12):
Someone wrote in to us like suggesting we get snipped.
Really they were like, there you kate your migrains, Jacqueline,
your lisp. They didn't say that, but I abso waiting
for it. Okay, no, but someone definitely wrote in my jaw.

Speaker 1 (34:28):
I'm thinking I need to get botox in my jaw
the jaw pain. And then also I'm so tight. How
open your mouth? How far can you open your mouth?
I mean far? Does it hurt?

Speaker 2 (34:39):

Speaker 1 (34:40):
Oh yeah?

Speaker 3 (34:41):
I mean it's you know, I've always lived in fear
of like I'm having to break my jaw where you
said it and I look like a different person.

Speaker 1 (34:49):
No one's really breaking jaws out there though really they're
not the doctor surgically breaking them for what that would suck.
I don't know. Maybe it's just like a rational fear
I have.

Speaker 3 (34:58):
It's like something I kind of probably heard a story
incorrectly when I was twelve and it's been replaying in
my mind for years.

Speaker 2 (35:04):
I think there's other Yeah, there's there's a lot of
I don't think you would have to. I'm really sorry.
The personality is off. I'm doing my best.

Speaker 1 (35:11):
Okay, we're doing great. The well Beatrin's kicking in. Well,
it's so generic and I'm gonna be stuck on it
for two weeks. And I'll just say this.

Speaker 2 (35:18):
They were like I kind of like lost it on
the phone a little like that. Tried the generic and
I go, yeah, six months of hideous depression.

Speaker 1 (35:24):
Yeah yeah, okay, you fucks. America is in Canada and
it'll take two weeks. We'll see what, we'll see.

Speaker 2 (35:32):
How I do.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
I mean, there's nothing to do but laugh. I'm just kidding.
We can't laugh at that? What can't what can't we
laugh at? Oh?

Speaker 2 (35:42):
We got to tell people, even though we haven't sent
anything out yet, to sign up for the mailing list
and for those to post those lists. We collect it
and then imagine that things were.

Speaker 1 (35:51):
Gonna those I've got.

Speaker 3 (35:52):
I see a lot of dms that go, I haven't
gotten anything. We have never sent anything yet. You are
signing up for some you're waiting. Yeah, okay, huge, I'm talking.
We might be the only podcast. It's like you think
about Poog. We've never sent anything. We had a tour,
we have merch like anyway, we're working on it. We're

working on getting our business.

Speaker 2 (36:15):
I think they did actually maybe send them and I
think it cost me eighty dollars and I never voiced what.
We never got our fucking finances straight to the Poog
email list when we went on tour. It's like, and
I just clicked on a eighty bucks you know, like
to send emails.

Speaker 1 (36:31):
It costs money? Are you serious? Well? Yeah, yeah, maybe
it works out for the for the dollar the tickets,
of course, of course.

Speaker 2 (36:40):
But but look, I'm wearing two shades of Charlotte till
Berry Amazing Grace and pillow Talk simultaneously covered with Tower
twenty eight pistacio.

Speaker 3 (36:55):
I love Tower twenty eight pistachio, and until I'm wearing
a fenty color that I've found I bought paid for.

Speaker 2 (37:02):
How's the is it is the fencies fairly scented or
not really strong scent? This one wasn't Soilberry's a little
too vanilla.

Speaker 1 (37:10):
Yeah for me? I kind of want cosmetic nothingness. Yeah, yeah, totally.

Speaker 3 (37:15):
I know I'm always trying to go green on the
mouth because you eat your lipstick, but sometimes you just
need the color.

Speaker 1 (37:20):
Two tablespoons a year, we really like it more? Yeah? Yeah,
probably a lot more. Oh it's a cup and a
half man two tablespoons a year. That seems high. I
made that up. I'm sorry to be clear.

Speaker 2 (37:34):
Oh, I mean I just was like I was actually
reaching for a fried hyperbole and I met this like
two Eater excepted.

Speaker 1 (37:40):
The tails fact. Yeah, it was too accepted.

Speaker 3 (37:42):
That's pure fact. Okay, well, I'm seeing you next week.
I think wait or am I not? I got to
force you into a something? Okay, I love you bye?

Speaker 1 (37:54):
All right, I love you. That was Pooh. If you
enjoyed Pooh, please subscribe, rate, and review. If not, we
will press charges
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