All Episodes

February 6, 2024 54 mins

Look, folks. Kate’s in the midst of the final week of her sold out KATE run at the Pasadena Playhouse. Jacqueline’s doing rabid press for the Get on Your Knees premiere. So a remix is on offer. The theme is the road to GOYK, featuring Poog clips from the show’s touring days, the countdown to the taping aka the “wedding” and Jacqueline and Kate's reflections from the stage. Get pumped and then go watch Get on Your Knees on @netflixisajoke. Can Hag nation send the special to number 1?

Edited by Allie Graham.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hi, I'm Kate Erlana, I'm Jacqueline Novaka.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
And this is poog, an ongoing conversation about wellness between
two obsessive freshs.

Speaker 1 (00:08):
Two untamable intellects. This is our hobby, This is our hell,
This is.

Speaker 3 (00:11):
Our naked desire for free products.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
This is poog, you guys, This remix is out of
sheer necessity. Kate and I are in the midst of
just really going for it out in this world. So
in the spirit of that, my special has just come
out on Netflix. Really like you to watch it. If
you haven't already spread the word. Your influence is powerful,

and this episode is kindly pulling moments of nostalgia for
me and my show, which has been a backdrop, a
silent backdrop, sneaking in the corners of our poop conversations
for the last few years. And so we've compiled those moments,

hope to get you pumped to watch it on Netflix.

Speaker 3 (00:58):
Got on your knees.

Speaker 1 (01:03):
So Chris is on the couch. Maybe we're in a
studio apartment in New York temporarily, and Mabel is sleeping
in the window and it's pouring rain behind her. New
York City beautiful storm in New York City in the summertime.
You know, we raced back to get to get inside
because the droplets began to fall. And I have a cold.

I just thought everyone should know. And it's wild. You know,
when you get these colds, it's just shocking because it's
like it's really and not remember what it's like until
you're in it.

Speaker 4 (01:35):
Living in fear of a cold is what's defined so
much of my Lifely, oh.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
I never worry, never think about it. I suddenly, oh
my god, you're not gonna believe. Well, it's not it's
not that exciting. But the other night, so the first
night of my cold, I'm on stage and I've taken
suit of fed and I'm basically breathing pretty clear. As
the show goes on, I'm feeling like my nose is
about to drip, and I make like and I'm like,
I don't want to beffing into the microphone that discussing sound,

particularly you know, of like mucus like getting back further
in my throat or whatever. I'm like, I don't know
when them hear it. So I'm trying to relax and
not like do the sniffing and like just like let
it sort of and then I'm like, but like hoping
it doesn't fall out of my nose, right, just like
clear running liquid, like just that pure, clear, true beginning
of a cold run. It's not even that disgusting. It's

like so clear and like like watery, but still. And
then there was a moment where I almost like exhaled
forcefully and felt like I was about to like it
was going to come out of my nose, and so
I like put the microphone down on the on the
side of the thing, and I said, hold on one second,
talk amongst yourselves. I have to blow my nose. And
I stepped off stage, blew my nose, and came back. Well,

there was a there was a fly there. No, I
didn't do anything interesting about it. But there's been a
fly actually, interestingly enough, luciferian. Okay, there's been There's been
some flies in the theater, and and you know, I
deal with them to varying degrees depending on kind of
how active they are, how present they're making themselves. And
I have some little bits, you know, little jokes I
make about the flies. And someone after the show, a

friend of someone who works on the show, was like,
said to her, said, fly the flies, the trick at
a light right, like the flies elight tric right. They
were like, no, like the fly, I mean that's scripted,
right like. They were like, it has to be scripted, right,
like like me and the jokes about the flies. They're like,
it's so it's like a light trick.

Speaker 3 (03:22):
That's why we need theater.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
I know.

Speaker 3 (03:24):
Isn't that beautiful? The inability to reckon with what is real,
what is false?

Speaker 4 (03:29):
What is I mean? That is just I love that.
That's why I love it so much.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
It also makes me feel like that that it felt
so inevitable that it must have been scripted. Yeah, is
like lovely to me. But I do I do?

Speaker 3 (03:42):
Isn't that like? Do you think life is scripted.

Speaker 1 (03:46):
In like sort of automatons or whatever?

Speaker 3 (03:49):
The way we think? I was, Okay, do you think that.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
We know?

Speaker 4 (03:55):
Okay, this sounds kind of ridiculous, but sometimes I'm like,
we know everything that's gonna happen to us. I know
that that's not true. Okay, I know, of course that's
not true. But do I there's part of me that
thinks that we know that we know everything?

Speaker 1 (04:09):

Speaker 3 (04:09):
Well, there's that idea the occurrent.

Speaker 1 (04:12):
I forget who's if it's like young knets you, but
eternal recurrence or something. It's like it's like we're like
we're cycling through the same like we're living the same life,
like over and over again, uh, you know, or something.
And it's sort of like and there are key points,
you know, it's almost like a spiral where like but

you can make slight changes and then arrive in a
different place.

Speaker 3 (04:35):
And I like that. I like that.

Speaker 4 (04:36):
I mean, I think I think what I'm talking about
is obviously we don't you know, acts of God, you know,
coconut falls, Matriine hits you on the head, like things
like that primary concern that does.

Speaker 3 (04:45):
Happen to me that I knew.

Speaker 4 (04:46):
But yeah, I guess I'm talking about I think about
in terms of you know, maybe relationships. You know. It's like,
you know, like we know, we know what, we know,
what's going to happen. My mother, who I'm going to
see today? Who to get on your knees? Oh my god,
one of her. All those best friends loved it. We talked,
I'm on air because.

Speaker 3 (05:05):
You haven't told me. Told me.

Speaker 5 (05:07):
By the way, when have you been around my mom
at your house? Like twice so long time ago. Yeah,
I'm trying to think she loved it, you felt it.
It was one of the finest reactions I've ever received.

Speaker 3 (05:19):
To the show. Oh this is huge. Give it to me.

Speaker 1 (05:21):
Okay, okay, Like I was like, I almost was like, oh,
I wonder if Kate understands, like, like how good.

Speaker 3 (05:27):
The reaction was, No, I don't want okay.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
It was like it was like, you know, stay behind
in the theater whatever, like I'll come. So the guy
comes over and it says, you know, Helen's out there, okay.

Speaker 3 (05:39):
Whatever was dramatizing it. So I love it.

Speaker 4 (05:45):
You're walking out, you see Helen down stage left house right, Okay,
you see it.

Speaker 1 (05:49):
Yeah again, that's spot curly hair, curly hair, and her
friend a blonde Okay, and you know, immediately go in
just I'm just excited that she's there. It's not like
I'm not walking out.

Speaker 3 (06:00):
With a Helen.

Speaker 1 (06:01):
What do you think energy, I'm walking out with excited
that Helen's there. I get to say hi to her
kind of vibe. Yeah, And she really seemed gobsmack okay,
I do of know the word? Okay she no, she
was like she immediately launched into it was it.

Speaker 3 (06:16):
I was thinking about it later because I.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
Was thinking about how you and me are, like people
don't know how to compliment, like you know what I mean,
And she fucking knew, like their language better transcend okay,
the form of the compliment. So she's like she's not
even just like that was great, like I was saying.
She goes like that was a tornado that she just
started saying like like.

Speaker 4 (06:36):
Words, you you're the weather or something like, you know
what I mean, Like, oh my god, like.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
That like that she didn't even say like it wasn't
even like you're a force of nature like someone else
might say, yeah.

Speaker 3 (06:46):
Like it would be like I walked out and she's like.

Speaker 1 (06:47):
A house just fell on me, you know what I mean,
Like it was. It was very you in that way,
like the just absolute artistry of hyperbole metaphor launched instantly
into the language of metaphor. It was, you know, it
filled me up. I'm so glad it's genuine. I mean,
and she's just a you know woman for the ages,

she's just got unbelievable Can you believe her? I Mean,
she's everything that everyone you know perhaps gets through you,
but but so warm That's the thing I'm wondering if maybe,
like the way you describe her, like, oh, well, Helen
would never Helen's dinner parties or whatever, like almost like
if they would think that she wouldn't be so warm.

Speaker 4 (07:29):
But she is crazy and it's real. It's it's outrageous,
always trying to take a lesson from her book.

Speaker 1 (07:35):
Yeah, no, it was heaven though. Oh my, i'h so
glad it was. It was such an affirmation.

Speaker 4 (07:42):
And completely real because she also is very because I
again I haven't actually even talked to her on the
phone yet, which is shocking this year today. But she
she was like I forgot what she said, but she
was just like unbelievable, you know, she was like laughing
the whole time. And because Helen, she would say to me,
she would you know, she would say to me like
she just I would know if she wasn't truly for it.

Speaker 1 (08:02):
I just want to be acknowledged and honored for the
fact that I set up a studio doom arm here
in the Ramble Hotel in Denver where I'm stuck for
five days quarantine.

Speaker 4 (08:15):
You're stuck in the hotel because you have COVID nineteen Well,
I haven't seen you yet.

Speaker 3 (08:20):
You look you look good.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
Feeling phenomenal right now, because I'm excited to have some communication.

Speaker 3 (08:25):
Are you loving it? Are you kind of loving being quarantined?

Speaker 6 (08:28):
The first morning? Was you know, a dream? Okay, because
here's here's how it unfolded. Are you ready?

Speaker 1 (08:33):
It's pretty much as good as you can get if
you're gonna get, if you're gonna get COVID. Right, it's midnight, Okay.
So one, I'm like the only person masking in the country.

Speaker 4 (08:45):
Okay, you're literally the most COVID careful person I know,
well too.

Speaker 6 (08:49):
Yeah, and who stopped one?

Speaker 3 (08:52):
My friend? I know I have to say them, but yeah,
my friend, my friend. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (08:59):
So just be dead ass clear. I have not been perfect.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
I had coffees in the lobby of the Ludlow with
you in which the mask was around the neck and
I was cackling up a storm and embracing cackles.

Speaker 6 (09:11):
I mean, others were a.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
Good eight feet away. I'd say, men off from twelve
to twenty four. But whatever, So I'll just acknowledge that
masked at the merch table while people who were buying
the merch are not masked.

Speaker 3 (09:23):
I'm not blaming that you have no idea how you
got it? No, when's last time you had it? Last
July they just passed the year mark for myself, and.

Speaker 6 (09:31):
I did have the booster two and a half weeks
ago before I left for tour.

Speaker 3 (09:34):
Interesting, wait, it's gonna.

Speaker 6 (09:35):
Be dead clear.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
What I was starting to say about the merch table
was that I felt this horrible guilt these pictures of
me posing next to people when I definitely like had it.

Speaker 6 (09:43):
And I'm like, well, I was masked, and they're.

Speaker 3 (09:45):
Not so amazing. You were masked.

Speaker 1 (09:46):
I was doing my part. But do you want to
hear the dream experience? I think as good as you
can get.

Speaker 3 (09:53):

Speaker 1 (09:54):
So it's midnight, Okay, I'm here in Denver in great hotel,
the Ramble Hotel, which by the way, was a poog
had wreck. A couple of people spoke up and tagged
the hotel. So and thank god I went for the
big room that I could do Tracy in because the
gym is tiny, they said. So I was like, all right, fine,
that's not what this hotel is about. They're about the
death and cocktail like, so I'm can choose the room
with the space of good Tracy thank god they got

so good night. Sitting there going, I text Christy planning
Holy Oak. The day after Denver was a mistake, okay,
because I have to fly.

Speaker 6 (10:26):
Into the d L.

Speaker 1 (10:28):
There's a stop in Minneapolis. It's like, I don't know,
Hartford Springfield. That area always interesting, the places that are like,
you know, like Hartford International, it's like weird. It's like
you're flying to Italy from like Hartford, Connecticut around yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (10:43):
So I'm like, this was a mistake. And my throat
had felt dry the night before on stage.

Speaker 3 (10:47):
I remember you saying I.

Speaker 1 (10:49):
Was told by others it might be the high altitude
of Denver that the air is not only high within dry.

Speaker 6 (10:56):
So I already had a vix, big vix.

Speaker 1 (10:59):
Now I say that, why because I shipped home my
canopy with a bunch of merch that I couldn't hold
with me because my tour manager got sick and had
to go home. So it flew. Okay, so whatever, Just
so people know that's why the canopy wasn't with me.

Speaker 6 (11:12):
I was like, it's fine, it's fine. So I got
the fixed going in my room.

Speaker 3 (11:14):
Thank god.

Speaker 1 (11:15):
I'm lying there and I'm like, oh my god. The
flight is at six am. Hell, I'm like why, I'm like,
surely there's another, surelid, there's another.

Speaker 3 (11:21):
I go through the.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
Same research process, lying they're going to change the same
day change same day change delta and and like there's nothing,
and I'm like there's literally no way. So I'm lying
there and I'm like and I'm fucking like I feel sick.
I'm like, I'm getting a cold. There's a fucking cold.
Like of course it is touching a million surfaces. And
I'm like, you, I'll just take a COVID test. And

I gotta say it was one of those to say
hoping for COVID is wrong.

Speaker 3 (11:50):
Yeah, yeah, But there's something about you at six am flight, baby, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
There's something about it. I've talked about this before with
bivable illness, that you know you're gonna survive and you're
not truly like similar to taking one's temp. I believe
you're taking your temperature. It's because you're hoping for a fever.
On some level, you're hoping for validation. Okay, anytime you
put it thermominary your mouth, you pray, okay, okay, every
time you put it in the bminary mouth and pull
it out devastate it ninety eight point sect. You're like,

you know, I'm making universal. It might not be universal,
but there's something there. So I'm like, let's just take
the tests. You see what's happening. Because if it's seven
am and I'm waiting in the lobby of a comfort
in and holyoak, okay, I'm able to check into a
room and that's when I realize I have it, Like no, right, yeah,
some of us take it the test tubes like sitting

there on the in the thing like whatever, okay. I
kind of like forget for a minute. I like glan,
I'm like, all right, the test Okay. It's like five
minutes later, a glance over, it's like a pink and
blue line are shining out of the test tube.

Speaker 6 (12:55):
They're like projected on the opposite wall.

Speaker 3 (12:57):

Speaker 1 (12:57):
Yeah, light when the lamp is hitting it. And it's
like I'm like I can see pink.

Speaker 6 (13:01):
And blue from here. Like I was like, oh my god.
And then begins like the text thread of wanting to
be witnessed. Of course I have COVID.

Speaker 3 (13:09):
I think I woke up to the text.

Speaker 6 (13:10):
Yeah yeah, yeah, if you did, if you did.

Speaker 1 (13:12):
Where I was there was like silence for a wall
until morning, except for Chris. Okay, actually it was funny.
My parents my dad rare cursor, like certainly not written down.

Speaker 6 (13:24):
Oh shit, my.

Speaker 4 (13:28):
Mom curses rarely. I feel like I cursed in his
presence the other night.

Speaker 1 (13:32):
In handwriting, like and also like as an adult, he's
like let like I mean, I'm an adult.

Speaker 6 (13:38):
He's like, let loose more.

Speaker 1 (13:40):
Okay, but it still makes me laugh a little bit
anytime I hear them like him say like oh fuck
or something like.

Speaker 6 (13:45):
It's like, I.

Speaker 4 (13:46):
Can't believe it, and you're just talking. By the way,
Suddenly I feel sick. Not to make it about me,
I'm hearing you.

Speaker 6 (13:53):
I've never minded someone making about.

Speaker 4 (13:54):
That, because I'm shocked that I didn't get sick and
that I haven't keep going.

Speaker 1 (13:59):
Ye, make sure that the the superstition fairies flying around
you don't decide to descend on.

Speaker 6 (14:05):
You for your lack of respect for the gods.

Speaker 1 (14:07):
I know they're serving it, but anyway, so I'm like,
oh my god, I don't have to get up.

Speaker 6 (14:12):

Speaker 1 (14:13):
Now there's also a thing, which is I feel sick.
So I'm it's not wrong.

Speaker 6 (14:17):
That I don't want to get up.

Speaker 3 (14:18):
No, No, it's not like it's.

Speaker 6 (14:20):
Like I'm being rude to the people of Holy Oak.

Speaker 4 (14:21):
Okay, I's devastated to have that's not It's completely out
of your control.

Speaker 6 (14:25):
So whatever.

Speaker 1 (14:26):
Anyway, I was like, okay, cancel, cancel, cancel. I had
this call like it's like so whatever, but it's real.
It's like I'm like literally calling Amex because I booked
through sympathy.

Speaker 6 (14:40):
We're a little bit of love.

Speaker 1 (14:41):
Yeah, I'm calling him just so after four presses of
a phone tree, I can hear someone say thank you
for being a member.

Speaker 6 (14:47):
For three years.

Speaker 3 (14:48):
Yeah. Yeah, go to sleep peacefully.

Speaker 1 (14:51):
Do you ever like, are you ever in this where
you lay the phone on your chest, like where you're
that kind.

Speaker 3 (14:56):
Of resigned, ill slash tired you.

Speaker 1 (14:59):
Just lay the radiating phone on your chest, on speaker on.

Speaker 3 (15:03):
The heart chakra.

Speaker 6 (15:04):

Speaker 1 (15:06):
And I was like, hey, I booked a hotel in
Boston like for like like three hours ago.

Speaker 6 (15:12):
It's like I got to cancel now, and.

Speaker 1 (15:15):
They're like, this past midnight, so the hotel's policies, they
have to pay for the first night and I'm like,
but I booked it two hours ago, and like, you know,
the whole thing and they're like, well, call, and I'm like,
this is the concierge I prayed for.

Speaker 6 (15:27):
When I signed out.

Speaker 3 (15:28):

Speaker 6 (15:28):
Yeah, so then they put you on home what they
call and.

Speaker 3 (15:32):
They threatened the hotel.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
Yeah, this is why place some places don't take as
because they'll like defend your ass and all calls or whatever.
By the way, another amex ad which literally how dare
oh dare I to sort of be irritated as a

child with this sense of the twinkly eyed genius of
Robin Williams. Okay, like literally eleven bother okay. I was
sort of like I was irritated by the concept of
like a comedic genius, comedic gesa and then like the

wild like literal twinkle in the eyes of of Robin Williams. Right,
and and arguably you might say like some of it
is like that there's.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
A bit hamming me.

Speaker 1 (16:34):
Okay, I'm blinkly eyed, yeah okay, and energized and the
whole thing.

Speaker 3 (16:38):
Okay, so it's like it's like whatever, but.

Speaker 4 (16:40):
In the stage yeah yea.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
So one night, so it was almost like a bit
of like observational humor of like.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
I have to cut in with real I have the
cutting hits. It's about what you're saying. Please.

Speaker 4 (16:53):
One of the most embarrassing things you could ever see
a performer do. And it's also part of the performer's job.
And I've seen Robin Williams do this, and this is
bringing up for me picture no no picture a comedian
like a Robert Williams terrifying stalking the stage right, walking
the stage loving it in a theater, in a theater,
this is the most embarrassing thing.

Speaker 3 (17:11):
And it happens, and it has to happen.

Speaker 4 (17:13):
When the actor looks up to acknowledge the balcony. So
the eyes right, they're they're they're performing right, looking straight ahead,
looking straight ahead, they project upward, look upward, eyes searching
to greet those in the mezzanine. And that is what
and by the way, it has to happen, and it's
the mark of theater.

Speaker 3 (17:33):
And that is why.

Speaker 4 (17:33):
Also theater acting is one of the most humiliating, embarrassing
false acts. And it's I mean it's it is one
of the most embarrassing things a person can do, is
get on a stage and be like ha and like
say the words and project I mean it is just
it is.

Speaker 1 (17:47):
Well, that's where I decided it's nobility lies ultimately in
the willingness to do something that embarrassing.

Speaker 3 (17:53):

Speaker 4 (17:53):
I mean you're nailed up there on the cross, You're like, yeah,
I mean it's but to watch someone to watch their
eyes go up to project to the mezzanine and it continues.

Speaker 3 (18:03):
So I was doing that in I forget where I was.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
It was a theater that had like weeks back, I
don't know, like month, two months ago or something. Theater
that had like structure that it felt like there was
a mes like it felt like there was a balcony,
but there wasn't. And the lights were so bright on
me that during the show I kind of couldn't remember
there are people up there.

Speaker 3 (18:24):
I mean not.

Speaker 1 (18:27):
H but and I threw a gage more than once
just to make sure they were taking care of the lights.

Speaker 3 (18:34):
Come on the end of the show. That's a pro
nothing there. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (18:39):
I went to the store today to buy retail display
things as a management of my anxiety. It's different instead
of feeling the feelings I like to as you know,
it really helps modular storage solutions. Okay, so love to
go so right now, there's a lot of anxiety naturally,
as I am doing my show about a week in

and we've just extended. So I think I, oh, I
think I did announce. Well, whatever, there goes the chair again.
So there's a lot going on. But I also can't
spend all day feeling anxious about the show, so I
like to put into other things. And right now, that's
about merch and dice sales. Okay, it's about pushing merch.
And so today I got an s L two. Sorry,
those are some of the terms for grid walls, grid

wall displays. It was actually a nightmare where I was
trying to look up. Okay, picture a grid of wire.

Speaker 3 (19:28):
And things hanging on it. Got it.

Speaker 1 (19:30):
It's that standing on two we've been to a concert
or too exactly, standing on two legs, just.

Speaker 4 (19:35):
Breaking, will drop, I repeat, poogh murmur will droll d
just stay just stay with us, say don't. I don't
want you to be there, thinking, oh, we haven't even
considered trust me.

Speaker 3 (19:46):
We have construsted, maybe we drafted from the beginning. We're
brewing up some great stuff.

Speaker 1 (19:50):
But but I'm dying to tell you. So I so
I hauled asked today over to the garment district.

Speaker 3 (19:55):
Okay, and oh.

Speaker 1 (19:57):
I found a story. It was really hard to search
for it because try so searching a store for things
to that are for stores. Try googling that.

Speaker 2 (20:07):
Go to the wall store to buy a wall exactly, okay,
but it's worse.

Speaker 1 (20:10):
It's going to the store store to buy a store, okay,
because I'm trying to set up retail display. So I'm
googling like retail store.

Speaker 3 (20:17):
Okay. It's having me.

Speaker 4 (20:18):
I would be so profoundly like the fact that they are
even engaging in this realm at all is so foreign
to me and so shocking.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
No, so like I get very, very excited at night.
Last night, I come home exhausted. But the way that
I kick back is by looking at you line and
other such you know, industrial sites, and trying to put
together this this tower. Okay, this, I want it rolling,
I want it folding. I want it mobile. Okay, it's
got to be mobile. It's gotta be folding. It's got
to be I'm not getting folding, unfortunately, that I'll have

to wait. I want to string my flag from the
back of it. So it's a photo booth on one
side for fans to take pisures and posts, and the
other side is where the merch hands and is sold,
and and and so I went over there, and I said,
it was really fun. It was very New York classic.
The woman in there, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (21:07):
Oh, the woman's in there, the woman she's in there?

Speaker 1 (21:10):
Really what real classic New York type taking me through it,
pulling out the catalog, me going, but what do you
have in store? You know, the fear that you go
and they start pulling out the catalog. Any brick and mortar,
brick and mortar supply the brigand mortar.

Speaker 3 (21:24):
They can't burn us down, truly, nothing like a brick
and mortar.

Speaker 1 (21:29):
She was saying, like we might not have everything because
like the embargoes or whatever. She was like, she was like,
there's real embargos. She's like, there's real issues with supply
chain right now and everything. She's like, I remember in
ninety seven when when you couldn't get rhinestones, but now
she's like, now you just can't get anything, damn anyway.
So there's these huge things that I'm standing in there,

and there's this point that comes where I've added up
the different pieces. There's and but this is why I
generally don't like shopping with someone actually helping me.

Speaker 3 (21:55):

Speaker 1 (21:56):
This is why I say I'm just browsing. Let me
look is because then I feel like I can't back out.
They've helped me, right. So I get to this point,
and then and then Chris comes to meet me. He's like,
where are you. I'm like, I'm at you know, this
place on thirty fifth And he's like, I'll come meet you.
And then he rolls up and I'm like, I'm like
assessing whether I need this basket. Okay, this like special basket.
It's a store like the T shirts on the thing

at the bottom, like I'm just imagining everything. Oh, that'll
make it easier for Ben to grab the you know.
And and Chris is like I see his face change
and he's just like there is no problem with the
merch table. Yeah. Like as is like, there's no problem
here that you're solving.

Speaker 3 (22:34):
Oh, that's why we need people to step in. We
need people intervial.

Speaker 1 (22:37):
I was like, now, now the guy's hauling the heavy
six foot I went for six feet tall heavy grids
okay up from downstairs, and I'm looking at Chris.

Speaker 3 (22:47):
Oh oh god. But then I was like no.

Speaker 1 (22:50):
I was like no, I was like this actually gives
me a lot of joy and happiness to build the
stupid little merch card.

Speaker 3 (22:56):
Oh so you got you out with it, and so.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
I fucking went before it, and I I'm gonna post picks.
I'm so excited to hang little things. I got a
little loose sight knob, you know, and oh god, it's
just I'm so excited to get clips and ribbons and things.
And I like to build.

Speaker 3 (23:11):
I built.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
I built a couch. I built a couch out of
blocks once as a child. It was immensely satisfying building blocks.
And then I sat on it very carefully, very gently,
because it wasn't nailed together, of course, it.

Speaker 3 (23:22):
Was just blocks. You're a builder. Meanwhile, thank you, Kate,
thank you. Now you shouldn't.

Speaker 1 (23:30):
What would you have in response to no, it's a
shocking anecdote, you know. It's one of those shocking things
I've revealed on on Pook. And then and then I
saw things like, oh, little round things, kids holding up
honey mama's chocolate.

Speaker 3 (23:41):
She's gonna say something about it.

Speaker 1 (23:42):
I just gonna say one thing, which is like I
started to see little displays for things like, oh, you
can buy this to put in your retail display, and
then I was like, oh, I want I need to
sell something so that I can get that little thing,
the rest that you rested upon. M like I wanted
the jewelry display. All right, I'm sorry, Kate.

Speaker 3 (23:55):
I can't blame me for it.

Speaker 1 (23:56):
Your boredom is fair, reasonable and naked.

Speaker 4 (24:00):
I'm genuinely impressed and excited for you and I I.

Speaker 3 (24:03):
What about when Kate does that? It's so funny. It's
working here.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
How if there's a kindness in it?

Speaker 3 (24:09):
You know, there's a there is a.

Speaker 4 (24:10):
Kindness because I'm not I just I'm I'm truly like
I'm listening.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
I just I mean, I mean like like you know,
yeah you're yeah, Like I'm listening and it's completely eligible
to me. But it's just, you know, it's this is
what makes the world go around. Have friends with different.

Speaker 3 (24:24):
Issues, you line, is what makes the world go around.

Speaker 1 (24:27):
So I'll say this, when this episode comes out, tickets
will be on sale for my New York special taping.

Speaker 4 (24:36):
Huge New yorming of my of Get on Your Knees
special taping.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
And you know I'm calling so moved. Yeah, I just
got chilled. I told my mom.

Speaker 4 (24:45):
I was like, I was like, hey, I'm flying to
New York because it's it's the night of my parents anniversary.

Speaker 3 (24:50):
Oh my god. Normally i'd have dinner with them.

Speaker 4 (24:51):
I was like, I'm gonna fly to New York that
night because I have to make Jacquelin's taping. And she said,
of course, she said, she said, doesn't matter, We'll just
do a dinner another.

Speaker 3 (24:59):
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
I'm very moved by it, and almost couldn't as I
was telling you, like I was just like giving you
the date, like because it's June ninth, but whatever, and
joke's not huh but whatever. So I am in this wait.
I forgot why I brought it up.

Speaker 4 (25:16):
You were talking about me saying that I was going
to come to a special and you couldn't fully acknowledge it.

Speaker 1 (25:20):
I couldn't fill acknowledge it because it's like, you know
how I fear like plans and stuff like that, and
so it's almost like making that real that that's happening,
and I have, for better or worse, built it up
into what I can only assume is what a wedding

is for some people. Well, absolutely, and it is like
it is ramped up poog kind of shit for me.
Right with like I'm like, so I'm under two months,
and even like phrases like that when you get there, you're.

Speaker 3 (26:01):
Doing wedding prep, you're you're a hardcore.

Speaker 4 (26:03):
I mean, I see you're sending me Jacklin sends me
videos for doing Tracy and I go, your ass looks incredible.

Speaker 3 (26:08):
It's just shocking.

Speaker 1 (26:09):
I still feel that the videos I send you, I
pick the clips where like the leggings and the landing
are doing a lot of work. But but yeah, I'm
working out and then but it's like this thing about
being It's like I want to be in peak performance
and then it's taking the last number of years. So whatever,
there's like the artistic whatever, we set that aside.

Speaker 3 (26:27):
We refuse to.

Speaker 1 (26:28):
Talk about the words, you know, our art. Yeah, to
have it like mixed in with skincare. But the oh,
the sort of wedding of it all, Like when did
of it all come in for me?

Speaker 3 (26:37):
Hollywood? Anyway into the expression yeah something I said before
of it all?

Speaker 4 (26:41):
Yeah, yeah, so this is a vortex of pooh.

Speaker 1 (26:45):
So I'm going all the supplements, doing it all under
two months. Every supplement, every I'm like, you don't need
to put and you have to remember practice in place.

Speaker 4 (26:53):
No, you don't need to you don't need to do anything.
You don't need to do anything. Like it's like I
remember that.

Speaker 1 (26:58):
So I work out every day with Tracy basically, like
it's like six to seven imaginable six to seven days
week plan just and for me it's like seven really
because aside from when you know, I truly can't because discipline,
the mental health, I mean, that's the thing. It's like,
it's not discipline, it's fear, you know what I mean.

Like it's like when the deadline finally like gets you
into gear and I just do not whatever.

Speaker 3 (27:27):
So I'm like, I want to have the.

Speaker 1 (27:29):
Mental, physical whole thing that one has when when one
works out regularly, Like I want to be like on
that day, Like I'm like, I will work out on
that day. Yeah, Okay, it's not like there's not it's not.
It's like because I want that shit built in. It's
like it's another day where I get my work out
one because I'll feel weird if I don't.

Speaker 3 (27:47):
That's what that's who I want to be.

Speaker 4 (27:48):
Well, that's that's the promise of the routine, the promise
I've never had, you know, you know.

Speaker 1 (27:55):
One of the lesser components. It's great to see you
do your thing out there.

Speaker 3 (27:58):
Oh my god, you know I've gotten that. Oh, I
mean I get it all the time.

Speaker 1 (28:01):
Someone text me that a refusal to acknowledge the work.

Speaker 4 (28:05):
I'm sorry, great to see up there doing your thing.
How about this go to hell?

Speaker 3 (28:12):
Go to hell?

Speaker 4 (28:15):
People need to know this. Anything like, anything less, anything
less than on your knees performing for the performer. How
do I recover from what I just saw? I'll never
be the same form what I just saw. Anything less
than that take it home. There's this thing I think
is very real, which is that someone show and you go, oh,

they're on stage. They don't need to know, right, like, oh,
well they've already had No. No, no, I actually think
it's one of the most fragile people.

Speaker 3 (28:43):
It is hostile. We are fragile.

Speaker 4 (28:45):
You know.

Speaker 3 (28:46):
This point is huge.

Speaker 4 (28:47):
This point is huge, This this thought that it's like,
well they're getting they're adorned with the rhin stunts and
the adulation. They're already on the stage. I don't need
more the terror than they hear the applause. No, I
mean no, absolutely not. No, I mean I mean, where
was this?

Speaker 3 (29:03):
What is the fragility.

Speaker 1 (29:04):
Oh, I sent to to John Early, okay, like whatever
we're talking about, maybe as soon as you.

Speaker 3 (29:10):
I don't remember.

Speaker 1 (29:10):
I was sending a video or something, okay, from the
end of a performance. And I wasn't sending it to
point out the pack the rack that people were standing.

Speaker 3 (29:18):

Speaker 1 (29:18):
It was not I mean, I wasn't even trying to
do that subtly. It was literally like, look how bad
my shirt looks or something? Yeah, okay, And like I
had just said that the show was like bad, like
it was really not not one of the good ones.
Let's just say. And then and I mean it was
to you, I followed up. I was dead serious. I go,
they stood out of pity. No, no pity. No, it's

just it's a it's a like there you go. I think, yeah,
so you got the other the other thing.

Speaker 3 (29:44):
This is the best. I always have to get. Christ
remind me.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
I thought a comedians said it, but it was lined
from Rick and Morty, like your booze mean nothing.

Speaker 3 (29:52):
I've seen what you've cheered at. Oh my god, that's
really nice. That's good. Isn't that good? That's really good. Fuck.
I was strolling through Bloomingdale's yesterday hunting for shapewear. I
was to get deserted empty.

Speaker 1 (30:07):
The ones at the mall who are a little better
Century city, Oh okay, there's a little bit of mall
energy at these that continues. But I have it's this
thing that before anything significant, it's like I end up
in a mall or a shoe store. It's like what
I do. I'm nervous, and I go, I need a

new bra or I don't have a bra. Like it
becomes this obsession with preparing the body in these ways,
like you know, a lot of times it comes down
to shapewear, like literally like suiting, suiting my skin up, like.

Speaker 3 (30:40):
I will be protected.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
Yeah, if my clothes are ripped from me, like in
the middle of something like I'll still be wearing a
bathing suit underneath. It's like I don't know, and and
it just it's but it's almost this idea of it
becomes this like reckoning with like the fact that I
don't have one decent bra, you know what I mean? Yeah,
And I don't know. It's like I'm going to end

up at this place in the Upper West Side. I
bet like in a panic, like the day before this
place in New York, like a pilgrimage. It's called the
town Shop or something. It's like this like Upper west
Side bra stor you know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (31:17):
Huh oh, where they like.

Speaker 1 (31:20):
Insist on measuring you, they like insist on putting the
bra on.

Speaker 3 (31:23):
You right right, loading your tits in.

Speaker 1 (31:26):
Yeah, and they put the bra on you in a
way where you're just like, oh my god, is that
what we're supposed to.

Speaker 3 (31:31):
Be doing this whole time? I once had an experience
like that. Was it good?

Speaker 4 (31:37):
I got a really expensive bra? This is many years ago,
I'll tell you, this is twenty nineteen. I was loaded
in actually for a special Okay, tell me this is
when I was when I was taping my special Cinnamon
in the wind, and I was like, oh, I need
to get the proper bra, you know. Yeah, Raba woman
And yeah, this Russian woman loaded my loaded my tits

and didn't take long to load him in.

Speaker 3 (32:00):
They're not the backs of the truck. They're not as
heavy as I wish.

Speaker 4 (32:04):
I wish I had a rack of heavy hangers, but
I just simply don't. And yeah, it was a wild
experience and I got a expensive was it in New York?

Speaker 3 (32:15):
La Studio City. Okay, is it a bra shop? Yes?
Fuck considering going today, yeah, I.

Speaker 1 (32:24):
But yeah, yeah, there's the haunted, deserted feeling, particularly in
the hosiery section. Now it's got a little fire in
there because they've got skims, and so there were like
there were literally young people like who felt like they'd
made a pilgrimage and couldn't believe they were getting to
look at skims in person.

Speaker 3 (32:42):
Yeah, pirs is online. Yeah, that was a story I
told myself.

Speaker 1 (32:46):
They even like I heard these girls they were like,
this is all skims, and then the other one was like, no,
that's like commando, like that's this.

Speaker 3 (32:53):
Canando over there. They have some respect. It's like I
think they said it's all skims.

Speaker 1 (32:57):
You know. I was like, am I controlled myself in
piping it? Like the friends got it? Like then I
need to like support the friend and be like, yeah,
she's right.

Speaker 3 (33:06):
Listen to you, friend.

Speaker 1 (33:06):
Those are skims, and the skims are packaged in such
a way that it's nearly impossible to locate what you want.
I went home with the wrong thing, like searching through
the sizes. Yeah, of the skims brand. Okay, you know
what I'm talking about. Right, you're familiar with skims. Yeah, okay,

because you looked a little dull eyed. Okay, you looked
a little Who.

Speaker 3 (33:30):
Was on the skims website? Who was who? One of
my favorite bras?

Speaker 4 (33:34):
In fact, my favorite bra Skims and it's sold out.

Speaker 3 (33:38):
We've talked about this. Remind me what is it like?

Speaker 4 (33:41):
It's just really simple. It's like the Demi bra just
has I like underwired my bras. Yeah, zero padding, you know,
so it's like an underwire, zero padded bra. That's like
Jersey sheer. No, it's Jersey really yeah. Fuck back to
Century City.

Speaker 1 (33:56):
I guess God, it's good, just these haunted experiences where
I'm there and it's just feeling like everyone else at
the mall is just living their life, you know. Yeah,
they don't understand I'm here on a fucking emergency, right right,
even though you know my belief about the mall. It's
like a bunch of people walking around going like Who've
said to themselves on that day? Like they look down

at their stuff they're clothes or whatever, and they just go,
I'm better than.

Speaker 3 (34:21):
This, yeah, and get to the mall. We go to
the mall, Yeah, to elevate. I would love I would
love to have you.

Speaker 4 (34:28):
And I need a grove. Remember when we went to
the grove and we had sushi mm hmm, we had
we need a urgent Grove sushi, Blue Ribbon cocktail.

Speaker 3 (34:39):
I mean I go there a lot fun.

Speaker 1 (34:41):
You know, I go there sometimes daily because I can
walk there and really, oh I just roll on go, Okay,
I need to get there. My familiarity, my nords s
from coffee. You know, I've never had any coffee place.
I mean the place upstairs. Oh, I've actually never been inside.

Speaker 3 (34:57):
That isn't it called like twenty seven Carrots or something. No, that's.

Speaker 1 (35:02):
Bloomingdale's Frozen Yogurt slash oh Fay, which is historic. They
had this one that oh yeah no, but yeah, I
know they had the tart yogurt they originated. They preceded
pink berry, and it's creamier, I think, is how I remember.
It's very creamy. And then they have the raspberry kool
A you know all of that. So it's an era.

And like I was thinking about asters walking through Bloomingdale's,
like my mom calling it Blooms, you know what I mean,
like stuff like that, Like just like we could just
go to Blooms but yeah, the department store, the experience
of the different sections and wandering into this section.

Speaker 3 (35:42):
Oh, but the skims.

Speaker 1 (35:43):
So they're in these boxes and a tiny transparent sticker
says what product is inside, a tiny transparent sticker with
a tiny icon showing like bodysuit versus whatever. And they're
in drawers and the drawers aren't labeled. Some of them
are labeled. They're labeled wrong. It's really chaotic. And then
I go home, going, I'll just do it online. I'll
do it online online, you know. So I'm back to

the store. I go and you know, I went home
for the wrong thing. Decided to keep it. A lot
of people are bitching, and I do think it's pretty
interesting because I was like, I sat there, I was
peeing while I was thinking about this. Yeah, just remember
the thought located in the room.

Speaker 3 (36:22):

Speaker 1 (36:23):
It was like, so people are not happy that the skims, bodysuits,
et cetera, shape wear, sup have no pehole?

Speaker 3 (36:31):
Okay? Okay, like spanks do?

Speaker 1 (36:33):
Oh? Okay, So in order to pee you have to
literally wrench your body suit.

Speaker 3 (36:38):
Well, yeah that's one option.

Speaker 4 (36:39):
What do you how so you're spreading, you're gaping your
skims over the toilet and praying piss doesn't get on
them exactly.

Speaker 3 (36:50):
There's just a few things going on. One.

Speaker 1 (36:52):
The first piece is if you're in really serious shapewear
that is hard to get on and off, okay, right,
which some of these are, if you're doing it, like
they have a thing where they're like size whatever for
every day we're and they're like size down.

Speaker 3 (37:05):
For evening, where yeah, damn.

Speaker 1 (37:09):
And it's the whole idea of no one likes to
have to get naked in the bathroom. It's like, you know,
you're you'd be pulling up your dress, you'd be unhooking
the whole thing, pulling it down down over your hips
whatever to pe So spanks, et cetera. Has a gap, okay,
and I'm always afraid to use it for the same

reason you're describing.

Speaker 3 (37:32):
Yeah, it feels.

Speaker 1 (37:34):
Insane to sort of like sit down with like full
on bike shorts essentially, yeah.

Speaker 3 (37:40):
And then sort of pulled aside. Like so I tried
it the other day and I was like, this can't
be right.

Speaker 1 (37:45):
I was like, this feels really risky right before like
going on stage, and I was like, you know, testing
out like bodysuits under jeans and tea and it was like,
this is the risk.

Speaker 4 (37:55):
Yeah, pissoaked on national television. I love the idea of
national television. It's so wonderful because it's like so sixties.

Speaker 1 (38:07):
And no, I miss it in my central wedding prep. Sorry,
I just panicked when I said wedding prep. That did

I tell you this? I did an interview for promoting.

Speaker 3 (38:32):
You should show wedding prep.

Speaker 1 (38:33):
It is in Boston, Okay, like a radio morning Oh
you talked about radio show? The clip they yeah, and
they pulled a clip of me reading someone's letters saying
I was pregnant New York. They go, you're pregnant, So
ten years ago, you're pregnant, You're super pregnant. You are,
and here's a clip and then it cuts to me like, so,
I'm super pregnant in New York and I'm reading the
email someone said, and they played the clip and I

just go, guys, I'm sorry, something terrible has happened.

Speaker 3 (38:58):
No, you told the story in pood one of yours.

Speaker 1 (39:01):
So I'm just going right now wedding prep and that
it's gonna be like another miss mistaking things. So but
here here's where I'm at, because I'm in this under
two months, like we're two months out anytime there's the
whatever out you know that, Yeah, we're six weeks out.
Like the energy of that. You could see on my
wall to see those pig pieces of the tape. Yesterday
morning I decided huge, I need, like, you need a

massive two month calendar that I'm gonna divide. I was like,
it has to be the size of the wall so
that I can make use of every fifteen minute unit
of time, like, oh Jesus. And then the other problem
is the other problem is you're ready for this. So
now every product that I'm interested in using in my
so called wedding prep, I'm going on and I'm like, like

the lemelaser or something. Right, you know, ninety percent of
people saw results after three months, and I'm going.

Speaker 3 (39:59):
Again, I'm going ho speed up, Algonism up.

Speaker 4 (40:02):
You're gonna get the results. Okay, people see results in
ten days.

Speaker 3 (40:05):
I saw it.

Speaker 1 (40:06):
Yeah, yeah, well I believe they must. I mean, and
also who like also, I mean, this is the other thing.
This is the the obsessive. I don't I'm not even
concerned about my skin.

Speaker 3 (40:17):
What are you talking about? I'm not even trying to
fix anything. Oh yeah, the skin's great.

Speaker 1 (40:21):
So I'm in this like horder, Yeah, you need to
release it, your full protective thing of everything needs to
be optimized, like as if I'm bringing myself from negative whatever,
Like I don't know. I think it's I think it's
related to add which is if there's a focusing event.
I'm so excited to have a thing that's focusing the attention.

Speaker 3 (40:44):
Yeah, hyper focus and then you yeah, and everything else
fades away.

Speaker 1 (40:48):
Yeah yeah, and solas, here comes the trurumeric.

Speaker 3 (40:52):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (40:55):
I want to talk about sleep deprivation. Oh it's real.
Oh god, I said that just now because what did
I just say? Oh, complicated instead of complimented and the
ultimate what's Up's wrong?

Speaker 3 (41:09):
Nothing? Oh?

Speaker 1 (41:10):
I thought you were like something like, oh god, no,
keep going sleep up or right? Okay, but it's real
and and yesterday whatever, this week for cities whatever?

Speaker 3 (41:23):
Right, Yeah, Okay.

Speaker 1 (41:24):
I can't let myself believe that I'm tired or depleted
because then like going off to the show, like believing
I'm impaired mentally, it's terrifying.

Speaker 3 (41:33):
So this is I'm glad you're bringing this up.

Speaker 1 (41:35):
I'd be like, no, yeah, you're not tired, Like, oh god,
I'm gonna stumble my words, it's gonna whatever. But there
was one moment where I realized like, oh no, after
the show, like the final night, I was starting to
write a little thing about hanging my flag and I
sat there and I was going like and so I
hung my flag. And then I was like, oh, hey,
no one's going to get me on the grammar.

Speaker 3 (41:54):
I was like, it's hanged, right, right, Okay.

Speaker 1 (41:57):
I was like a lot of people don't know this,
it's actually hanged, and started to type on an Instagram
story I even though it sounds wrong, yeah, dived right, Yeah,
I hanged my flag. And I said to my tour
manager or something, and she was like, I think it's hung.
And I was like, well, actually I thought hung, like
hanged was for winsworn hangs himself. And then I was
like I've never felt greater humiliation. And I was like,

oh my god, this is how I go. See. This
is the ugliness of the way that my brain shall go.
It'll be that it is caked in ego. It'll be
me specifying like the clarification he actually it's dived when like,
what I'm trying to say is get me my walker.

Speaker 3 (42:39):
Okay, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (42:41):
Yeah, it'll be ego, it'll be misapplications of like little
Actually I already feel like, you know, lost, and so
I just think it, well, let's let's push it one
hundred and thirty's that's what I'm gonna say. At one
hundred and thirty, I'm gonna be fucked.

Speaker 3 (42:58):

Speaker 4 (42:58):
I have a question about the sleeps everybody's because I similarly,
oh yeah, before a show. Not to be too inside
baseball here on the pod, but I felt really tired
and like, oh fuck. And do you find that sometimes
when you're a little impaired in that way tired? Oh,
I can't wait the defences are down. If like free,
you're finally free, you lose the edge a little bit

and it actually really helps, It helps you be an animal.

Speaker 1 (43:23):
Yes, Okay, I've had this with and this is what
I'm telling myself because I've shown to night I've had
this with also being a little sick. Oh so your
need to believe that when you have a fucking cold, okay,
terrifying Again, I've done these things where you know, I
have my tea on stage next to my water. It's

so like precious but also literally necessary. And then the
question of cold medicine or not cold medicine or whatever,
all those things. But even if it's just pure cold,
you have no medication, it does something. Yeah, it impairs
you just enough where there is kind of like a freedom.
It's almost like the tiredness. Right now, there's kind of
a freedom, right there is.

Speaker 3 (44:05):
Do I tint my eyebrows again? Darker again? You don't
need that for the special though, because makeup. I don't
have a makeup artist. What the hell are you talking about? Yeah,
I've never.

Speaker 1 (44:22):
Yeah, I've never had one like I've never I don't
have I don't have my person, and as a result,
I've had some bad makeup.

Speaker 3 (44:31):
Yeah, television, it's tough. Some was good. You know, it varies.
I just don't have a person. I don't have.

Speaker 1 (44:39):
Well, of course I'm calling so and so because you
know I've worked with them for years.

Speaker 4 (44:43):
So it just feels a little we're going to get
you done up right. Yeah, for the wedding, it's gonna
get a bridle, makeup.

Speaker 1 (44:48):
Be clear once again, not married, not getting married, it's.

Speaker 4 (44:53):
An accomplishment far greater than marriage. Well, exactly, Marriage's accomplishment
continues to at every corner.

Speaker 3 (45:01):
It's laughable.

Speaker 4 (45:02):
It's just it really does persist in the culture and
in conversation. No, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not a
wretched I'm I love love, I'm happy for people. Of
course I think that, you know, well, what I really
think is that undertaking a relationship, falling in love just
solemn acceptance.

Speaker 3 (45:21):
It is.

Speaker 4 (45:21):
It should be seen as a fucking solemn right affair.
You're like, party, Are you kidding? Are we what a
party or reception?

Speaker 1 (45:28):

Speaker 3 (45:29):
No, I'm talking about a marriage.

Speaker 4 (45:30):
I'm talking about committing and I'm saying there for the wedding,
huge responsible should be solemn. Oh I love this, Okay, Yeah,
the wedding should be.

Speaker 1 (45:40):
A solemn affair in which like like die. You know
what happens to me dead when I get to a
wedding because you're not supposed to laugh or smile. I
just break into giggles every time. That should be the
thing about the wedding, right, it's the funeral, you know
what I mean? It should be It should be a mirror.
It's really is. It should be a mirror to have

it backwards. We oh damn, Yeah, everyone should be in solemn.

Speaker 4 (46:06):
The heaviness of a wedding, the heaviness of a marriage. Yeah,
it's can't we acknowledge that in the ceremony. It's only
I love the you know, it's it's only.

Speaker 1 (46:18):
You know, it's a massive undertaking and it should be
should be treated as such. I once heard I think
it was on dateline, okay, but it's just someone talking
about their life and they were kind of doing the
like maybe this was like before murder entered their life
in some way, okay, but it was like or it
was this kind of self narrative about you know, having
it all okay, like before you know, shit went south

kind of and they go.

Speaker 3 (46:43):
They go, and I've heard this like a couple times.

Speaker 1 (46:44):
They go, you know, I had the husband, I had
the kid, I had the dog, okay, and it was
like what it was like, I had a you know,
it was bizarre to me and extremely telling, as like
being suited up with objects that are not objects. They're

people presented as you know, three awards or whatever, but
like the dog as though like I mean, I almost
feel like the implication was that it must have been
like an expensive, expensive dog or something, but I don't know.
It was kind of like I had the truck, I
had the house and the thing I had that, and
they name like hideous things like I don't know. Is
that funny?

Speaker 4 (47:27):
Yeah, totally. It's pointing to the fact that it's you
can have those things, but do you have your soul?

Speaker 3 (47:32):
Do you have your soul? The are you living a
symbolic life? Where was your fucking soul in it? Where
the hell is? Guess what? You only get that alone? Right?
And again, relationships beautiful pro pro I love insisting. Oh no,
but you only get it alone, right right, right, right right?
But I just mean that it is it is.

Speaker 1 (47:52):
Well, there's a reason they say twin flame, not one
flame made of two in terms of soulmates. Again, it's
like twin Land, like the two shall not become one
twin secondary one. Yeah, here's the real question. It's countdown time.

Which skin care do I go with? I think you're fine, Fuck,
I think nothing. Just if powder get I'm afraid what
if the makeup artists like, what if it's not a match?

Speaker 4 (48:27):
You know what I'm really I have to say if
a line that I just it's just is duke Skin,
du Skin.

Speaker 3 (48:34):
Oh what is that? D I e x Oh they've
sent us something.

Speaker 4 (48:39):
They have a really nice the serum ammollion and the
the moist treiser is really good.

Speaker 3 (48:45):
The moistser in the like marvist tube. Yeah, it's the
Marve which I enjoy. The metal. Yeah, that's satisfying I.

Speaker 4 (48:53):
Have because we all know when storm caved in the eighties,
I had saved this like anti aging pot of facial moisturizer.

Speaker 3 (49:01):
But I'm using it at home. But again it isn't
a pot.

Speaker 1 (49:03):
Well you know what my new my new version of
the pot is you just you fucking commit and you
use it by the handful, but a handful, well relatively
if it's an I cream like you do not.

Speaker 3 (49:17):
Like him because because it's your right, because you want
a rabe That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (49:21):
You want to use it to use it up. And
the tiny spoons. The whole thing with the tiny spoons
are not they give you a little spoon, it's what
are you talking once? And by the way, once, what
are you talking about?

Speaker 4 (49:33):
So this is a spoon that I have just jangling
around that I'm going to scoop up this product with
for the rest of my life.

Speaker 1 (49:41):
And then I bought a little like container of many spoons.
Like I was like, whoa, Okay, there's gonna be a
basket of many spoons, and I just grab for them, okay, way,
and and those who become just it just doesn't. So
so the new thing is dive in, you know, with
your dirty fingers.

Speaker 3 (49:57):
Neck and chest because it's usually a stern.

Speaker 4 (50:01):
Put that on my neck and my chest. I want
it just on the face. But I'm doing it all.

Speaker 3 (50:04):
Oh yeah, last night I threw on some face jim.

Speaker 1 (50:07):

Speaker 3 (50:07):
I'm thinking about doing like face gym like intensely. I
want to go to Klosher Spa so bad. I want
to kosh a buckle massage.

Speaker 1 (50:15):
If if face Gym doesn't add buckle massage where they
go in your mouth and work the jaw and the buckle, just.

Speaker 3 (50:21):
Tell me about this.

Speaker 1 (50:23):
If they don't get that in their regimen, I think
it's an error because it's the trend, it's the future,
and they need to have it on the fucking menu.
I mean, you're you're a face massage place, So that's
my going And I also want to try their micro
stamping stamping vitamins shop tool.

Speaker 3 (50:41):

Speaker 1 (50:42):
It's like instead of rolling the needles across you, was
just one stamp, which makes sense to me. M m.

Speaker 3 (50:47):
And it goes the serums. I'm going always scared to
roll the needles across it.

Speaker 1 (50:51):
I know you have, I know.

Speaker 4 (50:54):
Are you open to going to the Koreans ball with
me this week?

Speaker 1 (50:59):
You forget again for the last ten days, like you
forget every scared of COVID.

Speaker 3 (51:03):
No, I'm leaving tomorrow. Oh okay, okay, okay, God damn it.

Speaker 4 (51:12):
So oh so it looks like ding don't see you
in a couple hours.

Speaker 1 (51:17):
Oh my god, ding doll a little sailo. I mean
it's interesting concept.

Speaker 3 (51:23):
Scale of one to ten. Technically you're all in.

Speaker 1 (51:26):
Technically chance worst day because I'm leaving for like a month,
possibly with no return, all leading up to the special.

Speaker 3 (51:33):
And sorry, folks you're listening to this, you're probably you're
gone for a month. I've told you this. I knew this. Sorry,
I knew. They just couldn't accept it. So you I
rarely can have went into a dissociated fugue.

Speaker 1 (51:44):
Yeah, okay, if I want to get my face waxed off.

Speaker 4 (51:50):
Pre you don't need to do anything they're just gonnare
you're You're done? You look great, You're cooked. They're gonna
put makeup on you. No, but you're but my chin.

Speaker 1 (51:58):
Like, in an effort to be like caring for my skin,
I've been very like like I just feel like in
those harsh stage lights, do I really want the slight
like mustache on the corner of the lit? You know
what I mean? Like?

Speaker 3 (52:11):
Do I want to make my skin into water skin?

Speaker 4 (52:14):

Speaker 3 (52:15):
You're talking about true hair? What the hell?

Speaker 1 (52:17):

Speaker 3 (52:18):
What I mean so sirens?

Speaker 1 (52:19):
Sorry, i'd mean like, you know, whatever, browse, whatever, just
whatever it needs to be done.

Speaker 3 (52:23):
I have no my point all I was.

Speaker 1 (52:26):
Going to say, okay, because I was thinking did in
these different cities? Okay, I'm passing Thruth and what if
they have the greatest brows specialists? Just it just opens
up the options anyway, Okay, a question of how if
we're getting to Olympic it's technically like one of the
more it would be in the spirit of go to

a movie the night before the SATs.

Speaker 3 (52:49):
You know this, I'm ma sure you didn't.

Speaker 1 (52:51):
You probably went grew up into elementary school in which
math was taught explicitly through pottery.

Speaker 3 (52:57):
Oh yeah, my elementary school day. What I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (53:00):
Wait, sorry, there's a concept in the world I come from, okay,
which is like cramming for the SATs and like we've
been working for months. So they go, like go to
a movie a night before.

Speaker 3 (53:13):
It's good advice. Take your mind off of it, those
who know. No, I had an explosive week at the Ludlow. Yeah,
a couple things I want to say about the Ludlow. Okay,
did you get the burger? Like fortune? The burger in
the lobby? Medium mare is great? It was perfection.

Speaker 1 (53:28):
Yeah. So I put my parents up there for two nights.
Oh okay, God, you're a sweet daughter. It's unbelievable. It
was for my recording. I'm through and the wedding has occurred.
Thank you. By the way, I felt like a hero
for essentially working out after the wedding. Like I was like, oh, so,

it's really crazy my lifestyle. It's like that wasn't just
some some pre wedding blitz.

Speaker 3 (53:54):

Speaker 1 (53:56):
Yeah, it's like, okay, it's here to stay and now
it's untainted by sort of preparatory energy. Now it's just
this is who I am. I move because I move.

Speaker 3 (54:09):
That was pood.

Speaker 2 (54:11):
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