All Episodes

March 26, 2024 48 mins

Lying in repose and sailing through the air. Preparing for the bleed and the implications of resetting a room. Are oysters just vessels for vinegar? Woman's Stomach Swells, Chris is sent out for Diet Coke. Pump it out, or get it out! The JAR menu is studied ahead of a monumental dinner. All according to plan... Kate is an Academy Awards Attendee and Jacqueline is calling Banana Republic. Lifting weights while watching the Bachelor, and dreams that held paradigms that could not follow through to conscious life. Shoes for who you are, shoes for who you want to be... I can’t live like this! The POOG water bottle is large and of high quality—don’t doubt our merch

Brands mentioned: Magic Mind, Fatty15. Hatch, Lyma, Banana Republic & Marion Parke


Edited by Adam Wand; Produced by Allie Graham.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hi, I'm Kate Berlance, I'm Jacqueline Novak. And this is poog,
an ongoing conversation about wellness between two obsessive, fresh.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Two untamable intellects.

Speaker 1 (00:09):
This is our hobby, This is our hell, This is
our naked desire for free products. This is poog. Today's
topics loosely speaking, miracle dance, scrub and tub, baby, trampoline. Hello, Hello,
look at. I'll start with whoa in hand water bottle,

Poog the water bottle turning around a bottle which is
not quality here, don't doubt my water. Don't doubt my water.
And that's by the way. I love this so much,
went on to walk with it today. It has a
you can swing with it, you know, you can walk
and swing it in the hand. When a water bottle
has no loop. Tell when you're interesting, what do you?

Speaker 2 (00:54):
What are you just do like alment like a basketball exactly.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
And this is so I just love this. I'm gonna
throw away other water bottles that have That's how devoted
I am.

Speaker 3 (01:05):
I've been on a kind of water bottle thing and
so it's actually making me want to have nine water bottles.
Poog expand the collection add boots. Are you familiar with
boots that go on the bottom of a water bottle
like a silicone Sure, I want like our water bottles,

our Poog water bottles to have like ten different accouterments.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
I have a lot of ideas. But anyway, but that's said,
the quality here, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:34):
Like it's quality and its core and you start with
it now. Everyone needs one in hand. The designs will be.

Speaker 1 (01:41):
I also today, for the first time, got some goddamn merch.
I got the Pooh Blue sweatshirts. Unbelievable. Okay, good because
I'm waiting and I've got something that's I think I said,
underselling in a way. I don't understand, guys, the proud
of eavesdrop our shirt. Which is so is it actually
underselling or is it just like I'm not sure, you know,
Like something has to sell, like if you know what

I mean, Like, unless they're all going to sell the
same exact number, something has to be less, right, right,
I hear you? You know the old Jewish joke of
like the Jewish mother and you know, getting the sun
the red shirt and the blue shirt for a gift.
You know, next day comes down wearing a red shirt.
He ate the blue shirt. Oh my god, that's amazing.
I know WHOA In my dream last night, Sorry this

is too graphic. I took a tampon that that I
had forgotten about and had been there for like weeks
and weeks in my dream, and I was like, oh my.

Speaker 3 (02:34):
God, and whatever was it normal or was it? Did
it turn into a parrot or something?

Speaker 1 (02:42):
It was just kind of like horrifying. But yeah, I'm
speaking of periods. I'm probably going to drop tomorrow today
tits sore and overwhelming rage, which really was helpful because
I woke up raging all the knowledge, like I have
to take the walk, went on the walk with Poog
with the Poog water bottle. Yeah, and listened to ram

dos That didn't help, and was I really And then
but Jacqueline Way.

Speaker 2 (03:08):
Wait wait, how do you how when did you get into.

Speaker 1 (03:11):
Ramdas nineteen oh two? No, I don't mean when, I
mean how I don't know what the initial Wait, oh
you mean listening to like like what like a book
like a ros lecture? Nice? But then guess what lifted
me from my pain? The knowledge of Poog, the knowledge

of jar Poog and a right, I get distracted.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
No, it wasn't the whole point though, that realizing you
were pre minstrul is what solved it for you?

Speaker 1 (03:40):
Or no, Well that helped too, because I was like, wow,
I'm really raging right now, and then I realized, okay,
then it is liberating. When that happens. It's like, uh huh,
all according to plan me wanting to break a glass? Yeah,
did you promise on my on my before afters of
my of my office? Did you see them?

Speaker 3 (04:01):
I think I did, like a heart or something. Yeah,
although I found her before as usual, like utterly, utterly unimpressive,
you know, like I was like, you think that's a mess, honey, Okay,
I mean yes, your desk was covered in papers?

Speaker 1 (04:16):
Yeah yeah. And there was more chaos in the closet.
Yeah no, I believe. Yeah, I don't know why. I
will have to Well, the organizers sort of were amazing.
And then this morning woke up and go get it
all out. I'm in the shower getting rid of things.
Suddenly I go, oh, here's an epicurean scrub that haven't
touched in two years. Get it out of the shower,

and then I just now want well, wait, let's talk
about this. This is actually huge already. Okay, you know
what is an issue? Scrubs, scrubs and tubs. Okay, I
mean scrubs and tubs in the tub. Okay, no, scrubs
and tubs.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
Are you really moving through those or.

Speaker 1 (04:54):
They're trophies. Yeah, they're not like what everyday dip four
fingers pawing into the thing, mixing up the sort of
grabbing the oil, slicking up the they are. This is
why pumps reign supreme pump and a squeeze bottle even
if it has rained supreme, pump it out or get

it out. No, I have to.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
I have to run to get a new quality pump
product or Chris will purchase the Kroger because of the pump.
If I don't refeel fast enough with something from our
food closet, it's pump based. Okay, yeah, it's it's pump
at all costs.

Speaker 1 (05:36):
Do you Is this real that maybe when you start
using lotion, then your body needs lotion, but your body
doesn't need lotion if you don't give it.

Speaker 3 (05:44):
That's like the Carmex principle of nineteen ninety eight that
Carmex dries your lips out.

Speaker 1 (05:50):
Exactly well by the way I had a really rageful
relationship with aquafor I was I was starting to condemn
aquafor and go, this isn't hydrating at all. But then
I realized I was using the Aqua for my lips
that had built in SBF and the SBF Aqua formula
for lip well.

Speaker 3 (06:05):
Is aquapor even supposed to be hydrating or is it
more of a no? But is it more yes because
you know, an exclusive or whatever.

Speaker 1 (06:15):
I know. I don't know they lie because there's about
cracked lips, cracked skin, right, But I think that's because
I think it's real. I don't think it actually is
hydrating me. Anyway, I was going, I was railing against aquaphor,
but I okay, I have something to say, yeah, which
is that we were sent you should have received yours
magic mind. Oh yeah, have you be done? Have you had?

Have you had any sure? Have I like that?

Speaker 3 (06:40):
Now we just don't even talk about like we just start.
We just use products like I don't know, well the things,
we don't discuss it. We're just like we're just like
on I knew regimen, but yeah, I've been taking it.

Speaker 1 (06:51):
Well. I have something to say, which is that I
had to fill out a form today. That was I've
been dreading for twenty four hours now. And you know
when you get a form and it's like shows up,
you download it and then you bring it up and
then it's in a preview and you have to like
hit the textbox to fill it out. Have you had
a hellish experience with that? It's yeah, it's one of

the modern I've changed ms of my life. Could have
taken different terms. Turns that I prevented through inability to
fill out those forms. I wonder if that's the pre
minstrual energy, because being able to fill out the form unexpectedly.

Speaker 3 (07:26):
Yes, there are benefits the creative the creative phase okay
before you drop, as you say, has a lot of power.
And I've told you this before, but did you know
that the pre menstrual phase the creator aka the creative
rate for phase an instinct. There's a strong driving instinct
to clean up and throw things out.

Speaker 1 (07:47):
Stop. I'm completely I'm completely saying it's up. Then real, Okay,
it's real. And one of these books there, remember the
Optimized Woman. I was like, there's a woman who just
as the expression of a bitch on the cover.

Speaker 3 (08:02):
Yeah, but like, but like I read all those are
great and like moon cycle whatever, and they're like, yeah,
this driving desire to like like tidy things up and
get rid of things to prepare for the bleed.

Speaker 4 (08:14):

Speaker 1 (08:14):
I mean that is absolutely.

Speaker 3 (08:15):
Where you're gonna have to go in and you're gonna
meditate and you're gonna go deep, go in the whole thing.

Speaker 1 (08:21):

Speaker 2 (08:22):
That makes total sense, tidying up the affairs.

Speaker 1 (08:25):
I love it, but I was sorry. But also it's
got to be on the point. Is magic Mind took it,
drank it. M hm. Suddenly I'm feeling out the form.
I'm feeling fine, and I feel like it did create
interesting focus and clarity. And also we've been gifted. And
I really, to be clear, I begged for Magic Mind,
so thank you. We were gifted, and I'm curious about

trying it. I think I'm really going to its Fatty
fifteen that like Omega three plus whatever for a month,
we were gifted anything anything. I mean, my life is
in a constant state of.

Speaker 3 (08:58):
Modification and one a day's optimization where yeah, where it's
basically sorry night.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
I do it. At night, I'm gonna do it.

Speaker 3 (09:09):
I got some produced air one. It was a container
of riceed cauliflower and broccoli, and Jesus, it came up
on the thing is five hundred dollars literally, and then
it spent ten minutes with them dealing with it, you know,
like getting it, getting its fifty. Yeah, I mean like
Chris is like, how is it?

Speaker 1 (09:29):
You know, but that's amazing. I got the Kelp noodle
since last week I got them, okay, so I haven't
prepared them yet.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
So you know, I was doing the Kelp noodles and
trying to sort of recreate the air one a little.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
Bit, right, yeah, scallion tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
Yeah, then I go, you know, I'll try the miracle
noodles too.

Speaker 3 (09:48):
I haven't tried them in a while, you know, another
little like chewier and like it'll be kind of nice.
I thought I was gonna have to go to the
hospital something because of Cognac. Okay, So Cognac Miracle noodles, right,
and it's just Hubris right. I missed my workout the

next morning, okay, because I was up till four a m.
And I opted for sleep in favor of an early workout.

Speaker 1 (10:17):
Writing the can or what do you mean? No? So
walk me through it. You wake up in the night. Okay.

Speaker 3 (10:24):
So first of all, I eat the whole package of
the large package, okay, And I'm sorry, I don't know
what to say.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
Well, eat the whole coverage. You have to because it's
just air. You know, it's fifteen calories. Is why it's
a miracle now, you know.

Speaker 3 (10:40):
It's like, so is I'm trying to think something that
takes up space that's not food, right, Like if you
whipped a piece of if you ground a piece of
paper up mm, whipped it into a frenzy and froze that,
I don't know it ate that also locale, right, So anyway,
it's indigestible, right, It's like an indigen dustible fiber. And

that's why the supplement and all this is kind of stuff. Okay,
it's added to things. So like, and I've seen this
in the past, and I'm like, it doesn't apply to me.
I saw this article that was like, woman, here, I'll
pull it up. You know it's gonna be good when
it starts like that.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
One dies from miracle noodle.

Speaker 3 (11:15):
Women's stomach swelled to five times its normal size. No,
and she was not vomiting constantly for ten days after
eating noodles. Okay, so she ate a packet of Koonnak noodles.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
Okay, nothing else.

Speaker 3 (11:31):
So apparently the Konnak noodles are banned in certain countries.

Speaker 5 (11:35):
Stop stop because and this is where it's like the miracle,
the hubris, okay, the the belief that So it's so
it's this big package of slippery noodles, and the particular
joy I get out of them is to eat them
in like a childlike way, like slipperly, like slipperly gobbling

them up, kind of like okay, swallowing them. It's it's
the whole point is the quantity, right, that's what they've offered. Yeah,
so I experienced this sort of upper upper upper pain
where I become or just I become convinced it's it's
lodged in the stomach.

Speaker 1 (12:16):

Speaker 3 (12:16):
Now, so then when I start reading about and oh
and then and then and then I do a little
more googling, you know, you know people are like ungodly pain,
you know, like people like writing on Amazon like this
nearly killed me whatever, okay, okay, because it can form
a tangle a mass in the stomach of these noodles

that like, so this can happen have you heard about
per Simmons?

Speaker 1 (12:40):
No, oh, well here we go. Wa wa wait, Jacqueline,
you're you're triggering a memory of me eating something per
Simon and having a horrible stomach ache and being like,
well it can't be per Simmons. No wait, what tell me?

Speaker 2 (12:55):
There's these things called like it's called like a bezoar.

Speaker 3 (12:57):
Or something, okay, And it's when something indigestible kind of
stays in the actual stomach stomach right, and and it's
like whatever person's can cause it, like celery whatever, and
and sometimes they have to be surgically removed.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
No, or are you ready for this? It could be
worse than surgically removed, I know.

Speaker 3 (13:22):
So then so then I'm reading and I end up
on this like National you know, nh whatever, and it's
about like the treatment a successful non surgical treatment.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
Diet coke.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
Okay, to eject it, to dissolve it.

Speaker 3 (13:41):
So so I become convinced I'm sort of like like
having these like hiccups like a cartoon character, okay, And
I'm like it would happen to me and this woman
in my mind okay, because other people, I don't know.
They get to the thing that maybe they have a
portion of the noodles, they eat it some normal paste.

Speaker 1 (13:57):
I don't. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
I'm like, I'm like, this is the kind of like
the Hubris the mirror like that.

Speaker 3 (14:02):
I would just be like, beat the whole package, eat
it fast, and then have this happen.

Speaker 2 (14:07):
So I can become lightly convinced.

Speaker 3 (14:09):
And I know it's slightly hypochondria, but I'm like, uh, okay,
and I'm not hypochondriac. But I was having fucking symptoms
and it was up not talking about bloat. I'm not
talking about anything. And so I'm like, it's there. It's
sitting there. Of course it's sitting there, you know. And
I send Chris out for diet coke. I was like,

I'm reading about this thing. It's like it's like I
do this like fast research and then I know all
these things and it's like there's no like way to explain.

Speaker 1 (14:35):
I really know what you look like when you're in
when you're in pain. I can like see your face exactly.
It's hysterical. Really yeah, but keep going.

Speaker 3 (14:43):
So I'm like I'm like, I send them out for
the die coke, and I'm like, all right, because I
read that, you know, I forget what the amount of
die coke, but wasn't like insane. They were like it
could be given to children, like through the nasal passage
in a tube, like straight down with the stomach. But
but it was like, but drink it, like we'll get
it done. And they were like, you know, within twelve hours,

like completely dissolved. Because you know that you can also
declog and toilet scale your toilet diet. It's diet. There's
something cellulas or something. I don't know, So do you
want anything else? And then my classic when anything with
the stomach, if I'm not a lergy reaction or anything,
I want saltines.

Speaker 1 (15:24):
So I had.

Speaker 3 (15:25):
I'm drinking diet coke like mother's milk, knowing that it's
a medical treatment for what I'm convinced. It was pretty tasty,
you know, knowing and I haven't had gyet coke in
a really long time because I really just made the
mental connection that that is not good. So it's pretty
wild to crack open a couple of cold can makes

you feel like a real American watching television, nibbling watching movies,
nibbling saltines in the night, and just feeling like sultines
are healing me, you know.

Speaker 2 (15:59):
It was heavenly so and then I started to feel better.

Speaker 3 (16:02):
And I also started to feel like I knew that
if this horrible thing was happening, I had at least
begun treatment myself at home. Like It's like I woke
up the next morning this was like a real problem.
Well I started the diet cope treatment, you know, so
it just calmed down and then I was fine, amazing.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
I can't I want to be I want to be clear.
This is the miracle noodle that comes in the bag
that you open the top.

Speaker 3 (16:25):
Well, miracle noodle any konnak you just gotta look for
kognac Okay, k oh, I really.

Speaker 4 (16:30):
Have to go.

Speaker 1 (16:35):
She's left. Oh my god, because my partner and I
have been mainlining these water or get a cognac flower
citr grass.

Speaker 3 (16:55):
Okay, so so mainlining these. Now here's my question. You
probably split that packet, right, Yeah, I guess so.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
I think two for two people. I mean, depending on
hunger levels, because we do an unbelievable to Maris yar
tofu with it, so we do like a to foster
fry with it. Well, I just feel like there's factors
like let's just say it's like you're dehydrated or something, right,
Like I eat that on an empty stomp with nothing
I don't know, like lying on like half on my back,
like like I'm like a straight line and then my

neck is curved and I just.

Speaker 3 (17:25):
Like eat it and it just sits there. I don't
I don't know. So back to Kelp for me. Although
although to say it, I'm scared because they were like
I dine, you can't have an every day I.

Speaker 1 (17:40):
Just want something I can have every day you always do. Well.
I have a question. I actually don't have a question.
I just want to talk about dinner. Are you so excited?
That's fine? And I want to talk more about a
poog water bottlecause I'm actually pretty excited about it too. Okay, okay,
first of all, Jars tonight, we're going to dinner tonight.
You and I haven't had dinner together since the poop
tour talking. Oh my god, Lee Chu Tini. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (18:02):
You know what I would appreciate coming from you eat
a little something before you arrive so that we can
launch into a cocktail together.

Speaker 1 (18:10):
Ooh, that's a really good idea because I'm always scared
to drink on the empty stomach due to my migraines
and such.

Speaker 3 (18:16):
Yeah, so you're always having to wait if you had
a little something. I mean, does that sound insane to you?

Speaker 1 (18:22):
But here's why I don't want to do it. Yeah,
because I'm so excited to be hungry for jar. I know,
but what would I have a couple of crackers? I
don't know. Is that enough? See? That's the thing I
want to pre eat. Oh, by the way, here's another
class ack jar thing. Here's another class ack jar thing. Yes,
they don't give you the food menu right away. They
give you the drink menu. I'm sorry, this is not exaggeration.

You kind of have to ask the food menu. It's
amazing they don't force it on you.

Speaker 4 (18:51):

Speaker 1 (18:51):
Am I making this up? I really don't think so. No,
I'm thinking about it. I really think. You get there,
you sit down like, oh, would you like a drink?
And they bring you a cocktail menu and then they
bring you the food. Man, Now, are you gonna go steak?

Speaker 3 (19:05):
Maybe I'm trying to think what I had there? Sorry, mate,
And she's cracking a celsius.

Speaker 1 (19:12):
You know what else?

Speaker 3 (19:12):
I'm drinking a miso packet soup plus medicinal bone broth
plus waters stretch out the medicinal airwan broth.

Speaker 1 (19:22):
Another dream. Oh it wasn't a dream. I purchased airwon
broth and spilled it on my shirt and it was
turmeric and I was staining. Yeah, well I don't, I can't.
I sent you another picture of a dropped item, an
entire jar, a large jar mighty greens soup. It just

slipped out of your hand.

Speaker 3 (19:43):
No, it was precariously placed on the wire shelving of
my fridge. Things are getting a little tight in there,
and I open it up and down it goes. Can
you believe I I didn't scream. I didn't have the
reaction that I had to days before when merely a
coat slipped off a you know.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
I mean, it's that rage, it's that specific thing. It
was interesting.

Speaker 1 (20:07):
I just I clean. I could just cleaned it up. Oh.

Speaker 3 (20:10):
So I'm reading Atomic Habits. Okay, I've brought it up before,
but something has taken this time, and I've been reading
it in bed.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
Well, here we go with a sponsor again.

Speaker 3 (20:22):
My hatch machine pressing the button and this sound coming
out every night. Okay, So anyway, I'm reading Atomic Habits
I like to read about self improvement wolf all in sleep, okay,
because it's a promise of a future I don't know,
and I feel like it's sinking in. So I read
atomic habits. It's tiny little things, big results.

Speaker 1 (20:42):

Speaker 3 (20:43):
One example, given that's just someone's tiny habit that has
a huge effect. I have been doing it, okay, on
even just the smallest level for the last two days.
My life is literally changed. Okay, So describes this one
guy who quote resets.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
The room when he leaves it.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
Okay, what now, Now this is the very opposite of
dropping something and not picking it up. Okay, Now you
know how we drop something and go okay, like almost
like I didn't plan for that to fall, so I'm
not picking it up right now.

Speaker 1 (21:19):
Okay, there's no time. There's no time. Right.

Speaker 3 (21:21):
It's like this belief in like I don't know, like
extreme productivity to the point of absurdity. So like mm hm,
I leave everything in a state of sort of process
because the belief is that I don't want to put
everything away in order have to take it all out again. Okay,
but then you're constantly returning to mid project, mid process stuff.

So it's like about to leave the room. You just
look and you go like, what did I just do here?
So like collecting a mug?

Speaker 1 (21:50):
Bring it? Okay, Okay, Hey, it's it's.

Speaker 3 (21:53):
So small, and I know it's how a lot of
people already live their lives.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
I can hear, I can feel it.

Speaker 3 (21:59):
Okay, it's just just work with reset, reset the room.

Speaker 1 (22:04):
Okay. I glanced down. Every time you leave a room,
you reset it.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
Yeah, okay, And here's and of course it adds up
because you know, it's not like you're fully cleaning the room.

Speaker 1 (22:13):
Once it's clean. It's actually not.

Speaker 3 (22:15):
That hard to keep it clean if we just do
a little reset of the room, reset the room, and
it's usually like you've only fucked up the room, like
a little like it would just be like you glance
back and you're like, oh right, like I opened that book,
it's half done. Like I started drinking that water. Oh
look my underwears on the floor, Like because I just

took it off, it's already huge. Okay, it's literally already huge.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
I believe it. I believe it. I feel again. One
day of organized life unbelievable. Oh.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
I was watching like some real I was fed by Instagram.

Speaker 3 (23:04):
Some just just classic, you know, somatic exercise, just like
home remedy, like just whatever, shaking, and it was like move.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
I bought the little trampoline. You know this. I bought
a baby trampoline and then gave it to my friend. Okay,
I bought two by accident.

Speaker 3 (23:25):
Really, and it's been like my it's been my backpack
holder for some time for I lay the old backpack
when I come in that different prongs.

Speaker 1 (23:34):
Wait what prongs? I was picturing like the trampoline if
you turned it on its side a little legs.

Speaker 3 (23:39):
Oh yeah there, yeah, those are yeah, yeah, exactly, that's
part of it.

Speaker 2 (23:44):
That's sometimes, but often not often it's just laying.

Speaker 1 (23:46):
I may bring up the jarm and you while we chat.

Speaker 3 (23:50):
Okay, great, so we could even chat about it. So
I haven't been there a while, but when I was there,
I'm pretty sure I got oysters.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
Whoa, I mean, everything is perfect, there's the truth. Can
you ever eat oysters? Essentially never. I have to have
had like one and a half martin need to be
able to down an oyster? Are you serious? Aross my
eyes and I crossed my eyes and do it for
the fun of it. But really I just think them
as vessels for vinegar.

Speaker 3 (24:16):
I don't enjoy it, That's okay, but I mean I
don't mind it as a vessel for vinegar.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
My friend, you know, had an oyster at a really
fancy restaurant and projectile puked on her wedding day and
was vomiting in the four Seasons lobby projectile across the
business center.

Speaker 3 (24:31):
That's healthy, you know, like the whole Like forest fires
are natural and like turns nitrogen.

Speaker 1 (24:37):
Know, we're in the soil or whatever.

Speaker 3 (24:38):
It's like really, I'm like, it's a bad oyster adaptive. Oh,
a certain number of bad oysters in the bunch in
order to clear things out every once in a while,
fresh restart. But I like the sea taste. I like
the sea taste. Whoa, the schnitzel chin is just pounded chicken.
I always get the filet.

Speaker 1 (24:59):
Yeah. Oh right, this this menu I think isn't because
they obviously have major seasonal items cream spinach.

Speaker 3 (25:08):
Oh well, there's the tomato salad, right, what do you
think it's gonna be?

Speaker 1 (25:12):
Tomatoes won't be there? What are we wearing? Oho?

Speaker 2 (25:17):
I remind me I have to beg for shoes. Okay,
So Marion.

Speaker 1 (25:19):
Park Marion Park sent some shoes love you were.

Speaker 3 (25:23):
Able to choose. So, first of all, the Marion Park.
It's very very chic, high quality shoes. Let's just say
it very well, ma. Now there's a point of difference.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
They're deluxe.

Speaker 3 (25:33):
The soles are special because they protect easier for long wear.

Speaker 1 (25:39):
Okay, yeah, yeah, they're long wear made.

Speaker 3 (25:42):
So anyway, and she's been incredibly generous, very generous.

Speaker 1 (25:47):
My Chelsea boots are from her. I felt like I
was in a marian Park ad because I was wearing
Mariam Park shoes hosting the galler for Reproductive Rights. Oh yeah,
And I was like, who says you can't fight for doctor?

Speaker 4 (26:00):

Speaker 1 (26:00):
Sam looks? Because it was ridiculous. Oh my god. But
it worked. The shoes work. They're fabulous. So I'm I'm
paralyzed by choice. Well, don't worry because a lot of
them are sold out. You may not have the choice
you thought. No, I don't know. I sorted by size.

Speaker 3 (26:21):
And also it's coming up, and it's it's the main
thing that I'm struggling with.

Speaker 1 (26:26):
It is send them and I'll tell you which to get.
Who do I want to be? Yes? Who I am? Exactly?

Speaker 3 (26:32):
Okay, because I don't yet think I have shoes even
for who I am, Like, I want to get shoes
for who I want to be, absolutely right.

Speaker 1 (26:43):
But then I have nothing to wear to.

Speaker 3 (26:46):
Dinner because because you know what I'm saying, because because
I got the like metallic like you know collection booties
like and then I'm not going to wear someone.

Speaker 1 (26:58):
To wear at the cobbler. Oh my Manola's I want
to wear to dinner are at the cobbler. Yeah, I'm
gonna do three shows.

Speaker 2 (27:05):
Did you pay price for your Minola's?

Speaker 4 (27:08):

Speaker 1 (27:08):
I never have how e Bay real really real? Yes?

Speaker 3 (27:15):
Now, So so this is a question that's kind of interesting.
Sometimes I'll have a moment where I can get pumped about,
like I'm like, who look at these like some designer
shoe being available in like a finished store, and I'm like,
holy shit their Prada or something, right, Yeah, And then
I can have a moment where I'm just like, you know,
some bitch dropped off her box of shoes, and here

I am going to shell out still real money, yeah,
like for her sort of beat up like her beat
up souls, you know.

Speaker 4 (27:48):
What I mean.

Speaker 3 (27:49):
Like, Yeah, I can't sometimes decide if that is joyful
or not.

Speaker 1 (27:55):
I've gotten on the Manola front, I've gotten like essentially
brand new. I've gotten very lucky with some Manolo's and
they're hardly worn and not even close to half price
of what they would be where you can see this
even if you brandon Manolo's six hundred dollars, so like
a thousand dollars shoes.

Speaker 3 (28:15):
Right wait what No, you're saying wait wait wait, you're
saying their half price or you're saying they're were better.

Speaker 1 (28:21):
They're not even close to half price. I'm paying less
than half price for a good jew Larry. Yeah. The
back half of this episode is it's a back episode,
big tits on the back. Yeah, okay, So I was

actually thinking about this. I'm an Academy Award attendee instead
of nominee Academy war put that in the bio be
Kate Berlin.

Speaker 3 (28:50):
Yeah yeah, Now in your mind, was it the Academy
Awards or was it the Oscars?

Speaker 1 (28:55):
Where what were you at?

Speaker 2 (28:56):
In your mind it was that it was the Oscars.

Speaker 1 (28:59):
Yeah, yeah, they ask yes, go on? So so okay,
so I was I was allowed to attend the Oscars
due to my childhoods friend Sammy Birch being nominated first
writing May December. I repeat, she wrote December. She wrote it,
and she wouldn't have trouble with me saying this because
it's deeply inspiring. She wrote it in her actual closet

and during COVID she didn't have an office. She had
she converted. She's like wallpaper, it's beautiful poeting. She got
nice wallpaper for her closet, like one of those little
desks that you pulled down from the wall. Like not
even this, like like a dinner on a TV dinner tray. Yes,
she wrote this as a sample. She was nominated for

an Oscar. Okay, and she's brilliant. She's written many brilliant screenplays,
and she's been writing since she was fucking fifty. But
what the point is? The point is got to go.
And by the way, screaming because I thought, okay, I'm
gonna go, I took John, of course, because we've been
watching the you know, the Oscars for ten years together
and I thought we're gonna be way up. Oh my god,

you know what it for?

Speaker 3 (30:02):
No, sorry, just because you know what, and I haven't
done it this year. Wait, sorry, okay, No, I got
excited because remember because what I've been doing for ten years,
is commenting yearly on the in memoriam.

Speaker 1 (30:16):
Okay, and it's like Jacqueline, tell you, Jacqueline, if you
say they tell you not to apploud in the room,
I mean to tell you this right.

Speaker 3 (30:26):
So so because remember one year I wrote they finally
did it, like I used to tweet these things.

Speaker 1 (30:31):
Like because Jacqueline always had a funny thing. Basically, I
think it's disgusting.

Speaker 3 (30:35):
I think it's astonishing and discussing people literally like during
memorial but see the person they know or like or
care about.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
Wow, okay, okay, because they don't do that. No, maybe
a little chairs, but applause, applause, applause, you know what
it is. It's just escalation of applause, quiet, louder applause.

Speaker 3 (30:53):
And then then drop their hands to their to their
lap when it's someone they don't know.

Speaker 4 (30:57):

Speaker 3 (30:58):
Yeah, So I felt like the unevenness absolutely vile, and
felt like they need to cut the mics to the room.
They need to blast totally whatever the sound. No, so
when did they tell you? So they go before.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
The memoriam in memorian memoriam.

Speaker 3 (31:15):
The memorial impossible say in memoriarium okay, whatever the memory
portion they say in the room.

Speaker 1 (31:24):
Please withhold your applause till the end of the segment,
like graduation. Why the fuck, By the way, they have
an or live orchestra playing gorgeous? Why the fuck do
they have modern lyrical dance the most devastating form of expression.
Why do they have that? Sorry, it's so rude again,
I'm pmsing. Okay, you're a lyrical dancer. To listen to

the poog.

Speaker 3 (31:45):
Well, also, I mean lyrical dancing is like phenomenal, like
literally like it's actually like one of the only expressions class. Okay,
like I literally like can't get enough if you ever
watched Dating and Dance, like you are praying for lyrical numbers.

Speaker 1 (32:01):
Okay, okay, great anyway, but go on. But I still
was like the lyrical dancing it's weird, like just have
the music.

Speaker 3 (32:06):
But there were lyrical dancers during the Yes, yes, because
I was.

Speaker 2 (32:11):
Running around trying to get ready.

Speaker 1 (32:13):
Did you see me and John during the broadcast? Because
because of the broadcast, Because the point is I thought
we'd have nose. We had unbelievable seats, Jackman. I thought
would be way in the back, way in the back
up high. We had shocking seats. I could not believe it.
We were seated in front of nominees. Do you know
what I'm saying? That's crazy. We had a beautiful view.
I mean it was it was. It was startling and

oh my gosh, so fun to be down there because
it's my I can't believe we were seated in front
of nominal sporting of it. I know that I'm not like,
not actors, of course, but the other right, right, but uh,
it really was fun.

Speaker 4 (32:47):

Speaker 1 (33:01):
Jacqueline texts me because there's some different parties going on whatever.
Jacqueline's like, is it really black tie or something? And
I was like, I mean yeah, like the parties are
formal and you were like I didn't. I don't believe.
I texted, is it really back to? Because here's here's
what just happened.

Speaker 3 (33:17):
I just saw on the invite or whatever on the
thing like or I looked at the email.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
I was like, oh, let me look at this one.

Speaker 3 (33:22):
Oh black tie, And I was like, how how did
I miss this?

Speaker 1 (33:27):
Yeah? So you were like a black tie two.

Speaker 2 (33:29):
Hours from a party and it's black tie.

Speaker 1 (33:32):
I get to this party. There's Jacqueline looking absolutely beautiful
radiant next to Chris who's in a tux, and I
go over and go look at you two, you guys
looks great. You inform me that you secured the outfits
two hours prior. Can you believe it? No? It was.

Speaker 3 (33:49):
It was a triumph for me of something I believe
in deeply, which is like, no, we can do this.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
There's a way.

Speaker 3 (33:57):
Yeah, Like there's a part of me that's like and particularly.

Speaker 1 (34:01):
Because with boys it's like, I mean, needing the black tie,
the tucks. It's why it's easier and also harder.

Speaker 3 (34:09):
Right, So I go. So first I get in my head,
I always think that, like anything.

Speaker 1 (34:14):
Is it's uncouth to turn a woman woman away? Oh right,
the fear right right, like a woman. So imagine this,
a woman all dressed up, she walks up to the party,
though it's not black tie, doll try next year coming
here in a house dress, slob. They're not going to
do that. But a guy dressed remember as it gets
exactly thank you. But a guy walks up without a tie,

get the fuck out of here, and he deserves it
in my book, So yeah, keep going.

Speaker 3 (34:42):
Well, it led to this whole conversation because we were
remembering way back when when like Tom Cruise was like
the first to wear like a tie instead of a
bow tie or something at the black Tie Oscars.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
It was like a whole, like.

Speaker 3 (34:53):
A moment anyway ages ago. So I'm like, we're gonna
hit the vintage stores on the break. Okay, We're gonna like,
we're gonna run in, We're gonna find and I'm just
picturing there's gonna be some like vintage tucks that will
be like a little off but technically a tucks. They
can't turn her away. Yeah, totally get that out of
my head, you know. And I'm like, and I'll fine,

like a gown, you know. And then it's the quick
googling of like what constitutes black tie, the whole thing.
I'm like, we can do this, and so I go,
there's the growth. Let's not fuck around. Okay, I go,
we're calling Banana Republic.

Speaker 1 (35:29):
I love this. I love this. Okay, tram dial up
Banana Republic.

Speaker 2 (35:33):
I go, Hi, I go, do you have off the
rack tucks?

Speaker 1 (35:38):
By way? I just try to stop you. I'm having
I'm in heaven right now because it's like gonna story
is what. I love this.

Speaker 2 (35:45):
It sort of like feels like there's no way.

Speaker 1 (35:47):
It's actually a commerce a dream. Chris, I do it
on speaker.

Speaker 3 (35:51):
Okay, I go, Chris, go look at your make be
sure you know your size is, get your sizes ready okay, Okay,
I'm efficient as hell.

Speaker 1 (35:58):
I go, you know whatever? Okay, yes, sorry, yes, I go.

Speaker 2 (36:04):
Do you have the thing? Do you have in this
size and this size? Hold?

Speaker 1 (36:06):
Please? Okay?

Speaker 4 (36:07):
Goes over that.

Speaker 1 (36:08):
Yes, we do set it aside for you. I go.

Speaker 3 (36:11):
And he set aside a shirt and a tie and
whatever the hell else you need for this, okay. And
and it's like, Chris go, you know, and he doesn't
have a tux and it's like, no, he's got a tux.
I'm sorry. I stand by Banana Republic.

Speaker 1 (36:24):
Okay. By the way he was gonna look, he looked great.
It was like a beautiful like do you know what
I'm saying? And then we tucked and you have time
to tailor it and you wouldn't have known.

Speaker 3 (36:33):
No, so and he's still going to get like things tailored,
like you know, that's the dream. I mean, I I
this is another thing about who I want to be,
like a woman who has Taylor my clothes tailored. So
I send him off. I go, go, go get your tucks. Okay,
I run off to Librea. It's all tailoring exactly, okay,
to look good, to look truly good. It's tailoring, right,

It's all because that's what no one has, right, Like
I mean, like that's the difference.

Speaker 1 (37:02):
I know, I don't like.

Speaker 2 (37:03):
I like these rules like it's very sad. It's all tailoring.

Speaker 3 (37:06):
Like that satisfies me, that sort of like yeah, sureness,
So I want it to be true, and I have
a principle to live by.

Speaker 1 (37:12):
It is true. So I run off.

Speaker 3 (37:14):
I end up at this place the way, the Way,
the way we were or.

Speaker 1 (37:18):
Which is an iconic vintage Los Angeles clothing store. Okay,
and I go.

Speaker 3 (37:23):
Now I'm usually a classic don't want help girl, leave
me alone to my interior.

Speaker 1 (37:29):
How fun? Help me, help me, help me up to
be the Okay, But.

Speaker 3 (37:32):
I just said I decided I go. And to be clear,
I'm not going to ask yours. I'm just going to
an after party, but go and start looking around first.

Speaker 1 (37:42):
If I call on the way, I go, do you rent?

Speaker 3 (37:46):
Do you rent clothes for a night? You know I
know the answer is no, But I'm like whatever. Then
I go like, well see you anyway.

Speaker 1 (37:51):
You know. It's almost like it's like, uh.

Speaker 3 (37:55):
So go in, start gathering a few things, and finally
I just, I know, I'm like, hi, you know, like
I just went for it.

Speaker 1 (38:02):
And was like so yeah, totally, She's fun. You know.
I'm like, this is Los Angeles. Weren't a vintaged store.
Isn't this what they live for? Okay, I'm going to
Oscars after it's the way we party or they it's
it's vintage stretch.

Speaker 3 (38:14):
And I go and so I go, I'm going to
this party right and meanwhile, like the Oscars are unfolding
right now as you speak.

Speaker 1 (38:21):
I'm going to this party.

Speaker 3 (38:22):
I go, and I uh, it's black tied, and I'm
realized and I'm pretty sure I pulled off the rack
address I got like eight dresses in there, okay, and
one of the ones that I had pulled off the
rack downstairs where stuff was like half off or something,
because the upstairs is work.

Speaker 2 (38:37):
It's really fancy downstairs less.

Speaker 1 (38:39):
So go in. First thing, I put on zip it.

Speaker 3 (38:43):
Right up and I go and you know, when you're
like in the dressing room and you're like, is this incredible.
Oh wow, like you're like not sure, You're like like,
I mean, certainly for trying to find a quick black
tie out. So then I step out. I go downstairs
with this expression like I'm sorry, you know area hello,
first try yeah, and then it's like you're not gonna

do well, You're not gonna do better than that, you know,
like it's done. Oh, I love, it's done.

Speaker 1 (39:07):
And it was two hundred bucks and it was affordable. Yeah,
one hundred bucks. I mean that's crazy, but still two
hundred fifty bucks and that's yes, that's an expensive store.
And we're looking at a thousand dollars dresses in that store.

Speaker 3 (39:21):
And then I throw it on, grab my Einstein's palm,
and Roe host the bag.

Speaker 2 (39:28):
I don't really have great picks.

Speaker 3 (39:30):
Although they were doing a step and repeat, I stepped
up like a confused did prom you know, like yeah,
you know prom is now how you do it?

Speaker 2 (39:40):
Like I did?

Speaker 3 (39:41):
Like prom post kind of which is what it's like.
Chris slatele behind me, us both facing the same way.

Speaker 1 (39:48):
It's not Hollywood.

Speaker 3 (39:49):
Oh, it's kind of like and I'm like, where are
They're not on the.

Speaker 2 (39:54):
Cover of of the La Times. I'll tell you that much.

Speaker 1 (39:57):
Have you checked gutty images?

Speaker 2 (39:59):
No, oh, sweetheart, I'm scared.

Speaker 1 (40:02):
I'm gonna check for you right now.

Speaker 3 (40:05):
Well, I'll tell you why they didn't ask for my name.

Speaker 1 (40:08):
They don't need to, sweetheart, I think they do. They
don't need to. There you are. Oh no, that's not you.
I do see what you and Chris at the opening
of Kate. Oh my god. Yeah, nothing, I'm not seeing
from that night, I know, but keep going.

Speaker 3 (40:28):
No, it's it's interesting coming to these events and sort
of tapping the photographer, like being.

Speaker 1 (40:34):
Like, love you to get me, by the way, we
tapped a roaming photog in that party to get us. Yeah,
and where are we? Where are those photos lost to history?

Speaker 3 (40:42):
I know I'm thinking of reaching out no respect. I
mean I I I'll admit it.

Speaker 2 (40:47):
I love.

Speaker 3 (40:48):
I love the kind of clawing crassness of it all.
Kind of love like running for a dress because like
what am I gonna do? Like like I got to
make an impression.

Speaker 1 (40:57):
It's Hollywood. That's fun. That's that's fun. That's that's fine.
I need a dress tonight. Well that's your style for sure,
is what you famously get things the day of Oh yeah,
I went to the late night shows and stuff. Always
everything like I'm on tonight show tonight, Well, yeah, that
can go either way. What's going on over there? Heard
a lot of face sounds, saw the face. I gotta

get into beauty Sean, I gotta pay for beauty shamans
like three week fucking does she have a thing? Whatever
the fuck? Yeah? I think she has.

Speaker 3 (41:27):
Like that would require us doing it to make that
a habit. Mm, we'd have to I don't know. That
would have to be a habit.

Speaker 1 (41:34):

Speaker 3 (41:35):
It has to be stacked with something like that you
do every day that doesn't use the hands.

Speaker 1 (41:42):
And I'm saying, I mean what you probably do is
you add it to your face washing TV experience face washing.
Oh yeah, TV TV, well TV. But that's when I lima,
I guess I have to add it. I was watching Bachelor.
I'm back on Bachelor's you know, watching Bachelor last night
as my partner lifted waits watched together. My gosh, I'm
not now. Were you just in Repose? Yeah? It was

Heaven and Repose.

Speaker 2 (42:07):
Yeah you weren't doing sy Master No.

Speaker 1 (42:11):
But here's what's interesting. Woke up with sore thighs as
though I had worked out yesterday. I hadn't been in
my dream. I was doing these crazy workouts with my legs.
Woke up the thoughts, crazy dreams happening, sailing through the air,
holding a bomb in my hand, throwing it. Oh, really
weird technology up close, diving into the water, some wild ones.

Last night.

Speaker 3 (42:32):
I can't remember as much a thing, but in the
morning I knew it was. It was on a level
that would immediately disappear.

Speaker 1 (42:39):
It was it held paradigms that could not stand the
day follow through to conscious life. Yeah, so I knew that,
and it was going to be gone.

Speaker 2 (42:46):
Unless I wrote it, and I was in no mood.

Speaker 1 (42:49):
Quick announcement. I was a guest on this youngie in life.
What can you believe it? Oh my god, amazing huge
And guess what they're going to do. Guess what I'm
convincing them to do. I'm convincing to do. That's what
I beg them to do, and they're gonna do it.
An episode on like performer, like the performer as an archetype,
and it's like a youngion like analysis of my god,

great brilliant. Well, I think we have to wrap up
the all, but really quickly. I'm tired too, but I'm
so excited for dinner. No, don't go yet. Okay, here's
my question. Because I know you're a keto queen. I
know you're a keto queen, but I'm a blood sugar
slow cars off the table. Not technically okay, but just
I'm saying for a crazy night now. It's like, I

just want people to know our onion rings off the table.
Nothing's off the table. It's okay if they are. No,
I know. But because by the way, Jacqueline, I'm already
anticipating they're gonna send a dessert. They're gonna send it.
Not free dessert like an ice cream Sunday. Oh fuck,
they're not sending anything, Kate. I don't know when you'll learn. Oh,

they're sending something.

Speaker 2 (43:52):
I don't think they're sending anything. Do they know we're coming?

Speaker 1 (43:56):
Yeah, they know we're coming, and I'm gonna tell and
maybe they know something we don't.

Speaker 2 (44:01):
That put me on there. I really need to start
building the bond.

Speaker 1 (44:04):
I'm going to send a group text with me and
I think I can feel it in my bones. I
think I'm going with the filet. I think I'm going
to get the filet as usual.

Speaker 3 (44:12):
Yeah, I just got it. Always say the flavor is
more in the some of the other.

Speaker 1 (44:17):
And you know what, You've really changed my life as
a friend, because you know what you've put into my life.
Not splitting appetizers.

Speaker 2 (44:24):
Oh my god, my pride.

Speaker 1 (44:27):
I'm going to get my own salad.

Speaker 3 (44:29):
Oh my god, my pride, my pride, my pride, my pride.
This that is like a contribution that I yeah, it's like,
oh especially, I was like, well, you've changed getting my
own appetizers. That's incredibly They're not all finger food for
the group.

Speaker 1 (44:45):
I would vote some. I would vote for tonight, two
private appetizers, one shared appetizer. Yeah, I like that, two
steaks or what I wonder what if are we going
to get a vegetable side with whatever we get? Like
we're going to get probably. I love the side the
tendrils creamed spinach. Oh, I would use peach tendrills. I
would do cream spinach.

Speaker 3 (45:03):
We're not in ramp season yet, are we, I like,
Oh wait, what about No, the tomatoes sounds with the onion. No,
I know, I know, honey, I'm saying it becose classic. No,
I know, because you always go when we're.

Speaker 1 (45:14):
They're going these raidles on the menu. Now, I know
this time of year, kim chi Brussels sprouts sounds like,
what could that do? That will send you to heaven?
Oh my god, I'm so excited. I'm gonna pick you up, Jams,
purple yams. I'll pick you up at a round five
fifty and let me think about this. What am I

gonna and what are we wearing? I wish it was
going hard. I didn't even tell you about my injury.
I'm gonna say this really quickly. You're gonna love this. Well,
maybe you won't. I mean, it's me being pained. Why
would you love it? But this was eighty D. This
was classic eight D racing. Rushing, right, I'm rushing. You'll
relate to this too. In my office, I have this carpet.

It like doesn't work. The carpet doesn't work in this
way where the the door opens, and it's been bothering
me for months. I'm doing it. Yeah unacceptable. Yeah, I'm
rushing around. I do something. I grabbed the door. The
door handle knocks me in the abdomen really hard because
I run into it basically a full force. Yeah, I
kind of I don't crumble. But I keel over a

little and I go and this is I go. I
can't live like this, and it's really here's what's really
embarrassing about it. There's a repair man with him here.
It's wonderful. Luckily my partner was here too. That's why
I felt comfortable then, being like I heard myself. So

then my immediately a bruce starts to form and a
welt under the skin and my abdomen. Okay, which is
alarming because I've never felt that in my life. Yeah,
a welt. I immediately text my doctor God bless her
a full photo of the bruise. She goes, you're going
to live.

Speaker 3 (46:55):
I made an appointment with a doctor based on a
couple of reviews.

Speaker 1 (46:58):
It was the only way I have to zoc doc.
I went on, zoc doc, look at this under my abdomen.
Can you believe that it does look strange? It's not scary? Yeah,
And then here's it the next day, so the bump
went down.

Speaker 3 (47:13):
Yeah, but you know what, you know what you should
do on that or if it's gone already.

Speaker 1 (47:18):
No fun for you.

Speaker 2 (47:19):
But no Nima so perfect size.

Speaker 3 (47:22):
They say that it's good for soft tissue injuries, and
it's such like a small little dot.

Speaker 1 (47:29):
Yeah no, yeah, that's amazing. Okay, well, I can't wait
to see you tonight. We'll take pictures of the jar,
the post for the hags.

Speaker 3 (47:38):
Yeah, there's new merch. I don't know if that's been
made clear. It has been made clear, but there's a
Juilliard hoodie.

Speaker 1 (47:44):
I gotta tell you. Focus sitting with the water bottle.
It's want I want posts.

Speaker 2 (47:48):
Oh, I want to see it in the wild.

Speaker 1 (47:51):
You know, I think I actually requested that. I have
to look to see what if God forbid. Due to
my two phone system, I missed people's posts. Very possible.

Speaker 3 (48:01):
I'm thrilled to see that the water bottle is large
and of high quality. I mean, as a large you'll
recall it's containing water. I was like, our listeners are
not gonna be satisfied with some nod to a water bottle.
But I do want to evolve it. I want to
get it a boot. I want to get it in
a bag, sling over the shoulder, maybe like different options

a charm mmm mm hmm.

Speaker 1 (48:24):
Okay, I love you. I'll see you tonight. What an
absolute thrill, all right, I love you.

Speaker 4 (48:28):

Speaker 1 (48:29):
Okay bye, okay bye. That was poog. If you enjoyed poop,
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