All Episodes

May 14, 2024 45 mins

The dream of a communist pharmacist and the control needed to not throw your phone against a wall. Often we must play the role. Driving while engaging the abs and the pride of seeing your daughter on screen. You wanna change your life? You’ll have to move every day, sweetie. Laughter that only the price of flowers can provoke & a mood so good you hold doors open too long. Whether stepping onto a stage or into an elevator, the nerves never go away. The relevancy of the headshot is questioned and a new torso is offered. This is literally the President of the United States of America. Where in film is the Aged Man? Rotten seed. Half plastic, half lead...the alien screaming within you. Mixing up algorithmic forces and fondly remembering the men who sold ice cream and smoothies. Hi babies! Staying up all night for your mental health. Hello???? Guys!?

Respectfully Begging For: Whoop, Apparis, Awan
Brands Mentioned: Rebel Ice Cream, Biodance Bio-Collagen Real Deep Mask


Edited and mixed by Allie Graham.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hi, I'm Kate Berlan, I'm Jacqueline Novak.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
And this is poog, an ongoing conversation about wellness between
two obsessive friends.

Speaker 1 (00:08):
Two untamable intellects. This is our hobby, This is our hell.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
This is our naked desire for free products. This is poog.

Speaker 3 (00:15):
Today's topics, loosely speaking, the shaft Rock to rock.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
What's going on today?

Speaker 1 (00:26):
What is going on?

Speaker 3 (00:28):
Oh well, the well Beatrin prescription meds drama continues.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
Okay, so I'm also having meds drama on my My
migraine stuff will continue.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
So evil, it's bad out there. It's it's I'm starting
thing I need. I need to go with some kind
of local and I don't even know if they exist.
I was googling like a local pharmacist. Pharmacist, yes, someone
who has got me where It's like you're in the
camera I cantroll myself and throwing my phone. Who you

know when you're like, I don't know. I was able
to understand that, like I'd only be hurting me. Now
my phone is already destroyed, like it's already cracked.

Speaker 1 (01:06):

Speaker 2 (01:06):

Speaker 3 (01:06):
But so first of all, there's like this song on
the CV so CVS hangs up? Okay, CVS do they
hang up?

Speaker 2 (01:16):
CVS care mark? I know all about their games.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
So then I've even asked them and I said, should
I call the doctor? I mean I should I call
it the prescription line or you know, use it click
through pretending I'm a doctor or whatever. They're like, yeah,
the guy yesterday. He's like yeah, I mean to too,
you know, hit two two. And then I'm like, what
do I say when they pick up? He's like, look
like because I was like I hear it, it's like
one pharmacy call one pharmacy, call it there. You know,
I know they're in hell. I google it, read it right.

They're like they're like, yeah, we just hang up. Like
they're fully like they're like understaffed and the whole thing right.

Speaker 1 (01:46):
So it's just it's chaos. So I'm a day. I'm
a day.

Speaker 3 (01:52):
Uh, I'm a day in without my little butrin fucked up.
And it's like, you know, I don't know whatever it's.
It's so hopefully it's coming or it might come today
and I'm insurance isn't covering it, and I don't.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
Know, say I listen, I'm gonna get off the pills
after fifteen twenty years. Stay on them, girl, I'm who cares,
but whatever my insurance. Yet again they go, yeah, they
just dropped your Migreen medicine last month. Yeah, so instead
of five dollars, they want me to pay eight hundred,
eight hundred and sixty dollars. And I went, well, guess
what that, I'm not going to take my medicine talk suckers.

And now I'm back into it with my ural just
office whatever. But the day, the mood, the day, I
have to say, I had this feeling, and we all
know that the day one's life is just a series
of states you have to move through, you know, like
you just have to know. And it's like when you're
in the depths of the of the sadness or the frustration,

you know, you know you come up the other side,
but it's hard to imagine it. And it's so like today, I've.

Speaker 3 (02:56):
Never imagined coming out the other side. And that's not
true depression.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
I know. I will totally go on.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
I was lifted by commerce, but but I today just
woke up worst month of sleep of my life this month, shocking,
and I'm a sleeper. Okay, yeah, up in the night.
It's been horrible. Oh yeah, waking waking up in the
middle of the night, waking up, you.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
Know what you need?

Speaker 2 (03:21):
Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (03:22):
He feasting meal before bed keeps you hot all night
and sleep is light, sleeps not deep.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
But you're out. Okay, go on.

Speaker 2 (03:31):
I just remember tomorrow, I'm seeing this like healer who's
supposed to be wild who my colonist, which I think
is a term I made up because I once said
colonist to her and she kind of went, what, but
I don't know, it's obviously we're talking about healer or whatever.
She goes, well, this guy he's supposed to be like,
absolutely right, okay, thank you. She looked at me like

weird when I said it.

Speaker 3 (03:54):
I mean it just it's correct, whether or not the
culture recognizes it.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
Yeah, totally, go on. Whatever I'm I just was popped
into my head that I'm seeing the healer tomorrow because
I'm going, well, I'm seeing I'm not in crisis, right,
I'm feeling great.

Speaker 1 (04:06):
A man.

Speaker 2 (04:06):
Yeah, he's a man, but he's a man who and
his wife coordinates it, which I like, or I was
verily neutral, but no, I think your.

Speaker 3 (04:13):
The Upper West Side totally. You know Susan behind the desk. Yeah,
you know, Charles isn't ready for you. He had a
bad night. But I woke up feeling kind of bad
for myself. So wait, what is this sleep?

Speaker 2 (04:26):
I don't know what. By the way, sorry to put
but I don't know what he does. I don't know
what he does. I'm going raw blind and all my sleep.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Okay, that's great, my sleep. I continue.

Speaker 3 (04:38):
I mean to know this morning, like last night, I
was getting in bed, but I wonder if anyone signed
up for the Whoop using my code? Okay, okay, because
it's chaos, but I just just just I know I'm
trying to hook you. Okay, but like, look like what
happened yesterday? Did you sleep in the same bedy? Look,
I'm at ninety eight percent recovery today. It's okay, I'm

a god, and you feel it. You're sailing right. And
then look, let's see my sleep. I don't know why
this app sorry is working for me?

Speaker 2 (05:07):
Okay, you like that, you love that stuff. I'm not
shocked at all.

Speaker 3 (05:10):
No, but it they don't always take oh they really
don't always take for I mean, I don't know, so
something's going on the main thing being that I don't
have to take it off and charge it charges on.

Speaker 1 (05:23):
Yeah again not being paid by whoop yet.

Speaker 2 (05:26):
I would love to get paid.

Speaker 1 (05:27):
So it's never been paid.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
Why don't you stop raving about the product we haven't
been paid to rave about.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
I begged for a blanket from a Paris You know that.

Speaker 3 (05:36):
It's like it's like for remember that purple fur coat
that I got via something free people, But it's not
for it's vegan.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
Yeah, it's whatever to say it's vegan. It's just like
it's not for.

Speaker 2 (05:47):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (05:47):
It's it gets a little confusing to beat it. Yeah, yeah, exact,
unless you're in a pinch, although there are a lot
of plant based Well I'm down that path again. Now
I'm down to the active wear question again about the microplastics.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
And I'm you're fine.

Speaker 3 (06:02):
I know that hasn't taken for you because you're like
it washes off after two Well.

Speaker 2 (06:06):
No, I think I'm not sure it. But I just think,
don't let it haunt you too deeply.

Speaker 1 (06:12):
Yeah, other than me creating my own line, well that
supportive our line.

Speaker 2 (06:17):
Well, by the way, breaking news, but you know I'm
clocking in having done three at home Tracy workouts. Okay,
so this is what happens. I'm doing it thirty minutes
on my floor, moving through the frustration thought of you
because it's like hard to kind of wait takes my
brain wasn't working, and I take us.

Speaker 3 (06:33):
Back to you seeing me on the video, the whole experience.
You're coming to the studio soon. We've discussed this you're
gonna do. I'm in person.

Speaker 2 (06:40):
I'm so excited, dying for it. But I started following
along at home, doing the like guided you know, because
the workout I do like I'm used to some like
using your own body weight, floor plates, moves, whatever. But
there's a thing it's like neurologically, like the brain stuff
like they're not saying left or right. I get confused
which side did I do all this stuff? And I
I get frustrated, and I go push through. I go

Jacqueline pushed through. Jacquelin figured it out. No, you can
figure it out. And then I'm looking at the fucking
class and I see Jacqueline Novac. I see you, and
you look so cute. You have a smile on your face.
I get you became my daughter. I felt you were
so cute Jacqueline.

Speaker 1 (07:22):
Oh my god, I was.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
Yeah, it was just like I couldn't believe it was
so happy. Yeah, you were so happy. You had a
huge grin on and it was just so sweet. And
I I got to be in that room with you.
I just have to And by the way, I have
to say, and this is you know, this is a
classic thing, right, I did it three days in a row.
I go, this is my new life. I find myself.
I feel great. I go I already like, I'm like
I see results like three days later. Yeah, not possible,

but you know what I mean, I just felt it.

Speaker 1 (07:46):
It is possible.

Speaker 2 (07:47):
Well, by the way I'm driving and I'm like this
looking design, I'm like, oh my god, my god, you
know what i mean. I'm like, this is my new life.
I literally was like showing my partner. I was like,
look and I was like doing moves like a child
and look at this going and look how I can
do this like you.

Speaker 3 (08:02):
Well literally Chris used to be forced during quarantine to
watch the entirety of the workout, so he would sit
on the couch. He could have something silent going on
a DV. And I'd be over on the other side. Yeah, okay,
And it.

Speaker 1 (08:13):
Was literally like, honey, that's for the way.

Speaker 2 (08:16):

Speaker 1 (08:16):
It was like it was like, look totally the pride child.

Speaker 2 (08:20):
I was like, I was like at a balance on
this foot and then yeah, exactly, but but anyway, and
then guess what happened two days off? Yeah, became clocking
it three days off not beating myself up, and again
it just was hard because again because of the fucked
up sleep, like I just I, you know whatever, it's
not helping. But the point is I'm in. The point

is I'm coming to the class. The point is I'm
ready to devote. I want to go hard. I want
to go my pride.

Speaker 3 (08:48):
When you were like, I see you in the video,
You're my inspiration, okay, and you were like, I've pretended
I was you or something.

Speaker 2 (08:56):
Like I pretended I was like doing it.

Speaker 3 (08:57):
I was like, god like, because it kind of help
to be like to play the role of someone who
knows it and loves it or something.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
Often we must play the role in order to Yeah. Yeah,
and then I'm watching I completely understand because you've been
talking about Tracy for years and like you've been fixated
on it, and I after three times, I'm on her Instagram,
going let me get this perfectly clear. I'll do whatever
the fuck this woman wants me to do. I know,
like I was completely like it. And then I started

watching the interviews and this is and I appreciate this,
and I go, damn, she's hardcore. Because she's on she's
doing an interview with Bethany Frankel or something, and Bethany
Frankle's like, well, act, you know, like she's being wild,
and she's saying something about like, you know, but you
can't do it every day. And Tracy's like, you have
to do it every day? Oh, you have to do
it every day. She goes, sure, you can take a

day off. She goes, but we actually have to do
it all the time. And Bethany's like pushing back and
and Tracy's like, no, we have to do it every day, sweetie.
I want to change your life.

Speaker 1 (09:58):
It's going to take every day every day.

Speaker 3 (10:02):
Because first of all, when we were running around the
woods right.

Speaker 2 (10:06):
Of course, like running for berries, we don't move.

Speaker 3 (10:11):
So this idea of like I don't have to do
it every day, it's like, so, yeah, I shoot for
every day.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
No, And I know I know it's hard because and
you know, it's it's very hard. It's difficult. Discipline, discipline
takes a tremendous discipline and planning and all this. But
but I'm urt. But I want, for the love of God,
I want to do it, and I want to come
to class and I think, I think I actually can come.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
The bedrock yeah of my day. Well, I know I want.

Speaker 3 (10:36):
Other bedrocks like I want. I want my life to
be rock to rock.

Speaker 2 (10:41):
Well, no, I know this to that, well, but this
is what happened. But today again I felt woke up
devastated by the lack of sleep and then kind of
was like feeling kind of so emotional. Not nothing heavy,
but just kind of like ninety minutes later, I'm sailing,
I'm soaring, and I go, what lifted me? A couple things,

getting out of the house, going to a store, going
to a brick and mortar, engaging, by the way, tried
to engage with someone they weren't their heart wasn't fully
out into it, and that was hard. But I kind of.

Speaker 1 (11:13):
Cracked and I go, how much did you push?

Speaker 2 (11:16):
Not hard? Not much. I start to push. I started to.

Speaker 1 (11:18):
Do like were you dancing? I was all pushed, were.

Speaker 2 (11:23):
You no, no. I went in kind of there's something
about being there's something about seeing people out in the
world at cafes. It just makes me feel like it's
all gonna be okay. We like. And I was sauntering
down walking yeah. And then I was gonna get flowers
for someone, and I go in forty dollars.

Speaker 3 (11:44):
For a bouquet that looked like shoulder and to laugh
the laugh of how expensive flowers are.

Speaker 2 (11:48):
Well, by the way, always I was forty dollars and
I go, most beautiful. It was like a rat's nest
from Vond's ten years ago. This is obviously exaggeration, but
I just was like, you cannot be trying to me
forty hours and I almost just caved and went, oh,
I got it, and I went no, no, no, no,
I walk. I do the walk. I'm walking Larchemont. To
be clear for those native to Los Angeles, Yes, people

are out, they're walking dogs, children are out, they're laughing,
they're having cupcakes, they're having lunch.

Speaker 1 (12:15):
Oh my god.

Speaker 2 (12:15):
And then the street moved through Eagle. Everyone's going through it,
everyone's got their little tragedies. We're all getting through it together.
And then I go into Buck Mason all places try
to push.

Speaker 1 (12:26):
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3 (12:28):
By the way, that I have nothing to say against
Buck Mason. It was just shocking to hear those words
come out of your mouth like all a sudden, Yeah,
I know, because it's so brick and mortar, like I
feel like their stores are literally brick like, and if
they weren't brick, they painted on, Like, am I wrong?

Speaker 2 (12:42):
Maybe the brick is By the way, I'm not trying
to blow them up. They were absolutely fine. I just
came in. I came in hot and hard, and I.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
Wanted to be like you were, like we're shotting.

Speaker 2 (12:54):
Yeah, and it's just like it's fine, and everything was
ultimately fine. But I'm bought a cup from a local merchant.
Walked by the farmer's market. There was a guy making
ceramic mugs. I go, well, I'm going to get one
from my mother, and then we start talking. I go, yeah,
I really like the you know, because he made them.
Oh they're beautiful. Oh he goes yeah, you know a
lot of people we're talking about his ceramics. I pay

him on Venmo. It's radical, but like the way it
lifted me, I just couldn't believe it. I held the
door open for someone.

Speaker 1 (13:25):
To carry it away between two palms, Like, no.

Speaker 2 (13:27):
I asked for I asked for a bag. But then
so it started. I had a facial today, right I
get there, I go, you had appointment next Wednesday, not
this Wednesday.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
I go, oh my god.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
And it was actually fine, Like I just was like, ultimately,
let you whatever.

Speaker 1 (13:40):
You just went home.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
That took me to the merchants.

Speaker 1 (13:43):

Speaker 2 (13:44):
Then I'm in a good mood. I'm holding the door.
You know, when you hold the door open for someone
you go, it's almost like there are tears of how
far how much are you putting yourself out because like
you got to hold some I went kind of overboard.
I got in such a good mood. I held it
like it's almost embarrassing, like I held it like I
saw her when I go, and she's like oh, and
it was almost like then I almost for like she
felt she had to pick up her pace like I'm

not trying to force you. It was over the top
of your hat.

Speaker 1 (14:07):
Yeah, one leg went flying behind the other.

Speaker 2 (14:11):
Now I've forehead hit the ground doing a deep stranger
nose nose broke, My nose sattered, Yeah, instantly.

Speaker 1 (14:20):
No shattered, but came back up with a smile.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Yeah, yeah, no.

Speaker 1 (14:26):
It's a great feeling.

Speaker 3 (14:27):
And then you know, and then what about the joke
of when you've held it for like nine people and
like one of those people goes like, I guess you're
just holding it today.

Speaker 2 (14:35):
I'll be here all day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, collecting tips?
Are we Yeah? Elevator? How are you with the elevator?
You know, the rule is you come in, whoever pressures
the button first, supposed to press buttons for everyone. But
I think it's I think others to chime in and.

Speaker 3 (14:48):
People want to forage for their own button. I find
I just think sometimes it's too much to go click
and forever. Johnny's got us today. You know, sometimes I
think people just want to want to lean.

Speaker 2 (14:59):
And something was going on today because a guy I
was going, I was on like the ninth form going down.
Guy gets on on seven. He goes thank you, and
I kind of went oh, and then he got oh, no,
thank you, like for stopping the elevator. So like he's
in a good mood too. It's kind of interesting two
people kind of an overboard good moods, feeling ecstatic, thinking
for no.

Speaker 3 (15:18):
Reason, but bouncing off each other kind of yeah. Yeah,
like the next bouncing off the walls.

Speaker 2 (15:24):

Speaker 3 (15:24):
Well, it's like it's like you're put in a frame.
It's like cartoonish. The elevator is a cartoonish mechanical.

Speaker 2 (15:30):
Do you get any inexperience and there it is cartoon.

Speaker 3 (15:32):
Getting the elevator. Yeah, I mean every time I go
on stage, same same with.

Speaker 2 (15:38):
The elevator, same on stage, univers every time. I think,
so yeah, it's so.

Speaker 3 (15:43):
I mean you talk about like the performance of you know,
public space whatever, all of the all of that stuff,
the elevator, Like I dare you to walk in an
elevator and face the back wall.

Speaker 1 (15:54):
I just society breaks down.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
I just had a full fantasy of like your next
specials is called the Elevator, and it's an hour in
there about elevator culture. Well imagine not just the elevator, no,
but on the blowjob too, to the elevator. Nothings off.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
The shafts are relevant in both. Thank you.

Speaker 2 (16:15):
That's true, writing the shaft from every angle. Yeah, it's
unbelievable not to bring your own work into it. Well,
here you are, right, tell me everything. Girl talking about
a blowjob on stage somehow and it could because you're
like you're a sister, like a sister to me, meaning
that we're so close to But somehow, I just don't

think people are out there seeing you in the world
picturing a huge cock in your mouth. Do you know
what I mean?

Speaker 1 (16:42):
You mean despite like you mean I've done the impossible.

Speaker 2 (16:45):
Or something like you've done the impossible.

Speaker 1 (16:48):
I mean you know what I mean?

Speaker 3 (16:49):
Yeah, like I've I've managed to thread the needle well
because it's I mean, it's it's hot. I mean technically
it's very prudish and you know, all that kind of stuff, right,
get him in the door. You know, it's confusing whatever.
I remember this man on this cheeseball radio thing like,
so are all your looking down like paper like radio? Like,

so there's all your your work about. I see you
got this stuff about pizza. It's all your work about,
like bodily.

Speaker 2 (17:18):
It was just like, fuck, he's like blow jobs and pizza.

Speaker 1 (17:22):
Huh, yeah, it was.

Speaker 3 (17:25):
So I'm just really waiting for Lima because you know,
Lima sometimes posts these videos that are just like someone
I'm leaving.

Speaker 2 (17:34):
Every episode. So I'm actually gonna formally put a gag
order on you because until we've received fun new one
and you can keep that in. It adds texture. I

actually had fun last night. Cracked open this company Good Spirits,
the thing sent to us these like CBD so DIDs
a while ago. Yeah, I drank one on the couch.
I don't know why I put that detail in there,
but suddenly the couch became an ocean of comfort. I
laze dude, all straight up CBD. But oh but it
was the classic thing where I'm always like wary of

CBD and like is it real?

Speaker 1 (18:23):

Speaker 2 (18:24):
And I was like, oh, this is what I hear about,
which is like no chi Sea, like no psychoactive. I
was inspiraling about everyone I've ever met. Instead, it really
was just physically felt like a bonk on my head
in a really nice way.

Speaker 1 (18:35):

Speaker 2 (18:35):
Yeah, sent me to bed nevertheless, So we get three
o'clock spiraling into the unknown. Mmm, not even.

Speaker 3 (18:42):
To send you about earlier than usual, and that's why
you woke up late.

Speaker 2 (18:45):
So good question. I was so fucking exhausted because the
previous night I did not sleep well.

Speaker 1 (18:50):
Yeah, can you believe this?

Speaker 2 (18:51):
So I was in bed ten thirty, hardly keep my
eyes open. I don't want to take my emergency klonipin
because I don't want to get hooked. My fear of
becoming addicted to anything is so deep that I am
I fear it well.

Speaker 3 (19:06):
I understand also around sleep, like just wanting to work
it out as naturally as you can.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
Totally because also I'm lucky. It's fine, like right now,
It's like, it's fine if I had a crazy amount
of I have a job right now, so it's actually yeah,
just yeah, who cares. Yeah, well you're an artist. Yeah,
I mean, you know, we we live waiting by the phone,
by the phone all day long. I'm waiting by the phone.

I'm kidding. We create our own line.

Speaker 1 (19:39):
I just we're just controlling.

Speaker 3 (19:41):
Wait, I feel like there's a lot to discuss and
I just want to like tap into it for a second.
Oh god, yesterday I was like I don't have a
like basically a headshot.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
Okay. It was like panicking at Google.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
I'm like, AI, okay, They're like upload like you know,
you're selfies and we'll turn it into the headshot like
and I'm like, oh, they're just gonna like clean.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
Up the backs round whatever. You please tell me what
they did.

Speaker 3 (20:03):
It was overly aied okay, and I was like, this
is hell, Like I just wanted someone to do like
a slightly better like background clean up, you know, lighting
whatever kind of like they created me from it is
it was terrifying.

Speaker 1 (20:20):
It was please post it. Yeah, it's it's terrifying.

Speaker 2 (20:25):
You text it to me.

Speaker 1 (20:26):

Speaker 3 (20:26):
I mean there's like a hundred of them, and they
give you like a new torso like my Like, they
just they're just like, here's a torso we think would
work well on you, and like and it's just like
tits and like and weird like outfits because they didn't
they didn't offer actor.

Speaker 1 (20:42):
They were like business casual, casual, professional.

Speaker 2 (20:45):
Horror, and so I was like professionals of Yeah.

Speaker 3 (20:49):
I think I went with I forget, but like it
just it was it was strange because you're staring at
going is that me or not? Like some just one
I staring off like some looked deranged. And I immediately
roped there like if you're not satisfied with the results,
you know, you can get a refund. And I'm like
I just like there was like a little chat window

in the bottom right. I was just like refund, Okay,
I rolled the fucking dice.

Speaker 2 (21:15):
How much is it. I'm so curious.

Speaker 3 (21:16):
Just it was like for like one hundred photo or
forty five or whatever. No, I was desperate, okay, and
it was like it was was attempted to show the
of them right now, but please, it's not gonna work
right wait, let me see if I can pull it up.

Speaker 2 (21:29):
Oh yeah, we're gonna used to see this stuff.

Speaker 3 (21:32):
I think I can share my screen. Thank you for
getting in touch. I apologize. Uh, this is the aid, cocksucker.
I checked your uploaded images and noticed areas where improvements
be made. Happy to offer a cal reset. Like, first
of all, I'm like, don't age me up.

Speaker 2 (21:50):
Motherfucker, whole body nausea.

Speaker 3 (21:53):
Thought can I h No, I'll just I'll just send
screen just textilator.

Speaker 2 (21:57):
You can textile later.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
I feel like one live reaction could be fun.

Speaker 2 (22:00):
I want to see it. Just text me one dude.

Speaker 1 (22:03):
Oh wait, hell on, some of these are really creepy.

Speaker 2 (22:08):
I'm imagining AI just is just you with a huge
cock in your mouth. So like we ran the numbers
on your act.

Speaker 3 (22:17):
I'm just seeing a text from you. We often can't
see ourselves fully and need our friends to help us.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
Yeah that's true. Sweet, Well it's gotta stay in the ap.

Speaker 1 (22:29):
You're ready, Kate.

Speaker 2 (22:31):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 1 (22:33):
That's just the first grouping.

Speaker 2 (22:50):
AI will not replace us. And I'm here to say,
oh my.

Speaker 1 (22:59):
God, I use some more Jacqueline.

Speaker 3 (23:02):
There's no some I go, okay, interesting, Well no, what
I saw was another life.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
Okay, No, this is another this is another life. This
is actually this is you.

Speaker 3 (23:13):
Some are good, yeah, well, and and I'm sorry. Some
have upaged me. What do you well, honey, they've radically
upaged you. Some of these well, what do you mean something? Wait,
what do you mean? Some are good, doll, you are
like infinitely more gorgeous than any of these. No, I
guess this is fun, like this is you as like
Sarah snook Oh, like that style. Sorry, we're gonna post me,

and like the turtlenecks and yeah.

Speaker 2 (23:38):
But just so listen, understands this is your range. And
some of them you are like, they've aged you too.
It's hardly even looks like you. By the way, I
find this comforting because the AI step is so horrifying,
and I have spent time reflecting on it, and I

actually get so depress and scared that I find that
I just have to shut down and then not investigate
further because it's so overwhelming the implications. But when I
look at this, I get a little horny, like you
fucking were fires, like these fucking losers who create this technology,
who deserve to be tried at the Hague, Like who knows.

But some of the.

Speaker 3 (24:23):
Staring at these, like some years, I guess if I
met this woman, would I even like, this is not
my friend.

Speaker 1 (24:33):
I know. It's like if I saw this.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
Woman came up to me, I go, she looks like
my friend. I go, oh, sorry, you kind of kind
of an uncanny resemblance to to dear friend of mine,
But I know that you're not my friend.

Speaker 3 (24:45):
Yeah, I mean there's something God, Yeah, it's just I mean,
these shall be posted. There's like a hundred and there's
a lot of them that looked like this one actress
that I can't remember her name right now, and I'm like,
this is literally the.

Speaker 2 (25:01):
President of the United States of America. When I go,
we did it. We got a girl in there, folks,
oh yeah, And then some of the I mean, I
want to do this. It's like it's so many different.

Speaker 1 (25:17):
And you know what I should show you? I should
show you.

Speaker 3 (25:20):
I should screen grab and show show the listeners what
I uploaded.

Speaker 1 (25:24):
We're gonna have to do.

Speaker 3 (25:24):
It deep because that is I'm like, well, let's go
back to I mean, the fact that the headshot is
even relevant anymore.

Speaker 2 (25:32):
I mean it's it's like the way not it's creepy.

Speaker 3 (25:35):
Like the expressions are not really mine.

Speaker 1 (25:39):
There's a few where I go.

Speaker 2 (25:41):
You know, when you see a photo of yourself. I
saw a photo of myself recently and I go, well,
if that's me, I'm fuck ucked. I go oh oh,
I was hum.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
Wait, so what kind of photo was it?

Speaker 2 (26:00):
So it was a weird. So to my credit of
why it was shocking, it was a bad angle was
taken like kind of from the side. I'm smiling like
a fucking do fiss at something and like.

Speaker 1 (26:11):
And you weren't please just see that's always sad.

Speaker 3 (26:15):
Joy and what you no like when you see yourself
like like in a moment of unseelf conscious joy.

Speaker 2 (26:21):
And it is that's a hard that's a hard day.

Speaker 3 (26:24):
I found a lot of people's statements about their ugly
cry face to not be that ugly, and I'm kind
of like, that's not ugly crying. Yeah, anyway, but that's
an obvious take. Not to be a bitch, you know
what I mean from me? Okay, but I just want
I just feel like, because I sent you these, I
need our producer to see them, like just for her
to know. But when I was a child, okay, there

was a trip to the Science Museum and there was
a machine. Okay, there was a machine that said it
would aid you, okay, producers seeing them.

Speaker 2 (27:01):
I just like the horror reaction. It had to be seen.
It's so funny. It's so funny.

Speaker 1 (27:06):
There was a machine that you walked up too. I
was like eight, yeah, okay, you walk up and it
takes a photo of you.

Speaker 2 (27:11):
I'm gonna start crying just the thought. This is so.

Speaker 3 (27:14):
Profound and it's like an age over eighty five or whatever.

Speaker 1 (27:18):
It was like.

Speaker 3 (27:21):
Such a weird machine and what you like, it was
not what it would be today, Like it wasn't even
a photograph like it was like some you know, and all.

Speaker 1 (27:28):
The changes like a quick haunting half image.

Speaker 2 (27:31):
Wait what sorry I was moaning about technology changing so quickly.
It's like so fucking insane, but keep going. So it
was like a hologram.

Speaker 3 (27:39):
It was like a so it was like a blurry,
pixelated like vision of the future. Yeah, but it was
absolute haunting, like they could have shown me anything, okay,
just to see something other than the self.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
You know what these look like.

Speaker 3 (27:51):
I just realized they look like when they do the
Age advancement for the Missing Children.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
Oh yeah, that's exactly what it is, what I look like.

Speaker 3 (28:00):
At those staring at those like I would stare at
those mailers and they're like, might look like this now,
and you're just.

Speaker 2 (28:07):
Like, that's so fucking crazy. Oh my god, so so tragic,
just sending an arrow into the future praying it's going
to pierce the heart of your lost dead child, like
maybe all survive Earth. But I did old age makeup
for something once and it was yeah, actually twice. But
it was shocking because it was kind of surreal to

look in the mirror and be like, right.

Speaker 1 (28:32):
Now, I've always thought it would be helpful.

Speaker 2 (28:34):
But then I was into doing photos of me completely
naked with the face aged. Where are those we're in
my old phoe.

Speaker 3 (28:44):
It's like it's like that's like treated in movies, like,
you know, as horror, like the beautiful Maiden turns faces,
she turns yeah, and you know it can be surprising.
I don't know if you've ever like seen some when
jogging who you think is sixteen?

Speaker 1 (29:02):
Okay, I'll just be real.

Speaker 3 (29:05):
And you know, good for her, right, oh yeah, you
know I'm saying sixteen hyperbolically, but of course like a
young woman and then turns and she's older and like, yes,
something psychologically occurs like whoa, you know, and it's like
it's like what's going on there? Like I'm just trying

to think, like, yeah, the woman, the maiden, the witch,
you know what I mean, Like the whole thing of
where in film is the aged man, you know, like
screaming at the aged man and it's nowhere because of
course he continues to sire.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
He continues to sire till death. I know, the siring
till death.

Speaker 3 (29:47):
You know, the squirting out of the rotten seed of
the nine year old pregnating.

Speaker 2 (29:53):
Wait what oh the nine yet?

Speaker 3 (29:56):

Speaker 2 (29:56):
Yeah, I know, Well I was. I was really focused
on high al Pacino, like has a baby now exactly something?
But then isn't the thing about well I've heard this,
you know, sperm count is like globally dropping, which is.

Speaker 3 (30:09):
Necessical, rolls cell phones in the pockets or whatever in
the pockets, and it's like the most recently evolutionarily it's like,
you know, you'd have to think it's like, yeah, it's
time to wrap it up, folks.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
Yeah, it's like, but wrap it up.

Speaker 4 (30:21):

Speaker 2 (30:21):
I'm not referencing a condom. I'm I'm just referencing like
like civilization wrapping up due to our destruction of art.

Speaker 1 (30:28):
We all knew. If anyone thought.

Speaker 2 (30:30):
By the way, you've fucked, yeah, well you never know.
You fuck mother nature. She'll go, I'm taking your sperm away. Yeah,
fucking loser, Like this is crazy. He's gotten so out
of hand. But it's not kind of there's like a
beautiful there's like obviously a poetry to that makes complete sense.
And I obviously half I actually less than half know it.
But I'm talking about but I've heard this that it's
like sperm count is dropping. Oh yeah, they don't know

how to they can't have sex and they don't know
how and they can't even.

Speaker 1 (30:54):
Get you pregnant. Yeah that sounds right.

Speaker 2 (30:59):
Yeah, I mean I don't know what the cause of
it is. I think it's a lot of stuff. It's
definitely a lot of stuff.

Speaker 3 (31:05):
You know, we're half plastic we're half lead be interesting
if we started, if the plastics, if we started adopting
their interests, like you know, like like those viruses that
make you behave certain ways to spread themselves, like that
whole thing. No, well, sometimes it's like sometimes it's a

like same as the microbiome, like the sugar, Like the
sugar eating microbiome is like manipulating our behavior to They're like, yeah,
that's not hunger, that's like the alien screaming within you.

Speaker 2 (31:39):
Well, I felt the scream for sugar. I've been obsessed
with making. It's been really fun. Fruit fruit bark, chocolate
fruit bark, you know where you take raspberries, melt cooke,
chocolate on top. It's really heaven. And I did a
banana bark, sliced bananas, almond butter, drizzled chocolate on top
and the freezer, and I like felt myself driving home faster.

It was like, oh the petal absolutely little was a
little more forced. Got home, felt like I want to
rip off all my clothes or run to the freezer.
And excitement for the tree but making making free barks
at him. It's really fun. Kids love it.

Speaker 3 (32:22):
I'm thinking of so I'm getting served cabbage and cottage
cheese recipes to a level that is, oh.

Speaker 2 (32:27):
I see it, Jaclin, because I instagram the Discover Weekly. Yeah,
oh really sorry, not Discover Weekly. Wow, I'm getting algorithmic
forces mixed up at Spotify in Instagram.

Speaker 3 (32:37):
No, that's happening over on Instagram because I'm just on
my personal But like these cabbage guys, and there's one.

Speaker 1 (32:44):
It's like.

Speaker 3 (32:46):
It's like all the stuff you can do the cabbage,
but everything is cottage cheese right now, Like I know,
everything is cotta cheese.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
Everything. Woman that I hear her mind sick. She's like
four pounds. She's like she looks. I mean, it's like terrifying.

Speaker 3 (32:58):
And then it's sort of like promoted as like to
get your protein, you know, she's like proteins, Like, yeah,
it's a it's a little odd, but right now there's love.

Speaker 2 (33:08):
And I love coda cheese. I have to be honest,
I have a door. But some of these people they've
gotten out of hands. And I even tried to make
the cotta cheese ice cream a while ago, and it
was shit.

Speaker 1 (33:17):
And it's just like blueberries and got of cheese, pureede
and frozen.

Speaker 2 (33:20):
It was something. It wasn't that, but it was something
like that. The texture was completely off. I'm not saying
it's not possible to achieve it, but it's just it was.
It was way off.

Speaker 3 (33:27):
I mean, if you want to make I mean I
remember I thanked God like when I first made this,
like full fat ice cream with I think allolos or
something was like the Boko sweet, the Kabocha squash based sugar.

Speaker 2 (33:44):
What you heard? Where do you get that dark web online?

Speaker 1 (33:47):
For like one hundred dollars? Bo c h A. Okay,
there's this woman. Yeah, there's this woman.

Speaker 2 (33:53):
Sounds amazing.

Speaker 1 (33:54):
Her website's like all.

Speaker 3 (33:55):
Day I dream about food or all day I dream
of food Carolyn Ketch them or something and and some
of her recipes. But I got an ice cream maker,
and I just like full fat cream, almond milk and
like Boca sweet or Bocha sweet, and and it goes.

Speaker 2 (34:11):
I'm seeing a pound for twelve bucks.

Speaker 1 (34:13):
Yeah yeah, I just said one hundred before I was.

Speaker 2 (34:16):
Prepared to spend one hundred. Yeah and not actually everyone.

Speaker 1 (34:21):
Premius, most delicious.

Speaker 3 (34:23):
You know what I want to do an ice cream collab,
But I just don't know if I can sell the
people I'm trying to on what are you seeing?

Speaker 2 (34:30):
No, no, I'm thinking about didn't I send you this
a while ago? So right, interrupt. But the ninja there's
a ninja thing that makes ice cream and like.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
What out of fruit? Out a banana?

Speaker 2 (34:39):
No, it's no, no, no, it's like a ninja thing you
could put in like my powder. Okay, yeah, and then
it like makes it either thick, kind of thick, a
little interesting. I send it to you. I saw one
of these Instagram freaks using it. I am very curious
about this kombucha.

Speaker 1 (34:57):
Yeah, I see it ice cream maker, not ka.

Speaker 2 (35:02):
Squash. Sorry, sorry, sorry, I know that I want to
see the ingredients because I'm completely Wait, you've got to
beka me ingredients Kobocha extract and xylotol.

Speaker 1 (35:18):
Yes, oh interesting, zylatal But how much that is interesting? Okay?

Speaker 2 (35:23):

Speaker 3 (35:23):
And I mean I'm only saying alos because I like it.

Speaker 1 (35:28):
It works.

Speaker 2 (35:29):
Is the one that makes it cool.

Speaker 1 (35:32):
No, that's the one I hate.

Speaker 3 (35:34):
No, that's aristotol, which cannot be avoided sometimes. But I
made so many bad desserts with during the aristotol years.
And then and then the alilos appeared, and it was
like heaven sent and I made vanilla I scream that
was absolutely delicious, and I was like, I can I
can just eat ice cream all day.

Speaker 2 (35:53):
By the way, Rebel is off the shelves, Like, where
is it?

Speaker 1 (35:56):
I noticed Rebel is no longer being carried somewhere.

Speaker 2 (35:59):
That I was that it, honey. I went to Whole Foods.
I go, where's Rebel?

Speaker 1 (36:04):
If they opened a store? I'm sorry?

Speaker 3 (36:05):
Am I wrong to think that they would own Los
Angeles and Mortar?

Speaker 2 (36:09):
I think you're completely correct. Hey, speaking of an ice
cream that I'm obsessed with, and I would love to
reach the founders directly. And here we are. Here's my
plea all one a w a n astonishing coconut based
ice cream. It is crazy delicious. They do like coconut, chocolate, coffee, strawberry,
and they have a broken mortar in most Hollywood.

Speaker 1 (36:30):
I want to talk about strawberry ice cream for a second.

Speaker 2 (36:32):
Let's go people. By the way, it's very taboo, it's real.
Real people are afraid.

Speaker 1 (36:38):
One time, me and my friend went and got an
ice cream, got a strawberry ice cream cone and ate
it in the sun and we were just We went
back and got another. It was Heaven.

Speaker 2 (36:47):
That's amazing.

Speaker 1 (36:48):
We were like Heaven.

Speaker 2 (36:50):
I used to get me fucking strawberry Soft served at
Rays on Avenue A. You're familiar with Raise the tiny little.

Speaker 1 (36:59):
I can't pull there. What kind of place?

Speaker 2 (37:01):
It's truly like a tiny ancient Yeah, it's been there
because it's like it's like kith Herring used.

Speaker 1 (37:07):
To the place that had the juices, like the little
like hut.

Speaker 2 (37:11):
Yeah, I'm confused there was juicy ucy. No, I'm really
wanting to know now.

Speaker 1 (37:14):
Yeah, I'm picturing the thing on First and in Houston.

Speaker 2 (37:18):
This place is on Houston. It's like on I want
to say, I want to say, it's like between.

Speaker 1 (37:22):
I'm holding us up by a trent by needing to know.

Speaker 2 (37:25):
I know me too. I need to know too.

Speaker 1 (37:27):
I lived there, you know I know exactly.

Speaker 2 (37:29):
I fucking lived there. I lived down the street. What's
going on? Raised Candy Store Delhi on Avenue A in
the East Village. It's been in soil in business, silm business, Yep,
frozen yogurt, my egg cream soft served frozen yogurt, Vignet's
fries and coffee.

Speaker 1 (37:45):
Rebel has fallen.

Speaker 3 (37:48):
I'm gonna ask Rebel that they use their facilities and
remaining product, Okay, to just turn everything into Poog ice cream.

Speaker 1 (37:55):
Yeah, the Poog ice cream brand now and we go
from there.

Speaker 2 (37:58):
I'm completely down.

Speaker 3 (37:59):
I don't know what we could bring them, but I
think we could bring them our listeners.

Speaker 2 (38:02):
Sorry, I'm overwhelmed and about to cry because I'm here
on the rays Wikipedia and the owner ray Alvarez, where
I personally purchased ice cream from. I don't know if
he's still living. It's just like him behind the thing
and a Yankee's hat, and it makes you want to absolutely.

Speaker 3 (38:14):
I told you about when I ran into like ten
years later, like the guy with a smoothie truck, like
in New York City, and it was like the guy
that for a period of time I went and got
this sort of smoothie slash milkshake thing like nightly. Yeah,
and I like spotted him in a new location like
ten years later, and I was like, hey.

Speaker 2 (38:36):
Did you chat? Did you remember you?

Speaker 3 (38:37):
And then I was like, you gave me a tattoo.
I mean like like a sticker, fake sticker and you
need to pulled one out.

Speaker 2 (38:41):
It was like that shit, So I'll keep you living
on in that life. Why do you think ray Alvarez
over here is one hundred and eighty two because he's
serving soft served, because he has deep meaning in his life,
he has his storefront. He's seeing the same people for years.
This is crazy. Anyway, I used to get a Strawberry
soft served hone a rays.

Speaker 3 (39:03):

Speaker 2 (39:18):
Well, someone just get us first class flights somewhere. I
was just imagining being somewhere with you. I don't even
care where.

Speaker 1 (39:25):
Well, we did receive a very generous Catalina offer, and
I'm very eager to take these people up on. We'll
wait until we go before we but let's do that.

Speaker 3 (39:34):
We could be seeing, we could be I wonder if
there's any sea bobs there's major shop.

Speaker 1 (39:39):
Oh did I send you that thing.

Speaker 3 (39:41):
That someone said a listener sent It wasn't sea Bobs,
but it was similar.

Speaker 1 (39:45):
It looked like an underwater motorcycle.

Speaker 2 (39:47):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (39:48):
It looked phenomenal, like everything we care about. Wait, my
earphones are making me look Elizabethan.

Speaker 1 (39:56):
Do you know what I'm talking about?

Speaker 2 (39:57):
What you mean?

Speaker 3 (39:57):
Like this strong part and then these it's like if
I had the braids.

Speaker 1 (40:01):
Oh kind of like I.

Speaker 2 (40:05):
See that completely, Like, yeah, I see it. I think
it's brave that I look like ship on the poog videos.

Speaker 1 (40:14):
Well you stunning, but I think it's brave.

Speaker 2 (40:20):
I think it's brave to keep recording going. We're not going,
We're not going anywhere, and we've got the community behind us.
I continue to be humbled, brought to my humbled by
the Hags, by the messages, the photo.

Speaker 3 (40:33):
A lot of stuff. You know, when someone's manning the inbox,
it comes through. Some things are missed. Just please know.
If you don't get a response, it's just please know.
It mean, the appreciation is there, even if nine years
later we find it it's true. I had a friend
start listening to poog and ask about Hag and sort

of be like, so, just like like, what is a hag? Oh?

Speaker 1 (40:56):
Yeah, you know, and I was like it, see you,
it's me.

Speaker 3 (41:00):
I was like, well, you know, we weren't going to
be like this week the ladies of.

Speaker 2 (41:05):
Poog you know, the Poglets. Yeah, the Poogsters. I mean,
can you in the wrong hands, this podcast.

Speaker 1 (41:15):
In the wrong hands.

Speaker 2 (41:16):
And if you are a hag and you have a child,
your baby can be a Poogster until they I can't
even say it. I was gonna say they can be
a pooster till they reach one. No, hag, your baby's
a hag. Yeah, your baby's a hag. That's cute. There's
gotta be some I mean they probably get it. There

are definitely babies and there and they can hear us. Hello,
Hi baby.

Speaker 3 (41:44):
Let's even get someone's baby to perk up. So let's
say baby's been forced to listen in the back, young
enough for the curse. Hi, I love you to buy
our merchant years.

Speaker 1 (41:56):
Yeah, planting the seed.

Speaker 2 (41:57):
We could do hag baby stuff, the hag jump birds.
My mom's a hag. My dad's a hag.

Speaker 3 (42:03):
Wow, p.

Speaker 1 (42:07):
What my aunt? My aunt? All the aunt stuff.

Speaker 2 (42:10):
But what do you mean?

Speaker 1 (42:11):
You know, it'll be like my aunt's a smoking hot
bitch or whatever. He's like onesies.

Speaker 2 (42:17):
You're like, yeah, yeah, it's like this.

Speaker 3 (42:21):
It's this like my aunt is active, right, it's the
sexual the sexual activity of the aunt is so like
I guess it's just because you have a family structure
sometimes and you have like the unmarried and figure.

Speaker 1 (42:38):
Just a sibling.

Speaker 2 (42:39):
I referenced myself as uncle Kate to many of the young.

Speaker 3 (42:42):
Oh yeah, uncle, uncle, it's a good word, Like yeah,
uncle and uncle productions. The other day, I didn't sleep
and I was up all night. Whatever, it doesn't matter, okay,

And I went to.

Speaker 2 (43:04):
Another thang on your back fucking on all fours.

Speaker 4 (43:09):
She was on set folks, Oh see okay, And I
was laughing from no sleep and made me go, oh shoo,
do I need this?

Speaker 1 (43:21):
No in the mental health routine.

Speaker 3 (43:25):
No no, because I was like, no, I've been like
I have been like crying out.

Speaker 2 (43:30):
To God in the night since Yeah.

Speaker 3 (43:32):
Really, so maybe like, well, you know it's at bedtime,
Well I cry out to God as well, just going hello, yeah, yeah, no,
but but you know, I lie there and it's you know,
time to connect before and just go okay, what's going on?
But but I was laughing, I was cackling. I was free,

and I was like.

Speaker 2 (43:55):
No, it's fun. It's a drug, is being alert once
a year, full sleepation, because it will make you lose
your mind. There's something about I was on an email
trying to email a water company, the people that do
my filter, and I go, God, I haven't even considered
I should tell them. I'll get them free promotion on

my podcast for a kickback. Because I do this under
the sync filtration system. And ain't cheap but changed when
you put that in. That was huge, huge, And I've
been emailing them like, hey, haven't gotten back, haven't gotten back?
And then yesterday I respond hello, question mark, question mark
like eight times, guys exclamation to put question mark and
I go, ha ha ha to keep it light and

I repeat the question. They responded this morning and I go.

Speaker 1 (44:40):
They respond with positivity, a.

Speaker 2 (44:43):
Very dry email informing me of a price that I
find to be too high. Yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 3 (44:49):
Wait, I'm just realizing that I have a meeting now.
I forgot about Okay a call. I love that, but
it barely got started, and I wanted to talk about
face masks that I paid the nose on I got influenced.

Speaker 1 (45:01):
Late in the night. Really, but I'm kind of excited
about this. I don't know. Bio dance show, biotic lactam
ices for firm?

Speaker 2 (45:09):
What's the brand? I can't read it?

Speaker 3 (45:10):
Bio dance, I don't Yeah, I just got sold on Instagram,
like I bought it within seconds.

Speaker 1 (45:17):
And I'm wondering. I don't know yet. I have to
do a little more research.

Speaker 2 (45:20):
Okay, great report back, Okay, well, enjoy the call. Love you,
love you that was Pooh. If you enjoyed Pooh, please subscribe, rate,
and review.

Speaker 1 (45:33):
If not, we will press charges.
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If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every week comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced, and brutally honest look into current pop-culture and her own personal life.

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