All Episodes

September 27, 2021 28 mins

"Confidence" gets thrown around liberally every single day but what does it really take to be a confident person? In today's episode, the lads dive deep into how they find confidence in themselves and the vulnerability it can take be a confident person!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Prompt Us is a production of I Heart Radio. Welcome
back to the prompt Us podcast. Today, I'm Gabriel Conti.
I'm Gabriel Conti every day if I'm trying to set
that record straight, but today, which I'm also joined with
on every podcast, So today I'm joined with my co
host Chad and the Tech Guy. That freaking the Tech

Guy stains. I swear there's more to my personality. I know,
but I had to segue from the last podcast, and
it only made sense. We said we were going to
do it, so I have to do it that I
was gonna say, call me the tech Guy. It hits
me hard in the confidence, you know, I just yes.
So this prompt is from Vanna in Singapore and it's

very simply how to build confidence, which I think is
a funny prompt because I don't know if someone ever
really learns genuine confidence. I think it's like a forever battle.
But um, boys, you guys are pretty confident people. I
would say I would consider you and my friend group
very confident people, like how just just how Well. Before

we got into this, I was kind of sharing with
you guys that I don't really struggle with the confidence
of like personal confidence in myself, like that like identity
crisis confidence. The confidence that I struggle with is more
kind of like a task based thing, like am I
confident doing this specific thing? Um? Like with my YouTube channel,

I'm like making this new type of content and you know,
it's all funny and good the content that I'm making,
but there's actually this confidence barrier that I had to
break because it was like a new form of content.
I kind of have to make jokes all the time,
and it's like this, it's something that I'm still not
confident and I'm still learning, but that comes through experience.

And as I was explaining it with you guys, I
don't know, I kind of just gave me the realization
that there's like the confidence in like a task or
some sort of more like a learned thing that when
you put in the time and you build the experience
and you practice more, that your confidence in that said
thing goes up. And maybe that applies to like the

personal thing too when you apply absolutely applies. Yeah, I
don't know, I feel like right answer? Did I? All? Right? Thanks? Yeah?
I mean I feel like you just answered it just
about that repetitive nature that the more you do a task.
I mean, it's it's always good to ask yourself, like

why aren't you confident? I think it's really easy to
be like, oh, I'm just not a confident person. And
it's weird, I think for in a way, And it
did for me, like when I was in school, I'm like,
I'm not very confident. It was like part of my brand,
you know what I mean, Like it was part of
my character, like, oh, I would like self declared that
I'm not confident. And then we kind of talk about
that the book Your Stomach Habits all the Time, where

he talks about if you're trying to build habits, it's
good to just say it what it is. You know,
if say, for example, you're trying to quit smoking, you
just say that I'm not a smoker anymore. You don't
say that I'm trying to quit smoking. And so I
think it's a similar thing. A confidence comes out of
a very proactive decision. For me right now, confidently not confidently.

I'm not confident in my running. I've been getting into running.
It's just a fun thing to do. Um kind of
it actually sucks to do, but I enjoy the task
based effort. But you know, I'm not confident in my
ability to run distance right now. But what I'm doing
is is acknowledging it. I think that's the first thing,
is acknowledging what aren't you confident about and being okay

with that, be settled with that, because once you're you're
acknowledging it, then you can start putting in things and
habits to change that. Um, maybe it's a different kind
of confidence. I feel like someone asking this this question
to ask is like, Hey, you guys are on camera
all the time, or you guys in content, Like how
do you build confidence that way? Yeah? And I think
that's proper. What you were saying is like understanding where

the lack is and where you're lacking. Craig, I'm pretty
sure it's Craig Chell who says it. You can't defeat
what you can't define, and you have to you have
to define where you're lacking and what that thing is
and then put in active steps to change that, you
know what I mean? Like and and Zach, we talked
about it all the time when we talk about the
comic habits, like you were saying before, But excuse me,

but like for me right now, I'm every day. I'm
I am practicing music and I've never been consistent with
it ever. And I realized, like, dude, I like write
songs and I do and I release music like and
I don't even actually consider myself a musician because I'm
not actively m M practicing that craft. And I needed

to have that mental shift. And it's been over a
month of consistently building the habit of I'm I'm doing
my vocal training every day, I am practicing my guitar,
and I'm practicing piano every day, and I suck at piano.
I never played piano, and now I'm learning and I'm
like getting better. I'm playing through full songs now and
like doing and it's like, oh my gosh, it's only
been a month and now I'm like, no, I am

a musician. Well before, I had to have that identity
change in my head, like I am a musician, Therefore,
I'm going to practice my instruments every day, not not
the other way around. If I'm going to practice my
instruments every day to become a musician, you need to
have that identity shift first, even with understanding where the

lack is so you can like defeat the problem. Absolutely, Yeah,
I feel like that's philosophy one oh one too. It's
like I'm in a nerd out for a quick sec.
Have you guys ever heard a guy named Renee Decarte.
He is famous for this line, I think, therefore I
am right, And that's exactly what you're saying. It was like,
I think therefore I am It's like, so when I

used to raise stirtbikes, there's just about Formula one. I
haven't gotten a Formula one yet. I'm still waiting for
my my shirt daddy to pay for me to get
into Formula one. If you just don't know, form one
costs millions of dollars to get into you, So like
like ten twenty mile over the course of your childhood,

I think I missed that boat. But there's always this
rule whenever. There's always this rule in racing dirt pikes
where you're gonna go where you look. So if you
look at a tree, you're gonna hit the tree. And
that's why with horses they put blinders on them so much,
because it keeps them from losing sight of where they're going.
And I just can't help but think of like back

to what you zach both were heading on, which is like, okay,
well where has your self confidence gone? Okay, because think
about whenever you're a baby and you're just learning how
to walk, you know, the baby is so excited to
stumble a few steps and then falls down and then
everyone collapsed, like and then and then everyone's so excited,
and the baby's jacked and the parents are act the

parents are upset. The parents aren't saying, oh, you couldn't
walk through steps that that guy, you know, No, everyone's
so excited. So it's that guy. So in between his
pants and guy I can't believe that guy did it again,
the tech guy. So in between learning how to walk
as a baby and where you are right now, where
did you lose yourself confidence? Because there's a baby, they're

not worried about having the confidence. They just do. There's
no confidence required, it's just it's just action. It's execution,
and I'm gonna do this. I mean as many times
as I fall down to my butt, I'm gonna get
back up and do it again. It's like Rocky. Okay,
if you're watching on YouTube, please don't judge me for
that didn't like that was a lit second. You went

from being chatted to whatever the heck that other guy.
I know what you're trying to do. Good, just look
at me straight. We're gonna take a quick break. Hank
Tight will be right back. Oh god, my god. So

what I'm saying is I want to know what happened
yourself confidence because along the way, it feels like it
gets chipped out over time. And I remember, even whenever
I was as young as nine years old, um, a
distant family member, I think I even shared this on
a podcast I can't remember, but a distant family member
ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up,
and I told them I wanted to play in the NFL.

And they're like, well, good luck with that, they said
other words. But you know, and as a nine year
old kicking his dream down like that, that's just not
a good look. And so people, your your family, your friends,
your own thoughts about yourself, your community, the bullys at school,
your teachers, everybody is either going to shape your confidence
or destroy it. And you have to really acknowledge that
it's going to be impacted. Because when you're a baby

and all you know is do, your confidence doesn't really
get shaken. But as you do get to a place
where you understand and you process and you think, you rationalize,
you start to talk yourself out of stuff, and that's
when things a sketchy um and and just to build
off of that tory and I actually saw this quote
the other day as we're thinking about this topic. I'm
gonna read it and I'm gonna try my best to

explain it. But it's because it kind of worded a
little weird, but it says this, most people think they
need more information, not realizing that this is your egos
attempt to protect you from doing the thing that you fear.
And so what what that the author of whoever wrote
that is basically saying is that, oh, I just need
more information on that. What is actually happening is is

your ego saying, hey, you're afraid of this, I'm gonna
protect you from the fear of failure. And so I'm
already attacking your confidence because you're afraid to move, if
you're afraid to act. And I think something that we
should absolutely talk about is that, like the fear of
failure and where does that come from? Because again, like
I don't really see babies having that, So where where

do you learn the fear of failure because there's so
many things that I have refused to do because I
was afraid of failing, not for my own sake, but
for what other people would think. And what a terrible
way to live. Imagine living your whole life and regret
because of things you didn't do because you're afraid of
what people would think about you. That scares to live
in life out of me. I'm more scared of that

than I am of actually failing. Well, I think it
goes it goes back to your identity, right, Like where
does your identity come from? And who are you trying
to please? For? Who? Yeah? Because if it's for if
all you are, if you're only worried about pleasing random people,

your identity, it's stuck in pleasing other people, other people
and their image of you. Yeah, and you're not like
you're never going to make everyone happy ever. And that's
that's one thing Like I had to deal with it,
Like part of I don't know, I feel like it
was a piece when I was going through depression more

on my most recent time going through depression, A small
piece of the bigger puzzle of that whole season was
I was so affected by like opinions and people's views
of me, both whether it was online or personally or family, mean,
whatever it was, it was like this weird thing, and

I feel like I was having this identity crisis, right,
And it got to a point where even like on
a practical level, not that this was like my saving
grace in it, but like now all the way on
the other side and looking at it on the other end,
I'm like, dude, it is so bad for my business
as a content creator, as a content creator to worry

about certain people or a group of people getting upset
about what I make. Like I'm a Christian, therefore I'm
going to upset some people just because I'm a Christian,
so like they're excluded from like wanting to watch my
content if they don't want to watch a Christian content creator.
And then you know, like maybe some people just don't

enjoy my personality and they comment something me and I'm
not going to please that person. This is my personality.
Like I can't change my personality. And if I'm more
confident in myself and who I am, and that kind
of like going down that road, and like you said,
looking down the path I need to go down and

stop worrying about everything on the far side. I'm going
to do better in my lane farther down the road,
faster and like climb that ladder way way like more confidently,
quicker in less distracted, in a healthier way when I'm

not worried about when if there's if there are people
kind of like giving you a little bit of crap
and whatever. It is, Like sometimes that's a good thing,
you know what I mean. It means that you're in
your lane and it's not affecting you. It means you're
in your lane, you're confident. I don't know, maybe I'm
just rambling on here, but that's kind of like something
I've been dealing with now is like understanding that I

don't need to worry and micromanage every little thing that
people say about me. Yeah, it's impossible to please everyone,
and as you're sharing that, I just can't help. But
I feel like I got this picture of like there's
like two scenes where this person is walking and now
into like a big stadium, right, but they're on like
on the ground of a big stadium with seats like

seventy thou people, but the stadium is empty and they're
going to perform something. You know, how do you feel
when you're gonna How do you feel when you're going
to perform for an empty stadium versus how do you
feel when you're going to perform for a full stadium.
It's the same. It's you're you're performing the same song
or whatever. You're in the same venue at the same time,
the same clothes, the same everything. But the difference is

there's seventy thousand people watching you. And why does that
make such a big difference in the way you feel
internally and and and confidence wise? Why does your confidence
shutter when there's eyes on you versus whenever you're alone.
It's because we're afraid of people's opinions, were of people's thoughts.
Were afraid of being embarrassed. We're afraid of shame, we're
fraid of guilt. We're fraid of all those things. And
those things are normal, right, but that doesn't mean that

we need to live underneath them. There's it's kind of
like what you're saying about Craig grocell. You, Um, how
do you say you can't defeat what you can't define? Yeah,
And so now that we know that, okay, doing things
in front of people actually causes me to be a
little bit more anxious and lose them self confidence and
can be worried and all this stuff. Now now now
I can define it. Now, how do I work on that?

How do I look more often? Yeah, practice, practice, repetition, experience,
and and remembering that you're not doing it like well,
if you're us were people that believe in God, you're
not doing it like just for those people, unit for God.
And so ultimately he's the real witness, He's the real
you know, work hard and work hard is for the
Lord and not for man. And so I want to

be excellent and nervous about how good I'm gonna do
for him in a good way, by the way, not
just for everyone else's opinion, because everyone else's opinion is
going to is going to differ slightly by how they see,
how they perceive what I'm doing when I'm presented. It's
about where your confidence lies, right, That's what I love.
I don't know who that I think wasny Bee Gay,
but about where your confidence lies. And like confidence is
like the feeling of I'm reading the definition, by the way,

I didn't just remember this, but like confidence is the
feeling of belief that one can have faith in or
rely on someone or something. And it's like, Okay, where
does your faith lie? Is that? That's actually what we're
asking here. Where does your faith lie? Is it in yourself?
Is it in God? Is it in your family around you?
Where does that lie? And once you know that, once
you have that anchor point, that's exactly what you're saying,
game like, then you can repeat. You can like, Okay,

whenever I find myself in this hard place or I'm
doubting myself, because I feel like the opposite of faith
is doubt. So if you're not confident, you're actually doubting.
I don't know for me, Like when why do I
say that? Like that? Did you hear that from me? Um?
But when tell us about confidence? Confidence in yourself? Dude?

I know how funny is bro? That's okay? Actually though,
Actually a great example just there is that my I
have a lot of self doubt in the way that
I speak straight up. We're getting there in the podcast,
like and I know, Chad you've struggled with this a
little bit as well, and I love you to go
into it as well. But I fully the more I
do this. The more that I'm on camera, the more
that I doubt myself. How funny is really more confident.

The more I should get more confident because I'm still
doing it and I'm still here. And so every day, dude,
every day is a prayer to God, Like every time
we do the podcast, every time I make a YouTube video.
It's like, God, I believe that, like my unfair advantages,
my skill sets, you have brought me here. Like that
is so core for me even getting through this, because

otherwise I feel like I don't bring any value. I
don't and that that is a lack of self confidence
right there. And so I don't know, Chad, if you
wanted to speak into that. I like a side story,
but I'd love to know more about that. It's it's
it's a it's a good side story, right, It's like
it's it's the most important one because it's, you know,
the worst side story. Oh my gosh, I can't. I

can't buckle him. Brother, Yeah for this, Ad, so Zach
and you know this, but you know, there's a big
difference between knowing in your brain and knowing in your heart, right,
and so this is something that I think really needs
to be written there is that. You know, God does
not work in the spirit of fear. See right there,

the enemy's attacking. Dude, Zach loses connection right when I'm
going down, then he's trying to get him right now,
What the heck, dude, Lord, we just asked that you'll
make this connection feel strong and it won't be lost,
and Zach will come back and the the latency or whatever,
the lag won't be anything. In Jesus name, We're back there, Zach.

I just pray for the whole thing. The devil is
trying to poop on our party now, I just freaking you, alright,
So today Satan, not today Satan. So as I was saying,
it's really important to remember and etch you on our
hearts that God does not work in the spirit of fear,
but in the spirit of power and of love and
of and of sound mind. Okay. And so when you
are feeling fearful, that's not of God. That's of the enemy.

And so for me, I'm very competitive. So the times
I do feel fear, I'm like, oh, that's not of
that's not of God. That's of the enemy. So even
though I'm feeling fearful, I don't want him to get
what he wants right, And I'm gonna not live underneath fear,
but I'm instead going to pursue power and love and
of sound mine and and so it's really important to
to be able to rain night in because those moments

you are feeling fearful. It's like when Moses, Okay, I'm
just gonna break kind of break down from scripture. Are
you already out here? Okay? So Moses is out there,
and I'm paraphrasing this by the way, so all you
theology people just hanging there with me, I thought that
was Moses was out there. He was out there, he
was out here, Moses. I thought that was the original

Hebrew gosh, I put some Yiddish on it. So so
Moses out there, he's in the world nurse. And then
he sees this burning bush and he and he starts
walking towards it, and he hears Divorce of the Lord
say stop where you're standing and take off your sandals,
for you are on holy ground. And the first thing
that Moses does is he shields his face. And so

what he said in that moment is I am not
worthy of being here. I'm already not good enough. That's
strike number one. Okay, So then he walks over there
and then God basically says, hey, I want you to go,
tell Pharaoh to let my people go or else right,
and then Moses is like, what, I've been out here
and this doesn't for long? For so long? Who shall

I say sent me? God says, tell them I am?
But Moses said, he said, literally that moment, who shall
I say sent me? Because no one's gonna believe me. God,
I'm no one. I am no one. God, who shall
I say sent me? I need the confidence someone else?
And God said, tell them I am, tell them I
am with you. And so but that's strike number two
or Moses didn't believe in himself. And then it takes

it a step further. He's like, what am I supposed
to say? Like these I've been gone for so long,
Like they're not going to believe me. I need something
to you. I need something else added into me, right.
I need a fat bank account, I need a cool car.
I need a nice relationship to add to my self
worth that way I feel worthy of having self confidence.
I need to add to me. And God said, okay,

I got you, fam I mean, okay, take that vial
that you have, and fill it up with the Nile
river when you poured out or to pour out in
the blood. Take that staff that your step dad gave you,
put it on the ground. It will turn into a snake.
Then grab it back up and it'll come back up.
And it even gave another a third one, which is
take your hand and put it into your cloak and
pull it out, and it became leprous. Then put it
back in your cloat and pull it out and it's healed.

God said, I'm gonna give you these three things. You're
not even gonna need all of them to show them
that I am sending you. You know what Moses said
after that? He said, but Lord, you know I'm heart
of the mouth, and I have trouble speaking, Like how
will I know what to say? You know what God says.
Don't you know who gave you that mouth? Was it
not I, the Lord, your God? Didn't I knit you
in the womb perfectly? Aren't you fearfully wonderfully made? Can

I not work in your weaknesses where I'm made strong?
Can I not do this for you and with you
and through you? You understand that God said I gave
you that mouth and guess what Moses says, Please send
someone else, please not me, God. And then God said,
Moses brother and him, and he gave it. He gave
a friend, he gave him a teammate to do it.

But God could have done it just with Moses alone,
without all the extra stuff. And so it's normal for
us to feel that fear as we walk through and
see someone who's so powerfully meek like Moses, and literally
was a shepherd and the most dangerous climates, and yet
he was afraid and said to the Lord his God, no, no, no, no,
no no. He said it like six times. I'm not
able to do this myself. But God said, I am

made perfect in your weakness. I can do this. And
so we need to walk forward with that confidence to
know that we don't have to have our confidence our
own abilities, because we have an infinitely powerful, loving God
that we can depend on to push us and usher
us forward into his callings that he asked for us,
where he will complete to work. We just do the walking.
And so I just had to run off for a
quick sec Zack. You hear that? You hear that? What

is that? Staines? Did you hear all that I did
you are you taking notes? I'm like, what do you say?
Did you hear what he was saying? Zack? Who gave
you that mouth? Right? But dude, preach man, I feel
like that was a moment. Well, I have one more

thing to say about that. The reason I feel that
and believe that because I strugg I'm Moses. I'm the
guy that has a speech impediment. Where this is kind
of funny, Zack, because the more I practice working on
my speech impediment, the better I feel. Actually where you
what you're sharing is the more you're in front of
the camera, the less good you feel. But for me,
I found that the more I'm in it, you know

it's gonna happen, right And so I'm just here and
I'm just trying to own it like we're filming pivotal
things right now because just like everything you said, just
like gave me such a big sense of confidence. Like
I'm not even kidding, I'm just like, well, and it's
just about believing that like we are put in this place,
we are wonderfully made by God, like for such a
time as this. Yeah, man, and and I think if

not if anything else, like whatever, but like everything you
said I needed to hear selfishly like I needed that
was for me, and so thank you, bro. I mean,
I just yeah, I mean I know that it's just
comes with time, it just comes with practice, and just
like anything in life, I think as we journey through life,
it's just the practice and and working through those moments
and refining and defining who you are. Who you are

in yourself but in God. That's where confidence comes from.
And I'm always so encouraged when I'm with you guys
because I can see that you've been actively doing that,
you know, and I don't know if you guys see that, Um,
it's it's a pretty self reflective thing. I don't think
you wake up being like, well, I was super confident yesterday,
Like I don't think it's like that's probably not necessarily
the most genuine confidence. But I just want you guys

to know that now I'm getting emotional the like me
journeying with you guys gives me confidence because you guys
actively pursue your confidence and actively pursue God and what
he's called you to do. So like anyway, you guys,
I love that due Oh my gosh, dude, it makes
me think of another story around Moses. You guys keep

talking where that's where God there's basically this battle happening
between I think the Israelites and another army. And then
God tells Moses, hey, I'm going to give you victory
as long as you hold up that staff, that that
that I've given you above your head like this, and
so Moses like perfect fan thanks, and then and then
they're out there. I think, guess guess what. Ten minutes later,

his arms are burning. They're so heavy there, it's so
hard to hold up that staff for that long. And
so what is his community do They hold them up?
They put a rock him sit down, and each one
of his friends hold up his arm and hold up
the arm like this so that the army could have victory.
And that's what we do for each other. I mean,
that's what this podcast is. It's it's holding each other accountable,

it's holding each other's arms up that way we may
have victory. And so this is this is important. Mean,
this is real life. As much as we joke and
stuff like that, you know, I love the joke so
funny because like literally last podcast was was it was loose,
we were wild, and now this podcast is is so

meaty and so good, and I'm just I feel like
I'm the audience. I'm just like, Zach, what do you
have to learn? Chad Fire? It's so good man, Yeah, dude,
honestly I needed to hear that too. Just I don't know.
I think I've been going through that similar thing, not

so much like on an identity level like I was
mentioning before, but just with a lot of there's a
lot of shifting happening on in like deinized world and
just change that's happening, and there's there's just that part
of me that's kind of like, am I actually fit
to handle this? Am I actually fit and equipped to

like a take on this next season that we're going through?
And honestly, probably not. But that doesn't mean I can't
do it, you know? Am I equipped? Probably not? I don't.
I don't know all the things that I need to
know to go through this next season that we're going through,
but like I know that I'm happy to go through

it because that's where God has put me and He's
given me that responsibility and I need to take that
on confidently because if I don't, um, I don't know yeah.
I love this quote by Tony Robbins where he said,
never be limited by your resources. Oh my gosh, be
limited by your resourcefulness. And so even if you don't

know how to do it right now, you're going to
step into it and then own it, because that's what
we have to do, is step into something. And that's
where confidence comes in. Key, because like if you fully
know everythinging, you're not confident, You're just you're just an expert.
You know. There's because confidence come in. It comes in
where you're just like it somethings like bravery. It's like, Okay,

I need to do something because I'm I'm actively hurdling fear.
That's where confidence comes in, the and the and so
it's kind of like, are you confident to learn? Yeah?
Are you yeah? Yeah? Are you confident to put yourself
out there? What do you have to lose? Because whenever
I moved to l A my first time, I had
like six hundred bucks and on a card that was
about to break down and a computer that was about

to break down, on a phone that did break down. Like,
but so what did I have to lose by moving
out there? I just graduated college. What did I have
to lose. But guess what when I started modeling in
South Beach and I started making a little guacamole, and
then my agent was like, hey, can you move out
to Europe for you know, a year, and and can
you lose all your clients that are making that that

guacamole in your bank account looks really nice? You know?
I had so much to lose, and I was afraid
because I was afraid of that what would happen to
me if I did something right? I think that's important,
is too are we making decisions out of confidence or
making decisions out of desperation? Because desperation can be a
big driver of action. Think about eating. Imagine if you're

desperate to eat, you guys, ever been desperate to eat?
Oh my gosh, every every two hours runs. I'm so
eager to give my tithe and get a free chicken
sand much. But it's serious, you know, and I think
it's important. It's a total perspective shift of saying, Okay,
I'm gonna act. I'm gonna act out of confidence on

a desperation because it's not about what I'm gonna lose,
It's about what I'm gonna learn. Yo, what's up guys.
Thank you so much for watching this episode of prompt Us.
Make sure to go to prompt us podcast dot com
and met your own prompts and we will see you
in the next one. From Us is a production of
iHeart Radio. For more podcasts from iHeart Radio, visit the
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