All Episodes

November 27, 2023 47 mins

This week Questlove and Team Supreme catch up with Ilana Glazer, the hilarious actress and writer known for co-creating and starring in Comedy Central's Broad City. She gives her take on life mid Rona in Brooklyn and everything she's learned in this process. Yup this is a funny episode not to be missed!


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Quest Love Supreme is a production of iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
What's Up, Everybody? It's Unpaid Bill from Quest Love Supreme.
This week we'll bring you a classic episode with comedian, actress, director,
and producer Alana Glazer. This one aired back on May thirteenth,
twenty twenty, in the heighten pandemic Quarantine and all that crazy.
Alana Glazer kept the mood light. We had a fun,
casual conversation about life in Corona, times, her show, broad
City and New York City. It's selling even though the

world was very different when we take this. Interviews like
this shaped how we approach QLs ever since.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
Ladies and gentlemen, This is a Quarantine quest broadcasting live
from the Kibbutz Upstate, New York. Welcoming you to another
Quest Love Supreme live edition. We got a good show.
This is a fontigelo What's up?

Speaker 3 (00:57):

Speaker 1 (00:58):
What Up? And unpaid Bill? Hello? I'm here? And uh
Zaccher and Steve Sugar, Steve was up, Steve Light here, Hello, Hello, Hello,
my head is also here on paid bill? So where
are the wild things? A mirror? You've been waiting to

get that? He was waiting to get that. Thoughts lined
off bad as you anyway, I just want to say
that our our special guest today, uh, the brilliant former uh,
formerly known half of the Dynamic broad City duo, not

to mention, fresh off of her Amazon comedy special The
Planet is Burning, which is weird because it might not
be it actually is. We want to welcome a lot
of Glazer to QLs Live audition.

Speaker 3 (02:00):
Hey, y'all, thank you for having me.

Speaker 1 (02:03):
Nice meeting now, like our arms are moving, but nobody
you know everyone. Yeah, I went to the Steve. I
went to the city for the first time yesterday to
go to my apartment. Uh, and it was seven o'clock
and so I participated in the noise making.

Speaker 4 (02:23):
The clapping for the people, for the service workers and everything.

Speaker 1 (02:27):
Yeah, yeah, the clap.

Speaker 3 (02:29):
The clap is sick. It's actually everyone like with like
chips for this.

Speaker 5 (02:34):
I hope that's Oh we hear you you do.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
I saw you'd be like, oh you like creamer backed
off it when I like.

Speaker 1 (02:41):
Yeah, I was like not at all, we're snacking as well.

Speaker 3 (02:45):
What the flavor was still pickle chips.

Speaker 1 (02:49):
I have a question, who of us is is quarantining
with more than three people? Lots of people? Wait, Bill,
how many people. Are you quarantining with me? One? Yes,
you're alone girlfriend. Oh you're not even living with freaking freck. No,

freaking frek with their mother head freck.

Speaker 6 (03:16):
Oh, I don't mean like that. She's great. I hope
she's watching nothing. She's fantastic.

Speaker 1 (03:29):
I like that.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
When you're doing this over bunchies, they're like.

Speaker 3 (03:32):
I'm like, okay, So I don't know why I assume
snacks for they are.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
No, they are totally no. Bill's not here, Willow snacking.

Speaker 5 (03:47):
Right here, let's snacks.

Speaker 4 (03:49):
The one to get up on is these right here,
the these Trader Joe's chips right here? Why are they
on crack crack cocaine.

Speaker 3 (04:01):
Pickle chips?

Speaker 1 (04:02):
I did not know that was like that.

Speaker 7 (04:05):
Yo. Trader Jos had a Trader Joe's has a rustic
potato kettle kettle potato chip.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
I've had it. It's amazing.

Speaker 3 (04:13):
Say that.

Speaker 7 (04:14):
The flavor was it's rusted potato, tastes like a kettle.

Speaker 1 (04:19):
Got it?

Speaker 5 (04:20):
Oh, you know everything is better with its kettle.

Speaker 3 (04:23):
You guys know. Sorry, I'm like, I guess like it's
like hard social graces assume you guys know everything. But
the bagel from Trader Joe's. Oh, I haven't used it yet.

Speaker 5 (04:33):
I got the Mommy Mommy's two. It's like three new
seasons a Trader Joe's.

Speaker 3 (04:38):
Oh really, I do. I just I know that everything
bagel one and I do. I just licked my hand
put a little Everything is so being good. I saw
an empty bottle on the sidewalk through day and I
was like, that weren't empty. I like, would potentially still
like it is.

Speaker 1 (05:01):
That's a game. Everything about the bail.

Speaker 7 (05:04):
I'm just gonna say, Trader Joe's, it really is the
best thing ever outside of them not being located in
any hood in any city, but outside of that, they
are amazing.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
Yeah. Well, okay, I was asking the number count of
people sharing space quarantining because now I know too so
when I was young, when I was younger, when I
was younger, my dad was notorious for he was one
of the dads that would mark the juice bottle with
the sharpie and all the worst. Don't drink my juice,

like this is my ship, don't touch it. How many
people with you?

Speaker 3 (05:39):

Speaker 1 (05:40):
Send them on the video?

Speaker 5 (05:41):
Are you sure what you're on?

Speaker 1 (05:44):
One night?

Speaker 5 (05:45):
I'm sorry, Yes, it's chicken, Tara.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
I was saying, wait, are we are we eating? Protested
Bill not doing.

Speaker 5 (05:54):
I mean because Alana eating?

Speaker 1 (05:56):
Yes, thank you giving producing the snack.

Speaker 3 (05:59):
Wait, I have a question. Would your dad write dad
or his first name?

Speaker 1 (06:08):
No, he would just mark the apple juice bottle where
it was last, where he last. He was super petty,
and then.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
Assumed it's dad's. This is like the level of checking
on the kids.

Speaker 1 (06:26):
You just had issues. We had issues about the juice level.
Like in a black and a black household, the juice
juice is like that's that's you know, that's currency. I
can have all the water I want as long as
I feel the water bottle back up, you know, by
the time it gets to the bottom. But but you

got to go to the you can't house juice. I
don't think I was housing juice. And he would also
house his intimate peak compile, you know, the intimate pecancakes. Yeah. Yeah,
he was petty with them. But I'm only asking now
now that I'm sharing space and I'm like looking forward

to like my snack, and then somebody that got you it's.

Speaker 3 (07:15):
I might be a little petty myself. What was it?
What was it?

Speaker 5 (07:21):
Please tell me? What was the snack? Please me.

Speaker 1 (07:24):
You know, it's it's just like it's it's it's a
community here. So I'm trying to be Wait have you noticed,
I'm like, look in this direction.

Speaker 8 (07:36):
Right now.

Speaker 1 (07:37):
You ain't locked in it. You ain't locked in a
coat all you.

Speaker 3 (07:40):
I just.

Speaker 1 (07:42):
Wonder it might head ten people to left watching it
right now? Just about what the you know what we're
we're eight deep. We're eight deep. No, but I'm it's
a large space too, so but almost no, I'm in
I guess a lot of trust.

Speaker 5 (07:59):
That's a lot of trust.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
Well, I mean, the thing is is that one like
we're the only people here, and so you know, I
can go outside, you know, visit the apple orchard or
you know whatever, and I'm I'm into one's guest house.
So I mean, but wait, why are you acting like

networking isn't a part of life?

Speaker 5 (08:25):
Networking networking.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
Network in your line of business. Yes, you've been a professional.
Don't act like you just some intern off the street.
Like you connect with people and you when she hits
the fan, I got you, I got you.

Speaker 7 (08:45):
Oh yeah, you know what a mirror that's networking on
a different level though, like having infinite ability to stay
at a State orchard.

Speaker 1 (08:52):
No that's no, that's not amazing. No, it's not. You
don't I don't think you have to be in a
privileged position to get those favors.

Speaker 5 (09:00):
I just said, you're a really good person. He doesn't
know what I'm being serious.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
I don't you guys us send me apples a mere Yeah,
I need a peck.

Speaker 5 (09:12):
Are you making apple sauce? Like baby boom?

Speaker 3 (09:15):
Oh my god, I just catch that ship. Yes, that
was as she brought back to the big City.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
Yeah, there's enough eggs and enough apple sauce.

Speaker 3 (09:25):
Do you feel like the chickens a couple of friends upstate?
Do you feel like extra isolated in your quarantine? Are
you like giving the fuck away?

Speaker 1 (09:32):
Nah? I can't wait like this all right?

Speaker 3 (09:34):
So what to come back?

Speaker 1 (09:36):
I left? I left my apartment, uh, like a four
in the morning driving back. And you know, normally I
would say that the first time I came up to Westchester,
like I was making fun of people because my whole
jown was like I can't go nowhere where there's not
a twenty four hour pharmacy near or just something, and

I would make fun of all world. Are upstate property?

Speaker 3 (10:03):

Speaker 1 (10:03):
No, no, no, I'm like whatever. But now when I
drove here today, I was relieved to get here, like
I think I'm done with cramped living and just I
mean the city is Yeah. I read an article someone
made Rose the article the other day.

Speaker 4 (10:23):
They were talking about how post COVID they think that
New York is going to be a much younger city
because older, you know, like just what you're saying, like
they're not going with that.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
Everyone's leaving. Like in my apartment building right now, seventy
of all the residents have left. Good. Yeah that that
that remains in the air. And you know, with my my,
my joint at least coming up, I might be joining them.

Like I've already looked at like four cribs up here,
already upstated mirror, we'll be neighbors. And that's ridiculous. I
love that. Wait, you're you're up here now in Westchester too,
but not I mean Westchesters of large. Can you name
your your borough? Repub borough? What part voting on Hudson,
which sounds like it's not it's almost Hudson. I got.

I got my eyes on Brewster. Brewsters, like that's the
that's the Williamsburg I'm hearing that's the Williamsburg of Westchester.
He can that's another place that I can see that
you think, you like a.

Speaker 5 (11:27):
Lot of where are you?

Speaker 3 (11:29):
I'm in Brooklyn. But I'm also like, I'm too old
to do this.

Speaker 1 (11:34):
I learned.

Speaker 3 (11:36):
Thirty three and I'm like, oh, thirty three Boro, that's
when Jesus returned, and that's when I'm left. I'm too
fucking my And you know, I'm comfortable here. My partner
and I are here and we're like we've just been
driving up to Bear Mountain every fucking weekend and we're like, uh,

just it's just like I got to get the fuck
out of here. Event Like it just is part of me.
Is like it's like sweet here, and everybody's like, hey, hi,
there's just like tenderness, this like New York City tenderness.
But yeah, I think like it's I feel like thirty
plus thirty five plusses just changing the way we thought we.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
I need space, I need air.

Speaker 5 (12:22):
I never thirty five year olds in Brooklyn. That's going
to be like, oh, I of everything.

Speaker 3 (12:29):
It's like sleep away camp. I'm like, oh yeah, New
York is like sleep away camp. And I'm I'm exhausted
at the end of the summer, and.

Speaker 1 (12:38):
A lot of people don't know about sleep away Camp.
I assume that you went to sleep away Camp.

Speaker 3 (12:42):
I didn't. I was a little nerd who would like,
do you know, like day camp And also just like
I did like teen tours one summer or two, but
I was like went home on the weekends to be
close to my parents' tour. It's like you go to
like we went to like Virginia Beach and like Maine.

You take like you know, trips or whatever. But it's
not like I don't know, it's not like.

Speaker 5 (13:10):
Like bus trips, but like certain exactly exactly.

Speaker 3 (13:14):
Yeah, yeah, so I did that. Sleep Away Camp was
like for kids who were ready to start like sexually experimenting,
and I was like, I'm going to just fail at
that for a while. First, like you know, Sleepway Camp.

Speaker 5 (13:26):
People fuck and did y'all not see that horror movie
from the eighties, But I want.

Speaker 1 (13:33):
To say I've seen it because that meant what my
age was.

Speaker 4 (13:38):
So Sleepway Camp was a camp designed for teens that
were beginning to be sexually active.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
Or hold on, hold on a second, no, Steve, Steve
want to add in. Steve rarely interject. I went to
summer sleep away camp for nine summers. I didn't get once. Okay,
so I don't know what the heck she's talking about.

Speaker 3 (14:00):
Okay, I'm about your life.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
I knew that I paid for at least ten people
to sleep away camps.

Speaker 5 (14:05):
So wait, Bill said he got he got his though, right, No, no, no.

Speaker 1 (14:08):
I never got laid at Sleepway Camp.

Speaker 2 (14:10):
I later went back and was a counselor out of
Sleepway Camp whereverybody fucked all the time.

Speaker 1 (14:14):
And that is I was going to say, please, don't
finish that story, yo, yo, did y'all see the preview
for the new show on Bravo that's all about like
adult like sleep away camps.

Speaker 7 (14:22):
Have y'all seen this? This is like a no oh son.
So there are like these places out in the country where.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
Like, wait, weren't you at uh the wedding with me
when we did that David Crosses and Amber Tamley, weren't
you there? Okay? They did it what you're describing, like good,
I'm sorry for introduce.

Speaker 5 (14:44):
No no, no, I don't, but they do.

Speaker 7 (14:45):
So it's just grown up doing like all of the
kind of grown up version of the kid games and
people know, you stay there for like a week or
so or whatever and buck, Wow, I just it looks
so fun.

Speaker 1 (14:56):
All right, So when David and Amber got married, they
did it like a sleep away camp. Only problem was
it was October, so it was freezing. But like that
weekend they did, you did twelve year old ship, like
the potato sack race and the zip line thing and

all that stuff, but for a weekend.

Speaker 5 (15:22):
And you know, I said, cool white people should cool
white people like summer camps.

Speaker 7 (15:31):
Like as we as you know, as you see who's
asking the questions about Sleepway Camp, we don't really know
not something that we did so for the other.

Speaker 3 (15:38):
Camp and all that stuff camp like the like potato
sack existential freedom, fun or whatever I.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
Said, potato sack race. As in I was trying to
think of like something that's camp be for a twelve
year old but uh, you know, I mean there there.

Speaker 3 (15:51):
Has to be. Like I went to a wedding that
was like that, these two dudes who got married, and
it was a Sleepway camp like that for like a
long weekend. But I'm just not an activities person. I'm like,
let's just like smoke up the edge of the lake
and like people can hook up and whatever, but like,
why do I have to like hold on a rope,
you know what I mean, like and swing or whatever.

Speaker 5 (16:11):
So we would smoke and then we roast like marshmallows along.

Speaker 3 (16:14):
Yeah, that's my shit.

Speaker 1 (16:16):
I'm shocked. I'm shocked that you're slackery is I would
have figured that you were like off for the adventure.

Speaker 3 (16:21):
No, it's more like to talk about you know what
I mean. It's like it's not like the physical.

Speaker 1 (16:26):
You know, I'm with you, okay, so there no zip line.
It's this I feel it's this. I don't know with
my idea of Corona body around the corner. I'm down
a lake. Dude, it's getting scary. How far are you
away from your Corona body? How many dog it's getting scary, dude.

This is day forty This day thirty nine. Um, I
think that's taken off like twenty one pounds. I love it.
I love it, But this time I'm not trying, which
is scaring the shit out of me. So it's probably
like the last time I read this, I was like
day forty six, day forty seven, we were there, you know,

like I'm wearing I'm wearing d nce gear now, like
normally I have to wear my wear my like make
my own clothes and all that stuff.

Speaker 3 (17:22):
Is it more about food or exercise?

Speaker 1 (17:26):
I think it's eighty percent food twenty percent exercise right now. Okay,
So the greatest thing I've discovered besides Trader Joe's, there's
there's a woman who is starting a company. I've been
begging for carbless bread for the longest. Carbless bread.

Speaker 5 (17:51):
Yeah, He've been talking about this, He says.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
Gods have heard my cry. Matter of fact, hang on
a second. She there, she's there. What's that? So this
is barbleous corn bread?

Speaker 3 (18:03):
I'm like, I'm like indulging in bread like normally. I'm like,
you know, you're like out of the fucking house so
much that I have like a system of how I
like operate or whatever, like a crazy person bringing like
carrying like a disgusting smoothie container for twelve hours after
I step you know what I mean. It's like, what
the fuck kind of life am I living? Well?

Speaker 1 (18:35):
So what's your daily what's your daily ritual? You bake
your own Now it's the typical day.

Speaker 3 (18:42):
What time do you get up typical pre COVID times
or during.

Speaker 5 (18:46):
Now now in the time of the Rona.

Speaker 3 (18:49):
In time of the Rona, I'm getting at at like nine,
and I start working around eleven, and I work from
eleven to seven or eight.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
Just ask, when you open your eyes at nine, how
long is it before you realize what you've woken up into.
I eve a temptation to not look at the news
of the phone, to see like, is this the day
that we have a cure? Is this that you know?

Speaker 3 (19:19):
I have been like totally avoiding the news almost completely.
If I do listen, it's like democracy now, you know,
democracy now, listen to that maybe once a week, once
or twice a week. But I'm just like the New
York Times is like, oh, Corona charts. We have another chart.
It's like they're just like loving this shit, you know
what I mean. It's like it's not like new information
or whatever. I'm not watching Como. I'm like, great, I'm

so glad he's like being a human being or whatever.
But I'm not. I can't even indulge in the change.
So I and like, I try to do some sort
of workout.

Speaker 7 (19:52):
How do you prepare for this though? As a writer,
Like how do you feel about this the industry or
in your creativity.

Speaker 1 (19:59):
How do you?

Speaker 3 (20:00):
I had too much fucking shit going on, and I'm like,
how did I? At first, I was like so angry
at myself. I was like, why did I think I
could live three lives in one body. I was so
harsh to myself where I was like, you stupid big
you could live three. I was like so mean about it.
And it's like, yeah, I don't know that's what the
world was. But now and so I had like development

stuff that I'm working on, like my own writing, and
then uh, you know, raising up young writers projects. I
was doing stand up and I was doing uh like
production services, this this company that I'm I'm building star
Picks and production services. It's like, who the fuck knows
stand up? I'm like, I'm not gathering people together till

there's a vaccine. And now with writing, I'm like, yeah, bitch,
focus and just be And I got enough going on,
and I'm like and I'm not like i I'm I'm
like a busy body. So it's like I think I
just like stayed and then the creativity kind of comes
as it comes, and I do take like at night,

I'm like, no emails on weekends, no emails, just like
get the fuck away. It's hard on like Sunday and
sometimes like maybe I will catch up, but it's like no,
just stay away. That work is there all the fucking time,
you know, it's like available there. Yeah, yeah, what do you?

Speaker 1 (21:21):
What do you? Because even now, like I'll stay busy,
but I still find myself like avoiding certain things that
I should be doing, Like what do you creative wise?
What do you what do you keep putting off?

Speaker 3 (21:35):
You mean like your screenplay type of thing exactly? You
know that I have this thing where it's like I
have this essay I want to write about how COVID
is not the great equalizer that I just can't write.
People are like, oh, equal equal. It's like no, COVID's
exposing how poor people are poor and rich people are rich.

It's not the equal it's the system revealer. I've just
been wanting to write this essay and I'm like, I
don't know myself as an essay writer yet, but scripts,
I'm like really sort of and like outlines and shit
and pitches are like coming to me. But this essay
writing vibe, I'm just like, I guess because I don't
read essays and I like barely read.

Speaker 1 (22:21):
So has there has there been any thought or temptation
to resurrect half a project with abs via Zoom Because
the thing is is that even when I watched when
I watched the show, a lot of your extras were

YouTube communicating via Skype or whatever the technology was in
twenty eleven, twenty twelve, So it's almost like a broad
city was created for Zoom culture years before. Now we
live by Zoom. I wasn't doing this four weeks ago.

Speaker 3 (23:11):
I'm a big facetimer. You know. I love to FaceTime.
So I'm glad that I like was on that tip
before it was forced upon me. But like, Abby and
I actually have shit going, so I'm like, we're already
doing the things we have. We're like, oh my god,
thank you Jesus that we have had an animated pilot
going that we're like working on that, and we have

a couple uh scripted like live action stuff that we've
been just like raising and raising and raising.

Speaker 1 (23:42):
You don't did you at least warn before. The thing
that I don't like about where we live now is
the amount of people that FaceTime you without warning you
that they're face timing you the FaceTime like it's the new,
like it's a phone call because we're all dusty.

Speaker 5 (24:02):
We're all dusty, and yeah, yeah, I'm like you.

Speaker 3 (24:05):
I don't even call someone. I always pretext. Yeah, even
a phone call. I'm just like phone call. But is
it the nineties? Like it's just too real. Uh, it's
too everybody's like in their own world and like on
the phone, I always pretext before any you can't. I mean, like,
that's that's aggressive FaceTime, straight up FaceTime. And if I

FaceTime someone and they don't pick up, I apologize and
say I know that was aggressive.

Speaker 7 (24:31):
Nah, whoever not post rono, you can FaceTime, okay, straight up.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
There's a six four six person and that like will
FaceTime me five times in a row and then I'll
you know, when when you do the you ever do
the text thing where you just do the sort of
the bunch of exclamation points. They never identify. You should

know who it is, Yo, got an idea for a song?
I know who? All right? So there's there's an industry veteran.
There's there's an industry veteran that I.

Speaker 3 (25:13):
Oh my god, I love that side.

Speaker 5 (25:15):
I love trivia. It's like trivia.

Speaker 1 (25:19):
I'm gonna put this. No, he's an industry veteran, and
I believe that his goal is to get a prominent
singer piano player father that was just recently on our
show a song right now and wants me to be

the bridge that leads to it. But like I know,
I was like, call six times facetiming.

Speaker 3 (25:51):
Like you're not I'm not leaning into this five times
in a row FaceTime to help you bridge the success
of you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (25:58):
But he's like six, he's like sixty eight, So you
don't know, Oh.

Speaker 5 (26:02):
This is somebody else.

Speaker 3 (26:03):

Speaker 5 (26:04):
You must be getting a lot of those because somebody
else hit me up, like I got a song.

Speaker 1 (26:07):
You think that, yeah, it's happening.

Speaker 3 (26:10):
Well, do you guys find like you're living in your
truth or because it is so blank where it's like
you know, like you're like, I'm not fucking answering this,
or if you do, you're like, I'm not doing your
your father musician, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
Whatever the thing is, I'll no, I'll go further with now.
I just have to bluntly tell them that I'm not
in that space like this whole tell me what you
think about this song or you know, I'm doing this,
uh this COVID benefit thing. I want you to They're
trying to do like a Philly we Are the World thing.

It's like, well haul and notes cool.

Speaker 5 (26:47):
Wait not you should no, No, It's like it's.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
The weirdest lineup. It's like they're trying to organize this
we are the Philly like Philly Forever.

Speaker 3 (27:00):
And uh, I'm digging that part of it, at least
that like black and white truth part of it.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
I mean, I'm you know, I'm doing enough fund raising.
I'm just you know, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (27:12):
Are you watching a lot of like shows on white
are YouTube or I like.

Speaker 3 (27:21):
I don't consume much normally, so I'm like just watching
the fucking Sopranos for the first time, Like I never
saw yeah, and I'm like, can you believe of violence?

Speaker 1 (27:33):
Zoe just says hello to you, Zoe gra to me.

Speaker 5 (27:40):
She said, she's obsessed.

Speaker 4 (27:46):
I've never watched Sopranos either. Wait, are you proud of this?

Speaker 1 (27:52):
Heill you just landed on. I'm not really proud.

Speaker 4 (27:57):
I don't care because because we were talking about it,
because we were talking about on Twitter the other day
and I was telling people like Yo. Sopranos gets all
the love, but it was really Odds that really did
it in terms of breaking the in terms of you
know what I'm saying, what we now know is peak
TV was the game changer, you know what I'm saying.
So by the time Sopranos came around, I was like,

I don't care about this ship. I just saw, you know,
motherfuckers get killed in jail.

Speaker 5 (28:23):
You know what, you an't even watch Game of Thrones.
You're just not an HBO here did you stop?

Speaker 1 (28:27):
That's not true. I'm an HBO head. I've been watching watch.
I did watch. I did watch Boardwalk Empire. I did.
I did like Boywalkingpire. Yeah, I'm watching that. That ship
is rough. That's it is. It is rough.

Speaker 5 (28:43):
You watched The Wire too, right?

Speaker 3 (28:45):
Hell yeah?

Speaker 1 (28:46):
Come on?

Speaker 5 (28:46):
Okay, so only got black.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
Gonna have Michael, and Michael has to be because I
watched I watched Six Feet Under. That was really I
just I'm just not like fantasy or like, you know,
like Game of Thrones.

Speaker 9 (29:00):
It was just you know, white people with black people's.

Speaker 3 (29:20):

Speaker 1 (29:20):
I wouldn't I wouldn't end it up.

Speaker 4 (29:22):
And then Sopranos was just like I had seen every
gangster movie, so you know, Good Fellas a sceno, like.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
I just by the time they got as much fe Okay,
The thing is is that because Sopranos came so close
to the edge of where the new technology comes in,
part of my fear is that if I rewatched the Sopranos, Well, no,

it's just that, you know, it was before the age
of the developed cell phones, before the age of like
there's an episode where like a new Starbucks opens across
the street and they're trying to figure out should they
shake them down, only to realize that like, oh, that's
not a mom and pop operation, like we can't. That's
a multi quote right, and that they're the new dinosaurs.

It's so it's very Pelly Jacket.

Speaker 4 (30:19):
No, And you know what, it's an interesting you say
that because the parts of the wire are like that too.
And I still think the wire is like one of
the like the greatest show, but technology, some of that
stuff it didn't really hold up.

Speaker 1 (30:30):
Well yeah, because it could be fixed now, like if
you can send a photo or if you could But
I still say that in my top three, Sopranos is
still number two.

Speaker 5 (30:42):
Is that HBO shows, Is that what you do.

Speaker 1 (30:45):
I ride for I ride for the wire. Sopranos are
breaking bad. That's my my top three. Okay, yeah, I
know you gotta. I mean, you know you gotta. You
gott at least watch why James de Gandal.

Speaker 3 (31:01):
I'm just like, when do you, in particular amrr watch
it all night? I'm like, are you so fucking busy
and like creating ship all the time? Like when do
people watch it? It blows my mind?

Speaker 1 (31:15):
Well, I think we got time now, no, because I
think the thing that I think people think, like you
have to stop and go to a television. Like this morning,
when I was making breakfast, I watched three episodes of
kem Pill. Like I'm trying to recap on that to
see if it's still holding. But that's a show. I
think that's a show.

Speaker 4 (31:34):
I think that needs to be a list on Netflix
or streaming services wherever of shows that you can watch
while other ship right, you know what I mean it
that needs to be a subgenre of like shows you
can tweet because it shows you got you got to
pay attention to and then it's some shit you really.

Speaker 1 (31:53):
Right about that? So I use key and peel. I
use key and Peel as my occasional background on Join
but can look and still not miss a thing, or
you're not missing ship.

Speaker 4 (32:05):
It's like a Tyler Prairiy movie. Like you can walk
into a Tyler Pray movie. You know exactly what's happening.

Speaker 3 (32:11):
You read this scripture and you know what it is.

Speaker 1 (32:13):
Speaking of a witch, speaking of a witch, speaking of witch. Yo,
man I got, I got, I got caught in the web.
Man I got caught in the tra No dumb, I
watched one all right. So you remember when they were
coming at Tyler for being the that his BT plus show,
his show Sisters. Yeah, god, all right, so look, no, no, no, no,

here's the thing. It was curious. No, this is this
is literally curiosity killed the quest because I came in
because I tarantinoed it and came in at backwards when
when All Black Twitter tried to cancel Tyler for not
hiring a staff and wrote everything himself, and I was like,
all right, all right, let me see one episode and

then next thing I knew like I watched nine episodes.
It's almost like the Kardashians, like one of them shows
where you'll never publicly say you watch that you on
but just one episode came on and the other episode
came on, and I knew it was bad because when
like Gracie walked in the room, then it was like

it was like electric blue status on Playboard when you're
like twelve years old, like.

Speaker 4 (33:22):
I gotta go to last gotta let Oh no, maybe
I was watching History Channel all himself.

Speaker 1 (33:32):
Yeah, and you could tell.

Speaker 5 (33:34):
It's about a group of women. Honey, it's about a
group of women.

Speaker 3 (33:40):
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah ps ps.

Speaker 5 (33:43):
I just wanted to add a show to your background
show thing.

Speaker 1 (33:46):
I heard, Yo, that is fun, but I just can't.
It's fun, it's it good, it's funny. Yes, it was
watching Atlanta fallon before like it was like we all
got to watch this and we saw an episode.

Speaker 3 (34:06):
I really haven't watched a lot of TV or been
a consumer really for like I don't know, just not
my whatever. You know what I used to watch when
cable was still a thing. Fucking QVC and HSN. That's
what I email and tweet through the.

Speaker 8 (34:19):
Most, like the deepest character studies, the saddest like just
like such high functioning addiction issue like and the.

Speaker 3 (34:32):
Slips in is fucking a genius character study. I'm trash.
I'm from Long Island. I'm trash. Yeah, I don't know.
I think like my everything was like building up to
broad City and then I'm like, well I've seen broad City?
Have you seen broad City? And you know it's like
I'm just I don't know. And now I'm like, okay,
I take stack of the industry a little bit. And

also like we're all on our fucking asses all the time,
so it's like it's time. But yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
It's baffles me. Every every creative I know, they never
like they create, but they never like indulge into the
drug that.

Speaker 3 (35:10):
And it's like I did when I was a kid,
you know, like I used to watch like, yeah, a
lot of TV as a kid. But then once I
was like off, I was like, okay, time to like output.

Speaker 1 (35:25):
Mm hmm. I start. There's some Brooklyn ship bill not
that you will watch Sesame Street. And you often make
fun of me for watching Sesame Street. Rules a lot
was on Sesame Street. She is on Sesame streetdle you
have a kid, I have two, but I work on

the music director Sesame Street. He's the Joe Roposo of
Sesame Street. So you were on its great he's the
reason why you're on Sesame Street.

Speaker 3 (35:53):
Oh sick, it is my joy.

Speaker 1 (35:56):
It's great. It's Noodle improved two point zero real.

Speaker 3 (36:01):
I love it. It's so weird to have like three
year old audience and a fifty year old audience. It's spans,
it's not. That's cool.

Speaker 5 (36:14):
The newer character is that, I'm sorry.

Speaker 3 (36:16):
There's like mister Noodle and he's like a clown. And
then he has like brothers and sisters because he's doing
other stuff. That's a clan.

Speaker 1 (36:27):
Yeah, okay cool.

Speaker 3 (36:30):
And then like people like Sarah Jones was miss Noodle
for a while. His sister Debbie Diggs was mister Noodle.
His brother christ Yeah.

Speaker 1 (36:40):
And now all right, so I mere needs Can you
be gentrification Noodle? Can I can?

Speaker 3 (36:46):
I Brooklyn Noodle? I have like a semi mom and
pop coffee shop whatever, my blue bottle coffe So you
watch Sestame Street.

Speaker 1 (37:00):
I remember it well, I don't actively watch it now,
nice Saved Thompson.

Speaker 3 (37:07):
Wow, the old ones are fucking sick, like legit ass television,
you know, the seventies and eighties ones. I still I
like to watch those clubs sometimes.

Speaker 1 (37:18):
You know what I just learned Bill I don't know
if I told you this. So the movie I'm working
on about the Harlem Cultural Festival, the last day, the
last week of of that of that concert, the home
Culture Festival is essentially and I'm not calling it black Woodstock,

but you just did your people people often describe it
as black Woodstock because it happened at the same time
that Woodstock happened, but just for black people. But what
I discovered was the reason why the very the very
last week the Cultural Festival wasn't taped was because the

camera and crew had to set up and work for
a news show shot in Brooklyn called Testame Street. And
on the pilot episode was Luther Vanros and Phronsie Thornton.
Wow wow under Yeah. So if you if you google,

the name of their band was called Listen to My Brother.
So it's like one member of Chic Luther Phronsie Thornton,
and they're doing this thing like count to twenty. If
you look up, the name of their group was called
Listen My Brother, and it's the pilot episode.

Speaker 3 (38:44):
That's fucking sick.

Speaker 1 (38:46):
It's the pilot episode. But yeah, they they performed at
the Cultural Festival, and that's the one thing I'm met
that I have known Luther Vandros at nineteen, a.

Speaker 2 (38:56):
Member of Chic before she, and that's when Nile was
playing in the Sesame band.

Speaker 1 (39:02):
So that's right exactly.

Speaker 7 (39:04):

Speaker 1 (39:06):
Yeah, now well now I don't think now it's in
that first clip, but he joined in seventy one. So
that's how that whole New York crew of like Lisa Fisher,
how young he is? Oh my god, yeah that's him
in nineteen.

Speaker 5 (39:22):
Wow, this was funky.

Speaker 1 (39:26):
He was fifteen. He looked like he just wanted a
full shift at Like they just don't make black people.

Speaker 3 (39:36):
Like that no more.

Speaker 5 (39:36):
He's still flicking his hips like.

Speaker 4 (39:39):
That no more, dude, Like you look at pictures of
Oldest ready, Like it was like when I watched the
it was like an oldest Redding died at twenty six.

Speaker 1 (39:46):
I was like this nigga was twenty six. He looked
like he was like forty something.

Speaker 3 (39:53):

Speaker 1 (39:54):
I can't make Oldest reading in his twenties at all.
Twenty seven yeah, yea. Anyway, I gotta wrap up because
I have another job to do, but I have people
to play music for.

Speaker 7 (40:09):
Uh away, what's what's the what's the thing you're going
into for the weekend. What are you doing on Saturday?
You know what you're doing Saturday or tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (40:16):
You know, I'm one of those people. You're being phastious
right now, aren't you.

Speaker 5 (40:20):
I'm doing that because I'm acting like, you know, I'm.

Speaker 1 (40:22):
Really bad Friday, I know I'm doing Oprah's thing. So
Oprah's doing uh Tyler Perry and Oprah in the same
fucking episode. Yeah, the Oprah's doing this. Oprah's doing this
like twenty four hours, uh, fundraising. I guess she's like,
you know, Jerry Lewis, like raising money for twenty four hours.

So I believe that I'm djaying on Oprah's virtual fundraiser
thing for it's an odd amount of time, Like I'm
djying for twenty seven minutes. Oh wow, who's the person
counts the seconds? Like twenty six?

Speaker 4 (41:03):
But I have to ask a question though, I mean,
with the whole celebrity fundraising thing, I mean talking is
a little kind of a paradox because it's like, Okay,
you're a rich celebrity, and I'm not saying you in
particular mirror.

Speaker 1 (41:15):
I'm just saying just I'm definitely not right. I'm just connected.

Speaker 4 (41:19):
Yeah, no, absolutely but it's like, Okay, if you're a
rich celebrity and you're asking people to donate to the crisis, Nigga,
we are the crisis, you know what I'm saying. So
you're asking us to donate to the crisis, so then
y'all can give that money back to us.

Speaker 10 (41:36):
I was just asked for like a peacock fantasy's digital thing,
and I was like, NBC is asking for human beings.

Speaker 3 (41:47):
But the thing is they're matching. So I was like, Okay,
that makes sense.

Speaker 7 (41:50):
Okay, that means okay, but there's levels because that stuff
ain't for you though, because you ain't.

Speaker 5 (41:58):
No, no, it's supposed to go through it like it's
for the food banks and stuff.

Speaker 7 (42:01):
I hope that you ain't going to the food banks
and getting you some food because Love Supreme doesn't pay me.

Speaker 1 (42:06):
So I have to.

Speaker 3 (42:10):
But I hear that. I hear that. Yeah. Different. It's
like a billionaires fundraiser, you know what I mean, Like
New York, Like, can the billionaire that we have, like
the like so many billionaires, can they help at least
make voting by mail happen.

Speaker 1 (42:31):
That was upbout Wisconsin with that, Yeah, voting by mail
in Wisconsin. That's that's going to be very very interesting.
Oh what were you saying, Steve? Are you about to
go out and apply? Isn't it? Is that team the
seventh I was just gonna as a billionaire. I was

just going to say cool and you know, like, thank you,
thank you so much. All right, all right, let's wrap
this up so we appreciate you. Thank you uh a lot.
I hope you don't go crazy in your and your
digs right now.

Speaker 3 (43:09):
Thanks for having me. How much fun that was really
helpful for my heart?

Speaker 1 (43:14):
Thanks for having me awesome? All right? When we have
a Fontagelo unpaid bill sugar Steve and my.

Speaker 5 (43:22):
Hat, you gotta tell us what to get these hats.

Speaker 1 (43:26):
I'm d and Ricky, the same dude that make my heart.
Oh I'm sorry at Dan Ricky d E Why are
you smirking like because I don't know c K why?

Speaker 5 (43:36):

Speaker 1 (43:37):
Do you not know Dan Ricky? The twins that make
my lego hearts?

Speaker 5 (43:41):
I don't know them, and so do other people who
are watching this.

Speaker 1 (43:43):
No, friends, yes, Dean Ricky, I'm supporting to designers. Yeah,
at Dean Ricky or at Ricky and d at d
E E A n d R I C K y
you yeah yo man.

Speaker 4 (44:05):
Before we go, quick question Alana, So you said that
you're you have a partner. How is quarantine affecting your
marriage or relationship?

Speaker 3 (44:14):
My marriage, my husband, and actually it's actually okay. At first,
I was like my mind, I was seriously like everything
was just like shattered or whatever.

Speaker 1 (44:29):
But but then I want you to describe everything. You
describe everything with the flare of a Broadway actress.

Speaker 3 (44:38):
I was like, I was like just losing my mind altogether.
And I was like, we gotta go, we gotta get
out of we gotta go to as long I gotta
get out.

Speaker 1 (44:44):
You know.

Speaker 3 (44:44):
It was just like so antsy in general. But and
like I was having personally like a lot of ups
and downs. But he, I mean it's like really peaky ship.
But he's really been like helping me just like be
and myself. Just like you know, we had like arguments
and like worked through the ship, but we're in like
a place where we got like a rhythm. Gone.

Speaker 1 (45:05):
Yeah, I've learned about mirroring, mirroring, mirroring where the exact same. Yes,
when you when you are having a debate or a
disagreement or an argument, whatever. It's more important that the

person that you're having with it feels that they are
heard as opposed to you being right yep, or solving it.
So I would have to repeat the words you say. Okay,
I understand how you feel. You told me that this
particular bread was made of seeds and da da da
da da da da. And the thing is, if you're busy,

I was given a hypothetical. The thing is is that
if you're if you're repeating and mirroring exactly what your
partner says, you're not busy channeling him out to figure
out what you're butts.

Speaker 3 (46:01):
Okay, let me say this is my my one of
my best my best friend as a psychiatrist. He was
just telling me about using this tactic with his partner
and it's from this book Getting the Love You Want,
And it's that book like that tactic is based on
non violent communication another book and I haven't let them

got got them have them? But right, yes, oh, I
was like, but like it's I think with this quarantine,
it's like you got to sit like what cost is describing.
It's like, because you're like stuff, you got to like
sit in it and like actually walk through it, but
that that actually hearing them before. You're like my defense,

Like it's like there's more time than ever, so I
feel like it's a good time if you're like, have
some tools. I guess I got a lot of therapy.

Speaker 5 (46:55):
Oh that was great, Yeah, that.

Speaker 3 (46:57):
Was I.

Speaker 5 (46:59):
Helped a lot.

Speaker 1 (47:00):
Anyway, you'll be having Sugar Steve, uh babe, Bill Fan
take alo and uh, thank you. I appreciate it. Thank
you for coming to.

Speaker 3 (47:11):
Live, thank you having me in person Monday.

Speaker 1 (47:16):
All right, see lady face face face m h m hmmm.
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