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October 30, 2023 104 mins

Cooking show stars Jazz, Jake, Jurnee and Jussie Smollett talk about growing up nomads, how they work through sibling rivalry and their cookbook, The Family Table.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Of Course Love Supreme is a production of iHeartRadio. This
classic episode was produced by the team at Pandora.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
What Up It's Unpaid Bill. Check out this QLs classic
with the small X cooking show stars Jazz, Jake Journey
and Duffy Small talk about growing up no Man, how
they work through ziping Riffley and their cookbook at the
family table. It's a QLs classic with the Smalls. From
May twenty third, twenty eighteen.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
Supremo Sun Supremo, Roll Call Suprema su Su Suprema Roll
Call Supremo sub Sun Supremo, Roll Call Suprema s.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
Su subpre Okay, I'll played nice. Yeah. The smallest are
my friends. Yeah, I just want to mill Yeah before
Rob Bream roll he Rode.

Speaker 5 (01:06):

Speaker 4 (01:07):
My name is Fante. Yeah, and I can't call it Yeah,
Zipping on this rock. Yeah, with all the spilett.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
S Supreme, My Road, Supremo, supre Role.

Speaker 4 (01:23):
We are Yeah family, Yeah, I got all Yeah, my
small twit.

Speaker 6 (01:34):
Roll Suprema Sure Road paid bill.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
Yeah, and as far as I can see, Yeah, Tonight's show. Yeah, Redefined,
Simply Rivalry, Suprema Soup Road, Wishing on the Moon.

Speaker 7 (01:56):
Yeah, climbing up a ladder. Yeah, just remember love trying
is true. Yeah, I was watching over he.

Speaker 8 (02:05):
Supremo roll card.

Speaker 4 (02:07):
I need some dream Supremo roll like.

Speaker 9 (02:12):
Yeah, I'm super excited. Yeah, I'm like black Panther. Yeah,
all light Skins invited.

Speaker 3 (02:18):
Oh, Supremo, Suprema, Roll Supremo, Suprema Roll came.

Speaker 4 (02:27):
My name is.

Speaker 10 (02:30):
The first time.

Speaker 6 (02:32):
Yeah, Supremo roll called Jesse c R Supremo roll call.

Speaker 4 (02:43):
Name is Jesse.

Speaker 11 (02:44):
Yeah, I'm the bab Yeah, I'm sitting here, Yeah at
the family table.

Speaker 4 (02:54):
Rome Supreme right down, Supremo roll Come.

Speaker 10 (02:59):
My name is Yeah, I'm not gonna come. I'm here,
is here Yeah, and he feels the gun.

Speaker 4 (03:10):
Roll my name is. My name is Jake. Yeah, I
hate to bake, but I will take.

Speaker 12 (03:20):

Speaker 4 (03:20):
I hit of that ring. Are you gonna be jo
jo to the right version.

Speaker 8 (03:30):
From body?

Speaker 4 (03:34):
It is the ship? Yeah yeah if you joke? Yeah should.

Speaker 10 (03:46):
My name is Journey.

Speaker 5 (03:48):

Speaker 10 (03:48):
I like to make some soup. Yeah for Donald Trump?
Yeah you filled with hunters.

Speaker 4 (03:57):
B Supremo Suprema.

Speaker 13 (04:14):
Can we do that again?

Speaker 7 (04:19):
That was the most epic. It was like I'm out
of breath. Yeah, how long did it? It was like
three and a half minutes. That's like my mind, it's
like an actual pop song.

Speaker 4 (04:30):
Yeah, three and a half.

Speaker 8 (04:31):
We're gonna put that on, Yeah, put it on that.

Speaker 4 (04:34):
We're gonna put that up on the digital media service
seth what happened?

Speaker 3 (04:37):

Speaker 13 (04:37):
I know it came in too fast to beat. That
had a great bit too, but you guys couldn't even hear.
But it was really hilarious.

Speaker 14 (04:47):
Okay, the music was problems. You're trying to think about it,
and then y'all be like Suprema that you don't have
time to think about it, and then this's pointing at you.

Speaker 4 (05:00):
You got to block out the bullshit.

Speaker 15 (05:01):
Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to an episode another episode of
Coest Love Supreme. I guess this is the rogue episode
because I see that from the Christ we would like
to I never thought this day would happen where I

would have all the shout out to Jockey who's not here. Sorry,
But ladies and gentlemen, we have the entire Smalltt clan here,
including Joe. I didn't even think Jojo would would would
be here, but we have just Smallett, Jass Smallett, Jake Smallett,

Jojo smalltt Journey smallt We got everybody but Tito. He's
welcome Seth Seth small, you know, really small. Yeah, you
know anyway, welcome to the smallest to.

Speaker 4 (06:01):
Yeah. What a joy all this love that you give us.
We just want to give right back the full house.
Let's let's pay the bills.

Speaker 15 (06:15):
You guys are here as a family to promote your uh,
your book hopefully one of many called the family table,
which you said for nomad what's what's.

Speaker 10 (06:27):
The recipes and moments from a nomadic life?

Speaker 8 (06:32):
Explain that to me because I know that you guys
have been through everything.

Speaker 10 (06:38):
So in the book there are recipes one hundred and
thirty and then there are also memories and moments around
that's ef it's around nomadic life. Nomadic means.

Speaker 16 (06:54):
Yeah, we've moved like back and forth across the country
over thirteen times.

Speaker 4 (07:01):

Speaker 10 (07:01):
Back car expensive, No, it's expensive. If we would have
flown and back in the day way back, pan am
was expensive. No, No, that was when I was I
don't know what they're talking about.

Speaker 17 (07:18):
Yeah, light still they were still going in like nineteen
ninety a movie airplane.

Speaker 12 (07:29):
Yeah, but don't forget we moved a lot in it
in one city too. We did a lot of regional moves. Yeah,
we did on one one decade. It was like five
years in a row. We had the Summer Classics, so
we moved.

Speaker 4 (07:40):
You know, what's the city, Yeah, moving around some la.
You know, Diamond Bar, you know, big ups of Diamond
Bar is as far as.

Speaker 15 (07:53):
You know to a bunch of East Coaster l A
is like Okay, there's Hollywood and then there's everything else.

Speaker 10 (07:59):
Yes, but the nomadic life was really about that we
moved on, yeah, and that we you know, we experienced
so many different cultural aspects of the country. We also
have so many cultural backgrounds that we either participate in
or have in our family lineage that we celebrate, and

a lot of that is based around food.

Speaker 4 (08:25):
All of it's based around where were you born.

Speaker 10 (08:28):
Most of us were born in New York, New York Hospital,
in Queens. They were living in Left Rock City when
Jodo was born in Washington Heights, when I was born
back in the day in Washington Heights.

Speaker 4 (08:43):
So I'm rich.

Speaker 10 (08:50):
I was born in the eighties. But I just made it.

Speaker 4 (08:54):
Old the old.

Speaker 10 (08:58):
Yeah, thank you both.

Speaker 8 (09:00):
I we can't hear this slack.

Speaker 4 (09:02):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 10 (09:04):
I was born in nineteen eighty, so I mean not
left right. That is not his pling.

Speaker 4 (09:09):
I love it. Yeah, well, because you're still don't say
you got to say because I'm still twenty seven ninety two,
you know, Okay, I thought you affect you. No, no jokes.
I'm older than you, so that's why he's making you.
This is the first one time that's wrong. That's wrong.

Speaker 8 (09:32):
Okay, you're right. I don't want to talk about age,
you and me.

Speaker 4 (09:38):
I'm doing that this black woman.

Speaker 10 (09:41):
I can't wait, not discussing woman's age. You don't want
to discuss it.

Speaker 4 (09:50):
No, I had to call this is the first time.
This is the first time.

Speaker 10 (09:55):
Johnny aspired.

Speaker 4 (09:56):
He said someone in.

Speaker 15 (09:57):
Her flock that she can say like, okay, I late,
and I was like reminding her that, you know, according
to our audience.

Speaker 4 (10:05):
I am much younger.

Speaker 8 (10:06):
You were three years old when Illmatic came out.

Speaker 4 (10:09):
So I don't know. Here you go, I don't know.
We just lost like, yeah, she's old as fun, just
like we're not going to discuss. I didn't mean to
interrupt jazz. You were giving us the secession of how

nomadic and then in.

Speaker 10 (10:34):
The order of how you guys ate and then Jesse
he was born in Sonoma County, so northern California. Jake
and Journey were both born in New York. We were
living in Elmer, Queens. We weren't in Queens when you were, Yeah,
in Elmhurst, Queens. And then Jockey was born in Santa
Monica Hospital. But we were living in Woodland Hills.

Speaker 4 (10:54):
Shout out to Woodland Hills historian.

Speaker 15 (11:00):
I have nothing wait you know, uh so what prompted
for our viewers that might not know viewers listeners everyone.

Speaker 4 (11:12):
Waiting to get you for.

Speaker 15 (11:13):
For our listeners that are you know, unaware? What prompted
the move to the West coast on the run selling drugs?

Speaker 4 (11:23):
I'm just kidding. Oh so y'all went back and forth
to but the first time we went to l A.

Speaker 11 (11:30):
Are we talking about the time that we waste time
that we went from the Bay Area to New York?

Speaker 4 (11:35):
Or the time a lot of New York.

Speaker 12 (11:38):
A lot of it was a lot of it was
like career opportunities. You know, I followed his job, he
got relocated and things like that. You know, so acting
didn't start first, no, no, no acting later and then
later and you know what I mean, we were we
were doing pretty well out here actually as as Toddler's.
We are not Toddlers, y'all were Toddler's. I was a
tight because I'm proud of my age. I'm scared, that's right.

Speaker 4 (12:02):
Zz decade.

Speaker 12 (12:08):
But I think the cool thing about being nomad, you know,
through history, it's like you adapt, You learn to adapt
a lot better. You learn to you know, become an
amalgamation of all the different peoples and cultures that you
come into contact with, and you begin to incorporate it
into your being and into who you are, you know
what I mean. I think that's one of the things
that makes us unique as a family and as people

that that nomadic experience was very enlightening for us in
a lot of ways, and it is a very big
part of who we are today.

Speaker 4 (12:37):
Is it hard?

Speaker 17 (12:38):
But we black first? I'm just saying, make this shit clear.
We know nomadic motherfucking life the.

Speaker 8 (12:51):
Episode ever.

Speaker 4 (12:53):
Every time? Do you have to play it anyway? But
is it? Is it hard?

Speaker 8 (13:06):
Once once a move is prompted? Is it hard resetting?

Speaker 4 (13:11):
As far as friends are concerned, or haven't we didn't
you guys, we didn't have anything.

Speaker 10 (13:17):
We didn't have friends, friends, serious you.

Speaker 4 (13:24):
Know what I mean.

Speaker 12 (13:25):
And maybe the first couple of moves was a little difficult,
but after a while you get used to it.

Speaker 15 (13:28):
So once you move, it was like you weren't going
to see it was across the street to play baseball.

Speaker 4 (13:33):
No we did. We did.

Speaker 10 (13:35):
Motherfucker stopped getting jazz drink.

Speaker 4 (13:44):
Started already.

Speaker 11 (13:46):
Okay, let me tell you how gangs the jazz is
back in road at park up in the area.

Speaker 4 (13:53):
Motherfucking Shannon steal.

Speaker 17 (13:58):
Play yo girls and then she would push me jazz
Shannon up.

Speaker 10 (14:04):
Shannon pushed my.

Speaker 4 (14:05):
Brother, really she did. Oh so you guys had that
like yeah, definitely. So that means like between.

Speaker 8 (14:14):
Jockie Jake and just like y'all were protected because y'all.

Speaker 17 (14:17):
Knew, like like do people know not to funk with
y'all know they still mess with us because we were
also you know, our own individuals.

Speaker 4 (14:27):
Them different, definitely getting hippie.

Speaker 17 (14:33):
And the whole thing was it, if we started a fight,
we get in trouble. If we finished the fight, I
swear to you, we'd get a toy.

Speaker 4 (14:41):
That's great. One of them like don't even come home
until you fight until you beat up.

Speaker 17 (14:46):
If they started, I'm gonna finish it finished. Man, we
got many of you know what I'm saying, finish bitch ass.
George found that ship out right right now to all right,
all I yeah, don't go back to the neighbor.

Speaker 15 (15:09):
She she literally like pretty waking what they call him, Like,
you're just waiting for I gotta ship.

Speaker 4 (15:15):
Hasn't just on enemies on the enemies.

Speaker 15 (15:21):
Looking on Facebook and Twitter, like, yo, you remember me
from no no no no no, yeah, I remember, yeah,
I remember you, my fourth grade bully.

Speaker 10 (15:29):
She hit me up on Facebook a couple of years
she told me to add her.

Speaker 4 (15:33):
I did. I didn't real bad she told me to.
So she she still got that abusive effect on her.
Though her name was Shanta Shante, not more her mother.

Speaker 10 (15:53):
Her mother worked at a prison and you know, bless Chante.
Though I'm not gonna talk about her. We were in
the fourth and sixth grade.

Speaker 4 (16:00):
Who was in sixth grade?

Speaker 10 (16:01):
Who was in four She was okay that in sixth grade?
We definitely she was in sixth grade. Yeah, but we
definitely went toe to toe. And if you're out there
right now.

Speaker 4 (16:13):
Yeah, George, that want to be.

Speaker 11 (16:19):
One of the pitch nigga Jason talk to Meghan Hagen's
at the mother fucking party.

Speaker 15 (16:34):
Wait a minute, out, I got a real question. How
do you how do you guys settle your own fights
like that? Don't give me that we were talking how
do y'all settle?

Speaker 10 (16:47):
But we're not We're not like we have each other.
We cannot ever like not have each other.

Speaker 4 (16:55):
So when you're eleven, it wasn't out.

Speaker 10 (16:59):
No, I used to. I used to, definitely, she.

Speaker 4 (17:03):
Used to beat Jesse's ass. Shut up.

Speaker 10 (17:13):
Wait, let's be clean life right now, just like just
have Jesse in the corner and box on his as.
I used to beat him because him if if if
mom if mommy would leave, if they would both leave, okay,

And I was in charge because he was upstairs playing
his guitar, right okay, I'm second. Is an episode of Joe.
He's supposed to do the dishes.

Speaker 4 (17:47):
I just want to get a meal, that's all, y'all.

Speaker 10 (17:52):
Somebody might need to wait.

Speaker 4 (17:56):
For a second.

Speaker 8 (17:58):
Is anyone from Harper Collins?

Speaker 4 (18:00):
I want to make sure that.

Speaker 8 (18:07):
Sponsorship. No, But I'm saying, like, how do you how
do you guys handle conflict at home? Because that's that's not.

Speaker 18 (18:20):
As adults journey Like, Yeah, I mean, honestly, you know,
I don't really have conflict with my siblings because I'm
so incredible.

Speaker 10 (18:32):
As a person that everyone gets along with me, which
is really true, but they handle it.

Speaker 16 (18:42):
No, no, no, I mean I feel like none of
us can be mad at each other for too long.
I mean, we definitely have like disagreements, and we have
like our tense moments, and we get in arguments, not
in the sense of like, oh we ever take it
to a certain level, but it just.

Speaker 10 (18:58):
Doesn't last very long.

Speaker 16 (19:00):
And I think because growing up, Mommy, you know, really
raised us with a certain level of conflict, conflict resolution,
and she had zero tolerance for it, like zero tolerance
for us fighting or arguing, and like she would make
us hug each other if we were in an argument
and like kiss on each other.

Speaker 10 (19:17):
She'd be like, go kiss your brother right now, you know.
And so I think over time, we just learned to
talk it out, and we do a lot of talking.
We will debate each other now that we will do.
We will debate each other until four o'clock in the morning,
and it will get exhausting.

Speaker 15 (19:36):
But do you have like a particular is the father
of this situation, and he don't take no mess like
position is.

Speaker 10 (19:47):
Jojo is journey.

Speaker 19 (19:49):
Don't get on the fucking plane please, jo Joy Journey.
Please don't go to Bosnia journey, Like, why.

Speaker 4 (20:00):
Are you doing promotional stuff in Bosnia right now? That's
the thing I would say.

Speaker 16 (20:04):
He's just, He's just he's definitely very very parental in
the sense like he's so concerned for our saying.

Speaker 12 (20:10):
I think a lot of oldest, oldest kids, and families,
and especially large families, have a tendency to be, you know,
a little bit you know, concerned. You know, we carry
I don't say we carry as much concern as the parents,
but we do carry a lot of concern because we've
given a lot of you know, custodial responsibility growing up,
you know, raising and not raising them directly, but you know,

watch your sister, or watch your brother, or watch you know,
things like that.

Speaker 16 (20:34):
Jojo will be the first to text all of us
in a group text letting us know that the Romaine
let us have some Yes.

Speaker 4 (20:42):
Yeah, gotta let everybody over there.

Speaker 20 (20:48):

Speaker 12 (20:50):
But you know, being aware is good news. You know,
being aware is being prepared, and being prepared is you know,
keep you sack. That's what I feel right, you know,
and you know, touching on that issue of confrontation. You know,
our parents one of the things, if you hear what
Jesse was saying about, our parents were kind of like hippies,
but they also taught us not to take crap. They
was like, hwa hippies with attitude.

Speaker 4 (21:11):
You know. They was kind of like, you know, you
can't let people step on you. And we're good people.

Speaker 12 (21:17):
We know we're good people, so we always will love
the good people, will always be cool with the good people.
And our families like that. Our brothers and sisters, we own.
They're good people. They got our back. They're not against us.
Somebody steps against you, it's a little different, you know
what I mean. And that's the thing because if you
if you're a righteous person trying to be good to
other people like our parents taught us to be, then
you know you're gonna get a little angry at when

someone's not being that way and reciprocating that to you.

Speaker 4 (21:40):
So can y'all tell us about your parents and the
kind of people that.

Speaker 12 (21:43):
They were super cool people, like really really cool people
of the earth, you know what I mean, people who
love all people kind of like share this like you know, universe, yes,
universal understanding about things like would.

Speaker 10 (21:57):
Make Jesse just Mommy made Jesse one year take his
off in the middle of winter to give it to
a homeless man.

Speaker 4 (22:03):
That was normal. Yeah, man, I love that jacket. It
was eighty nine dollars at the gap and I loved it.
And she giving me a jacket as they give him
my what giving?

Speaker 8 (22:20):
I was going to say that you're you're mom got
you guys, uh, sort of in.

Speaker 4 (22:28):
The political game super early they met, though, you guys
were off.

Speaker 15 (22:33):
Of me because I'm not saying I would have been
politically indifferent, but I was definitely like one of those people.

Speaker 4 (22:37):
It was just like.

Speaker 15 (22:40):
Whatever, Yeah, I wasn't knocking on doors and driving people.
You forced me to do my first Yeah, we want
to come.

Speaker 10 (22:50):
I remember that first night when we thought we thought
it was supery. We were meeting in a diner.

Speaker 16 (22:58):
Amir took you and I to a diner and Cringehaffner
and he you still have a picture of us or
you sent me a picture of us just looking.

Speaker 10 (23:07):
So we were pressed.

Speaker 16 (23:11):
To Hillary and we had been like we thought it
was a bunch of like door knocking and phone banking
all day.

Speaker 10 (23:18):
Long and really thought we had it in the bag, you.

Speaker 16 (23:22):
Know, especially California, and he lost it to Hillary Clinton
and we were depressed.

Speaker 8 (23:28):
We were But when did you guys first, because that
wasn't the first time, you guys.

Speaker 10 (23:32):
Know, that has always been we were on the street
corner for Bill Clinton.

Speaker 4 (23:40):
That was always four five.

Speaker 10 (23:43):
Yeah, some of them were true.

Speaker 4 (23:45):
You know, I was twelve, I was twelve, you know,
understood what she was there for.

Speaker 12 (23:51):
Yeah, before it was Yeah, it was like that was
a awakening because my parents had always heard him talking
politics in the house and you know, I'm a old
enough to remember all of most of the eighties actually,
and you know, yeah, it was just eighty my whole life,
you know, until until ninety two, it was just this
right wing, hardcore right wing Reagan Bush, you know, presidencies.

Speaker 4 (24:14):
And then Bill Clinton became president.

Speaker 12 (24:16):
I was like, wow, Democrat actually won and I started
getting really interested in it that in ninety two.

Speaker 10 (24:20):
And you know it, uh, but that's how they met.
They met in the movement in the seventies. Mommy was
a president of the Young Workers League. Where where did
mean New yorksco? Oakland? Actually Okland?

Speaker 6 (24:35):

Speaker 8 (24:36):
No, man, they've been.

Speaker 16 (24:39):
Yeah, Mommy moved from New Orleans to Oakland and dad
moved from New York to become a boxer in San
fran And that's how they met.

Speaker 10 (24:49):
Working in the movement.

Speaker 8 (24:51):
Wait, what a class was he?

Speaker 10 (24:53):
He never became a boxer.

Speaker 16 (24:54):
I don't know he wanted to be a boxer, but yeah, no,
But like growing up, you know, they met they worked
in the movement in the seventies with Angela Davis. So
growing up we would hear stories about mommy attending press
conferences and watching Angela, you know, speak in several different languages.
Mommy would tell us stories about Maya Angelou teaching her
how to swim.

Speaker 10 (25:15):
You know, like she always talks about being in the
car when the cops pulled them over and her and
Angela Davis and a few other people, and she was
how much confidence she was talking to the police officers
with and talking about how she knew her rights and everything.
And that was always a big impression on our mom.
And she told us these stories since we were little,

little we always knew about social justice and political issues.
This was something that was constantly talked about, essentially at
the family table. Yeah, which is why we wrote a
book called the family table.

Speaker 4 (25:53):
So whose idea was it to craft this book jazz
and jades?

Speaker 21 (25:59):

Speaker 8 (26:00):
Okay, so who designated?

Speaker 4 (26:05):
Uh? Yeah who?

Speaker 6 (26:10):

Speaker 8 (26:10):
No, In terms of who who decides what recipes?

Speaker 15 (26:13):

Speaker 10 (26:16):
I think it was a group effort. Like curating the book.
We all had to.

Speaker 16 (26:20):
Contribute a certain amount of recipes. Like initially it was
thirty three. I did my thirty three esy. Some of
us did not do out thirty three, but for the
most part, it was thirty three recipes.

Speaker 10 (26:34):
We each had it.

Speaker 4 (26:35):
Yeah right, right, right, So you guys have thirty three
individual recipes.

Speaker 15 (26:43):
Yes, there's more for some of it was conflicts what
if you guys had the same idea or well.

Speaker 10 (26:48):
It's like.

Speaker 4 (26:51):
Yeah we got were like table. Yeah, we grew up
eating yeah, and.

Speaker 16 (26:57):
So like I'm my cornish hens, you know, like I'm
known for my cornish hands. I'm known for my potato salad.
I'm known for my greens. I'm known for my mac
and cheese. You know, these are things I'm known for.

Speaker 8 (27:15):
Okay, let me turn let me turn up a little bit.
Who's the best cook?

Speaker 10 (27:21):
Mommy, No, no, come on, let us give us a
dish and we will tell you who's the best at
that particular kind in your.

Speaker 4 (27:32):
Head, we should just answer us a way of cooking.
Answer answer your head.

Speaker 10 (27:45):
It's Jake.

Speaker 15 (27:50):

Speaker 10 (27:51):
I wanted to say Jake, but I didn't want to
like hurt. Jazz is feeling you know, good cook Jack
is Ash is incredible phenomenon. So when y'all taste this
potato grind with crabbing, is that coming with? Do you
know how hard it was for me to get those measurements?

Speaker 4 (28:11):
Right? Okay? No, no, no, no, you should have taken
the damn Wednesday made on the today there. Yeah, I
wanted to high tail it. In all reality, though, I
think it is unanimous.

Speaker 12 (28:24):
Jake is Jake's a black belt when it comes to cooking,
like a fourteenth degree black.

Speaker 4 (28:29):
Belt, like.

Speaker 10 (28:32):
Right, okay, he can make anything.

Speaker 4 (28:35):
It's like inherently studies.

Speaker 22 (28:37):
It is like.

Speaker 4 (28:39):

Speaker 11 (28:39):
Jake has studied and taken pasta classes and yeah, you
know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (28:46):
You know what I'm saying. And he was teaching him
in Italy how to do it. He went over there and.

Speaker 10 (28:55):
Can you can you can you make a vanilla rose poundcake?

Speaker 4 (28:59):
Oh? I will say Jazz got Jazz is off the chain,
but Nola Rose I'm not saying.

Speaker 8 (29:06):
Okay, so we say that Jazz is just right behind Jacob.

Speaker 4 (29:10):
I'm definitely Jazz and I are the founders of the
Tier one system. Okay, still in the siblings says who
can cook the best from a scale of one to three?
So yeah, together, when you get can you take it
and you do something else? Can?

Speaker 16 (29:31):
We have to explain we have a tier system in
our family. We grade you on your cooking. We grade you, yes,
tier on, Tier one is the best, Tier two is
your you can hang with us.

Speaker 10 (29:48):
Tier three you got a lot of work to do and.

Speaker 4 (29:52):
Asked to make anything at the party. Wait, you'll grade
this after the meal. No, we grade you.

Speaker 16 (29:58):
After you cook, so on experience. Silently, we discuss it
and then say we assign a teer to you. And
once you get assigned a tier, you really have to
work very hard to rise up in the ranks.

Speaker 10 (30:11):
And you know this lets us know that Amir did
not watch our cooking show.

Speaker 4 (30:17):
Has like nineteen gigs? I saw?

Speaker 16 (30:21):
Yeah, definitely, AnyWho, myself, Jesse and Jazz and Jake are
Tier one naturally. Absolutely, Jake and Jazz invented this tear system.

Speaker 10 (30:33):
But Jake invented it to me. Jackie Cook Jockey can now.
It's been a running joke as though he can't, but
he really, I mean he can, according to like his
videos that he posts on Instant story looks, and.

Speaker 8 (30:49):
So he would be in the last place of the
six of you.

Speaker 10 (30:52):
No, it would be Jo for sure.

Speaker 4 (30:55):
J like that.

Speaker 17 (30:57):
Jojo wasn't always like that. He used to try I
and he was great his pizzas, know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (31:05):
Version of the Italian I'm the oldest.

Speaker 12 (31:07):
I was cooking for them during their formative years, so
they were thinking that food was good enough.

Speaker 4 (31:12):
They were like this girl, cheese sandwich, ain't kicking it.

Speaker 8 (31:15):
Okay, his eggs and rice, it's like basic stuff.

Speaker 10 (31:18):
The issue I will take.

Speaker 4 (31:19):
With Jojo is.

Speaker 10 (31:24):
It's it's really that. So I like to entertain it
a lot. We throw parties, Okay, so we will say
this is the theme and he'll bring something that goes
does not go with it. You can't do that.

Speaker 8 (31:38):
So he's the boss. He's the unpaid bill of the group.

Speaker 4 (31:41):
What the fuck does that mean because you're off the
topic going rod call all the time. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 10 (31:45):
It basically means we're like, this is an Italian feast.

Speaker 4 (31:48):
Yes, you bring my table cloth, I'll bring Chinese.

Speaker 10 (31:53):
Brought some fried rice? That he means right, that doesn't show.

Speaker 15 (31:59):
Now that you got are at a level in your
careers as adults, do you guys still insist on like
we one day a week that you all must eat together?

Speaker 10 (32:09):
Or is that we're not that organized?

Speaker 17 (32:11):
But perfect answer really, definitely perfect answer. We're definitely not
that organized.

Speaker 10 (32:17):
But I feel like it's.

Speaker 16 (32:19):
Jazz and I literally live so close to each other
and both have young children, so so at this at.

Speaker 8 (32:25):
This stage of your lives, the weekly Sunday dinner is
that not a thing?

Speaker 16 (32:33):
I mean, Jazz and I definitely eat probably like between
our families we eat together probably like three to four.

Speaker 10 (32:41):
Times a week. Okay, we eat dinner and then like
bathe babies and put them down for bed.

Speaker 4 (32:47):
Do they eat cornish game hands the children?

Speaker 16 (32:51):
No, I haven't made that for them. Hunter's not really
a fan of like poultry.

Speaker 9 (32:58):
What I know, say it again, Journey, do any of
you guys have like because I noticed it's some vegan
situations in here their dietary restrictions at this point, like,
is anybody cooking a mere?

Speaker 10 (33:12):
I know you remember our Mommy's Big Good Business. Do
you remember how me and Jake used to be in
that damn kitchen, yes, cooking these damn vegan pies.

Speaker 4 (33:23):
Yes, And at the health food yes. Literally.

Speaker 10 (33:28):
I remember calling the Mirror and saying, Yo, I got
great debaters. Now I can quit this job. And it
went It went under without me, it did, so wait, so.

Speaker 8 (33:47):
Talk me about I didn't know that Whole Foods also
had samples.

Speaker 4 (33:51):
Yes, demo, even if they don't, you can also ask
them for a taste. Yeah.

Speaker 10 (33:55):
But they used to make vegan pies. It was a
business we had called Amy's Big Goods and they were
vegan sweet potato pie, vegan rubar pie, vegan peach cobbler,
and a vegan apple. And we used to make them.
And here's the thing, we never really saw a prophet
like fast forward to now when I was working on

that business.

Speaker 23 (34:18):
We did.

Speaker 4 (34:25):
For Jockey and Journey in this but Jazz.

Speaker 10 (34:29):
When you were working on that business, the sweet potato
pie was lumpy.

Speaker 4 (34:36):
It was. It was simply.

Speaker 10 (34:44):
Because you know that pie was lumpy. Y'all was serving
them like freaking sugar candy, yams, sweep.

Speaker 4 (34:50):
I will come down that.

Speaker 17 (34:51):
Until Journey went to Smart and Final and bought that
automatic mixer.

Speaker 4 (34:56):
Yes, it was lumpy, it was weird, it was we
cannot no sweet potato. Yah a cookbook. Your people thinking.

Speaker 6 (35:08):
This was.

Speaker 4 (35:13):
The sweep with the vegan sweep.

Speaker 10 (35:16):
Who has been which has been pre questioned by me?
Is in there?

Speaker 4 (35:21):
It is in there, but it's now Jake made this.
But this is Jake.

Speaker 10 (35:26):
I'm gonna headed the head. No, that guy, I perfect.

Speaker 4 (35:41):
Here, she said.

Speaker 10 (35:43):
She didn't see your next like.

Speaker 15 (35:45):
I was literally prepared for all of us to play
Black Cart Revoked in case we needed stuff to talk
about before.

Speaker 4 (35:51):
But this is this is the way I like that game.
What is that? Do you notice?

Speaker 17 (35:56):
You know, way back in the day when we were children,
Jazz was a top child model, and then and then
she grew up to also be a very successful model.
If you notice most of the pictures in the book
are of Jazz, I say, I'm fair, don't.

Speaker 5 (36:34):
She did?

Speaker 10 (36:34):
Hold on because I literally went back and counted how
many times everyone appears in the book. And when I
tell you I have it on my phone, actually.

Speaker 4 (36:44):
Well you took you took a total.

Speaker 9 (36:47):
Yes, every picture is sexy, like even your picture in
the back where it's just people's head shot or like whatever.

Speaker 10 (36:53):
Well, I say that not on the set, That's just me.
I'm sitting on the table with food right.

Speaker 4 (37:06):

Speaker 11 (37:08):
You got a child.

Speaker 4 (37:11):
To take a picture space it could have gone to us.
I'm ya mean this, this is this whole showy Okay,
I'm sorry, yo.

Speaker 10 (37:25):
Everybody is represented in this book, this journey.

Speaker 4 (37:29):
I want to tell you.

Speaker 10 (37:31):
I will tell you this. You have certain days you
shoot lifestyle days. Okay, there was a day, there was
an entire day.

Speaker 4 (37:39):
Of a photo force in jazz to say this? Who
was there?

Speaker 10 (37:44):
Me and my child were the only ones there. So
I gotta keep it moving.

Speaker 8 (37:48):
I see, Can I hear your numbers?

Speaker 4 (37:50):
Journey? Since you wait, you literally would do like seventy
plus phases?

Speaker 8 (37:57):
You your own index.

Speaker 4 (37:58):
No, Jazz, in fact, is on every page in that book.
If not, you'll find her in every page. How that
is not how many babies between all of y'all?

Speaker 15 (38:13):
Wait, I need to guarantee this is going on the air,
because next to the Chappelle Show, this show is not
going to wind up.

Speaker 4 (38:19):
In the It's not going to yeah, thank you. I
mean it will be in the archive, but it's not
going in the vault.

Speaker 8 (38:24):
Okay, that's want to make sure. Wait are you literally
counting right now?

Speaker 10 (38:29):
Wait? Wait, what does that mean?

Speaker 4 (38:30):
What does that mean?

Speaker 15 (38:31):
Vault is where the episode that this show is too
good to be too good to be true? And usually
an artist will be like they don't have hindsight in
the hindsight like Chappelle Jones situation, they are no, we're joking. Okay, wait,
you can stop counting.

Speaker 10 (38:55):
Okay, So I have a question. So but if there's
like a go ahead jazz?

Speaker 4 (39:00):
Whis go ahead ahead? What you got jazz? Can you
stand your mic? Yes?

Speaker 12 (39:04):

Speaker 4 (39:05):
What were you going to say?

Speaker 8 (39:06):

Speaker 4 (39:06):

Speaker 10 (39:07):
No, I'm not going to give this conversation. Dress that's right,
that's a that's a nice green dress. Though, right, y'all
are lovely.

Speaker 4 (39:16):
It's almost y'all are almost two pretty and slender to cook? Well,
but I believe Okay, uh now this I don't know.

Speaker 8 (39:32):
I've completely lost control.

Speaker 4 (39:36):
You still want to play some games and stuff? No,
you know, banana pancakes?

Speaker 15 (39:41):
Though, what's the easiest What is the easiest recipe to foil?
Are you still counting right now?

Speaker 10 (39:48):
Journey? I was texting for her second job?

Speaker 8 (39:52):
Okay, I see, are you Okay, yeah, I don't believe that.

Speaker 10 (39:57):
But secret second job, are you an agent?

Speaker 4 (40:03):
Okay? Okay?

Speaker 8 (40:10):
For for the novices out there, what are the easiest
recipes to follow?

Speaker 15 (40:14):
Actually that what's the what's the miracle ingredient that you
can make a billion things out of?

Speaker 4 (40:20):
That's a good question, Rice, Yeah, you can. You can
make a million things out of pasta.

Speaker 10 (40:27):
There's a lot of good pasta dishes.

Speaker 4 (40:29):
There's so many good pasta dishes in there.

Speaker 10 (40:32):
There's also really this is I really like the potato
crab grotten thing. It's super simple and you can show
off and act like you are a real good chef
because it tastes incredible.

Speaker 16 (40:48):
It's got like the you know when you when you
have like the garlic butter you dip lobster and crab.

Speaker 10 (40:53):
It's got that in it with the potato grotten and
the cheese. It's incredible.

Speaker 17 (40:59):
And it's not here no, Okay, like twenty of them
today at the Today Show and we left them. We
also have a really easy fried chicken recipe in this book,
the Naked Fried Wings.

Speaker 4 (41:16):
Okay, there's no branding on it, so you ain't got
to like do all that and then if you.

Speaker 16 (41:21):
Want to be really ambitious. You can make our seventh
word gumbo.

Speaker 8 (41:26):
What's the hardest dish here?

Speaker 4 (41:28):
That way?

Speaker 10 (41:30):
Can I just know when y'all have a hurricane recipe,
which I really appreciate, but is it different in some type.

Speaker 4 (41:34):
Of way or is it just a hurricane recipe and
we need.

Speaker 10 (41:37):
It's just for people to have the hurricane recipe to
be able to go with yeah, to be able to
go with the New Orleans dishes.

Speaker 17 (41:44):
But you can find all the secrets in the family table,
available for thirty dollars everywhere where books are sold.

Speaker 10 (41:52):
This one sells some other places for nineteen ninety nineteen dollars.
Because our mom is from New Orleans. There's there's a
whole chapter about New Orleans roots, and so we have
like a crawfish boil in there that's incredible, which actually
the crawfish boiler is pretty Yeah, that's easy to boys.
Also there's a cauliflower corn chowder for vegetarians, and that's

really actually very easy. That's vegan too. It can be vegan.
You take out the butter and you put an olive oil.

Speaker 4 (42:20):
I thought it was yeah type situation.

Speaker 10 (42:24):
We didn't do agne. We did donuts though.

Speaker 4 (42:27):
Regular donuts.

Speaker 8 (42:30):
Did you guys save anything for a follow up book
or no?

Speaker 10 (42:35):
There's other stuff. No, we're not doing will do like education,
hill books, everything, I mean, But aside from that, like
I know Jake has other cookbooks he wants to do eventually.

I have other cookbooks I want to do eventually.

Speaker 12 (42:59):
But they're gonna they're gonna publish a two or three
book with being Jockey twenty five different ways to make
a case of the.

Speaker 4 (43:08):
Sandwiches and so when younger, When younger, what was the
one meal that or.

Speaker 15 (43:16):
One dish that you guys were absolutely tired of? Like
how many ways can I You weren't allowed to complain
about it?

Speaker 10 (43:22):
Like we used to eat salmon so often that we
all got sick of salmon.

Speaker 4 (43:27):
Salmon and black beans a lot salmon. Y'all have to
eat liver. There were times that I feel there was
salmon cakes with the potatoes in them.

Speaker 10 (43:41):
We used to eat the gray liver. Mama used to
eat liver, used to eat pickled his feet. I did
eat pickled pixel.

Speaker 4 (43:50):
We used to eat salmon though a lot before really cheap.
I have a question.

Speaker 8 (43:56):
You're allowed to eat picks me, but you weren't allowed
to use the microwave.

Speaker 10 (44:03):
This is true. That was later when microwaves were the thing. Okay, no, no,
Mommy refused, like sometimes she would put tape on the microwave.
Like then she took the microwave out of the house.
I took the microwave out of my mouth.

Speaker 4 (44:17):
Now I don't have a microwave. I don't have a
microwave either. When you get hungry real quick, or you
got a warmer, it's a it's a it's a warmer
like that goes. Really you got you's got a.

Speaker 10 (44:26):
Steamer it's Jesse got a steamer man.

Speaker 4 (44:30):
There's a lining of waters that's right at the bottom
of this microwave.

Speaker 10 (44:34):
It's like a steam oven. It looks like a microwave oven.

Speaker 4 (44:38):
It's a microwave. It's like this big. I mean, which people.

Speaker 12 (44:44):
You know.

Speaker 10 (44:45):
Let's see, we didn't have one of those growing up.

Speaker 4 (44:52):
We ain't even had a skillet. We had to cook
that ship on our hands.

Speaker 10 (45:00):
They got a piece of.

Speaker 4 (45:02):
And you used to eat Chitling's jazz, right, Chitling's.

Speaker 10 (45:07):
Uncle Jeff over and bring those and they was chitlings
over white rice with crystals, hot sauce, every chrystal wine.

Speaker 8 (45:18):
I'm not caping for it, but the myth of ch
spelling up the entire house.

Speaker 4 (45:24):
They did clean them.

Speaker 10 (45:30):
No, he would bring them in a big white bucket.

Speaker 4 (45:33):
That's when they come in. Everybody.

Speaker 10 (45:34):
Yeah, and they and you clean them downstairs, you clean
down the laundry.

Speaker 4 (45:41):
You got one the laundry utility, the utility. We didn't
have that, y'all. Sound fancy you clean them in the county.

Speaker 15 (45:56):
You got a basement in the Recordom okay, So, ladies
and Gentlemen's about that time for.

Speaker 4 (46:06):
That moment.

Speaker 10 (46:12):
Is that the TV shows, I mean No Place Child.

Speaker 15 (46:14):
Anyway to seven from No I decided to compete against
uh that was that's actually uh no Seth Harrison's on lyrics.

Speaker 13 (46:34):
I just I did that earlier.

Speaker 4 (46:36):
Yeah, anyway, production.

Speaker 15 (46:42):
So, being as though we are these are two families,
the q l S family and the Smalllett family, I
think we should play around black car even though I.

Speaker 4 (46:52):
Know we were at a disadvantage of that. Yeah.

Speaker 15 (46:54):
Yeah, But the thing is is that you Bill, Yes, sir,
unpaid Bill, You've been around us enough. You've been Steven's
disciple beipst turn out. Though Bill has been a disciple
of a fante for the longest, so he should know enough.

Speaker 4 (47:15):
And let's not forget who gave Steve.

Speaker 8 (47:19):
His monica, who gave him diabetes?

Speaker 4 (47:24):
I still got over Steve. I'm in I'm in black
fame over here you are?

Speaker 8 (47:31):
He worked on voodoo. I mean, come on, and he
has diabetes on.

Speaker 10 (47:37):
All right.

Speaker 4 (47:40):
Him, I need to get the diabetes black carbon. That's
what you gotta do. You got to give him. So
how does this work?

Speaker 10 (47:47):
Do we take turns to learn?

Speaker 4 (47:49):
I'll never never. I'm like, how you guys uncomfortable with
I never played? Come in the circle.

Speaker 15 (47:57):
Basically, Seth is going to read a question to each
squad and we're going to compete for So Seth is
the referee, Yeah, neutral host, moderator.

Speaker 10 (48:10):
Yeah, he's the jew host.

Speaker 4 (48:14):
Do you keep scoring masters reference? So I appreciate. All right,
So this is officially with pink people.

Speaker 17 (48:27):
I mean, no place child, no need to say white people.
Ain't nobody white. They're pink peach, They're not white. Yeah,
I'm just a light brown, exactly brown.

Speaker 4 (48:45):
You there you go. That's cool, pink power of pearl.

Speaker 15 (48:51):
Actually, I about to say that this is the first
time that the Jewish side of the family has outnumbered
the black side of the family.

Speaker 4 (48:59):
As far as we're all family.

Speaker 15 (49:02):
Yes, but this this thing, this is the first time
that these two complained that. Now when your mother mom
is with your Okay, I forgot record, not just that.

Speaker 4 (49:15):
A lot of a lot of oppressed people, a lot
of oppressed people in the in the group right now.
That's a good summarization.

Speaker 10 (49:23):
Raises a construct made up by the man to oppress
us and separate us from each other talking.

Speaker 8 (49:36):
Ask you got me as your grandson.

Speaker 15 (49:37):
Please, it is done, all these idioms and pearls and wisdom.
Just okay, can you read the first one question?

Speaker 13 (49:56):
I mean, no place child?

Speaker 4 (49:58):
So do we have to do a buzzer? Do we say.

Speaker 8 (50:02):
He's going to ask our guests first?

Speaker 4 (50:04):
Do I do the yes? You read the question, give
your A, B, C, D. And then do they confer
like the family feud?

Speaker 8 (50:11):

Speaker 4 (50:12):
So then okay?

Speaker 8 (50:13):
Or should they go one at a time.

Speaker 4 (50:15):
Let's play, well, how do we.

Speaker 6 (50:21):

Speaker 4 (50:21):

Speaker 8 (50:22):
Jesse gets the.

Speaker 4 (50:22):
First, We confir.

Speaker 10 (50:26):
Come on, so we don't shout it out.

Speaker 4 (50:29):
All right, let's do it.

Speaker 13 (50:31):
You figured it out?

Speaker 7 (50:33):
Answer this question before we start? Before we start, can
I just read the instructions? It's really how to play says,
you know how we do. Make your own rules and
play the way you want. That's what you're gonna do anyway,
I mean.

Speaker 4 (50:48):
No place. Let's go already.

Speaker 13 (50:51):
First one, what does it mean if your ear keeps itching?
You made a wish? Someone's talking about you?

Speaker 4 (50:58):
Talk about for Jesse, though, Jesse, make your own rules.
That's what you're gonna do anywhere.

Speaker 13 (51:06):
That is actually correct. B somebody somebody was talking about
we got out black card revoked?

Speaker 4 (51:12):
Not yet?

Speaker 23 (51:13):
All right?

Speaker 15 (51:16):
What does this prove that they're actually I think the
rules is that we start at ten and for each
a correct answer, you get a point for voking.

Speaker 8 (51:25):
Okay, so the first week zero they lost.

Speaker 13 (51:28):
All right, So this one's for the sug Yeah, all right.
In what city did Rosa Parks refuse to move to
the back of the bus to Ski Alabama? Birmingham, Alabama, Jacksonmissippi?
Or Montgomery, Alabama?

Speaker 4 (51:41):
Are we about to answer? They all answer together? We
have to answer together, making our own rules. Do you
want to like you need help? It's Montgomery?

Speaker 13 (51:50):
That is actually correct? Montgomery?

Speaker 8 (51:52):
Okay, okay, like that, Jazz.

Speaker 13 (51:58):
Yes, approximately how long did Sophia have to fight?

Speaker 4 (52:05):
That's exactly right? All our life. That's a really good one.

Speaker 8 (52:11):
This might the easy black cart.

Speaker 13 (52:13):
Yeah, exactly, Uh, unpaid Bill, what year did cash money
records take over?

Speaker 4 (52:24):

Speaker 13 (52:25):
It's either two thousand and one to two thousand and two,
ninety nine to two thousand, ninety seven to ninety eighth,
four to five?

Speaker 4 (52:34):
Can I can I call a black person? Yeah?

Speaker 13 (52:37):
No, you got to reach into your black question.

Speaker 4 (52:40):
Bill, there's no conferring.

Speaker 13 (52:46):
One to two of the song ninety nine to two thousand,
ninety seven to ninety eighth, four to five.

Speaker 4 (52:58):
Problem when you get it taken away. Yeah, we didn't
make we need I was going, I was, I was
throwing up.

Speaker 10 (53:13):
To be.

Speaker 4 (53:15):
We just lost two points down to two points. I
ain't no excuse me? You put was that? Jake? It's
an easy one. Go ahead. Yes.

Speaker 13 (53:31):
Who is Oprah's best friend? The options are Tyler, Perry,
Tyler Perry, Steedman, Graham, sisterly Tyson or Gail.

Speaker 4 (53:42):
Can I would have known this? He'll go with Gail game.

Speaker 13 (53:47):
It could be day to day.

Speaker 4 (53:48):
He could be right, Stepan's gone or what. I don't know.

Speaker 13 (53:54):
He's just her man, He's not her cardboard cutout.

Speaker 4 (53:56):
I thought, yo, you you you better watch it embarrassed, Phil, Yes, sir, what.

Speaker 13 (54:10):
Year was interracial marriage legalized?

Speaker 4 (54:14):
Are you kidding? Question? Ship? What year was.

Speaker 13 (54:19):
Interracial marriage legalized? If you saw the movie Give Me
the Give You for Years, it's either sixty four, fifty two,
seventy three or sixty seven.

Speaker 15 (54:34):
Ship, I hate colonialism, motherfucking If they have a certain
amount of.

Speaker 13 (54:42):
Give me, give me the choices sixty four, fifty two,
seventy three or sixty seven, go with a you're gonna
go with sixty four. It was sixty seven sixty You.

Speaker 4 (54:55):
Just don't believe me because you're just whole.

Speaker 22 (54:57):
Note sixty seven was obscene six fingers like wa y'all.

Speaker 4 (55:03):
Allowed the answer, but we can y'all know what? Do
you know what the song should be when you lose it?
It should be don't call me Nick? Okay, I'll just
have a C.

Speaker 10 (55:21):
By the way, that was one of the songs we
listened to across country.

Speaker 17 (55:27):
Y'all literally sidebar, let me show you how ridiculous and
black and black, Black, Black mommy.

Speaker 4 (55:35):
We went into a b C.

Speaker 17 (55:36):
We got our deal from ABC, and we performed to
shut him down by public enemy Ship, No boy, we
performed shut him down like, but wait a minute, the
neighborhood to put some money.

Speaker 4 (55:48):
In the corporation is own. They gotta give up the
town or else. We gotta shut him down, shut him.

Speaker 3 (55:53):
Down, shut down, shut him down, shut him shut him down,
shut him shut him down, shut him down, shut him down.

Speaker 4 (56:06):
Joe Journey was four geez. But wait a minute, I
couldn't even fit in yo, but I thought I was.

Speaker 8 (56:14):
I totally forgot to ask about their acting career.

Speaker 4 (56:18):
Jojo, you had locks on the show. I used like
a mad crush on you. Jojo has highest ratings than
John Stamos Real Ship. But where the is I full
on our own boycot that flicks pastime?

Speaker 15 (56:41):
You wait a minute, if ever the opportunity presented yourself,
but don't even consider it, like what they made on
our own house to the TV Real.

Speaker 10 (57:04):
But we were all for one season, so I just
didn't trust.

Speaker 4 (57:11):
Hit up TV one. You know, we never asked, y'all,
what with your mommy is that?

Speaker 10 (57:17):
Yeah? My mom was Jane and our dad was Joel,
and then they named Jojo Joel Junior. He's a junior.
And then when Jazz came, I think they just, yeah,
let's just continue this. Wow, jealous, James Ingram, Okay, thank you.

Speaker 4 (57:37):
Yes, they have six kids and they're all right. George Forman,
George g E O R.

Speaker 10 (57:50):
That wasn't the George Jesse was referring to earlier. That's George.

Speaker 4 (57:56):
They're can I have that drinking? Sure? You have some drink?
All right? Who has?

Speaker 8 (58:01):
The next question?

Speaker 4 (58:03):
Is jo alright?

Speaker 13 (58:04):

Speaker 4 (58:05):
Eight to small?

Speaker 13 (58:07):
In which city was Martin Luther King killed? Atlanta, Birmingham,
Washington or Memphis?

Speaker 4 (58:13):

Speaker 17 (58:14):
That's exactly right. Ain't gonna getting nothing history wrong. A
smart motherfucker.

Speaker 10 (58:22):
For president.

Speaker 4 (58:25):
To agree my wife. My wife is over there saying
when when she wants to go to sleep, she can't sleep.
I started reading the Lullabys from Americans. But he's absolutely serious, serious,
big ass red book, and it's really a lullaby of Americas.

Speaker 10 (58:46):
No, he just reads it.

Speaker 4 (58:48):
I don't believe it nothing. Y'all say.

Speaker 8 (58:52):
You up a mere turn my turn?

Speaker 4 (58:55):

Speaker 10 (58:55):
Wait, wait, what's the score.

Speaker 4 (58:56):
It's three of y'all. Yeah, y'all still black. We all
missed screwed up. I'm still blad.

Speaker 13 (59:03):
Because he was the only one who gotta gotta right.

Speaker 10 (59:07):
We're still.

Speaker 13 (59:11):
Mere who wrote lift every voice and sing.

Speaker 4 (59:17):
He's gonna know that, he's definitely gonna the options behind
the computer right now. Music. He might be looking up
lift every voice and saying.

Speaker 13 (59:28):
Yeah that in his place Maya, Angelou Booker, T Washington, James,
Weldon Johnson or Langston Hughes James the first.

Speaker 4 (59:40):
Verse everybody knows more. We're still in this.

Speaker 10 (59:51):
That was in notation during our car trips to as
was c Win What's all Don't Cry.

Speaker 12 (59:57):
For Me.

Speaker 4 (01:00:05):
From Dark Mass.

Speaker 20 (01:00:08):
People America record background. Yes, okay, now journey s.

Speaker 13 (01:00:30):
I love that you guys are on one car.

Speaker 24 (01:00:32):
Yeah, it was a suburban and we don't have used
to have a suburban portable TV uh, supportable TVs that
you plug into the lighter and we used to literally
watch Martin and Fresh.

Speaker 10 (01:00:48):
Prince of Bellair.

Speaker 4 (01:00:53):
Was going to bring the Martin the Trivia game. But
this was again because this is when they had their
white privilege.

Speaker 10 (01:01:05):
We initially were traveling in a docs and.

Speaker 4 (01:01:09):
Yeah we have with Martin and I Love Lucy. Okay,
we ain't even had one of them the an visors
with a mirror on it. There was no visor in
passinger door. Yeah that we're to rolled down like that. Oh,
we had that ship and yeah, are you excited about

the Martin reboot? Y' know doing that? Is that really happens?
That happened. I'm scared of that.

Speaker 10 (01:01:39):
So I'm confused. She's on Regina Kingsop.

Speaker 4 (01:01:43):
They fake us out because they was on social media
and it was all three of them.

Speaker 15 (01:01:45):
Yeah, got canceled the Regina shows another.

Speaker 10 (01:01:49):
One for ABC. She has a pilot missed that.

Speaker 8 (01:01:52):
Okay, gotcha?

Speaker 4 (01:01:53):
What is it?

Speaker 9 (01:01:54):
No, he's maybe it's coming later, because that's not like
they've actually started something. It just looked like they came
from a meeting where they agreed we gonna do this,
they say, when we was gonna do this?

Speaker 4 (01:02:02):
Just like like what about Tommy? There's a lot they
gotta do a whole Roseanne if they can't get everybody.

Speaker 8 (01:02:15):
Oh yeah, so can we have journeys questions?

Speaker 4 (01:02:19):

Speaker 13 (01:02:19):
Ready, when Grandma tells you to wrench it off, what
do you need to complete the task?

Speaker 4 (01:02:25):
Do you need to.

Speaker 13 (01:02:26):
Wrench lots of salt, hot sauce or water?

Speaker 4 (01:02:31):

Speaker 10 (01:02:31):
Finally he's saying off water.

Speaker 13 (01:02:34):
That's right, of course. One time I went.

Speaker 11 (01:02:41):
One time back away, I went to a waffle house
and I was ordering the food and this was really
on the menu, it's said.

Speaker 4 (01:02:48):
I said, can I have a salad with chicken breasts
on it? But can I have it with no salt?
And she said, she said, well the chicken already made.
You want me to have him wrench it off? Did
I say it wrong?

Speaker 15 (01:03:04):

Speaker 4 (01:03:05):
Said perfect? Now I see, I said, thank you, just explanation.
I appreciate spelling. Be y'all.

Speaker 10 (01:03:17):
Do know you can't beat us right because we have
a perfect score.

Speaker 4 (01:03:20):
Just I could play for everybody. We know what whose
team is he on? I'm on that? Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I cureless outside.

Speaker 10 (01:03:32):
That he got it come and come on, no, no no,
I was just wondering if we were splitting.

Speaker 4 (01:03:37):
Like no, no, no, no, no no no. This is
the nation of Wakanda, y'all, the nation of will kinda.

Speaker 6 (01:03:51):
We do.

Speaker 12 (01:03:55):
Look we're looking more like the National Coal.

Speaker 4 (01:04:05):
Jim California dreaming.

Speaker 14 (01:04:09):
The money who like Bob the West Side playing from
stock only it kind of with me right up raking
and then then we went down control.

Speaker 4 (01:04:19):
You's what we do. We half crossing, hit the line
with slow jam but putting the crowning like a slow jamie.

Speaker 22 (01:04:30):
You know what, Dona, no man, what you say give
me that bob beat from tram gonna be seven weeks
l a from that town.

Speaker 4 (01:04:38):
Yeah, back down Kelly with the necktown bringing love ma
please feeling. Oh my god, get up ju justy s
my let question? Just will do? Hit him up now too?

Speaker 8 (01:04:59):
Niggas ready for.

Speaker 4 (01:05:02):
We're not doing? Who is next? Seven is out? You are? Wait?
I can't believe he could say it, but I'm ready.
You're gonna love it here. Okay, don't lose your theme.

Speaker 13 (01:05:22):
Jerome from Martin is the player from Yeah.

Speaker 4 (01:05:31):
Let me play for you?

Speaker 5 (01:05:32):

Speaker 4 (01:05:32):
Yes, okay, song all right?

Speaker 8 (01:05:37):
Back to Jesse.

Speaker 4 (01:05:39):
Is gonna be worse.

Speaker 13 (01:05:40):
What is Mike Jones's phone number?

Speaker 6 (01:05:47):
Do not know?

Speaker 25 (01:05:50):
You not?

Speaker 4 (01:05:52):
Wait? The rules were to make him up because that's
what you're gonna honor, the not telling each other. But
everybody should give me. What are the options?

Speaker 13 (01:06:03):
Give me age six seven five three oh nine seven
o seven six o six eight four Wait.

Speaker 4 (01:06:08):
Wait wait, stop, wait wait that's Jenny. That was Jenny
phone number. No help the hell you off?

Speaker 15 (01:06:18):
You've got you back on the smallest way cut?

Speaker 13 (01:06:23):
Is Michael also just is also seven seven seven nine
three one one? Are you reading it with a rhythm
and there's also two eight one three three o eight
oh oh four.

Speaker 4 (01:06:38):
What's the question like Jones? Jones who put his number
in his song bill.

Speaker 13 (01:06:46):
The third one, I mean, not the it's not the
it's read them again? Is eight six seven? Not that
seven O seven seven seven seven nine three one one
that two eight one three three oh eight.

Speaker 4 (01:07:03):
Oh oh four, it is that one. That's right? Okay.
I just got to tell you your evaluation your blacks
is like totally left your body. I love that.

Speaker 10 (01:07:13):
To do.

Speaker 4 (01:07:13):
My product of elimination like that. They knew that it
wasn't but product of elimination. Yeah, that's a new one.
Product of elimination. Pros right. Product that's right. Whatever process.
What you said, what you say?

Speaker 8 (01:07:35):
What is the answer?

Speaker 4 (01:07:38):
Stop stalling, stop stalling? Got it? Got it right? Product?
I get it? Okay, it's on me. It's got real quick.
You ready from it.

Speaker 13 (01:07:56):
If they're climbing through your windows.

Speaker 4 (01:07:58):
You better hide your kids. Regular about it.

Speaker 13 (01:08:06):
That was Anyone who watches the internet will know that.

Speaker 4 (01:08:09):
All right.

Speaker 13 (01:08:10):
Last time he checked, the man was in these these
these these streets. Last time he checked the man, Last
time he checked, he was the man in these streets.
That's not it's either Drake, Wayne, jay Z or Young Jeezy.

Speaker 4 (01:08:33):

Speaker 13 (01:08:34):
Last time he checked, he was the man in these streets.

Speaker 11 (01:08:39):
I'm gonna just stop popping your jaws.

Speaker 13 (01:08:49):
The options Little Wayne, Drake, Young Jeezy.

Speaker 10 (01:08:54):
I was too busy reading about my black history.

Speaker 4 (01:08:59):
I did not hear a song.

Speaker 10 (01:09:02):
You know, I'm going to say, uh, wait them.

Speaker 13 (01:09:06):
Again, no help, Lil Wayne, jay Z, Drake or Young Jeezy.

Speaker 10 (01:09:11):
Sounds like something young Z was saying.

Speaker 4 (01:09:13):
I don't know that's right. Yeah, don't do that not
I think they know.

Speaker 7 (01:09:23):
Answer Jesus Christ, you might need to say this for
next February.

Speaker 4 (01:09:33):
At least, no June. We already got and we will know.
It's everybody. Well, so was Malcolm X. I'm messing up black.

Speaker 8 (01:09:58):
Let's go.

Speaker 10 (01:09:59):
You can't compare James.

Speaker 15 (01:10:01):
Wait, wait a minute's back on Steve's turn again.

Speaker 13 (01:10:05):
Steve I forgot, So we go on another round.

Speaker 4 (01:10:07):
There's too much pressure.

Speaker 13 (01:10:08):
At least this is going to be one of those
ones that everyone's gonna know but you and I can't wait.

Speaker 4 (01:10:16):
That's gonna suck the second round. This is the second
un I'm gonna prepare for failure. It harder.

Speaker 8 (01:10:24):
You weren't conferring well, we can make it harder and.

Speaker 15 (01:10:27):
You got yeah the third, let's confirm it's a good
time for round. Let's let's have the teams confer. Fine,
all wait, if we do that, then I want to
go to the hard cards.

Speaker 4 (01:10:42):
Not gonna get.

Speaker 10 (01:10:44):
Wait, no, no, no, here's the thing. Steve has to
finish this one because I just did that one, so
we have to make it.

Speaker 4 (01:10:52):
Wow. Okay, Okay, I see now, I see you. Okay,
I feel like you're CEU is different.

Speaker 13 (01:11:02):
Which character from Martin lived on the fifth floor.

Speaker 4 (01:11:06):
I actually just said his name. I don't know. You
have to listen to the show conferring.

Speaker 10 (01:11:11):
That is so easy.

Speaker 13 (01:11:13):
I knew, I knew everyone's gonna know.

Speaker 4 (01:11:15):
That's how he doesn't get a multiple choice?

Speaker 13 (01:11:17):
Multiple choice ready? Uh, Roscoe, Hustleman, Dragonfly Jones or bruh Man.

Speaker 4 (01:11:25):
Let me cute, This doesn't ring a bell?

Speaker 26 (01:11:31):
Uh give give him his obs again, bruh Man, Dragonfire, Jones,
Hustleman or Roscoe.

Speaker 4 (01:11:44):
That's in a different order than you gave.

Speaker 13 (01:11:46):
I went and went up the other one.

Speaker 4 (01:11:49):
Everything number reading man, it's bro Man. Refer you when
you first you said I have to manumis you let

him know what it is something with bro Man. First,
I don't want to.

Speaker 13 (01:12:25):
Emphasizing one of the other car.

Speaker 10 (01:12:29):
Bro Man, that was.

Speaker 6 (01:12:33):

Speaker 10 (01:12:36):
I'm proudly.

Speaker 4 (01:12:39):
Still women know what?

Speaker 10 (01:12:40):
Really there should be in all seriousness, there should be
a Jewish card revolt. I would be interested in.

Speaker 8 (01:12:48):
Your business venture.

Speaker 4 (01:12:49):
There should be a Blewish card revoked.

Speaker 17 (01:12:52):
Lenny krabbits Drake, Lisa, Zoe grabbers, cat.

Speaker 4 (01:12:56):
Grap all of these blues, motherfuckers, cat gripped. Can't okay.

Speaker 10 (01:13:05):
Work Jordan's sparks as well?

Speaker 4 (01:13:07):
I know I didn't know sparks in a Jewish name.
Jordan's Lord, but she loves the Lord a lot. Yes,
just so you know it's bro Man. Okay, that's how
it's pronounced. Already quitting while you're here, it is.

Speaker 13 (01:13:37):
Jack, Jake, finish this phrase beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes, Come
on this easy and is I'll give you the options.
The options are burritos, let's cook you name it. What's

the end of the phrase. Those are those are the
those are the options?

Speaker 4 (01:14:00):
Wait? Wait, still say I'm asking the question. If they
missed the question, can we still it still that for
the next round?

Speaker 15 (01:14:12):
Brom getting ready, Jake, what is it bro.

Speaker 13 (01:14:22):
What is the So the phrase is, what's the end
of the phrase, beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes, And now the
options are the next word is either burritos, doritos, let's cook,
or you name it.

Speaker 4 (01:14:37):
That's exactly right.

Speaker 15 (01:14:38):
I feel like the way I just had to think
it is he was trying brother a really easy one beans, potatoes, tomatoes.

Speaker 10 (01:14:48):
Because I was thinking, what's the next lyrics and tomatoes
and some greens.

Speaker 4 (01:14:53):
In your family ring around bill books are old, that's
the one books. So this is we confer on. We
can confer alright, what we finished this?

Speaker 8 (01:15:07):
I don't want to confer. They got something they've done.

Speaker 4 (01:15:13):
We gotta do that. We gotta finish.

Speaker 13 (01:15:15):
Then it's the harder, the harder questions. Which artist once
rhymed mansion with wisconson.

Speaker 10 (01:15:24):
My question, it's not.

Speaker 13 (01:15:29):
That Buster rhymes R Kelly T pain and piles.

Speaker 4 (01:15:39):
I wish it was Kelly.

Speaker 8 (01:15:42):
Is it piles?

Speaker 13 (01:15:44):
It's written conferring, No, there is confirm applies T pain
R Kelly, Buster runs.

Speaker 4 (01:15:53):
There you go. That's right for the up.

Speaker 8 (01:16:03):
I'm so glad you said that, because I did not know.

Speaker 4 (01:16:05):
I wouldn't believe I would have black. I can't believe me.

Speaker 8 (01:16:09):
When I hear episode, I feel like this is why
the party be lost.

Speaker 10 (01:16:14):
You're really good. Was your grandmother black?

Speaker 4 (01:16:17):
No, but my stepmother's black? Does that count? Yes? Wait, motherfucker?
What I say like four words? When my father married
a Jamaican woman, I didn't know that. If you want

to tell you that, you don't. I didn't know that.
You twin didn't know this. Now you got a black mother.

Speaker 10 (01:16:56):
How long have you had a black mother?

Speaker 9 (01:16:58):

Speaker 8 (01:17:00):
He worked on Hamilton?

Speaker 4 (01:17:03):
To do with Hamilton? My stepmother is very Jamaican. I
didn't know that. You were on the show with the
drug and the garbage kid. He's talking about Sesame Street Street.
He was amazing. Can we go get the Sesame Streets

straight a place?

Speaker 10 (01:17:25):
Though? Or is it just sesame? Because Nyla keeps asking
can we go to Sesame Street?

Speaker 4 (01:17:30):
But I say, play is amusing going to the sex
you can get us? She said, you st he is,
he's the gatekeeper. Can we he come and he's all things?
You go tomorrow? You win the black cat with you
competitive motherfuckers?

Speaker 11 (01:17:52):
Baby, well played stepmother Jamaican Bill.

Speaker 8 (01:18:02):
Bill needs his own theme next time.

Speaker 4 (01:18:04):
Yeah, yeah, I got it. Read it's not.

Speaker 2 (01:18:08):
Ore. You know, everybody has a theme song here, everyone
except for me. Well, I just got bullship. Now apparently
i'll have I just got mine. Have you heard Boss Bills?
It's amazing goes like this.

Speaker 4 (01:18:22):
No, it's only when he gets so like the tears
in our food, that's great. I get pissed off. But
you guys have been making to laugh all episode.

Speaker 10 (01:18:39):
He has no reason to get By the way.

Speaker 4 (01:18:41):
You guys should know that those lovely definitely boys of
all our themes. It's fante because it is like motherfucking
super dope. That's right anyway, all right, onward? Yeah, ready
from the Sesame Street. And by the way, A mirror
doesn't have a theme song either.

Speaker 22 (01:18:57):

Speaker 10 (01:19:00):
We are really showing up to Sesame Street tomorrow?

Speaker 4 (01:19:02):
Well I will be not tomorrow.

Speaker 17 (01:19:06):
That's the only day we can go to Sesame motherfucking Street.

Speaker 10 (01:19:11):
Miss the old song.

Speaker 4 (01:19:13):
They don't use that song.

Speaker 10 (01:19:18):
It's not that it's a different it's a different I
hate it's a different melody.

Speaker 4 (01:19:27):
Why would you say something the theme song?

Speaker 10 (01:19:32):
Why she loves it. But I just am used to
the old nostalgia. Yeah, I got used to it, and
theme songs were always better in the seventh and I
love it's the letter of the day.

Speaker 17 (01:19:49):
Like, wait, I mean, y'all, if y'all are from here,
does anybody remember Bionic six?

Speaker 4 (01:19:58):
That be just because we in New York that was
the family, right, Yeah? I fight for them. They fight
for me as strong as you can't.

Speaker 17 (01:20:10):
See Saturday mornings high in the mountains, deep into sea,
bion Bionic six.

Speaker 4 (01:20:20):
We fight to gay breaking.

Speaker 15 (01:20:23):
Feature family, family and which we are so proud to
be Bionic six Radio Station.

Speaker 4 (01:20:30):
Did y'all ever battle like TV theme songs on your rides?
Like we battled everything? Oh my god? That for them?
I think we did. You got one of you people?

Speaker 13 (01:20:51):
It was up next Jacob jo Jo.

Speaker 4 (01:20:55):
It's gonna be very.

Speaker 10 (01:20:55):
Interesting this time of night. Every night, y'all y'all.

Speaker 13 (01:21:01):
Special Ready, who does Eric say you should call?

Speaker 4 (01:21:05):
If she got each.

Speaker 6 (01:21:11):

Speaker 15 (01:21:13):

Speaker 4 (01:21:17):
What they did? Credit Scott King and Martin Luther King
get married. That's the question. That's the question I'm gonna get,
Like we should.

Speaker 15 (01:21:24):
Do around where we just battle each other, Like didn't
you give heard questions?

Speaker 4 (01:21:28):
This is this one? Still mad, I'm confused, but this
one is for you.

Speaker 13 (01:21:36):
This one's a little bit hard, of course, what might
your mama give you if you start crying in the
in the store.

Speaker 4 (01:21:42):
Something that already right?

Speaker 10 (01:21:49):
The cry about now great.

Speaker 13 (01:21:51):
That's excellent.

Speaker 4 (01:21:55):
J Uh, don't get no music from or you're not angry.
So I got the questions getting angry.

Speaker 13 (01:22:11):
Who kept bumping into the table at plays house?

Speaker 4 (01:22:17):
The name it might have been for your time?

Speaker 12 (01:22:21):
Was it?

Speaker 8 (01:22:22):
This might be our company?

Speaker 4 (01:22:23):
That kid?

Speaker 13 (01:22:23):
Was it bal was it chill?

Speaker 4 (01:22:25):
It was it? Pee wee. I wish we could confer
because this one, I know, this one.

Speaker 13 (01:22:37):
Our kid blal chill or pee wee help her out.

Speaker 11 (01:22:42):
We can't confer. She got it, she got it in
her radioactive thoughts.

Speaker 4 (01:22:49):
You got what she knows. She knows the options.

Speaker 13 (01:22:57):
The person who kept bumping into the table at plays
house party was the kid blow chill?

Speaker 4 (01:23:05):
It was chill and he was saying, yo chilly.

Speaker 5 (01:23:16):
That was down to yeah, card, we still got.

Speaker 4 (01:23:31):
More points than y'all.

Speaker 10 (01:23:38):
Some of my is out now right as.

Speaker 4 (01:23:43):
Thank you, Journey The last one wasn't fair. She was
a year and a half old when the movie. I
wasn't Journey right.

Speaker 13 (01:23:55):
Yeah, it's all right, that's funny, alright, Yes there's another house.
Uh house party are off the mics are off.

Speaker 4 (01:24:04):
We're talking about.

Speaker 10 (01:24:06):
Oh mine's off.

Speaker 13 (01:24:12):
Your earphones are off?

Speaker 4 (01:24:14):
Maybe the control Wait what is the question? Question?

Speaker 13 (01:24:21):
Whose nickname in house party was dragon breath?

Speaker 4 (01:24:25):
Man? Was it Chill? Was it Belal?

Speaker 13 (01:24:27):
Was it pee wee?

Speaker 4 (01:24:28):
It was a kid?

Speaker 15 (01:24:30):
Come on, come on, come on, okay? Who had the
bad breath? Did Martin have the bad breath? Or did
kid have a bad breath? Give me the name again?

Speaker 13 (01:24:42):
Bad breath was either Chill, Blal, pee wee or kid?

Speaker 8 (01:24:46):
I don't remember pee wee. Uh, I don't want.

Speaker 6 (01:24:59):

Speaker 4 (01:25:00):
We go keep moving. You got in the mire clo
you Hey, Martin had a bad breath.

Speaker 10 (01:25:07):
That's right, thank you? Okay, I played, but.

Speaker 4 (01:25:12):
I remember remember because he was like where.

Speaker 8 (01:25:15):
I didn't know if kid had the bad.

Speaker 10 (01:25:16):
Breath or kid did not have bad breath. He was
the star of the movie.

Speaker 4 (01:25:21):
Thank you. I was thinking that Martin was the only
one or was the only one that didn't have a girl. No,
he didn't, he didn't. He got neither played it either
not play yet because he tried to kisch therrain and
it didn't. He knew it was because you yeah, right
now we can cut. We have our strongest blacks coming

up next.

Speaker 13 (01:25:42):
So now for this round, you guys are gonna the group.

Speaker 4 (01:25:48):
Maybe can we still? We can still?

Speaker 7 (01:25:53):
Yeah, we can take thy For those that are not
keeping score of the we as we are, the score
is QLs eight small family nine.

Speaker 10 (01:26:05):
What's possible?

Speaker 4 (01:26:08):
We like, we haven't gotten any lot, right, but we have?
You just got even one? We have nine? Yeah, we lost,
we have eight.

Speaker 7 (01:26:20):
That's how math works, numbers the numbers going reverse. We're
counting down from ten.

Speaker 4 (01:26:26):
You start with, let's do this, let's do this start point,
and then we were and we can still talking?

Speaker 13 (01:26:43):
Ready, what does mystical first ask you to do? After
you shake your ass?

Speaker 4 (01:26:50):
What exactly make up our own game? One day?

Speaker 8 (01:26:57):
All right?

Speaker 13 (01:26:57):
Yeah, little bit it's on me. Were the harder ones
and I supposedly.

Speaker 8 (01:27:02):
Maybe if you like, it's just humble bread.

Speaker 4 (01:27:03):
We're just so good? Is on you?

Speaker 12 (01:27:08):

Speaker 4 (01:27:08):
Okay? Ready?

Speaker 13 (01:27:09):
Yes, what does Mary J. Blige not want in her dancer?
That's right exactly.

Speaker 15 (01:27:17):
Matter of fact, to really make an advance, you shouldn't
even read the options, are right, Yeah, you.

Speaker 4 (01:27:22):
Just have to have to know.

Speaker 10 (01:27:24):
But if we're conferring, we should be able to do
that exactly.

Speaker 4 (01:27:27):
You are black, no options, no.

Speaker 11 (01:27:31):
Food feature to like I just hadol and we're sitting
around here like some dumb motherfuckers race this ship.

Speaker 13 (01:27:57):
You do you think David Duke said, what's the best
party trivia question?

Speaker 4 (01:28:02):
Maybe you got definitely He's street, all right? Oh man,
our turn ar turn no's they got. We're doing no
options and you can steal no options to everybody's turned,

everybody's turn you. You'll get it wrong.

Speaker 10 (01:28:26):
We control of this answer.

Speaker 13 (01:28:28):
She's still searching for a real love, set her heart free.

Speaker 10 (01:28:31):
It's Mary j her first album, her first single.

Speaker 4 (01:28:39):
Second Thing. It was from What's the Remind Me Of?

Speaker 27 (01:28:46):
But it was from one one from the first album
You could second period, got acknowledge the first thank you.
Let's go ready, guys, it's on me all right?

Speaker 4 (01:29:02):
All right?

Speaker 13 (01:29:03):
What city was Martin Luther King Jr?

Speaker 4 (01:29:05):
Born? And I feel not bad form not knowing this.
We can What I want to say is like I
want to do idiot.

Speaker 13 (01:29:17):
I'm not firm, but there is collusion.

Speaker 10 (01:29:22):
We definitely have someone on our team who knows this answer.

Speaker 4 (01:29:27):
Red book steal we can do mm hmm, alright, I'm
going Atlanta, that's.

Speaker 12 (01:29:39):
Right, right, all right, Look, we've got computers over there.

Speaker 4 (01:29:51):
On his I'm doing Russia. All right, let's do this.

Speaker 10 (01:29:57):
Martin Luther King Center, Atlanta. Time he went to more
House College. See, I could do it to jazz.

Speaker 4 (01:30:08):

Speaker 13 (01:30:09):
If it wasn't love, why did they feel some type
of way?

Speaker 28 (01:30:14):
What what group is that they budgeted? That's the wrong lyrics.
That's that's that's the way.

Speaker 4 (01:30:25):
It's so black. We're corrected, motherfucker. David new Edition is right.
That's the creator is back. I mean, all of us
go ahead.

Speaker 13 (01:30:41):
I'll just ask Steve and you guys can tell him what.

Speaker 4 (01:30:44):
I'll just to the microphone.

Speaker 13 (01:30:45):
Listen, after wiping down your shoulders, what did you wipe down?

Speaker 4 (01:30:49):
Next? Yeah, it's a song or something.

Speaker 15 (01:30:55):
Shoulders just pants, shoes, wipe me down.

Speaker 29 (01:30:59):
I'll say pants, shoulders, shoulders, chest after after shoulders, his pants,
after your shoulders.

Speaker 10 (01:31:13):
You wipe down your pants?

Speaker 4 (01:31:14):
No, don't he ain't saying that. You say that, I
am saying that. Mother, say that it's pants. It's listen
to lay me down by little boozy. The lyrics shoulders, chess, paint, shoes, chest.

But y'all he said something different. Can we take this chest? Yes,
because it's with the mother. No, No, what comes next,
so it's chest, pants and shoes, so you lose.

Speaker 8 (01:31:59):
We're the answer, solf.

Speaker 13 (01:32:01):
Chess is the thank you, but I don't know how
you want to score that since Steve never said chess
said gladly.

Speaker 4 (01:32:08):
But you tried to tell him.

Speaker 17 (01:32:10):
But as his team member, he still said he committed
and he said, no, I am saying that, so guess
why not?

Speaker 10 (01:32:16):
It's true Chris, whoever gets seven, we want the point.

Speaker 4 (01:32:24):
That's wrong. I didn't answer wrong, we'll get but.

Speaker 13 (01:32:29):
He'll still have the answered.

Speaker 4 (01:32:33):

Speaker 10 (01:32:34):
Yes, Yes, that's that's not right.

Speaker 4 (01:32:39):
It was right for I actually do wipe my stuff
down in that order. So I got confused, right, Ain't
nobody blaming you? Brother? You got to stuff off the
pants first. We use we lost the point.

Speaker 8 (01:32:53):
We lost lost the point.

Speaker 4 (01:32:55):
We lost it.

Speaker 8 (01:32:55):
We lost the point we.

Speaker 10 (01:32:57):
Have bark is really getting good.

Speaker 4 (01:33:01):
That's okay, a recipe in your book the books.

Speaker 10 (01:33:06):
Because you're gonna put some came, you're gonna put some chocolate,
and you're gonna put some coconut shavings, dridge, and you're
gonna break and Himalayan salt than you are. You're gonna
break it about it into pieces like chocolate and salt,
so dope, it's really good, like health wise. Yeah, because

it's from them pink mountains, the Malay.

Speaker 4 (01:33:31):
You know. I'm sorry that was the wrong. Wait, hold on,
I have a question. You guys just launched the point,
but I didn't hear you say, don't call me nigger, whitey.

You got damn defected man, that's defect. You know, he
defected like he just got the trees. And then he's sorry. Yeah,
I appreciate you for saying it so that I knew it.

Speaker 22 (01:34:13):
That's about education. Brother's brother. Why are you thinking of that?
And it's all a woman, a woman to call Shirley.
All right, give us most of the question.

Speaker 6 (01:34:29):
This is.

Speaker 13 (01:34:35):
What are the seven principles of Kwanza? Sorry questions exactly?

Speaker 4 (01:34:50):
Wait, that's the exact question.

Speaker 13 (01:34:52):
Which which of the seven principles of Kwanza means unity?

Speaker 4 (01:34:57):
Some options?

Speaker 14 (01:34:59):
I know just.

Speaker 4 (01:35:05):
One video. I don't actually know because calm down, Margaret,
it's going to.

Speaker 10 (01:35:10):
Be called something that I haven't pronounced before. Jesse, where
you are because I'm so glad I have to do
these options.

Speaker 4 (01:35:17):
I can't Moji nigga is an emoji, David emoji.

Speaker 10 (01:35:36):
It was that's what you're gonna got emoji.

Speaker 4 (01:35:43):
Calmed down. They said emoji this you lost answer. There's
no quan emoji.

Speaker 10 (01:35:52):
We do know that there's a canora though, that you're right,
that is where you put the candles.

Speaker 4 (01:35:58):
Would just like to say this. I would just like
to say this. I would just like to say this.
But we also don't know a motherfucking thing about hanakah.

Speaker 21 (01:36:15):
Sewhere you're so close?

Speaker 12 (01:36:27):
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
wait wait wait wait wait wait wait?

Speaker 4 (01:36:32):
How does his not count when he was that close?
You said hater, rations aid the holeration, and he over
there saying that. Bro.

Speaker 17 (01:36:40):
I said, y'all, I appreciate y'all defending man. I'm gonna
let that go because I was wrong, and as a
black man, I can't admit such thing.

Speaker 4 (01:36:57):
But y'all you got his back though. That's what's up.
That's your brothers.

Speaker 30 (01:37:04):
I thought he said. The way he mispronounced the VI
was you. This is seven and y'all still win it.

Speaker 4 (01:37:19):
Y'all still win give it to us. That is a
good question. This is hard. Let me just say this.

Speaker 31 (01:37:25):
It's amazing when even your failures are only based on
your own succession. O, lord.

Speaker 4 (01:37:40):
It is it your turn?

Speaker 8 (01:37:41):
It's hard?

Speaker 15 (01:37:43):
Can we just wait time out? This is the buckets
and we had the children's and this is Jojo so happy.
If we asked that question, right, don't we get the point?

Speaker 10 (01:37:57):
That's ice cre you do this?

Speaker 4 (01:38:01):
You you took it. Yeah, it's nine.

Speaker 10 (01:38:07):
It's not deducted.

Speaker 4 (01:38:11):
If you steal the question, you get a point back.

Speaker 5 (01:38:16):

Speaker 13 (01:38:16):
You don't get a point off.

Speaker 4 (01:38:16):
They just guess what the commercial You don't know we
have question?

Speaker 10 (01:38:29):
Wait, we got the fine, right?

Speaker 6 (01:38:31):
You know what?

Speaker 4 (01:38:31):
I think? I think that we should more round and
then be done with this ship.

Speaker 13 (01:38:37):
Seriously, more more rounds and feel I'm doing it all right?

Speaker 4 (01:38:45):
I was telling Get I'm ready to go. What doesn't matter.
We stop agitating.

Speaker 10 (01:38:51):
Jesse always laughs when he cuts tomatoes.

Speaker 4 (01:38:54):
It's the funniest tomato. Who was the first Hey, hey, hey,
I don't want no hat to race. No, let's go Seth.

Speaker 13 (01:39:06):
Who was the first self made female millionaire in the Yeah?

Speaker 4 (01:39:11):
Yes, right, who was it? I know? Because this is
walking you. That's exactly right.

Speaker 10 (01:39:24):
I can't believe.

Speaker 6 (01:39:30):
You have.

Speaker 4 (01:39:34):
Already oph.

Speaker 10 (01:39:40):
You said may get the hair, all right, so we
have no I know, Okay, the first.

Speaker 13 (01:39:49):
Black guy, Jojo. How many times did outcast apologize to
miss Jackson?

Speaker 4 (01:40:00):
Yes, I got a thousand times, a.

Speaker 10 (01:40:07):
Trillion times.

Speaker 4 (01:40:08):
I'm sorry, brilliant, Yeah they It's hard to hear the
trillion times. I thought it was a thousands, a.

Speaker 15 (01:40:19):
Trillion crack okay, so obviously, okay, all right, I was
gonna say over now ready, shoul this would be the
last two questions.

Speaker 4 (01:40:30):
Sure, yeah, please, I thought we were going to do bills.

Speaker 15 (01:40:35):
Love bills is getting getting has never been in the
history of the show.

Speaker 13 (01:40:39):
Love gets them weak in the knees.

Speaker 4 (01:40:41):
Man, who is.

Speaker 13 (01:40:44):
Love gets them weak in the knees?

Speaker 10 (01:40:48):
That's so easy?

Speaker 4 (01:40:51):
Billion? Oh yeah, it could be a billion people, believe.

Speaker 25 (01:41:00):
Damn Okay, So, ladies and gentlemen, I've completely lost control of.

Speaker 4 (01:41:12):
Once intellectual podcasts. I would love to thank the entire.

Speaker 23 (01:41:16):
Smalltt clan for joining us, Justine small Jazz, Smllet, j
Jojo Jake, and Journey Smollett.

Speaker 4 (01:41:28):
Yes, the damn Smalllett thank you.

Speaker 15 (01:41:31):
For coming request love, Sadre. I'm officially setting the book.
The Family Table is in stores right now.

Speaker 4 (01:41:37):
That stops raising through.

Speaker 15 (01:41:40):
I hope that this is a James Beard dominated book
and all their dreams come true in the culinary world.
Were behalf of Sugar.

Speaker 4 (01:41:55):
Steve Boston Hill watching a little light.

Speaker 8 (01:41:57):
Year and myself and our special guests burns out.

Speaker 32 (01:42:04):
They're giving a soundtrack back in the background. No, that
was a reference or that that Verbo in his voice. No,
it just got was from when Smalls was on Martin
and Gina and she said, I'm gonna just be over

here Dustin all of my favorite people right now. It

ain't last words about family Table cookbook. You know, we
actually are very proud so far. You know, people are
really enjoying this book, you know, and we loved it.
We had a good time doing this.

Speaker 8 (01:43:01):
Thank you very much for coming.

Speaker 4 (01:43:07):
Game. They wanted to game.

Speaker 8 (01:43:10):
Thank you, Yes, they want I mean child thank you.

Speaker 12 (01:43:22):
Next week.

Speaker 4 (01:43:23):
All right.

Speaker 15 (01:43:24):
See, this is a very unorganized episode of Quest Love Supreme.
I will see all the next go around.

Speaker 4 (01:43:29):
I'll see. We just want them get out by.

Speaker 1 (01:43:45):
Quest Love Supreme is a production of iHeart Radio. This
classic episode was produced by the team at Pandora. For
more podcasts from iHeart Radio, visit the iHeart Radio app
Apple Podcasts, wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
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