All Episodes

April 15, 2020 81 mins

Sandra, Peter and Jeff return to talk about record label drama, a shelved solo album, Rick James, the Black Rock Coalition and so much more!!!!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Quest Love Supreme is a production of I Heart Radio.
Hey you guys, you know we were having too much fun, right?
You know it's fun when we're just going all over
the place. This is one of the most random, non
sequitur Quest Love Supreme episodes ever, probably even crazier than
the dess in Mirror episode. I will just say that

we're just going all over the place, and it's so informative,
so entertaining, and so hilarious. This just might be my
favorite episode of Quest Love Supreme ever. Yes, I'm going
on record, Jimmy jam I might have to break your heart.
You might be number two. This is probably one of
my favorite moments on this on this whole experience of

bringing you guys information. So, without further ado, this part
two of the Family Stand episode on Quest Love Supreme.
So we were on you. I'm sorry where you're ruly
rude interruptions like that? Um yeah, So I mean what
she said she said something that we we definitely should acknowledge,

which is, you know, Jimmy giving her the heads up
on a certain someone. Thank you for getting giving me
the heads up on Oh wait a minute, what happened
her solo recording which one Sanctuary album that Yeah, what happened?
Oh god? So what you left? You left? Well, I'm

not saying Maryland, Bob and Sylvia, but just to return
to them. Wasn't your solo project on? Okay, how what
time do we have? So? Um? Are we going to
be crying out to the story? Probably? No, No, it's
actually kind of funny when I look back. Was it
funny then? But so I was of course. So so

as a group with Atlantic, they were signed as producers.
It was going to be a producer's album, but then
he decided to make it just us. So then they
had to sign me in an inducement letter, right, so
I was signed separately. They were committed to five albums.
I was only committed to three albums. And after that
third album, we we saw that the label wasn't gonna

give us any real love, right. It was like they
were treating like do do so, so you know, we said, look,
let's just let's just take you someplace else. Your you,
your your deal was up. Let's go do basically fam
saying someplace else but just under your name. Okay, So
because I was free and that was fine, and so

I remember the meeting with me and our and our
manager Abby with Sylvie ruin and uh he Sylvie ruined Thal,
So just let us sit for us. I gotta I
gotta rep fante like you, he's crazy. I love it

that she's like original, she tells me the the whole time. Well,
so we're in the meeting and Abby's explaining to her.
So basically, we're here because Sandra's deal is up, and uh,
we just want to let you know that you have
first right of refusal, so you could, you know, pick
her up a solo artist or she's going someplace else.
And she was like, no, that's not true. That's not true. No,
that's not true. And he said, but it is. No,

that's not true, that's not true, but it is. That's
when this one on for like three or four times.
She picks up the phone calls business affairs. Uh huh,
slam the phone. Now, oh she was mad. So she
was mad as hell. And then she was just like, okay,
she was tight, man, she was tight. So we we
we exited the room, right, we just exited because she

was whoa We left and that was fine. She was.
This is when she was still you know Atlantic, right,
I mean attic can swear questions. Can I ask the
question though? So when you tell a label exact, a
label exactly, thank you, I'm black. Um, when you tell

a label exactly that was scary as fun, right, I'm
telling you this is the best episode ever. When you
tell them, look, can we can you let us go
because you know you ain't doing that for us? Okay
that it was a hostile thing. No, you can't say

it like that. Wrote the most humbling letter ever. Jimmy
like Jimmy Ivy was crying at the end like that, sir,
you have all these platinum mars, like just at all? Right?
But why why the need to hang on? Yeah, it's
a whole egg on the face thing for some people,
and there's a there's an ego issue with some folks.

But if they so the fear of you having success
on another it would be egg on their face. Yeau.
I couldn't make it work, but they could. Now that
makes me look like I was I was the failure
and not the artist. So okay, let me just give
come and try to cut to the chase. So no, no, no,
it was a long version. So we we leave. This

meeting was over. Okay, I'm free and clear, and she
was obviously not gonna give me, you know, the first
she wasn't gonna try to pick me up herself because
she was pissed. And uh so we go do our
little searching. We're talking to Sony, We're talking to Epic,
We're talking like, you know, a little little bidding war
going on. I wanted to go with the lecturer, the
boutique label because they love black women. They had a
Needa Baker, they had Tracy Chapman, he had Natalie Cole,

they had they had need to with me. It was
like I can't think about they had like so many
It was thick with just big black women, voices class
now black women he loved. He loved voices. Man. So
he was like, he was like, you know, he wasn't
offering the most money. I know. This story is about

the go to Rory laughing. Oh stop, okay, see you
see what you see? What's this story? So so so
Bob Kress is like dope, and he's like, I've got
like a nine and a thousand dollar budget, which is great.
Back in the day, he sent me we had finished
the album Albums in the Can, sent me to Jamaica
to do the photo shoot. I'm in the limo on

the whack on the way back from Jamaica. Get a
call from Michael Lago, my my A and R at
the time. First it was Carol Chisman and Michael. He said,
did you hear what happened? I said no. He said,
Bob kras now stepping down. And I was like, oh damn,
because I do you know what? It's cool albums in
the can you know we we just finished the shoot

boom And he's like, you know who took his place?
I'm like, of course, I don't even know. He stepped
down and he said, he said, Sylvia, run lecture. I

didn't little bit more. You gonna go done. I felt
like by the time she got there was only left over.
So where is that? What was that meaning? Right? So
then I wrote her a letter that was going something
see ye my brother, get I'm looking to you now.

See I wrote her a nice lettuce in her candle. Girl.
That was like a girl, Hey, you know this is
times less to like women are like you know, this
is a woman. I tried my best. She would ever
beat you with her. I tried to y'all listen, yo

said a letter and a candle and and so I
was like, okay, I figured she was just you know,
I said, I'm I'm glad to see you here. Let's
sit down and let's just you know, wut sister. She
was like, you come on and let's sit down and talk.

So I was like, okay, yeah, so go and sit down.
Oh my god. Her eyes were on fire. So there
she was. She was. She let me talk and we
played the music some more because she had already heard
the album. She's gonna play it for me, so I
played it. She was milking this ship. Let me tell
you something. She was milking, you know, her milking it.
Eyes was just like watching me right and while we listening,

I'm trying to just be cool, you know. I'm like,
you know, I'm trying to be I'm trying to be
all aesthetic. I was like waving incenses ship that I
bought the whole shebang with me, and so we listened
to share. She was like, um, you know, I just
don't think this is for us. I just don't hear
anything for this isn't really where I want to go

with the label, you know. Oh so she just skotta say,
you know, by you know, just like, no, this is
we're not going to do this, And I'm like, but
if their album is kind of already done, she was like,
h yeah, I'm not going to release it, you know,
but am I free? Are you gonna let me go?

Or she was like, UM, well, we'll talk about that later,
but for sure, we're not going to do anything with
this record. We're not going to be releasing it. She
said that like twelve times. She loved that so much.
She read it was like it was like it was
like Paul Mooney like get Teeth White. She was like,

we're not going to release your Albom. We're not gonna
release ther Adom. We only one one one. We're not
going to release your album. The Race album, Paul, one
of my favorite albums of all time. Yo, man, wait
wait wait, ladies and gentlemen, I want to tell you
that when the idea of me having my own podcast

was introduced, this is my dream, like I'm never going
to have this high again. Every story. Yeah, this is
my crackheads. I don't know if you'll get Sylvia. Actually

I actually seen it recently. All these recently she comes
to her artists still come to the Tonight show and
this is what and I said this to her and
actually I met this. This is the thing about silvian
Us and them really because as you said when we
opened introduction, we all kind of we're a different group
of kind of individuals groups in the context music against

you whatever, and the thing on a certain on a
on a deep level, I think she really really got
who we were and us really dug the music. However,
when she had to go out into the world of
those R and B promotion departments, they were like, what
is this ship you we get but they don't get
seven of those? Or what's this rock? What you know?

So yes, so they would have it means that they
would have to use elbow grease, well, yes, and figure
out the actually to work. Yeah, that's not it. I
mean the thing literally every time it's funny, I want
to hear these songs, and they might the little kids
here that they hear like invoked songs and they sound dope.

Before Ghetto Heaven came out, we heard they showed us.
She said this, we don't have this news. The other
actors come out the same time and she played the
video and I'm like, oh, who's who's this group? And
then I heard hold on to Your Love and so
the video I'm like the first time, I was like,
I was like, oh, because I heard that the track

is and they look hot and yeah they put it
seemed like every time we put out a record in
Vote came out two weeks before, so Invote came out
right let yes, yeah it came so that came out
right before ghet O Heaven. So when getting happened we
had a chance to go number one, it was like

really where you know, it's kind of like the funking
the Road where careers divide. But there was a there
was a song we had out on that album called
the Samurai Fall that kind of should have been a
number one kind of r B ballid hit, but it
came out two weeks after something else they didn't vote
and put out. It was like, and I think Sandra
knew somebody at the label when we're going through the
whole story, but they but as I remember correctly, they

were like, yeah, you know it was fine. Yeah, yeah,
he would have been fine if he got the record
to But anyway, it did will in his deal time,
Yeah it did. SiGe Carolina was popping. It probably went
to number four just like the size of his personality.

You don't know what actually I saw the videos anyway
that's going on the area automatic. I don't know these guys. Yea,
what is your sign? Because you deal really well with

these two really matter. Yeah no, no, he's always like Okay,
there didn't go He just slides and like or something.
But still I love that you guys, at least now,
are really putting up the appearance that you love each other.
We do do, No, I know you can't think you
can't take this chemistry w so for this particular situation. Like,

I don't believe in a true democrat. I believe in
the idea of a true democracy. And I've said this
on many episode before. Yes, like I like to think
that the eleven of us have say or whatever, Like
what do you think? What do you think? What do
you think? You know, like everyone from the the leader
to the minion, the last member of the group to

get at it. But how do you guys decide? Because
the thing is that you you guys are also kind
of a dinosaur in terms of the fact that groups
we're starting to become extinct by the early nineties. But

you know, so by the time you guys come along,
there's like maybe nine black bands left on a major
label as opposed to seventy or a hundred and seventy
twenty years ago. So how do you guys make decisions?
How do you guys establish a song? How do you
guys Like I'm not asking, like who's the alpha? Is

this thirty three and the third equally? Or we trust
and love each other so much on the and series
gonna deep level that we each have things that we
kind of say, kind of kind of kind of takes
the lead on a very organic, organic way. I mean
the biggest Jeff and I almost kind of like what's
Elton John? And um we never we never we never

really had one major fight except who should be except
Greg Anthony when he was a point guard of the
next fight. Yeah, because we know he was the greatest
point except for me. I said, great, Anthony is a
great defensive player, but he can't shoot. But anyway, but
eventually shot when he got to the grizzly. I had

a joke bo but I'm not gonna say yeah, I'm
not gonna say that what I had to do with
the rest, But anyway, um dog, I got a lot
of favorite references. But I like Greg Anthon, he's a
great guy. But um um it was jokes, jokes, uh no,
but yeah. But but we respect each other's opinion and

there's like different areas that each of us kind of
just like, you know, in my specific situation, I know that,
and I know that Trek will probably say like, no,
it's fifty one you and forty nine me. But in
my eyes, I'm like, well, I'll slave over a song
all night, and but if he can't write to it,
then it's not getting on the album. And I know

the true answer is, well, you guys should be in
the room at the same time. No, no, no, no.
But I kind of like working by myself because I
had weird hours and I want to get all my
ideas out some therapist becautic things. So is collaboration just
a myth or no, I mean a frustrating compromise. Now

it's it's harder than it was when we all because
now he's here. I'm in the Netherlands and he's in California.
Got you moved out to you now live in the
Netherlands now three right, two thousands two. I've known you forever.
I know I mean it's yeah, I've been there. I've
been there for I come. I've come back and forth

so much though. That's why that's why your shoes is
so dope. Don't question? Do you? Of course you like
it better? I don't know, like, actually, well, yeah, it's
a better country for health care, better health care, better
syst No, it's not free, but it's it's good, and

it's reliable and it's you know, it's no bullshit right now. Yeah,
kind of approctimate y'all. So the interview in the Natlands
proctim how long did it take you to nail the language?
Six months? Six months? No, because I mean because of
classical training, you know, I learned, isn't Italian, German, Russian

and French? So languages come easily. I've learned that when
you unlock the sixteenth gene key of your mind of
the fifty of them, what book did you just read? Right?
I'm sorry, I live the gene keys every day. So
it's just that you can. It's teaching you how to
retain how your subconscious can retain information, but your sub

conscious mind blocks you from from taking it. Like if
everyone in this woman has the power to play like
rock montin off right now if they wanted to. But
it's your your faith, and oh I can't learn, no doubt.

But I'm an American. So even with all of our
terrible nous and you know, and and madness and crazy,
I miss America. So about I think the well, the
small things a lot, the shared the shared history and

the things that we can talk about, even like references
of jokes. If if if if I say, if I
if I reference uh my show, everybody knows I'm talking
Aboutie Murph fall out AUNTI fall out of step and
I say it over there, they look at me like,
you know, you know what I mean. So it's like
you have to like really gotta you gotta talk like

very precise and just direct. They're very blunt and and uh,
you know, their jokes are not my jokes, and my
jokes aren't there jokes, and my my history is not
their history. So even though you run into black people,
are not saying black people, I don't gonna say, do
you order your hair products off Amazon? Or I don't
do no none of the hair shop over there about
bo So how you can you just care? Please? I

got order products here. I come here often enough to
take you backs over there. I'd be like, oh yeah,
because hair and you're black hair and you're I'm getting
here though, who never mind, that's that's generally seriously gonna

beat my next hustle. I'm gonna have. I'm gonna open
up a hair studio or hairs because they needed that.
You girl needed your girls. My girls. Yeah, they hair. Yeah,
I get all their products and stuff like, yeah they
got they got that, you know that other kind of here.
Oh okay, you just need a little bit of water,

put a little bit of bright good cooking. All right,
They're good, They're good straight all right, right now, I'm
going wait, we still didn't get to the point of
the story. What was the storry? What did Jimmy jam

warn you about? Oh? My god, I totally does all
the time. No, he told I remember when I first uh,
when Prince told Warner Brothers that he had heard my
Sanctuary album, and like, how do you? How do you
think that to this day? Don't know how you, Prince

Jimmy Prince. I was like, how do you? So She's like,
I don't know, But he says he listens to it
every morning and he has to work with you. I
was like, what, wow, dope. So before I actually met him,
was I think it was an ASKAP award show or something,
and Jim and Jam and Terry Louise were there, and

I was like, oh my god, you know, guys, guess
what I'm gay work with Prince Man. They were like, yo,
gets funny episode. It was like watch your bassis, watch

your back, just watch your back. I was like, well, jeez,
that sounds very bitter. Why are they saying that? No? Okay,
but I found out, didn't I found out because you know,
you know, everybody knows was a nice guy with us
when he hung out with us, hanging out nice he

was with us. Prince Prince looked, you know, ship man.
I did one interview in the BBC and they asked
me to tell truth and I did and the Prince
his name called me, huh what's his name? Oh? Kirk
Kirk right, that's right right, calling out like that. It

wasn't even Kirk, It was just the legions of the
same for me, right. Yeah. I was like, dude, seriously,
slow your role because first of all, you don't even
know when okay, fuck you? So like, you know, I
told her truth? You believe what you wanta believe, but

back yeah, so you know, so I'm vaguely aware. So
basically over the soul Sanctuary song that was on Emancipation.
Five songs off that record, he took five, So wait
what else? There was one that ended up on Shocks
Come to My House album. He gave me your legs. Yeah,

I'll never open my legs yet. And then his motherfucker
telling me, He's like, yeah, we're gonna have to change
the titen on that because that's the one who gave
me credit on. And he was like, well that in
the Sanctuary. I say, why, I said, because you know,
a woman shouldn't be saying. I'm like, I said, right,
you wrote head right. But he was a Jehovah's witness
at that point, so he was I was so like,

I was so like that, like fifteen year ago, Prince,
I want to work Yeah, nineties six to two thousand
four that that that that was that period and I
was messing with him, and you know, he was all
in that that mode and I was. I remember the
very first time I met him, I came to the studio,

I had like you, I was just in the still
my crystals, and you know, I said my most and
he must have thought that was some juju. You know,
that was all like against everything the witnesses was about.
You know, minute, that's the first time you met him.
What are you talking about? We met him in uh not.
I mean, I mean as far as to work with, okay,
but I mean I mean he was a big family

stand fan. I love you. I'm going to say that
I too used to laugh at all crystal carrying people.
But you know I see you right now. Yeah, yeah,
it's just start using those crystals for theodorant. That's usually
I don't do that. I don't do that. I don't,

I don't. I don't every using the secret everybody has.
I just don't because I've seen, you know, the term.
As as for me and my house, we will serve
the Lord. It ain't my house no more. You need
to tell her to get Some times they made like
a charcoal john at it's a little bit stronger. I mean,

I'm using charcoal, twocaste, charcoal soup. Come on, come on, sorry,
this girl once year she used the pebble. I told you,
like for the deodorant, the pebble, Yeah, I told her.
She better get a rock at something working not sorry

Brooker lines won't let me inslt them. Yeah. When she's
not looking, though, I sneak and get the uncented it's
really been expecting. I was about to say, do you

guys feels though we're respecting your history. I feel like
this is such were the best ever? Whatever is happy,
This is the best one ever, the best one. This
is the best. Now I'm thinking about questions I didn't ask,

which is time? How did no, we'll let you go
because we take your time. Take your time, Hey, Jimmy
jam times all right that we're gonna go for his record? Um?
How did the suggestion of uh Nellie and Jazzy b
remixing Ghetto Heaven to be Merlin Merlin Bob? Yeah, because

Merlin was spending a lot, so he knew these guys. Yeah,
he said Jazzy B. But you know, and of course
it was nearly Hooper who did did the real work.
Well that's I mean, that's always the case, like there's
we know, someone sells the product and someone does the work. Yeah,
Jimmy's Jimmy, what's that Jimmy dr jelly Bean? But he

does he had people I mean a lot of people
did stuff. Man. Yeah, you just you're leasing kind of
brilliant though you're leasing the name recognizability. That's all good.
And the thing is the interesting thing about that is
there's a lot of people thought we were from London.
They I just had to correct you were from London.

I love British soul. I'm like, yeah, here's the thing.
At the time, we didn't look like we were from No.
Ya definitely thought you were part of like Young Disciples
who it wasn't and it wasn't on purpose thing. I
just think it was just from a headspace. Literally came

out in eighty nine at first the Ghetto Heaven, and
it was just nothing. We were conscious of it, but
it was just we were moving forward and whatever was
happening there, we just knew that. Yeah, because we were
we were doing some different on well on the label.
I mean, we made a conscious decision when we were

doing the video Forghetto Heaven to have some donskin black
women with big butts and locks. That was a conscious
decision because everybody's walking around with javy curls, and I
mean we said, no, we want specific things two in
this video that people need to see. There's another h

thing I want to bring up, the amount of underhanded
uh kind of not subversive but ninky snark and the
lyrical content of your record. Now you see where it's
which I'll be talking about all over. And the thing
is is that, did you guys ever worry about any

particular blowback from never gave a ship? Oh my god,
when we did Mooned Scorpio, that was we just did
not give a funk we did after that because we didn't.
We weren't even letting the record company here ship when
we were doing it because at that point we was like, Okay,
y'all ain't promoting us anyway. We're gonna do what we

want to do. So did you guys even like were
you testing the label like, oh, we could just talk
about you ever was testing that we didn't give a fuck?
I just think that, Yeah, Well, the thing is this,
I think we snuck up on them in the way
and that was I don't even don't know if it
was conscious. It's hard to know at this point, but
is that it would be it stood out just to

be a producer's album, but we knew we wanted to
be a band, and so what and and so there
was a hint of that on chain, but by time,
like Jeff said, we got to move to scorpios like
this is what it is. And as long as you know,
as long as you really know that you're telling the truth,
then people can say why do you? All I can
say to you is why did you tell that truth?
You know? You know, you know you were and Plantation

Radio like for example, on that album that was just
you know, we realized that you know, you you you
your bad could be dope. This person can be dope.
If you're black, you do something alternative, you need your
Christopher Columbus to discover you or and so you can
be on and me put on the seat these look
you know. So so we just there's a whole lot

of facade to that whole thing. As you know, you've
lived that, you've been doing it so right. We were
talking about Sondra going solo, so I thought be a
good time to talk about the album that you guys
did without her connected I forgot about Jack. Yeahah, I
understand that didn't exactly work out too musically, it was

it was it was worked out well, but because I
was so accepted, I see somethings on YouTube to be
like I didn't even like the singer. That wasn't true.
We we love jack We actually had a you know,
a really good relationship with her. I think the only
issue was maybe her concept of what of the rock
thing or whatever that in her mind was at the time.
Maybe it wasn't. It wasn't so much as naturally internalized

as it was with Sandra. But um so it almost
like it was kind of put together in a way
that was kind of quick. So maybe there wasn't enough
time to build so much the natural rapport having. But
I was gonna say that, like what I'm witnessing here
is like some hard glue trotters looked hands. Yeah, chemistry

here that you would have to actually build. Did you
guys know Jackie from before was no, Yeah, we didn't,
we did. We was was was you know, grab it,
make it last forever girl and wanted to. I didn't
even realize that she had done that. I mean, she
kind of kept talking. I swear to god, you got
to meet each other, yeah, because I was like I wasn't.

I was like totally oblivious to what she had done before.
And I, you know, yeah, so you missed her album
on m c A. So yeah, because it was just matter.
It was it maybe a music Wait, did I miss
another classic? I'm just sorry was the wrong record for
jacking mcgeese. But my god, think you know what I

now know I want all right, you know, like it's
my dream for you and Fante to at least have
like a minute review thing now when this is Sanders
to join this because her eyes, the level of her
eyes or shaking out of the head and the eyes. Okay,

he's only got to say up all I see, but
all right back to Jackie. Yeah, yeah, so it was
it was just really that. But we didn't have any
really bad time energy or not at all. I mean,
it was just I would just summing up like we
just said the natural rapport and like what Mea said,

it was just like this is like it's like basketball,
he played with certain players. It's just a natural more fit.
So it was more. It was more of that, but
it was no really things, because you know, we would
say we've said everything else. So at this point she
was on some bullshit. No we love Jackie. She's yeah, yeah, yeah,
I got another record. I want to ask about Good

Fellas sugar Honey iced tea. Oh yeah, yeah, wait a minute,
didn't let any Cravit's kind of come out with a
record like after that. I'm not sure it was after
I remember because I was saying, wow, that sounds like
sugar Honey. Was that first? I'm not sure. It's like

Canada same Yeah, but sugar Honey, I see, was a
few years after that. Yeah, my, But but so did
we still from him? Neither women, so you know, we
both stole from Al Green. So that's what that that's
that's what that was about. Really it was. It wasn't.
It was more like, uh, it was because there's certain
periods and that I think I know at least year

was that that was kind of flash kind of flashed
back to like there's a certain period where I'm sure
this happens to you know, to him, is that you know,
you lock into a certain artist that you you always
check out, you checked out like for a certain period time.
I always grew up in a little bit like Stevie
and Hendricks, a whole lot different people in the Beatles.

I have to bring it up because a lot of
that stuff influences a lot of our stuff too. But uh,
but it was and even I was into him in
the seventies, I kind of rediscovered him and that was
Curtis Mayfield. There was a period of time where I
was like, oh and I just heard some yeah stuff
like you know, you know, so uh, there was things

in there. There's a song that we did on TAMIYA
called Poetry. I wish they should have put out a single,
but a poetry that was totally coming from Curtis Mayfield
kind of standpoint. Like the beginning of it is it's
light the grass that grows between the cracks of ghetto streets,
relentless and right. That's another Joshua Nile, that motherfucker, that

hip hop kid from Brooklyn. Yeah, how does josh now
now now he's a retirement he I've read uh several
interviews of comments about you working with Curtis and how

your experience was. I read it it was very positive.
Another fellow Dallas artists that we mentioned before, l Head rapper. Um,
let me say something. I remember the first time I'm

assuming we're talking about person. Yeah, yeah, you remember the
first time we saw her. We went in my studio
and she came on was it with Donnie Simpson and
we were watching it. She came up with all these
candles and ship, and he said, wow, she looked like

her ship don't stink and now we can buy it
for ship don't stink because like Vagina, right, what was
that new Vegina? I thought that was looking for it.

It's real, I was looking for it myself. I got problems. Okay,
so look the thing was and this is early in
our relationship, so it's like the first year I knew her,

and man, she gave me the complete opposite of what
it was like to work with Curtis. Okay, when did
she When did she actually want? She did? Curtis produced
a song for her on Eve's Buyou soundtrack that nineties seven.

I think this is like, this might be the last
nine months of his life is shortly well. New World
Order was Quasi Possmate. That's the last album he was
why judging me? I'm just here to monitor shipped for
white people and report that to him. I said, I

was going to shop with the word postumusic guy that
he's he's the guy that once the president gets into office,
he's the one that writes that bind and puts it
on the when he when the President walked walked into
the office and said, Okay, this is how the ship's
really gonna go. That is you got you had your policies,

but this is how ship really gonna go. Oh good,
good good anyway, Yeah, but I was like, you know,
I was like, yo, you, Recurtis Mayfield, what was that like?
What was it like? What was it light? And he
was like he made me cry here and take after
take after take after take and just beat down a confidence.

And you know, he wasn't like, so what was it
like working with him? Was it hard? Working? Was a task? No? Dude,
was like, dude, I mean artists like, no, I mean,
but but Curtis, Curtis he the thing was, this was

the dude. But this a duet on New World Order,
right and um uh called I Believe in You. They
basically this is they wanted him to have a duet
with somebody from old School and somebody from New School.
So the Old School he had like Mavis and Aretha,
he did duets with them on the record, of features
with them on the record, and so they gave him

three choices for the New School. So Curtis chose me
out of America and Angie and the dude, I mean
I literally did like two takes. You know, just was over.
It was done. And then he was like after that,
you know, we were we were close until almost you

know the time he couldn't talk anymore. You know, he
would call me. I would call him. He would support me,
he would like build me up. He would you know
when I was he would he would. He was like
the sweetest mother fun. I mean, this guy Curtis didn't believe,
you know, he just wasn't a fan because the dude
was real. Man, he was so beautiful. He was a
beautiful cat. So I don't know what she talked about. No, no,

I'm glad you were storing my favorite beau. It's a
beautiful dude. I don't know what she was going through.
But he said Erica was saying, you know, Kurtis, Yeah,
but he didn't give me no shade. What's so whatsoever?
Jeff whatsoever? Never went this night to Interet? Everything did

he take? Then I'll tell you the rick James wait,
oh give me James, which said, alcial order bit you
got stories, I've got stories. Yeah. I started writing a

book and I was like, I can't write this book.
I was feeling too much. Team man, I kiss, don't
drink no wine, drink wine. It's over. Everybody's tea is
getting This should be the Christmas episode. Y'all drink episode.
We get up and then we just yes, and then

you were drinks for us. That was what I was asking.
I was saying in the Netherlands. So I assume that
we can do what we do here. Okay, you must have.
You have to do what you do the grain house
and the cops come on the bull. I'm just into

CBD oils now, that's all. That's all just oils from
my muscles. They're just from my muscle. Nowadays, I wish
here because okay, what was I talking about, Brick James.
Now this is a very early career story. It was
before the Celo Chris is what I was singing background
with Shocker for years. I got shock, We don't do that.

That's my bubble. That's that's my bubble. When I was
you know, I should live a Shocker you know in Germany, No, no, no,
in in New yorktown, boyside. So we hang out time
and you know do we do? And uh we went
to Buffalo to hang out with it. We you and

shock me shock. Oh my god, I don't think I'm
gonna story stories Rob Jeremy coming to story? Am I
going to need a lawyer for ladies? Do you know
the visual? Do you know the visual of Eddie Murphy

and boomerang the sheet over right? Now? Yeah? Okay, well
you can always add it, I know, that's right. Went
to Brick's house and what happened. So we had went
to ris house, okay, and we was like high, right,
and then we had like a bevy of babes, like

you know, scantily clad all over the house, and you know,
and it was just really all buffal buff I mean
it was just who are who? Already I was young
because I was like, what are they doing here? I
was like nineteen, I mean it was ridiculous. And I
was just in this house and yo, Shock was just
taking me around it where you know, I was a girl, right,

so and uh and and so I guess Rick was
sick of all the other all the girls trying to
get hits from him, so he took me a shock
in the bathroom, right. So we were in Rick's bedroom
in the bathroom. Okay, So this is this is like

street songs throwing down. Here's this nineteen all right, So
she did that song? Could did that song with Rick
and eight Slow Dancing eighty three, that's just thank you.
That's the year was eight three? Did she go up
there to the least work on Slow Dancing? No sign
the studio was up there. We went up there because
it was free drugs. So he wants to joint. You

know how much free drugs he was, Rick James, dammit,
how much drugs your sons? Free drug When I saw
the tour bus and saw with the cops were bringing
stuff over, come on, y'all know Unsung gonna come knock

you get me started on the song? Okay, then I'll
be like, what's you saying? It's like, come on, I
just told one story. So I might call her after this.
She might hear about it to alcohol. It like to
be like, listen, I told him Rick James story. I'll
just give her, bitch, what's wrong with you? Why are
you telling story? So so so we're up. So Rick

brought us in the bathroom and in his bedrooms bathroom.
You know it's beautiful, big mirror going to run around.
It was black. It was black like marble and white tiles.
So he had all this shout out of stuff laid
out on the counter between the Saints, and it was like,
you know, and I was in the middle here and

Rick's there, and they were like, you know, preparing all
the things, and you know, down they would pass it
back forth. I don't need to see her hands right now,
y'all didn't sell what's going on. I'm just I'm visualizing
what was going on. And so, uh so as they're passing,
you know the thing we're doing. So I said, so Rick,
Rick keeps like Rick, he keeps like getting closer and closer,

like from his mouth, you know, my close. And so
I'm like, you know, I take the hit, alright, fine,
But then it was like that so and then I
but I'm looking in the mirror and I'm seeing that, like,
you know, her eyes getting like narrow. So and I'm like, oh,

this is getting awkward, right. So at one point she
just basically says, you know what, this my bits? Because
I was thinking that, oh, but you she man. And

then you know, he was like, this is my bitch.
She's like with she in my house, she my bits.
I was like wait a minute. First of all, like
nobody and we're talking and then the fight. Jimmy, Jimmy,

I'm sorry, dog, you're not even in the top ten.
I love you man, you me my top twenty five,
top twenty five. Okay, like she sounds just took your

your number one soul spot right now. Okay, just let
you know. Remember I'm still the number one male. We
gotta talk about that too. You gotta go by. We
got a song about that on our next album, to

um can I join the family stand And I thought, Johnny,
he'll gave it up. Sign it on, Johnny, Gail. You
can't burn only to monitorship the white dog. That's it.

That's your job. That's it. Literally, that's all. Okay, Well
let's let's bring some white people into into the people,
like okay, yeah, that was that was great. I mean,
you know this this canna be a boring story. Is

a nice story. Yeah, we gotta have I mean, you know,
to grow up and he hear Someboddy you know used
to hear you know, when you're in high school and stuff,
and they work with him. I mean, he was he realized.
You know, it was just an excellent, great songwriting a
special voice. You know, think about singing. You know, it's
the main thing that makes any artists are singing great.

It's just their tone. In special tone. They might be
people can sing around this person and that person, but
they had that special quality, and he had a very
special quality to his voice. That's Daryl Hall just a great.
It was really kind of boring and nice. No cocaine
bed three sire, you know, that was like an animals
I loved. I'm in a Philly move like in fact,

that's like it's one of the songs that that renally
pops in my head just like you know, I might
be just walking down the street and I'll just hear, oh,
you know in my head like they I'm in Philadelphia.
And they played that a lot. They that replaced the
uh Philadelphia gets to know us. Uh double I was
about to say to double dead, but the paddle of
bells theme like they Philly moved like, was like our good.

They tried to make that the anthem of Philly. Yeah,
there is a question I have, all right, because uh,
of course I cheated, And well I know about the
on that you did for uh Ronnie Drayton's uh son

uh and being as though Ronnie just recently passed away.
Do you have any like I know that when he
passed away, like a lot of the music New York
music community, like, I felt that deep in the souls,
like did you guys work with him at all or
like have any seven spotes or any of those? No,
he was on He was a guitar player that I

didn't know he played, right, Yeah he did, Jamie, Yeah, yeah,
that's him. So I'm gonna describe what because the thing
I've heard so many in passing, I meant he's coming
to the show a few times to visit whatever, and
it's always like, hey, what's up, how you doing? But
I never really got to know him as a person

or that sort of thing. And I know that was
a hurt piece for New York City man because I
knew Ronnie Drayton from back in the day when you
know Mike Murphy and my friend La La you know
La La car As Cope. She was she was a writer,
writer she that worked with full force as well. Right, No, no, no,

not that, but yeah, we all we all came up together.
So me and Ronnie we knew each other from from
back then. Mike Murphy with the system, we all Mike
Murphy got me my first electric guitar, you know, yeah,
he got me that the one, the white one that
I took on our first stor Let me can I

ask a question? All right? Have you have you worked
with the system in all Mike Murphy A little bit? Yeah,
I know I'm gonna get a note, but I have
to ask this question. That's not your saxophone one, so glue?
Was it on what coming to a coming to American?

So okay, I don't think so, because that's the system.
You know something I did so many sacks alo that
I'm looking at. That's no, no number. It might be
I don't know, Mike Murphy, not David singing. Yes, yes,
that's what I'm singing. Good public and checks for you

not to know that that's you know, I just was
one quick thing about Mike Murphy. Mike Murphy is uh,
I just want to say this, and we worked a
little bit. But he's one of the one of the
two most underrated singers to me. Mike Murphy sings his
assid and you know he's a friend, you know, but
but he's so dope. I mean, he's his singing. He's
just a great, great singing Fowler too. They all came up,

all of them guys, you know, in the same crew
because they're part of that that whole Jamaica funk. Speaking
of Drayton. Bernard sang at the funeral Fowler, you know,
and you know Burn not Fowler. He sings yes, yes, yeah,
saying at the Ronnie service, as did I and Jeff

played and a matter of fact, what's your name just passed? Two?
Uh yeah, two funerals they went to one from only
next next it was like Jamaica Queen's well besides singing
and for Jamaica, like what else did she she she
did a solo record that you know, didn't do that
great because you know people, you know if you heard

for Jamaica and the next one she really thought it
was Zack was like that. She was like, because she
forgot she did. So she was like, wait, my plenty
shock of story was when she was on the show
and I was trying to ask her about Penny for

it uh singing her at lips and snaps the power
and she tells me the story that it was Shocka
that was actually supposed to sing. Yeah, so they the
power and she was just like, let me try to.
I can't. Did they take take my gig for me? Oh? Yeah,
that's she taught us about her squad because best it

wasn't there you It was like a few people that
was in her squad. Just in case you feel like
doing some records can tell you that. Do you know
the true story behind? Since you already borrowed the name,
do you know the true story behind congratulations? Do you
know the story behind? I don't know what you know?
That sounds dedicated to allegedly? Wait give it? Wait, Tom,

didn't they verify it when they came on the show. Oh?
I thought we had this conversation. We've had too many conversations.
Didn't they verify it? I don't remember. Wait who is
If you say it, I know who I could do it.
Who is it? You're ready? Yeah? We never talked about that. No, no, no,

it was about the marri They were congratulating. She was
see the other side in So here's the Bruce Willisen,
here's the situation. Listen, listen, I'm gonna make it makes sense.
I'm gonna make it makes sense in two minutes. I'm
gonna make it makes sense. Okay, Now here's the deal. Uh,
Don Johnson and Bruce Willis rolling tight in Hollywood, and

they had a specific preference of the type of women
that they like to get with, of the darker hue. Now,
if you remember in that The Return of Bruno was
was the name of the of his first albums, Motown record. Yeah, yeah,
his his move, He's on Motown. Uh. And the first single,
the first single was, uh, respect yourself with the Pointer Sisters.

If you remember him in June, uh saying duet together
now I need to or not in need to. Bonnie
kind of revealed this on the Pointer Sisters episode that
that uh the reason and how that duet came to
bees because they was messing with each other, and like

Vesta was rolling tight with the Porter and Sisters kind
of as their background singer slash friend or whatever, and
so kind of it's like a double date situation, like
Don Johnson and Bruce Willis and and Vesta got with Bruce.
I think Vesta was Bruce was first messing with the

most I've ever done this show at the same damn time.
And George Johnson the interview was pretty cosper. Oh you'll
be listening listen song That's one of my favorite episodes too,
and so long story short, like you know, they had

a thing going maybe he was on the log or
whatever it was on the log and then you know,
then Vesta and Bruce Willis and yeah, it's just sick
because you need I'm trying to sacrifice. It's kind of
well known in circles that congratulations the song is about

Bruce that I don't didn't even care at this point
who she's like, I was married to who I don't
know right right right? I remember her? And who's that guy? Wait?
Did I just killed the shelf? That was an interesting
rabbit hole, but somebody wanted to know and I'm not

wait wait, you mentioned that's his name, and I had
to get that out. I felt like I had add
something to the teapot. You ain't so, but that was
I was. I was taking it, not giving, so you know,

can't next, right, Yeah, did the ton of garter gard
I played on all that stuff because they those guys
with my boys, So you know, really, where was that
studio recorded at? Oh my god, where was that studio?
I can't even remember because we did a funky sensation that,
which is to me, is one of the funkiest songs
everyeah all that what are you playing on that? Playing hard? Playing?

I actually did a solo on there that they didn't use,
but I played hard in the horn section because me,
Raymond Reid, Tyrone Cox and Mike Cousin l A. Blacksmith
were part of the horn section and we used to
do harn you know, harns for them all the time.
Was the rhythm section of that, and this is the
same people that did Heartbeat as well, or he was

using a bunch of different people at the time. I
can't remember exactly the whole rhythm section, but I played
guitar and some of that stuff too, uh, because you
know they were using they were kind of utilizing me
to play a lot of instruments, like yeah, my friend
um Bert Reid and Raymond Reid who was Crown Heights Affair, Yes, yeah,

therese are my guys, you know, and I was I
just remember going into studio with them. I was playing drawings, guitar, bass, keyboard,
were doing a cover far out by the Way next
album Yeah Yeah. One of my favorite songs of Yeah
remembers on Instagram like five years ago of a little

clip and then we haven't heard a bit of that
since a man, because the hits keep on coming. Ever
for y'all to finish that damn album. No, it's just
you know an Actually there's another tidbit. Uh did you
know a Jackson trumpet player that played in Crown Heights?
I don't know. Well, you know he was a trumpet player.

He's the one that actually got me introduced me to
Keith Diamond and got me on the Billy Ocean record
because we came up together and Billy was hanging with
him and he said, uh, he needed he was looking
for a sacks player to play on a new Billy
Ocean records. He was like working for Jive Records. And

Ajax said, oh, I know this guy played with and
we grew up together. Jeff. He's bad dude, and that's
how I got that gig. Just real quick, since you
mentioned Billy Ocean, Um, have you ever run into Danny DeVito?
No the video, I asked, because because Jeff also played

the solo on Oceans When the Going Gets Tough video
sas solo on all the songs that was a hit
that I did the sax solo on all of those
When the Going Gets Tough with what was the other
one to Get Out of My Dreams, which Pete loved
his peace favorite Bill That's the Stupidest with Me? You Yeah,

that was, you know, and righteous Back, but it hit,
so it was a hit. I mean, let's talk about
some more songs that you've been on that people know
and I probably didn't know that you were there, like
Debbie Gibson's Only in My Dream. Yeah, yeah, play foolish
beat already do this confession that I wish that I
was what No, really, I'm yo. Sounds just hit me

with the nick I will just own you. She was
a sleeping the last problem, Like, what did you say, Tiffany?
I was fourteen at the time and she was fifteen
at the time. I was like, oh, some in my
age making music and she was producing her own stuff allegedly. Yeah,

shout out Tobie Gibson. Did you know if a Baker? Yes?
I did. That's how I met because let me call
it my guys, to bern and Reid Bron used to
come to my house every day to do demos because
he lived down record too. On the face you gotta
did Corey solo record on the Face too? Yeah? We
we Yeah, we produced Cories record. Uh so you're honorary

black Rock. Oh yeah, we are people. Okay, can you
explain to me what I knew the myth of it.
I saw the logo everywhere, like was it meetings every Tuesday?
Many musicians. I'm a BRC member, and yeah like this.

I went to a few of the early meetings. But
it's like Greg, that was Greg tape, Burner, Reid and Condemason.
They started it. They started it, um. But you know,
I mean the whole because black rock is such a
small microcosmos, you know. Yeah, so all these bands we
work and support each other, you know, and back certainly

in the nineties when it was really thick, right, you know,
it was like when you say support each other, that
that to me sound like a nightmare of a guest list. Yo,
just got fifty six people on guest so we try
we tell people now as no guest let's don't even
think about it. So, you know, because otherwise everybody, you know,

everybody's family, so you can't have you know, all your
extensive family, you know, filling up being the bodies in
the in the paying seats. So was it just an
idea of myth that or folklore that fourteen year old
me ran away with like one day I'm gonna get
into no because I mean, well, it's it's basically just

sending an email and saying you and sending your music
and saying this. If it was actually black rock, you
could have just been an official official paying you know,
oh yeah the d get inside it. Right. But then
but then but then kind of got in it. But
but the like you uh you did it then benefit

from being abused at Black Rock Coalition logo and get
the Black Rock Coalition support behind your gigs. And it
was a thing. It was definitely and it still is
a real thing. Black Rock Coalition is producing our you
know shows that we're doing, you know, coming up. So
I mean it is a very absolutely I gotta like
when I first heard of it and it was like,

oh you gotta send your dudes in and a lot
of stuff. I thought it was like the Oval team, yo,
the thing that the cool they take to produce some
cool show. I mean, this did this we were part of.
It was called the History of Our Future and it
was at the Mets in September. It was crazy. It
was it was packed, you know what I mean, it's

like so um and our version of it was like
a couple of hours from like you know, from it
was Maggot brain covered. They didn't even get to that. No,
it was it was I don't know how he was
gonna try to do all this in a hundred and
and what was this to be an hour? In forty minutes?
Ship we almost die, but but she was on here

like my Rainy and We'll actually started with with a
drum circle and then like like slaves, early slaves, I
mean through the history of music from yeah, from from
Rainy to trap music. We didn't we didn't quite make

it a trap. Actually stopped the family stand and Living
Color episode and that's the future. That was Scorey still
climbing the walls. We did a show with him once
and climbed the scalfold duck. When you're on stage with him,
he's awesome. Yea duck when you're on stage. I don't know.

We still climbing scalfeld. Okay, but but he's next album
with d When can't we expect that next album? Well,
it'll be out by the summer, I'm pretty sure. Well,
let me not say that. Let me say in for
this year, you'll sound like the roots. Yea twenty years
later Chinese Democracy Part two. You know you mean to

follow up the Voodoo Part two? Oh, I got strange
folks all the other night. Don't do that. I don't
even don't even start. Someone's listening to this. I'm just
gonna take no for another four. Don't give us excited,
don't don't get people excited. Move I gotta be some
of the clumsiest mother. I don't want this night to

ever And yeah, just just get I don't even we
didn't even really scratch the surface. We didn't even dip
the tip. We didn't even get to talk about over there.
All right, we'll just go one at a time and
then we gotta wrap this episode up. This this is
officially a double episode. You have a specific question, Well,

I was gonna say, Peter, any last words. Yeah, this
has been a really pleasure and enjoy to sit down,
you know, talk with you guys, and and uh and
we're are doing a new album. And it started out
it started with this that gig to b R C
Less Uh September the met but and ended up like, oh, well,

maybe we should do a couple of songs and maybe
we'll just do an EP and now it's turned in
two songs in the key of Lifetimes four and now,
so it's the key they after life. So um, but
we're working on it now and it's um, it's just
cool and special stuff. But uh, but it really was
out of more of active love than necessarily. You know,
we're picking the band back together and then get our

wheel chairs out and they're gonna be showy, bow to
be funky, you know. So I see no wheelchairs or
tennis now, Yeah, none of that in your future. Yeah,
you guys seem just as healthier than right now and
your fly as fun. I said that when I walked in,
I was like, y'all going to where I shoot? I
suppose shooting something that happened. I mean, everybody got something

going on a special. I just want to say that
thank you. Pe said, we really appreciate the love, and
this is our first interview since we kinda got that,
and uh, as far as I'm concerned, it's the best
interview as far as I can remember that we we've

we've done and I just love it. I'm just having
that had a ball tonight. I don't want it. I
don't really want it to end. But you know, appreciate this.
I mean, listen, I mean they kind of covered territory.

He talked about the album, and he talked about the
vibe and what we're doing and where we come from it.
And it's been up blast mixing it up with y'all.
Y'all are a regular riot man. So it's like, you know,
to be able to us usually get folks to just
ask you just questions about so what if you got
the heaven, what's gonna mean? What does that mean? And

then and and that's pretty much the crux of the interview.
This is like just a deep dive into all sorts
of the crap. We are music, we are a sore
we you know what I mean, we're like total music head.
So I mean the music businessmen and you know, and
so you mixed the experiences with the nerd nerd ism.

This is what we got right now. This is a
beautiful thing. Man. I appreciate you. Wait, I can't let go.
You just give us one more story. I thought we
would go back to the piano. I don't know about
who well, you know, she on time and we were

wet with chili pepper. I got it. I got it.
I got it, I got it, I got it, I
got it. I want you, I want you three to
collectively decide. All right, I'm gonna starting with the bright Spot. Okay,
what artists can you collectively agree? Was a joy to

experience working with either writing with them or easy it's
easy for me, you mean together or okay, we'll do three,
give us you three? But see yeah but not okay,

yes with family saying Stevie for sure, because I got
to give him a note and he took it, which
is like tell us, let us something to do. And
he did it so amazing, he asked me, and I said,
is it is that? All right? Right? It's like he
was fumble and beautiful. No, do it again? And it

was dope too. I was like, you know, I was
tongue tied like the wind that I loved as a
kid died. This man we were working, Yeah, he did
you know the solo on where You Marry Me? Right?
So I mean it's just speaking of Rick James. There's

a Larry story. Do you know about someone did an interview,
either it's Roy Ayres or Steve Arne where uh Mr Policeman?
The last song that ends side one of Street Songs.
How Rick was this abusive to Stevie, like motherfucker playing

that ship like I'm no, no, no, no no no,
like Rick James. Yeah, it's it's in Black Sport X
that much. I know because I never paid it to
Jenner police Man. Someone has that a hilarious I think
Roy he was serious. Roy Ayers came in to do
his solo at the end of Fire and Desire and

tells the story of coming in at the tail end
of the studio while Stevie was trying to nail his
harmonica solo for Mr. Policeman, and how Rick was just
berating him like horrible, do it again, and like Roy
was wondering, like, wait, is he going to be this
way to mean too with my solo? Like that sort

of thing. So I'm glad to hear that. I'm like,
you know the song you're on of mine, dizzy, Yes,
that's like so many people's favorite freaking song of mine.
Oh yeah, seriously, yeah, seriously take just just you take that,
take that, you take that, you take that electric Yes

with Mark Batson her Keys and and and Royer's Donald
Bird and Connected. Thank you for it. A man at
the time wasn't it. The track was more bare. I
didn't realize that. Bird yeah, Bird and Roy. Yeah. But
I will tell you one more friendly funny story. This

is my last funny story. Okay for this evening. Okay,
tell your voice guy, Yes, this is my end of
the evening voice. So when I was on tour at
Roy with Africa, and uh we had to you know,
since and this is early this is before Shaka said.
We're talking early eighties. Oh gosh, I'm aging myself. But
so so we we you know, you had those little

those little portable cameras that you you know this you
can you take the whole camera and you turn it
in and give you pictures. So we've been at the
beach all day and uh so we came back to
the hotel and I'm coming a room and I'm rent off,
got my robot. I'm like, okay, I hope, who's who's
coming to mind at this hour? And I opened the
door and this Roy said, you still at your camera.

I'm like, yeah, he came, get camera. Okays, I gonna
give camera, give it to him. Roy opens his trunks,
snaps a picture of his than hands it back to
me and runs down high. That's the story I wanted

up getting ladies and gentlemen. Oh I hated singing that song.
Did you watch the showing that song? You just brought
that randomly song? We're sitting on the grass and had

fire t shirt. Yeah. Does it sound familiar to you? Oh? No,
we literally all we have a segment on the Tonight
Show where we talk about songs that are funny, like
do not play Uh, we made fun of poopoo la
la this week. It's rare that we make fun of

an established artist with a song, but yeah we we
Yes in half of the Internet's like why yah? Every time?
All right? Now, wait the antidote. Yes, you don't have

to give the story. Who would you not like to
work with? Ever? Again? I'm not. I got to end
on something more positive. I can't. Are you looking at
who is a difficult person? To? What job was hard to?

She was? She was good? Like I know what you're doing?
He thought, I was, Well it was nothing like that.
Oh well, oh I just thought it somebody. But anyway, okay,

I know you're talking about Oh are we okay? I
know you're talking about but I refused to put what song? Okay?
Oh I wasn't thinking of her. Oh my god, I
forgot about her. Okay, I won't say artists, but what

what song or project was hard to complete? See? But
then again, I don't know this was difficult. I'm not
giving reasons. I'm just saying that, you know, I'm just
trying to enter through the back door to not make
it sound like you're shooting on a particular artist. You
know something. What song took a while too? Who's the

biggest one? That one that comes to mind to me?
But she was like really really nice person. But I
remember me and Peter because she was so meticulous about
her vocals, about what she wanted. It's like every s
everything she wanted punched. You know what I'm talking about?

Um Taylor No, not Taylor Dane, No, Tellor was good table.
Um China Phillips. Oh well that wasn't difficult. No, that
was difficulty. I remember, I remember because she wanted I
remember her doing vocals and wanted every little note so

perfect that I don't remember that. I remember that the
one name that came up, and really it was one
of the first projects we did together. And I would
take responsibility to say it was more me than her.
Was was Mickey Howard. But but that's because at the time, UM,
come share my World era or this record a couple

of songs that it was only because I like, you know,
you know, working for singers, you have to some of them,
you have to give them though sometimes some of them
are just they really a vibe and just get them
sing all the way down and I just tell them
too much. Whitney was like, yeah, so with so with Mickey,
I think it was more me just trying to kind
of pinpoint it too much of her. She was the

type of singer that just let her she wants. You
coached Whitney vocals. No, Whitney, Mickey, you said, yeah, because
I worked with think about you. You're on the first record,
well you get good Love. No. I wasn't on that record,
but I was in the student It's not of fact.

I was in the studio when La La played her
the song you know So. But I knew she was
the type of singer that you had to let her
sing things out and she could punch things in, but
it was better if you let her saying multiple taste
and she was just that kind of singing. If you
kind of broke it up. She kind of broke the
momentum of and you can kick your head and okay, yeah,

I only asked because like, yeah, vocals are a nightmare
for me, and I hate what you mean doing vocals,
producing vocals. I think maybe I'm just I'm trying to learn.
I'm trying to learn to not be as stand office
or whatever. So always have what I call a bad cop.

You don't want to say things that you used to
do that and you know I worked with So it's
just like I always have a bad cop on standby
for vocals. I'm creating the music, creating the song, creating
the music engineering. Did I be a bad cop anytime? Trust?
And that's however, What's love? Supreme ladies, dumming yo, I

love it you guys, thank you so much, thank you.
This was an amazing night. Thank you, Thank you. Will
be a half a team Supreme to Steve. You still
with us? Yeah, and let's stop the over Where's bad on?
You really live in Neverland? Shows over, ladies and serious good?

All right, we out a sugar Steve and Boss Bill
Fontigolo and Bill Yeah totally, let's all just yeah, I'm
gonna join the family. Stand there join We will see
you on the next go around. Thank you. This is

a very special West Love Supreme on I Heart Radio.
Mm hm m hm course Love Supreme. It's a production
of I Heart Radio. For more podcasts for my heart Radio,

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Laiya St. Clair

Laiya St. Clair



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